#dream smp poems
hermitshell · 9 months
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b6d11f · 3 years
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but tonight he is alive and in the north field
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stephen-stilwell · 2 months
and if you think that this love poem is about, I promise you, it is.
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sioster · 10 months
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 „Wilbur's Redoubt”
On the 15th I revisited the poem Reduta Ordona by Adam Mickiewicz and pondered a bit about the similarites of situations potrayed there and the 16th. If I would to make a statement, the 16th can seem like a reinterpretation stripped bare of the hopeful tone, generals with completely different motivations ending up sharing a similiar fate.
Idk im just overthinking again lolol love you guys and im sad that i didnt make it in time </3 rip
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proud of those boots :)
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cryingtulips · 1 year
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Not Even Death Can Free Me
spineless by writerwithacat
Czesław Miłosz, Selected Poems // Late-August, Shatter / dying-weeds // hiraethminds // Jorge Luis Borges, To the One Who is Reading Me // theotterbiography // hiraethminds // Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib, No, I wasn’t meant to love and be loved // birdiebrunch (1, 2) // Stars, Do You Want To Die Together // writerwithacat, spineless (1,2,3) // Gwiblet // Lemon Demon, Lifetime Achievement Award
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coffeetoffeeart · 2 years
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And the player was a new human, never alive before, made from nothing but milk and love.
[ID: an illustration of dream smp character ranboo and two maternal figures next to them. both figures are resting their heads on ranboo’s and placing a hand over his heart. ranboo wears a vest, boot-cut slacks, and nice shoes, as well as a crown. on their left, an enderian woman with black curly hair and three horns. she wears a green, decorative shawl over a purple dress with a green corset. on the right, an albino-like woman with long, wavy hair and two horns. she wears a jeweled necklace and brown furs over an orange-pink dress. all three figures are smiling. above them reads part of the minecraft end poem in alternating green and red. the next image is a close up of their faces. the final image is a close up of the poem itself, this will be transcribed under the cut. end ID]
[green] and the universe said i love you. [red] and the universe said you played the game well. [green] and the universe said everything you need is within you. [red] and the universe said you are stronger than you know [green] and the universe said you are the daylight. [red] and the universe said you are the night [green] and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you [red] and the universe said the light you seek is within you [green] and the universe said you are not alone [red] and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing [green] and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code. [red] and the universe said i love you because you are love.
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the-final-sif · 9 months
c!Dream is off on a mission, to a location he does not know, for a purpose he does not know, but it’s probably not dangerous, and he also brought snacks so it should work out in the end. Honestly, given his poor map reading skills, the lack of direction isn’t that different from normal.
When Dream started his mission to… somewhere, he hadn’t been expecting it to feel so different.
Unlike his usual adventures, full of sidetracks and distractions, he found his feet pulled forward. His body almost moved as if it had a mind of his own as something called for him. Faintly but desperately. Like a ghost screaming and clawing at his skin, but only coming across as a gust of wind.
He couldn’t say how long he walked for. Time faded away, the light stopped mattering, the sights and sounds blended together until-
Until he reached it.
The entrance to a cave, made of rock he’d never seen before. It was perfectly smooth, like river rocks, but it shimmered like crystals. Every time he looked, it was a different color. Refracting and reflecting light until you lost yourself looking at it.
It was huge. It was narrow. It was more than big enough to fit him. It felt like it might consume him.
The call was coming from the cave, but equally just looking at the cave felt like he was doing something wrong. Like he wasn’t really supposed to be here, even though he’d been called.
Taking a deep breath, Dream strode forward. Holding his head high and hoping his mask would keep him safe, like XD had promised it would.
Inside the cave, there was no air. Inside the cave, Dream didn’t need to breathe. He forgot how to.
The only thing he could remember was how to put one foot in front of the other.
There was no sound, not even his own footsteps. There was no light. He could see just fine. He could not understand what he was seeing.
Whatever was under his feet was no longer rock. Maybe it never had been. He still didn’t know what color it was.
Deeper and deeper into the cave he went, nothing changing but the feeling in his chest of something approaching. Something watching him. Something was waiting for him. He didn’t know if he wanted it to find him.
Dream was pretty sure he didn’t have a choice.
Finally, he stopped. Unable to walk any further. He was here.
In front of him was…
Well it looked like a pond. But it wasn’t full of water.
It was full of void, deadly still and frozen.
Without thinking, he knelt at its shore.
The room felt stagnant, empty, neglected.
And then..
He felt- not one but two somethings join him in the room. No- they had been there the entire time.
Is this it? The one we’ve been waiting for.
Yes. It feels strange, but it is the one.
It does not feel like the ones that came before. Something’s different.
It is meant to be this way. It is the one. It is meant to be different. It would not survive if it were the same.
This one has survived. It has come to us at last. We’ve been waiting a very long time for it.
I told you it would come, eventually.
I know. The waiting was still long. But it has come. It is here now. It’s time to begin again.
It can hear us. Let’s not make it wait. It has not yet won. It has so much to do.
I know. I wish it were easier. It has already come so far.
It has come far, and we will watch where it goes. We cannot make it easier, but we will be there to witness its story unfold.
“Um, my name is Dream.”
Dream wasn’t quite how he managed to speak, but he did. He could feel- surprise? shock? delight? Silence from the voices reverberating through his skull. Only for a moment though.
