#I'd heard this song before and it didn't particularly stick out to me
Was listening to Poets of the Fall while writing and got hit hard by this song's lyrics just... perfectly describing my feelings for Kuaidul. (Song is Angel by Poets of the Fall):
"This tear I cry Falls like healing rain Softly soothes my pain This surrender it feels like I'll Kiss the feathers of a hummingbird in flight Breaking up into a million specks of light Take the shape of an angel in the night Carry you to peaceful fields"
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fawnforevergone · 1 year
Quick List of References to Dante's Inferno in "Unreal Unearth" (Part Two)
HELLO !!! there is now an updated list since we have now heard the old album so please go check that out instead: [ the ultimate "unreal unearth" reference list" ]
I'm back!! A bit later than intended but here are the rest of the references we currently know :]
THIS WAS WRITTEN BEFORE THE ALBUM RELEASE !!!! please take it with a pinch of salt.
"ALL THINGS END" This song, similarly to "Eat Your Young", doesn't have many specific references, but, as Hozier himself has said, the song is about the sixth circle of Inferno, 'Heresy'. The act of Heresy is the act of holding a belief contradictory to (especially Christian) religion, and this idea is very prevalent throughout the song. "Just knowing that everything will end should not change our plans when we begin again." 'Ending' is used in two ways throughout the song. One: A breakup. Two: Death. The latter is important for Heresy, where Hozier clearly defies the idea that death will be the end for him. 'Beginning again' is often a term used to relate to the afterlife, and, here, Hozier shows himself going against God's plan to give him a restart, saying that he won't allow death and finality to dictate how he lives his life. No specific references to Inferno, but Dante was a religious man, and that theme especially sticks out in this song.
"TO SOMEONE FROM A WARM CLIMATE (UISCEFHUARITHE)" Now, this placement of this song confuses me heavily, I'll be honest. The word "Uiscefhuarithe" is an Irish word meaning "water cooled", which wouldn't align with where we are in Inferno. We are either in circle six or seven, so 'Heresy' or 'Violence', both of which deal with the idea of heat, fire, or boiling sands/rivers. Since the song is name "To Someone...", I believe the song could be written towards the idea of someone in this circle of Hell, rather than Hozier, or whoever he is writing as, residing there themselves. No references with the lyrics we have so far, but the 'warm climate' is interesting for where we are at this point in Hell.
"BUTCHERED TONGUE" So, at this point, I'm highly unsure of where we are in terms of circles, but I'm trying my best. This song will either be 'Violence' or 'Fraud', yet, as far as I can tell, and please correct me if you spot something I don't, I don't see any specific references to anything in particularly. "And ears were chopped from young men, if the pitch cap didn't kill them. They are buried without scalp in the shattered bedrock of our home." However, this lyric does seem to display unjust and violent imagery, so perhaps the song is leaning towards Hozier's distaste of those deserving of the punishment that the circle of 'Violence' holds.
"ANYTHING BUT" Now, I believe we are at 'Fraud', the eighth circle. The issue with these last three circles, especially the eighth, is that they are split into subcategories, 'Fraud' of which has ten. However, the first few circles of 'Fraud' contain people such as panderers, seducers, and flatterers, and the song appears to be very flattering. "I'd lower the world in a flood, or, better yet, I'd cause a drought. If I was a riptide, I wouldn't take you out." This song could be in a similar context to most of the album where Hozier admits to the sin, yet argues against the idea of the sin being a bad thing when it's not practiced in extremity. For example, the 'Lust' in 'Francesca' is portrayed as harmless yet consuming love. Aspects of 'Eat Your Young' convey hunger, 'Gluttony', in a, again, harmless lustful way and then contrasts it with a political hunger. 'Anything But' seems to fall into that category of turning a sin into a love song, as Hozier often does.
"ABSTRACT (PSYCHOPOMP)" I'm going to make a leap and say that this song could possibly not be about a circle at all, but, instead, the transition from one circle to the next. A 'Psychopomp' is a chauffeur of death, someone like the Grim Reaper or, as aforementioned, Charon, who plays a heavy role in the story of Inferno, and, obviously, Virgil, the second main character of Inferno. "The poor thing in the road, its eye still glistening. The cold wet of your nose, the earth from a distance: See how it shines, see how it shines." The lyrics seem to reflect on the idea of something dead, yet also still recognising the beauty in its now-faded life. Since the album seems to be a metaphor for one or more relationships, and the song after this is 'Unknown/Nth', I'm going to make the assumption that this song is Hozier reflecting on the goodness of a previous relationship from the persona of a Psychopomp, delivering this love from life to death. Inferno is about the idea of death, and Dante spends most of his journey being lead, delivered, and guided through sin by various people, but particularly Virgil, who, after the final circle, he parts with.
"UNKNOWN/NTH" This song is stacked with references to the Nth and final circle of Inferno, 'Treachery'. "I'd have walked across the floor of any sea, ignored the vastness between all that can be seen and all that we believe." 'Treachery' is a frozen over lake, where winds grow stronger the closer you grow towards the middle. It's a vast, frozen expanse and, although not a sea floor, crossing the lake of 'Treachery' evokes a similar image in my mind to what Hozier is saying. "Where you were held frozen like an angel to me." There are many 'angel' lines but, with the mention of 'frozen' and the ice of 'Treachery', I'll pick this one. The reason why the winds grow stronger in 'Treachery' the closer you get to the centre is because, stuck in the middle, too big to escape, is Lucifer, the fallen angel. The winds are caused by the violent movement of his wings as he tries to move, only trapping himself further. "You called me angel for the first time, my heart leapt from me. You smile, now, I can see its pieces still stuck in your teeth. And, what's left of it, I listen to it tick, every tedious beat, going unknown as any angel to me." The imagery of Hozier having his heart stuck in someone's teeth is a metaphor to the fact that, when Dante and Virgil arrive at the sight of Lucifer, they see that he is chewing on Judas, another betrayer of God/Jesus. "Going unknown as any angel to me" is gorgeous. Hozier realises, as God did with Lucifer, that the one he loves is no angel, but a traitor. 'Treachery' is a betrayal of trust, and the song clearly references neglect or mistreatment of Hozier's love and trust, and the metaphor of God and Lucifer is a beautiful way to put that. "That I'd walk so far just to take the injury of finally knowing you?" The walk through Hell is a long and tiresome journey, to which Hozier references here. He relates his experience of this relationship to the walk through Inferno, arriving at 'Treachery' and feeling like, despite the outcome not being a positive one, he finally knows his lover in their painful entirety.
