#I'll be rly bummed but like;;; can i just know;;;;;;
princesscedar · 2 months
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cherievol6 · 2 years
mum’s night out
new dad!harry !!!!!!!!!!!! my favourite
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Harry wants you to have a night off from mummy duties
word count: around 800
warnings: tiny bit of swearing but that’s it. just cuteness upon cuteness. not edited rly
Harry's lax grin that hasn't even changed a single bit since you first met him is spread across his cheeks, a twinkle in his eye as he watches you walk past him on the sofa. Your tiny baby girl rests on his chest and it makes your heart tingle, seeing him being so domestic with her.
"You've got to be joking."
You must admit, you'd picked out your glad rags for this party you were going to, so it might have been a shock for Harry to see you dressed in anything but sick-stain T-shirts and joggers.
"Oh, didn’t see you there." You say faux-whimsically, grinning and running a hand down your hip to smooth the black dress down your body. You like to refer to this as your Bridget Jones dress, because you'd snatched it off the rack in a charity shop when it reminded you of the one she wore in the film.
"M’sure you didn’t.” He teases. “Where did you pull that little number from, eh?" Harry drawls, eyes shamelessly skirting up and down your body as you fiddle with your bag to retrieve your lipstick.
"Oh this old thing? Charity shop in town. 8.99." You grin, and Harry throws his head back in a laugh, quieting himself when he accidentally jostles the baby with his shaking shoulders.
"I'll have to write the person who donated that dress a very long thank you note. Possibly with a gift." He winks, rising from his seat and gently placing the sleeping baby down in the cot to the side of the room, one you kept down there so you could watch her whilst you cleaned (you were a paranoid first-time mum).
"Oh shush. I just needed something to wear for this party. It's the nicest thing I own next to those leggings with the unknown stain.” You snort.
"I like those leggings.” He hums. “But I love this even more, baby." He slinks over to you, tone low as he skirts a hand just to the base of your spine.
"You're not allowed to flirt with me when our daughter is a few feet away." You scold, lifting an eyebrow but placing your hands against his chest anyway.
"I can't help it. Her mum just looks so fucking good—" his face hovers to the side of yours as his lips ghost over your cheek, leaving a tender kiss there. "how can I convince you to stay home, hm?"
You shake your head and laugh, trying to push him away as he grins cheekily. "No! This is my first night out in ages. I need a drink, babe."
"And who was the one who decided last time she was supposed to go for a drink that she just couldn't bear the thought of leaving her baby girl for more than twenty minutes, hm?"
It was true. Your first night out after her birth, you spent ten minutes crying at your makeup table whilst Harry consoled you with a bewildered look, coaxing you to get yourself ready and trying to push you out of the door so you could have a break from being a newborn mum just for a night. You called him twenty minutes after getting to the bar in tears and asked if he would come and get you, which of course he did, and you barrelled through the door to embrace your child.
"You're no better! You rang me every ten minutes when you were golfing with Niall to check that she was okay. And then you skipped the last nine holes to come home!"
Harry's fingers pinch your hips, "oi. I don't like missing feeding time!"
You kiss him sweetly and run a hand through his unruly curls, "I know. I know. You're a good dad."
"You're a better mum. That's why—" he pries your hands away and clasps them, turning you towards the door by your hips, "you need to go and have some you-time. We'll still be here when you get back, and then you can snuggle her all you want. And me, if you're feeling generous." He winks, swatting you on the bum.
"Okay, okay. I'm going." You sigh, grabbing your bag and sweeping over the cot, blowing a gentle air kiss to your daughter and running a gentle finger over her cheek before turning to your husband.
"I'll see you later, baby." You mumble, smearing your lips over his and watching him wink from the door as you jog to your friend's car that idles in the driveway.
"Lovie?" Harry's voice sighs apprehensively through the phone forty minutes later, the tv blaring in the background. He’d had hope that you would stay out at least a little bit longer tonight. You’d beat the record by twenty minutes…
"Hey. H..." you pause. Harry knows exactly what's coming.
“She’s fine, y’know. Fast asleep next to her daddy.”
"Good.” You swallow. “S’loud here. I think the alcohol is giving me a headache, or something. I think I might need to get to bed.” Your voice is timid.
“Ready for bed already?” He asks pointedly.
"Mhm." Your voice is nothing convincing.
There's a long pause as Harry glances over to where your baby sleeps peacefully. He silently thanks the Gods that you were graced with a heavy-sleeping baby, so it would be easy to manoeuvre her into a car seat.
