#I'd imagine we might get something like this in the post credit scenes
vita-divata · 2 years
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Healing myself with wholesome doodles ✨
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shakingparadigm · 6 months
What if Luka expects Hyuna to come like she did in his round with Mizi and he is plotting something.He has the trust of aliens,the love of the public and no one would suspect him to do something outside the box,far from the image he created of himself.Hyuna made her appearence in round 5 when we didn't expected it. If the round isn't entirely dedicated to Ivan and Till,this may be an option.He may confront Mizi and Hyuna,they may not be able to rescue Ivan and Till and not make it in time. Luka may not appear at all.
(Me overthinking things: OMG Akugetsu will cover Hyuna's song this must mean something | The other me: OMG I can't wait,this song literally suits him!)
(I like the style of your drawings,the way you use colors and the way you phrase things! When something about ALNST comes out I just wait for your updates! I can't imagine what will happen on tumblr when round 6 is out. And then all of us will wait for the next one over again XD)
Till the end.
TILL... the end...
Ok this is the worst joke I could ever make.
Oohh. Luka appearing in ROUND 6 would honestly be insane. I thought about him making an appearance in the short teaser scene before credits, but if he actually confronted anyone himself that would be so interesting. Imagine all 6 of them in the same episode... the same room... no way... the Alien Stage would be real...
Luka attempting to sabotage Mizi and Hyuna is such an intriguing concept. I do think he's figured out that Hyuna will be returning, he grew up with her, after all. He's most likely aware of her penchant for protecting people. He probably expects Mizi to come back for the only friends she has left, too. He couldn't do anything the first time he saw Hyuna after ROUND 5, but he might be more eager to get his hands on her now. If we get our first adult Hyuna and Luka interaction during ROUND 6 I'd actually go insane. as much as I hope for it though, I'm not sure whether or not it will actually happen. ROUND 6 already has a lot going for it. A final confession of love already makes for a heavy episode, but with Till's newly revealed backstory added to the mix? Mizi and Hyuna's attempt at a jailbreak? The whole video would probably need an entire week to be processed and even comprehended, especially if they want to go into extensive detail on each aspect. Still, though, if Luka interfered... if Mizi and Hyuna were unable to save anyone and had to defeatedly return to the rebellion base carrying the weight of their failure, well, I DON'T THINK I'D BE REACHABLE FOR AT LEAST 10 BUSINESS DAYS I'd have to go into hiding in order to cope with that. But who knows! The fun part about VIVINOS videos is that they're always gonna leave you fucked up in one way or another!
AKUGETSU COVERING ALL-IN. TILL COVERING HYUNA'S SONG. I've posted so many times about this day holy shit its finally real. It really does suit him! Do you think AKUGETSU is
1) hinting that Till is joining the rebellion
2) giving us the All-In cover as compensation for whatever bad thing is going to happen to Till
(or a secret third thing: he literally just did it for fun and we've just gone insane.)
Ahh thank you so much for enjoying my stuff! I'm so happy, everyone's been really nice to me as of late and I don't know what to doooo hahaha I'm just really glad to share everyone's excitement for ALIEN STAGE :)
You wait for my updates??!! oh no I'm so sorry 😭 I'm quite late at times because I've had some stuff going on (I've barely said anything about the April Fools actor au 😭) but hopefully I'll be free to go absolutely nuts after the release of ROUND 6 tomorrow!! If you're ever in need of someone to scream about ROUND 6 with my inbox is always open!! Thank you for your kind words!!
Can't wait till I get to hear from you again! :)
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plantsjustwannahavefun · 11 months
As someone who has kind of convinced themselves Izzy is gonna die at the end of S2, could you share your reasons why you think he won't? I'm sure a lot of us who think he's doomed could use some ideas as to otherwise. And who do you think is being buried in that grave scene in the Behind the scenes video? I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!
Hey, first of all, this is the first ask I’ve ever got, so thanks ☺️
Okay, so, there’s been so many posts recently with much more elaborate and better-argued takes than mine, and I can’t really take credit for anything I’m going to say here because none of these thoughts are original, really… but anyway.
I was surprised how quickly and strongly people seemed to have latched onto the “Izzy’s gonna die” train based on, as far as I'm concerned, nothing more than a couple of vague BTS bits and a general sense of foreboding caused by previous experience with stories like these.
First of all, the BTS pictures and videos. Namely the bit where Izzy seems to be lying down and the one with the grave. It’s a massive stretch at best. I think Izzy’s likely to get injured at some point, but this could literally be anything, we can’t even see what’s going on. This could be a fuckery. At one point Ed is holding out his hand stained with blood, but we don’t even know whose blood it is. Same for the grave. Izzy isn’t the only crew member missing from the ring of people standing around it. We know there’s going to be a big battle in E08, so it's not surprising someone would die, but there’s simply no proof and not at all likely it would be Izzy.
Also, think about it. Izzy’s a sailor. Sailors typically get burried at sea. The only other place I could imagine him wanting to be buried at is next to his family in England, but that might just not be feasible, so he’d most likely get burried at sea. The way I see it, he’d much rather rest on the ocean floor than some random beach in the Republic of Pirates, a place he claimed to hate in S01.
Another thing: the creators of the show know how rabid this fanbase is. They knew we were going to painstakingly pick apart and overanalyse every single frame of every morsel of promotional content we could get our hands on. So far they’ve gone to great lengths to avoid major spoilers. They even changed Ed’s line in the trailer where he said “and, more importantly, no more Izzy” (replaced it with “no more Stede”) in order not to reveal the plotline of Ed shooting Izzy, even though that line was pretty vague and could have been up to interpretation. So how likely is it that they would reveal a major character’s death in several frames of BTS material? Just not very likely at all, I’d say.
