#I'll be fineeeee (lie)
looks-at-you · 1 year
I'm doing what I like to call "fogging" right now and yes this is a magnus archives reference this is basically me self depricating I've basically fallen into the lonely don't come looking for me
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inactivewattpadauthor · 10 months
Fujin x Reader (Semi-Lemon)
Warning: Includes Fujin eating you out. Nothing more.
It was about an hour until midnight, yet you were busy playing a middle school game that involved drinking with a certain handsome wind god that was supposed to be back at the sky temple.
"Never have I ever... 'accidentally' hit and enemy in the crotch with my weapon." You squinted as you read the hand-written card.
You then peeked at Fujin to see if he was going to take a shot to that one, in which, he actually does.
"I have done that on several occasions." He smirks, chuckling low.
You giggled before taking your shot down as well. "I won't lie to myself, I be doing it on purpose. Now you, on the other head, is it by accident or have you just been around Mr. Cage a lot?"
Fujin lets out a small laugh at your question. "Perhaps both. Now hand me a card."
You listened to the wind lord and handed him a new card without turning it over.
Fujin reads it quietly at first but then smirks and looks back at you.
"Never have I ever slept with a co-worker."
'Damn, I forgot I wrote that card.' You thought.
"I have done that." Fujin informed, before taking another shot.
"Really?! With who?" You were a bit shocked.
Fujin would give me a friendly wink. "You don't need to know that."
"Ughhhh, fineeeee." You pouted.
Fujin notices you didn't take a drink. He assumed you got a bit side tracked.
"Y/N, aren't you going to take a drink?" Fujin gestures to your next shot glass.
"Oh... I never slept with a co-worker." You admitted, hiding down the embarrassment.
"Are you lying?" Fujin teased.
"Fujin, please, I'm not lying!" You defensively cried out, being flustered.
"Alright, alright, I'll believe you. Next card."
You got myself together before pulling another card from the deck. "Never have I ever..."
You trailed off as your eyes widened at the new card. 'Was it really a good idea to read such a thing in front of a god? It seems more personal than the last. He didn't seem to have problems reading that one though.'
Fujin notices your blush and how you were hesitant on reading out the card. "Come on, don't be shy. What does the card say, Miss Y/N?"
"Never have I ever r-recieved oral." You said the last part out quietly, before covering your face with your hands.
Fujin raised an eyebrow at me before taking his numerous shot in a row and setting the glass down to focus on you.
"I... take it you haven't?" He tilted his head and asked our of curiosity.
"No. I never have." Your response was muffled by your hands.
The demigod would think for a moment before leaning towards you, gently taking your hands away from your face. His glowing, white eyes looked at you with kindness and perhaps something else. Maybe it must be all the shots he took.
And then he spoke...
"Well, my friend, I think it is time for a change, don't you?" How straightforward this man is... so hot.
"Come on, Fujin, don't play with me like that!" You chuckled nervously, beginning to sweat. "You've certainly had quite a lot to drink..."
Fujin chuckles softly. For a moment, he thought of what to say. You looked to the side, thinking about his proposal, if he was just playing around.
"Do you really think I'm playing with you?" He asked.
Again, nothing was said at first. Maybe he wasn't tricking me or joking around at all. You still had your suspensions.
"Well... I don't know! Would... you actually... like... eat me out?" You fiddled your fingers with each other and asked. You really wanted to know if he was being genuine.
Fujin gave you a smirk before leaning into your ear. "That isn't a question that should be answered by words."
Just like that, most of those nerves went straight down to your crotch.
You looked at Fujin and looked around for a bit, pondering on what to do or say. You got it together, though.
"My room is upstairs."
You stood up with little difficulty since you weren't entirely too drunk. Lord Fujin stood too, seemingly as if he didn't take like more shots than you.
He picked you up bridal style, proceeding to carry you upstairs and locating your room.
"How experienced are you?" You asked him, holding onto him.
"Enough to know what I'm doing." Fujin quickly responded with a smile.
