#I'll be posting the rest of the drawings today and tomorrow.
grettysart · 10 months
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Day 27 - Portal
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martyryo · 7 months
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*posts and crawls back in hell*
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juustozzi · 4 months
an hour more until I'm home and it's vr story time rrrar
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micha-lapin · 6 months
ughhhh, today was a day. hopefully, when I wake, the morrow will be kinder..
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norrizzandpia · 9 months
The Youngest Love (Chapter One of What We Could’ve Been and What We Are Now) (LN4)
Summary: A backstory to a love story.
Warnings: none, fluff
Note: this one is not that eventful bc I didn’t want to leave yall on a major cliffhanger or anything like that seeing as i am entering into my official finals week and definitely will not have time to post updates for this or anything else i hope you like it tho! And will stick around for the next chapters 🫶🏻
Series Links: Masterlist, Chapter Links, and the Playlist
“Oh, hey! I got the job!” Jon smiles from across the dinner table, his sparkling eyes meeting his wife’s and daughter’s. One hand holds his phone while the other still clutches his fork, his food getting colder by the second as he stares at the bright screen.
Amy, his wife, lets her eyebrows cinch together, “You mean the one with the Formula 3 kid?”
Jon nods, “Yeah, exactly! He’s 16, I think? Right around your age, Y/n.”
His daughter, Y/n, smiles with a closed mouth, her broccoli still being chewed on.
There’s a silence as Jon types out a message in response, his teeth shining under the low light of the kitchen while he grins at his new opportunity. There’s few things in the world that truly warm Y/n’s heart, her dad truly happy is one of them.
Amy applauds softly, a giggle emitting from her as she looks between her family, “When do you start?”
Jon draws out an ominous sound as his eyes squint to read his phone carefully, “Oh? Tomorrow, I guess.”
Amy stops chewing, “But, you said you’d take Y/n to the library tomorrow. Remember? She needs that textbook for her upcoming term.”
Jon’s mouth falls open and he nods in recognition, “Oh, sorry! Is it okay if she comes along? The library is on the way to the facility where I'll be training and really getting to know the boy. We can grab her book and then she can hang out while I’m working with him.”
Amy looks at her daughter, “You okay with that, Y/n?”
Y/n lets her head float to each side as she thinks it through, “No other alternative?”
Jon shakes his head, Amy shrugs her shoulders.
Huffing, Y/n agrees, “What’s his name?”
Jon smiles, “Lando.”
Y/n inspects her new textbook as Jon leads her through the doors of the building. There’s loud commotion and chatter from every corner, but she’s so engrossed in trying to fix the tear in the back of her used book, that she’s not aware of any of it.
Jon mumbles to the reception, a conversation flourishing between them as he tries to sort out where he’s supposed to go. Still, Y/n smoothies down the flap that has ruined the state of her book. There’s a deep frown on her face as her dad begins to walk away, her footsteps falling in rhythm behind him.
When they enter the room, she’s lost hope for the cut and her eyes are finally returning to what’s in front of her.
Her dad speaks cordially with an older man toward the end of the room, leaving her in the presence of the boy her dad had mentioned the night before.
“You’re Lando, right?” She says softly, not truly comfortable being the one to speak first.
Lando smiles, “Yeah. What’s your name?”
She mimics his face, “Y/n. I’m Jon’s daughter.”
He nods, “Cool. Will you be around for the rest of the session today?”
“Yeah, I don’t have a ride anywhere else.” She chuckles, Lando joining her.
When their laughter dies down, Lando extends his hand in front of himself and speaks, “It’s nice to meet you, Jon’s daughter.”
She shakes his hand, “Nice to meet you, as well, my dad’s new client.”
“Can I come along too?” Y/n pleads as Jon stands at the front door.
He frowns at her, “Y/n, the last times you came, you and Lando wouldn’t stop laughing. It distracts him. It stops the work we need to do to get him prepared for the season.”
His daughter groans obnoxiously, “Dad! I promise, it won’t happen this time.”
He squints at her, “You said that last time.”
She shakes her head, “Please?”
This time, it’s Jon who’s groaning, “Fine.”
“Yeah, and I never stopped coming after that. My dad stopped trying to fight it, I guess.” Y/n laughs into Lando’s side, her head bumping into his shoulder.
Lando smiles down at her, “I know! He just accepted it. I mean, it wasn’t like you were the only one trying to get him to bring you back to our sessions.”
Y/n’s head shoots up, tilting in confusion, “What do you mean? You were too?”
Lando nods eagerly, “Yeah, of course! I kept texting him asking if you were coming that day.”
“Yeah, it was annoying.” Jon’s voice cuts through the two’s incessant giggling. Their faces staring at him as he walks over to Lando and grabs hold of his sweatshirt sleeve.
Jon smiles down at them with pursed lips, “And look at you now, my lovely daughter! Still distracting him from his training! Making my life harder!”
Y/n smacks her dad’s arm as he pulls Lando from his chair, “Dad! Rude!”
He chuckles, placing a kiss on her forehead, “You know, I joke.”
Her cheeks warm at him, “I know.”
“But, for now!” He yelps, startling the two teens with his volume, “Let me train Lando. Stay here.”
Lando scoffs, “She makes it so much more fun, though! Jon, you are a buzzkill.”
Jon perseveres, pulling Lando out of the room, “Thank me when you’re a World Champion.”
Lando, just before his body disappears from the door, yells out to his best friend, “Meet me after! For Lunch, Y/n! You know where!”
She shakes her head as he is dragged out. She laughs as she hears his yelps to Jon down the hall, apparently her father was being too rough with him.
Lunch would be interesting.
Lando’s head pulls to the side as Jon pulls the strap attached to Lando’s head towards himself.
“When are you going to ask my daughter out?” Jon says, quickly, a knowing smirk on his face as Lando’s eyes fall open and he leaps from his seat.
“Woah!” Lando looks manically at Jon, his mouth opening and closing at the question.
Jon takes the strap off Lando’s head, scoffing and thrashing his arms at his side, “Lando, we’ve had this conversation multiple times. Don’t act surprised.”
Lando huffs and brings his arms to cross in front of him, “Not multiple times.”
Jon slowly turns around, looking at him blankly, “Yes, we have. Don’t lie. We’ve been having this conversation ever since I started training you.”
The boy rolls his eyes and groans, “Get off my back.”
“Lando, you’ve had a crush on my daughter ever since she greeted you the first day we met. Be honest here. How much longer are you going to wait?” Jon sits down on a machine nearby. His face has hardened and he looks on at Lando with a serious expression, one that both scares and pushes Lando to do what he’s wanted to do for years.
He mirrors Jon’s stance, relaxing into a seated position as he tries to sort his thoughts, “I didn’t think I ever would.”
Jon throws his hands in the air, “Well, that won’t ever do.”
A silence overcomes them, Lando wondering when he’s supposed to put his friendship in jeopardy, when Jon’s face lights up, “The lunch! You guys are going to lunch after this, right? Ask her then.”
Lando shakes his head, “Are you crazy?! That’s too soon! I need to have time to prepare!”