Then I’ve seen a few people argue that the writers want to get rid of Con because doing the CGI for the unicorn leg is too expensive and inconvenient. I’m calling bullshit on that one too. Admittedly, I don’t know much about CGI, but Con literally just has to wear a green sock over his boot or something like that, and it’s not that hard to frame it in a way that makes his leg less visible. So far we’ve had a lot of shots with him just sitting there, or where he was filmed from the waist up. I imagine it wasn’t easy for Con to mimic moving like he was missing a leg, but he nailed it perfectly, and he seemed to have an easier time walking around in episodes 6 and 7 compared to ep 5, so he won’t have to keep up the severe limping to the same extent. At this point Izzy is the third major character after Stede an Ed. There’s no way they’d get rid of him just because of a minor cinematographic inconvenience like that.
And then there’s the fact that nobody actually dies in this show except for the villains. David Jenkins took the “bury your gays” trope and turned it into “make your gays unkillable”. This is literally the show that gave us recreational gut stabbing. There’s only a couple of exceptions, but they were all very minor characters or, well, a bird… I really liked Ivan, but he was easily the least important character out of all the crew members, and probably the only reason his death was offscreen was because the actor quit after S01. There’s no indication that Con wants to quit, it’s obvious he’s having the time of his life with this role, so it’s very unlikely he would sacrifice it for some other project.
What OFMD does love, on the other hand, is characters appearing to die, only to end up surviving against all odds. That’s, like, its signature trait by now. None of us really believed Lucius was going to die, even though logically it was extremely unlikely he wouldn't just drown immediately. They didn’t even bother to explain it properly, that’s how little this show cares for realism. And we love that about it. Izzy himself has already had not one, not two, but THREE instances like that: the dream sequence scene, getting shot in the leg, then surviving his suicide attempt. If he happened to actually die for real now, that would just be bad storytelling.
Speaking of storytelling… That’s really the main reason I don’t believe Izzy’s going to die. I know a lot of people are hung up on the whole “his narrative arc is complete and he has served his purpose as a character” thing, and in any other show that might be true, but not this one. OFMD isn’t just a show, it’s a love letter to the queer community. Izzy is now a representation of a queer person discovering himself and being accepted into the found family. He figuratively embodies the spirit of the Revenge. The physical unicorn figurine was destroyed, but the crew managed to use something “broken” and give it a new life. If the show did this only to kill Izzy off right afterwards, that would feel like a slap in the face. It wouldn't complete his character arc, it would undo it. It would be way worse than another show killing off some character that simply happened to be gay. It would feel like killing a character off specifically because they finally found some happiness in being gay, right after reaching the peak of their personal development as a queer character. It would feel deliberately mean rather than merely thoughtless.
And it would make the very first scene of S2 kind of meaningless, too. That dream sequence specifically showed us what was not going to happen. Izzy wasn’t going to stand between Stede and Ed anymore. Izzy and Stede weren’t going to be enemies anymore. Ed wasn’t going to melt into Stede’s arms and immediately forget all that’s happened. And Izzy isn’t going to die. Simple as that.
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color-cacophony · 1 year
Things I hope will happen in DLC 3:
This first one's obvious, but Phantom's dialogue being fully voice acted again
Beep-O snaps and completely goes off at Phantom about everything he's done wrong ever (bonus if it leaves Phantom speechless and a little bit intimidated)
References to and/or cameos from other Rayman characters. Maybe even just a post-credit scene with Rayman returning to the Glade of Dreams and telling Globox all the wack stuff that happened on his adventure like "bro you won't believe what the Rabbids are doing now" "the what"
A "you can't say that on TV" moment where the player may choose to troll Phantom by choosing a particular dialogue option (like in A Hat in Time where you can make Hat Kid swear in DJ Grooves' movie)
This one's kind of a stretch but I'd like to see a sequence inspired by the Teensie Highways from Rayman 3. They kinda fit the whole motif of traveling through dimensions, besides they're just a really cool concept :D
Moments where Phantom tries to put an operatic flourish into his speech but he forgets he can't sing anymore so he freezes for a bit after his voice crackles and he's like "...anyway,"
A side quest where you must steal something small from Phantom's dressing room for an obsessive fan lmao this isn't really a serious one but it would be funny
Some huge disaster strikes and we're forced to rescue Phantom. (He might be smug and annoying, but we're still the heroes...) The thought of him as a damsel in distress is so fitting and hilarious, just imagine him dramatically pleading for help like in that dream @hostess-of-horror had about him being tangled in some vines in the Melodic Gardens
Phantom in any context where he has a different outfit. DRESS👏THAT👏MAN👏UP👏!!!
Actually Rayman and the Rabbids with snazzy outfits too 🎉🎉🎉 MAKE EM FABULOUS!!!
Lore murals for Phantom. Mostly just because I want to see more of him in the 2D art style lol
We get to hear 1,000 Hours of Mario Falling Into Lava
Hopefully this list might actually manifest some of these points in one way or another seeing how Mario + Rabbids fans apparently have the power to beam their ideas into the game lmao
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sun-marie · 1 month
Six-song soundtrack
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following:
An event that defines your character's past
How your character sees themselves
How others view them
Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
A major fight scene
End credits song
tagged by @solas-backpack-mug, thank you so much for the tag <333
I went with my BG3 Tav, Zephyr Skybreeze 💙
An event that defines your character's past: Lara - The Arcadian Wild
How your character sees themselves: Bird Song - Juniper Vale
How others view them: The Poet - The Arcadian Wild
Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic): De Selby Part 2 - Hozier
A major fight scene: Bones - Imagine Dragons
End credits song: Cover Me In Sunshine - P!nk
An event that defines your character's past
Lara - The Arcadian Wild
I've mentioned it a few times before, but this song was the initial inspiration for zephyr as a character <3
Lara, don't you let 'em get your head down
They don't know a thing about the rain clouds
They don't even know which way the wind's bound
So how could they know your name?
Lara, don't you let 'em get your head down
You're carrying the fire, don't forget now
You're living in a land that's all but run down
So how could they know your name?
