amrass · 26 days
Fanfiction updates and excerpts 08.31.24
Hello! There is only one day until autumn arrives, and 61 days until Halloween!!! 🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️ I'm already going into celebration mode, and if anyone has any horror films they recommend, the more obscure the better, please feel free to send me a message.
My updating schedule is somewhat set until December. I'll be focusing on finishing my RDR request fill fic Barbwired Tumbleweed, and my deepest darkest love (and the deadest dove) Slug. Excerpts under the cut, which as always, contain disturbing NSFW stuff.
Main projects: 
Barbwired Tumbleweed part 4-8. Dark. Excerpt is from part 4, which is undead!Abigail Roberts Marston/soon to be undead!John Marston
The porch was dark, and she was sitting on the steps with her back towards him, looking at the animals outside.
"Abi?" he called through the door, feeling strangely uncertain. 
Suddenly her face filled the peephole. He flinched at the speed, maybe he had blinked for too long a moment? Her skin was pale, almost a greenish gray, and her eye makeup seemed darker as if she'd been crying. But she was grinning, slowly, her new red lipstick - ? - smudged. She looked intimidating, and very attractive. 
"John," she said, and her voice was raspy. "Open the door, John." Her tilt darkened. "Like a good boy."
Slug part 2-5. O'Driscoll Gang/Micah Bell. AU of my Van der Linde biker gang AU. DARK. Noncon warning for the whole story.
"Look at me!" Angel growls.
Micah ignores him because Colm has noticed him. If this is hell, then Colm's gaze is the wind of the hellscape, blowing through Micah's soul. It is so cold, so dry, so inhuman, that if a lack of empathy has a scent, then Colm reeks of it. And yet Micah holds his eyes to try to find some sort of door into the only one in the room truly capable of stopping this. Stop this. You have to. You just ... you have to. At what Micah manages to convey with his expression, Colm raises a brow.
Then there are fingers in his hair, dragging his head to the side.
And then, agony.
Micah can't help making what sounds like a death rattle, all his breath - his self - being forced out of his body. Head, falling back to the wet plastic, as Angel shoves himself in, far bigger than the toy.
Side projects:
The Six Horsemen of the Apocalypse part 3: The Dark House, previously known as The Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Crack. Undead Nightmare AU. Undead!teen!Jack keeps losing his new horse, and undead!Micah gets curious when he hears about the odd black steed seemingly attracted to dishonor, and helps him out.
"My name is not Jack, Karen, it's The Dark Prince of Breacher's Hope."
Karen nodded, drank, and then vomited into a nearby barrel. For a few moments, she stared into the barrel as if she was confronted with the endlessness of death. "Whoopsie," she said, and stumbled away, opening another bottle.
Jack scowled. But Karen was far too young for his tastes anyway. He needed a mature woman, one who didn’t laugh quite as hard as Miss Grimshaw (slapping her knee, beating her chest, drinking a glass of wine only to spit it out) when Jack called her a MILF. 
A noise from the barrel interrupted Jack's thoughts. It sounded like something was splashing down there. He hoped it wasn't Uncle "forgetting" a limb in there to sneak out of housework. But no, the splashing was too sinister to belong to Uncle.
"Is someone having impure thoughtsss?" a nasal drawl came from the vomit-filled barrel, only for Micah to come swirling up from it, before leaning his elbows on the edge with a sleazy, rotten smile. 
The Day of Night part 2. Daan & Pocketcat. Pre-canon horror story.
He got to his feet. Due to his shorts, blood caked his bare skin, congealed enough to let the red remain on his knees like a rash from an inherited skin disease. He liked thinking about diseased things when insecure in who he was, considering himself one such thing.
A drop of an unknown, lukewarm liquid dropped to his forehead. He tilted his chin up, but not further. It had to be a piece of humidity in the ceiling. It couldn't be anything else.
A second drop landed a little to the left of the first one, but close enough to merge the two of them. It must've come from a hole in the ceiling. Yes. A hole large enough to appear drooling.
A third drop, fatter than the previous ones, made the liquid pool into the lashes of Daan's left eye. Before he could imagine some rational explanation, there was a hiss from above him, rising in volume. 
Finally giving in and looking up, Daan stared into a bloody maw. It was as large as his head, but the opening in the throat was oddly big, like a fleshy burlap sack that could swallow Daan whole.
Potential projects:
Untitled Vanderbell fic. 1-5 parts, I think. Micah Bell/Dutch van der Linde. Meant to be canon compliant, and a character study of Dutch as seen through Micah's eyes, from their meeting in Crenshaw Hills and potentially until the bitter end.
Braindead Redemption. Oneshot. Crack. Undead Nightmare AU. I just want to write something silly inspired by Peter Jackson's Braindead, with John trying to be a good father by bringing a zombie Jack to the park. Once there, he spots an undead Molly with a child of her own, and tries to copy her superior parenthood skills.
Guard Duty. 1-3 parts, potentially. Micah Bell/Arthur Morgan, set in the Van der Linde biker gang AU, as their relationship grows. Arthur walks in on Micah sucking off Dutch, and is horrified. Micah wrongly deduces that this means Arthur has a step daddy kink, and acts accordingly during their time on nightly guard duty together.
Might also be a few random stories appearing! We'll see. Usually autumn is the season that's the kindest to my health and creativity. Hope it will be as kind do you too, who took the time to read all this!
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missdrummond · 2 months
Album 77 initial reaction 2
Tumblr media
First off it looks like the kidos are mad and honestly that feels like a good sign I'm going to like this episode. Serious Jay is one of my favorite types of episode. Also didn't know they had a ship name for them. I guess it makes sense that kids would ship them but like... anyway what does "I thought he really liked her mean?"
Begins the episode:
All right, I'm hyped! Let's go!
Sky? Wait no that's the news kid
The bushes?
No! No! No x14 Jay! Jay No! .... I'm calling it now if it's written by Abigail Geiger this episode is going to be great but if it's not I'm in for pain.
Ok two things
1 if Jay has actually been making her pay for ice cream... no that hasn't happened... that can't have happened. It's a joke... all I'll say is it better be a joke
2 I mean they have been kinda friends. They're at least good acquaintances. Don't get me wrong I completely understand if she want to stop being friends but with some of the previous episodes the did actually have some form of friendship. Not GOOD friends but still.
Poor Zoey
yay good Whit
Buddy no. Also haven't we done part of this episode with Jay before? The listening thing was part of The Friend Formula, right? Although he wasn't the one learning the lesson in that episode...
this is going to be a room of consequence episode isn't it?
Called it
No way! Why is it literally the same as his last adventure, I love it
They're doing it...
16% oof
"But I pretend to because you're Zoey's 2nd best friend" Jay no!
No waaaaay! There actually doing it!
Jay had braces?
there have been a lot of Jay-no-s sprinkled through out this. And a lot of other various excited noises
Isn't that the place some kid died!!!! (A Lesson from Mike)
Your Friends!!!!! Friends "your friends know what's best for you" oof
No! No, Jay, No!
It's me. I'm the audience. Not really, I'm kidding, but...
We're getting close! He can do this, he can learn. I hear the despair of consequences now all we need is growth
"He might be able to tolerate you" Burnnnnn!
He's getting it x2 :0 is he crying?
you can do this AiO. We can stick this landing
I LISTEN first!
this is all great but it feels weird that Mr. Whittaker is technically putting it into her mouth. Feels kinda gross. He really needs to talk to the real Zoe. IT'S NOT A JOKE! 😭 you really need to talk to the real Zoe
OK... I'm not upset it's in the episode as it is an important element, but I'm not sure if she wasn't clear. She might not have been I'll check the episodes but honestly even if she was I'm not sure Jay was ready to listen up until this point. He needed something to put things in perspective.
