around1302 · 2 years
SPARE PARTS: a series (9/20)
(W) strong language, panic attacks
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Amelia's in between a rock and a hard place: the rock being the last tequila shot she did three hours ago, the hard place being a looming hangover. A sliver of exhaustion between.
“So you still hate him?”
"Even with the orgasms?"
"Even with the orgasms."
"And he still hates you?"
"With a passion."
"Are you sure?"
The standing issue is that Amelia isn't convinced Harry hates Charlie as much as he puts out. As the party who's been in a perpetual argument with him since 2016, Charlie’s pretty damn certain he does. Amelia, on the other hand...
"Because let me just lay out the facts for you," Amelia holds her finger up, stopping Charlie before she can groan, "he begs you to kiss him again at Louis' party, he climbs into your bed on the tour bus, he fingers you on a plane with no expectation of a hand job in return, and-"
"And, he's been flirting with you for years. Has he not?"
"No," Charlie stands up, wrapping her arms around her torso near protectively as she starts to pace, "well, yes, but only because he know it annoys me. He's never meant it. He's not had a minute of celibacy in the entire time I've known him."
"Maybe he's just being a whore to get over you."
Charlie laughs, now. Hard. Amelia rolls her eyes and stands with her, and it’s only now noticeable how worn out she looks. They have to leave for the stadium in a few hours, and Charlie’s kept her up with something she could've just said in a text.
Harry's the best I’ve ever had, and I hate him.
"I'm not saying this whole thing is dumb, but it's sure not smart," she grips Charlie’s shoulders, "just be careful, yeah? You remember what happened with Zayn."
Charlie’s throat thickens. "That's entirely different."
"Is it?"
"Of course it is.” She shrugs Amelia off, "I had feelings for him, they weren't reciprocated. That's nothing like this. I don't like Harry."
"Maybe you don't," Amelia bends down to get her bag and her heels from the mattress, "I never said who was who in this scenario."
Charlie frowns, but she can't argue back as she's already out of the door. If it wasn't 4 AM she’d go after her, ask her what the fuck she means.
Charlie knows Amelia thinks Harry has a little crush on her, but that's because she's a romantic. Her and Niall have the perfect love story, and Charlie’s previous aversions to casual sex have her romanticising every person she so much as bat her eyes at.
So she screams into her palms, gets into bed, and tries and get a few restless hours of sleep before she has to perform to 50,000.
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“So then Amelia jumps on this dude,” Niall belly laughs, arm over his stomach (making the mic guy’s job very difficult) as he recalls a tale from their night out, “starts pulling on his hair saying she’s the rat from Rateatoullie,” there are actual tears streaming down his cheeks, “dude didn’t bother us again for the rest of the night.”
“He probably went home and cried,” Liam chuckles as he taps his sticks against the covered speakers, absentmindedly practicing, the only other person who didn’t go out last night eating up their stories.
Well. Almost the only other person.
“Fuckin’ wish I saw that,” Harry laughs, tying his hair up into a bun. It slightly lifts his black shirt out of his purple pants, and Charlie hates the fact her eyes instantly find the motion. Harry loves it.
“You should’ve been out with us, man,” Zayn says, perched against the speaker Liam drums at. Amelia’s adjusting Louis’ outfit, completely absorbed in her art, so much so she didn’t even notice Niall telling everyone about her Remi cosplay.
“Yeah, well,” Harry’s eyes flicker toward Charlie’s as he adjusts his mic pack, mind racing, “doing other things.”
“Oh, right, yeah,” Louis speaks up, looking at the others knowingly, an amused spark glinting in his eyes, “things,” he exaggerates, earning snickers from the others.
Charlie’s heart drops as her mind goes into instant panic mode. They know; Amelia told them, or they saw her leaving his room somehow, or–
“You ignorant fuck,” Niall chipes in, the crewman happy to be finally done with his mic while scurrying off, “we banged on your door for ages trying to tell you we were going,” he grabs his guitar, slinging it over his body, “heard a few–”
“Cut it out,” Harry snaps. Niall shuts up.