^ when zephyr was a kiddo, she had trouble making friends and used to get bullied by other kids for her air genasi powers. This song represents her grandfather encouraging her and reminding he and her namesake, zephyr's late father, love her.
How your character sees themselves
Bird Song - Juniper Vale
I want to dance on the horizon line
But there is something I am caged behind
I have a heart made for take flight
But I'm low, so low
^ this part references the trouble she can have connecting with others, and her desire to do so despite the difficulty.
I want to join in with the meadowlarks
Chase after the song of where the wild things are
The symphony's awakening my sparrow heart
I know, I'll go
^ though obviously the tadpole is not ideal and she still wants it removed throughout the story, turns out making friends is much easier when they can see how she actually feels behind her "resting bitch face". The friends she made over the journey do awaken a kind of joy in her and help her be more confident.
How others view them
The Poet - The Arcadian Wild
She said, "Make sure you're lookin' where you step
You've a tendency not to notice
There's an arrowhead underneath each of our noses
If we get out of our own heads and look around"
^ most of her companions were impressed with her curiosity and observation, and Gale especially by the well of knowledge she had about what, to him, seemed like mundane objects around them.
We just might see the trees like she did
Her father's heart and might in the forest
And they spoke to her like a daughter
So she planted more
^ another reference to her late dad, and the interaction of her air genasi and wood elf heritage.
Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
De Selby Part 2 - Hozier
for this one I went with her partner, Gale, and the kinda desperate quality their relationship has due to the threat of the orb.
I wanna run against the world that's turnin'
I'd movе so fast that I'd outpace the dawn
I wanna be gonе
I wanna run so far, I'd beat the mornin'
Before the dawn has come, I'd block the sun
If you want it done
^ gale and zephyr, for most of acts 2 and 3, feel like they are racing against the clock before his inevitable sacrifice (even if zephyr says different out loud), and so they have to make every second count, either trying to find an alternate solution or enjoying each other while they can :')
Let all time slow, let all light go
^ more of that
I only need the workin' of my hands
^ a reference to Gale's hands, which I feel like are a theme in his romance
A major fight scene
Bones - Imagine Dragons
okay so the lyrics of this one don't really match up lol BUT I watched an Arcane amv a while ago that timed Vi's punches with "got this feeling" part and not only did it change my brain chemistry but it's also how imagine Zephyr fighting when she doesn't have her staff <3
There is this part in the chorus though -
I got this feeling in my soul
Go ahead and throw your stones
'Cause there's magic in my bones
^ which again relates to the bullying she went through bc of her powers (even though it's not really 'magic' like the weave)
End credits song
Cover Me In Sunshine - P!nk
From a distance all these mountains
Are just some tiny hills
Wildflowers, they keep living
While they're just standing still
I've been missing yesterday
But what if there's a better place?
^ This part shows her perspective on the events of the game as a Thoughts of the Forest monk, and how even if things don't (or can't) return to how they were before the tadpole, she has faith in the natural order of the world to make a better future.
Cover me in sunshine
Shower me with good times
^ how I envision her life with Gale in Waterdeep <3
tagging @modwyr @glamfellens and @full---ofstarlight if y'all haven't been tagged yet, as well as anyone else who'd like to play!
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laf-outloud · 10 months
Did you see Jared talking about discussing things with writers for a reboot today? Do you think that will happen?
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Since I received a few different asks (with varying degree of interest, lol), all about the reboot discussion from HonCon, I thought I'd combine them and share my thoughts about what Jensen and Jared shared.
Now, the main panel didn't really have anything substantative in regards to when a reboot might happen or what it might be about so I'm mostly basing my thoughts on the Gold panel (which you can view here.)
(Side note: The English teacher mention was just referencing the attendee who asked the last question because she actually was a student of Jared's mom.)
The question (starting at 29:31) was basically asking about how the scenes would play out between Sam and Dean in Heaven, post 15x20, when Sam tells Dean about Dean Jr., and then later Sam's anticipation and reunion (and meeting his Uncle) when Dean Jr. joins them in Heaven. Here's their response:
Jared: "I will say, un, not to try and dodge it, but I hope... I have some ideas, and I hope now that the writers are back, and actors are back, that we all get to see it together."
Jensen: "We get to see those scenes played out in real life?" shrug "Wait, what?... Yeah, (?) stay tuned on that."
Jared: "Yeah, yes."
Jensen: "There's some conversations regarding that conversation that are being had."
So, I know they've talked reboot before, and usually it's pretty vague... "putting the boots back on" kind of stuff. Here, Jared does dodge the question, which was very specific. If, what I'm thinking, actually sees fruition, @lol-jackles should ask for a writing credit, because he's shared this idea before!
Basically (and I'm not a mind-reader so this is just my opinion), I think they're looking at the possibility of doing a post-15x20 series that centers around Dean Jr. with Sam and Dean popping in as side characters. And I think that for a couple of different reasons. One, is, like I mentioned, Jared's dodge of a very specific post-15x20 question. The second, if you go earlier in the panel (around 9:40), Jared is still talking about hanging up the acting boots and moving behind the scenes to tell stories. I don't think he wants to go back to the grind of SPN as a lead. I think he knows that a successful reboot requires both Sam and Dean, but I imagine they would be there in a limited capacity as a way of handing over the baton to the next generation.
Now, you may say that Jensen already tried that and failed with The Winchesters so why would they do another series where Sam and Dean's roles were limited? Well, I think TW had other issues besides the lack of Sam that helped doom the show, not the least of which was an inexperienced production team. With Jared on board as an EP, which he's proven he can do successfully, he'd have power over the story, the casting, hiring the writers, etc. that could give a reboot a better chance.
Of course, it still sounds like they're in the earliest stages, even though they've had three years to think about it, and who knows what the industry will look like in the next few years. As Jared and Jensen shared in the main panel, if Supernatural had aired it's first season this last year, it would have been canceled because of all the changes the industry is going through.