Noooooo! They didn't... They pulled an Isaac the True Friends?!?!? I take all back this episode is perfect. No! Yes!
The apology!
He's crying, I'm crying, well not crying but definitely screaming. Thank you Abigail! You did it you actually did it!
I mean I guess that verse ties to the lesson but I might have set it up better
YEAH it was written by Abigail Geiger! If she wasn't my favorite writer before this she sure is now! Ack! Oy!
I really hope those kids talk to their parents and their parents are cool because they completely missed the point of the episode poor things.
This episode was amazing! I'm so happy!
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obsidiancreates · 7 months
Catching Up (With No Murders This Time!)
(I just wanted Shawn and Abigail to like, see each other again and get a little closure since they broke up under such horrible circumstances.)
"Hey, sweetheart. I just wrapped up a case and I just so happen to be next to that awesome bakery you love, do you want- sweet! Uh, no, no Gus with me, your croissant will make it to you with no bites taken out of it. ... No, I'll buy my own so I'm not tempted either. Yeah, well, Selene called and told him Charlie is running a fever so he sped off before I even finished the wrap-up. Oh, gotta go, someone is about to try and get the last Nutella-filled one."
Shawn hangs up and rushes up to the counter as the person who's eyes were lingering on the Nutella-filled croissant is about to order. "You know, I am amazed you guys still make these, because I heard that hazelnuts and chocolate combined can give you hair loss."
The woman freezes, and Shawn almost does a little celebratory shimmy- until she turns around.
Shawn's mouth parts in shock. "Abigail?"
"Shawn?" Abigail blinks. "Are you really..." She leans in and whispers, "Why are you in San Fransisco?"
"I- I uh, moved here. A few years ago with- uh, well with my wife." He holds up his hand. Please don't let this be awkward, please don't let this be-
Abigail holds up her hand, showing off her own wedding ring. "We match."
A tension Shawn hadn't realized he was holding bleeds out of him. "Look at that!" He grins at her. "Who knew us crazy kids would ever find that, huh?"
"Who knew. ... Oh, you um, wanted the Nutella."
"Yeah, if- it's Jules's favorite so I just-"
"Jules? The detective you worked with? ... Actually, that makes sense."
"... Is that a... bad, 'that makes sense'?"
"No, just... it makes sense. Here, uh, I'll have the regular chocolate instead. My husband is allergic to hazelnuts anyway, I'd have to brush my teeth before kissing him, it's... a whole thing."
They order, and sit together while waiting for the coffees.
"So, um... how long have you been married?" Abigail asks before taking a bite of her pastry.
"Let me see, uh... six years, now? ... Holy crap, I've been married for six years. ... What uh, what about you?"
"Four. We met through the program I do, for teaching abroad."
"Ha, that's cool. I'm a detective, I married a detective, you're a teacher, you married a teacher... fits, it-it fits good."
"... Sorry about uh... all the stuff I put you through, back then. Taking you to crime scenes and client's houses was a little-"
"I was going to say offbeat, but... stupid works too." They both give a small laugh. Shawn awkwardly picks at his own pastry, Jules's sitting in his lap. There's a beat of silence that's just agonizing.
"How's Gus?" Abigail looks up at Shawn again. "I mean, I just assume you're both still doing the psychic detective thing."
"Oh, Gus is great. He uh, he got married too, about four years ago now, just before the whole uh... pandemic, thing. She's basically a clone of him, but a woman, and they've got a kid."
"Let me guess. You're the godfather."
"Which still freaks me out, by the way. He's a great kid though. Smart and awesome, just like his dad, and it looks like he got The Super Sniffer too. Gus says it's too early to tell, but-" Shawn puts a finger by his temple. The movement feels weird. He hasn't really leaned into the whole "psychic" thing for a few years now, and when he does he usually use the finger-to-eyebrow device anymore. When was the last time he did? ... Dear god, it's been ten years. Ten years since he moved out of Santa Barbara.
"Time really flies," he finds himself saying."
"Tell me about it." Abigail shakes her head. "My husband and I adopted, about two years ago now, and she's just... shooting right up. When she started walking I couldn't believe it."
"Gus couldn't either. I think he showed me the video about a billion times."
"Absolutely weeping, yes."
"Nice to know some people never really change."
"Mmmm, I wouldn't say that. He's done some pretty badass stuff since you last met him."
"You do know that seems... a little far-fetched."
"More far-fetched than the time we had to prove a polar bear was framed for murder?"
"... I'm not sure if I believe you about that."
"If we had time, I could condense each little weekly adventure into about a forty-three minute story each."
"That's not very condensed."
"... You're right, it's not." Shawn nods, and looks up as the bell on the door jingles- he hears Abigail laugh a little about it and mumble that yeah, people don't really change.
The man at the door spots Abigail and grins. Shawn hones in on a wedding ring, a tie with Abigail's favorite flowers as the design, and hair that just may rival Shawn's own.
"Hey, honey." The man sweeps right over to Abigail and leans down to kiss her in her chair. "Finally sorted out the issue with our plane, we should be on our way day after tomorrow."
"Oh, thank god," Abigail groans, holding her husband's hand as he pulls over another chair to sit next to her. "I'm so tired of hotel food."
"You and me both," her husband chuckles. He looks at Shawn. "Who's this?"
"Oh, um, this is Shawn Spencer."
"Ooooh, you're the guy who took her to a crime scene as a date one time."
"Guilty," Shawn says with a laugh.
"Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you. Good things!"
"And some not-so-good things, I'm guessing?"
"No, no. ... Not about you as a person, anyway. Plenty of bad things about your job."
"Yeah, I figured. ... Oh, there's our coffees." Shawn takes his paper tray with 4 coffees (Gus and Selene will need them) and stands up. "Well, this was totally unexpected, but I'm glad it happened. It was nice seeing you again, Abigail."
"Nice seeing you too, Shawn." She smiles at him. "I'm glad you're doing well."
"Me too. Doing well is pretty great. Oh, and, glad for you, I guess."
Abigail laughs again. "Bye, Shawn.
"Bye, Abigail."
He walks out of the bakery, the sound of Abigail chatting with her husband following him until the door closes. She sounds happy. Happy and relaxed in a way that even on their best days, she never was with him. And he's glad.
He's just genuinely happy for her. That's a really, really nice feeling. No jealousy, no feeling of missed chances, no wondering of 'what-ifs'. Just... actual, authentic happiness that she's doing well.
He tucks Jules's croissant into his pocket and pulls out his phone.
"... Hey, babe! Yeah, got the last Nutella for you, and a coffee. ... Yup, that perp was our case. Really? Described being caught by 'some kind of ninjas or something?' Well, babe, as much as I'd love to tell you I've secretly been a martial arts master our whole marriage, you can put in your report that he's absolutely lying because he's very embarrassed. Truth is Gus accidentally knocked over some marble statue onto him while he was chasing me through the art exhibit. ... Can I fill out the statement later tonight? I got coffee for Gus and Selene too. Awesome! I will hang around to tell you who I just ran into, though. Of course I'm neglecting paperwork in favor of personal matters, if I ever don't then your husband has been replaced by a pod person. Okay, love you, I'll be there as soon as I find a ride..."
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vacantgodling · 2 years
15 Tags 15 Mutuals
thanks so much for tagging me @forthesanityofstorytellers! i guess i'm supposed to answer this as an oc so i'll choose hue rvynwell! aka my silly silly werewolf that is causing problems for himself on purpose.
i'll leave this as an open tag tbh, tell me about y'alls ocs :3
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not that I'm aware of, to be honest with you, I'm not even sure where my mother got my name from. She said that it meant heart or spirit, or something like that, but most people just assume its in relation to the color.