Amelia finishes up with Louis, then spins to wish the band all luck. Crew’s rushing around like rats themselves and they’re all just stood here, anxiously waiting for the next move. Amelia swarms Charlie in a hug, careful of the outfit she carefully crafted (the first night of her own designs), then rushes away with Zayn to watch from the side.
“You too, Charlie,” Niall says to Charlie while people tell them to get into position behind the screen, “knocked for ages, no answer.”
“I was asleep, exhausted.” She hopes she’s a good liar.
Louis, forever the shit stirrer, appears beside the girl who’s about six over-thoughts into a spiral.
“Or were you doing things too?”
Charlie’s eyes widen as she spins her head to him, her eyes subconsciously flickering to Harry behind him. He’s too focused on bouncing on the spot, on tapping his mic against his palm, on cracking his neck. Everyone’s getting into the performance mindset and Louis throws that spanner at her?
“No,” she protests, a little too loudly, looking ahead as she instantly follows with a far too defensive, shut up.”
“She was!” Louis exclaims. Charlie turns to hiss at him, but a crew member’s starting to lift the screen and their earpieces give them a count in.
It’s too late – Charlie’s about to be flustered in front of 50,000 Germans. So she sucks in a deep breath, trying to pretend Louis didn’t nearly clock on to something, and focus on what they’re meant to do. Walk, talk, sing. That’s all. Walk, talk, sing.
“Cologne!” Liam shouts into the mic attached to his face, lifting his drum sticks up. They all step out onto the shiny stage as the crowd roars, the open top providing little fresh air as Charlie’s vacuumed with anxiety. She needs to shake this off, fast.
The band’s surrounded, Germany not being their biggest stadium of the tour so far yet feeling the most daunting. The stage extends into the crowd this time, giving them leeway to run. Also giving them the opportunity to spot so many more faces, signs, screaming, crying people. It’s always overwhelming, but God. Charlie has not felt this anxious stepping on stage since their first proper show.
Their earpieces count them into Wolves, and she lifts her shaky hand in the air to wave (to try and bring Charlie Greene to life) which only incites more screaming and crying.
Harry brushes past Charlie, nodding in her direction as if to ask if she’s okay. She swallows and quickly nod, knowing she’s being unconvincing but it’s damn difficult to feign sincerity when you’re up there. It magnifies anything you’re feeling, and this time the adrenaline rush isn’t hitting Charlie in the usual calming way. If anything, it’s making her feel worse.
They get through the song, then the next, and then she knows it’s time to talk to the crowd for a little bit. Charlie lets Harry take the reigns at first, the break cooling her off, but when she lifts the mic to her lips to say a few words herself, nothing comes out.
Not a squeak, pop, or breath.
Her breathing speeds up, her palms slick, her vision trembles. Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Charlie hasn’t had a panic attack on stage in… ever. Never. This has never happened. Oh fuck.
Harry’s eyes are filled with concern, or is that anger? Charlie doesn’t know and she quite frankly doesn’t care. She doesn’t read his mind as the words HELP HER, IDIOT flash in bright, bold crimson. She doesn’t feel the way his lungs fight harder, right along side hers. All Charlie knows is that she can’t be up there right now.
Thankfully, her bandmates are the best people in the world, and Louis quickly takes over when he realises she’s not speaking where she’s supposed to. The crowd cheers nonetheless, or maybe they don’t. All she knows is the world around her is crumbling, and she has to get off this stage.
So she bolts.
Charlie runs back to the right, ignoring the crewman glaring and yelling at her to get back out there. A few even try and push her back out, but she fights it. She can feel the hot tears flowing freely down her cheeks now, and how her lungs burn so tightly against her ribs she feels like she can’t breathe.
She knows Amelia and Zayn are around here somewhere, but she just needs to be alone. She needs to breathe. She needs to go home. She needs to not be here.
Charlie runs all the way out into the hallway of their dressing rooms, not stopping till she’s far enough from crew. She leans against the wall, mic dropping the ground as she slide with it. She rips her earpiece out when the scolding becomes too much, brings her knees up to my chest, and holds them as she sobs.
“Charlie?” Harry pants, earpiece draped against his shoulder. She glances at him once, then realises she really need to focus on breathing, so she looks back at her feet.