Personally, I don't know if a reboot will ever see the light of day, regardless of how much Jared and Jensen may want it. There's so many obstacles they'd have to get through, including studio support. (And let's be honest, the WB is not in a good place right now.) Final answer... who knows! LOL!
Anyway, those are my thoughts. I hope you didn't mind waiting, but this was something that I wanted to respond to thoughtfully, instead of a quick glib answer. (Partly because the glib answers end up with tinhatters in my inbox, lol!)
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stellarred · 1 year
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Even though Q "died" in S2--but not before telling Picard that he'd see him *out there*, Q had already formulated a strategy to continue his pursuit of Jean-Luc.
Honestly, does anyone, who has paid any real attention to Q and Picard's history and romance (more on Q's side) together from the start, really think Q was going to just surrender to this "death" and willingly lose Jean-Luc forever? So, Q was not going to try at all?
Q is a persistent one, for sure as far as Picard is concerned. There ain't nothing stopping this omnipotent entity from chasing the mortal man he loves and adores!
We know that Q will always come back to Picard. He means what he says when he uses the words "See you out there."
In sending himself to the future to the end of S3, and meeting Jack, Q is setting himself up to prove to Picard that he belongs in Picard's life.
This is why:
1. While Q said that the Trial is over for Picard, but Jack's was "just beginning," we know that Q will guide and help Jack through it. He'll help him no matter what occurs. That doesn't mean that Jack won't get frustrated by it, or even hurt by it (nothing too serious, I'd imagine, and certainly nothing permanent)
But, he would learn something, just as his father did.
2. Going off of #1, does anyone think that Q would allow the only child of the one being he has pursued and wooed all along, to be hurt in the Trial? That's not just anyone. That's Jean-Luc's child!
Q may be a tough teacher to Jack, but he'd keep Jack safe. After all, Picard would never forgive him if he had let any harm come to Jack.
He surely would lose any chance of having Picard love him if Jack were harmed.
3. In appearing to Jack in the future, Q has opened up a field of opportunities for himself to convince Jack that Jean-Luc needs to give Q a chance at having a relationship with him.
Who would Picard be more likely to listen to if someone wanted to convince him that Q deserved a chance for a relationship with him?
Q himself?
Or, Jack, who has special abilities to sense things, and is the one whom Q has been guiding and protecting?
Picard is eager to build that relationship with his son, and if Q has proven himself worthy of Jack's trust and support, Q is therefore in a better position to get closer to Picard.
It could also go another way: Given that Q "died" in the past before Picard had found out about Jack, and that Q had moved himself into the future to take care of Jack, perhaps Jack can convince Picard to search for Q and find the "cosmic realm", for example, in which he's waiting for Picard and Jack to find and rescue him.
While non-Qcard shippers might scoff at the concept of Q essentially getting to Picard's heart and love through his relationship to Jack , and dismiss the whole thing as Q "just using Jack", what else can Q do?
He desperately loves Picard so much that he did all those meaningful, good things in Picard's life, including saving it several times, and dying for him.
But, Q KNOWS that Picard thinks he's dead, or at least "somewhere in the universe". He knows that Picard is still involved with Laris at the beginning of S3, and that Beverly would always have a presence in his life because of Jack.
And, just throwing it out there, Picard and Laris weren't exactly a good match. They always seemed to be on different pages. It is quite possible that they may have separated after the events of S3.
Furthermore, there REALLY was no solid evidence that Picard and Beverly got together post- S3. They do have a close and respectful, loving relationship, of course because of Jack, naturally. Whether Q likes it or not, Beverly is a part of Picard's life.
But, honestly that picture of Beverly and Picard that Jack pulls out of his duffel bag in the end credits scene is a picture where:
A. They are both much younger. They didn't have time in the year, or however long before Jack embarked for the Enterprise G to take a loving family photo of them all together? Or a photo of Picard and Beverly together, old and still in love as ever?
No quick "Find the camera!"?
B. If you look at the photo, Picard and Beverly are not in sync. They are holding hands, ok. They are smiling, ok.
But, they are looking in opposite directions. They aren't even walking close together. There's a distance between them.
*When thinking about things like this, I always remind myself that with as many intricate, little things they, including Terry Matalas, pride themselves on weaving into an episode, this photo was a deliberate choice on someone's part.*
C. Considering that Picard told Laris that he and Beverly had tried multiple times to make a relationship work between them and failed repeatedly, this also convinces me that Picard and Beverly didn't actually stay together after S3.
Again, they are close, but not married close, so to speak.
Taking all that into account, I can see how Q still believes he has a chance to reunite with his precious capitaine at some later point in the future.
I'm biased here, of course being a hardcore Qcarder, but thinking about this analytically, Qcard may have a chance after all.
Picard realized how much Q was in love with him in the S2 finale, but I think he may have forgotten a little because to Picard, Q is "gone."
I think of the fairy tale in S2:
"In time, they would forget he was ever there."
So, when Q and Picard get together again, they will be each reunited with the person they were meant to be with all along.
Q deserves him, and Picard doesn't fit better with anyone else other than Q.
And as far as Jack is concerned, Q will love him, too. After all, it's Jean-Luc's son!
A love story that refuses to be bound by Space and Time.
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thequeervampiric · 1 year
Oops, almost forgot about the babies lol! I think we can say for certain Elliot wouldn't normally care for them, she literally laughed in Silas' face when he wondered if she ever wanted motherhood for herself (and yet earlier she and Bev were being sickos going on about parent 1 & parent 2!!!). The ones she saved where INSIDE Bev, though, so maybe she would view them as something more sacred, but they will also look like Genevieve/her brother. Idk, I think in Elliot's mind when she was fulfilling Bev's dreams along the way, the possible kid would always look like Beverly (thus like Elliot too), and if she were to raise any kid at least it would be alongside her sister.