"FIRST LIGHT" Though we have no lyrics, I have a theory... as always, but, at the end of this day, this title means SO much being the closing track. At the end of Inferno, Dante and Virgil leave Lucifer stuck, and make their way out of Hell through the same tunnel that Lucifer's body left behind after he was thrown through the earth, down to Hell. They emerge on the other side of the earth and Dante says they can "see, once more, the stars", ending on a cadence of hope, similar to a 'first light'. I mention in part one of this post the utter darkness of Inferno that Hozier references in the earlier songs on this album, and this title seems like a perfect conclusion to emerging from Inferno, and recovering from the damage he suffered throughout his journey.
OKAY !!!! If I missed anything, let me know, I'm so excited to know what everyone else thinks of the album, and WE ARE GETTING DE SELBY PART TWO IN LIKE FOUR DAYS ?!?!?!?!?! SOOOO
I'm thinking of doing a long winded break down for each song on the album, and previous albums too, so perhaps I will share more of my theories later since, surprisingly, some of you are actually interested in listening to me word vomit over a text post. ANYWAYS!!! I hope this was helpful to some people or at least interesting :] I had fun writing it, so <3
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ljdoublecc · 1 year
The Beast's Treasure
Samon X Reader
Favorite food- (F/F)
Favorite Type- (F/T)
All was quiet in Nanba, nothing was out of place and the whole prison seemed at peace. The guards took this as an opportunity to unwind for the first time in a long time. But our story doesn't involve guards from other buildings. It is centered on you.
You were currently humming to one of your favorite songs while happily working on the documents on your desk. They weren't particularly hard but they were time-consuming, and you were determined to get all the work done on time. Last time you had to eat lunch at your desk and ended up spilling (F/F) on the documents that were on it because of a certain "boar" named Inori.
"Hm, I wonder where that lazy boar is? He promised to help me if I said I'd make dinner tonight?" You questioned in your head at the thought of your brother ditching you again to go take a nap slipped in. "Why does he always leave me alone?" You sighed sadly.
That sadness didn't last long as someone opened the door and walked in causing you to look up from your papers quickly. Your face immediately sprouted a smile at the person you have romantic feelings for stood before your desk, Samon Gokuu.  He looked at you with an irritated face and continued to walk towards his destination. This saddened you, he looked so annoyed but you didn't let that stop you.
"Hey, Samon. How was the meeting?" you politely asked your supervisor as you watched him from your desk. All that was heard was a grumble from the man bending over in order to reach his stash of popsicles in the mini fridge. He didn't really reply leading you to believe that it went south pretty quickly and annoyingly. That could only mean one thing he got into a fight with building 13's supervisor - Hajime Sugoroku. It always upset you to know he got into a fight with the man.
 “I’m assuming the meeting went bad for you to be so upset,” You stated in a matter-in-fact tone only causing the male, who was now enjoying his treat on the comfort of the couch, to nod his head in acknowledgment.
“Yeah” Was all he said before staring into space while eating.
You frowned at this and realized that it was probably not the best move to mention the meeting. Not really being able to help your supervisor was upsetting but there really wasn’t anything you could do for him so you continued to finish the last of your documents.
****Time Skip****
“Yay, I’m finally done!” You exclaimed a little too loud almost waking up the supervisor. The key word is almost but thankfully for you, he was too mentally and physically tired to wake up. 
After your little outburst, you looked at your supervisor to see if you had awakened him but instead saw a cute little sight. Samon with a popsicle stick in just barely hanging off his half-opened mouth, his feet on the couch, one bent and the other straight. His arms folded over his chest as it rose steadily with his breathing.
The sight alone made your cheeks heat up and a big smile to plaster itself on your face. You were content that he trusts you enough to show his weaknesses and to see him so relaxed. It was a nice change from earlier, so as quietly as you could, you got up and walked to the night duty room.
You came back a few seconds later with a blanket, that you intended to place on top of him, and placed it gently on top of him. You then chuckled softly when you saw the stick trying so hard to escape his mouth but somehow failing to do so. You took the stick from his mouth, to throw away, and lastly, you left the room but not before turning off the lights and bid a small goodbye with a smile.
“Guess I better go to the training grounds,  knowing that boar, he probably went somewhere to watch his horse races.” You stated leaning against the door before sighing lightly, “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
And with that statement, you left with a hum and a small skip to your step, completely oblivious to the person that was listening to your conversation with yourself.
****While Inside of the Room You Left****
“Haha, Definitely hard to believe those two are siblings.” Samon chuckled softly to himself, “Ones cute, smart, caring, hardworking, and respectful. While the others ugly, barely smart enough to be considered ‘human’ and lazy is practically his middle name.”
As he continued to compare the two Hakkai siblings, he unconsciously started blushing and listing the reasons why he fell for you. 
“So, this is what love feels like?” Samon smiled as he stated that, “If that’s so, I like it.”
“Aw, the monkey of Nanba has a crush on the sister of the beast!” Came out a familiarly loud and obnoxious voice that came bursting through the door while turning on the lights. This affectedly made Samon jump high enough to fall off the couch with a very unsatisfying landing on to his back. 
“What the hell, Mitsuru?!” Samon yelled at the cat-like grin that the said male was wearing. “Tch, nevermind that. Why are you here?”
“I came to retrieve the documents that are due today for the warden but,” Mitsuru plastered on his signature smile, “I would never have thought that the monkey would fall for the beast’s treasure!”
Samon turned red knowing he was referring to you after all your brother looked like a beast and he always treated you as if you were treasure, which surprised a lot of people.
“Tch, fine,” Samon turned from the man and walked to his desk to find the documents, “I’ll get you the damn documents so you can leave.”
‘Shit! They’re not here!’ Samon though as he looked frantically around his working area trying to find the reports for the warden. ‘She is going to murder me!’
That is until he looked back to tell Mitsuru he couldn’t find them when something caught his attention. It was a stack of papers that you were working on when he came in, in a neat pile with a (F/T) sticky note on top. He walked over and saw- to his surprise- the documents he was looking for. What was on the sticky note made him fall for you a little more.
‘Hey, I saw that you didn’t finish your reports before the meeting this morning so I took the liberty of finishing them for you. I’m happy I did, after all, you looked like you could’ve used a break after that meeting. Anyway, I hope you got a nice rest, but I suggest you don’t sleep with a popsicle stick in your mouth, it’s a choking hazard, and grab a blanket, we don’t want to hear about our strong supervisor catching a cold now do we! \ (>.<)/’ - (Y/N)
“Wow, looks like the beast’s treasure is trying to lead the monkey in!” Mitsuru states from behind him with another cat-like grin making Samon have a tick mark appear. He pocketed the note and shoved the reports into the idiot’s arms and proceeded to push him out.
“There! You have the reports, now leave!” Samon shoved him out and slammed the door shut. By the end of this encounter, he was as red as the darkest ruby but he didn’t care because he was just happy that you cared enough about him to worry about his health and job. This just gives him more reasons to fight the ‘beast’ in order to gain the ‘treasure’- also known as your heart.
