hassethi · 1 year
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Hello again! It's "Severitus with alive jilly, death edition" back at it again.
When I said this is my goodbye letter I didn't mean I ended it there, I want to cover the 7 years maybe add a few ideas about how I think the rest will go forward from there at the last ask I send and that's it; I will vanish from the face of the earth.
I will add a little bit of background to this au because I don't think that the intent behind it will be understood without it. Sooooo, this au started with a feel-good Snetunia with severitus found family where Harry is still a trouble magnet and worries the shit out of everyone who cares about him and defeats Voldemort, overthrow the government and some other feel good stuff but before ending the first ask I send I came up with the horcrux thing and I thought that would be hilarious and add drama so I added it. After second year a second au hit me so I decided to combine it but in the process I would have to break up Snetunia because while it is still sort of severitus it doesn't involve another Snape-ship. But I will give him a fulfilling carrier that I'm pretty sure will shock you... and him... and the whole wizarding world... It's gonna be so fun.
Oh, btw, this is getting kinda dark because while this is forth year, there is no actual education happining here, just intense toture and because of that I will not be talking in first pov anymore, because I genuinely don't know how to portray that.
Forth Year
Harry lays there almost lifelessly on the cell floor as he listened to Bella scolds her husband for making to much damage to her beautiful little porcelain doll. She had been making so much progress with it him, after all. He's so young... and yet... she can practically see the magic oozing in tiny waves for him it's too bad nobody listened too her, but who listened to the crazy lady about anything other than torture? His magic is so strong even if he is so weak, it's so beautiful... and so deadly... but most beautiful things usually are in her eyes.
It's been about 2 months since Harry went silent, he didn't mean to, his throat has been hurting so much recently... so he stopped using it... he wishes he could talk... he wishes he could feel something... he wishes he could have his body back... he wishes Tom would still be around... (where is he? you can't ask question, don't you know he will come to you if you do? My thighs hurt). Bella moves him to her room the second time her husband comes into the dead of night. He doesn't see Rodolphus Lestrange ever again not in this life. Bella lets him sleep at the bottom of the bed like some dog. He's almost glad, even as he is locked in his own head, he doesn't have to worry about seeming particularly human he's not sure what he is anymore when the only person you see doesn't see you as such.
Sometimes Bella wants to talk, she'll bring Harry some disgusting paste and some salt and make him eat the paste, even as tears roll down his eyes, and then brush his teeth with a finger and some salt, sometimes it's not even his finger, and if he pukes he brings upon him her wrath. She will scream and yell and cry and even hit him and crucio him and... and... and... there is always a and with her. But if he doesn't, if he is a good boy and eats whatever is in front of him despite the pain and his whole body seeming to want to stop, if he defiance his whole nature to please her she will be happy. Like a pleased god praising her worshippers for some good deed. Once he has that revelation he stops being mad when Bella comes home covered in guts, you can't control nature after, no man can, and he is weaker than a man. He even prepares a bath for her every time he senses that she killed someone. She once asked him how he know and he had to think about it real hard and for the first time in a long time he didn't know, he thought "well I'm the one to put them in your path, you always are more agreeable after you kill or torture someone." but that was just plain silly, a crzy ittty bitty thought as Bella called them. He didn't know so he smiled at Bella, teeth and all and for the first time his goddess, his lovely mistress looked... scared. No god should be scared, Harry didn't want her as a god if she was scared
He regrets that when in the middle of the night a someone breaks into her room and before she even reaches for her wand, her throat has been cut open, red blood spilling out of her. Harry looks at her with a strange, concept-like guilt and grief, it's the most emotion he has felt in months so he mutters the first word in even more "no..."
The murderer looks at him and fiery red curls adoring her face and beautiful green eyes matching his own and he wished Bella cut her throat instead. Even as his mother hugs him and makes a fool out of herself in front of him he still wishes that his lovely, not-so divine goddess was still alive instead of this bitch.
But he smiles because Bella taught him manners and in an unused voice said the most cruel, unforgiveable if found out words he could think of: "Hi, my name is Harry. What's yours?"
Lilly Potter looks at her son in horror and feels anger surge through her like lightning. A feeling prophesying doom but ignored it in favor of looking at her most prized possession, now memoryless for no one could forget her willingly.