Jon leans on his knees, “Prepare what? Just ask her the question!”
Lando stutters out his thoughts, “I don’t know, I just want to give her something grand. Do you understand?”
Jon nods, “I do, but I don’t agree. Y/n doesn’t want that. She just wants you to take her out to dinner, Lando. You’re over complicating it.”
Lando takes a deep breath, attempts to clear his mind, and maybe he is over complicating it?
His hands shake as he sits down across from Y/n at the table. She’s smiling at him, a sweet grin that has his heart fluttering, when her face falls softly, “Are you okay, Lan?”
He nods aggressively, “Yeah! Yeah! Totally cool!”
She cocks her head and lays her hand over his on the table, adding to the bursting in Lando’s stomach, “What’s going on? You look like you’re going to vomit.”
He shakes his head, a beating finding its home in his brain and he blurts, “Will you go out with me?”
She stares at him for a moment. A moment, a split second, where Lando thinks he’s lost it all, but then she breaks out into the biggest smile he’d ever seen grace her face and begins laughing, “Really? Yes, Lan!”
Air fills his lungs once more and he moves his hand to clutch hers, “Oh, thank God.”
He falls into lovesick giggles with her and the two struggle to get through ordering their food with the way they stare into each other’s eyes.
When their food comes, Y/n looks at him, “Couldn’t this be our date?”
He bites his lip in deep thought before nodding in agreement, “Yeah, actually, that makes a lot of sense.”
She ducks her head, getting closer to Lando and whispers, “Can I tell you something?”
He moves his head just as close, “Always.”
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that ever since I introduced myself to you.” She smiles, her hand finding his once more and squeezing lightly.
“Can I tell you something?” He says all the same.
She nods and he confides, “Jon’s been nagging at me for years to ask you out. He pushed me over the edge today.”
Y/n rears back, “Jon?! My father?! A matchmaker?!”
Lando nods in astonishment, “I know! Especially with his daughter?! Scandalous!”
Y/n shakes her head as she chuckles before looking back up at Lando and saying, “I’m glad he did.”
Lando smiles at her, “Me too.”
They stare at each other for a moment more, the two growing slightly shy under the new view of their relationship and turning away. His deep green eyes are addicting to Y/n and, by the way he’d pined over her for years, she believes she’s just as addicting to him.
A blush rises to her cheeks.
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halaboyz · 8 months
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to yours, jongho
ateez busker! jongho x gn! reader fluff, angst wc: 1.8k warnings: injured reader (wheelchair-user and is said, described a few times) a/n: another inspired by one episode in the kdrama called 'tomorrow'; song has no connection to the storyline! only this song was used for the plot in the kdrama itself, and it's good! + lyrics used in the fic are from random songs, i will input it after the fic. thank you!
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"How was everyone's day today? It's almost time to finally rest our eyes and end the day. There is a saying by Talmud, that rather regretting things that happened, regret the things that have yet to happen and haven't done yet. The last song for today is..."
The lady behind the radio solemnly introduces the song but it quickly fades as the bus zooms away, leaving you alone under the heavy drops of the pouring rain.
Just there. Sitting on the your wheelchair beside the bus stop, letting yourself get rained on, hopeless, tears mixing with the drops of rain in your cheeks. It was almost midnight and not even going home was on your mind, nor finding a shelter to be under in.
It felt like it was you against the world. The only thing that made you happy, dancing, was now impossible and out of reach just because of a single injury.
You glance at your casted foot and braced knee, prompting more tears to flow out of your eyes. You thought you've ran out of tears when you got your injury, your eyes seemed to always prove you wrong.
Your thoughts come to a stop when someone reaches out an umbrella over you, letting the rain fall on his back. You reluctantly and emotionlessly face the person, quietly asking him what he needed.
Surely, he's not a thief- if he wasn't dumb enough to see you still on your hospital dress.
"I'm busking near Han River tomorrow night, same time. Do you want to come?" He tries to be cheerful as he offered, his voice soft.
"Sorry. I don't have time for that." You turn, ignoring his presence again and facing in front.
"You have a whole day to decide, you shouldn't give me an answer now. It feels like you're not interested and it hurts. Do I look like I'm not a good singer?" He jokes around, but your face doesn't even budge for a small smile. He awkwardly coughs, regaining his composure. "Come on, I'll give you a VIP spot, just for you!"
"I told you I don't have tim-,"
"If you go around the corner of the convenience store there, you'll find me. Not if it's raining this hard, though! I'll have to cancel and move it to the next night. I'm a pretty famous busker there, so make sure you go early! I'm expecting you!" He blabbers, almost not making you understand.
He quickly hands you his umbrella and runs through the rain, crossing the road safely as your eyes only follow him.
When he's out of sight, your eyes trail to his umbrella, yellow brightly lighting under the lamp post.
Tomorrow's another day. Written on one side of the umbrella, with a drawing of a sun plastered beside the words, you sigh.
"Right. Another day."
It felt like it was just a blink. Did you even sleep? You rise on your hospital bed, finally zoning back in reality.
"Good you're awake. I just finished your discharge papers. Secretary Jeong will be outside after you've changed. I need to go to my office for more paperworks. Make sure you're not a pain in the ass like last night." Your mom only carelessly caresses your hair before leaving, leaving you on your bed.
Your eyes trail outside the window, sun brightly beaming its last hour.
You sigh, calling a nurse to help you around to change your clothes instead. When you were done, you were assisted out of the ward in a wheelchair, getting passed onto your family's secretary.
By the time you got home, there was nothing to do but to stare outside the window. Doors locked, eyes were on you 24/7. The sun sets in front of your eyes and it makes you dread the incoming day once again, the moon isn't even up yet.
You hear a knock outside your door, but you didn't bother even answering, knowing all too well that it didn't matter if you did. They'll force their way in, anyway.
"It's Secretary Jeong, y/n, it's late and you haven't taken any meals for today." The second you glance at the clock, it was already eight in the evening. Your eyes go back to the window, and the moon was already up. Although you swore you just saw the sun setting a minute ago. "Do you want anything?"
The secretary doesn't even expect any answer from you, but stays behind you anyway.
"Fresh air. Outside." You simply say, not even glancing at the secretary.
"You know I can't do that."
"Then try not asking next time." The oh-so-sweet attitude of yours was now long gone. As you glared at the window after being ticked-off, Secretary Jeong sighs.
"Fine. As long as this doesn't reach your mom, okay? And please, no wheeling away."
You and Jeong, as you like to call him, drive to the nearest park in your house, which is coincidentally the Han river park.
He takes you around to get the fresh air you've been wanting, holding your wheelchair tightly at all times. You do nothing and plan nothing but to admire the night view, trying to cheer yourself up.
"..Mic check, mic check..." A loud and clear voice followed by numerous cheers perk your interest in one corner of the park, and you let out a small chuckle. Jeong double checks if he hears right, furrowing his brows.
Your eyes wander around and you see the convenience store in another corner, and a forming crowd in another side.
"Right. Can I watch?" You go back to having a poker face, glancing at him. He reluctantly nods and pushes your wheelchair on a side where the crowd can't trample on you, but the singer is visible anyway.