He hurries over, his feet now beside hers. She stared at them, focusing on the stupid gold glitter of his boot. It’s calming. They can still hear the muffled yells in their earpieces, but there’s no fucking way she can handle going back out yet, and Harry can do no better once he’s seen her like this – sobbing and shaking against a cold wall.
Harry crouches, placing his mic beside hers. Gingerly, never one to know what to do in these situation, he lifts her face, thumbing Charlie’s jaw as his eyes flit back and forth between her red ones. He’s never looked at her like that, probably because he’s never seen her like this.
When Poppy happened, Charlie isolated herself from almost everyone. Especially him. As far as Harry knows, Charlie didn’t even grieve.
So, she tilts her head, ripping herself from his touch.
If I didn’t need him then, I don’t need him now.
“Charlie–” He starts, gentle. But someone hastily interrupts him.
Their heads whip to the new body, Charlie’s heart rate retuning to normal when she realises it’s only Zayn and not some crew person here to drag her ass back. He’s as out of breath as they are, which only reminds Charlie of her own lack of oxygen.
“Harry, go back out there, they’re all panicking like crazy.”
“It’s fine–”
“They need at least one singer, go. I got this.”
Harry’s jaw clenches, but Zayn’s right. The guys can only stall for so long without a singer. So Harry looks at Charlie with that look one last time, before sighing and reluctantly returning to the stage.
As Harry walks back through the hallway, he wonders how he got here. Not that he’d admit it to himself, but Harry’s subconscious knows damn well hating her for the last six years has been a lie. Irritated by her? Sure. Who wouldn’t be. But hate? No. That’s a dynamic chosen for them by her, he could never.
So when he rushes back on stage and calms the crowd, his usual showman charm coming into play, he can’t help but worry through the stalling process that is picking out random signs from the crowd and talking to fans.
Is she okay? Why was she upset? Was it him? Was it someone else? Was it no one at all?
Harry wasn’t entirely certain why Charlie was so set on being this looping pedal of insanity in his mind, but she had seemingly found asylum in it and wasn’t showing signs of seeking shelter elsewhere.
And now there’s Zayn, there’s always Zayn. He was the one who broke the once impenetrable force that is Charlie, and he’s stayed in her soft spot ever since.
It makes Harry’s stomach churn every time he thinks about it. About him, her. Them. He figures why wouldn’t the thought of them together make him sick: his friend with the girl he hates? It’s logical, it has to be.
It’s the only explanation for the way his gut twists and turns with every second he’s on stage and he knows Charlie’s using Zayn’s shoulder to cry on.
“Charlie, love, what’s wrong?” Zayn rubs soothing circles into Charlie’s right knee, trying to be as patient as he can be.
He told crew he would get Harry back out there for them if they just gave them five minutes alone, knowing damn well Charlie wouldn’t be okay in five minutes but doing the best he can with what he has.
“I don’t know,” she chokes out, honestly, “there’s so many things that I just don’t know.”
Zayn sighs, slotting himself next to her. He draws her into his chest, kissing the top of her head as she finds home in his warm sweater and kicks her feet up, makes a cup of tea. She closes her eyes, breathes in his scent, focuses on the feel of his thumb against her shoulder. He’s calming, it sucks, but he is. She can’t deny that, however much she’d love to tell herself she’s completely over Zayn Malik.
“I knew something was up when you wouldn’t come out with us last night. I know you’re a homebody, but you never usually say no to a club.”
It’s true. She’s a dancer at heart.
Charlie knows there is no way in Hell she can tell Zayn about Harry. Telling Amelia was a risk as is, telling her sort-of ex she’s sleeping with the one guy no one would ever expect her to even touch would be like placing a bomb in a needle filled room.
So, she lies.
“I think this whole stadium world tour thing is a lot more over whelming than I expected,” it’s not a total lie, “and it hit me at the worst time.”
She stifles a muffled chuckle, Zayn doesn’t.
“It’s understandable, babe.”
“Please don’t call me that.”
