#I'm a noob idk why im giving advice im on fricken lesson 29 and there's 60 of them now
im curious how do people get their total strengths so high😭😭😭
It takes a while. Ya gotta keep leveling up the cards and their devil tree's. URs can get the highest strength scores because their max levels, without devil flowers unlocked, is 100.
In my 71 days of playing (it feels like it's been longer) I've managed to pull these UR/UR+ cards and have since leveled them up as shown below. I've only unlocked two Devil's Flowers and that was the SSR Levi - Levi the Tailor and the UR Luke - Pajama Party Night (both of which I liked the original art)
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This is my first UR so it's the highest cause I used it for all lessons 1-20 (before the sin bonuses) and most after.
(it happened to be a UR+ which the + just means there's an animation with it. UR and UR+ are same in terms of stats) I've gotten the Devil Tree all the way to the Devil's Flower but haven't been able to unlock it yet.
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However this is my most recent UR pull (and notice it's weaker than some SSRs at the moment - see second photo)
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It doesn't matter how many URs you have but which sins. I could have 10 for pride and still not be able to get past some levels if they don't call for pride cards.
I'm currently stuck on Lesson 29-4 which calls for (little hard to see cause they pulsed as I took the screenshot) Envy and Pride.
Now my recommend shows my Highest Envy(a UR+), Highest Pride(an SSR) then Highest in general(UR+). Ideally I would have more Envy or Pride UR cards and it wouldn't have that Wraith card there.
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I would also have more good memory cards. I don't actually have any UR memory cards yet.
My suggestions
For leveling up cards
Avoid Quick Clears whenever possible (preferably when you can Skip instead) otherwise your cards don't gain any EXP (and you get less rewards). It may seem like they only get a little but it does add up over time even though it'll seem like it takes forever the higher the level.
When possible level up cards when it'll cost less Grimm. i.e. if a card's EXP bar is 3/4 of the way filled it's cheaper to level them up to that next level now rather than paying for the entire bar.
Keep an eye on card's level max if you haven't reached the Devil's Flower yet. If you reach the max and use the card it's a waste because they gain no EXP. I try to make sure my max is at least 10 higher than the current level.
For Getting URs (/getting Demon Vouchers)
If there's a UR card in an event you really want do your best to work your way through rewards (even though F2P players literally cannot complete all three pages without paying or saving up a lot of Devil Points/Energy) in 6 months the event (unless it's a birthday event) will be on Lonely Devil and you can restart the reward list and get more card pieces. Yes this is a much longer method but it's a free method (besides the 10 Devil Points to take the "trip")
Save up Raven and Devil Points whenever possible. It will take a while but you need to get those demon vouchers. (45 Raven gets you one voucher & 30 DP gets you one voucher at Akuzan.)
Opt for the 10 pulls at once option as you're gaurenteed to get at least one SSR. Instead of using 30DP for a pull in Nightmare, go to Akuzan and get vouchers. Save up the vouchers instead.
When you run out of AP I know that offer for 200AP for 10DP looks tempting but make sure you're aware of your current exp level progress and the amount of DP you'd be left with after that 10 because if you happen to level up you get the 99DP offer which gives you 5 Demon Vouchers (and it'll fill your AP again when you level up anyway).
Getting through events with a lot of rewards - or getting enough AP
Take advantage of Levi's Boot Camp. Those rewards stay for a week after the event ends and usually happen before a big event (the week after the event ends overlaps with the big event start). Don't use the AP rewards until you need them for the big event.
Check your To-Do. A lot of AP comes from using a certain person in battle a lot. See where you're close to getting a reward and try to focus on those.
Don't immediately use AP from your To-Do. They have no expiration date (only things in your mail and event rewards do). Use them only when you really need them.
Remember you can get 120 AP a day from Fridge Missions (I legit have an alarm on my phone so I don't miss those).
When getting reward AP from events make sure you need the AP. Don't get a 100 AP reward if you only have enough battles left in the event for that day for 30 AP. That's 70 you could have used on the next day and 70 that won't auto refill as you wait for the next day. (I phrased that weird but hopefully you understand what I mean by that.)
I'm sure you didn't expect this super big answer, sorry ^^" got a little carried away...
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