"We'll be there soon. Hang tight, honey."
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webslingingslasher · 4 months
bff... i need ur perspective on this :’) this is rly long srry just take ur time! reply whenever u feel like it, or not<3
here goes another 🧚🏼‍♀️ lore from 2023 JSNFNDKJSHS
i had a crush on this guy around may-july 2023.. things were going rly well like he reciprocated my energy toward him, bantering here n there, and he was such a gentleman like yk basic stuff - opening doors for me, picked up n fixed my bag for me when it fell even if he didn't have to lol, always checking on me and helping me with hw (we were classmates), and he also prevented me from being seenzoned in the gc we were both in by telling me in our dm he'll reply to me in the gc ?? like for the sake of not being seenzoned,, i didnt mind at all but ok 🫂 he also mentioned that he prayed for me one time bc i was so stressed out w life and he prayed i won't be stressed anymore, n that i need to look after myself.. my ex-bffs thought it's silly and it wasn't an excuse to like him (??) but that time i thought it was sweet. i didn't have any evidence to think or know if he was lying or anything so.. 🤷‍♀️ i was just happy abt it and i thought, if things fuck up, i'll just deal with it when we get there.
and anw yea we were basically in talking stage, stayed up to talk and he was still the first person i talked to when i woke up haha and we also made time to see each other like we rly planned and included each other in our schedules to hang out.
good stuff right.. but like one time when we were getting to know each other (in person, my ex-bff was there with us), he told us he has a sister. but the next time we hung out, just the two of us, we talked abt video games and told me he'd watch his brother play. so i was like "oh so u have 2 siblings? bc u have a sister too" then he said "huh? no, it's just me n my brother" and i was like "???? wym u said u have a sister.." then he said "really? i said that?" TF DKKSJSJDJS.. even my ex-bff confirmed he said sister when the 3 of us hung out so im not making it up... n all my other friends told me thats just sus bc why be sus about family... i mean he sees them everyday?? and it's basic knowledge to know ur family 😭 my dad even said he might've lied and said he has a sister to make him seem like a green flag (assuming he'd know how to respect and properly treat women)
could be an honest mistake, sure, it happens. my friends and i even considered that his sibling might be non-binary or trans and maybe he wasn't in the position to tell us, that's understandable. but idk he still told me 2 diff things and i can't rly have someone who doesn't stand on what they say or do to me, like telling me one thing then another (i have severe trust issues..)
the thing is, when i start to doubt someone, especially when i think they lied and if i think they aren't genuine people, it's over. like that's my dealbreaker. (goes for my ex-bffs too)
so like... after that, whenever he msged me i became dry until i didn't open his one reply to me anymore. so i ghosted him.. he never msged after that, assuming he felt like he couldn't approach me.
i feel bad. like serious. im more bummed abt him than what happened w my ex friends ngl bc he rly was nice and i liked him, we were good until that. but there's sm uncertainty and i'm sure i hurt him bc he gave clear implications that he was interested in me. i'm assuming he also doesn't know what happened bc obviously i didn't confront him, so it's unfair for him.
i thought abt confronting him and to just be friends with him at least, i did. but i also thought - he would either apologize or say something that will make it okay to solve things.
1) even if he apologized, i'd have to wait for changed behavior. thing is, i only give one chance when it comes to trust, and i feel like that was ruined already, somehow. i mean, i can have disagreements with anyone about anything and it's fine, we can work through that. but if there comes a point where the trust is ruined, i'm done, and i can't wait around for changed behavior. it'll take up my time, and it's kinda unfair bc i never lied to him or gave him reasons to feel weirdly about me. it's not even hard to tell the truth about simple things.. also, why wait around when there's better, honest, and more genuine people out there (this also applies to my ex bffs) 😐 also if i wait for changed behavior, i'd basically be trusting him again to not do anything like that again. but he alr lost my trust to begin with so ?? lol
2) if he would say something to make it okay, i'd be giving him an advantage, and i'd be forced to stay with him, allowing him to think that what he did was fine.
