#I'll draw it either way cuz it's fun but it feels weird
nerves-nebula · 3 months
I fucking adore your comic panelling, any advice on how to do it? Like specific ratios or ways to divide the page?
god there's so much advice i COULD give but i really dont wanna end up writing a book here. so I guess I'll say this: however you divide the page you should be CONSISTENT with it, i literally just learned/internalized this but it's made comic paneling soo much easier. when you break that consistency it will be more impactful. hold up lemme grab some pages.
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so i recently started making loose stitches a 4 tier comic. it's not the exact same for each page cuz i'm lazy but i think it's made legibility way better. before i think it was kinda uhhhhh a little all over the place. not BAD but a little difficult to tell where your eyes supposed to go sometimes. which isnt great for a commic.
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the page on the left in particular has always bothered me cuz i always read the top panels incorrectly and it's like. fuck man what is the paneling here why is it in two columns ????? that's so hard to understand. but the page on the right can be more or less easily understood (by someone who knows how to read comics) even without panel borders because it's just a simple 4 panel square.
one thing my comic professor really stressed was that he didn't like weird paneling or weird borders. for the most part, a square is fine. AND HE'S RIGHT. weird paneling is fun and cool but should be used sparingly or with intention, cuz if you do it too much then like. how tf are ppl gonna read your comic.
that being said there are a lot of cool ways to cut up panels even if they're just squares hold on lemme grab some examples
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so the panels here are all square but the image in the one at the bottom is almost like a mural. one thing i really like to using is a lot of heavy BLACK, what can i say silhouette's have my entire heart.
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in my fable comic, I used a 3 tier system. it wasn't the same exact size across all pages but all pages had 3 tiers of paneling. that way i can be a little more flexible with the SIZE of the panels to emphasize the more important things, without it feeling like it's all over the place
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meanwhile in my comic final i used a 4 tier system where each tier was nearly the same across every page, but you can collapse tiers together for establishing shots and big reveals so that they're more impactful. it's still fully within the grid system I set up so it doesn't feel like it's messing with shit either.
ok i just spent a lot of time rambling about this one particular concept and it's probably not even what you wanted to hear about :') i didnt even go into ratios or anythinggg guhhhh sowwy
other than all that i'd just say you gotta keep looking at what comic artists have written and take note of how they use space and cut things up. there's this book called How To Read Nancy and it has all these exercises for understanding the building blocks of nancy. for real the author is OBSESSIVE and goes through everything of a 3 panel nancy strip from body language to spot blacks to the minutia of the background. we used this book in my class and did some of the exercises in the back and i think it's really good at getting you to THINK about what you're drawing. and you can easily pirate it if you're broke.
also try to make sure things dont get stagnant on a page. zoom out if you're only doing close ups (i try to make sure every page of loose stitches has at least one full body shot even tho I'm lazy and wanna just do talking heads- talking heads arent interesting!!)
also, take advantage of the fact you're drawing a COMIC. you can do shit in comics that you can't do in other mediums, try to implement them when u can! ALSO PRACTICE. you're not gonna get better just by reading and watching. you gotta do it lol. ok ok that's enough and you didn't even ask for that stuff you asked about PANELING sfdasfsd byeee
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opossumanon · 3 months
Me :3
Hello!!! On most of my blogs I'd share my name cuz it's common but this is my secret blog so putting my name on here could help some people find it, which wouldn't be the end of the world ig but then it wouldn't be a secret blog anymore, so yall can just call me Opossum Anon, Opossum, Possum, etc. Literally whatever the fuck works go for it I don't care.
My pronouns are mainly He/They. I'm iffy on she cuz 90% of the time I hate when it's used on me but the other 10% of the time it actually feels kinda neat. Not sure what that's about.