In ep 5 before the surgery fiasco, things seemed all peachy easy (...the Mantle lie??) despite the disaster that unfolded during their parents visit. How long did you think it was, btw, between the two episodes? I think having Beverly near would make it more bearable for Elliot, but now? It goes back to what you just said, how much of Beverly she's actually absorbed. Realism vs a certain supernatural vibe. I like both possibilities! I bet a ob-gyno career was Bev's idea too back in college, we know Elliot was in it rather for the science and lab fun. I can see her striving to be a good Beverly (for Beverly) and thus treating the kids well on a surface level, but for how long? The show was clear all of this was strictly Beverly's dream/fantasy, and Elliot would be her ride-or-die gal but only for Bev's sake, it was never her goal. In the post credit scene she was placid in Genevieve's arms, but that's it, I can't imagine her for example loving Genevieve. I actually don't think Elliot is queer? The show wasn't clear on that, but when she wasn't ~hunting mates for her sister, she always chose men for herself.
It was either Rachel or Alice Birch that said that were it for Elliot, she would have been content to do this indefinitely, she had no qualms about getting her momentary pleasure outside, be it a random men or drugs or booze, but then just be with Beverly, for she was beyond happy with what they had. No wonder she felt so abandoned her soulmate changed what had been their normal for so long. I thought it was interesting how, despite their personalities and outward characteristics, Elliot wasn't truly the dominant twin in their dynamic. When she curled like a doggie in front of Beverly's closed bedroom door in episode 4 I had to bite my fist hahaha it was adorably pathetic. Glad I can vent about this with you hah I fear I have a smidge of an obsession now, I like open endings normally but I still have many questions regarding these two Very Normal women.
they're sooooo fucked up I love them
and yeah, I think them being Beverly's babies - possibly one of the only Real remnants of her Ellie might feel like she has - would change things
it's been a while since I've watched the series, but if I'm right about what episodes you're talking about...I'd say maybe 3 months between? god, Elliot was wrecked.
the way that they couldn't bear to be without each other, but also that it could never go on forever >>>>>
also sorry it took so long to respond, I forgot about this ask, then lost internet, then lost internet again, then forgot again, etc
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SO! I've wanted to talk about The Clip all day but felt like I should wait until the tumblr "premiere" (even though I think you were literally one of the first people to see it on Twitter lol). Thank you for defending my honor btw even if I am just Someone <3
But. Yes. Yeah. Yokoyama's absolute certainty in saying that??? Without anything to even buffer it? No maybe. No "don't expect too much." Just point-blank in front of a huge fan (whom I believe he's now going to be working with), a staff member, and a massive audience. As if that part isn't the matter of contention. I WILL be injecting those words directly into my veins for some time.
I was on the verge of choking and/or spewing blood and/or crying before posting it though lol, so I really appreciate the vote of confidence regarding the translation and I love your redraw! The reception as a whole has been really nice, although I wish people would keep it to themselves if they'd rather have Nishiki or Ryuji back or whatever. Not like it's a race, but even if it was, Mine's been in last place for ages lol.
And while I enjoy Y3's writing more than most, Mine's death wasn't some Grand Meaningful Statement, it was the decision of a fledgling studio that never knew if it would be able to keep making these games trying to tell a self-contained story. It did have far-reaching consequences for the series, but those consequences are also... not really relevant anymore?
Like, I can and have argued that Mine's death caused the fall of the Tojo Clan, but the clan has already fallen. So I don't see why some people are acting like revisiting his character would be A Spit In The Face to the saga somehow, but I guess I've never really been against characters being brought back...? A quote from the staff that's always stuck with me from the staff is that RGG is always going for RGG-ism, not realism.
Ranting aside... I honestly don't know if I should be saying this, but there's this new guy working the counter at Survive in some LaD8 behind the scenes footage. Now, upfront, I'm 99.8% sure it's not Mine (I happen to have a 100% accuracy rate so far identifying major RGG characters from extremely blurry images and silhouettes lmao), and I have no idea who it is, whether it's a new character or an old one heavily redesigned or Just Some Guy.
But he's not Kashiwagi. And he happens to have slicked-back dark brown hair with what appears to be an ahoge in some angles. And, unless the materials are temporary, he also dresses A Lot Like the celebrity Mine's design was based on. And his features... line up closely enough to piss me off, even though they don't fully match in the end, which is why I don't think it's him.
I'm in argumentative essay mode 100% of the time which is why I'm saying this in a "convincing" tone despite literally not believing it myself, but like... wouldn't that be something? To just have Mine part-timing at Survive or whatever and no one makes a big deal of it because they don't know any better? If nothing else, I really do think he should get The Bartender Treatment.
I dunno, I might post about it with a comparison tomorrow because it's been on my mind lately, especially with The News, but I really don't want people to get the wrong idea either. Or embarrass myself if it was too tenuous of a link to look that deeply into from the start lol
I remember seeing it two minutes after you posted it, so I can imagine I was one of the first to the scene of the crime (so my friends put it LMAO). AND OF COURSE I- and a lot of us- can't be any more grateful for all the work you do than we already are. I'd go insane trying to document and manage everything you do! especially when you have insane people like me ready to pounce on the smallest thing like I know I'd cry FJLKAJ The least I can do is give a proper title/credit to you when I can o7
If Yokoyama had any remaining hesitance about Mine being alive, then he REALLY would have fumbled by sounding so certain. Like in his old tweet, he certainly sounded more ambiguous, but this time he really had no extra notes and sounded more sure of himself. I won't expect RGG to do anything with Mine, but the concept is still very much exciting and the idea that Yokoyama almost seems earnest about the idea of bringing Mine back for whatever reason is very nice to know :] And thank you about enjoying the art I did! I can't lie in the slightest, since the last ask where you alluded to posting the clip, I had that drawing saved in the back of my head ready to make once you had that posted LMAO
But oohh not to touch drama since I generally try to Not touch it, but yeah I can't act like I haven't seen some people be. ""Interesting"" about the idea of Mine being alive. I won't dive too deep into it, but I think my major issue with the few grievances I've seen is that RGG hasn't done anything with Mine's alive status. As of right now, it's just a thing Yokoyama said, so I don't understand the need to be so angry about it (it's especially weird to say Ryuji hasn't been back when he not only got to be a playable protagonist in Dead Souls, but he was also the protagonist of RGGO- though I suppose I can understand wanting him in the mainline series again. Still, it's weird to act as though Mine's back any more than he is and being upset about it just because Yokoyama said he was alive)...