"Then, I'll start now. Please look and listen to us prettily," He smiles and points at the people behind him having cajon and a piano on the side. He looks around first with the goal of finding someone before sighing and prepping.
A rose blossoming among the concrete Please be alive Thrive and grow, don’t snap A blanket of thorns How tough it must’ve been Thank you for standing strong
He starts off solemn, cheery. He gains a few more people to listen and interestingly look at him, singing along and waving along. The lyrics hit you like a brick, making you sigh. You enjoy the way the words flow out of his lips melodically, like it was so easy to do in real life.
“I didn’t want any of this” I can say I can hate but nothing will change Looking back now I see the me with eyes forward Standing strong getting’ by moment to moment Didn’t think much just believed in me ... I’m a rose among the concrete Until this bleak city becomes filled with color I’ll keep my head up, stand my ground until the very end Until they get drunk off of my scent and smile
When he finished the song, he gained a loud cheer and applause, making him shyly succumb behind the thin mic stand while muttering continuous thank you's.
"Okay. That was our first song," He smiles, eyes still looking around. When he finally sees someone sat on a wheelchair just behind the crowd, he finally heaves a sigh of relief and smiles at you. "It's not the end of the world. You can bloom even in the smallest things, unexpected places. You can cry, you can take a break. As long as you don't give up, the world will be a better place."
He doesn't break eye contact as he says everything, smiling at you and then back to the crowd as if he didn't do anything such as change your life by helping you.
"Okay, next song!"
Jeong takes a good look at you, because finally, after weeks, there was a smile on your face and as much as his phone was getting bombarded by your mother's calls, he couldn't care a second.
"Let me finish another song and then we'll wrap up for today. Again, tonight too, it has been Choi Jongho, everybody. Thank you!" All that mattered was his name. He still introduced the ones that came with him, though. You just didn't care.
Though a permanent scar May be the price of holding you I'll give my all to you, to you ... So you won't get any scars, I'll hold you Even when I'm hurt, I'll guard you No need to worry, I'm here for you Look at my smile, it's my all for you When all lights fade When I sink to the ground When I drown in despair I'll still hold you close
"Did you enjoy? I thought you didn't have time?" Jongho, after fixing his things and bidding goodbye to his group, has come and smile brightly at you. "I told you I had a place for you. If you came a it earlier and where I can see you, I would've placed you there beside us."
Jeong only walks a few steps away in confusion for your privacy, still keeping his eyes on you.
"Who did you come with? Who's he?" Jongho curiously looks at the man, and Jeong only looks back. When he gets no answer, he takes his eyes back on you. "Are you that starstruck?"
"Thank you." You smile, "I actually didn't remember until awhile ago, when I was already here and you were already starting. I'm glad I wanted fresh air. I'm glad I was taken here. I'm glad to hear you sing. But most importantly, I'm glad that you had the most melodic voice I ever heard." You joke around, chuckling. He also laughs wholeheartedly, smiling at you.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it too, then."
"Those songs too... Thank you. I'm not saying you sang it for me, but it definitely did its part for me. So thank you, Mister Choi Jongho." He gives you a small smile and extends his hand for you to shake.
"I believe I deserve an incentive." He sharply inhales and glares jokingly at you.
"Oh. Right. I don't have anything on me, but Jeong will." You were about to signal for Jeong when he takes your hand, shaking it.
"I was joking. Your name will do. So let's start again. Hi, I'm Choi Jongho and you're...?" Jongho smiles expectantly, waiting for you.
As your name slips out of your lips, he shakes your hand mumbles a nice to meet you.
"Don't you think you owe me another one for my umbrella?" He shakes his head, looking down on his feet. You chuckle, asking him what he wanted.
"Is it finally money because I can call Jeong,"
"Your number and maybe a few dates?" He mumbles, looking wherever except your eyes.
It takes you a few seconds before you break into a genuine smile, reaching for his phone in his hand.
"There." You give it back to him and he squeals internally, giddily on his toes and checking his phone.
"Okay, maybe that umbrella- I just found it on the lost and found area. But it served great purpose!" You gasp at the confession, finally laughing at your heart's content.
Because finally, even when you thought your world has just been broken down to pieces, an angel has come and saved you.
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h1key - rose blossom young k - guard you
*i got all english lyrics from genius!
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Win Or Lose - Chapter 3.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1633
Warnings Angst, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage.
This was a very detailed Anon request that I received and knew I had to give it a go! (I’ll not paste the whole request here as I usually do, as it was rather long but if you want to read it, it’s here. Be warned, it’s rather full of spoilers!) 
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"Ooh, I like this one!" You clicked on the beautiful white wooden crib, adorned with pale yellow sheets and blankets.
Travis leaned in closer to see the screen better, "That's dope, baby."
You raised an eyebrow, "Dope? You're describing this absolutely gorgeously crafted crib with smooth drop sides and form fitting mattress included as dope?"
Travis grinned and placed a hand on your small bump, "A dope-ass crib for a dope-ass baby."
You rolled your eyes and looked back to the screen, "Why can't we just go and look at these in the store? I think it would be better if saw all of this stuff in person."
"Baby, you know why. One click of a paparazzi camera and we're on the front page. I can just see it now." He lifted his hand in the air as he spoke, "Chiefs star tight end Travis Kelce and fine-ass wife spotted shopping for baby items. The whole world will know."
You continued to scroll, not looking at your husband, "Front page? You think that will be the breaking news story of the day?"
"You know what I mean, we need to wait a little longer. Just in case, you know?"
Resting your head onto the back of the couch, you looked towards Travis, "Yeah, I know. We're going to have to tell people soon, though." You rubbed your stomach, "I'm 14 weeks tomorrow."
Travis chewed his bottom lip, "How do you want to do it?"
"I mean, we could just post something on Instagram or something?"
You looked to your husband who was staring down at your bump, drawing circles with his finger, "Nah, I got a better idea. Why don't I say something at the press conference after the game on Sunday?"
You smiled, "You know what, that's not half bad! I like it!"
"I'll tell the guys and coach at practice today so that they have a heads up."
You stroked his cheek, "I love you so much, Mr Kelce."
"I love you to, Mrs Kelce."
You giggled, "It's been almost 3 years and I still get all giddy when I hear that."
He slid closer to you and kissed your lips gently, "That's what you are. My wife, my woman, my girl...Mrs Kelce." He took a deep breath, "And soon, we're going to have a little Kelce running around. And it's going to be so loved." He leaned his head down towards your bump, "You hear that little bean? You're so loved already."
You smiled, "That's another thing. We're going to have to start thinking about names."
"I like little bean!" Travis laughed.
You moved your laptop from your knee and turned to face Travis, "Okay, for a boy...Hunter?"
Travis nodded slowly, "Hunter? Hunter...I like it. Hunter Kelce."
"And if it's a girl...Sienna?"
"Sienna Kelce, that's gorgeous."
You jumped a little, "You like them?"
"I do, I really do. You mentioned the name Hunter once before and I liked it then, but Sienna is beautiful." Travis smiled.
"We'll be able to find out soon which it'll be."