It slips out completely by accident. A subconscious spill. Charlie would be kidding if Zayn being here wasn’t throwing her, too. Since… since, they spent at most a few nights a week together. Even then, she would be intoxicated almost every time. They’d hang in a bar, for God’s sake.
Having him here, all day every day, is confusing in all the worst ways. Bringing back old memories and old feelings… it’s not good for her.
“Sorry,” Zayn whispers after a beat, “habits.”
“Hm,” She hums, picking at a loose thread on his jumper.
“Are you… is that why…?”
“No,” she jumps to deny, “no, I’m not…”
They’re saying nothing at all, yet everything’s passed between them. They understand each other completely, crystal. It’s a type of bond reserved only for each other, even if it’s toxic.
“Because it would be okay if that was the case.”
Charlie sits up, nearly knocking Zayn’s chin in the process. Her brows knit together as she feels her throat tense again, for an entirely different reason.
“I don’t want to confuse you,” Zayn chews on his bottom lip, a nervous habit, as he stares at Charlie’s ear – clearly contemplating before tucking a loose strand behind her pierced ear, “but I miss you, Charlie.”
“You… what?”
“Okay, five minutes is up.” A crewman appears by the door, looking and sounding rather stressed. Charlie’s stopped having her panic attack now, par some smudged liner she could go back on stage. Or, at least, she could have up until two seconds ago.
“Look,” Zayn stands, extending his hand to Charlie, which she takes hesitantly, “we’ll talk about it later, yeah?”
“Uh, yeah,” Charlie feels like she’s been catapulted into space, “okay.” She mumbles, unconvincing and panicking for a whole other reason, now.
“Just go and kill it on stage, okay? I’ll be right there watching with Lia.” Zayn hands her mic back, to which she barely grasps it.
Charlie gulps and nods slowly, the bouncing crewman anxious in her peripheral. To save the poor man a heart attack, and to save her own heart, she quickly turns from Zayn and rushes back down the corridor.
“They’ve been stalling, so go back on and say you had a technical error. We're going to kick back off with Alive…”
Her directions fade to static as Charlie returns to the stage, to her job, the crew around her acting as nothing more than a soundtrack to Zayn’s echoing words.
We’ll talk later, I miss you.
That, and the surprising guilt that seems to wrack her the second she steps on stage and sees Harry visibly exhale in relief.
taglist: @lilfreakjez @be-with-me-so-happily @sirtommyholland @tpwksm @b-reads-things
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zumpietoo · 10 months
Oh the Irony....
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And perfect timing!!! Cuz I'm SURE you sent similar to the BB with their latest waybackmachinings??? (to say nothing of, WTF do you care what I entitle or post it---tho, I do have nu inspiration--and I posted all kinds of positive Cole stuff just this AM):
Oh and to say nothing of, sure enough, I called EXACTLY what your transparent asses are butthurt about....
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Ah yes, we begin with assorted racism, elitism and lookism....umm...she lives an easily drivable distance from NYC AND for all we know Mommeee sent her a ticket (that she grifted for freeeee!!!). Plus who knew A) I was an evvvolll Poor? B) being a Poor was a sin?
At least I know US geography.....even tho Silly is in Georgia, which is also a relatively drivable distance to NYC....so you'd think she'd know that, too....maybe Silly is Amab? She's in 'Bama and was remarkably ignorant about basic US geography....especially since she taught school, in a grade where that would be part of the curriculum.
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Ahhh.....I fuckin' knew it! They're pissed that nobody wants to doubledate/be besties with CabanaPee for realsiessss.....
But SweatBoi will react like a pissy little bitch, which, ofc, makes him the awesomest awesome that ever awesomed!!! Perhaps Silly/janASS should look up, "I didn't want to be part of your stupid clubhouse, anywaaayyy!!!"/sour grapes?
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Oh yes, bad grammar BB member (Silly foaming at the mouth), PP does indeed gives a MANY shit(s) about everything Cole's doing. BTW, since he and Ari have been together for nearly 3 years, live together and probably will eventually get married....I think it moved past "hooking up" quite some time ago.
That would be Peepster and CB. And FB. And Austyn. And Charli. And whomever she slipped a few extra $$$ to at The Box.