Moving on though, I'm really curious as to this 'mystery figure' you mean. I've been missing out on LaD8 production material, so I haven't seen this bit myself but I'd love to take a stab at it and analyze myself too. I agree though: if Mine does come back- whether he's working at Survive or anywhere else- I would greatly prefer if he had The Bartender status and was just never really called attention to and only existed in the background
#long post#snap chats#it'd be hilarious if mine came back and he was just there... just slap glasses o him and call it a day#like pleeaaasssee that'll be so funnyy if he does come back in LaD8 i dont want a dramatic reveal or whatever#i want the exact same shit like with kashiwagi just have the gang like. visit daigo and co at the security company#and the bitch at the front desk You Wouldnt Fucking Believe It Oh My God#i'd laugh so loud oh my god pleaaase yokoyama do it. you should also make ryuji just a random takoyaki salemen in 8#just so we're covering our bases here because im a ryuji-just-sells-octopus-balls truther#oh but on Mine's Death Fucked With The Tojo i definitely support the notion that he was a huge. Forgive The Pun asset to it#like i guess there's a lot of speculation and suggestions- at least on my end- when it coems to mine's importance#i mean we KNOW he was incredibly impotrant financially if katsuragi was anything to go off of#and listen ik i make the Widow Daigo joke a lot but geniunely i can imagine if daigo lost someone close to him he wouldnt be 100%#liiiiikkee i'll reserve the rant/ramble for my Daigo Essay but im just saying it cant be easy running a ship on your own with no real peers#yk cause pretty much everyone was older than him or only there for an ulterior motive and Blah Blah ill save the rest for another day#im rambling as is LMAO and i dont wanna say anythin FOOLISH#but yeah on mine coming back tho i dont think itd really tarnish any kind of thing his death could have done#like he died. or 'died'. 15 years ago (at the time of 2024)#the tojo's long gone by then it's been gone for five years at that point so it's not like mine would just Resume As Usual#he'd be starting over just as much as the other tojo clan members are yk what i mean#like i really cant think of. what else mine's death has done for the franchise that wolud be 'undone' if he was back#so yk. Why Not. it'd be funny and i think that's the only thing that matters ☠️ my dedication to the bit lets me forgive Insane Shit LMAO#but thats enough blabbering from meeeee thank you for writing in !
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seelestia · 2 years
it's like a patronus lol more proof that we're family, no? :P
very very true. any editors are better than tumblr atp ;w; even on mobile, tumblr editor deletes paragraphs at times. like... why. >:/
chicken sandwiches ftw!! hskshdks that's kinda adorable... yes child, you have your cocoa latte while i'll have my flat white- /j
yes yes the jp version is my favorite in that scene!!! (isn't umeyuu really ikemen irl too lol) i mean the en va did a good job too ofc but from all versions the jp one just hits differently... or maybe i am biased lol
i am loving the married couple bickering between those two lmao i really hope their banner is together or something (i heard kaveh is a 4*?)... oooh i wish genshin had a system where there was a unique "added to party" line that triggers if certain characters are in that party yk?? e.g. if you add kaveh to a party with al haitham he might have the chance to say "ugh not this guy" or "you have bad taste" lmaoooo wouldn't that be fun?? i'm so making this a post sjdlsjdl
i tried exploring around mond to 100% my exploration (so far only 2 areas are 100%) with the treasure compass and it's. it's so relaxing but also it takes so. much. time. lsdfjslhdfjks i'm gonna die from the electroculus and dendroculus searching, i just know it ;w;
*stamps 'chronic simp' sign on your hand* welp now we match-
yeye i heard about that too! so my current plan is to use my guarantee to 'mouchie cause i just gotta collect these anemo boys it's my destiny (i somehow have a feeling his rerun won't be anytime soon after this cause we're already kinda 'done' with his story, while compared to that childe will definitely still appear in the future???) and then pull on ayato's banner. if i'm lucky, i'll get ayato, but if not at least that means guaranteed al haitham (which i heard will be in 3.4?). but whatever it is al haitham's coming home no matter what cause i have the power of credit card
sobs i love that one the most too. the inspiration gods blessed me with that one ;w;
i'm cradling your hugs and cuddles close to my chest and sipping your tea with a smile. sending you back twice the hugs and headpats <3 <3
calling them our patronus sounds so cute AWWW <3 this makes me want to rewatch harry potter all of a sudden, but i'd probably end up falling asleep the moment i laid my head down on the sofa 😭 i think ayato would find the wizarding world vv intriguing and comment on its perks ("my, an invisibility cloak? i can only imagine the many tricks i'd be able to get away with." smack him /j). and for heizou, ik for sure that he would deffo be a fan of it (he's a nerd, a cute one).
i can see why you like the jp ver because umehara yuichiro's voice makes alhaitham sound extra feral LOLL i'm vv excited to see you go feral when his drip marketing comes out on twitter 👀 and yep, kaveh is a 4-star and it is most likely he'd be on the same banner as his beloathed roommate, pfft. OH, THAT IDEA SOUNDS FUN LOLLL you add kaveh into the party and alhaitham's unique voiceline is just "...sigh, care to remind me why he has to be here again?"