After stepping into your room, he gently places you on your bed, placing his hands on your hips to pull you closer to him.
You only laid back with your lips slightly parted, separating your legs a little for him. You could feel that heat burning in your lower stomach from him. Your mind was drawing blank from it.
Fujin got on top of you, kissing the base on you neck softly. After lifting your shirt up to kiss between your chest and down to your stomach he looked back up at you. You felt a tug at the rim of your shorts.
"Are you ready?" He looked into your eyes for permission.
"Yes, please." You almost immediately consented, ready to just have a tongue in you for the first time.
Your shorts were then removed along with your panties underneath it, leaving you already exposed, and the cold air hitting your wet sensitive.
Now if your mind wasn't so clouded with the eagerness, you'd probably feel a lot more self-conscious, but you found yourself already placing a hand in Fujin's, white hair as his head was between your thighs, passionately kissing them before his mouth goes closer to the more precious spot.
By instinct, you bucked your hips slightly forward when Fujin softly kissed your lips, and no, I'm not talking about your mouth. You let out a gasp as another response to the kiss as well, placing your other hand onto his hair and tugging.
Your lord didn't keep you waiting. His hands held onto your inner thighs as he licked around your tight hole, soon enough, he stuck his tongue inside, driving you crazy.
"Mmm~ Lord Fujin! ...Please..." It was hard for you to even beg, and he just only began... but he found it arousing.
His tongue worked its magic in you, touching all the correct spots, making you tense up and breathe heavily.
At some point, you even removed a hand from his now messy hair and placed it over your mouth to muffle those noises you were making. Fujin looked up at you and chuckled, finding you adorable.
You felt that building pressure inside your belly, as it intensified, your grip on his hair tightened. Fujin would pay attention to this and pace his tongue faster and maybe sloppier, making sure to get as much of your arousal fluid onto his tongue as possible. His grip on your thighs also increased. He enjoyed your taste and the reaction he was getting from you.
It took a small amount of time for you to have an orgasm. You were trembling even afterwards. Fujin sat up from between your legs and licked his lips. He lays right next to you, you could see the warm blush he had on his face from what he just did for you. Gods, this man is too gorgeous to be real. Even if his hair was messy because of you.
He wrapped his arms around your resting body, pulling you close. "Was I good?" He asks.
You took a breath before responding. "Y-Your tongue was so amazing..."
"I am pleased to hear that, Y/N. I suppose you could take that shot now." Fujin joked with a wink.
I smiled at him, messing with his braid a bit. "When we play again, just remind me to take an extra shot. Also, I'll certainly add more new cards to the deck." There was a hint to that.
A/N: I don't know how to write a good ending so I'll just end it here-
I first wrote this on my phone, but the app was still flopping on me so I switched to pc, which is why majority of the oneshot is in italics.
And update on the Nightwolf x reader p2 lemon, it is no longer promised, clearly, bc I'm a liar, and I kinda now feel iffy on writing lemons. Character ai gave me the idea to write this, sooo (I had to change the pov from 1st to 2nd so many times, god.)
I hope you guys like this :)
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catgirlshauna · 9 months
um hi pookies i wrote my first long smut in a while LOL here it is
warnings: cnc, slight noncon, dubious consent
you only came to this party because lottie begged you to. she had texted you a few nights prior to tonight.
lottie matthews (math class) *your phone*
“wanna come to a party w/ me?😔”
loml *lottie's phone*
“uhhh when”
lottie matthews (math class)
“friday, at 8”
“isn't that kinda l8 lol”
lottie matthews (math class)
“PLS…… 😩” “i don't wanna go alone u know those guys flirt with me 😓”
“fineeeee 😒”
lottie nearly jumped for joy at your response, she would of course… never tell you that. you met her outside of your house, though you don't remember telling her your address, you just figured shauna shipman from lit. gave it to her so she could text you about math.
lottie matthews (bad @ math)
“wear something cute, pleaseeee? don't dress all prudish, it's boring !!”