Meanwhile....while Cole HAD already stated he'd be attending many parties for Halloween (versus just one, while beating a very ded, now revealed as fully AN ILLUSION(ary) horse).....considering we had CB yet again cosplaying Cole and PP being with CB entirely because of that....if Cole DID "run away" (no), moar like "from his stalkers".....cuz I most assuredly did NOT notice any "hotties"....
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Dude, she posed for group pics with Cabana Pee....maybe she just knows an asshole when she sees one. And to the OG anon----what was that about "almost a month ago"??? You're here still droning on about CB cosplaying Cole the first time. Which is why PP's with him (and the ONLY reason).
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MM is ninety billion times prettier than PP, actually a better actress, has been with her BF for way longer, he's a bigger fucking deal than CB could even dream of and she's with him cuz she legit loves him, versus making him pretend to be Walking Tat....
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Ummm....it would be two words, "dumb ass", not one....ignorant dullard, however......it's as if FB legit likes Cole better than PP (let alone Sweatboi) even if PP lets him fuck her from time to time.
And not "at", IN....and Fancee Nicola also visited Cole on set, were roomies with him during quaranteen, etc....plus, no, dude....PP doesn't "always support him".....Cole (and MM) were at FB's premiere, Cole made a speshul trip to DC to attend a different premiere of FB's back in 2019.....PP was also in NYC then and didn't bother herself.
And why would he "support PP's nu relationship"? He and PP aren't really friends (they're sidepieces, at best), especially anymoar and CB is a nobody asshole.....and his wife hates PP (and probably Sweatboi)....
However, I do love how y'all are admitting it, even as you attempt to twist it. Plus, again....did the OG anon talk to them about shit in the past?
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Why TF would they "feel pity for Cole"? He remains 90 billion times richer and moar famous than all the rest of them combined....
Plus, PP's production company is dick (you really need to stop with that idiocy).....so has Cole (and is legit friends with Alisters), and, again, I don't see PP leading any successful theatricals....she scabbed a student project for her cult for less than scale cuz she needed $$$ that fucking desperately.
Love how they ignore how Cole spent the strike at A list fashion events in all Europe, while PP did a purse party.....and attends other A list events? PP? Does tiktoks with CB's loser friends (who still hate her), now....
And lastly....even if true? Doesn't matter. Cole could easily fade into obscurity and just sit around counting his $$$---PP remains a slutty, dimwitted, talent-free bimbo, up to her eyeballs in debt....and, again, then they wouldn't have tried the sad little threepeat costumey....
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maryhadalittlehobby · 3 months
IWTV Liveblog S2E8 " And that's the end of it. There's nothing left"
What is the other city in the opening? Nola?[checks YES]
The irony of Louis being buried alive in Paris like what Grace did in New Orleans but literally now
Get his ass Daniel. Don't left him forget we know he is a liar who lies
Daniel asking Louis if the rocks are still there in his ankles-We leave the damage so we don't forget the damage.
Oh how the mighty have fallen-Armand is now the lowest in the coven. He says it was a consequence of him staving Louis
God the music is beautiful and I could listen to it and Louis talk for hours
Louis says does anyone ever ask Lazerus if he wanted to be woken? I am not sure what the refers to-the bible? but i get the gist and it goes back to what I was so annoyed with in episode 5. Louis went into the sun and did not want to be saved. Here he is saying the same thing. Claudia is dead, he feels like he has nothing to live for and here Armand is again doing this shit for self serving purposes.
I was dead but my rage had risen! yesssss. KILL THEM ALL
Rage and Madness-a terrible combo
MEOW. He's lost it fr
Lowkey I loved the dead guy talking to Louis. It gave horror zombie vibes especially cause they are in a cemetery. I'm gonna need to borrow your truck lol so considerate
"I ain't fuckin worried about you!"- and that's the sad part of this Loumand story. It was never really about him. Also fuck Armand (lovingly)
He roasts Hans costume in his mad ravings lol
"If I am not with him I am nothing. "Girl stand up, you have known him for what 2 years?!
Light em up! (fall out boy gif)
Yeesss walk away from the fire without looking at it!You are too cool babes.