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@toytanks I had to ok
Have a list of every MCR song (that I've heard of) and how it relates to Billford, which I definitely do not ship and if you've ever seen any proof to the contrary noo you didn't
I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
(fuckk even the album name is Billford-coded)
Romance -- no lyrics, but I do think that the fact that they only played the part in minor and not the major one does feel like Billford
Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us -- post-betrayal Billford. There are two distinct parts to this song; the one that comes first is Bill, and the other is Ford.
Vampires Will Never Hurt You -- honestly this kinda feels like the opposite of Billford to me, it's more like Ford x Jheselbraum.
Drowning Lessons -- One Of Us AU? It still doesn't feel quite right to me though
Our Lady of Sorrows -- it definitely feels like Billford, particularly from Bill's perspective, but some of the lyrics make me think more of Fiddauthor (kill me right now)
Headfirst For Halos -- it feels like Bill starting to catch feelings for Ford and partying trying to forget but still gushing about him lmao
Skylines and Turnstiles -- it just kinda feels like Billford, I can't explain it.
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville -- to me it kinda feels like around the time Ford found out about the betrayal. Like, the narrative of being really close and sharing happy memories and dreams, and then suddenly your lover is a monster you have to destroy
This Is The Best Day Ever -- perhaps, if Ford was a shape like Bill, and Bill destroyed his dimension for Ford's sake.
Cubicles -- lmao I can see Bill sulking about Ford to this song
Demolition Lovers -- this song was definitely on the soundtrack of the most toxic relationship I've ever been in, so I know for a FACT that this is 100% a Billford song.
Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
Helena -- I could see this being from Ford's point of view, during Wierdmageddon. Some of it feels like One Of Us AU.
Give 'Em Hell, Kid -- on the other hand, this one is definitely Bill during Ford's exile
To The End -- the level of toxicity is definitely there, but since it's a pretty clear narrative, I'll call it vibes-only-Billford
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison -- it is, again, mostly vibes-only, but I can also see post-betrayal Ford feeling this way if they happened to hook up during that time
I'm Not Okay (I Promise) -- I really don't think this fits them at all, but the one clip of Frankie going "you have something on your face" and then violently taking a fallen eyelash from the cheerleader's face before absolutely booking it is something I could see happening between them and it cracks me up
The Ghost of You -- this feels like either post-betrayal Bill or if they became a couple and Ford died of old age
The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You -- This is just Billford. I. What do you want from me.
Interlude -- not really Billford. I'll say it. Yeah, it's melancholy, but again it feels more like Ford x Jheselbraum or Fiddauthor.
Thank You For The Venom -- Billford, either perspective. It feels very reminiscent of the exile era (or even during Weirdmageddon?)
Hang 'Em High -- This also feels very much like Billford. Not sure when I'd place it to, but the vibes are there, especially One of Us AU imo.
It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Fucking Deathwish -- Billford. That's it that's the commentary.
Cemetery Drive -- definitely post-betrayal Billford, particularly Ford's perspective ("Is this what you always want me for?" I'm going FERAL)
I Never Told You What I Do For A Living -- Bill. Bill. Bill. Bill. Bill. You Cannot Change My Mind It Is Imbued With His Essence And The One He Is Singing To And About Is Fordsy.
Welcome To The Black Parade
The End. -- nothing obviously Billford sticks out to me, but some of the lyrics could be applied to either of their perspectives, precisely because it's so neutral
Dead! -- post-season 2 Ford about Bill (though the last lyrics are definitely something Bill would vibe with)
This Is How I Disappear -- post-betrayal, pre-season 2 Billford. Could also fit pre-betrayal, but not as much due to its “laughing at a bad thing to hide the pain I lie awake over” vibes
The Sharpest Lives -- Bill. 100%. Maybe Ford during exile. Idk I know he made some decisions he regretted later back then.
Welcome To The Black Parade -- Ford post-season 2, maybe? It doesn't scream it to me, but it could be made to fit ("your weary widow marches on etc etc)
I Don't Love You -- post-betrayal, from Bill's perspective
House of Wolves -- it's just Billford. Idk what you want me to say.
Cancer -- if Bill reincarnated as a human and couldn't be with Ford
Mama -- this one fits Bill as a character really well, as well as One Of Us AU Billford
Sleep -- post-betrayal Billford
Teenagers -- yeah I don't really see it. Some of the lyrics do have that paranoid feeling Ford has pre-exile though
Disenchanted -- definitely feels like Billford from Bill's perspective. Some of the lyrics also feel like Bill reflecting on his life as he's dying, and the bridge in particular feels like post-exile Bill
Famous Last Words -- So. Much. Billford. I can't speak.
Blood -- doesn't really strike me as Billford. I do see elements of the two of them separately though
The Black Parade: The B-Sides
My Way Home Is Through You -- heavy Billford vibes, though some of the lyrics also make me think of Ford x Jheselbraum. That's neither here nor there though, as this is a Billford-driven list of reviews.
Kill All Your Friends -- Billford. It feels like both of their perspectives, but some of the verses feel like Weirdmageddon-era Bill.
Heaven Help Us --definitely a Billford song. Again, it could be from either of their perspectives, but I'm feelin a lot of Bill from a few of the lyrics. Ford has his moments in the sun too, though
Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys
(listen a lot of these are about love so ofc they're gonna be Billford that's just how my idealistic brain works ok I mean who said that I don't ship Billford hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)
I am counting Look Alive Sunshine as part of Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) because it's true ok -- it kinda feels like the two of them coping with their separation during the exile era and it cracks me up to hell and back
Bulletproof Heart -- Bill trying to convince Ford to join him during Weirdmageddon and it's working
SING -- this is definitely how Bill sees himself. In a Billford context, I can see this also as him trying to convince Ford
Planetary (Go!) -- wow, our first 100% pre-betrayal Billford song! It tastes like candy and battery acid and stardust
The Only Hope For Me Is You -- this could easily apply, with its galactic imagery and love-song-esque feeling. I could see this being Ford, having been by Bill's side after Weirdamageddon for many years, telling him "This isn't the answer, we only need each other"
Party Poison -- HHHHHHHHH it feels like Billford in that it feels like the two of them interacting. Lyrically, it mostly makes me think of Ford during Weirdmageddon trying to stop the party, but MCR are musical geniuses so it also feels like the party itself. This one turned me into a little geek ngl it's one of their songs that gets the biggest primal reaction out of me.
Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back -- gonna be honest, this one, more than anything else, reminded me of Dipper and Wendy's time together during Weirdmageddon. It does feel very much like Bill though in the sense that it bleeds anarchy and lasers
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W -- again, this was part of the soundtrack of my toxic relationship, so I really want it to be Billford but if I'm being honest it's just hard to see.