“i am NOT getting down with some man tonite LOTTIE 😤”
lottie matthews (bad @ math)
“i just want u to have fun and open with urself”
you couldn't really argue with that… so you picked out the loosest sweatpants you owned tied together with the belt string, and a crop top you deemed just cropped enough to be exciting, but not slutty. you hoped. you sent lottie a picture of the fit, hoping it'll please her.
lottie matthews (bad @ math)
“cute!!! that's perfect. i'm omw to pick u up now <3”
you sat at your front door, waiting for the dreaded ‘here :)’ message from lottie. and as soon as it came, you were up and out of the door. lottie pulls up in what you can only assume is a custom wrapped tesla that her father told her to get. you stop your jaw from dropping and get into her car.
it smells like incense and cinnamon, meaning you can't help but take a deep breath in through your nose as the air cycles through. lottie feels giddy, she wonders what you'll sound like when she's fucking you numb.
the drive to the party is surprisingly short.. it was near your neighborhood, which felt oddly specific but… oh well! you weren't going to question it. much.. when you arrive, lottie even goes as far as to open the car door for you, a saccharine smile gracing her lips as she grabs you by the hand and pulls you inside. immediately you're hit with the smell of musk, weed, alcohol, and maybe vomit.
you two do end up separating about fifteen minutes into the party, as lottie goes off with her other friends and leaves you to fend for yourself at the drink table. it's a build-your-own cocktail moment, with various clear and slightly cloudy liquors. you make yourself a dirty shirley temple and find yourself sitting on the couch next to natalie scatorccio, who's clearly only there for the free drugs and alcohol.
“wow, did lottie get you to come here? the little prude who's never seen at parties.” she jokes, clearly a little high and a little bitchy. you resist the urge to roll your eyes, until they flit down to the dab pen that rests in the palm of her right hand.
“can i… hit that?” you know you sound a little desperate, but you need to feel high to feel normal. natalie only flashes a knowing smile before handing it to you. you take a deep puff, one that would kill your lungs if you weren't so healthy right now (an absolute lie).
lottie, who's been wandering the party to make herself seem less suspicious, comes down the stairs only to see you sitting with- with natalie scatorccio? why her? lottie sucks in a deep breath through her teeth and lets it out through her nose. she needs to get you more pliable, and fast. she makes her way towards you, crouching down in front of you.
“hey, having fun?” she asks, placing her hands on your knees. she takes your nearly empty drink from your hand and takes a sip, deducing what cocktail you made yourself just by taste. “i'll go fill this up, ‘kay?”
you're too high to care, but your mouth starts to feel dry… you look up at her and smile.
“thanks, lottie.” your words are a little slurred, but otherwise understandable. lottie smiles in return and walks off to the drink table. as she makes your drink, she adds a dash of powder that most definitely isn't a crushed up roofie. she walks back to you, handing you the drink.
“i'm gonna be around, okay? you sit and… talk to your friend.” she waves her hand towards natalie, who's still vegged out on the couch.
lottie will be more than around. she’ll be right around the corner, watching, waiting for the roofie to kick in, before she swoops in a few minutes later to ‘check’ on you.
“oh, baby, are you sleepy? did that pen knock you out?” lottie thanks god that natalie is always packing some serious weed varieties. you end up nodding, and with her help, standing. you say your goodbyes to natalie and let lottie practically carry you to her car. the drive back to her house is quiet, mostly because you've fallen asleep. not fully, lottie knows, but enough. she parks her car out front, not giving a care in the world to who might see her as she carries you out of the car and into her large home. she doesn't waste any time, taking you straight to her room. she sets you down onto her bed, gently, of course, and brushes her thumb over your cheek to ease you into sleeping.
lottie quickly enters her bathroom, taking another pill, a much stronger pill, and dissolving it in a glass of water. she brings the water to you, urging you awake so you can ‘stay hydrated’. you groan in disobedience, but drink the water anyway. as soon as you do? your head hits her fluffy pillows, which feel oddly like they've been fluffed up just for this moment. you start to feel hot, extremely uncomfortably hot, and wiggle around on the bed with a groan. you can't speak, for some reason, but look at lottie pleadingly. she only nods, as if it's completely normal, and starts to undress you. what you didn't tell her to do… was undress you all the way. you're left naked on her bed, almost completely paralyzed as she stares down at you.