Travis' eyes widened, "Really? Have you called the doctor?"
"Not yet, I was going to wait until after Sunday so that you'd be able to come with me."
Travis shook his head, "No, let's do it now, make the appointment. See if Dr Tomlin has any space tomorrow for us? I'm sure coach will let me dip out of practice early, for this especially."
"You sure?"
He kissed your forehead before laying a kiss on your bump, "Of course."
You watched as he rose from the couch, "Now, foot rub?"
The doctors office smelled of disinfectant and the lights blinded your eyes. You blinked and noticed Travis pacing around the room.
"Will you stop? This is exactly like the bathroom when we took the test. You're making me nervous."
Travis jumped on the balls of his feet, attempting to shed some energy, "I can't help it baby. I'm just so excited."
The office door swung open and Dr Tomlin smiled at you both. He was middle-aged with greying hair, a rounded stomach and broad shoulders.
"Hello, both of you. Nice to see you." He smiled and checked his chart, "So, Mrs Kelce, you're at your second trimester now. How have you been doing?"
You shuffled on the bed, "Yeah, I've been okay, morning sickness hasn't been too bad which I'm pleased about."
Dr Tomlin nodded, "Excellent. Well, I have your results from the ultrasound. Would you like to know the gender of your baby."
You looked to Travis, who had his eyes locked on Dr Tomlin, his lips pursed together and head nodding quickly.
"Yes, please."
Dr Tomlin flipped over a page on his clipboard, "You're having a girl."
Your head whipped to face Travis who was frozen, breathing heavily.
"A girl?" His voice croaked.
"We're having a girl!" You shrieked, sitting up on the bed and opening your arms to Travis who immediately rushed over to you to embrace you.
"Congratulations, I'll leave you two alone." Dr Tomlin closed his clipboard and softly closed the door behind him.
You swung your legs around so they dangled off the edge of the bed. Staring up into Travis' eyes, you held onto his hands tightly. He dipped his head and pressed his lips to your small bump, lingering for a few seconds.
"Sienna Kelce, it's your Daddy here."
Your eyes drifted open as the sound of keys jiggling in the lock rose you from your afternoon nap.
"Hey baby! Travis shouted from the front door.
Pulling the blanket up over your chest, you cleared your throat, "Hey!"
"So, coach is absolutely stoked for us, said he's going to get a gift basket sent to us from him and Tammy." Travis' excited voice grew louder as he made his way into the lounge, "And the guys went crazy when I told them. Honestly baby, you should have seen them, my back is killing me from all of the back slaps! Expect a lot of hugs on Sunday's game."
You giggled and stretched in your horizontal position, "That's amazing, baby."
He leaned down and kissed your forehead, "You had a good nap?"
You yawned loudly, "I did! I was just watching TV and the next thing I knew, I was asleep. You want some dinner?"
You started to lift yourself from the couch when Travis held his hand out, "No no, I got it. You keep resting. In two days, we're going to be announcing to everyone that we're bringing a little Kelce into the world, you're going to need your strength."
You shook your head and laid back down on the couch, "I'd better take advantage of all of this rest now while I can! Because in about 5 months, everything is going to change."
Travis placed his warm hands on your bump, moving his thumbs back and forth, "It's going to be so awesome."
You grinned and watched him disappear out of your vision. Craning your neck, you could just see him in the kitchen, examining the contents of the refrigerator. Your heart swelled as you watched his muscular arms grabbing items and setting them down on the counter top. You knew he was going to be a wonderful Father to your daughter; learning to braid her hair, playing with her dolls on the playroom floor, cheering for her at school sport's days and teaching her the rules of football. You imagined how she would look, wondering if she would get her Daddy's piercing eyes or his dark hair.
Suddenly, a short sharp pain shot to your lower stomach area. You gasped a breath and let out a groan, your hand darting to your bump. The pain repeated, but with a more intense sensation this time, causing you to roll over slightly and curve your back. You squeezed your eyes shut, holding your breath as you rode the pain out.
"You want some tea, baby? I got a nice lemon and ginger one at the store yesterday." Travis called out for the kitchen.
You tried to call his name, but the effort to form words was too much. Instead, your managed a guttural cry, causing Travis to rush to your side.
"Babe, what's wrong. Are you okay?" You heard Travis say through your darkened vision, "Look at me, baby, look at me."
You opened your tear-filled eyes to see Travis' concerned expression as he knelt down beside you, "Something hurts, it's really bad."
Travis' eyes glanced down to your bump under the blanket, "Come on, I'm taking you to the hospital." He kissed your forehead and stroked your hair, "It's going to be fine. Let's go, I'll get the keys."
You peeled the blanket back and hauled yourself up, stopping when Travis' face turned white, his eyes wide and his mouth agape.
He swallowed hard and stared at the empty space on the couch where you once were. You turned your head to see a large area of the beige couch now marked with dark red. You grasped at your bump again, closing your eyes as you felt another stab of pain.
"No...no, please no." You croaked.
Travis' breathing became shaky as he held your face close to his, your foreheads connecting, "Baby, look at me. Come on, we need to go to the hospital. Please, let's get up." His shoulders began to tremble.
You blinked wildly as tears started to stream down your face, only halted by Travis' thumb running over your cheek. Using your hand, you pushed yourself up onto your feet and felt Travis' strong hands clinging onto you.
"I got you, baby. It's...it's going to be fine, say it."
You took a deep breath and tried to steady the quiver in your voice, "It's going to be fine."
I found this chapter really hard to write. My heart goes out to anyone that has had to experience this and I cannot imagine what it must be like. I really hope I haven't offended or upset anyone with any incorrect details but I researched as much as I could so that this would be written in the most respectful way possible. If anyone wants to be on my Taglist for future writing so they don't miss another one, let me know!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp
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transgendz · 2 years
I have the rest of today and tomorrow to get $315 for next week's rent, and we need food badly. My roomate and I are living in a ling term bnb, and we are disabled, trans, and homeless. The rate we are paying is comparable to local rent. I'll draw for anyone who gives $50+ just dm me at my artblog. @theartistrans We have a lot of emergencies going on this is just the major one so I'm keeping my other post pinned. We will be in major danger if we don't make this goal in time.
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Dm me for proof or details
V: tab-99
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rose-n-gunses · 1 month
💋 Kiss Tag 💋
Rules: From your Story/WIP, share a kiss. It can be any kiss—from familial pecks on the cheek, forehead kisses, platonic smooches, to full-blown makeouts. Spread the love! ❤️
Thanks for the tag @cyraclove! (Did I get sidetracked from my other wips and start this new one this week? Yes. BUT the good news is that it's almost done and should be posted today or tomorrow hopefully!)
Somewhere along the way, Chrissy had started to wonder if she would ever feel this type of comforted again. The two people who were supposed to take care of her the most—her mother and her boyfriend—had turned into the very thing she needed comfort from. They had directed her life so that she had no one else to turn to; her friends were their friends, callous and indifferent to her suffering and sure to side against her anyway.
She had spent the last few years seeking that same feeling as she had when she was with Eddie. There had been fleeting moments of it, on days when she caught glimpses of the person Jason had been at the beginning of their relationship. But here, with Eddie's arms around her and his steady breathing in her ear, it was the only thing she felt.