Summertime -- This does feel like Billford, in a more fluffy way than any of the others. "Terrified of what I'd be [...] Could you stop the noise" feels a lot like Ford as he met Bill. Really, this whole song is more Ford-sung than Bill, but I could also see most of the lyrics being sung by Bill (it just depends on his back story, which as of now we can only speculate)
DESTROYA -- I definitely would put this on a Billford playlist, but imo this is another vibes-only one. Like, the denial of God and the "we're in this together" and stuff is there, but lyrically it just doesn't quiiite hit the mark for me
The Kids From Yesterday -- much like Planetary (Go!), this one feels like pre-betrayal, stardust and citric acid, Billford
Vampire Money -- this seems like Bill's initial ideal of how Billford would turn out lol. Also, Bill partying and pretending he's okay without Ford during the exile. Also, Ford partying and pretending he's okay without Bill during the exile. Also, Ford being mad at Bill during the exile. Also-
We Don't Need Another Song About California -- this does feel like Ford talking to Bill, and it also has Billford vibes
(i know there are others but i haven't heard them that often so i wouldn't be a good judge so! moving on...)
Conventional Weapons
(I hope to God these are all Billford cause they're some of my favorites)
Boy Division -- I can very easily see this as Billford, and like Bill is bein dramatic to Ford about what happened at Weirdmageddon cause you know he's not letting that little "murder" go even though it was incredibly justified and Ford has way more reason to be mad but he's just patiently sitting through it and waiting for Bill to let him talk
Tomorrow's Money -- despite the actual point of this song, it also feels like Bill talking to Ford post-season 2 at some points
AMBULANCE -- oh this is very Billford. Yessiree, this is the good shit, especially One Of Us AU
Gun. -- This is definitely from Ford's perspective. What are you obsessing over a gun for? To kill this dream demon? Why are you so worried about having a son? Hm? So in other words, you're obsessing over this dream demon and sad you can't have a family with him? Is that it? Pretty gay tbh
The World Is Ugly -- This is an us-vs-them love song. This was made for them.
The Light Behind Your Eyes -- Bill sad about losing/leaving Ford cause he's just one more in a string of people dear to him but especially Ford because it's been so long since someone was that close and he wishes now that he could've done things differently but alas
Kiss the Ring -- I'm sorry, it's mostly just Weirdamageddon-era Bill. Some of it is like Ford replying to him, but otherwise there's not really all that much Billford in it
Make Room!!!! -- yeah again, it's mostly just Weirdmageddon Bill, though in this one he is doing a lot of ogling Ford I think
Surrender The Night -- oh Billford 100%. Dreams, secrets, surrender, everything. It's just Them, and you can't change my mind
Burn Bright -- this feels like the idealized version of Billford we you all have in our your heads, y'know? Like, we you want them to go on these adventures together and be steamy about it a good amount of the time, and that's what this is. This is them being anarchist murder hoboes together and I love that for them <3 and that's that ig
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ladyc0312 · 3 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 112-121
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Yes, I'm still doing these! It's just happening more slowly than I'd like because writing for work + writing fic + trying to go to bed before midnight + so much amazing content being released that clearly must be poured over and dissected = less time to make guides. For anyone still with me, he's the next section!
Ep 112 “Dalbang School Part 1” (Ep: 5 / KM: 4)
The ones with BTS in a classroom driving Teacher Jin insane
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5:58 - JM declares that he and Taehyung will pair up (by being the first to hug each other in a game), but then when Hobi blows the whistle at 6:38, JK runs over to hug JM before Tae can get to him.
6:58 - Jin asks why JM said he wanted Tae and then hugged JK. JM explains that he didn't hug him, he just found himself in JK's hug as JK cackles in the background.
7:24 - When Jin blows his whistle at the class, JK and JM mirror each other in putting a finger in one of their ears.
7:35 - Teammates JK and JM are immediately on the same page about wanting their team name to be Kim Seokjin. When they have to change it, JM quickly picks up JK's suggestion that they call their team Bang Sihyuk. These don't sound like particularly unique moments, but when you watch it, it just really strikes you how in sync the two of them are in terms of physicality, ideas, and sense of humor.
9:52 - After Jin comments that he heard JM did very well in school, JK adds that JM was the top student. When someone else asks if JM was the best or second-best, JK forcefully reiterates that he was the best student.
12:45 - When they get a question right, JK and JM clasp hands and bump their shoulders together.
13:10 - JM and JK both goof around, speaking in satoori and challenging JHope to a fight of sorts.
13:27 - When Jin repeats that they got the question right, JK and JM do exactly the same as 12:45, but seated this time.
14:22, 14:36, 15:13 - In all three of these moments, JM nearly falls over laughing at something JK did that no one else found anywhere near as funny.
23:36 - When JK says he's good at this game, JM laughs and pokes JK in the chest with a marker.
BEHIND 2:30 - JM takes a selfie of him and JK with his personal phone while they're supposed to be paying attention to Jin.
6:35 - JK cheers on JM and calls him Jimin-ssi when JM announces he's doing well on this spot-the-difference round. When Jimin modifies the brag to say he only found four, JK says "that's still quite impressive."
Ep 113 “Dalbang School Part 2” (Ep: 5 / KM: 4)
4:50 - We all know how JK is when he gets into his "focus" zone, especially in a competitive environment. But here, when JM rather rudely interrupts JK's melodica practice, JK just starts playing around with him and giggles.
7:41 - As RM & JH take their turn, jikook are whispering to each other in the back row.
11:42 - After quickly agreeing on a lunch option, jikook do a high five / handshake thing and then JM says "we think alike" and "we get along pretty well." JK responds "that's exactly it" and the on-screen captions tells us they are a "good match."
22:20 - This is where JK and JM start switching back and forth carrying each other on their backs to get under a limbo stick.
They go again at 23:35, 26:11, and 28:13.
And again at 30:22 and 32:16 and 34:30 because, even though they lost, they want to try to do it again to show that they can as a "matter of pride."
25:00 - JK points something out to JM and then pats his butt.
33:33 - JM announces they lost, and then jikook do another handshake / high five thing.
34:33 - JM does an... interesting pose for the camera where he puts his hand on a bent-over JK's back and smirks.
34:56 - Yet another handshake and JM pats JK on the back when they finally pass the limbo challenge.
BEHIND 5:55 - While examining the limbo setup, JM comments that JK is good at this. JK comes over to give a demonstration and JM watches him be silly with it and says "he's a strange kid" fondly.
6:21 - Another jikook limbo attempt - this one was cut because they did it too easily.
Ep 114 “League of Number One Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The ones where BTS play games with League of Legends world champions
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3:55 - After Jimin protests that he shouldn't be out, JK tells his hyung to turn around and face the back.
14:40 - JK fake-boxes JM after losing the hammer game.
18:18 - JK mimics Jimin's BWL intro.
Ep 115 “League of Number One Part 2” (Ep: 2 / KM: .5)
7:05 - JK comes over to check on Jimin's phone to make sure he's actually visible in the selfie the teams take.
