#I'd rather work on my thesis instead LOL
neonwizardheehee · 2 years
Giving gifts out of social pressure is such a chore and I don't want to do it
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quaternioninaskirt · 3 years
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My life is a huge mess, but at least it's interesting: I was able to get the grade bonus for an exam, did my German test, the code for my thesis now works, and on Monday I've got my first "real" exam (and I really want it to go well because I love the subject).
13th July - What is your dream vacation?
Top of my head, I'd say visiting different places
14th July - Would you rather stay in one resort for a month or travel across the country for one month?
Travel across the country, absolutely!
15th July - Are there any special events for you in the summer? (for example, birthdays, festivals, etc.)
My mom and my best friend's birthdays
16th July - Do you have any summer traditions?
Does "doing a lot of sport" count?
17th July - What is your typical daily routine in the summer?
Lol I don't have one, it really depends on where I am and what I have to do
18th July - How do you stay motivated during the summer? (for example, to study)
Well, motivation is a huge issue for me, so I try to rely on self discipline instead
19th July - Do you stay indoors or outdoors more in the summer?
Ideally outdoors, but if I have to study a lot/the weather sucks then indoors
20th July - Are you a ‘summer person’?
I certainly am, it's my favorite season!
21st July - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about summer?
"I love the 40°C weather" (My partner says I'm Satan in person for this)
22nd July - What does summer feel like where you live?
In Germany it's not "real summer" for me: I grew up in Italy, so we usually got very warm and long and sunny summers, which I still have to see here
23rd July - Would you prefer summer to be hotter or colder than it usually is for you?
Definitely hotter, but mostly sunnier
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