I can't really blame them, but it gets annoying after awhile.
2. When was the last time you cried?
... I don't want to answer that question.
(as an aside, hue's been crying A Lot lately but he doesn't want to admit to that loloL)
3. Do you have kids?
I have two beautiful daughters, Esther and Ozandra-though we just call her Ozzy, she prefers it. I think Ozandra is a lovely name since... I name her after my mother. When Esther's mother, Abigail, found out that she had another witch child, she actually gave Jihan and I the honors of naming her and since my mother recently passed... I thought...
Well, anyway. Ozandra is 13 and Esther is 16. They're getting so big! Time really does fly and I haven't regretted a single moment of taking them in.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Not often, actually. I've been told I'm a little too straightforward.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Usually how they carry themselves. I'm a wolf, its all about body language for me. Not in the... sizing people up kind of way, I don't have a complex or anything like that. But just seeing if they seem confident, or shy, or nervous... Things like that.
6. What's your eye colour?
A brown-yellow sort of color. In my humanoid form my eyes are brown. In my wolf form, very stereotypically, they're yellow. However, I learned recently that that's actually a recessive trait in wolves; meaning that having yellow eyes is pretty rare. Which is great, but still makes me feel horribly ordinary.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I can't handle horror movies well truth be told. However, I don't like unearned happy endings.
8. Any special interests?
Most people wouldn't expect it of me but I'm actually quite into science and biology especially. I actually work at a lab. I don't know why people are shocked by it but I assume its because of a preconceived notion they have about wolves.
9. Where were you born?
My mother wanted to have a natural birth for all of her kids, so she went back home to her ancestral den to give birth to me and my other siblings. One of my sister's is currently carrying on that tradition, but my other sisters have just decided to go to the hospital.
10. What are your hobbies?
Competitive games or sports (I really enjoy bowling and paintball), sleeping, reading books (though mainly about science, I usually can't sit through much else), stargazing, and I've taken up yoga recently because Esther didn't want to do it by herself.
11. Do you have any pets?
It feels a little... redundant.
12. What sports do you play / have played?
In highschool I gave many sports a try, but I think I enjoyed Ultimate Frisbee for every reason you could possibly expect. Aside from that, rugby was great to get out aggression.
13. How tall are you?
Around 6'5", last I checked.
14. Favourite subject in school?
15. Dream Job
To be honest I'd love to own my own private research lab and make money off of my research papers. Going into offices, having meetings and deadlines, etc is a drag.
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ash19871962 · 3 years
Warnings- Blood, Domestic Abuse, slight mention of suicide (not my choice criminal minds made the story for rosalyn)
Jennifer Jareau x OC Jareau
Having an older sister was sometimes a blessing and a curse. There was absolutely nothing you wouldn't do for her, after everything she had done for you. It annoyed you how quickly you guys would make up after a fight, but she was your best friend.
Both of your childhoods were incredibly different, having grown up in the same house but with totally different atmospheres. When you were two and JJ was 11, your 15 year old sister Rosalyn took her own life.
After that things changed in your house, you don't really remember it too much but Jj would tell you stories about that time. Especially at night when you were supposed to be sleeping, trying to remember a sister you don't actually remember is very difficult.
Of course you've seen pictures of all three of you but she is still a stranger to you. But to Jj it affects her deeply, Ros was her idol.
Sometimes in the back of your mind you wonder if Jj even likes you or is just using you to replace Ros. After all your 9 years younger than her? But she is still your big sister and you can't think of her like that for long.
It doesn't surprise you as you grew up that Jj is everywhere. Anything that happened she was there, when Ricky that snot nose kid from 1st grade punched you in the face, she spent hours in the garage showing you how to block your face.
At 14 years old she had much better things to do but she stayed with you. Cleaned your nose and made sure you didn't tell mom. Your mom was probably more of an absentee parent, like she was there in body but not in mind too much. Jj says Ros took a part of her, but sometimes you feel jipped.
Mom apparently used to laugh and smile, plan fun things for them all to do. But you can't remember any of this. You only remember Jj. She was the only one who looked after you, kept you safe it was almost like she was your mom at times, but you always remember her.
Remembering sharing a bed with her during storms, playing in makeup singing stupid songs, sharing secrets and just plain missing her.
She would be so disappointed if she could see you now. Not really having a choice anymore anyways, telling her is essential but your still scared what if your big sister can't help?
Shivering in the cool breeze taking into account your still bleeding a little you decide it's time to leave. Wiping the blood out of your face as best you can, the gash above your eye stings.
The fight you just had was nothing new, the bruises on you back would testify to that. Even through all this you still don't know how to even tell Jj.
It's not an easy conversation, she is either going to be so mad at you she won't speak to you or so over protective she's gonna kill him.
Your phone on your lap feels heavy, but the nerves in your stomach feel like a lead weight. Opening your messaging app you text her
Aj- Hey jayge Are you busy, can I call?
A couple minutes ago by and she texts you back
Jj- Abs! Hey hun yeah we're almost done with this case, give me a couple hours I'll text before we head to the airport ok? Love you💜
You don't want to be disappointed but you guess it'll have to do. Grabbing your phone making your way into the house stopping briefly to grab a couple changes of clothes and your memory box which has everything important in it including you birth certificate.
Making a split decision you also leave your phone but write down all the important numbers just in case. Knowing by the time Jj texts, you'll either be in the hospital or with her.
Nothing else in this house is important . Feeling like the worst thing possible is being stuck here, you leave and make your way home to Jj.
Getting behind the wheel planning to make such a long drive from Pennsylvania all the way to Quantico or at least as close as you can get.
First things first she needs a Dr, so she decides to take care of that first pulling out of the driveway and driving putting a hospital search in her GPS, locating one two towns over that she won't be recognized in she proceeds there.
Sitting in her car fiddling her humbs working up the courage to move. Finally making the decision you walk in and start a new life.
A nurse approaches you and escorts you to the back, answering questions left and right
Name Abigail Jaraeu
Age 20
What happened... Your not exactly sure how to answer this so you don't answer.
Getting changed into the stupid gown you realize how alone you are. Butterflies fly in your stomach making you almost nauseous.
The Dr, has a knowing look in his eye as he looks over your injuries, noticing more than you realize.
The gash above your eye takes 8 stitches, your nose is not broken but two black eyes are in your future, didn't even notice the split lip until the dr goes to stitch it 3 more there.
Feeling absolutely terrible it's not done, the rest of the body check shows more injuries none of them too serious just painful.
The broken wrist being the worst, mystified that you could drive all the way there without so much as a twinge of pain.
Apparently adrenaline is a real thing.
Shocked as the Dr starts applying the cast, absently shocked and numb to how you you must look.
You just want Jj.
To hug you, to hold your hand, to kiss your forehead, your scared and you want your big sister, but she is at work.
Surprisingly no broke ribs just jarred heavily, and of course the bruises, you are given a prescription for pain and instructions for the cast, and you sign yourself out against what they recommend but you know you are just ready to be with Jj.
The drive from this place to Jj is roughly 5 hours so you get started.
The phone you left at the house has to be found by now. Memories of the fight flash as your merge on the interstate, setting cruise control you let yourself relax.
The shoving, the broken mirror the outrage that you didn't do anything wrong. It made no sense to you, Johnny was supposed to be a good guy, but he ended up being the scariest thing you've ever encountered.
As your driving you remember Jj is on a case so no one is at her house. Your nephews would be with Wills Mom. Maybe you could stay there till they got back you had a key?
