#I'd show more of old Pink art to show how she changed but I can't find the dates of my old art :((
italictext · 6 months
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Vs August 2022 (the hand is traced btw)
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Yayyy progress :> Pink's vibe changed a lot
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barblaz-arts · 1 month
Stephanie Beatrice had played my 3 favorite characters (Rosa Mirabel and Vaggie) and since I watched Encanto and B99 I have my head canon that Vaggie have both Rosa and Mirabel personalities.
Any way, I just want to know what is your head canon or theory about her? ( specifically about Lute calling her weak and why the other exorcist hate her)
Since she is your girl, I would love to read your essay about her.(I’m joking you don’t have to write that much I just like to read your post)
Thank you
"My girl"... Am I just "that one artist who's the biggest Vaggie stan" to you guys? (I won't mind it!)
Oh man! I do have some ideas! A lot of my headcanons were already kinda sorta mentioned in my fic/art tho, so sorry if you're not getting a lot of new info
- I have this headcanon that Vaggie's always been "softer" than the other Exorcists, which is what I assume Lute meant when she said she "always knew [Vaggie] was weak". I know it probably has more to do with how little time each episode has, but what if Lute was so ready, already behind Vaggie when she let that kid go, because she knew this wasn't the first time Vaggie spared a sinner? Maybe that was just the first time Lute actually caught her. Maybe she's always had her suspicions, when Vaggie's kill count would lower every year, and she'd sometimes find Vaggie saying a sinner got away somehow despite cornering that demon moments ago.
- although she's gotten used enough to her lack of depth perception when it comes to her hand eye coordination, especially when fighting, i like to think her reading ability could never truly go back to the way it used to be, so she has trouble reading/ writing/texting (if you notice, i always showed instances of this in my fic ;> )But because she's the hotel manager she still has to deal with them because of paperwork and shit, so she has prescription glasses that help. I'd wanted to include a scene in the First Guest where Vaggie almost cries after seeing Charlie thru the glasses for the first time, because she didn't think Charlie could be any more beautiful, but i scrapped the idea because I couldn't expand the concept enough to an actual scene that could be relevant to the overall fic. I probably should have just mentioned it in a paragraph or something, but by the time i remembered id already posted the chapter I intended to add it in. Maybe I'll use it for another fic.
- she prefers femme clothing so she doesn't really have a reason to do this, but she learned how to do all kinds of ties so that she could do Charlie's whenever
- she grew her hair to compensate for her lost wings
- she wasn't exactly a great cook before she Fell, but she was pretty capable when she lived alone in Heaven. Cooking for Charlie tho gave her the motivation to get better and actually enjoy it
- an angel trait that she could never truly abandon is being a stickler for rules. She's very strict on everyone and herself with these things, within reason. So even when she and Charlie started dating, she insisted that they can't sleep together until they've had their third date. When they're on the clock, they have to be professional and avoid flirtatious advances in front of staff and guests. Charlie didn't mind because she prefers privacy too.
- Vaggie's physical appearance slightly changed gradually the longer she stayed in hell. As an angel, her sclera was paler, her incisors duller, and her skin grayer. But as time passed, her sclera got more and more peach/pink, fangs sharper, and skin more purple toned
- i still like to think that Vaggie's old backstory back when only the pilot was out (having died in 2014 in her early twenties who worked as a sex worker in El Salvador) was still true. Maybe it's just because I've liked Chaggie since pilot, and I've grown really attached to that backstory. I also just really don't want Vaggie to be Heavenborn for some reason. Among the cast she just seems the most grounded to reality to me, so having her revealed to have never been human and born "divine" just doesn't seem right to me. I also just think it'd be cute and funny if it turns out she's chronologically the youngest in the hotel even tho she's basically everyone's strict not-mom.
- idgaf what Adam says, I wanna think that "Vaggie" is short for "Evangeline". I used to have these 2 coworkers in their late 50's to 60's who had Evangeline as their government name, but one of them goes by "Vanj" and the other "Vajee". Being older Filipino women who aren't really too fluent in English, they never thought there was anything wrong with that when they grew up with their nicknames. I like to think that the case was the same if Vaggie used to be human. I'm not sure how common English is in El Salvador, but I'm willing to bet it's possible she could have been given that nickname as a kid by an older family member who didn't know a lot of English. Also Evangeline makes more sense to have been the name of an angel cmon now...
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jessource · 11 months
flamingo pink.
sunrise boulevard.
clink, clink.
being this young is art.
moonlit swimming pool.
what if all i need is you?
got lovestruck, went straight to my head.
got lovesick all over my bed.
love to think you'll never forget handprints in wet cement.
lovelorn and nobody knows.
love thorns all over this rose.
i'll pay the price, you won't.
if i'm all dressed up, they might as well be looking at us.
and if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once.
if i'm gonna be drunk, i might as well be drunk in love.
send the code.
he's waiting there.
the sticks and stones they throw froze mid-air.
everyone wants him, that was my crime.
the wrong place at the right time.
i break down, then he's pulling me in.
in a world of boys, he's a gentleman.
love to think you'll never forget.
we'll pay the price, i guess.
they might as well be looking at us.
half asleep.
taking your time.
in the tangerine, neon light, this is luxury.
you're not saying you're not in love with me.
but you're going to.
taking your chances.
it's a big mistake.
it might blow up in your pretty face.
do it anyway.
