#I'd feel crazy if this wasn't something other people have 100% experienced
ophelias-last-flower · 11 months
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I've currently (according to LibreOffice) written a little over 400,000 words of content for this blog, not counting the unprompted minific/imagine/reminder thingies
and I'm fully expecting to hit another 100k by the time I finish this current batch (or come very close to it), considering I've got over 250 requests at the moment
some of them are audio and art requests (love to see it!!!) but the majority are writing
that's really mindblowing to me, it is SO crazy to think I might hit a milestone of having written HALF A MILLION WORDS for this blog in the next year or so
fucking wild, I cannot believe it
to go from when I started this blog, I was only writing 100 words per request, and only in the format of those little drabbles... to removing that limit and fucking THRIVING on longer fics, reactions, headcanons, and different types of content
and there was a time when I didn't think I would ever come back here, a time when I didn't even think I'd be able to stay in the fandom at all.
to go from only writing content in 100-word chunks to seeing the possibility of having written 500k words for this blog...
none of my other blogs come close to that. I know I've been running this one for, what, 10-11 years now? but I've been running other blogs for 3-5 years and I don't think any of my others have hit 200k, most of them not even 100k
it's nuts and it is a testament to how much I love this series and these characters, and how safe and comfortable I feel here.
my life would be a lot different if I wasn't running this blog. even tho I'm never consistent in my activity, this place is one of my biggest sources of happiness. even when I leave, I ALWAYS come back, because I love being here. I love writing these characters.
I genuinely wouldn't still be in this fandom, experiencing all the joy I get from writing it, if I hadn't been welcomed back so warmly during a time where I was very unsure about staying.
this is something I gush about a lot, but like. seriously.
every time you guys thank me for what I do, give yourself a little pat on the back too.
if it weren't for all the feedback I get, all the requests I receive, and all the people here who are so kind to me, I probably wouldn't be here still, doing what I do.
thank you all for reigniting my passion and not letting my love for this series die like I thought it was going to.
I can't tell you how much this blog means to me, but hopefully my word vomit here gets the point across!
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