Ep 116 “Team-Building Special Part 1” (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
The ones with random games in that rec room-looking place that are a lot more fun than they sound
22:14 - JM and JK play around with the jump rope during breaktime.
22:26 - JM and JK play around like they're boxing with each other.
BEHIND 5:15 - JK appears to take an interest in watching JM's... back as he moves around acting out potential poses.
Ep 117 “Team-Building Special Part 1” (Ep: 4 / KM: 2)
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5:30 - Despite showing pretty much everyone else touching everyone else in the pose guessing game, we don't get a single shot here or in the behind of JK feeling up Jimin. The above photo proves that it happened, though, so definitely side-eyeing the editors, here.
BEHIND 5:35 - JK keeps throwing water bottles when they're supposed to be taking a group photo. Jimin pulls him back next to him and puts an arm around his neck. JK puts an arm around Jimin's shoulders in return.
7:51 - After it's explained that JK is staying late to watch Jin do his penalty, a packed-up Jimin comes over and stands next to JK, waiting until they're done to leave.
Ep 118 “Photo Story Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The ones where BTS play a Samsung-sponsored game involving getting specific pictures while a spy tries to ruin the fun
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4:22 - JM appears to direct JK to go punish Tae and pats JK's back when he starts to obey. Something happens that we don't see when the angle changes - next thing we see, JM seems to be pushing JK? JM then giggles at JK pretending to beat up Tae. (After this, JK spins around like a ballerina. Not jikook-related, just adorable.)
29:51 - JK calls Jimin twice without adding "hyung."
32:28 - JM pulls JK along by the wrist. Meanwhile, J-Hope once again mixes up their names.
32:44 - Though there is now a group walking slowly together and he doesn't need to pull him along anymore, Jimin takes JK's hand again.
37:02 - There are a bunch of seats open in the room, but Jimin walks over to sit right next to JK.
BEHIND 5:40 - When JM tries to steal a post-it from JK, JK scolds him in satoori banmal. JM calls him out for not calling him with hyung and JK quickly apologizes (in a way some k-army jikookers have said is like how a married person would respond to their nagging spouse!).
6:09 - JK and JM meet up and JK tells JM he's exhausted. There's a kind of weird moment that I fully admit I may be reading too much into where JK seems to be walking right towards JM, then abruptly stops and turns, looking at the camera, before walking with Jimin in a different direction than he had been heading. Then, JM says he thinks their matching shirts are hilarious and that it's funny they're wearing them for the show.
Ep 119 “Photo Story Part 2” (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
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8:21 - "You are me, I am you" moment: Jimin does a ballet spin the same way JK did in part one.
11:18 - JK is the only one to vote for JM to be able to keep a picture in other than Jin (who has nefarious reasons for doing so).
29:40 - JM goes over to help JK see how many of his photos the spy ruined and almost falls over laughing when it becomes clear it's nearly all of them.
34:21 - JM puts his hand on JK's shaking leg to help calm him (see above photo), but JK is so irritated that it doesn't work like it usually does. Poor bunny!
35:17 - JM pulls at JK's shirt and hand, then folds over his back while trying to get him to confess that he actually lost.
38:24 - JM has a comforting hand on JK's neck when he's acting upset about losing.
38:32 - When it seems like JK is struggling to come up with an ending statement, JM helps prompt him.
0:55 - JK talks about how amazing it is that Jimin found so many cards.
3:51 - When JK is playing with the sequin art on the front of his shirt, JM leans over and starts rubbing on them, too.
5:11 - Jimin tells JK that, if he wins, he's going to make the loser hike Mt. Achasan. JK asks why he's looking at him when he says that and they both laugh. Jimin pats JK's chest and they laugh even harder. Jin and Tae both have "omg, these two" looks on their faces.
Ep 120 “Reply BTS Village Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The ones with a real-life Mafia game inexplicably set in a 1970s village. It's... fairly difficult to follow, but the guys are into it and the outfits are great!
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24:40 - Jimin breaks character and laughs when asking JK if he's the culprit.
29:40 - Caption: "The air is undeniably tense between Gamer Jeon and Chief Park." Not explicitly jikook, I just find it funny that the writers seem to be playing with some real life relationships, making sope best friends and jikook have tension that leads to banter...
5:34 - When Jimin is playing with the yo-yo, JK expresses concern that he's going to hurt his fingers (caption: Kook is just worrying for his hyung). Then, JK asks poutily and in banmal if he can play with the yo-yo multiple times and Jimins says no. Like, JK straight-up gives his hyung a command ("let me try that") using informal speech and no one bats an eye!
5:58 - Jimin starts singing a song about an ants. JK watches him. JK initially says to Hobi "look, he's a fool/dummy!" (in banmal again), then starts singing along. He jokes that JM doesn't know all the lyrics and Jimin says back "quiet, you."
Ep 121 “Reply BTS Village Part 2” (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
38:48 - After having asked for it a bunch in the Behind of the previous episode, JK now has Jimin's yoyo.
non-jikook note: At the end of this one, they "time travel" to solve a mystery in Joseon-era Korea and I can't express how badly I want to see that. Please come back to that, Run!
BEHIND 0:58 - Jimin and JK play around accusing each other with exaggerated accents and formality. Jimin comes up behind JK and reaches out to touch his shoulder, but stops when Tae joins them and accuses them of plotting together.
9:05 - When JK says everyone else is so good at acting, Jimin compliments him that he was very funny towards the end.
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
What Did You Do?
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Platonic Wilford Warfstache x gender neutral!reader
@insertadumbnamehere ty for the request!
A/N: ok, so, this one takes place before, during, and almost immediately after WKM. I figured that "The Warfstache Affair" would take place pretty soon after it, so yeah. Wilford is referred to as William and The Colonel. You two are besties. Rated... T for cursing. Uh,,, I finished this during study hall instead of studying so... Appreciate my work. Inform me on any mistakes please.
Asks and submissions are open!
Word Count: 2.2k
You sat in the living room of your house, waiting for your friend to show up. William had a knack for being late to everything, you knew this and have accepted it by now. You were browsing through movies, wondering what you guys should watch. Nothing about Safari's or about a war. You might trigger something. He'd been through too much.
You heard your door unlock and creak open. You'd given him a key at this point in your friendship. You looked up at the Colonel and smiled. He wasn't looking at you.
"Hey, Will," you greeted. He nodded to you, a small smile on his face. It seemed forced.
"Evening," he responded. You tilted your head slightly.
"I uh… was looking for a movie. Anything in mind?"
"No… not particularly…"
"Ok. Well I found some feel-good movies, or we have some horror if you'd--"
"I got a letter," he interrupted. You raised an eyebrow at him. He cleared his throat. "It's… it's from Mark…" you scrambled to your feet, walking over to him. He was holding a letter with "William J. Barnum" written on it. You knew about his… falling out with the actor. It was pretty bad, from what you heard. Over a girl as well. You thought that to be a bit immature, but you didn't need to tell him that.