I've been out (as trans) for nearly 5 years now, and I spent most of that time identifying as a binary trans man. It's only recently (at the time of this post) that I've realized that I'm actually a fagdyke: A faggot and a dyke, a gay man and a lesbian, a butch and a twink, all at the same time. I still feel attachment to the label of trans man, but not in a binary way like before. If you have some questions about this feel free to send me asks and I'll try to explain it because I like teaching people things. If you're personally upset by how I identify for some reason then I suggest using the block button now.
Other things about me:
I may be punk???? I like some punk music, mainly queercore. Some artists I like include X-Ray Spex, Tribe 8, and The Oozes. Please don't quiz me on these bands I haven't listened to all their songs yet and I don't get nosy about the lives of the artists I like. I also believe in stuff like community, abolishing the police, getting rid of billionaires, hating bigots because I love minorities over loving minorities because I hate bigots, capitalism is a system which rewards selfishness and directly opposes creativity, housing and food are rights that EVERYONE deserves, death penalty does more harm than good, etc.
I'm autistic and have adhd. I yap about it a lot.
I'm aroacepec!!! It's neat :> (I also yap about this)
"Contradictory" labels are fun and define queerness, yall rule enforcers are just weird and trying to replicate heteronormativity but with a rainbow slapped on top of it
Queer isn't a slur. I also say fag(got), dyke, and tranny sometimes cuz I believe that anyone in the queer community can use them because we're unique in that a faggot can be mistaken for a dyke, a dyke can be mistaken for a faggot, both can be mistaken as trannies, and a tranny can be mistaken for either one.
Minding your own business is such a healthy and happy mindset to have, it's definitely one of the reasons my depression is cured and my skin is clear, highly recommend it.
I live in the Southwestern United States and I like to drive through my home city while listening to my cd collection in my 10-year-old car.
No sending nsfw stuff to me please! Me liking a post about nsfw topics =/= Me flirting with you
Bigots go away
Just don't be a dick in general I guess?
My tagging system (Not that I remember to use it very much):
"insert thumbs up emoji" - I am not a part of this group and I don't have anything to say and/or the op doesn't want me to say anything so I'm giving a vague and quiet show of support with my reblog
"putting you on blast" - Has nothing to do with me whatsoever but I think it's neat (Usually used for pictures and drawings and stuff)
"my life is your problem now" - Personal stuff
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mochinon-yah · 6 months
uh i may have sent my ask too soon without completing it hejsjdjsksj im using mobile 😭
ANYWAY midterms are over thank god but i'm back at school again cuz spring break was only a week long and i turned 20 since it happened to start on my bday back in march mweheheh
BUT YEA AJDJSJJDHDJS LIKE I WOULD EXPECT A HIGH SCHOOLER TO KNOW WHAT A FRIGGIN SCORPION IS??? LIKE HELLO??? but yea! my bf is like albedo but edgy/emo? like usually wears darker clothing and hoodies, but he's really cute (will deny being called that and insists im cuter) and he's super sweet too so things are going rlly well!
anyway social anxiety is like. the bane of existence. especially as a college student and being an adult so thats fun to deal with aha :"D i don't really like the attention either since it makes me feel cornered so i just kinda make myself as small as possible or hide next to one of my friends- like. i make my body language pretty obvious when i don't want to socialize but people do it anyway hhhhhh
also nw! i've never read pride and prejudice but it sounds interesting! :D but i can relate to not being able to sit and read for long periods of time ehe (meanwhile i'm having an artist block-)
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KSWMJWWKQM YEAH, YOUR LAST WISH IS NOT HAPPENING LMAO 😭☝️since i'm on a break from school, i got extra lazy and just played hsr/draw smth inside my room for most of the time, sleeping at 5 am and waking up at 2 pm has been my new sleeping schedule 😭😭 i hope your sleeping schedule is much better than mine lol
*cough* anywayyyy
Weweweee, i don't know how many people have said it to you, but happy birthday and congratulations for making it to 20! I'm sure the journey for you to make it this far is not smth small, so i wanna shout out to you that you're verryyy amazing, and you earn a head pat and also a hug from yourself or from someone that you're already comfortable with 🫂
Well, you earn more than just a head pat and a hug, but i'll just say those two to make it simple :]
AND AYOO???? "will deny being called that and insists im cuter" THAT IS SO CUTE FROM BOTH YOUR BF AND YOU JSJSJAKQIWK- what is this cutesy couple thingy that i have only heard from people.... it was actually real???