I will be back for part five hoped you enjoyed this part, even if it is super dark and boring
Now I have time to prepare for your departure 🥲
Ok so
This is sad😭 poor Harry. The interactions between him and Bella are very interesting to me. Harry isn’t even fully Harry anymore
And Lily… “for no one could forget her willingly” 💀 I’m sorry but I cackled at that
Yea, I can’t wait for the next part. I need to see how she reacts to this and if Harry is gonna get his revenge for her killing his ✨goddess✨
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serendistudy · 4 years
vee!! i just wanted to quickly stop by and say that i've missed you so much!! you've been like one of my best and greatest friends here on tumblr and i'm literally still incredulous that we have so many things in common!! i think, once i head off to college and start studying cultural anthropology, we're gonna bond so much about that and did i ever tell you that i love how you're studying that? i'm so passionate abt it! also belated happy bday, i hope it was a wonderful one! lots of love ✨
rylie!!! i’ve missed you SO MUCH, studyblr has been missing something without you here 😭😭 but omg SAME,, i can’t believe i found my actual doppelgänger through tumblr asjhfgjf it’s literally scary how similar we are!!! 
i’m beyond excited that you’re going to study cultural anthropology as well! i enjoyed my first year of it a lot (except for the online studies part this spring which sucked for a lot of reasons lol) and i’m sure you’re gonna have a blast in college! and i’m so happy that you’re passionate about it as well (great minds think alike!!)
and thank you so much 💕💕🥺
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
Red hair as roses, and turquoise eyes as orchids
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"Dada look!" The bored and depressed blue eyes stood up from his lap to his 6 years old daughter, extending her tiny hands up high in the air.
"Be careful with what you're gonna do pretty doll." He manage to smirk a bit as she pouted, strands of red brushing against her forehead until a huge wave of flames of the colour blue danced around her hands until she jumped and a small prinkle of flames were throw in the air.
She laughed at the sign and clapped her hands in glee at her own little show as Dabi let out a chuckle at seeing the happines of his daughter... instead of him, Emika had the blessing of having a body that could tolerate the heat enough of his quirk that she inherited it from him. Your quirk itself being a huge help for the little girl to not have scars as her father's.
"Did you see Dada?! It was soooo huge and beautiful!!!" She ran towards him only to trip and thankfully landed on the brunette male's lap, giggling with a smile so bright that could've hury his eyes.
"Hmm. Almost like mine princess, im impressed." His hands carresed her chubby cheeks until he heard murmuring behind them.
Of course. Even with his disguise, that were people whose were going to mutter, say bad things... he lost count on how many times Emika had been bullied because her quirk was similiar with the most cruel and wanted villain....
And much to his dismay, Emika didn't take that... very well.
"WHAT ARE YOU WHISPERING ABOUT?! LEAVE US ALONE!" the little girl shouted and the adults only scoffed, picking up their kids and getting out of the park.
"You're going to scare off anyone with that attitude of yours princess." He muttered while carresing her red hair and picking her up as she scoffed.
"They cant say bad things about MY dada!" He smiled at the little girl and sighed.
"Yeah yeah, just lets get out of here before you burn things down."
"Thats something you would do!" She poked his scarred cheek. "Ne ne dada? We gonna visit mama right? I want to bring flowers to her this time!"
His eyes dropped at the ground as his feet carried them to the cemetery...
"We can arrange that."
"Mama was so pretty!!!" Emika squealed as Spinner and Toga showed her some photos as Dabi stared holes into their skulls.
Is not that he didn't wanted his daughter to forget or to not know about her mother... but it was painfull enough to have a father as a villain, now being a mother orphan was just more harder.
Emika couldn't go to school without being recognized as Dabi's daughter. So he brought himself the task to teach her things , being thankfull to his past self that he had studied enough.
"Yeah and she was strong as fuck too according to your dad there." Spinner grinned, showing a picture of you pinning down a hero on the middle of the street.
"Emika-chan, despite not meeting (Y/n) you look so much like her!" Toga beamed with a smile, fangs showing and the little girl giggling when Dabi just yanked her away from the two.
"Naaaaaa dada no bed time!" She squirmed as he carried her to now the comfortable room the league gotten ever since the incident with Shigaraki and Redestro.