"What does it say?" You asked.
"I don't know. I haven't looked yet."
"Why not?"
"I wanted to wait until I was over here," you squinted at him in confusion. "In case… I read something I don't like…"
"Well… open it!" You urged. He tore the top open and took out a piece of paper. He read it to himself. You didn't need him to read it out loud to you, as you looked over his boulder to read.
"I've… been invited to Markiplier Manor for… a party…" he explained. You stepped away from his shoulder and stood in front of him.
"Well?" You asked.
"Well what?"
"Are you going?"
"No! Why would I?" He asked. You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Because… he's your friend--"
"Was my friend, Y/N. Was my friend…" he spoke quietly. You rolled your eyes.
"Ah, yes. It must've slipped my mind that you two behaved like 3rd graders…"
"... And haven't talked to each other in years because of a girl." The Colonel stepped towards you.
"Celine is not just a girl…" he said in a warning tone.
"Yes, yes, I know. She's a woman. And you don't talk to your best friend because of her!"
"He's not my best friend, you are!" Your face heats up a bit. "And anyways, I didn't stop talking to him because of that, I stopped talking to him because he was a selfish prick!"
"And you didn't even try to talk it out? That seems a bit immature, Will…"
"Oh, please. Like you're mature…" you frowned at him.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You aren't exactly the most fair person yourself."
"Oh, really?" You raised your voice. "Care to elaborate, William?"
"Why, yes," he growled. "You're needy, you're selfish, you complain so much when you don't get everything you want--"
"What are you talking about?"
"Sometimes I don't want to hang out with you, Y/N!" He yelled. "Sometimes I just want to hang out in my own home by myself, but you just want me to hang out with you at every chance you get. And I do not want that!"
"Why not?!" You yelled, your voice cracking. You didn't have many friends, William was one of the few you had. Of course you wanted to hang out with him. You didn't have to be doing anything just… being near each other was fine for you. You could admit, you were a bit clingy.
"Sometimes you remind me of him," he sighed. You didn't think it was a compliment.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked. At this point, William had already lost his temper, and was now just spitting whatever popped into his mind.
"It means the only difference between you and him is that he has enough money to pay people to stick around! All your friends just feel sorry for you!" He snapped and realized his mistake all too late. You stared at him with a hurt look, feeling the tears glazing your eyes. You had trusted him with one of your insecurities. You had let him in. And now he was using that against you.
"Y/N…" you spun away from him. "Y/N I didn't mean…" he reached out to touch your shoulder, but you jerked away. He pulled back. You were letting the tears spill and quietly crying. Soft enough that he could tell you were trying to hide it, but loud enough that he heard you anyways. He put his arm back at his side.
"I'd like you to leave," you said, your voice wavering. His eyebrows furrowed.
"Leave, Will!" You demanded. He sighed.
"I'll… go to the party… we'll talk later, okay?" He said. You didn't respond. He sighed and left your house, leaving you to cry on your own.
It had been about a week since you'd seen or heard from the Colonel, and you were ready to talk. You thought he was just giving you space since he knew how upset you were. You texted him, "hi, Will. I wanted to apologize and say that I'm ready to talk whenever you are." And left it at that. You didn't think much about the fact that he didn't respond, until the next day.
Two policemen had shown up at your door.
"Can I help you?" You asked, slightly nervous.
"Do you know a William J. Barnum?" They asked. Your heart stopped.
"Um… yes…"
"We'd like to ask you a couple questions about him." You opened the door for them to come inside. You invited them to sit down on your couch, and made some coffee since it was early.
"So…" you began, nervously. "What's up with Will?"
"He went missing," The cop on the left said.
"After he presumably killed 5 people." You froze. William? Kill people? No… no, he couldn't… he wouldn't…
"Excuse me?" The cop on the right called your attention. You snapped up to him.
"When was the last time you saw him?"
"Oh… um… a couple days ago… he told me he was going to Markiplier Manor for a party… we had a fight… I haven't heard from him since then…"
"I'm sorry." The left cop apologized. You nodded at him. "Do you have any idea of where he could be?"
"Uh… no. No, I don't think so…"
"Do you have any idea of what could've cause him to do this?"
"Well… he has some anger issues… and, uh, he doesn't really like Mark… they had a… falling out a while ago… over a girl…"
"A girl?"
"Yes. Celine…"
"Celine? Sister of the mayor Celine?"
"She's one of the people who've gone missing since the party. Along with Mayor Damien, and a District Attorney." You widened your eyes.
"W-What about the other two?"
"You said he presumably killed five people? What about the other two?"
"Oh, uh… Mark's Butler told us that Markiplier was dead, but his body had gone missing. And uh, we found the body of a detective in the Manor. He was shot in the chest with a 357 Magnum." You frown. "Any recollection of that?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah… he takes his Magnum everywhere…"
"But… I never thought he'd…" you felt the tears burning your eyes as they threatened to fall. The left cop sets a gentle hand on your arm.
"I'm sorry about this. I know it's hard, especially if we don't even know for sure. But we need you to work with us," he consoled. They also you a couple more questions before standing up to leave.
"Here's the police station's number. Call if you get anything from him, okay?" The right cop said. You nodded, wipond your eyes with the back of your hand. They thanked you for the coffee and left. You sat on your couch, sighing. William…
"Damnit, William, what'd you get yourself into?" You mumbled and got out your phone.
William sat in the empty room, music playing on a boombox in the corner. He was thinking, and the beats of 80s songs were apparently helping with that.
Why were the police after him? He didn't do anything. He didn't kill anybody. He knew he didn't. I mean… the District Attorney was living proof of that. Abe was… fine. Right? Of course he was… if they were alive, why wouldn't he be? He started to laugh a bit. This was so… ridiculous! It was mad! He loved it!
There may have been something wrong with his head. Watching the person you killed come back after seven hours can do that to a person…
But he wasn't crazy. He wasn't. He knew that for a fact.
He turned his head to the phone he sat on the boombox and raised his eyebrows.
"Now, who could that be?" He said to no one in particular. He leaped to his feet and waltzed over.
He looked at the phone, checking to see who it was. The contact name was "N/N". You had changed it to your nickname a while ago, saying that if he had a nickname, you should have one too. He smiled widely as he saw it.
He picked up the phone.
"N/N! Hello, how are you? It's been a while, huh?" He said, his voice all over the place.
"William, what did you do?" You asked bluntly.
"Well, I missed you too…"
"William. What did you do?"
"Not much. I had some cake the other day and-"
"William..." You growled. He furrowed his eyebrows, wondering what you were so upset about. Then, he laughed.
"Ah, so the police got to you. I didn't do anything." He claimed.
"Don't lie to me, Will," you warned.
"I'm not! I would never!"
"Then why do the police think you killed five people?!"