In this situation you didn't think she'd mind.
God you were scared, what If she yelled at you? If she did your pretty sure you would crumble.
Driving is incredibly hard with a cast but you have to make due, you have to get there. Once there everything will work out.
Feeling incredibly guilty now, you think should you even bother Jj? She literally has children what if Johnny came there?
You don't think he's that stupid but you never know. Jj would kill him.
Stopping to fill up with gas using most of the cash you have, you keep driving closer and closer to safety.
For probably the quietest drive your ever made in your life you finally make it to Jj's neighborhood.
Concerned now because it's 2 am and the street is completely deserted, you make up your mind to park farther down the road from her house just in case she's actually already home.
The upstairs light is on, and your basically a nervous wreck. All you want is her, but scared in how she's gonna react .
Slowly getting out of your car, you make your way to Jj's porch and knock softly.
Hearing the footsteps, turns the butterflies in your stomach turn to rocks.
Will opens the door angry someone knocked on the door at 2 am. The second he sees your face his jaw drops, and concern fills his eyes.
Your arms are grabbed into a hug, tears finally fall from your eyes as he calls for your sister to come down the stairs.
Obviously Jj took that offensively, as it's 2 am and she only just got home.
Upon seeing you stitched casted and crying in her husband's arms, all composure is gone.
The next couple of minutes are a blur, feeling yourself be transferred into her arms, sobbing uncontrollably, but strangely you feel better.
Her hands are on your cheeks, and her blue eyes are filled with anguish but at that moment you feel safer than you have in a long time.
"What happened to you Abs? I tried calling you and Johnny said you went to bed"
There is a lump in your throat "Johnny did this, all if this"..
Out of the corner of your eye you see Will leave the room, and in that moment you know, you have to tell her everything..
The story spills from your lips, how he stared out like a normal boyfriend, then he just got so angry at everything how the fights started and how this one ended, how scared you were but most of all how you just had to get to her.
Jj stares back speechless and incredibly livid, her baby sister her best friend was hurt, and came to her.
She pulls you into another hug and in that moment it didn't matter how you looked or were you came from, you were home.
Jj would fix everything, and you would never be able to repay her.
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I think you're the most beautiful man in the world
Morgan/Female Reader (smut)
I love my cowboy 💛
You could watch him for hours and sometimes you tried to, but most times he could feel your eyes on him and he'd catch you staring at him like some love sick puppy. Every time he caught you he'd give you one of those bashful smiles and messed with his hat as he bowed his head at you in greeting, you did what your instinct told you to do which was to retreat as quick as you could. Arthur Morgan was one of the most handsome men you had ever set your eyes on. The sad thing about this was that Arthur never seemed to know how handsome he was, many times you had heard him put himself down or compare himself to other men, you wished with all your heart to just tell him all the things you thought about him. Thinking about telling him is easy enough but actually telling him to his face was almost impossible, last time you had gone to tell him he had been sat on his cot, the button up shirt he wore was partly open and he had smiled softly at you with his journal in hand. You had started panicking instantly and as he had reached out for you to help, you ran out of his tent with a shout of 'goodnight!' despite it being only midday. The girls had been relentless about your last encounter, the fact you had screamed goodnight at a man for smiling at just 12 o'clock in the afternoon was the most hilarious thing in the world. Karen always offered to tell him for you and you are pretty sure that Mary-Beth is basing the new novel she's writing on your misfortune and pining, the only supportive one had been Abigail - she often sat with you and just talked about love and about knowing if someone was the one. And to you he was. Arthur Morgan was the love of your life and he didn't know and at this rate he was most likely never going to know.
You screamed into your pillow loudly. You had opted to spend the night at the Valentine hotel, you needed a pity party for yourself and this what you chose to do, you had a bar of chocolate and a bottle of whiskey on the bed you lay on, the pillow was pressed to your face as you face planted into it on arrival. At that all the other things on your mind crashed down on you, how sad did you look staying in a hotel on your own? You honestly felt like the saddest and most pathetic woman in the world, which you were - pining after a man who had only offered you small talk and smiles. But boy were those smiles something.
Knock Knock
You ignore it at first but then the banging becomes relentless and the door shakes as the door is pounded on. When the door handles starts being twisted you decide that it was probably smart to answer before that seedy hotel clerk busted the door down. Groaning you lift your head off the pillow and look towards the door, using the most polite voice that you can seemingly muster during your mental crisis you respond to the person who keeps knocking in hard taps,
"Sir I only want the room - no baths or anyone or anything needed thank you,"
The person on the other side stops their banging but their shadow doesn't leave from behind the door, "Y/N? You in there?"
You're pretty sure your eyes almost pop out of your head, quickly you lift yourself off the bed and look at the mirror, your hair is unruly from the pillow screaming and the shirt you're wearing is crumpled to pieces, you're also only in your underwear. The door handle is tugged again with a concerned call of your name. With a silent scream to yourself you pull at the shirt as if that'll help make it cover more of you and you open the door.
Arthur stood on the other side, he was shifting as he waited. He was in a soft,blue union shirt with the buttons undone, you had to control yourself and avoid looking at the exposed skin of his chest, that would be a key weakness and you had only your room to run into this time. There was no way past him if you wanted to bolt forward anyway. Arthur took up pretty much the whole door way with his bulk. He looked worried and slightly annoyed, his hair was damp near his ears and his neck was flushed which gave off the impression that he had been running around or striding quickly in his usual sort of movement.
"What are you doing here? Is something wrong back at camp?" Your fingers gripped the door hard as you looked up at him, his chest was heaving slightly and you watched as his hand lifted to point right at you.
"What are you doing here? You didn't tell anyone where the hell you were?"
You had. You had told all the girls, you had told Mrs. Grimshaw and hell you even told Hosea who had suggested the idea in the first place.
"I did Arthur - I'm surprised no-one else told you I was here,"
He took a breath as he stopped his pointing only to cross his arms, he seemed annoyed which you couldn't understand so your grip on the door only tightened.
"You didn't tell me,"
Your eyes widen as you stare at him, "I have to tell you that I'm going to book a hotel?"
That caught him off guard, his whole body seemed to tense at your question, in typical Arthur fashion he bowed his head and shifted as if unsure of what to do with himself. When he looked back at you his mouth was in a straight line and his eyes flickered to you and then to your room as he tried to peer in.
"Arthur I'm fine, I'm just going to spend the night here and then I'll be back at camp in the morning,"
"Look I - I just wanted to make sure you was safe is all - could hear ya screamin from the other side - almost kicked the damn thing down - ya got someone in there with ya? He ain't hurting ya is he?"
He heard your pillow tantrum? Your face erupts into a deep blush as you look at the concern on his face, he averted your eyes when he saw your reaction but that didn't stop him from trying to look back in the room as if expecting the mystery man to reveal himself anytime soon.
"I - I - I'm alone! It's just me!"
Arthur didn't look convinced. He was a clear example of someone's reaction to listening to absolute bullshit. With a nod at you, he puts his hand near his holster and taps his fingers against his gun, "Then I guess ya won't mind me havin a little look then,"
You stammer as Arthur carefully manoeuvres you out of the way and pushes himself into the hotel room, you watch as his eyes scan the premise for any danger before settling on the crumpled cushion and the goodies on the bed. When he turns back to you his eyes widen when he takes you all in and you then realise that before you had been able to smartly conceal yourself behind the door, but now you were completely exposed - Arthur had been given a clear view of your underwear and the hairs on your body stood on end as he gave you a quick once over. He lets out an embarrassed cough as he adverts his eyes and with that you return to your previous seat on the bed and thrust the pillow into your lap as you cross your legs to hide yourself.