"Dont complain or else Im going to take away your toy." He grumbled as the girl gasped and pouted at him much like you would do.
"You wouldn't!" She defies him with a cheeky smile although while settling down on the bed she shared with him.
"Try me." He smirked with a atched eyebrow making her laugh.
Some time passed and Dabi watched as the eyelids of Emika slowly dropped until she called him softly.
"This place we are now... we gonna stay or are the bad man breaking it and we have to move again?" His heart clenched.. she still had the memories when the league had captured that blonde kid and the heroes busted the bar...
With her own view, she saw the villains as the good and normal people despite Toga being a crazy assasin that loved drinking blood, Shigaraki a men that only wanted to destriy the world, Twice a bipolar man and the list goes on...
Emika saw the villains as good people, and the heroes as bad ones... after all, after she found out on her own that her mother died not because of childbirth, but because of a hero that accidentally killed her with a much too strong attack... and only because she wanted to protect the baby on her arms at that time.
So much blood dropped from his eyes... some even dropping on your lifeless body and on the crying baby he soon noticed that thankfully was alive.
He would never forget whem he craddled the baby on his arms and sobbed deyly as his child wailed at not having the warmth of her mother anymore.
Things were tough until they found the league of villains and had at peast a place to crash.
Emika was now soudly asleep as he sighed and brushed his hair.
"When the heroes come to us... I will make sure yoi stay outta of the mess Emika. But you will not like to know the truth about our origins..." he muttered as a scarred hand brushed her bangs and smirked when she nuzzled on his hand... reminding him of how you would nuzzle on him on cold nights...
"Time to sleep off huh? The more we sleep, the pess we have to face the reality." He muttered before laying down and bringing her close to his chest.
"Dada..." she whimpered as fat tears fell feom her turquoise eyes as she tremblingly holded the box of paper towels, helping him clean off the blood from his stapples as he took a final look on the mirror, his white hair finally at show for the first time in so many years.
"Hey," he crouched down and made his best to not wince "I'm fine. Daddy is used to this by now and-"
"bUT I'M NOT!" she yelled and punched his chest with her tiny fist as he frowned and holded her as she sobbed on his chest.
"...Is it true..?" He looked down at the tuff of red hair on his chest "That uncle Twice is not coming back..? That.. T-That grandpa did this to you..m that we are from the family of E-Endeavour?"
He frowned and wiped her tears away as she holded his wrist while sobbing at the loss of Twice, whose always played and made silly faces with her on spare times.
"Yeah... Im sorry for not telling you... but I thought that... Me and your mother actually decided that Emika (L/n) was better than puttingnon a fake and... well, not right name on yours."
"... which hero... killed... mama..?" His heart stopped... should he reaally tell her? She was only a baby of five years.. five fucking years... he was already damaged by society, but her was just a little flower growing...
"Princess.. I-"
"Who?!" She sobbed as his eyes dropped, a heavy sigh as he dinally sit down on the edge of the sofa as he put his hand on his face as the other helped her sit on his lap.
"... your grandpa."
Emika cried heraelf to sleep that night. Wailing that she hated the heroes, that she hated Endeavour, that she hated him for not telling her the truth for so long, that she hated having fo be a Todoroki.
Each word was a spike to his chest as he tried and eventually succeed on calming her down enough, from harsh sobs and eails to soft sniffles and the rest of the tears she had to sheed.
He hugged her just a bit tighter that night as one drop of blood fell from his eyes.
"I thought I could do it (Y/n)... I fucking promised you... but... fuck." He bited his bottom scarred lips to contain a whimper "Everything is just the worst now... why did you have to be so goddamn stubborn and risk your life dammit..."
"Is your fourth bowl of ice cream ya know?" Dabi muttered from his place on the miserable yet comfy apartment you two shared as you stared back at him with a spoonfull of your favorite ice cream on hand close to your mouth.
"I have the right. I'm pregnant. Leave me be." You made a show of putting the spoon on your mouth and moaning out loud as Dabi shooked his head in dismay before taking a place on your side ofbthe couxh before you two cringed at the sounds of the old mobile almost creaking.
"We need to got money to find a new couch." You muttered horrified, just apmost ending all of your money on baby supplies and clothes.