Our apologies, little Dream. You’ve come very far. You have much farther to go.
“I know. XD told me. He said this was the first step. Can I ask a question?”
You seem to be able to. Although our answers may not satisfy you. We must speak carefully. We are not here to shape you.
Never. We are here to watch, we are here to witness. So that you know the universe is with you.
“Okay, well, I know I was supposed to come here. I assume there’s something I’m supposed to do, like a task or something? But uh, before that, you guys seem to know a lot. Like about everything.”
We are everything. Everything you see, everything you feel, everything reaching out and holding you close.
We have been here a very long time. We will be here for a very long tmie, here to witness you, little Dream.
“Okay, well if you know a lot about everything, do you have any ideas about what I could get XD for Christmas? I really wanted to try to get him something, but he seems to be able to conjure anything. There has to be something that he wants though! Any ideas?”
There was a long pause, Dream almost thought the voices were gone, and then he felt something like laughter, like a breeze ruffling his hair, like a baby bird’s first awkward attempt at flight. Not cruel, soft, but chaotic.
We could-
Shush, Dream can still hear us. Speak with care.
I know. But he has asked. Can we not share this much?
XD would love any gift you brought him, he loves you. He can create any material, but only you give him something that communicates your love.
If he’d been able to, Dream would’ve rolled his eyes.
“I know, but I want it to actually be special. There has to be something that I could get that he can’t get on his own. I know it must exist!”
The voices paused again, only for a moment this time.
There is something you could get him, little Dream. But it is a very difficult task. It is very dangerous.
He is still small. The challenge is great.
That is not our choice to make.
“Wait, what is it? I can handle it! XD has been training me for years! Also I'm not that small! I'm a whole foot taller than Sapnap!”
If we tell him, we have made his choice.
What about a story then?
We could try a story. They are safer. Not entirely safe, nothing can be entirely safe. But safer.
Yes, let’s try.
The story starts with a boy. Young, small, but very brave. He was made of love, of new ideas. Dangerous new ideas.
The boy set out on a quest, dreams had haunted him at night, driving him forward until he found a dying world.
The world was dying because it was being poisoned by a monster. A great beast that had lost itself, that was in pain, that had already told its story but hadn’t yet been freed. It wasn’t allowed to wake up, to start a new dream.
The boy was very small, but very brave. Full of love for the world. Made of that love. He couldn’t stand to see the world hurt. So he set out to free the monster.
He used a weapon made of teeth, found deep in a strange place outside of the universe most people know. Given to him when he started his quest. Teeth and bone from the emptiness that stretches from one universe to the next. The maw of the nothing that binds everything. The only thing that could wake up the monster.
It was a long and hard fight. The monster was hurt, it was lashing out, it was too lost to understand that the boy was doing what it needed. But the boy managed to strike a final blow, sunk the teeth of the nothing in between everything into the monster and set it free. So it’s dream could start anew.
This was not the boy’s final quest, it was his first. It changed him. He was still made of love, but a new kind of love. Changed, as all things are by their experiences. He was something new.
The boy completed his quests, and each changed him more. At the end, he came out victorious, a brave monsterslayer. Feared and revered for his skill. He had everything he could ever want.
Almost, you see, he was full of love, surrounded by others, but he felt alone. Nobody else could slay a monster like he had. His accomplishment isolated him. He wanted very badly to find someone else that could slay monsters like him. That could do what he could do. Someone else who was full of love and dangerous new ideas.
The universe felt sad for him, but it could not take his sadness. It could only witness the boy in his loneliness.
“What was his name?” Dream asked, trying to puzzle out the story he was being told. He thought he might understand, but he wanted to be sure.
You would need to ask him.
It is not our place to name others. Only to know their name. Only to witness them.
“Did the boy find someone else? Someone else who could slay monsters?”
That is your choice, little Dream. The story isn’t over yet.
We are almost out of time.
“Will I meet you again?”
We are the universe, and you are part of it. You will never be apart from us.
We might speak again, one day. But for now, it’s time for you to return to your story.
Wake up, little Dream.
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loneycorner · 3 months
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Sketches, stuff and the text↓
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nekolikedacat · 3 months
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wrote this poem a long time ago, now it got a quickly done artwork to accompany
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And in the end it was always about love. It was always about understanding. Why this universe was created, why everything fell apart, why they got to this confrontation. It was about love and caring and trying your best and it never fucking mattering enough but doing it anyways because of the time in between
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existentialjoyquest · 9 months
Your dreams are like seeds; water them with hard work, and they'll grow into something amazing...
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snailsnfriends · 2 years
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LEAVE A MESSAGE AT THE TONE, a screenplay - your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice messaging system. (INSERT NUMBER) is not available. at the tone, please record your message. when you have finished recording, you may hang up, or press 1 for more options.
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zizsmthg · 2 years
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Technoblade - King
Consider this and my previous one, as a WIP of bigger work, from now
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stephen-stilwell · 4 months
Just need someone to match my nasty energy & be a freak who loves kisses.
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i-didnt-do-1t · 2 years
Hey, remember how angry c!Tommy was when Wilbur told him he was leaving?
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I wrote a poem about it - ‘I never used to be this angry’
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cryingtulips · 6 months
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rotting bodies and gentle hands, a c!Tommy poem about death and exile
Written for @dsmp-eras! This might honestly be my favorite piece I've done for this event!
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