“you poor thing… you must be so warm… so hot?” she mumbles, brushing her fingers over your ankle. you might not be able to move, but every sense is heightened, and you want to jerk away from her touch. her hands start to brush over your legs, massaging your calves, squeezing into your plush thighs. you let out little whimpers, though, every time her squeeze on your thigh tightens to something painful. you swear she’ll leave bruises with how brightly red they shined on your skin. she tuts every time you make a noise, only squeezing harder. you bite your lip, which is numb, and nearly bruise it by how hard you're actually biting.
lottie decides she’s teased enough, given you enough foreplay. she drops her pants, then her panties, taking her shirt off as she drapes herself over you. skin against skin, you stare up at her in bewilderment. her cock is hard already, pressing against your stomach as she starts to trail sloppy, wet kisses to your throat and jaw. she's moaning into your skin, absolutely obsessed with how you taste. how she knew you'd taste. she runs her palms over your nipples, rolling them into hard little nubs. you can't stop yourself from trying to buck up against her, your cunt unbelievably wet from her teasing. she starts to breathe a little heavier, before guiding her cockhead to your waiting hole. her dick is average, but rather thick, and takes a bit of easing as she pushes in. you let out a real moan this time, feeling the stretch of her cock as she bottoms out. you rock your hips against hers. she groans and bites into the flesh of your neck, rocking into you at a faster pace as she wraps her arms under yours and pins her front to your front, effectively pushing your bodies as close together as possible while still being inside you. your poor pussy clenches around her, fluttering in a way it never has before as one of her cock-veins rubs against your walls. you want to moan and moan for her, to do anything it'll take for her to let you cum. and she listens, to those broken little slurs you make begging for her to fuck you harder. you don't know why you've become a bitch in heat, but you don't care… you love letting a woman like lottie matthews fuck you raw, and yeah, you don't really know why everything that happened tonight suddenly ended up in her bedroom. and yeah, you don't care, either.
lottie’s hips start to stutter, and her thrusts turn slow and sloppy. she presses a kiss just under your ear, before whispering the most horrifying words you've ever heard.
“i can't wait to see you pregnant with my baby.” you start to squirm under her, whining, trying to get her out of you. there's no way you're letting a girl you just met a few weeks ago get you pregnant! lottie, however, growls and bites into your shoulder again. she sucks and sucks until the bruise borders on painful. “you're mine, understand?” her words start to slur together in pleasure, and suddenly she slams into you one last time, her cock brushing against your cervix as she fills you up with her cum. she slides out, almost all the way, before slowly pushing right back in, fucking her load into you to ensure you get pregnant. you're still squirming, but you've grown tired, really tired… you stop. lottie stops.
“i can't wait, baby.”