People are calling Louis Gay Blade and I can't. I just might have to cosplay it! I have the trench and a machete at the ready!
Estelle is hilarious. The London coven killed them because they started speaking English?! Girl. I could watch more of these two
Hello Francis! Get his ass Louis!
Why would Armand leave the evidence in the sewers?! Come on he was begging to get caught
"Hard to hold hands after he killed my sister and my fledgling" Not that had apparently after 49 yrs but again that goes back to him punishing himself
"Don't let him take credit for the workman role he played" This quick line shows Santiago was the real mastermind
Come to me Francis
I'm not sure I believe Santigo. I think he is saying all of that to rile Louis up. Armand might not have cared about Claudia but I can't imagine he would let them desecrate her ashes like that. At least i hope god.
My man said I got big balls
Louis deadly with those words. Francis never stood a chance.
Say that shit about Claudia to my face. Louis has never been hotter but he should have lit him on fire too
"All my rage and madness exited my body and nothing replaced it."Even now
My first thought when Armand said he made a choice was that he chose himself then I revised it that he chose him and Louis bc that felt like the only thinking that would make sense as to why they are still together but I WAS RIGHT. The gremlin chose himself!
I was hoping this Lestat scene was him chained up somewhere by the coven but its Magnus's tower. I thought it would be bigger(thats what she said gif)
I don't know why it went over my head watching it. I guess Louis and Armand's presence together threw me off(ahem) or else I would have expected the canon book even ts. I was looking forward to it even.
I still hope we revisit the trial or even get exposition as to why he came, why he participated and why he stayed after bc its not clear to me
Ok he answered why he stayed- To contemplate his behavior and origins in the place he was made.
I've come to kill you" Was Louis being deadass? Would he have tried
"I have to be willing and I'm not in the mood" Lestat is sooo annoying lol This is serious business
LOUIS! whatever pale proxy of me!! is wild. That'll do it(wasted gif)
Lestat's face! He can barely keep it together
"He loved you I can say that now." Cause you know the end is near that Daniel about to drop a bomb
I really can't believe the Vampire Sm has become so important lol. We were laughing. He's a whole Talamasca agent and we're laughing
uh oh that fucking piano note. Its on par with the MCR 'g' note now
Woooow Armand fdidn't save Louis just went along with the lie that he did
For all intents and purpuses Louis held his anger pretty well. I thought it would have brought down all of Dubai penthouse
I like the change that they made that Louis isn't a weak vampite. It would make sense that he can toss around Arman(especially if he isn't gonna fight back) because if Lestat has Akashas blood then so does Louis. They even say in the episode to remind us. My blood us your blood
Why set the laptop on fire?He doesn't want the book to come out now?
Louis coming home.My heart . And damn if home dont look good on him. he don't good in that ballcap
Is this the same night? Why is Louis in different clothes? And you couldn't have told me this wasn't an 80's 90's flashback with the cut of his clothes
Lestats and emotional support plank of wood
Can't lie I was hoping for the have you come back to me
this is a lot of exposition
Loustat hugging like they are finally home. fuck me up
Loustat a storm in a storm
Daniel id a vamp!!
Louis said come at me bro!I own the night!
0 notes
light-miracles · 4 years
AoS season 5 reactions
Or how to ruin a show that until then was being flawlessly written.
Going by chronological order with @shieldagent93 having to stand my rants...
~In 5x01, two of the three sentences said by Jemma had the word "Fitz". It's too much. It's like if she's always thinking about him.
~I... What's happening?? When do they explain what's going on?
~I don't like this Deke guy.
~5x05 was great. It explained a lot of the doubts I had. Also seeing Hunter again was amazing.
~What the fuck are they doing shooting at a fuckin quinjet wtf.
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~5x08 has me like "how does time travel works in Marvel?". Like... They're in the future but they also raised Robin. Guess it's a Marvel thing. Also i would really like Fitz a little more if he had a better control of his outburst. I know, he's frustrated, but I guess screaming angry men just trigger me... And he has an ugly as fuck beard now. Anyway, May looks younger every season. The woman grows old in reverse.