good luck with mondstadt's exploration, rin jie! >:) treasure hunting is like a more relaxed way to get 100% exploration and primos in small quantities. don't be like me and resort to finding the oculi yet because hoyoverse hides them in the weirdest places that i had to pull out guides 😭
GO GET SCARAMOOSH HOME! from what i saw in leaks, his kit is super cool and unique from the rest. the angy man literally floats in the air LOLLL and wishing you my good luck on ayato! hopefully, that commissioner will follow his great buddy oni's example and come home ;D and the way alhaitham is technically already guaranteed to be yours, whether that be with the power of credit card or not (hopefully not) fjejwkske
as you know for me, i'm definitely pulling for ayato with my guaranteed pity at 25 (i managed to secure layla within 20 pulls on childe's banner) + i have 80 fates saved rn, so it is safe to say the man will come home safe to me! i grinded so hard like i collected dendro sigils, the lumenstones and the res crystals at dragonspine to get those 2 free fates hoyoverse gave out 😭 i think after i get ayato, i'll probably go back to my "pulling on the banner i regret the least" technique. i hope ayato comes home early, so i'd still have some leftover fates <//3 EITHERWAY, BEST OF LUCK TO BOTH OF US! ✨
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lizzexx · 4 years
I knew I'd have to come out of the woodwork sooner or later. So, here I am apologising for what I've done. I had stole your words and altered them for my own gain for which I feel completely and utterly stupid for having done it. But in time I'll hope you'll forgive me and just know about how bad I feel about everything. Your a truly amazing author and a credit to your work. But I'll hope you'll forgive me on this road to redeeming myself. I'm truly sorry Lizzie 😔
Since this is anon, I’m not sure if this Chell-P as it could be copied from the wattpad apology I saw and responded to. As I’ve gotten a second message in my inbox from chellp88, I’m going to assume this is real. I responded to the wattpad message, so I’m going to copy and paste what I put there here, the requested advice included.
I won't lie and say what you did didn't hurt. To have content from 9 stories and 4 OCs taken and passed off as someone else's is devastating. I was in tears when I saw your Wedding of River Song chapter had taken not just content, but literally took one of my original characters too, that it took my OC Evy's baby and passed him off as your OC's. That was devastating to me. . Plagiarism, any time it happens, is very hard to get through, it makes you question if you should even keep writing if people can't respect you enough to not steal your work. It's even worse when someone who favorited you does this to you. You had me as a favorite author since 2013, for 7 years you've known my work, maybe you've even been there when I was plagiarized by others and saw what it did to me…and then you stole parts of my work too and for at least 2 years you've let people think it was your work. You've let people think and assume that the non-transcript and non-episode content was completely yours, when it wasn't true because part of it, a lot of it in later stories, was mine. You've let people praise part of your work, when those parts were mine, and no one knew it, that really hurts. I've been through this 29 times now, it never gets easier and it takes longer and longer to get back to a place where you WANT to keep writing.
But despite what you did to me, plagiarism is not something I would ever wish on anyone, I would never want anyone to take your work or your OC and try to pass it off as theirs and take credit or praise for your work. I sincerely hope you will never experience for yourself what you did to me.
I appreciate your apology, I appreciate you took the stories down, and I will always wish people the best with their future work so long as it's original. You are one of the few who have been honest about what they've done and actually apologized for it, so that means a lot to me.
The only advice I have for going forward would be:
1. Use a transcript as your ONLY source material. Don't look at someone else's work, don't have someone else's work open, don't highlight or copy parts of someone's work because it sounds good or you liked it, don't use someone else's story in place of a transcript, ONLY use a transcript. This ensures that the only things you're writing are your interpretation of what happened in the physical episode or your own content. It becomes very difficult to plagiarize another user when you do not have access to their work and do not have their work in front of you to use as a base. I don't even use my own work as a base whenever I get to a new Time Lady. I use the transcript, it's the best and safest route to go when you want to be as original as possible.
2. That being said, it's also helpful to NOT use your old content, not even parts from your old story that you just don't feel like typing over again. Really start completely from scratch and use ONLY the transcript. Because any evidence brought up about the plagiarism are not the only examples of the plagiarism, there's always more than what's brought up and the safest way to ensure you don't accidently put plagiarism back into your work is to not copy or use recycled material from your initial posting. I don't say this to make more work for you, I say it from experience because this has literally happened to me in the past. A past plagiarizer took down their work, claimed they would start again from scratch, and put up chapters far too fast to have actually been rewritten from scratch. What they did was go through what they first put up, decided if there were some areas to take out or change, and put that chapter back up just tweaked a little. And plagiarisms were still there. The only way they could have avoided it would be to have their chapter up and my chapter up side by side to compare, and that sort of goes back to point 1, not to look at another person's story while you write your own. Things snuck past this other person and their story was reported a second time under their new profile name and they came across as dishonest in their efforts to 'change,' so really, I can't stress using the transcript and ONLY the transcript enough.
3. Along those lines, something I personally do to try and avoid any unintentional plagiarism is to try your best not to read anyone else's work while you are writing your own. It's hard, it's very hard, because we write in the fandoms we love and we want to see what other people think or imagine about what we love too. But it's a way I use to keep from unintentionally plagiarizing someone. Because you might read something and it sticks with you, the lines, the points, the scene itself, and when you go to write your own version of a scene it ends up being very much like that original content, perhaps even the same exact lines because it got in your head. This can happen with a lot of original content other people write, and the best way to not be influenced by someone else's work is to not read it while you're writing your own versions of events. Of course, it's up to you and other writers whether to continue reading or cut yourself off, if you think you won't be unduly influenced then read on, but just be even more aware and critical of your writing as you go on. Granted, this part of the advice is of little help when the stories have already been read, but so long as the transcript is the only source material, I don't believe too much would actually appear identically in another's story.