Moving on lmao- YEAH, ME TOO!!! I make my body language obvious to people when i don't want to interact but people do anyway, altho if they were just asking for a way to a place or smth simple, i'm like okay with that. But if someone talks to me when i really don't want to talk, i'd be making a weird face (honestly i look like i'm constipated-) first for a quick second before i face that person lmao
Actually, i started pride and prejudice because of a fanfic LMAOOO. The fanfic itself was just a bunch of things from classical novels, and i got interested real fast since it was yandere-themed lol (the fanfic was so SILLY SKWKWSK i lop it)
I'll just respond you with this after you said that you're having an artist block:
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Good luck, vivi 😭💪
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hospitalterrorizer · 7 months
wednesday - thursday
the day started awful, but somehow, at like, 1 pm-ish, my illness improved massively.
i wonder/worry if tomorrow will be similar or if this feeling basically a lot better will continue. cuz i don't think i should/can call out. so i guess ultimately it doesn't matter.
anyway, since the illness is a lot better, today i was able to work out, and also i was able to work on music, but mostly the problem song, i did the return track thing, it is a good idea, i think it sounds pretty good, one thing is just that the vocals still seem a bit too fried, but i'll see what i think of that tomorrow, maybe i should do this to another track before the night ends, too, just so i can get more progress made on the record.
anyway, i just started doing something maybe pointless but maybe not, doing tiny pixel art ufos, it seems cute, just to have them if i want to stick upscaled 32x32 pixel art ufos on the album art, a good homage to my affection for how space invaders looks, and stuff like that.
and now a 16x16 squid. i forgot how fun doing tiny things like that was. i should learn how to get actually good at it, like good enough to draw a tiger or somethingg.
i also have to get around to doing a ribbon, either in 64x or 32x, cuz i know i'll use that on the album.
now i am reopening ableton, just to start at least on the next song's mix/master.
here's a really cute song + mv.
now i'm thinking, as something exports, about how i have a funny tooth, the snaggletooth thing, kind of like that whole yaeba thing every news site was talking about forever ago, which is/was part of the whole exoticizing japan in weird ways thing, that everything/one still does on some level, even when they're talking about how japan is awful, or reasons to hate japan (some valid like racism/sexism/work culture/pedophilia (though i'll be honest and say this last one feels overemphasized, at least around people i know (describing it as an island of pedophiles))), they make it exotic and unique in its evil. anyway the tooth thing always struck me as funny, because i am part japanese and it's a weird beauty standard, but i've also just seen it naturally occuring in other japanese people, it feels like a funny tether i guess. but it's not, like, the only one. for a while i was raised around my grandma, my mom and i living with her a couple times over the years, but she is dead now, all i have are the memories and the things she's given me as habits, and the things my mother has given me as habits she's received from her mother.
i still need to get to talking to my mom soon. idk why it's so easy for me to just hide from my parents. it does feel like hiding. they both would so quickly get mad at me growing up, it made me want to avoid them altogether, a lot of the time. you'd hope, getting older, that this would go away, but it won't, unless i make it, but even then i think it'd have to be something i keep at the front of my mind, but i don't think i can, i have too much i'm thinking about normally, and so scattered too.
the song doesn't sound bad rn, but i want it to be like, more, brighter and stuff. idk. i think i can get it there in a bit.
hopefully after this export it makes a bit more sense, as a thing, and then i can go to bed or something.
yeah i think i got it pretty close to right, maybe i should bring the guitar up by 0.5db.
and omg i forgot to post this last night, i was so tired, so
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