Say Don't Go.
i've known it from the very start.
we're a shot in the darkest dark.
oh no, oh no.
i'm unarmed.
the waiting is a sadness.
fading into madness.
it won't stop.
i'm standing on a tightrope, alone.
i hold my breath a little bit longer.
halfway out the door, but it won't close.
i'm holding out hope for you to say, 'don't go'.
i would stay forever if you say, 'don't go'.
why'd you have to lead me on?
why'd you have to twist the knife?
walk away and leave me bleeding.
why'd you whisper in the dark, just to leave me in the night?
now your silence has me screaming.
don't go.
now i'm pacing on shaky ground.
strike a match.
it's not fair.
you kiss me and it stops time.
i'm yours, but you're not mine.
you're not there.
i'm standing on the sidewalk, alone.
i wait for you to drive by.
i was trying to see the cards that you won't show.
i'm about to fold unless you say, 'don't go'.
why'd you have to make me want you?
why'd you have to give me nothing back?
i said, 'i love you', you say nothing back.
i want you more.
i would stay forever if you say, 'don't go', but you won't.
Now That We Don't Talk.
you went to a party, i heard from everybody.
don't even get me started.
did you get anxious though, on the way home?
i guess i'll never, ever know now that we don't talk.
you grew your hair long.
you get new icons.
and from the outside it looks like you're trying lives on.
i miss the old ways.
you didn't have to change.
i guess i don't have a say.
i called my mom, she said that it was for the best.
the more i gave, you'd want me less.
i cannot be your friend.
i pay the price of what i lost, and what it cost.
what do you tell your friends?
we shared dinners, long weekends.
truth is, i can't pretend it's platonic.
it's just ended.
i called my mom, she said to get it off my chest.
remind myself the way you faded till i left.
i cannot be your friend, so i pay the price of what i lost.
i don't have to pretend i like acid rock.
i'd like to be on a mega yacht.
important men who think important thoughts.
guess maybe i am better of now that we don't talk.
the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery.
just like i had been when you were chasing me.
guess this is how it has to be.
Suburban Legends.
you had people who called you on unmarked numbers.
i let it slide.
all was quickly forgiven.
you were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious.
i was always turning out my empty pockets.
i didn't come here to make friends.
we were born to be suburban legends.
when you hold me, it holds me together.
you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever.
i had the fantasy that maybe our mismatched star signs would surprise the whole school.
i ended up back at our class reunion.
you'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries.
i am standing in a 1950s gymnasium.
i can still see you now.
i know that you still remember.
we were born to be national treasures.
you told me we'd get back together.
tick-tock on the clock.
i pace down your block.
i broke my own heart, 'cause you were too polite to do it.
waves crash on the shore.
you don't knock anymore.
my whole life's ruined.
i always knew it.
my life had been ruined.
Is It Over Now?
i slept all alone.
you still wouldn't go.
let's fast forward to 300 takeout coffees later.
i see your profile and your smile.
you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor.
you search in every maiden's bed for something else.
baby, was it over when she laid down on your couch?
was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?
come here.
baby, was it over then?
and is it over now?
when you lost control.
red blood, white snow.
blue dress on a boat.
your new girl is my clone.
did you think i didn't see you?
there were flashing lights.
at least i had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.
only rumors about my hips and thighs.
oh lord.
i think about jumping off of very tall somethings.
but no!
let's fast forward to 300 awkward blind dates later.
if she's got blue eyes, i will surmise that you'll probably date her.
you search in every model's bed for something greater.
was it over then? and is it over now?
i think about jumping off of very tall somethings just to see you come running and say the one thing i've been wanting.
i was hoping you'd be there.
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Dragonball High (ft Goku)
It's the first day at a new high school. I wasn't really nervous, I loved meeting new people plus my friends Bulma and Krillin were there. We've been friends my whole life. I put on my uniform, the classic white shirt, black pants and red tie. I gotta say I don't like formal wear so I put my jacket over it since I didn't have a blazer.
"Goku, hurry up its time to go!"
Master Roshi is calling. I better hurry, can't wait to see the strongest kids there and take them on.
I grabbed my stuff and ran out my room. I grabbed my giant lunch from the kitchen before saying bye to Roshi and flying off Capsule High. The first high school that let aliens and anyone else that wasn't human learn on Earth.
I landed outside the school gate. Half monsters, animal people, aliens and humans all together. It was a beautiful site. If only the rest of world was this accepting.
Next to me pulled up a nice, blue Capsule Corp brand car. Immediately I knew. She stepped out of the car dressed in her white shirt, blue skirt, wearing a signature brown glove, red Capsule Corp jersey and pink sneakers.
