#I’ve... exposed myself quite thoroughly today huh?
galacticidiots · 4 years
Fav Daisy look?
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• This, because she looks like she stepped out of a cozy cottage in a tiny village in rural France where she makes a living carving fancy little soaps. I can’t tell you why that’s such a fucking turn on, it just is, don’t question me on this.
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• This, because she looks like a rebellious, posh heiress who is adamantly against her family’s superficial values and vapid way of living and constantly rebels against them and their vision for her future. Please can we run away to a Greek island and spend our days singing ABBA?
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• This one, because it gives me modern AU Rey vibes. This is a mother of rowdy twins who screams at the ref from the bleachers during their kids’ football games and doesn’t have the time or patience to cook so she bring store-bought brownies to PTA meetings. Also... just drown me in that dimple, for the love of god.
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• This ensemble, which looks like it’s worth more than my entire life. The gentle swoop in her hair is the single most elegant thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve shed tears over it. And honestly, that eyeliner is sharper than my kitchen knives.
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ikevampeventarchive · 5 years
[Preview] Dream Event Pt. 2 ~ Please Don’t Expose My Heart
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Announcement: 9/25 (Wed) | Duration: 9/27 (Fri) 04:00 PM ~ 10/4 (Fri) 09:00 PM
Due to various circumstances, Shakespeare, Isaac, and Jean have obtained the ability to read your mind! Last year we had “Expose His Heart” event featuring Arthur, Isaac, and Theo with MC who can read their mind. This time around, you get to find out what it’s like to have you mind read —
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Through a certain event, Shakespeare is now able to read your heart...?
(He’s wearing the same scent again... haha, somehow that sounds like something a lover would say.)
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Shakespeare: ....!
MC: Ah, what is it?
Shakespeare: No, it is nothing of importance.
(Amazing... so Will has thought of these lines as well. I wonder what he was feeling as he wrote them? If Will were the one to say these lines....)
Upon thinking that, his lips begun to spin words of love in the dim light— .....
MC: ...!
Shakespeare who has become able to understand you. However, it is the smallest detail that wounds you — ?
(In actuality, there others whom he would say such words to...?)
Shakespeare: ....! MC, that just now was....
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MC: E - excuse me, I’m just going to go get some fresh air.
Shakespeare: ....
And... once he reveals everything, the emotional ties between the two of you grow stronger than ever —
(He’d been able to read my thoughts all along...)
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Shakespeare: Haha, your embarrassed reaction is also quite adorable. MC, will you accept this heart that has grown lovesick in its yearning for you?
The more he knows about your heart’s desires, the more passionate they become — .....
Through a certain event, Isaac is now able to read your heart…?
MC: Well then.... good luck with your work.
(In all honesty, I want to talk a bit more, but... I’ll hang on a bit more until his research finishes.)
Isaac: .... Wait a second! Tomorrow, do you want to go out with me?
MC: Huh...?
As an apology for making you lonely, he tries to grant all your wishes as thoroughly as possible —
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Isaac: Are you tired? Let’s take a little break.
MC: ! Yeah....let’s.
Isaac: Here, this is for you.
(This is the cute necklace that caught my eye at that shop....!)
Isaac is making my heart pound much more than usual on this perfect date, but ....
A certain incident makes your feelings miss each other completely — and suddenly trouble comes to greet from the left field.
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Isaac: MC...! Oh thank God....
MC: ....Hey, Isaac. How did you know I was here? Even if I screamed really loudly, it still wouldn’t reach the mansion from here, right?
Isaac: That’s — ....
And… once he reveals everything, the emotional ties between the two of you grow stronger than ever —
(Being flustered, being anxious, being relieved, and having fun.... I sure was busy today. But when it’s with Isaac, somehow I’ve become okay with experiencing a roller coaster of emotions.)
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Isaac: Hm, that’s not good. If I hear you say such a thing, I’d want to take both your heart and your body for myself....
MC: ....ah —
When you look into my deepest of hearts, the only one there is the beloved you— ....
Through a certain event, Jean is now able to read your heart…?
(...I want to hold his hand. It is okay if I do it...?)
Jean: I don’t mind it.
MC: Huh?
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Mozart: ....The way I see it, it seems like you’ve closed the distance between you and MC by another step.
(It’s true that we’re closer, but it’s not that I dislike it. Rather, I’m pretty happy about it....)
Jean: MC is my lover, so it’s natural to want to be by her side.
....Upon understanding your thoughts, Jean runs away from a certain desire.  As if he’s suppressing his own feelings as hard as he can, Jean seems to be avoiding you — ?
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MC: Jean, are you avoiding me.... ?
Jean: I’m sorry but... can you return to your room for tonight?
MC: .....
(What should I do...? It’s getting really lonely without him, but I can’t just say that....)
Jean: MC —
And… once he reveals everything, the emotional ties between the two of you grow stronger than ever —
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Jean: I realized that if this keeps up, I could lose you someday. The moment I realized that.... I became scared. This  heart is always overflowing with feelings for you.  — I love you, MC.
These feelings towards the other hidden within our hearts, they once again grow larger  — ......
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