When she leaned back the second time, Eddie was looking at her like—like he saw her. The tip of his tongue slid over his bottom lip, drawing her gaze. He noticed, and his hands fell to rest on her arms. "Chrissy." His voice was hoarse, and she couldn't parse whether it was meant to be a warning or a plea.
Regardless, she leaned in again and kissed him.
I have a feeling a lot of people have been tagged already but I'll tag @justhere4thevibez @1lostsoul0fishbowl @pearlypairings and @erythromanc3r anyway!!
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
The intimacy of being understood
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Matty Healy x f!reader
A/N: Okay, wasn't planning on posting today or any day soon...here we are though haha. This is the end guys :(( and its also a good bye for a while...I'll still be here to chill and chat but not writing, I'm already missing it a lot. Thanks again and again and FOREVER for all the support you all always give me, means the absolute world to me <333 Happy reading!
Warnings: just FLUFF AND LOVE (i think we all need a bit of that haha), typos.
Word count: 1.4 K
Blog Masterlist Series Masterlist
The summer breeze messed with Y/n’s locks, even though that didn’t disturb her slumber. Matty ran a hand softly through the strands of hair falling on his lap. His sight admired the lake in front of them and the sun reaching every corner of the park except the place they chose for a break during that summer day. 
Matty stared at the broken light –getting through the leaves of the tree above them– playing on his girlfriend’s face. His factions softened when his eyes traced every part of her beautiful face. She had fallen asleep shortly after they arrived, and he started reading out loud for her. When she proposed the idea, Matty protested saying how cheesy it was, although she only had to flutter her eyelashes and he started clearing his throat before pronouncing the first word of the book Y/n selected. 
The singer's calloused hands touched slightly her forehead, drawing lines along the skin, then her nose, to finish caressing the apple of her cheeks. ‘I’m a lucky bastard’, Matty thought.
After a few minutes, Y/n protested, still partially asleep, “Mmm.” she mumbled, but Matty didn’t stop.
Y/n blinked her eyes open, looking up at her boyfriend’s face, meeting his eyes. She groaned due to tiredness overtaking her senses. The quick action made Matty laugh.
“Hey, sleepy.” he whispered, feeling another breeze of air surrounding them.
Matty’s girlfriend let herself enjoy his touch, still on her face. “I’m sorry.” Y/n apologized. “Your voice and the weather are just too good.”
“Happy to help, my love.” he smiled down at her, even when her eyes were still closed. 
Y/n felt her stomach move a little, and her hand instantly went to rest over her growing belly. She loved Matty with all her heart. Those simple moments of peace together were everything Y/n wanted to cherish for the rest of their lives. The intimacy they built during the past year and a half was their biggest treasure until she arrived.
When she moved looking for a better position since her back started hurting, Matty helped her. Y/n ended up sitting on his lap, with her back meeting his front. Matty’s hands met on Y/n front, caressing the skin under her blouse. 
“How much did I sleep?” Y/n ask, resting her head on his shoulder. 
Matty answered right away, “Probably half an hour.” 
“How long until you noticed?”
“Five minutes.” he chuckled. 
“Don’t look at me. You looked too peaceful to wake you up, baby. Besides, you haven’t slept that well in days.”
He was the sweetest man walking the earth. Y/n took his free hand, lifting it until her lips left multiple kisses on the back of it. 
“She’s being a little troublemaker already.” Matty teased.
“You’re never this tired when i fuc-”
“Matty!” Y/n protested, turning as best as she could, looking at his face. “Do I have to remind you how did I get…?
“Yes, please. I want a step by step manual of everything we did-”
Y/n frowned, saying, “Shut up.”
“I love you.” Matty replied, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, making her heart melt. 
The singer’s girlfriend let herself lean forward, encountering him in a sweet kiss. 
After a few minutes and multiple kisses, Y/n pushed back, “I need to drop by the shop.” Matty frowned listening to her say that. “New delivery.” she clarified.
“You can do it tomorrow. I’ll help you.”
“I’ve already told Kate to help me.”
“You can help too.” she reassured him.
“I can see how this is going to be. Me doing all the hard work and you two ogling over me.”
“Excuse me?” 
“I have a nice butt.” Matty shrugged his shoulders.
“...now.” Y/n added.
The singer groaned loudly, “I forbid Kate to show you those pictures.”
“Love, she doesn’t hear us, and besides I have a phone.” 
“Oh, do you have a Pinterest board for me?” he giggled his eyebrows. ‘He can be so annoying sometimes’, she thought. 
“I don’t like you.” Y/n breathed out.
Surprising Matty and herself, Y/n stood up rather quickly with little problems due to her current state. She whipped her hands on the back of her jeans, looking down at Matty. He reached up, touching her belly again. The man was obsessed with it.
“How’s it called?” Matty continued messing with her. 
“Asshole.” Y/n whispered, making him laugh.
The singer moved his other hand into the air, making a weird voice, “Matty, my perfect boyfriend.”
“Bye!” the woman simply said, starting to walk away.
Matty was at the top of the stairs, a few books resting on his arm between his chest and his bicep. Meanwhile, Y/n stood at the bottom of the stairs, being unable to do the job that was needed. Her hands rested on the small part of her back, she was very sore. The sight above her was a nice reassurance, though.
“You lucky girl.” 
Kate’s voice came from behind her head. Her best friend took place beside her, her eyes glutted to Matty’s body, exactly how Y/n had been doing moments before.
“Shush.” she said after a quick glance. 
Matty stretched far from the stairs, putting the last book on the shelf. “And…done!” 
The singer looked down, expecting to see only Y/n there. He got a little stunned when two pairs of eyes were staring at him and not exactly his work. But his mood quickly changed to a smugly one. 
“Liking the view, guys?” he asked.
“Yep.” Kate admitted with zero shame on her tone. 
Matty snorted, “Didn’t you have a girlfriend?”
“Didn’t you have one?”
“Mhm, she lets her crazy friend look at my ass.”
“I own it.” Y/n stated.
“You do.”
Kate looked between them, “You two are gross.” 
“And yet you stare at my ass.” Matty said coming down.
“I can appreciate art when I see it.”
It was Y/n’s time to protest, “Kate!”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcomed.” Matty thanked Y/n’s friend, standing closer to his girlfriend, reaching for her belly once more. 
“Am I bothering you guys? Should I leave?” Y/n joked.
Kate rolled her eyes. “Jealousy doesn’t look good on you, Y/n.” 
“Funny ha-ha.”
“I should leave, though.” 
Kate explained to them, grabbing her back, that it was at the other side of the shop, although she returned. Y/n watched her kneeled down, whispering silly things to her belly, ending with a sweet kiss. 
“Vick is waiting for me.” Kate continued the conversation as if nothing happened in between.
Matty whistled, gaining a stern look from her. 
“He’s lucky to have nice buttocks.” Kate said directly to her friend. “Bye.”
After the door closed, Matty went directly to the big couch, plopping down with a big huff. He opened his arms wide, searching for Y/n’s eyes. She was already staring at him. 