Looks like i wasn't the only one changing up the uniform.
"Hey Goku."she said. "Its been so long. How you been?"
"I'm good Bulma. So you finally got that drivers licence huh?"I asked, practically stating the obvious.
"Yep and my dad and I made this beauty. Now its perfect by my standards and full of surprises."she said confidently. "So you ready for your first day?"
"Yeah and I can't wait to join the martial arts team I've been hearing about and fight the strongest fighters here."I said, hitting my fist in my palm in excitement.
"Typical Goku."she sighed. Though Bulma does know how I get. "Though there is this guy who just transferred here a few weeks ago and he's a Saiyan too."
"Really? Another Saiyan!?"I exclaimed. Great. He must be strong.
"Yeah but he's a real meanie though."she sighed. "Anyway let me show you around." She led me inside and showed me around the school. Man was it huge. But anything sponsored by Capsule Corp should be.
The tour ended at my locker which was across from hers. She said I'd probably lose the key or forget the combination so she made me a fingerprint scanner on my locker. She knew me so well.
"Hey Goku!!"I turned away from Bulma to see my old buddy, Krillin, running towards us. He hasn't changed at all besides the fact that he grew hair.
"Yo, Krillin."I said waving to my shorter friend. "So whats new? Are you in the Super MMA team I've heard so much about?"
He expression changed after I said that, like he was angry and disappointed. He looked down in disappointment, his fists clenched.
"What happened buddy?"I asked.
"Well...its just..."
"He didn't make it."Bulma said, cutting him off.
"It wasn't my fault!"he exclaimed. "If it wasn't for Vegeta..." He was so mad, I've never seen Krillin this way. What did this guy do?
"Woah wait, who's this Vegeta?"I asked. They both just stood there in silence for a moment.
"Vegeta is the other Saiyan I was telling you about."Bulma said. "And he's not exactly Mr. Popular more like Mr Thinks-he's-high-and-mighty."she said sarcastically. "He's tormented a lot of people since he got here."
"That bad huh?"
"Yep and he's one of the strongest on the team, he's beaten everyone."she stated.
"Well in that case, how bout I teach him a lesson for bullying?"I asked. "Just lead me to him Bulma."
"Hold up. I can't, Goku, class is about to start and you can't just punch a guy you barely know in the face."Bulma said stopping me in my tracks.
"Wait, are you defending him Bulma?",Krillin asked accusingly. He folded his arms and glared at her. She immediately just laughed it off as a bead of sweat trickled down her forehead. "What....no, how could you even think that. Hehehe."
As if on cue, the bell rang. Karma taking Bulma's side once again. "Oh look the bell, lets head to homeroom Goku.",Bulma said, she grabbed my wrist and practically pulled me to class. I was actually unable to keep up and almost stumbled twice. Boy, was she in a hurry.
We entered our homeroom and immediately people started acting buddy-buddy with Bulma. She's probably the most popular in this school.
The teacher introduced me to the class before I went to sit by Bulma, Krillin and their friends.
I sat on an empty seat next to Krillin by the window. Bulma introduced me to their friends.
Tien, a triclops, I had to try so hard to stop myself from touching his 3rd eye.
Yamcha, Bulma's ex boyfriend, I'm pretty sure she's the one that gave him those scars as a warning to other guys below her standards.
18, she's apperently an android. And I caught Krillin looking at her funny. Whats all that about?
Apparently they're all part of Super MMA team too. But not Krillin, what the heck? He totally deserves to be on the team.
We were all talking for a while till the teacher started calling names. I was too distracted, thinking about the Super MMA team to notice the teacher calling my name three times.
"Goku!"everyone shouted causing me to fall off my chair in surprise.
"Ow.",I whispered. "Oh sorry Mrs...uh whatever your name is. Here." I nervously said.
"Goku, her name is literally engraved on the front of her desk.",Bulma stated. I scratched the back of my head and chuckled. "Sorry I cannot English today."
"Boy you're hopeless."
I sat back down as the teacher called Vegeta's name. I searched the room for him but he wasn't there.
"Vegeta?",the teacher called again.
"Calm down I'm here.",a voice said. I glanced at the door to see a spiky haired dude leaning against it. He was wearing a grey denim jacket over his shirt, no tie and black fingerless gloves. So that's Vegeta.
Everyone just stared in silence, some kid even stopped breathing once he saw Vegeta. Even the teacher looked nervous.
He walked past us and gave Krillin a glare. Poor guy almost fell off his seat. I'm pretty sure that amused Vegeta because he just chuckled then glanced at Bulma. A grin appeared on his face to which Bulma responded with sticking out her tongue. After seeing this he slowly licked his lips, which made Bulma blush and look away. He saw me staring at him and gave me a dirty look then sat in his seat at the back. This guy practically took the whole back row.
I was about to get up and talk to Vegeta when a black haired girl stumbled in. She was wearing the same uniform except with red fingerless fighting gloves and red sneakers.