"Or I can just steal one." He smirked at the slight slap you gave to him.
"And have shitty heroes coming our way later? Nu uh mister... maybe just rob a bank though." You muttered before both of you chuckled as you laid your head on his shoulder as he subconsciously placed his hand on the sweel of your stomach and felt a kick already.
"She is going to be a daddy's girl. Im so sure of it." You giggled as he arched an eyebrow.
"How cam you say this already? We dont even know if it is a girl of a boy doll."
"I know is a girl. I just know it. And she has already a favorite parent." You carresed your belly just besides where Dabi's hand was layed on.
"You're exaggerating." He chuckled as he felt another kick "They are going to be a nasty oen though, they kick alot."
"She kicks a lot when your nearby or talking to her. Just like I said, a daddy's girl." You smiled sweetly at him and he never felt so happy...
He looked at your lips for a second as you narrowed your eyes playfully at him before your lips almost touched-
He woke up with a hand tapping on his cheek and soon saw his daughter looking down at him with a pout.
"Can we go walk?" She almost whimpered as he could only stare and slowly nod as he caught his disguise and a very own for her.
She clunged to the black bunny plushie as she walked with pinks connected to him as he stated down at her in worry until she gasped at a convenience store.
"Dada! Snickers!" She pointed as he smiled at seeing a bit of bright on her eyes once again.
"How about we get some, eh?" She nodded with a small smile and soon followed her dad inside.
While she waited for Dabi to get the snacks and pay for them, for once, she gasped when a purple haired boy at the same age as her bumped accidentaly to her making her plushie drop.
"Hey!" She called out with tears on her eyes, being emotionally damaged enough for those past days.
"I'm sorry." The boy said immediatly, kneeling and grabbing the plushie to hand it to her "Its yours?" He tilted his head as Emika grabbed immediatly.
"Of course it was! It was with me until you bunped on me!" Emika slowly dropped her tone of voice at seeing how the purple haired boy seemed genuily sorry as he aproached and bowed once again.
"Sorry, I just am here to grab some medice and a chocolate for my mom and dad. They're both sick and they dont know i went out so I needed to hurry." He smiled as Emika soon dropped slowly her guard down as she muttered.
"Is okay... is just that bunny is speacial to me."
"I can see why. Your mama gave it to you right." Her turquoise eyes widened as she frowned her eyebrows at the boy.
"Kinda of..?" She clinged to the toy "Why do you that?"
He closed his eyes with a tiny giggle.
"Well, she told me as soon as you started to tear up. She is always by your side aparently." Emika eyes darkned and she let go of one hand of the plushie to heat up her hand.
"Say that one more time. I dare you. My mama is not here." She almost cried until the purple boy touched her forehead with two fingers and soon she was not more in the grocery store, but in a blank space.
"Geez, daddy did not spare you of curse words then?" She froze and looked behind her and saw the sane woman Dabi showed photos of and was compared whenever she was laughing or making a trick on others.
She froze for a bit before silently tears started to fall and she hiccupped for a bit before dropping her bunny and running to you as you hugged her tightly.
"Mama! I cant believe-! Is you-! I-I-" she hicupped as you wiped her tears with your thumb and let some of your own fall.
"You're take so much of your dada im so happy... My little girl is just so beautiful..." you whispered as she sobbed while wiping her tears with her sleeve.
"D-Dada!" She gasped before smiling widely and grabbing your sleeve "Dada needs to see this! Mama he misses you a lot he need to see yo-"
"Im sorry princess..." you grabbed her cheek softly "I wanted to see your daddy just as much, but I cant...." her face fell a bit but soon nodded while playing with your fingers and hair.
"Mama? Why did you do it?" You hummed as she looked up hesitantly "Why did youbleave dad? Why... you took.. Endeavour attack..?" She asked sadly as you furrowed your eyebrows but soon closed your eyes and smiled.
"Emika... the day you were born was the day I was gone as well... but when I saw your grandpa recognizing me as a villain and blasted an attack close to where you were... I just had to. I had to protect the feuit of love that me and your father made..." you smiled sadly as she sniffed.
"But you arent with us..." she almost sobbed until you made her look up.
"Emika... Im so sorry for the loneliness you had to endure... the pain... that was the only dowside of the decision I made. My swest little girl..." you cuppex her cheek and wiped a tear "Thank you for letting me be your mother, and Touya for being your father..."