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Lowkey,, when I saw your Yandere's, I was reminded of the pic above 👀 granted, they're not as manic/feral but i can't help but hit them with the good ol' pathetic-lil-meow-meow-ification beam whenever I see them 😔✊. everyone can feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again (/ref) if I delude myself hard enough 🥹🙏
*cartoonish sounds of struggle & animal noises can be heard*
-ight! Okok so like, get this- I have rabies's now 😎
This gives me a timeframe of about- *checks msdmanual.com* 3-7 days to go ahead and infect every Yan in my vicinity, which means I'm gonna bite em all >:)) (not sure if Rory can get infected since he's a vamp n all 🤔 but a girl can dreammmm 😔) I may perish at the end of my crusade, but at least I'll drag some of them to hell with me 🫡
Moving on, Rory's re-design be looking mad fineeeee, though I'm gonna miss his long hair, rip my opportunity to draw him in pig-tails 🙏 at least he can get more bitches now with the added ✨glasses✨ factor (no, I'm totally unbiased towards men who wear glasses of any kind, what are you talking abou-)
yeheaaa boi, I'm def gonna replace his Scumbag Glasses (affectionate) with heart shape lenses in my next attempt at a fanart for him 😈😈 gonna turn Mr. Valentine into Mr. Valentine² MUHAHAHAHAHAAA GET HIT WITH MY UWU-FICATION BEAM, IDIOT /lh gonna turn this 😎 bitch into a 😍 bitch
Also goddammit ur chibi style makes me wanna squish their cheeks granny style- I don't wanna squish a serial killers cheeks plsssss I didn't get over my creepypasta whole phase, only to be charmed by the next gen of murderous pretty boys 😫😫 I. Absolutely. Mustn't. 😬 damn ur artstyle, it's too good for my heart- /pos
-Ren'py anon
Yeah they're pretty chill before they get unhinged, but hitting them with that pathetic little meow meow beam makes them a bit more tolerable 😘 Not gonna even lie, I get nervous and lowkey freak out when I code in the creepy parts and play through it. LIKE BOY WTF ARE YOU LOOKING AT??? FREAKY ASS MF I HATE YOU. DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH PLAYER.
But pretending they're nothing but miserable maniacs stuck in their own little worlds makes me feel better 🤓(Goofy ahh reaction /j)
Katy Perry ref is just what was needed </3 no no what do you mean he enjoys hurting me emotionally and physically to make up for his own personal faults? No he's just a little sad soul that hugs me when I'm sad and loves me no matter what.
Tbh it's a fifty fify. All he has to worry about is passing out in the middle of it if he hasn't fed in a while.
Which reminds me. I haven't said a lot about him yet. I think I'll info dump on him sometime, but idk bc there is a little spoiler but not really bc it's a big part of his character and for the story of his route. It will be common knowledge when you play anyway.
If you don't hit the Volkovs with the animal foam first, they WILL catch wind of what you're doing and shoot you down or smth. They don't play 💀 since it is 3 to 7 BUSINESS DAYS. They are always doing business, so 3 is all too easy.
Also tysm!!! I too am gonna miss Rory's long hair, but it's gotta go so he can refresh! And dw I'm gonna make it a tad more layered and longer so you can do pigtails little kids have that look like two antennas.
And Rory has always had glasses, I just didn't draw them that time lol
OMG HE WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE THOSE HEARTSHAPED GLASSES. JUST UH NOT OUTSIDE THOUGH. HES GOT OPPS IN THOSE STREETS... Would legit fall in love if you kept doing silly shit like that (Damn you really did square up his Valentine's rizz) UWU fication success???
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thatsgay-writes · 3 years
Day 16
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"Here they are, the brave young women whose tale of struggle and survival has gripped the nation." The host says as she sends the camera a smile. "The unsinkable nine, as we have come to know them. Ladies, you must have dreamed of coming home for so long. Now that you're here, what do you wanna do most?" She questions as she turns towards you and your friends. "Honestly, smoke about a hundred cigs, you know? Like, really rip through a carton or two." Dot starts as she leans forwards on the couch. The host gives her a slightly awkward smile, "Okay. How about the rest of you?"
"I don't know; Maybe hit up the OG for a never-ending pasta bowl and just... I don't know... Get back to our real lives." Toni says next followed by Nora. "I'd like to read the Odyssey again, rather than, like, live it." She jokes awkwardly, causing some of the girls to laugh in response. "Leah, what about you?" "Oh, um, I just wanna reconnect with certain people... People who may have been worried and-or felt like we had unfinished business. And if that person is watching right now, I just wanna say that I did not not miss you every day." You cringe at Leah's little monologue, still not feeling 100% about her after her fight with Shelby.