“Baby…” he started. She knew that tone. 
“No, I still have work.” Y/n started turning around, but not two steps before he pushed her towards the couch. 
Mayhem who was on the other couch, tired by the intense heat, opened and closed his eyes, annoyed with his owners. Y/n extended her hand, touching his fur, avoiding Matty’s eyes above her. 
“You deserve a break.” she could feel him lingering on top of her. 
“Maybe but-”
Matty shut her up with a series of sweet kisses that ended –of course– on her belly. He kneeled down in front of her and their doggy.
“To think this is where it all started…” he spoke, a bit lost inside his own head. Y/n detached her eyes and hand from Mayhem’s form, leaving the sweet dog to rest. 
“The bookshop?” their hands met shortly after asking him. 
“Thanks to your crazy fans, too.”
Matty chuckled, “They love you.”
“I bet they want my place.”
“The bookshop?”
“To be underneath you.” Y/n teased. 
“Ah!” Matty exclaimed, going to sit beside her. “You like that, don’t ya?”
“Why are you talking so much?” 
“What should I do?”
“Kiss me, Matty.”
“Since you asked nicely…” Matty smiled at Y/n, grabbing her face and pulling his face closer.
Meanwhile the future parents shared a sweet moment after an evening of hard work, all the surrounding universes inside the bookshop continued witnessing –like they did since the first day– their love that continued growing strong. 
Taglist: @indierockgirrl @x-a-black-winged-dove-x @iregretbeingherewheniwas10 @hswannaknow @thefrontofmymind
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
I have a minor heart issue where I get episodes of a high heart rate and chest tightness. Can you possibly write one where their little has an episode like at home or maybe out with them running errands? 🥺💖
Hi there love! 💜
I really hope that you're fine! And I hope it's not too serious. You're so so strong let me tell you ❤️
I hope you like how i turned it, babe.
Enjoy <3
Warnings : episode of chest tighening, high heart rate, angst, comfort, pet names, working daddies, tiredness, daddies take care of you, cuddles, reassurance
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you're about to prepare you a good lunch when something from earlier is suddenly coming back. Fortunately for you, your Daddies heard you and are here to make sure you're fine, as always.
A/N : I'm so sorry for the late post. I got a bit overwelmed about some things and I didn't had the strengh to keep working on my writing.
I had started writing some request but didn't finished them. But today, I had free times after school and the most important things, I didn't had any homeworks and I have a big week end of four days, starting tomorrow. So i'll have plenty times to rest and get my shit together.
Thank you for your understanding my love, you're all the best! Love you so much
I hope you had a good start to the week and will have wonderful days!
Big kisses,
Second A/N : i don’t know if how I wrote it in exact same way you have it- probably not but I hope that’s okay!
You're comfortably laying on the couch watching your favorite show. You're laying in here since the moment you woke up, you went to say good morning to your Daddies in their office right after you opened an eye.
They have a lot of work and they told you yesterday that they'll be working almost all day so, before jumping on the couch to do nothing you went to them a little good morning.
You could say they were very busy with work so you didn't stay for too long in their office. They kissed you good mornings and asked you if you had a good sleep but nothing more. You didn’t want to be a burden so you quickly excused yourself and left.
Now you're laying on the couch laughing your ass off as your show plays on the screen. But unfortunately for you, its the end of the show so now you don't know what to watch.
You grab the remote and put something else. You don't know what it is, you never heard the name of this movie nor heard about it but that's the first thing you found so you decide to let it there.
As you lie back on the couch, a loud siren suddenly yell from outside making you flinch hard. You feel your heartbeat going faster for a moment as you look at the window where the sound came from. The jump caused you to be on a sitting position now.
You feel your breathing going back to normal and the pain you felt in your chest due to the fear is going away by it's own. You slowly lie back down on the couch, taking some breath to be sure you're fully calm now.
You put your attention back on the screen and the incident is now completly forget as you're mind focus on the tv.
The movie isn’t that bad but you’re still happy when the screen goes black, announcing the end. You get up from the couch and make your way toward the kitchen to grab something to eat since it’s now lunch time. You hesitate at going in your daddies’s office to give them their lunch, maybe they’re hungry too, but you decide to not disturbed them. The last thing you want is to make them grumpy. They’re grown men after all, they can go eat by themselves when they’re feeling hungry.
You grab the bread and start making a little meal while thinking about what you’re gonna do after. Maybe watching another movie ? Or probably not, you already watch a lot of tv and you usually get a headache if you overdo screen time. But drawing sounds good.
You grab the knife and start cutting your piece of bread in two pieces when you feel something weird in your chest. It feels like what happened earlier in the day. The same weird thing you felt earlier in the day
You let go of the knife you were holding causing it to fall on the ground. Your daddies’s attention turn toward the baby monitor in their office who is relied to the one in the living room and kitchen. Since this area of the house is relied to each other
You start panicking and take a hold of the island counter, your chest start to tighten and you feel your chest getting heavier and heavier as if all the weight of the world were sitting and punching your chest.
What is happening ? You were fine two seconds before that. You turn to look at the stairs and decide to go upstairs. Maybe laying in your bed is the best idea, right now.
It’s probably because of the screen, you thought, but when you start to walk, you immediately feel the need to sit down. You can’t bear all the pain and all the uncomfortable feelings you feel inside of you. You let yourself go and drop on your knees in the middle of the kitchen floor.
Bucky’s attention is still glued to the baby monitor while Steve is getting back to work. He keeps telling Bucky to calm down and that you probably just dropped a spoon or a knife you were using but something tells him to stay focus on it a little bit longer and Bucky’s instinct never failed him so this time, just like any others, he listen to it
When he hears you whining and your breath starting to get heavier and shorter, he stands up and walks toward the little things beside their desks. Steve almost rolls his eyes because he didn’t heard what his husband had. He just thinks he’s overreacting because you’re alone downstairs and it doesn’t happen every times.
He suddenly hears you falling and he almost drops the thing in his hand as he lets go of everything and decides to make a quick run to you. He opens the door in one quick movement and it’s like in almost two steps, he’s beside you.
You didn’t know you made that much noise until you see your Daddy running down the stairs and to you. He grabs your face with his hands and tilts it toward his, you sees his lips moving but the only thing you can understand is the panic and the concern in your Daddy’s face.
‘’Little one ?’´ he asks looking into your wide eyes ‘’can you hear me ? Where does it hurt ?’’ He asks but the look on your face tells him that you didn’t heard anything.
He stands up and easily lifts you up, he pulls you closer to him and you wrap your legs around his waist. With one hand, he assures your safety in his arms while with the other, he looks through the kitchen for your medication.
He exhales loudly when he finally find it and analyse it. He sighs a second time but a lot less happy than the first time as he puts the medication on the counter. He rubs your back slowly, he can almost feel your heart beating faster and faster more the seconds pass. ‘’It’s okay, babygirl. You’ll be fine, everything is okay’’ before reassures you, not knowing if your attention is on him again or still away.