You touched your forehead with her as she noticed your body was slowly turning to tiny hints of lights and fireflies.
"Mama..?" She looked at you crying softly as you kissed her forehead.
"Emika, evertime you see a star in the dark sky it will be me watching over you and your dada... and please understand one thing," you got away from her as your hair floated majestically "Dying for you, was a noble sacrifice I did for love..."
She widened her eyes as she grabbed your hands as you giggled at her expression.
"Say to dada Im watching him too, and that loving him were the happier moments I spend... I love him and always will...after all, he is my canolli, dead or not, okay?"
The littpe girl gasped and looked at the place she was, the grocery store and the boy from earlier retracting his hand with a unsure littpe smile.
"It was your quirk... you... you made me talk with my mama." She says outstruck as the boy giggled but soon gasped at looking the time.
"I have to go! But I hope we meet again." He ran to the door with the bags before looking one more time behind to her "Call me Akira! See you soon Emika-chan!"
She stood there in complete shook before brushing her fingers on the tingling spot you had kissed on her forehead before smiling widely and giggling before knocking her daddy's leg as he grunted.
"Emika what the-"
"Mama is watching us!" She bounced up and down as he atood with a 'what the fuck' expression.
"What the hell Emika?" He grabbed the packs and carried her as he walked on the street.
"Mama said your name is Touya dada! Which I found strange at first but anyway! She kissed my forehead! Hugged me and said how much she loves me and you and is watching us! She is a star dada! A star!!"
His eyes widened. Emika didn't hear his speech to Endeavour. Emika didn't know his real name was Touya instead of Dabi as the league called him... so she was not imagining neither making things up.
"..so you saw mama?" She giggled and nodded while boucing on his arms. "... did she say something else?" He asked hopefully and she smiled widely as much as you would do.
"She said loving you was the most happier she got! And that your are her canolli forever!"
His steps faltered and almost that he dropped his daughter as his eyes widened... only you knew that god for saken nickname you gaved to him...
"Dada?" His daughter words and hands on his cheeks made him ho back to reality as he saw the blood on his little girl's fingers and worried expression "Are you crying..? Dada?"
"Heh..." he wiped with one thumb the blood before smilling at her and continuing walking "Nah. Must be one of my staples..." he stared up as his daughter rested her face on his neck. "Mama is a star then?"
"Ya.." she yawned "Watching us... I bet she is that one." The little girl pointed at the shiniest star on the sku as Dabi smiled...
"Yeah... I also bet on that one."
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odetogyus · 4 years
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↳pairing/s: idol boyfriend!yugyeom x fem!reader
↳genre: angst (w/ a happy ending lol), idol!au
↳warnings: profanity, mentions of alcohol consumption, trust issues
↳song: wait by maroon 5
✎author's note: idk what I was going through when I wrote this but this was from my 2018 archive and I think this baby needs to see the light of day,, so here it is!
"The concert should be done now," you thought to yourself while staring at your phone.
Since your brother's wedding was in 2 days, you didn't have time to fly to Toronto to see your boyfriend and his group perform. You've been on a few tours with them– sometimes working as a stylist for Yugyeom and the whole team. JYP himself even sends you an extra ticket to every single country the boys go to just in case you wanted to come with, but this time however, you had to stay home to help out with your brother's wedding.
It's been almost 3 years since you started dating Yugyeom. What started out as a very unexpected interaction at a dance showcase, later bloomed into something so beautiful. Your relationship wasn't always pretty. In fact, it's true what they say about the first year; it definitely is the hardest.
You've seen them grow, not just as artists but as people, too. You've built such tight relationships with each and every one of them, even the staff members. GOT7 was a family and you were over the moon to be a part of it.
After a few hours of waiting, you decided to take a hot shower before taking a nap. It was a tiring day for you and your family. The wedding was in 2 days and there were a lot of things left to do. You also knew very well that the boys come out exhausted after every show, and so you fought back the slightest feeling of worry in your head and fell into a deep sleep.
You woke up to the sound of your phone going off.
People you knew and didn't know were tagging you everywhere. Every photograph, every article, they all had their eyes on Yugyeom, and they all had their eyes on you, too.