"My turn, Brooke, and I've got a nice, straight answer for you. I'm going to fuck the rowdiest guy with the biggest dick as soon as I fucking can." Fatin says, causing everyone to pause the fantasy you all shared and look at Fatin. Fatin turned to look at you, since you were at the end of the couch, and you couldn't contain your laugh. "Holy shit!" You belt out as you roll onto your side, "I don't think you can say that." You tell her after you finally catch your breathe. Fatin rolls her eyes, "Okay, make it more media-friendly. I am going to fornicate with the healthiest penis I can find ASAP." You let out a laugh at her newly formed answer.
After that, Dot changed her answer and Fatin got on Leah for her "emo shit show" answer and how Romeo's would be in everyone's DM's, before they finally started cheering over the fact that there was a chance to return home. "We're going home, bitches!" Martha yells as she holds up the bottle of vodka, causing all the other girls to cheer. You go to celebrate with them but notice how Shelby stays silent and slowly pulls away from the group. You watch her go, debating if you should follow her, as Toni helps you stand. Her face holds a large smile that slowly falls as she notices how distracted you are and that Shelby was walking away.
Ever since kissing Shelby, Toni had been confused on her feelings between the both of you. She had loved you for years but Shelby just had something so attracting about her. Unknown to her, you were having the same thoughts. "I'll, um... I'll be right back." You say as you pat Toni's hands that were still holding your own after helping you up. Toni just nods her head as you hop away after Shelby.
"You don't seem very excited..." You try and joke as you hop around the rock Shelby was sitting on, closing your mouth as soon as you see how sad she looks. You fidget nervously for a few seconds as Shelby doesn't respond to your presence. You let out a deep breathe before sitting down next to Shelby on the rock. "Are you okay?" You ask as you slowly reach out your hand to grabs hers. You move slowly so she has enough time to pull away but she doesn't. When you tangle your fingers with Shelby's, she finally reacts some and turns her head to look at you. She opens and closes her mouth a few times wanting to say something, but ultimately ends up closing it and shaking her head. You let out a sigh but nod your head. You lean forwards and cup one of her cheeks, giving her a quick kiss on the other one. Your face gains a small smile as you notice Shelby blush, "I'll leave you to your thoughts... If you ever need someone to vent to or a shoulder to lean on I'll be here." You tell her as you slowly stand up and start hopping back towards to other girls, missing how Shelby stared after you longingly.
As you get closer to the other girls, you smile as you hear them all laughing and joking around. "Oh, Martha, you're gonna be trippin motherfucking balls dude." You hear Fatin say as you finally reach the group and collapse next to Toni. Hopping around was not fun and you were going to need to find a walking stick or something soon. "And she won't be alone." Rachel says as she holds her hand out towards Fatin. Taking what looks to be a bag of gummy bears? You nudge Toni with your shoulder and send her a questioning look. "Martha ate edibles." She whispered to you before turning back to the group and reaching for the bag. You covered your mouth in shock and laughed at the fact that Martha, sweet and innocent Martha, ate edibles. "You want one y/n?" Toni asks as she holds one out towards you. You think about it for a second. Your doctors back at home would probably advise you not to get high but you had been feeling fine the past few days. "Why not." You answer as you take the gummy bear from Toni and pop it into your mouth.
"Marcus!?" You hear Martha yell out for the 5th time as almost everyone laid on the beach, high out of their minds. The only ones not laying down were Fatin, who looked like she was meditating, Shelby, who still hadn't returned from the rock, and you, who had taken a seat on Toni's back and kept tracing out random letters and shapes on her back. "I'm so fucking blissed out. Not even from the gummies, just from the thought that in 48 hours I can have an orgasm." Was the first thing Fatin had said in an hour, causing you to giggle and almost fall off of Toni's back. Unlike Toni, who always got more relaxed when she was high, you got more giggly, enthusiastic, and talkative. You being high rivaled Shelby's whole "Who wants to play an ice breaker?" persona.