"See I'm fine,"
"I can see that,"
The room feels really warm now and you glance at the window thinking of a new escape plan.
"Doesn't explain the screamin though does it?"
You laugh slightly, which comes out as an awkward set of cough as you stammer again, "I - I - I just had to have a little moment. To ge - get it out of my system! Just a good old scream and cry to get the juices flowing,"
"Somethin the matter?"
You thought about his question, and all you wanted to do was scream yes at him as he stared down at you, you think about telling him but with him looking at you with those eyes you throat tightens. But this was your chance and like Abigail had said - you had to take it eventually. Besides if you didn't what were the chances that Mary Linton was finally going to get Arthur crawling back to her, her letters were more consistent and of course Arthur went back to her to help. If you didn't speak now you were going to lose him.
"Can you turn around?"
"Excuse me?"
"Just I got something I want to say but I need you turn around please,"
Arthur gives a bemused smile but does as you ask, his back faces you now and you stare at how broad it is, "Ya coulda just said my ugly mug was botherin ya,"
You knew it was supposed to come out as a joke, but you knew he wasn't, and that was the trigger point for you.
"I hate it when you say stuff like that, I hate it because it's far from true,"
"Y/N I w-"
Arthur begins to turn around but you quickly interject to stop him, "Turn around please! I'm not done," he twists his body back round thankfully, but his back is tense as he stands stiff.
"Arthur. God I thought it would be easier with you turned around! I - ah - I -"
"I think you're beautiful Arthur,"
He snorts at that.
"I really do! I think you're one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen! And - and not just based on what you look like! You - you're kind and strong - I - I've seen how much you help others and how compassionate you are whether it's with the others or your horse and - and -"
You stumble on your words, something wet hits your hand and you realise you're crying, Arthur stills stand stiff still as he listens to you and seeing the reality of what you're doing you let out a choked sob, as quickly as you can you throw yourself off the bed and go for the door. Before you can reach for the handle the door is slammed shut in front of your face, bracing for impact you brace your hands against the door to prevent yourself from running face first into it, you lean your forehead in defeat against the cold of the wood as you continue to sob. Arthur is directly behind you, his hand braced above you to keep the door closed, his chest is against your back and you shift at how warm he is, you almost tremble as he leans into you so his face is closer to the top of your head.
"Ya had more to say?"
"I - I - I can't!"
"You can,"
"Arthur - I - I really can't,"
"I ain't letting you leave till you do,"
With shaky breaths you push your head further into the door, your nails dig into the wood as you try and focus on what to say, "I don't want you to hate me or be angry - I know you wouldn't be - but I don't want you to - to not talk to me again,"
"That'll never happen you know that,"
"I do,"
"Then just tell me, ya got something on your mind, ya have for a while now so just get it all out and then maybe ya can stop running away from me every damn time I go to talk to ya,"
With deep breaths you try and calm the beating of your heart, the thumping of it echoes in your ear drums and the pressure of Arthur breathing against your back isn't helping things.
"I - I -"
"It's okay darlin,"
Was it okay? It was too late to consider that because the long waited words had finally slipped out of your mouth and they came out loud and clear, "I love you Arthur,"
Time stands still. All you can hear is the frantic beating of your own heart and the small choked sobs that escape you every once in a while, Arthur is silent and you press further into the door as the tears start to fall more freely. You watch as Arthur's hands fall from the door, you watch as they seem to twitch before disappearing from view and then the unexpected happens when those fallen hands settle on your hips, his hands are unsure as he holds you but they're warm and steady when he pulls you towards him so his chin can rest on the top of your hair. You can feel the warmth on his breath against your head and you frown in confusion as he sighs against you.
"You know how long I've been waitin to hear that?"
Blinking your tears away you try and turn to look at him but he keeps you planted in front of him, "What?"
"Been waitin for you to say it first, I wanted to - god I've wanted to tell you since the damn party for Shaun but I - god I'm a coward,"
"You a coward? You're anything but Arthur, besides I was the one running away from you all the time,"
"You were, cutest damn run I've ever seen,"
You let out a hiccupy laugh and smile as you feel his chest rumble with laughter against your back, "You laughing at my well thought out escape plans?"
"Hmmm perhaps, saw how ya were lookin at that window earlier,"
You let a choked grumble as you fidget in his grasp, he laughs a bit louder and hugs you tighter, your hands remove themselves from the door and you grab at his hands that now intersect at your stomach. You stroke at the scar on his knuckle and he sighs softly against the top of your head, you writhe in his grasp as you try and spin yourself around in order to look at his face. He relinquishes his grasp ever so slightly so you can pivot and place your hands on his chest, now you can freely stare at his exposed skin and you almost snort at your small victory to be able to finally look at him like this and not feel like a creep. When you look at him he's staring right back at you with such an adoring expression, your face feels warm as he moves his hands to hold the small of your back, your own hands have moved from his chest to cup at his face. He's let his beard grow out a bit, a bit thicker than his usual stubble but it suits him all the same, your fingers trace his cheeks softly and gently touch at the tufts of hair that have fallen from under his hat, the curls just ended under his ears and you touch one as you breathe him in. The lingering smell of tobacco and sweat clings to his form, when you glance back at him his eyes are closed as he sighs, when he opens them again he smiles when he realises your eyes are on him again.
"What does this mean Arthur?"
He sighs as he spreads his fingers over your back and leans in so he can look you in the eyes, "Guess it means - my tent is gonna be a bit more crowded,"
You shake your head with a smile as you cup his cheeks in your hands, "What if I want to stay in my own tent?"
"Sorry ma'am I can't allow that,"
With a boisterous grin that lit up his face he picks you up which causes you to squeal loudly as he tosses you onto the bed, you bounce several times and you laugh when he fails to dodge the pillow you toss at him. You go for another one but he's on you in seconds, straddling your waist as he holds your wrists in his hands.
"Ma'am I'm gonna have ta ask ya to drop the pillow,"
Pouting you do and he snickers as you flinch when he starts tickling the palms of your hands with his fingers. Then you realise the position you're in with him leaning over you like that, he must realise it too, his grips loosens but he doesn't let go and he doesn't remove himself from your waist. His jaw tenses as he watches you, only one of his hands hold your wrists in place - the other cups your cheek and you can't help but lean into the warmth of it. Your stomach is filled with butterflies and your heart pounds, there's still that small fear of rejection but the feeling of love and want for him is overwhelming in comparison.
"Arthur I - I want-"
"I know,"
With that he grabs his hat and tosses it onto the nearby bed stand, and then he leans down and kisses you softly, his lips press ever so gently and sigh against his mouth as he presses a bit harder. Your hands flex in his grip wanting nothing more than to run your hands through his hair and down his back, he doesn't let go and the hand that once cupped your cheek moves to stroke the column of your neck. He pulls away after a few more quick kisses and looks at you, his hands trace your neck and then linger at your collarbones, his eyes flick from your own to your shirt and you get the message soon enough.
"It's okay,"
Nodding at you several times he releases your grip and leans back so you can sit up, your hands hold the hem of your shirt and you look at Arthur to make sure he's watching you: he is. Slowly you lift the edge of you shirt upwards, revealing the skin of your stomach and the outline of your ribs. You had nothing underneath, as you had plans to be alone the whole day so had no need to wear anything else in the room, Arthur isn't expecting to see you completely bare as his eyes widen comically when your shirt is fully removed and you're front is exposed to him. His eyes take in you all in and you fight the instinct to cover yourself as his eyes go from your stomach to your breasts and then back to your face. He coughs several times as if he is unable to formulate any sort of speech, which causes him to swear under his breath as he darts his eyes from your form to your eyes. With slow movements he shuffles closer onto the bed so he can reach a hand to touch you, he retracts at first as if unsure but when you smile softly at him he continues and cups a breast in his hand, his hand covers the whole of breast in a soft squeeze and you can't stop the small moan that leaves your lips.