"Five people? No!" He paused. "...maybe two or three…"
"It's fine, they came back! Well… one of them did…"
"What the hell are you talking about?" He grunted in frustration.
"I shot them in the chest. I sat right there next to the body for several hours. Then they just got back up. Right there in front of me."
"... okay… William-"
"I was thinking of changing my name, actually! What do you think about "Wilford Warfstache"?"
"I think we shouldn't talk for a while." You said quickly. William's smile dropped and he froze.
"What?" He asked softly.
"I think, until things calm down, you should lay low for a while and… we shouldn't talk."
"But… but I like talking-"
"I know, Will. I like talking to you too. But this is serious. You're in trouble for some really bad things. You should try not to make it worse, okay? Keep quiet and don't cause trouble." You commanded. "It'll be safer for the both of us if we don't stay in contact. You know my address, you have a key, I don't plan on moving anytime soon. If you really need to come here you can."
"I'm gonna miss you, Will." Your voice cracked as you spoke. William felt tears pricking at his own eyes.
"I'll… miss you too…"
"I'm sorry… about before…"
"I know… I am too…"
"... I love you…" you chuckled from the other end of the line.
"I… love you too…" Then you hung up. William stood there for a moment, not sure what to do. You were his best friend. What was he supposed to do now? Who was he supposed to have a movie night with? Who was he supposed to talk to?
He looked over to his previous spot on the floor, where he's left his gun. What was one way he could let you know he was doing good without contacting you?
He smiled and started giggling.
"Time to cause some chaos!"
It had been three weeks since your call with William. The police contacted you occasionally, asking if you heard anything. You always said no. You knew William, and he wouldn't do anything like that on purpose. So, you didn't tell the police anything.
You worried about William. He didn't seem like himself on the call. He seemed… loose. More… careless. That was worrying.
You sighed as you opened your front door, having just bought groceries. You sat the bags in your kitchen and turned on the TV to have some background noise as you cooked. You flipped through the channels until something on the news caught your eye. You went back to it
"--a gruesome series of murders committed by a man who calls himself "Wilford Warfstache". The police think this man may be the fugitive William J. Barnum, who is allegedly killed the actor Mark Fischbach, the mayor of the town, the mayor's sister, a detective on the case, and a district attorney." the newswoman explained. You gaped at the TV. "He is responsible for killing a woman, her husband, their neighbor, their dog, and possibly, their baby. If you see this man, call the number on screen right away." They showed a picture of William with his mustache dyed pink. You buried your face in your hands and swore.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me…"
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"You're flashy again today!" Charlie said appreciatively to Guerin, who had opted for blue lipstick, dangly earrings and a yellow cropped sweatshirt over leggings and chunky black boots.
"Well yeah, we're gonna be in a private room so I'm taking advantage of not having to hide!" Guerin posed by poking her cheek paired with a pouty smile. Charlie grinned to see her friend looking cheerful.
"Well you look great."
"I look great? Look at youuuuu!" Guerin crowed, "Boy better watch out, you look on fleek." She dipped into english to adequately express admiration for her friend.
"Stop you're too much." Charlie rolled her eyes at how over the top Guerin was being, but it still made her happy cause despite how obnoxious it was she was being genuine with her opinion.
"Never." Guerin linked arms with Charlie, "Do you know where we're going?" The girls had met at the station closest to the karaoke place that had been chosen by A.C.E and would meet the group there. Charlie led the way, familiar with Guerin's legendarily poor sense of direction. She texted Jun to let them know when they arrived. Once inside Guerin chose two beers to bring in with them.
"We'll need these for bravery. If we wanna sing in front of those five." She said sensibly.
"I could use a drink but I'm not going to sing." Charlie accepted the beer.
"That's fine, but if you wanna do a duet later I'm here for you." Guerin winked.
Just then Chan appeared in the lobby, "Did you two get lost? You're taking forever." He said.
"Hey, don't talk to your elders like that." Guerin said, undermining herself by sticking out her tongue as they moved to follow him.
"Sorry Guerin-Noona, Charlie-Noona." Chan pouted at the older women, causing Guerin to immediately melt and coo at him.
"You are so weak." Charlie teased her friend as they made their way into the assigned room.
"It's true I'm the softest. Hey everyone!" Guerin called out, waving to the rest of A.C.E as they joined them. "Awww you had the same idea we did!" She commented on the assortment of drinks already gathered on the table in the center of the room.
"Charlie, you look great!" Donghun piped up after everyone had finished their greetings. Maybe it's because Guerin was looking for it, but she caught Jun go from looking and smiling at Charlie to shooting Donghun a surprised expression at his compliment.
"Thanks." Charlie said shyly, "It's nothing much." Her outfit was a simple hoodie and jeans but she had left her freshly dyed hair down, apparently the vibrant pink and purple was a hit.
"Nothing much. Pshaw. you are the belle of the ball." Guerin threw an arm around her friend, tapped her beer to Charlie's and the two of them started with their first drinks of the night.
The seven started off restrained enough but after a few songs Guerin insisted that without Queen it wasnt worth coming out so she sang Don't Stop Me Now which got everyone more riled up despite her not quite hitting every note. Seyoon got particularly aggressive with the tambourine during a flailing dance off so Guerin had to disarm him but otherwise no one was hurt. Charlie even joined in after a few drinks and sang Spice Girls and Backstreet boys much to the amusement of A.C.E and with Guerin acting as her solo hype team and yelling along.
After about an hour they flopped down for their first break as Jun, Chan and Seyoon hurried to the front to order snacks and more drinks.
"Jun was right, this is fun!" Charlie exclaimed happily.
"I've found the perfect song for us to do next! Will you sing it with me?" Guerin scooted over to Charlie, showing her the selection.
"Oh... oh yes. Definitely." Charlie nodded, the alcohol in her system making her bold.
Donghun leaned slightly across Charlie to try and peak at the song choice but Guerin snatched it away. Charlie blushed at the proximity of Donghun being so close. Sure she liked Jun but that didn't make her blind. Or sober. The other three returned, Jun came in first seeing Donghun and frowning as the two seemed to separate quickly. Byeongkwan tried to take the song selecter from Guerin for a peak and she jumped away from him.
"Noona what is it, let me see!" Byeongkwan said, reaching again.
"No, it's a surprise!" She twisted away from him and collided with Seyoon who had fortunately just set the snacks he was carrying down. His hand automatically went to her arms to steady her as the two stumbled.
"Oh shit" she was shocked into english for a moment, "Seyoonie I'm sorry are you okay?"
Before he could answer Guerin felt Byeongkwan reaching for the song selecter again and she yanked it instinctively away from him, which moved her closer to Seyoon. He used her momentum to pull her closer to him, but switching to look at Byeongkwan.