4a. Be honest with your readers. They are the best people you will ever know and all they want is for your story to do well, for it to succeed, and for you to grow and better yourself as a writer. Be honest with them about what happened because it shows you did something wrong and are working to fix it, taking responsibility and owning your mistake. (I add this point in because it gives more context to point 4b.)
4b. Don't be afraid to ask your readers for help because they will do whatever they can to assist you. So if you're concerned, as you go forward, that you may unintentionally plagiarize someone, ask them to keep an eye open and let you know concerns they have about your content, especially original content not found in an episode. It's better to be aware of it when it happens than to go chapters and chapters and the entire story is taken down. Chances are people who read your work may have read mine, vice versa, or read other works, and if you ask, they can always bring up points and concerns to you early for you to review, compare, consider, and revise or leave be.
4c. If you are concerned something you posted is too similar to someone else's work, even after using JUST a transcript for the base, it's ok to put a note up that 'Part of this chapter is inspired by 'x' story by y' because it tells people there is another great story that you enjoyed reading that inspired you, and they may like it too, but it also helps relieve any concerns about potential plagiarism. (That's not to say you should put up a note in every chapter and then go on to copy that content and paraphrase it, but just if you use the transcript and it still feels similar to you from a story you read, it's better safe than sorry.)
5. Be aware, going forward, that because this did happen and you did take content from two people and passed it off as yours, some people will be more aware when similarities come up, especially in original content not found in the episode. This shouldn't be the only deterrent, the fear of getting caught more easily, to not plagiarize someone, because stealing from anyone should never happen, but be aware people will notice. And people will be looking more closely and critically when the story eventually gets to the part where the plagiarism first occurred, I, too, will randomly be peeking in from time to time myself at those points and hoping I see nothing of my work again. That's why starting from literal scratch and ONLY using the transcript, not even parts of chapters you'd already put up before, is the safest course to ensure no plagiarism happens.
6. And, finally, because this happened, and not just to me but to another of your favorite authors, a last piece of advice would be to strongly consider and revisit if you've done this to anyone else in any other story and take it down now. I am NOT accusing you of having done this more than the five times it's occurred, but someone raised a concern about another story of yours to me so I say this only as advice and a precaution as your account, unfortunately, now has the stigma associated with the plagiarism committed. I always hold out hope that other works are original even if the ones with my content weren't. So IF you have done this, taken original content and paraphrased it to pass off as your own, in ANY other story of yours, even if it's a very small amount, the best thing would be to take it down now and start from scratch there too. Better to do it now than before it is discovered and it gets reported. The last thing you would want is to go on the website and see your profile has been deleted by the site because of repeated plagiarisms.
It's very hard to forgive plagiarism, especially when it's happened so many times. This may be your first and only four instances doing this to me, but this is not the first or only time it's been done to me. It should have never happened, but it did, and it's not something that can be or should be easily overlooked or brushed aside. It leaves a lasting effect on both sides. Maybe in time I can one day forgive those who plagiarized me in the past, but please understand if I can't do that right now, to them or to you. I really do wish you well with your work as you go forward, and I hope you take my advice to heart and keep things original. Best of luck! LizzeXX
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incarnateirony · 6 years
huh, so your post regarding the bucklemming episodes and how 14x01 and now this recent ep feels kinda like theirs... you make a good point. Like, if next episode is one of their better episodes again, then I'd make that theory probably correct, but THEN it's really unfortunate that other writers are getting effected this way. Also, what's the name/credit swap thing with Lois & Clark? Like... you can swap credit?? Is that allowed?
I’m trying to remember the L & C thing. That one actually came from a non-fandom friend and I probably shouldn’t have dropped it so passively without a receipt on hand, but basically… *can* it be done? I mean, sure.  And hell, we don’t know their full writing process. A lot of episodes lately roll one right off the other to the point the scene continuity isn’t changed, and that’s frequent at this point. Acting like there’s no cross-hatching of the direction of their work is silly, really, even if we imagine BL like some sort of renegades just throwing their stuff in there. Clearly, to some level, the rest of the crew work with them as best as possible, so at what point we need to consider idea-bridging and impact of each other’s pet projects… well.
Most pet projects can be identified.
Berens, Wayward
Merecuda, John/Ghost of John/Internal
Yockey, gays and power women, frankly (Either something’s gonna be really gay, or involve Rowena or Billie, or multiples of the above, with Yockey. Check how many of their episodes are Yockey-etched. Rowena started as a BL travesty but Yockey has adopted her.)
Davy I’ve stayed hazy on his personal project, the show IS Dabb’s project, and every year we deal with Eugenie’s random projects (…usually Mark P). At this point we need to start figuring out at what point they’re cooperating with each other’s projects though, and who is weaving what-where. Regardless of if someone deserves a hard label for a script - if Dabb knew Eugenie was going to shit Lucifer all over the place while they were trying to progress Michael and other stuff, why not buffer those projects into the premiere? And like magic, episode 2 wasn’t awful. Some of the opening dialogue was stiff, but I mean. It barely felt like a BL episode.
Honestly I feel like episode 7 they convinced Eugenie to go to her room where she wrote the Cas in an RV story while they actually worked with Brad in the scale of things because again, barely felt like a BL episode. And now we have a Davy ep feeling heavy on the BL elements and another BL episode about to come up at a really huge plot advent-point.
To act like Dabb and co wouldn’t give a little “space” in a surrounding episode, just to keep something as big as ep 300 under control… well. If they keep Eugenie’s stuff happy and fed she might actually stay on point and deliver, and definitely gear Brad the right direction at least.
*shrug* Speculation? Sure, but just… seeing it live time. Both Dabb and Meredith get to put their foot down over 300, which is a huge enough advent they can probably finally slingdick back. I don’t expect episode 12 to be awful, I think the awful got shunted, unfortunately, partially onto Davy’s episode. It’s not gonna be Yockey-level subtext poetry or Bobo-level mirrors, because it’s still BL, but it shouldn’t be plot salad in a blender.
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