"You're beautiful - god - I don't even deserve to be touching you like this. God! even seeing you like this - I don't -"
You move your hands to hold the back of his neck and you thread them together, "You do Arthur," with that you kiss him again.
The kiss is more heated this time around, his lips crash into your own desperately as if he couldn't get enough, one of his hand holds your breast giving the occasional squeeze and pinch, the other hand moves to the small of your back, slowly teasing downwards as if unsure if he can touch you further. You gasp when he pinches at your nipple and uses his fingers to cause them to harden almost painfully, as soon as your mouth parts open the warmth of his tongue invades, he licks at the roof of your mouth then to your own tongue as he kisses you like a dying man. Your hands are in his hair, tugging at the curls to bring him closer to you, he groans at every pull you do and his kisses become more confident. With shaky hands you push gently at his chest, Arthur chases your lips as you pull away, but when you refuse to kiss him again he stops and lets his nose brush against your own as he pants with you.
"This needs to go," your command is shaky as you try and regain your breath, your hands pulls at the blue fabric of his shirt.
"I'm not sure you want to see this sweetheart - I ain't as young as I used to be - not got much to offer,"
He does take it off, slowly and unsure but he does remove it. His chest is as broad and as perfect as you imagined, hair tufts  on his chest and more hair leads downwards to the edge of his trousers. He has some scars on his shoulders and ear his ribs but he is still stunning to you. Your hand traces his ribs and you repeat and up and down stroking motion on his chest, which causes him to sigh heavily. He's not skinny by all means, but he's thick and bulky, with strong arms and a presence of just pure strength.
"Like I said before, you're the most beautiful man I've ever seen,"
You press soft kisses to his chest as you rub the slightly red skin near his collarbones, he groans when your breasts connect with his bare chest and he can feel your nipples harden up against him. He leans in to kiss you again but you stop him with a hand over his mouth.
"If you want to continue you have to say I'm right,"
You almost laugh at the frown that takes over his features as he looks down at you, he's reluctant you can tell but you know he'll say it, whether he likes the idea or not. Pressing his forehead to your own he looks you in the eyes and you remove your hand and wait.
"You're right,"
Smiling brightly at him you loops your hands around his neck and with a laugh drag him back down on top of you, he immediately connects your mouth together in frenzied wet kisses as his hands brace themselves over you so he wouldn't crush you. The hair on his chest tickles you and you laugh in-between kisses, your fingers continue to pull at the strands of his hair as you melt under Arthur's touch. You notice how he keeps moving against you, the hardness of him presses against you, you look at him with heated eyes and he gives you another kiss before moving from your lips to your neck. He presses wet kisses from your throat down to your breast where he kisses at the bud of your nipple, your hands grasp at his hair as he latches him mouth onto it and suckles, breathy moans escape your lips as his other hand cradles your unoccupied one. Fingers tease at your left nipple, whilst his mouth continues to suckle at your right one, you groan when he pulls away and he offers small licks as an apology to the sore bud. His kisses and nips travel downwards, from your stomach to the plush of your thighs and then he stops as he hovered over your clothed sex. With a look at you for permission in which you nod quickly, he delivers a long lick to the cloth of your panties, one of his hands grabs the flesh of your left thigh as he spreads your leg so he can move closer to the silk of your underwear. Eventually he stops his teasing to pull at the clothing and yank it away off you, it lands somewhere on the floor but before you can worry about your lost underwear he is back in-between your thighs as he licks at you again. Your hands grab at the sheets of the mattress as you cry loudly as he drinks you in, his hands soothe at your thighs and keep them open, preventing you from closing them around his head to bring him in closer. His tongue plunges in and out of you and the tickle of his facial hair only stimulate the feeling further as he presses his face so hard into you. Occasionally, he'll pull back and let his tongue trace over the lips of your vagina before sticking it back into your folds causing you to moan out gibberish as you writhe under him. You scream when one of his hands moves from your thigh to play with your clit, he rubs slowly and finally he allows himself to tease a finger into your opening. You sigh in relief when the first finger enters you but before long when he slips in the second you're writhing against his hand trying to push his digits deeper inside you, he sucks hard at your clit and soon enough the heat in your stomach becomes too much, you don't want to finish so soon so you try and move yourself away from his mouth. Arthur only groans and tries to pull you back to him, but you don't relent much to his disappointment as he continues to drag you back to him.
"Arthur! Stop! I - I - just not yet! Please!
With a sigh against your clit which causes you to shiver he moves back, with a slow and steady movement he withdraws his fingers from you. With a few kisses to your thigh he sits up between your legs and looks you in the eyes as he brings one to his mouth and licks. You bring your hands to your face in embarrassment as he does this and all he does is laugh at you, when you peek from behind your fingers you see that his hands are twitching patiently at his sides and you flush brightly at the wet around his mouth and how it shines across his lips. Your eyes drag from his mouth to his crotch which his hands are twitching by, he presses uncomfortably from what you can see judging by the hard outline of himself.
With fumbling hands Arthur removes his trousers, he pauses at his last garment of clothing, he presses hard and thick against the cloth and you sigh in anticipation as he pulls it off himself. He hisses as the fabric brushes against him, but when he's completely free from the confining material he groans softly. When you reach out for him to repay the favour, he waves a hand at you.
"I'm good ta go darlin, just need to know if you are,"
You nod at him and he nods back at you in silent understanding. His hand holds the base of himself as he strokes slowly, he shuffles himself forward in the process so your legs spread wider to accommodate him. He groans as he touches himself as he stares directly at you, with his hand he lines himself up with you, your legs wrap around his waist and he drapes over you so his mouth is a breath away from your own. He twitches against your opening and you moan as you wrap your arms around his neck, his free hand holds himself over you as he stares deep into your eyes.
"Are you sure you really want this darlin?"
Smiling up at him with watery eyes you kiss him quickly, "I do. Have done for a while,"
He kisses you softly as he smiles back at you, "Me too,"
Arthur shifts closer and your arms wrap around his neck hard as he shifts against your entrance, you choke on your breath when he slowly pushes in. He's a lot bigger than you could have imagined, it hurts for a moment but you feel complete when he fully settles inside of you. His hand releases himself after guiding himself inside you and instead grabs at your thigh and brings you in closer so he's connected deeply inside you. Your breath is shaky against his mouth which his parted open in short breaths as he stills for a moment, he waits for you to shift your hips before he starts moving. You drag him back down to your lips as he moves against you, he moves slowly but deeply inside you as he grinds you into the mattress, the kisses are less coordinated but filled with passion as you cling to him hard. His slow motions have resorted to deep thrusts that have you clinging hard onto his back as he moves harder and deeper inside you, with a hard kiss to your mouth he pulls away and presses his face into your neck as he pulls out completely and thrusts himself back into you hard. You scream and dig your nails into his back as he repeats the motions, the speed and strength as his thrusts increases as he moans into your neck and at the drag of your nails against the wet of his back. He mouths breathlessly at your neck and kisses hotly at any bit of skin he can get to, you grip him like a life line as his thrusts become relentless, they shake your body as your breasts press hard against his chest, the drag of his chest against your nipples heightens the feeling in your stomach drastically.
"Arthur - Arthur!"