Your brother's fiancée barged into your room shortly after the news broke out. She was always there for you, and the relationship you shared was a very special one. You trusted her, and you never hid anything from her after the first time she saw you cry.
"Y/N," your almost sister-in-law cooed. You both knew that it was very unlikely of Yugyeom to act that way, but then again, the people surrounding them aren’t always angels. No one really is.
Just then, the name you've been waiting to see finally popped up on your screen, but this time, you weren't sure if you had the guts to answer him.
"Should I answer?" You asked, sounding miserable as ever. Tears escaped your eyes, glistening like broken glass when the sunlight hits the surface.
"You need to hear it from him, Y/N. I'll be in the kitchen, let me know if you need anything."
Accepting the call, you swallowed hard enough and prepared yourself for what could either be the most painful truth you had to hear, or the biggest lie ever you had to believe.
"Y/N.. hey, please let me explain," Yugyeom's voice was incredibly raspy and shaky, and you knew damn well that he was in tears. It's only been a few hours since the incident, so it was safe to say that he was still quite hungover. You knew they were well taken care of, but what happened cannot be rewritten again. What's done is done.
"Go ahead," you answered. Holding back your tears is always the hardest when you know that you have no choice but to endure the pain.
"We had a few drinks, and we had fun. We had so much fun. The boys and I, the staff. Me and Jackson hyung tried the hose thingy, it was so– cool– but, but I'm sorry babe, I'm so sorry–"
"Do you just.. wanna talk when you’re not like.. this, Yugyeom? Because if you're gonna keep doing this, I might as well just hang up and talk to my fucking wall–"
Oh, the theatrics of a brokenhearted beast.
"No.. stop, listen to me, I'm trying to explain!"
"Okay, then do it," you said angrily. The tears from your eyes were flowing down uncontrollably. It was so painful that you couldn't even hear anything else but the sound of his lies breaking you continuously.
"Mark hyung joined us, and we got so drunk, and next thing you know, these random girls sat with us at the table. I don't remember a lot but– I think one even bit my neck– it hurts, and she– I think she sat on my lap but I think I tried to push her off but I passed out. I don't really remember anything else–"
"You know, Gyeom? Sometimes, I wish you knew what it's like to be the one that patiently waits for you to come home, hoping that the worries in your head just disappear. How could you be so irresponsible? Man.. how could you do this to me? To us?"
"Y/N, you know I love you more than anything else but for fuck's sake, will you please believe me? My head hurts so much and you're acting up! Jesus!"
Yugyeom knew not to push your buttons, but in that state of his, he pushed it all, not missing one.
"Well, if that’s the case then I’m sorry. I’m sorry for caring too much, and for being all up in your business all the fucking time. Have fun remembering how you got that stupid hickey of yours, I’m done–"
"No, you are not hanging up on me, Y/N. It was a mistake, okay? God, my head is killing me and I just.. need you to believe me. I drank too much, and I know it’s bad, but I swear to fucking God, I didn’t do anything to hurt you. I would never hurt you. But you need.. to stop being difficult.. you’re making things worse here–"
The tension grew even more. You were both screaming your lungs out at each other, thousands of miles away from the other.
"Really now?" You spat bitterly. That was it for you. The last straw. "Well then, I know my brother invited you to the wedding, but don't bother showing up. I don't want to see you."
Your harsh words must've hurt Yugyeom so much, that his screams of anger just managed to slip out of his already worn out body.
"You're really throwing this all away– huh? Almost 3 years worth of memories? Just because I made a mistake, just because I don't remember everything that happened to me while I was intoxicated? You think I wanted those girls to come close to us? You're so– Y/N, you really think I wanted to hurt you, don't you? So now.. you do this? You're really breaking up with me? On the phone? Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Trust, Yugyeom. Trust. You broke the most important thing we built. Do you know how hard it is to do this? To date someone like you? People send me death threats, Yugyeom. Just because I decided to be with you. Do you even know how I feel? Do you know how Mark's girlfriend feels? How Jackson's girlfriend feels? Because I do. We all fucking get it!"
"Okay, trust. But let me ask you Y/N, if things were so difficult, why are you still here? Why date me when you could've left? That's what you wanna do anyway, right? You wanna leave, you wanna be free, right?"