‘’I’ll rest you on the counter island a little bit and then you’ll come back in my arms. Are you okay with that ?’’ He gently asks, hid lips against your ear as a small whisper comes out. You whine and shake your head, holding him tighter than before with the little strength left in you.
‘okay, beautiful. We’ll wait a little bit more’’ just as he said that, a blond figure appears from the stairs. Steve looks up and frowns when he sees the scenes before him ‘’what happened ?’’ He asks but gets a silence answer from Bucky.
Your Daddy turns his attention back to you ‘’how do you feel about sitting down for a bit ? I’ll be right in front of you, you can hold my hand the whole time so you can be sure I wonky go anywhere’’ he quietly asks and waits for you to answer.
You think about it and slowly nod your head. He smiles and kisses your temple. He walks toward the counter and wait until it touch your ass, letting you know that it’s the time to let go ‘’I’ll help you sit down. Firstly I’ll unwrap your legs and when I’m sure that you’re ready, I’ll unwrap your arms’’ he tells you so you’re ready and knows what will happen.
You whine but nod your head. He lifts your butt and rests it on the counter, he slides his hands along your legs who are around him and gently unlocks your feet. He brings your legs against the counter before letting go of your toes. He then slides his hands on your arms until it reach your hands behind his neck. He squeezes your hands before unlocking them too. He kisses each one of them and rests them against your laps. Just like he promised, he keeps a hand in yours and turns around to find Steve already walking to him with a glass of water.
Even if Steve weren’t here since the beginning of what happened, he still knows what to do for you and what to do for helping Bucky.
‘’Thank you, Stevie’’ Bucky says, grabbing the glass before turning around to look at you ‘’did you took these this morning ?’’ He asks showing you the medications. You look at it and shake your head. Every effort is hard to make, even one simple movement such as moving your head or your body away from your Daddy
Your Papa stands behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, he gently rests his chin on your shoulder, his hands gently stroking your belly just like you love it. It’s something who calm you and make you sleepy and your Daddies know that. They help you getting on a deep sleep at night by doing that when you can’t sleep. But this time, it’s to calm your little heart and to show you that he’s here with you and for you.
Your Daddies look at each other after you shook your head and sigh once again ‘’you know what is it for ?’’ Your Papa asks, turning his gaze to you and to the pills on front of you. You shake your head again. Why does they keep asking you question ? You just want to rest.
‘’Baby, look at me’’ your Daddy’s voice get your attention back to him ‘’those ugly things’’ he says showing you the pills with a grimace ‘’are for your own good, baby’’ he says tilting his head. ‘’it’s for your little heart, and we need you to take it because you are our heart and we need you to be okay because we love you. You need your heart to be in a good shape just as much as we need you to be inn a good shape. Do you understand us ?"
You nod your head telling him you understood even though you didn't really understood. Your Daddy looks at your Papa behind you and they both arch an eyebrow "are you sure you really understood, sweetie ?" your Papa asks, his breath lightly tickling your neck. You nod your head again. You're too tired to tell them you didn't understood and having to wait for them to expalin all over again. You don't have the strengh, right now.
Your Daddy chuckles, he knows what you're doing and decides to let it aside today because it's not the time. You're not focus enough to remember what they're saying even if it's important.
"Just take one now. You have to take it every morning after you woke up" he says giving you the pill and the glass of water. You cring and shake your head. It's bad enough that you have to take it every morning but he want to give one to you now ? In the early afternoon ? It's not morning.
"baby it's really important. Take it." he orders putting the pill in your mouth. You grimace and whine looking one last time at your Daddy for mercy, but the look on his face clearly say that every wars you're ready to take against him is a losing battle. Sighing you allow him to bring the cup of water to your mouth and to take a big sip.
You don't swallow it right away because it's not a small pill so you're scared but with the praises and the words of your Daddies are helping you a lot. It help so much that you finally swallow the pill causing your Daddies to yell their proudness at you. "You did it! we're so proud of you, beautiful" your Daddy says with stars in his eyes
"You're so strong! How did you do ? You'll have to teach me because i'm not as strong as you for taking pills" Your Papa says with a shocked face before winking at you.
You blush and look down at your laps, fidgeting with your fingers. They chuckle and you feel your Papa removing his arms from around you making you whine. It felt so good, his arms around you, the warm of his body against yours, the comfort and reassurance he can give you without actually speaking.
Those feelings are quickly replaced by your Papa's arms again as he lifts you up from the counter after he walked around it to stand in front of you. He leaves the kitchen with your Daddy on his heels and starts to walks up the stairs.
You look at your Daddy who shifts his gaze to you when he feels your eyes on him. He smiles brightly at you and brings his hand to your foot. He hold your toes all the way to their bedroom for a good nap time. You giggle at him because h can't stop making funny face to you to high up the mood.
Your Daddy lets go of you when you reach the bed and your Papa gently rests you down in it. Since you were still in your pyjama, you can immediately slide under the cover and wait for the warmth of your Daddies.
While one of your Daddies went to use the bathroom, the other went to turn off the light of the bedroom and light up the night light before crowling in bed beside you. You immediately snuggle closer to him and sigh in contentement when your favorites feelings come back with his arms around you. You close your eyes and wait for your Daddy to come back from the bathroom to snuggle with you too
You need it but you know that they need it too. They had a lot of work the last few days and really deserve to rest.
You smile when two others arms come around you and you don't need anything more to feel ready to fall asleep and rest.
Now that your heart isn't hurting anymore feel good, a whole lot better. It was scary, really scary but it helped you a lot that your Daddies were there for you, they didn't let you alone, they didn't let you down. They accompanied you to the end and always will.
That's something you're positive about. It took a long time to find someone who'll carry you up to the sky and above the cliuds in everything you want to do, even if it seems like a dumb thing, you needed someone like that. And you found it, you not only found someone, you found two people, two gorgious men who'll do anything to see you fly on your own.
"good nap, baby girl" your Daddy kisses the bak of your neck "you handled things so good, just like a big girl. Don't ever forget how proud we are"
"we love you, always and forever"
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No asks again today, I'm afraid 😔 I've also closed commissions temporarily. I'm planning on reopening them on October 1st, however!
I just have really bad brain fog right now, and I can only focus on very few things at a time. I'll keep posting my fanfic chapters consistently though, each Friday. I may take a little break after I'm finished with the fanfic and post the rest of the drawings I've been working on
(I'm pretty sure that after mine and Vanilla's anniversary, September 14th, I'll take a few weeks off just to decompress)
I'll definitely try to queue up some asks for tomorrow though 🫂💙
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sona-nona · 1 year
Okey, okey two posts in one day? Yes, because I am happy that tomorrow I will not go to classes and the rest of the week if I will attend my school but only for fair type activities.
My energy is at the top, voh advancing everything I can of Absolute Territory and I'm happy how it is for now.
AAand have crazy cartoons of today that I did with Millie's AI (Look @artsybug0 today I'm not going be shy and I will listen to you 👁️👁️)
It all started with the AI of Actor Wally but it became more entertaining to do a mini interaction of what the relationship of these two would be like in the beautiful neighborhood.