3) i thought about being friends with him at least but i didn't rly want a liar friend or a friend that i'd doubt.. i don't want to have to doubt anyone's character in my circle... i don't need the stress.
my guy friends told me the bar was low and i deserve better, and i probably doged a bullet bc if he lies abt small things.. what about the more serious things? and it's a situation i didn't need to be in. like fr, no one's usually sus with their family 😭😭 so why put me thru that when no one else experiences it.. tf
but anw.... months later, around november actually, he added me in his close friends on ig ?? i only saw a couple of stuff like anime, class stuff, idk, nothing weird or anything. i think he removed me tho later on. but today i think he added me back LOL. i also noticed he'd check my stories once a week 😭
so like.. what the hell does that mean LMFAO we haven't talked nor seen each other in person since july. that's 6 months..
i didn't remove him from my socmeds in case we happen to be classmates again and work together and in the future as well. thought abt removing him but i might need the connection in the future for business bc we're entering the same field after all.. 🙇‍♀️
i'm not even mad anymore but like huh JNBJDSJHS
but anw yes. what do u think of this... is there anything i should do or not. speak ur mind please 🎙️ tysm ily
(this also just gave away that i'm avoidant. sorry. it comes from trauma😂 working thru it though. i believe i made an improvement when i confronted my ex bffs n broke up w them which happened after i ghosted him.. rip)
oh my god girl.
he didn't say he was derek jeter, he said he had a sister. and then told you later on he only had a brother. if he wanted to lie, he'd continue the lie. instead, he confronted it and moved on. you didn't.
i have three brothers. i have gotten names and ages confused my entire life. it seems like an honest mistake and he acknowledged it. i'd get if it was a big lie, but it seems like this was a slip of the tongue.
maybe he was thinking of a friends sister.
maybe he was thinking his brother was a bitch.
maybe he was nervous.
we don't know. you just stonewalled him. long story short, if you want to at the very least be friends with him, let it go. if you can't, leave him alone.
what does it mean? he liked you. but i don't know if he still does.
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tellthemeerkatsitsfine · 11 months
Just saw ur webb post. I can def relate to losing interest in someone/thing u used to like. I'm a big fan of Brydon (he hasn't said anything bad yet) and I have my ups and downs with him. I think hes not a royalist (he never acknowledged the queen's death funnily enough) and he's said he has mixed feelings on his acceptance of his mbe. BUT sometimes it feels like I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop with him because he just never has an opinion on ANYTHING. or rather, he doesn't voice his opinions. There's pros and cons to this, I rly think, but no room in asks to go in depth. So some days I'm bummed abt not being able to enjoy wilty because I've lapsed into convincing myself there's a big chance he's a transphobe and worse.
(also I could've sworn dm also defended rw on twitter when it all went down but I can't find anything abt it, have I made that up? have I been lowkey disliking dm for no reason?)
I know what you mean, with comedians or any celebrities who are vaguely apolitical and you don't quite know where they stand. And the answer, obviously, is don't get so attached to celebrities that you'd be disappointed with their political views. But since I'd be disappointed by certain political views from anyone I even mildly like, this would preclude even mildly liking any celebrities, and that would curtail all of fandom. Also, people you do know in real life can turn out be disappointing in this way all the time too, so the only way to avoid ever feeling betrayed by liking someone and then finding out they're a dick is to never like anyone, and that's not really a good way to live.
I know it's a good idea to avoid getting attached to the idea that celebrities you like are decent people, but I can't claim to have successfully avoided that myself. I'll admit right now that it will pretty much dissolve whatever tiny scraps of faith in humanity I have left if it ever turns out that Andy Zaltzman has done anything wrong in his entire life.
Anyway, more to your specific point, I see what you mean. The comedians who rarely express political opinions probably have a shoe that might drop someday. It has occurred to me before that if I ever heard David Mitchell list every political opinion he has, I doubt I'd come out of that liking him as much. I don't think I'd come out hating him or anything - I don't think he's a secret UKIP supporter. Just that I'm sure he's not up to the standards of my aggressively left-wing beliefs. And maybe it's not fair to expect people to be, but also, I think that maybe is a fair expectation, if we're counting "don't be silent when your longtime friend and collaborator is sitting right next to you perpetuating harmful disinformation about an extremely vulnerable group" as an aggressively left-wing belief. I also didn't know about him defending it on Twitter at the time (I don't know much about the situation as a whole, a while ago I read the original Tweet and then listened to that 2021 interview he did alongside David Mitchell where it came up, that's it), but it wouldn't shock me. Basically, I try to have David Mitchell be someone I enjoy watching on panel shows, but I don't tie the scraps of my faith in humanity to him being cool. Probably safe to do something similar with Rob Brydon, you're right.
Every once in a while it occurs to me that this probably applies at least a bit to VCM as well, which is mildly heartbreaking because she seems like a perfect ray of light in the world, but I probably don't want to know everything she's ever said about every issue.