But it’s not freedom if it’s not with you.
The bitter taste of surprise was too much for you. It was never meant to hurt that much, but it did.
"Wanna know why I'm still here, Yugyeom?"
"Why," he spat coldly.
"Because I thought that– loving you, oh god, I thought that that was more than enough to believe that we'd make it. But at this point, maybe we're both just better off alone. Separate ways, Gyeom."
Yugyeom let out a faint laugh. The most painful laugh one could ever laugh. A laugh of defeat.
"You're really doing this, huh? This is what you want? You're really doing this to us–"
"You don't need to show up at the wedding.. I'll just, tell them about us after. We'll meet when we're both ready to talk. Be safe."
"Fuck this, Y/N. Fuck–"
And with that, you hung up.
Your heart was broken once again, not by the same person, but because of the same reason you kept your heart safe and hidden in the first place.
Yugyeom was your true love. The man you believed to be was your person. The person you entrusted your fragile self to. The person you needed.
But maybe he doesn't need you.
Putting your phone on silent, you cried yourself to sleep, wishing you'd never wake up.
wedding day.
Your eyes were still tired and gloomy, but you were better. You haven't heard from him since the fight and although it hurt you too much to be that person to hang up and end things, you knew better than to mope all day and question your existence.
"You look so beautiful in that dress! I'm so happy you chose that style! It's just perfect," your brother's soon-to-be wife exclaimed. She was the one who held you tight when your heart broke for the wrong guy, and she was also the one who held you when Yugyeom couldn't. It's safe to say she's the sister you never had.
"Thanks, I'm happy to be here. I'm so excited for you and my brother. I don't know what you see in him but I'm thankful you stuck around."
The bride smiled with tears welling up in her eyes. "You stick around for the one you love, Y/N. Even when the storm hits and everything falls apart, wait it out, then love again."
The wedding venue was everything you imagined it to be. A beautiful pathway to the garden, red and white roses everywhere, and photographs of your brother and his soon-to-be wife hung from the stringed lights wrapped around the tall trees to create the most beautiful ambiance.
Your quick peek of the venue ended since it was almost time for the actual ceremony. You were one of the bridesmaids, and you had to be wherever the bride was.
From afar, a tall figure walked towards the venue in a red suit. His dark hair complemented his outfit, and his handsome face was the cherry on top of it all.
Yugyeom showed up to the wedding a few minutes before it actually started. He took his time exchanging words of happiness and support to your brother. Yugyeom's relationship with your brother started out like any other brother – boyfriend relationship, but the two ended up being very close friends. A few moments before announcing the beginning of the ceremony, Yugyeom found his way to his seat. He sat close to the front, but in the corner.
The ceremony began, and every second felt longer than it should have. Closing your eyes, you took slow, but steady, steps to the podium where your brother was. You both agreed to welcome the bride with your whole family present next to him.
dirty looks from your mother
never seen you in a dress that color, no
it's a special occasion
not invited but I'm glad I made it
He looked at you like it's the first time he's ever laid eyes on you. His heart thumped like crazy, seeing how your hair fell perfectly down the length of your spine, in a red dress that exposed most of your back. Yugyeom couldn't resist every urge to kiss you. Every thought of you possibly breaking up with him completely made the poor boy pale. He was madly in love with you, in every possible way, that losing you meant losing everything to him.
The moment you stood next to your brother, your eyes met his. The eyes you hated to look into, but missed the most. Yugyeom stared at you for a long time, before you both snapped out of the trance only you two were in. You saw him mouth a "wow" before facing the bride and giving her a hug.
Walking to your designated seat, your mind went crazy just imagining how hard it would be to keep your composure when Yugyeom would literally be inches away from you.
"Beautiful," Yugyeom said in awe as you sat next to him. "You're beautiful, Y/N."
Without looking at him, you extended your gratitude. "Thank you, Yugyeom," was all you could say.
You both tried so hard to focus on the wedding. For the most part, it felt like no one else was there. You were in the moment, and so was he.