"Chi Chi you're-"
"Yeah sorry I'm late Mrs...uhm...ms...sorry ma'am.",she stammered. Looks like I'm not the only one who forgot the teachers name. She looked familiar and I feel like I've heard that name before.
She glanced at me. I immediately sat back down, feeling a little weird. She came up to us.
"Hey guys.",she greeted.
"Hey Chi Chi."
She looked back at me. Her eyes hungrily stared at me like I was a piece of steak.
"Hello Goku.",she said softly. "Never thought I'd see you again."
What? How'd she know who I was and where have we met before? Well she looks like a fighter, maybe we met at a tournament. But I just stared in confusion.
"Uh. Do I know you?",I asked nervously. Everyone just fell to the ground. Chi Chi's eyes which were filled with what seemed like adoration changed to pure rage. I could literally see flames.
"Why you!",she started. "Bastard!" Woah, language.
"I can't believe you don't remember me!"she said as she punched me in the chest. It really hurt, I couldn't help but smile. Boy, she was strong, beautiful and fiesty. I just wish I could remember where we met.
"Hey sorry, its not my fault.",I said defensively.
"Yeah Goku fell on the head as a child and ever since then he'd sometimes have the memory of a goldfish.",Krillin said, stepping in between us.
She just huffed and sat on the chair next to Bulma, her arms folded.
The bell rang and we proceeded to head to our classes. Krillin and I had most of the same classes. Though I did see Vegeta a lot but he kept to himself unless he was terrorizing students.
It was lunch time and me and the gang headed to the cafeteria where I met some of their other friends. Puar, Oolong, Chiaotzu.
I left my table to get my food, the cafeteria food smelled delicious. Another perk of having rich people sponsor the school. I filled my plate but the lunch lady stopped me before i could finish everything. She even took five burgers off my tray. Aw man, now I was left with four burgers, two small bowls of noodles, 3 cupcakes, 7 apples and 1 pudding cup. I'm not gonna survive on this.
I sat back down in disappointment and everyone was staring at me.
"I forgot that Goku loved to eat." Krillin laughed. "Well I didn't, thats why I sent Roshi those lunch boxes as a welcoming gift for Goku.",Bulma said.
I immediately remembered the lunch boxes Roshi gave me today.
"Oh my lunch boxes. Almost forgot."I cheerfully said. Now I can snack after MMA tryouts. "Thanks Bulma!"
Suddenly I saw a hand snatch three of my burgers as fast as lightning.
"Thanks for the lunch, you fool."
I looked up to see Vegeta staring at me for a moment. Like he was observing me. Like he knew something about me that I didn't.
"Hey you!",Bulma shouted. "If it won't trouble your inconsiderate, annoying, high-and-mighty ass, we'd like to get back to our lunch."
He glared at her, he was really pissed, guess he wasn't use to someone speaking to him like that. Everyone in the cafeteria was soon staring at our table. Vegeta turned around, his eyes travelled around the room. The whole cafeteria bowed down to avoid his glare.
"Oh and keep the lunch. I know you don't get fed decent food and you're probably tired of eating out of the dumpster you call a home." Oh snap! Everyone lost it. The rich, preppy prodigy dissed the Great Vegeta.
"Why you little-",he started. I stood up in front of him so he wouldn't get any closer to Bulma. I knew she could handle herself but I really just wanted to see this guy fight.
"So I hear you're the king bee of this school, huh?"
"You could say that."
"Well I got a question for ya'.",I said. He grunted in response. "How 'bout we take this outside."
He smiled and followed me outside. Soon half the school was surrounding us.
I got in my fighting stance. "So Bulma tells me you're a Saiyan and that you're really strong.",I said.
"Oh she did, did she?" He glanced over at Bulma for a moment.
"Hey don't get any ideas!!"she shouted at Vegeta. He frowned and turned back to me.
"Lets see what you've got.",he said, getting into position. We both just stood their for a moment till Vegeta came at me with a punch. I blocked it then hit him in the jaw, sending him back.
"Not bad, for a peasant."he said. Wow he really does think he's high and mighty.
We went at each other with everything, well I was. I don't know if he was doing the same.
"Get him Goku!",Yamcha shouted.
"Yeah, punch that smirk off his face!",Bulma added.
Vegeta's foot aimed at my ribs but he got distracted by Bulma's words. That was my chance. I grabbed his leg and swung him around a few times before releasing him into a wall.
"Grrr...Kakarot.",he mumbled.
I looked at him confused. "What about a carrot?"
With no response he tackled me to the ground and punched me repeatedly, barely giving me a chance to block.
"Goku!" That voice. Chi Chi?
"Goku get up and crush this dweeb. Make him suffer!" Why do I feel like I've heard all that before?
"You dweeb, I'm gonna crush you."she said after trying to kick me in the face. I dodged it and tackled her.
"Do you give?",I asked, satisfied with her defeat. I held her arm tight and gropped her waist with her other arm in mine. Preventing any escape.
"Never!",she said. She stomped on my foot, making me release her arm as I winced in pain. "I'm going to make you suffer." She jabbed her elbow in my stomach. I coughed, clutching my stomach and chuckled.