You cry his name as he pounds into you, he groans your own name into your ear before clamping his teeth into the junction of your neck as he rocked into you, you gasp as the feeling in your stomach returns and your toes curls as you cling to him, Arthur groans as you tighten around him and releases your neck to kiss you again as the hand on your thigh drops to touch your clit. He rubs quick, hard circles as he kisses you hard and you wail loudly as he hits just the right spot.
"It's okay darlin - come on - you can do it,"
He pinches hard at your clit in-between frenzied thrusts, and with a cry of his name you orgasm, shaking hard against him as you tighten your grip around him. Arthur groans loudly into your neck and curses as he shifts so he can angle deeper, his hand leaves your clit to pull your leg over his shoulder as he frantic thrusts push into you, when you moan his name he dives forward crash his lips into your own and groans loudly into your mouth as he releases inside you. You coo at him as he shakes above you, your hands stroke over the muscles of his back and your legs cling to his hips. You kiss him softly as you hold him close, he returns your kisses with the same softness and you almost start crying again as he whispers multiple 'I love yous' against your lips, you just kiss him harder and smile at him whispering the same thing. When he pulls out of you, you both gasp at the feeling causing the hand holding Arthur up to drop , in which he collapses on top of you. Your hands stroke at his hair, which is damp with perspiration, you leave tender kisses to the top of his head as he shuffles downwards to lie against your breasts. 
"You sure this is okay?"
"More than okay sweetheart," Arthur kisses your chest softly as he tiredly raises his eyes to meet yours.
As your hands play with hair you think back to earlier on, "I'm still surprised no-one told you I was here,"
"Oh they did,"
Your hands freeze at your ministrations and Arthur groans at that, "Then why did you lie? Why were you so angry?"
"Karen told me you was with a man,"
Of course, you think, Karen was the one of all people to start trouble.
"You must have been surprised that I wasn't,"
"I was thankful - meant I still had a chance,"
"You always will with me Arthur,"
You both smile at each other, and with an over exaggerated yawn from him he drops his face suddenly back into your chest which causes you to laugh loudly with surprise.
"That means no more runnin away darlin,"
"And that means no more insults about yourself, you're beautiful,"
"Hmmm - you're right. I must be something special to end up with someone like you,"
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"$#!+" Amanda exclaimed and then she get off her car to check the lights, because she bumped on a taxi cab. "What the hell?!" You are not looking on your way? You should pay for this!" she said madly. Then a taxi driver get off his cab and say patiently, "Miss Beautiful, I won't pay for that, in any angle, you are the on who bumped me and not me." "I don't need you explanation, what important is, this is a new model of Porsche, you should pay me" and Kevin says "Okay." but he is not yet finish on what he was saying, Amanda abrupted him "Okay, don't pay for it" and she went in her car and horn loudly, that means go to the side cause I'm running late.
Amanda Watson is a half-Filipina and a half-British, a supermodel type of body, beautiful and a business woman. She's an only child and she live in a silver spoon since she was a child. And her mom died in a cancer a year ago, and she is living to her father with a lot of meetings and business trips.
She arrived in their house when her maid called her and said "Your father is here" but before she steps on the staircase her father saw her. "What was I heard in a news, that you have an accident?" "No, Dad, it's not an accident, it's a merely accident. I just bumped on a taxi cab lately, and it's all fine" she said. "Poor Amanda, for now on I am giving you, your own driver for your safety." her father said. "What?! Dad, it is all fine" I don't need a driver." she said "No, Amanda you are the only precious on me and I won't let that happen again. Tomorrow, you have your own driver." he said. "Okay" Amanda sighed.
"Miss Amanda, Miss Amanda" her maid waking up her. And she stretched on her bed and still sleepy but when she saw the clock, "It's already 9:00" she said in shocked. "I need to rush, I need to go in my boutique at 10:00" she drank her coffee on the tray that held by her maid. Then she rushed in to the bathroom. "Miss Amanda, your driver is already at the garage waiting for you" maid said. She didn't mind it and open the shower.
She was rushing to open the garage when she saw a 6 footer man, dark and handsome yet gorgeous. The man is standing beside of the door of her car. When... "You?! What are you doing here?!" Amanda exclaimed "I am your driver and also your body guard" Kevin smiled. "Your father told to my father that his daughter needs a driver, so now I'm here." "Okay" she rolled her eyes.
And they arrived in boutique at exactly 10:00am "Whew!" anda sighed after she looked her wrist watch. "Miss Beautiful, keep safe! I'll be here at 5pm. See you!" Kevin said. She walked to her boutique and she saw her two sales clerk. "Did Mr. and Mrs. Manhattan arrived?" Amanda asked, "Not yet, Ma'am her secretary texted me that Mr. and Mrs. Manhattan will be late." Abigail answered "Oh , that's good! Let's be prepared, Abigael, separate the color of the hanging clothes and Claire, you wipe all the mannequins".
An hour ago, Mr. and Mrs. Manhattan arrived in the boutique. "Good Morning! Mr. and Mrs. Manhattan" the two sales clerk said it lively. "Let's go to the room". Amanda said it politely. "Hi! I'm Amanda Watson, the owner of this Amanda Boutique" she said formally.
Mr and Mrs. Manhattan were in mid-forties who is a senior talent manager. The couple was here to have a business talk to Amanda because they are proposing to Amanda a one year contract of Maybelline New York Cosmetics.
"Thank you for choosing me as your new model of one of the famous cosmetic brands here in the Philippines." Amanda said. "Your always welcome. My wife really likes you to be the next model of Maybelline and finally we got you." and Amanda gave them a warm smile.
When Kevin arrived, she get in the car. While they are in traffic jam, "How's your meeting?" Kevin asked. "Just fine" she answered. "Anyways, Ma'am I brought your new model of Porsche car in mechanic, Don't worry, I'm the one who will pay for it. I already tell it to your dad" Kevin said. "Oh My God! He didn't know it yet but because you are talkative he already know. For sure he is mad right now" Amanda said in high tone voice. "I just want to help and I thought you will be happy" Kevin said in low tone voice. "Well you're not helping, you are just making things complicated. Well, just thank you for the payments." she said madly "And..." she paused "you stop talking that you think we're close. Okay?!" rolled her eyes and take to the side of the seat and close her eyes. "I'm sorry" Kevin said.
When they arrived at home her father is standing at the front door "What happened to the car huh?!" her father said sarcastically. "I'm sorry. I didn't mention it to you, I was tired that time." Amanda said, "It's not the problem, you know what it is? That car has a sentimental value to us. That was a gift by your mom before she died. And then you won't take care of it." "I know dad, I know how important and the value of that car. But you've never ask me when I was hurt or not the important to you was that I save the car sometimes I think that I'm your treasure also so you will take care of me. "And then Amanda received a slapped to her dad. "You are wrong!" shocked on what he did, "You are grounded using the cars, for now you are commuting when going to work." he said Amanda went to her room and there she cried all over. Someone's open the door of her room, and that's their old maid named Sharon. "Don't cry baby" Sharon said pathetically. "I never felt that I really exists to this family. When I was a child, I never have a bonding with them coz they are always in business trips. I can count how many times I celebrate my birthdays with them." she sobbed. "Yes baby, I'll understand you, but they are your parents and they know what's the best for your future." Sharon said. "Yes, but we are already achieved those things. I just want a simple life with my love ones, not this." Amanda sobbed. "Don't worry baby, time will come" Sharon said and she brushed Amanda's hair. and when she looked to Amanda, she fell asleep.
The next morning, it is her schedule for a pictorial in Studio Eighty-Nine in SM Megamall. One kilometer away from their house, a taxi cab stopped to her and she let her in, "Good Morning!" he said, "Good Morning too" she answered while she is texting. "I just want to say sorry about what happen last night because of me, you are grounded. I'm really sorry" he said. "It's okay" she said. "What time you are going home?" "12noon."