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I get kinda lazy because... Because yes annnd that's all for today guys, I'm glad to know if you liked the video above (I uploaded it to my Tik Tok) and I'm glad to know if you're little interested in IT is Home.
Here is the rest of the conversation, maybe I follow it tomorrow or during the week, it makes me more relaxed to draw mini comics of things that I like to make an animation that I also like jiji. (Then I do the interaction of Actor Wally and Wendy, love that🤗🥺)
( I'll finish uploading in another post, it just lets me upload 10 photos on Tumblr 😭)
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Buenop, me retiro. 🫡
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greensagephase · 8 months
Hi Alondra!! Thank you for replying back to me on the New Year's fanart!! there's really no pressure replying and I truly appreciate every response 🥹❤️ hearing that you still love the New Year's fanart makes me so happy!! (I promise there is more fanart for NC in the near future!!) I’m glad you took some time off social media for your mental health because that’s very important!! I’ve been quite busy lately too so I’ve been off social media more than usual this past week. I’m also happy that you’ve been sticking to drawing daily for 30 minutes!, and even if you miss a day here and there it’s still great! There are days where I just don’t have the energy to draw, so if you need to take breaks from that too it’s okay! But I really do get excited hearing these updates! Also, omg I’m very happy that you drew Miguel in a way that you liked and you’re feeling more comfortable and confident with drawing!!! Hearing that makes me so excited and i’m rooting for you!!! ❤️
Also, I just have to mention again that I’m really happy you took a little break from social media and writing, sometimes it can be too much and the last thing I’d want is for you to be burnt out from everything! (and I'm happy my little words of encouragement helped you decide to take some days off, I want to make sure you're doing okay too 🥺) you really do so much on here and you deserve the rest! ❤️❤️ Thank you so much for all the support and words of encouragement with my schooling!! (and when you mentioned getting another degree in the future- I might actually consider it!! maybe even study in a subject more for fun!) I’ve been very busy with everything and preparing for the first presentation of my capstone this Monday (the nerves are there but I'll maybe update you on how that goes! 😭) but one thing’s for sure- I still love to take the time to go on here and talk to you when I can!! And I’m so excited to read the next part when it comes out!! (please don’t stress about when you’re going to post it though 🥺) And I also promise that I read all your responses too, often times more than once because they make my day!! They mean so much to me and you don’t have to worry about replying late or anything, I understand! the weather where I live has also been arctic, haha!! (no fr today when I went out I was still shivering with all my layers 😭) and if it's also still cold where you are stay safe and warm too!! I hope you’re doing well and that you’re having an amazing week Alondra!! sending you a warm virtual hug, friend!!! ❤️✨❤️
Here are some little sketches of encouragement with your writing and everything!! a soft smiling Miguel and ok I imagine the 2nd one Miguel is giving look of like he’s proud of you 🥺 but also, he just has that signature smirk too 🤭
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@sunsetdoodler thank you for being so understanding and of course, I love talking with you, so I've been trying to reply to everything!! I just got really behind on my responses 😭 but yes, I LOVE the New Year's fanart!!!
Still thinking about it and how cute your OC and Miguel look together, I can't wait to see them again (and omg, more fanart!!! I can't wait to see it but of course, take your time!!!)!! And you being off social media is so understandable with your school!! I hope everything is going well so far!! I'm thinking about you and sending you the best of luck, and hoping everything goes smoothly for you as always!!!! ❤️ Also, thank you for the well wishes on my drawing journey!! I took off yesterday and today because I've been busy doing other things but I'll hopefully be back to it tomorrow, thank you, really!! And yes omg, I've been studying Miguel (I've been studying your fanart and other lovely artists' fanart plus using the amazing drawing references I've seen on here; that's actually how I finally got his hair down haha), and feel like I'm moving forward in drawing him, but it's a working process! 😂
And thank you, omg!!!!! 🥺🥺 I was debating taking a break because I always feel so guilty disappearing from social media even if it's just a day or two, but your words of encouragement to take it easy helped and I decided to do it. I tend to feel a little off after the holidays and just feel overwhelmed by everything, so this little break really helped my mental health, and honestly - it helped my writing! I was lowkey forcing myself to write prior to it, but all is well now, and I feel great now. I've done so much more writing in two days than I did over the span of several days prior to my break, so yay!! About your schooling - of course!!!!! I'm wishing you the best and rooting for you!!! As I said already, I'm always hoping and wishing that everything goes smoothly for you!!! I hope you're taking care of yourself and that these first two weeks have been kind to you so far!!! You should def consider earning another degree for fun if you're interested!! I'd love to hear what you'd like to do if you were to get another one (if you're open to sharing, if not, I understand, so no pressure!!)!! Omg, your first capstone presentation is this Monday!! I'm sending you, and will continue to send you, all the best of luck!!! I know you got this and it'll go great!!!!!! 🥺✨ It'll be one presentation down, and hopefully it will get easier as the semester goes!!!! And thank you for taking time out of your day to come on here and talk to me, it truly means so much to me!!! Please know that I understand life gets crazy, so I totally understand if you can't reply right away or not at all (don't feel pressured to, friend!! I get it!!)!! And I'm happy that my words make your day, yours make my day as well!! I always look forward to reading your responses/asks!!!❤️ And omg @sunsetdoodler I hope you're staying warm and cozy, too!! It has been very cold this week for us (there was even a busted pipe this morning because of how cold it has been this whole week). I hope you stay warm and be safe if you're out on the road driving!!! I hope you're having a fantastic week, too and that you have a great weekend!! Hopefully you get to do some fun cozy things and relax a bit despite your presentation!!! Sending you the warmest virtual hug and the best wishes as always, friend!!!! ❤️✨❤️
And OMG THE SKETCHES!!!! Miguel saying "you got this!" - that's so ENCOURAGING!!! 🥺 And his proud face in the second sketch - stop, now I'm going to imagine that Miguel cheers me on when I write and try to draw him and the second sketch is him watching me while I do my thing,😭😭 THANK YOU, FRIEND!!!! These sketches are so freaking CUTE!!!!! And his signature smirk - everything this man does gets me, I swear!!!! 🤭 (I'd get so distracted if I saw him like this actually) I'm going to have these sketches pulled up whenever I write or draw, for real!!! THANK YOU!!!! ❤️✨🥺
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zerootherian · 5 months
Okay one last post for today and I'll post the rest tomorrow and it's LCorp Drawing
Christopher (Mike's older step-brother) in a Magic Bullet E.G.O with Der Freischütz
3 post for one day
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nno-user · 2 years
Hello! I just saw your Bendy is Henry au and I have question- does Henry transform into/is the ink demon as well? Are they seperate entities? Sorry if you got a lot of asks like this, I love your au's they're amazing!
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Bonus; Silly Malice and Sammy <3
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I apologize for not posting and answering that a lot today, I felt very tired today and I didn't spend much time drawing. I promise I'll try to get more questions answered tomorrow. I hope you guys have an awesome day!
Also side note, I don't draw the Keepers or Ink Demon as often as I do the rest of the characters so they probably don't look as good as the others. Also also, I don't want to draw Baldy McBalderton(Wilson). I will attempt to draw anyone BUT him 🙏..
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