"My you're strong. I've never met someone like you before."I, stated, still in a little pain. She positioned herself in her stance and smiled.
"Thats because there's only one of me."
Chi Chi, I remember now. I snapped out of it after hearing Tien.
"Shouldn't we help him?"
"Yeah, I say lets do it."Yamcha agreed.
"Guys wait Goku will be-"Bulma said. "Yeah, we should help him, Goku's my friend."Krillin said cutting her off.
Vegeta sent a ball of energy towards them before they could reach me. Guess, he didn't want any interruptions. I could hear their screams but knew they'd be fine.
Now's my chance. I punched him in the face and kicked him off me. I started forming my Kamehameha in the palms of my hand. Vegeta immediately followed with his own. We just stood there, balls of energy growing in our hands.
"Stop!",a stern female voice made everyone freeze on the spot. Even Vegeta.
"Oh shxt its the Principal.",said someone in the crowd. I glanced over to the light purple woman, she had pointy ears and small white horns on her head, she wore a white suit, white heel boots and her light lavender hair was tied into a cute messy top bun.
She actually didn't look bad. Looked like she trains...wait the principal is an alien too!?
There were a bunch of guys in black suits behind her. Some alien, some human. Next to one of the guards stood a green dude in our uniform but with his sleeves torn, showing of his ripped muscles. He had pointy ears too and antennas on his forehead. He didn't look quite happy to be here.
The Principal glanced over at Vegeta. He tried to look tough but I could sense he was getting nervous.
"Vegeta.",she said.
"Yes I know ma'am, wont happen again."he said, his voice lowered a bit out of embarrassment.
"Hmp." She turned to me. "I assume you're the new student, Goku." It wasn't a question. She already knew.
"Uhm, yes and you're the principal right?"I asked. I lent out my hand hoping for a handshake but as soon as I did everyone gasped. She glanced at my hand and back at me.
"I'm Principal Toriyama. Goku, Bulma says you're close friends and she's convinced me to enroll you in our school.",she said leaving me hanging. "I hope I didn't make a mistake."
I frantically waved my hands in the air. "Uh no, no, ma'am, I promise it won't ha-happen again."I said.
"Good because I've requested Sensei to add you to the Super MMA team."
"What!!",Vegeta and I screeched in unison. But for completely different reasons.
"Yes, we'll be battling students from across the galaxy and we could use someone like you.",she said. "So, I assume thats a yes." I glanced over at my best friend for a minute.
"Only if my friend Krillin can join too."
"Really Goku!?",Krillin asked with hope I'm his eyes.
"Yeah you're my best friend, I'd be crazy to leave you behind."
"Well I was planning on filling that spot with Piccolo over here.",she said pointing at the green dude, who's arms were folded, still didn't look happy to be here. "But I suppose we have room for one more."
"Yes!",I shouted.
"No!",Vegeta retaliated.
"What was that Vegeta?"the principal asked. "I could easily give away your spot."
"Then its settled. Now-",she said. She snapped her fingers and a bunch of guys in suits came with a toolbox, a bunch of flowers, paint supplies, shovels, bricks and cement, a wheelbarrow. "-you three are going to clean up this mess and fix what you broke."
"Three?",I asked.
"Yes, you, Vegeta and Piccolo. Piccolo destroyed a few things too, earlier today."she clarified. After all this, her expression never changed. It was still cold and emotionless.
The bell rang and the principal cleared her throat. "Get to work you three. As for everyone else, head to class. Now."she ordered. "Oh, and stop calling me ma'am, makes me feel old."
"Umm, Principal Toriyama.",I heard Krillin say. "Can I help them?"
"Me too."Bulma raised her hand. "And us." The whole gang offered to help. Good 'cause I dont think it'd be a good idea to leave me alone with Vegeta and some grumpy looking green guy I've never met before.
"Sure, I don't care as long as everything is clean."she said blandly. She then left us there, with the men in suits following her.
"Aw, thanks guys."I said. Vegeta just scoffed, grabbed a shovel and began filling the crater we made, alone. I grabbed one too and went over to help him.
"I don't need you're help."he growled.
"Would you just get off your high horse and let us help."Bulma said. Vegeta just grunted and continued.
Boy does she have a way with him. If I said that I'd probably get punched in the face.
Everyone started working. Vegeta and I were filling the crater. Tien and Yamcha were fixing the wall. Krillin was fixing and repainting some benches and poles we broke. Chi Chi, Puar and Oolong tended to the flowers and plants. 18 was helping Bulma fix the wires Vegeta blasted when he tried to hit Krillin, Yamcha, 18 and Tien. Piccolo was fixing the fountain by himself, he enjoys his own company.
"Hey Piccolo."I called out.
"What?" He sounded almost annoyed.
"I'm excited to have you on our team. You must be really strong if they added you.",I said cheerfully.
He smirked and went back to working on the fountain. New school, new friends, new partners and a chance to fight the best fighters across the universe.