He parked his taxi cab and went to Shakey's, "Can I reserved this table for two?" He asked to the waiter and the waiter nod. "Can you serve it for me at 12:30pm?" he asked "Sure, sir put some red roses on the table, please. Make it romantic. Thank You" he smiled. "Oooopss, I need to go, it's already 11:30am" he looked with his wrist watch.
Before he go to the place, he change his clothes in smart casual attire and then she came."
"Oh, sorry how long you'd wait?" Amanda said, "Got arrived few minutes later." he said "Where we'll be going? That's the parking area?" Amanda was confused, "I just want to invite you for lunch?" they keep walking until they enter in Shakey's. Where the place is so romantic with three red roses on the table. And there's a slow-mellow music. She never say anything but in her eyes. You'll see that she is surprise and felt romance. "May you sit down, my Queen" while he make a space to sit his Amanda. "What are these?" she said surprisingly. "Wait a minute" he said and went outside. Then, the orders arrived, a family size Hawaiian Pizza, two soups, two spaghetti, two carbonaras and a two iced teas. "What's happening she asked to the waiter, still clueless of what happened. And he just nod and smile and Kevin comeback with bouquet of red roses. She was really surprised of what was happening because it's not her birthday and it's not her boyfriend to give her some flowers.
"What's happening" she asked with mad in her voice." I just want to apologize and also to be with you" he said sincerely. "I already forgave you" Amanda said. "My father said that you love pasta and Hawaiian pizza" he said and Amanda smiled at him. "The real reason that I brought you here because the last time our car bumped in Makati, I already fell for you that time." Kevin says, sincerely while looking at her eyes. She was listening "Then.." he says "I'm so happy that my father is your family driver and your father told my dad, that you need a driver. I never hesitate it." he continued. "I don't rush for your answers, I can wait.I tell this to you, to know how much I love you." he said it and hold her hands. She felt something spark with his hands when he touched her. This is the first time she felt with her past boyfriend that will never last for three months. Her last long relationship which lasted for two years. His named was Jake who has been unfaithful to her and at the end her bestfriend was the third party. After that she don't want to be in relationships and focus herself in her business.
"How's your date?' his father asked him, "very fine and romantic. I said what I really feels. I love her since the day we met" Kevin said happily. "Follow your heart, because heart knows your real happiness" his father told him.
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Lying on her bed she's looking up the sky and stars, reminiscing what Kevin said to her, it always repeating it in her head the way his hands touched hers until she fell asleep.
"Good Morning!" Sharon said while she is opening the curtain, Amanda commanded that every morning that open the curtain even she still asleep, because she loves the warmth of the sun. "Good Morning too, Sharon", she smiled widely. "Anyways, your dad has a business trip in London for three months" she said, "Okay, there's nothing unusual", she said.
She go to dining area and her phone beep.
"Good Morning! It's Sunday, are you want to go in church? - Your King :)"
texted by him. "Good Morning too, Yes! ;)"
she replied.
"Okay, I will wait you outside your house" then she heard a horn outside their house and when she looked down at the window there He is, waving at her and she just smiled back.
In church, she looked at Kevin and realized that Kevin is different from all man that she know. He is God-fearing man, thoughtful and gentleman, his looks is a plus-plus. They are officially relationship after dating for almost a year.
It's their anniversary. When Kevin took her again in Shakey's where did Kevin tell his feelings but this time the place is dark and private. They are only inside the party place. There is a two seater table with candlelight, a three red rose and some petals scattered on the floor. A Man in suites that is standing three meters away the table and a young woman who wears a tube silk dress besides the man and she holding a violin. When they walk to the table the corner lights, lights on and the man started to sing the "Everything I do, I do it for you" by Bryan Adams and the young woman starts to play her violin too. She was really surprised and overjoyed.
When they sit a guy in an American suit bring a bouquet of red roses. "Ma'am this is gave by the love of your life" he said formally "Wow! Thank you!" her eyes where shining and smiled brightly. There's a letter in the bouquet and when she opened it. It was wrote in "Will you Marry Me"❤️ Kevin" She was really surprised that time , She looked at Kevin with smile in her lips and say Yes"
They kept their relationship to her father but this time they are getting to marry and they want it to tell to her father. "Dad, I have something to tell you" Amanda said "Yes" he said. "We are getting to marry on..." they not yet finished the sentence her father slapped her infront of him and said "Are you crazy? Amanda her father said madly. "This guy is just only a driver what future he can bring it to you?" her father said sarcastically. "For due I respect, I'm only a driver but I can do anything just to make is alive" he said formally. "To make us alive? What the hell? She can live without you and your efforts, you just want to get money from this family" he shouted madly. "Dad... " she's crying and want to tell her father to stop it. "You go to your room" pointing to the staircase to go to her room. commanded by her dad. but she just stop there while crying and then Kevin shouted that "I will marry you Amanda, wait for me to comeback, I love you so much" Kevin said while the guards are holding his arms nad pulling back to the door. "Go to your room" commanded by her dad. The only thing she can do is to cry out loud.
It's been two years when Amanda and Kevin have no communication and not seeing each other.
His dad retired to his work because he can't worked anymore and got an arthritis. And Amanda opened 50 stores nationwide and launched her new clothing line the Amanda Sensual Wears.
After that, when she got home, she baking a cake, while her maid is cooking spaghetti. It's her Father's Birthday. That's why everyone is busy preparing on her dad's birthday.
After she baked the cake, she called few friends of her dad to celebrate it. "Dad, come down, Let's eat" she knocked on his room but when she hold the door knob, it's not lock so she enter to his room. He just sit on the edge of his bed. "Come Dad, it's your day. Don't ruin it, some of your friends are on the living room, wait for you. Let's go" she said "I'm sorry my dearest Amanda to tell all the things I've done to you mostly, it's when I disagreed your engagement to Kevin, I'm so sorry" he said in low voice. "That's okay, the important is your birthday" Amanda smiled and hugged him. "I also invite Rosales Family" her father smiled "Dad, really?? Is that okay After all? Amanda shocked. "It's okay for your happiness, you already found the right guy" her dad smiled. She texted their family driver also known as Kevin's dad.
They came but Kevin wasn't there, Kevin father said "Kevin was in Japan, will come home on December." A sad in her eyes and she just focus herself in her business and to her father. She planned that this coming Christmas and New Year, to have a vacation out of town with her father and visit their relatives in Australia.
The day of her flight. She locked her room and his father's room and their luggage where in the living room. "I'm so excited to see my cousins there" Amanda said excitedly. "Yeah, I've heard that Cindy born her first child." her dad said. "Let's go, I'm so excited for our White Christmas" and they put their luggage in the compartment.
Someone was standing on the gate and Amanda noticed her but her father talked "How are you?" her father said, "Where are you going?" he said, "We planned to have a vacation in Australia this holiday season, we also celebrate New Year there." Amanda said "I have one question, Will you still marry me?"Kevin said with a 24k White Gold in his hand and kneel, she looked at her dad and her dad jist nod and says "Go on, say yes" "YES" she replied, and "I love you so much" he said. They kissed each other.
After the holiday vacation in Australia. On the next day, they got married on the same church where she answered Kevin to be her officially boyfriend.
"Do you accept Kevin Rosales as your husband" the priest said "I do"
After that they Kissed again and the guests applaused and Kevin carried Amanda from Altar to the car. The bridesmaids tossed of red roses petals at the car they leave and Amanda was waving to them.
The End
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