The exchange of vows was definitely something. Every word your brother and his wife exchanged was pure love. And deep down, you prayed that the love you needed was Yugyeom's.
oh, let me apologize
i'll make up, make up, make up, make up for all those times
your love, I don't wanna lose
i'm begging, begging, begging, begging, I'm begging you
As if on cue, Yugyeom held your hand without looking at you. His hand was shaky, and so was yours, but you didn't pull away. You held onto him, too. You held onto him like your life depended on it, and you held onto the person that longs for you the most.
"I do," your brother speaks into the microphone, looking at his woman. Yugyeom holds your hand even tighter, saying the same words your brother said, loud enough for you to hear it. Only you.
I do.
The bride reciprocates, and tears immediately stream down your face as the rush of emotions take over you.
Not wanting to lose the love of your life ever again, you follow suit, and said the same words the bride said. Only for you and Yugyeom, it meant something else. Only something the two of you could understand.
I do.
You both stood firmly, not letting go of each other, when the officiator finally said the words everyone wanted to hear.
You may now kiss the bride.
Not wasting a precious second, Yugyeom pulled you into a tight embrace, holding your head against his chest. His lips planted kisses at the top of your head, and suddenly everything was right in the world.
The scent of his perfume was home to you, and it made you feel so much better.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry," Yugyeom whispered, still keeping you in his arms.
"I'm sorry, too, Gyeom," you answered, trying hard not to let the tears roll down your cheek and ruin your makeup.
Yugyeom finally kissed you.
He kissed you without stealing the spotlight from the newly weds. He kissed you softly, but it was clear that he longed for it. For you. He kissed you just the way you needed to be kissed, reminding you that he is yours in full surrender.
"I love you, Gyeom."
You finally meet his gaze. The prettiest eyes you've ever seen, and he really was the best thing that's ever happened to you.
"I love you, Y/N. I love you."
Wait it out, then love again.
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thespiritoflife · 3 years
For the Christmas Celebration!!
🎄 Christmas Letter :)
⛄ I followed you because you have such a beautiful soul and spirit. Your blog theme is beautiful, your moodboards are beautiful and YOU are beautiful inside and out. Your energy is so pure and I love interacting with you so much
🌟 I'd like to be paired with someone from Lord of the Rings (and the Hobbit if you feel up to it ;-;). I'm a write and witch, have a love for beauty and intricate designs, I'm learning metalsmithing and I'm only 4' 10" tall. I can be a little chaotic but also very nice and I try to do nice things for my friends. I really like domesticity and being productive, I honestly don't know how to relax much so I'm always working on something. Boredom is, in my opinion, the worst emotion there is.
Thanks so so much dear!! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Wonderous Yule to you!!
Hello, Tori! Thank you for joining! 💜🥰
🎄 Christmas letter
Dear Tori,
you have so pretty soul. Everytime I see you on my dash, I smile so much, your posts are always amazing. I love your answers to my, no, answers to all people's questions. I know, you do it from your heart. You're wonderful person, don't forget that, please. I see, you will do brilliant things in your life, good things will happen to you.
Sincerely yours,
⛄ love compliments
Aww, thank you so MUCH, you make me want to cry from happines🥲🥲 i am so happy, you're my friend!
I followed you because I saw you on my friend's blog. I looked at your blog and I was saying to myself - wow, you seem like really interesting person to have as friend! Your work is amazing, it is obvious you have talent to write. Not only write, I like love that you interpret tarot cards and in generally you are interested in this witches things. It is really cool and I see you as powerful witch😎���😍 also, you have beautiful energy too, you're so good friend, you're always helpful. Do you know what? Thank you for everything.
Thank you for putting so much thingies about you! Now, I know who I am gonna pair you with!😏😎
Lotr fandom
I don't know your preference, so I am sorry if I am getting it wrong. But I pair you with...
I see, she would be totally in love with you!
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The Hobbit
I pair you with...
Yes, he's tall (and Galadriel too) but height doesn't matter. Legolas would carry you in his arms and would be totally in love with you. You two would look so cute!
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I think elves would adore you!
Thank you again for ask, have beautiful day/night!
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greediladyfoxie · 2 years
I just wanna say, that mentally I'm again like... 5 years old.
I watched Sonic the Hedgehog 2 with a low quality, but still it was the best time of my life. I screamed from happines from the very first second till the very end.
I can't explain in words what I'm feeling, but I already want the third part. I'm gonna cry the whole movie.
Thank you for your time that you wasted to read this.
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