~Done with 5x10. My Elena feelings are hurting. Also someone in the writing room as an amputation kink... Honestly this season is being the least cool (which is still better than what I'm used but, still). The dystopan society and everything related feels clumsy.
~You gotta be freakin kidding me her arms actually got chopped off?? Also, bad Susan Vásquez, bad. Alex Danvers would be disappointed
~"Losing a life is better than two" "This is not Hydra, Leopold!" Like, fuckin literally, Leopold!
~... There was an Hydra high school??? How did they remain undercover for 70 years, again?... I mean, they literally have an Hydra high school uniform... The person who washes their clothes might, idk, GUESS it's an Hydra high school.
~5x14... What the fuck did i just watch. Yeah, fuck FitzSimmons. Fuck Fitz. The fuck with Simmons. And I guess you won't catch me talking about Skimmons for a while. Wtf.
~Note to myself: Dessica never exaggerates. When she says something is bad, it's bad.
~Also, funny how Fitz apparently was talking to his evil self for weeks and no one noticed anything different about him. Jemma didn't notice anything different about him. So either that was bad writing or the dude is truly a psycho and not worse than Ward.
~5x15 has me like 'why no one is angry at Fitz?' He didn't steal someone's cookie he fuckin cut into Daisy??? Why don't they let Jemma be angry at him?? Since when all Jemma cares is only him??... I miss the Jemma of the past seasons.
~Deke: 'I respect you for what you did'
Is this... Is this for real???
~Deke: Daisy is a pain in the ass
FitzSimmons: I noticed.
~ Jemma: "Fitz is paying for thinking differently"
*internally screaming *
~You know, this is worse than Supergirl's s5. Because the bullshit was said mostly by the fans, not the actual characters.
~"Maybe that they chopped your arms off wasn't so bad"... Are they trying to make me hate him?... Who wrote this?
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Pffffffffffffffff LMAO!!!! He's fuckin cosplaying Khan from Star Trek...
~Plz let this season end.
~... Did i just hear the phrase 'Fitz is an incredible person' coming out of Daisy's mouth-i can't believe it
~Andddd Talbot just killed Brainiac 5.
~Jemma "torturing Daisy is okay but I draw the line at using an old corpse to create a cure to save Coulson's life" Simmons... Daisy literally hijacked her mother's corpse and it's not even the weirder thing about this season.
~Poor Jiaying. Like, yeah, she tried to kill Daisy but she was bananas at the moment and everything was Hydra's fault so...(Just like ANOTHER scientist restrained ANOTHER defenseless asian girl because he thought FUCKIN CUTTING INTO HER was for the GREATER GOOD) (I WONDER WHO MIGHT THAT BE)
~Okay but this evil alien villian is literally just a black man. No pointy ears. No weird eyes. No sharp teeth. Not even ants. Just a black man. Black men must look alien enough to whoever created this character
~Fitz: We can't break the time loop
Jemma: Okay Fitz ❤️
Fitz: I changed my mind I think we must make sure we break it
Jemma: Okay Fitz ❤️
This woman hasn't had a single personal thought in 15 episodes
~ Philindaisy's shoulders must hurt from carrying the weight of the season. Mack is honestly the only survivor of this team. I don't know any person called Finn or Simona or whoever. Neither their grandson Dick the Dick. And Elena is on thin, thin ice. I can still understand her pov and see why she does what she does. That's why she's on thin ice instead of on the bottom of the ocean like Fido and Simpsons.
~"I'm the savior of the world" said he, as he crashed his ship against a fuckin city. Homeboy at least be a coherent villian ffs-He's making the jesuchrist pose. Talbot, honey I'm so sorry.
~... So is Fitz dead?? I don't get it. Is he dead?? Why is everyone talking like if he were sleeping? What happened? I can't believe this show broke the curse of the 4th season just to invent the curse of the 5th.
You know the worst thing of this season?? That Daisy did everything in her power to protect Jemma from Papa Smurf and some episodes after it Jemma fuckin says it was right to hurt Daisy. Homegirl, that's a shit friend. Someone introduce her to Lena Luthor.
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