In case I'm coming off as a bit "cannot be accepting of anyone's view that even slightly deviates from mine" here, I am actually okay with people who've accepted royal honours. I mean, I don't think it's the best thing to do, I think the perfectly ethical choice would be to refuse them. But I don't think I can blame people for accepting them if offered, if we refused to accept awards from corrupt institutions then no one could ever accept an award from anywhere. I think "I accepted the award but had the decency to feel conflicted about it" is a perfectly admirable stance.
...Have I put together that viewpoint just so I can continue to believe that Sandi Toksvig OBE has never done anything wrong? Maybe a bit.
Anyway, this response has wandered pretty far beyond the parametres of your original message, the point is that I know what you mean. It's disappointing, even if we strictly shouldn't be attached to these things, and I hope Rob Brydon turns out to be all right.
(And if Britcom fans really want their faith in humanity protected from being ruined by popular comedians, never ever Google "Noel Fielding teenage girl" - or just do what I do and really hope it was invented by the tabloids. Though if your scraps of faith in humanity are attached to him then you've already been studiously ignoring the blackface in The Mighty Boosh, so actually nothing is good.)
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probablysapphic · 7 years
I wanted to like drop a rant sorry if this is depressing but like I just realized that I'm never going to get to be myself and keep my family bc they're homophobic and I rly love them a lot and it's like I have to choose between them and the ability to be me and I know that when it comes down to it I'll probably choose them and idk I'm just really bummed out about it. Any advice?
I’m so so sorry that you’re going through that :(I don’t know what to tell you tbh because I can’t look into the future. People can surprise you, yes, but they can also stay homophobic. Some people change when they get to know someone close to them isn’t straight but some don’t. I don’t know which one it’ll be for you, unfortunately.But if you can, please try finding people to talk to, people you relate to, who are lgbtq as well. Having a support system online and/or irl is a really great thing and it helps battling homophobia.
It will get better. Stay strong, you can do this.I’m sending lots of good vibes your way!
@everyone else: please comment additional advice or offer to be someone to talk to if you’re in a similar position? Thank you very much!@anon: check the notes/comments/reblogs :)
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rexsjaigeyes · 3 years
Hi Dear!! Congrats on your milestone, kinda fan here who eventually ends up reading through your masterlist, like a lot! 🙈🥺
Sooo I'd like to request a Star Wars ship, either with a handsome man or woman! 😇
About me - Here's a tall girl (5'11) who's a brunette with long, rather wavy hair. A big coffee fan but since meesa wrapping up my masters in this semester I maaaayyyybe slightly abused caffeine so I rly needed to take it back, so I'm big on teas (and Boba tea, lmao) right now! 🍵 I also developed the habit of biking to everywhere I live since Miss 'Rona is here and I eventually like to work out (like pilates and yoga) sooo... Let's say I'm kinda sporty? But still slightly thicc on my tummy, bum and thighs (but them tibbies still be smol, damn!) bc I looooove to eat? 🙈😩
If I'd be someone in the Star Wars Universe, I'd be a healer Jedi since im related to medical things irl and it's smthin I'm really passionate about!!
I'm both a cat and dog person and even though I grew up at the countryside I live in a big city now and I love it! I love to crack bad jokes with my friends (there aren't many but those I consider friends, well... I'd cut a b*tch for them but also sell them to Satan for one corn chip, you know 😂😂😂) On a good day I just won't shut up and I'll mess around and I can't lose my temper easily... But when I do I fall completely silent and if I speak... Now that's a lethal few words 🤡 On days when I'm not all about being practical I really like to spice up my outfits - high heels with my black leather skirt and something for the top... Maybe red lips? I can make heads roll and I know it 😇
Thank you, my dear!! -🍒 (if it's not already taken!!)
I ship you with Lando!
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Lol okay hear me out, but when you mentioned you love to crack bad jokes with friends (who you might not have many of) but still would sell them to satan for one corn chip — that is just BIG Lando vibes to me. So anyway, here I go:
Lando loves all kinds of eccentric teas, and he LOVES to explore and do outdoorsy activities. He definitely strikes me as the kind of guy who would enjoy activities like yoga or pilates as a way to stay fit, so you would make a couple’s bonding thing and go out to fancy tea shops or take yoga classes together. But Lando still likes to indulge, so he loves trying new foods with you and eating until his pants have to be unbuttoned lol.
He loves that you’re passionate about healing people and caring for their safety. He’s not used to being around too many people who are as selfless as you are, so your passion for healing amazes him.
Lastly, he loves how fashionable you are. The two of you are the most fashionable couple in the galaxy, and you BOTH make heads turn no matter where you go.
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