"Stop antagonizing her, at this rate she'll accidentally kill me." Seyoon said with a grin. Guerin tsked and pulled away from him. She had enjoyed feeling his hands on her and being so close to him, but she while she may have been too tipsy to make a snarky comeback with that level of distraction, she wasn't drunk enough to act on it.
"It's not my fault she's not watching where she's going." Byeongkwan shrugged.
Jun had surreptitiously settled in Guerins abandoned spot next to Charlie and was offering her another drink.
"Noona do you have a song picked out?" Chan asked, opening a bag of chips.
"Oh yes! Charlie is gonna sing with me!" Guerin spun and held her hand out to her friend who got up to join her. Jun looked disappointed for a moment until Guerin started the song choice. A.C.E all laughed and cheered as Take Me Higher came over the speakers.
The two women had a grand time singing along heartily, eagerly using the two dance moves they knew from the performance (poorly) and freestyle dancing the rest (also poorly). Guerin also mixed in randomly singing to each member of A.C.E, but she stopped when she sang the lyrics "I want you, I need you, say you love me" to Seyoon who had a big grin that started to falter. She threw herself back into the song and the two wrapped up with big cheers from the audience. Charlie flopped back into her seat between Donghun and Jun while Guerin sat next to Byeongkwan at the end of the couch.
"That was amazing!" Jun cheered and clapped loudly, giving Charlie a standing ovation.
"I'm glad you guys liked it." Charlie beamed up at him.
"Noona, maybe you could come to our dance practice sometime, before you try that again in public." Byeongkwan suggested to Guerin.
"Do you want to die?" She joked, throwing her arm around him and pulling him into a healock, but completely unable to keep a straight face.
"Aah, I'm kidding I'm sorry!" Byeongkwan tapped at her arm.
"Charlie you sing really well!" Donghun said. Guerin noticed him lean in closer to her friend as Jun's smile faded a bit, eyes moving back and forth between the two.
"Stop, I'm not a singer." Charlie protested.
"No really! We should sing a song together." Donghun pressed.
"Nooo you'll make me sound so bad." She waved her hand in protest, "Really you're being too nice."
Donghun took hold of her waving hand, "I'm serious, let's-"
Before he could finish his sentence Jun grabbed her hand away from Donghun and pulled her up toward him, he held her hand tightly, staring at Donghun, then moving his eyes to Charlie, "I like you. I don't want to see him flirt with you like that."
Charlie was flabbergasted. Her mouth worked as her mind caught up to what had just happened. Byeongkwan tapped lightly on Guerins arm, she had forgotten she was holding him as things unfolded and she quickly let him go but no one said anything else.
"I'm sorry to bring it up so suddenly but-" he suddenly couldn't speak anymore as Charlie took his hands and pulled him in for a kiss. Jun looked shocked.
"Sorry, I like you too. I got carried away." She looked down suddenly shy again but Jun beamed, pulled her chin up and kissed her again. Guerin, Byeongkwan and Donghun both cheered and bounced up. Seyoon had a big smile on his face, Chan looked shocked with a somewhat vacant smile on his face.
"I'm sorry Jun-ah, but you weren't doing anything so I thought I'd egg you on." Donghun clapped both of them on the back. Jun shot him a glare, "That's great so you can stop forever now." Guerin resisted bouncing over to Charlie and forced herself to sit back down. Seyoon scooted over to her.
"Did you know about this?" He asked, still smiling and watching.
"Well I knew Charlie liked him, but I wasn't sure about Jun." She looked at Seyoon, "Did you know?"
"Yeah, he talked to us." He responded.
"He wasn't sure he'd ever act on it, and if he did this wasnt in his plan." Chan piped up, laying across Seyoon to join the conversation.
The rest of the evening was spent drinking, singing and dancing. And, in the case of Charlie and Jun, holding hands and smiling at each other. Even Guerin with her high tolerance for alcohol managed to get well into tipsy by the time they were ready to wrap up.
"Are you okay getting home?" Charlie asked her friend, concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine, I'll just take a taxi or something." Guerin waved off her friend. She had heard Jun asking Charlie to get a coffee somewhere so they could talk and there was no way she was going to interrupt that. The two of them went their separate way, A.C.E held back until Guerin was able to flag down a taxi and get in before they headed off to their dorm.
"She was kind of drunk, think she'll be okay?" Donghun, peaked backwards concerned.
"Yeah, cabs can be creepy especially toward women." Byeongkwan added.
Chan looked genuinely concerned, "Normally I wouldn't worry about her but..."
"You guys go ahead without me." Seyoon peeled off and ran back to the taxi, stopping it and sliding into the backseat.
"Idiots. All of them." Donghun shook his head.
"What are you doing?" Guerin asked in surprise as Seyoon slid into the seat next to her.
Seyoon thanked the driver and apologized to him before answering Guerin, "Just making sure you get home safe. You never know these days." He said with a shrug.
"You're silly." She scoffed, "But that's very considerate of you, thank you."
They were quiet for a minute before Guerin spoke again, "Tonight was so much fun, thanks for letting Charlie and I crash your party."
Seyoon laughed, "It was never our party. Jun planned this after he invited Charlie and you."
Guerin covered her mouth to keep from laughing too loud, "He is slick." She giggled.
"It was fun anyway. We have fun when you're around." Seyoon said offhandedly looking at Guerin.
She smiled shyly then reach up to cover his eyes with her hand, "You have such an unsettling habit of staring directly at people." She laughed nervously trying to cover up her own reaction to the direct eye contact. He reached for her hand and pulled it down so she could see him still looking at her.
"You don't want me to look at you?" He asked, raising his eyebrows to accentuate his curious smile.
"I don't mean it like that. It's just a lot to look at you sometimes." Guerin tried to cover her tracks without thinking. She puffed out her cheeks realizing what she had said too late and looked straight ahead. Seyoon reached over to poke her cheek which caused her to glance at him from the corner of her eye and giggle. "Sorry, I'm not thinking straight. Just forget it."
His classic smile remained in place as he shrugged in acceptance and leaned back, just happy to have pestered her.
"Hey so what is your company's policy on dating?" Guerin asked suddenly.
"Our... dating? Why?" Seyoon was surprised by the sudden question.
"I'm curious for Charlie." She answered.
"Ah... I see." He nodded for a moment, trying to ignore the moment of disappointment he felt, "We can date. They want to know and I don't know how they'd go about it as far as announcing it." He shrugged, "I guess we'll find out."
"That's good at least. I'm glad you're allowed to be human." She smiled at him.
He bit his lip then slid his hand over to rest on top of hers, "Me too." He added, staring straight ahead. Her hand twitched under his but she didn't pull away. They sat like that for the next few minutes in silence until arriving at her apartment. She thanked him for riding with her home and tried to pay which Seyoon had to threaten to take her card away before she gave up. Once inside her apartment she washed her face, changed into pajamas then collapsed onto her bed.
"What the shit." She said to herself, flopping around in frustration under the covers.
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