Yep, I'm gonna love it here at Capsule High.
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La Vie en Rose
1 - Don't Forget About Me
Summary: Everything about her is perfect. Her grades, her looks, her personality, everything. Desiree Hale is known as little miss perfect all throughout middle school. But when she makes the transition from being in eighth grade to being a freshman, everything changes. Not because of the change in her surroundings, but because of a girl. A girl with gorgeous brown locks and stunning eyes to match, with a voice that sounds like an angel and a smile that could melt anyone's heart. The moment Desiree laid her eyes on the girl, she knew there was something different about herself.
Word Count: 3,205
Warnings: None
Please do NOT copy, rewrite, or translate onto another site. Permission will not be given if asked for it.
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Water splashes on the light gray concrete, soaking the people nearby. Meat sizzles on the grill, sending a delectable aroma through the air. Adults and children cover the lawn, chatter fills the surrounding space. The Sun's rays beat upon everything it can reach, making anything hot to the touch. This is what a Fourth of July party looks like. People having fun interacting with each other and forming relationships with people they had just met.
But not me. I've been sitting in the corner underneath an enormous oak tree with my journal full of short stories and other random notes. No one has bothered talking to me. It's not like anyone would want to talk with the girl who has her face buried in a journal. They're too busy enjoying the sun and partying. I'm not a big fan of the sun. Or parties. I'd much rather sit inside and read or write all day.
I turned the page in my notebook and began jotting down random thoughts that pop into my mind. As I looked up to relax my eyes, I noticed a girl my age approaching me in a bright blue two-piece swimsuit with a bright smile on her face. I smiled back and watched as she sat next to me on the grass.
"So, what brings you to this miserable party?" She asked, her smile not fading.
"My parents are friends with the hosts." I deadpanned. "You?"
"My parents are the hosts." She chuckled.
Silence. We stared into the distance and watched my little sister -who's only six years old- jump into the pool with a bright pink ring sitting around her waist as my dad caught her. I smiled when I heard her screams of joy.
"What's your name?" The girl said as she cleared her throat.
"Oh, it's Desiree." I stuttered, clearly being thrown off guard by the sudden question. "What's yours?"
"Zoe." She replied.
More silence. That's enough of our conversation. It's obvious neither of us gets out there or talk to others often. We've only said six things to each other. And every time we try to converse, it always starts with her asking a question.
"Wanna come to the pool with me? I think it's a lot cooler than sitting out in the sun." Zoe comments. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Actually, that sounds nice. I'll be right back." I said, standing up as my arms naturally spread to the sky to release tension.
"If you're changing, I could show you where the bathrooms are." She commented.
"That's alright. Your mom told me where they were when we got here." I replied, grabbing my bag and hurrying into the house and towards the bathroom.
Once I was inside, I quickly stripped off my clothing and changed into my black two piece. I turned to look at the mirror and pulled my dark brown hair into a high ponytail to prevent it from getting wet. Smiling, I made my way out of the bathroom and found Zoe standing by the door, waiting for me.
The two of us ran to the pool and dove into the deep end with grins spread across our faces. Fully submerged in the water, I opened my eyes and looked to my right to see Zoe watching me. I smirked and began swimming to the surface. As I broke the fine line between the water and air, I felt my lungs gasp for air and my wet hair stick to the back of my neck. There was no point in that ponytail. I quickly stroked to the edge of the pool where I met with Zoe and got greeted with a splash of water to the face. I let out a dramatic gasp and pushed water towards her as well. Before we knew it, we made our way back out to the middle of the pool again in a huge water war. The two of us looked up to see my dad running towards us from the surface. I took in as much air as possible into my lungs and dove under the water just before he got to the pool. Zoe continued swimming in place and tried to protect herself from the oncoming tidal wave, but it was no use. Dad hit the water, and I felt myself get pushed towards the other side of the pool. As I felt the water calm down, I quickly resurfaced and swallowed a breath of fresh air.
"Dinner's ready, girls." Dad laughed as he swam over to us.
"That wasn't necessary." I said, brushing loose strands of wet hair behind my ears.
"I know. I just wanted to make sure you heard me." He replied as he stepped out of the pool. "I was also extremely hot."
Zoe and I glanced at each other and laughed, making our way out of the water. We hopped in line and draped brightly colored towels around our shoulders to dry off a bit. I grabbed a paper plate and collected a hotdog, some condiments and a small bag of Doritos. I thanked the man standing by the grill for the meal and scanned the yard for Zoe to find her sitting under the tree we met at. Smirking, I rushed to the grass. Standing at her side, I placed my food onto the ground and lay the towel flat next to where Zoe had done the same. I then sat criss-crossed on the fabric and dug into my meal.
"Tell me something about yourself." I prompted, breaking the silence.
"Oh, I uh, I play guitar and bass. I'm planning on trying out for the Jazz Band at my high school at the beginning of the year." She replied simply.
"What school are you going to?" I questioned.
"James Madison. You?" Zoe answered.