"Wait? You haven't like self-induced?" Leah asks, seriously but still with a playful tone. "No, I can't do it with my hands actually. I have this weird cello-vibrato PTSD. It's a whole thing." Fatin responds, breezing over the subject. "So your electric toothbrush hasn't seen any action?" Dot asks causing you to laugh more and add on, "I mean we all kind of assumed." You send a wink Fatin's way before turning your attention back to Toni's back, effectively spacing out on the conversation.
When you do focus back onto everyone, it's from Toni tapping your thigh to get you to get up. "Huh?" "C'mon we're gonna go play in the water." Instead of standing up and hopping your way towards the ocean, you just roll of Toni's back and lay on your back in the sand. "I'm good... I think I'm just gonna lie here." Toni gives you a questioning look but you just push her thigh towards the water. "I'll be fineeeee, go have funnnnn." Toni rolls her eyes as you purposefully draw out words and follows the rest of the girls into the water.
You could hear the girls from where you laid, all of them letting out screams and laughs of joy. You would have joined but hopping around on one leg isn't fun and tired you out pretty quickly. You rolled onto your side once the sun felt too hot on your face and you noticed that Shelby hadn't joined in on the fun either. You contemplated going up to her and trying to talk to her or give her more space, but went with the first choice. If she had rejoined the group than maybe she would want some company now.
"Not a fan of the water?" You ask as you let yourself collapse next to Shelby, taking note how she now had the bottle of vodka and it had a less in it than it did before. "I... Um..." Shelby stuttered out as she purposefully did not make eye contact with you. "It's fine." You say with a shrug and lay on your side. "No need to talk, just relax." You say as you suddenly get hype fixated on making shapes and letters on her back. Missing the way she tensed up before finally relaxing. You spaced out again from what was going on, a common thing that happened when you were high.
The rest of the day blew by as everyone did their own thing. Nora and Rachel went off talked somewhere, you noticed that Toni and Shelby got into a argument, and you just chilled around with Fatin, Dot, and Leah, while Martha decided to adventure into the woods. "Guys! Guys! Guess what I just saw!?" Martha yells as she runs over the hill and back towards the group. "I just saw Marcus and he's alive!" She yells out, out of breath, causing everyone to laugh at how ridiculous she sounded. "No, guys, I'm being serious!" Martha defends and grabs the nearest person to her, Dot, and starts dragging her along. "C'mon, he's in the woods." Dot turns to give the group and exasperated look but you all decide to follow along.
You had your arm wrapped around Toni as you all journeyed through the woods. You had tried to get out of going, but Martha wanted everyone to go with her. "You're just saying that he, like, fucking pinocchio'd?" Dot asks, having not stopped laughing or joking about the situation since you all headed into the woods. "Yes. That is exactly what I am saying." Martha says in relief, missing that fact that Dot was still making fun of her. "He turned into a real boy." She finishes as you and Toni see Marcus... Who is still as fake as he was the day he was found. "I don't know, he kinda looks the same to me." Toni says as you release her arm so she can pick up Marcus. "Hey! My leg!" You say excitedly as you notice it laying under Marcus. When Fatin goes to kiss Marcus, you kiss your leg. It was all fun and games until Leah had to mention the fact that Marcus and your leg had been swept away but suddenly ended up in the middle of the forest. You had thought the same thing but hoped to just ignore that fact. "Leah. We're mellow. We're leaving."
"Oh Shelby, you love America so much. USA! USA!" Martha cheers, trying to get Shelby to join her but the other girl is completely zoned out. "Is she okay?" You and Toni ask at the same time. Both of you sharing an awkward look with each other, neither of you had told the other about your own kiss with Shelby. Luckily, Fatin isn't stuck in an unknown love triangle and walks over to Shelby. You all watch as Shelby starts to brush her hair, it seems to stay tangled no matter what she does. Until the brush gets stuck in her hair. Fatin attempts to help her but Shelby goes into full freak out mode. "It's all ruined." She says as she grabs the scissors out of Fatin's bag. Fatin attempts to stop her but Shelby was inconsolable.
"I don't' fucking want it! I don't want it!"
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suhsexual · 7 years
It's finally hit me that my first exam is in 3 days...
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