"Wait, no way, me too!"
"Really? What classes are you taking?"
I told Zoe almost every single one of my classes. Art, choir, French, and theatre for my electives. Earth science, honors language arts, secondary math one, and world geography for my core classes. Zoe's classes were a lot more complex than mine. Band, creative writing, and debate for her electives. Earth science, honors language arts, secondary math two, and AP human geography for her core classes. Not to mention if she makes it into the jazz band she'll have an extra-curricular.
We talked about our friends and lives in middle school. How I was perfect with grades and had little to no issues while she had to deal with drama and barley passing classes. Why we both made such big changes for high school is a significant question that neither of us know the answer to. The conversation dragged away from school and ventured into our home lives. Zoe told me about her brother Connor, and I told her about my little sister Brooke. She talked about how Connor has changed. How they used to be friends and would play with each other when they were younger and how they've drifted over the years. How much she wishes they could be close again and how it can't happen because of things he's done.
Zoe has dealt with so much shit throughout her life. From fights with her brother to being ignored by her parents, all she wants is to be seen. Usually I'd say the two of us are different people, but in reality, we aren't. After Brooke was born, I felt lost. My life took a sharp turn I didn't see coming. But yet again, doesn't everyone who has younger siblings been through the same thing I went through? I bet it doesn't last as long for them as it did for me. The rejection, I mean. It's been six years. Six damn years and my parents still give Brooke the attention they gave her when she was born. And what have I been doing? I've tried getting them to notice me, but it never works. I learned how to paint and made them something for their anniversary. It ended up in the basement. I drew my dad something for his birthday and it ended up in the basement. I learned how to sculpt things out of clay and made a sculpture for my mom and it ended up in the basement. Everything Brooke makes gets hung up or put on display. Everything I make gets put away. On the outside, we appear as a happy family. On the inside, we appear as a happy family. But it doesn't feel like it.
I finished eating quicker than I had expected and offered to throw Zoe's trash away for her. After many tries, she gave in and let me, telling me to grab her a Dr. Pepper while I was by the drinks. I complied and grabbed myself one.
"Thanks." She said as she popped the tab on the can, sending small droplets of the soda into the air.
"It's no problem." I replied, doing the same.
Everyone at the party had resumed their activities before the meal in no time, which meant Zoe and I had returned to the pool. We were floating on a raft together, chatting about anything that came to mind, when we suddenly felt someone flip the raft, throwing us into the water. I screamed and accidentally swallowed a bit of water. Zoe did the same. We both resurfaced, coughing the liquid out of our lungs while diabolical laughter rang through the air.
"What the hell was that for, Connor?" Zoe yelled, continuing to cough.
"Your screams were hilarious!" He laughed, falling dramatically into the water.
I eventually caught my breath and finally got a glance at what this Connor character looks like. He has pale white skin and unruly dark brown hair. He's incredibly slim with little to no meat on his bones. I brushed loose strands out of my face and tucked them behind my ears. A wave came from behind me, water splashing across Connor's face. I turned to see a wicked grin on Zoe's face. I know exactly what's happening. A water fight. I quickly dove under the water as the fight began, the siblings splashing each other with water. Reaching the concrete wall of the pool, I swung my leg onto the ground and popped myself out. I cautiously ran over to a bucket of water balloons and grabbed one, chucking it at Connor's back. He turned around with a playful glare, paddling himself towards me.
"Shit, shit shit shit shit." I muttered under my breath, grabbing as many balloons as I could, sprinting onto the grass.
I heard Connor leave the water and his wet feet against the concrete. I turned around to see Zoe climbing out of the pool herself, rushing to the pool house. Getting distracted with Zoe's actions, I felt a balloon hit the back of my thigh. My head whipped around to see Connor running in the opposite direction.
Zoe ran up next to me and handed me a super soaker, saying, "Those balloons aren't getting you anywhere."
I gladly took the gun and searched the yard for her brother when I saw an arm disappear behind a bright green bush. Pointing at the bush, we nodded at each other and sneaked up on the boy. I verged left while she went right. Slipping into the groups of people, we approached the bush with smirks on our faces. Zoe held up her fingers, silently counting us down from three. Three, two, one! Both of us blindly fired our super soakers at the bush, hoping we hit Connor. Swifter than we expected, he emerged from the bush and threw his hands into the air in surrender.
"Okay! I surrender!" He yelled.
"We'll forgive you if you get us popsicle." Zoe said, not putting her gun down.
"That's not how surrender works." Connor fought.
I squirted him with water. "Well, it's how it works around here."
"Jesus, fine." he replied, walking over to the cooler with his hands remaining in the air.
"Keep your hands where we can see them." Zoe called out.
"I am." Connor said. He grabbed three rocket pops and headed back over to us. "Have we made peace?"
"Yes." Zoe and I said in unison, each of us taking one popsicle.
As all of us peeled the wrapper off the cool treat, Connor and Zoe's dad approached us. "We're starting fireworks in the front if you'd like to join us."
"We'll be there in a minute." Zoe smiled.
She snatched the wrappers from all our hands and tossed them into the trash. I hurried over to my bag and slipped on my pair of blue shorts, completely disregarding my shirt. No one will care if I'm wearing a swim top and shorts. And besides, it's way too hot. She held out her arm to me to which I took, hooking my arm around hers. For only knowing each other for a few hours, I think we're getting along well. I've never clicked with anyone so easily before so this feels too easy. Maybe Zoe's being forced to hang out with me. It doesn't feel forced, though. Or maybe our personalities function perfectly together. Whatever it is, I don't think it matters. The bond we have is like a friendship that started many years ago. But it's only been hours. And hopefully, it lasts much longer than hours. Maybe we can have what those friendships that last for years have.
Skipping towards the gate that separates the backyard from the front, I grinned and started humming the theme to The Wizard Of Oz to myself. Zoe must have heard me, for she began singing the song. I laughed and sang along as we joined the rest of the party. Glancing around the area, I found an empty spot on the grass. I pulled Zoe to the spot with me and noticed it was right next to my family.
"So that's where you went." My dad commented, throwing a handful of glow sticks at me.
"Did you not just see me chasing Connor around with a squirt gun?" I questioned, taking a seat on the grass, pulling Zoe down with me.
"Apparently not." He replied.
Zoe, Connor, and I each grabbed a handful of the glow sticks off the grass and cracked them in one snap. Light illuminated in our hands and I took one of my red sticks and poked Zoe's shoulder. She poked me back with a blue one. And the war began. We poke each other back and forth with the glow sticks, breaking into a fit of giggles.
"How about you two use the glow sticks for something other than poking each other?" My mom recommended.
"No, I don't think we will." I replied, continuing to poke Zoe.
"Yeah, this is a lot more fun." Zoe added, poking my arm.
After poking each other for way too long, we tired of it and grabbed those plastic connectors and connected the ends of the glow sticks, forming bracelets just in time for the sun to set, putting us into darkness, the glow of streetlights illuminating our surroundings. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bright white light appear. My head snapped to look at the light to find it was someone handing a sparkler to a small child. I smirked and turned to Zoe to find her looking at me. Her cheeks dusted with a light shade of pink as her gray eyes flickered away from my blue ones.
"Hey, wanna go get some sparklers?" I asked.
"Sure!" She smiled.
We headed over to the table that held all the fireworks and grabbed a few sparklers. A man neither of us knew lit them up for us, and off we went into the middle of the street. We waved the sticks around in the air, creating patterns with the sparks. I tried spelling my name in cursive, but spelling Desiree in cursive isn't the easiest thing, and neither is Zoe. Instead, we drew pictures like hearts, stars, and cats. Yes, we drew cats in the air with sparklers. Why would we not? Is that not something that everyone does? Eventually the flammable portion of the sparkler was no more, and we had to toss them into a bucket of water on the curb.
The rest of the night was full of laughter and pure joy, something I sadly haven't experienced in a long time. Fireworks were exploding around every corner you turned. People were running in the street with explosives in their hands, with no fear in their eyes. Zoe and I quickly tired of the noise and went inside. Zoe dragged me upstairs to her room. And it looks exactly what you'd think it would look like. Periwinkle bedding with pink decorative pillows and a white chunky knit blanket displayed across the foot of the bed. The walls are a lighter shade of blue with pink flowers painted on top. White panels cover the bottom half of the walls, creating a sense of contrast. Above her bed sits a display of all the pictures she's taken with her friends and boy, is there a lot.
"Sorry, it's kind of messy right now." Zoe apologized.
"It's alright. My room is in worse condition right now." I laughed. She laughed too.
She began explaining to me how she discovered her bedroom was the perfect place to view fireworks. By simply flicking off the lights and pulling up beanbags to the window, it gave us a front-row seat to a firework show with no noise. You can see the explosions of bright colors for miles and miles across the city. Some are mere specs of light, while others are large bursts of color that illuminate the room. The sounds of the explosions are small pops, some being more powerful than others. The two of us sat in a comfortable silence for quite a while before a pair of feet came down the hallway and towards the bedroom.
"Des, it's time to go." My mom said, cracking open the door.
I groaned and stood up. "Thanks for making this party a lot more tolerable." Zoe said.
"It's no problem." I replied. "So, maybe I'll see you at school?"
"Yeah, maybe. It was nice meeting you." Zoe stood and followed me out of her room.
"You too." I smiled.
Once downstairs, Zoe joined a group of people in the backyard while I headed out to the front door behind my family. I slid into the backseat and pulled my phone out of my backpack to see multiple texts from my friends. I responded to them one by one and quickly resumed my quiet and reserved personality I had at the beginning of the day. Eventually all my notifications had receded, and it left me staring out the window of the car, watching as buildings and fireworks sped past us in blurs. Suddenly I gained the feeling you get when you think you forget something somewhere, but you don't know what it is. After sitting and thinking about it for a bit, I realized what I had forgotten. I forgot to ask for Zoe's number.
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