#I'm actually quite proud of of how my segment turned out and everyone's stories are really incredible
thenightpost · 2 years
KILL FM is a weird fiction anthology featuring short, fully soundscaped audio stories by indie creators.
The second installment, Fortune's Favors, brings 9 fascinating speculative tales inspired by different tarot spreads.
Find KILL FM on your podcast app of choice to hear wild one-shots by the creators of The Night Post, The Storage Papers, and more!
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reignstormz · 4 years
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Warning; The edit above and some of the other edits apart of future chapters moving forward are made by me. I didn't find it necessary to put a watermark however I'd love credit if any of them are reposted. :)
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November 27, 2020
TLC season was approaching, and the tension between Sasha and Carmella was getting stronger. Even though the blonde chick didn't make an appearance at survivor series, Sasha knew that she was around. Her energy grinded her gears so bad that Sasha could just feel her presences radiating through the building. If people honestly thought Carmella was going to get away with another low blow, then they truly didn't know the boss like they thought they did. Especially, after her encounter with the Universal Champion. A fire was lit inside of her that she couldn't put out.
As Sasha walked down the hallway with a calm, yet determined look on her face, the camera followed her every move and Kayla Braxton came up to her, making her stop.
"Sasha, can I have a word?" She asked hesitantly as she looked up at the blue haired woman. Sasha stared at her blankly before a faint smirk appeared slowly on her face, and she nodded. Kayla sensed something a little off about her, and contemplated on asking questions to begin with but did it anyway.
"It's been a week, or, to be exact, actually three in a row since Carmella has attacked you. Does this mean you have a target on your back regarding to your title?"
Sasha chuckled softly, very quietly in fact, moving half of her hair behind her shoulder and shook her head in amusement. Normally, Sasha would either laugh hysterically at the interviewer's questions or tell them off viscously, but tonight was different. She didn't have time for that like she used to.
Then, she simply looked back at her and shrugged, getting ready to walk away but Kayla quickly brought the microphone up to stop her, saying something that made Sasha stop in her tracks, "Is Roman Reigns one of your targets?"
Sasha looked down at the ground for a second until she looked ahead, licking her lips before she turned around to look at Kayla once again. Kayla stepped forward, bringing the microphone close enough to Sasha so she could speak into it, hoping anyway. Then Sasha's unreadable expression turned into a happier one, smiling at her nicely, "I guess you're going to have to find out.'
Kayla raised her eyebrow, slowly putting the microphone down to her side and watched her walk away in confusion. Sasha gave a subtle wink to the camera before the show went to commerical break. Afterwards, Sasha had finally found where Carmella had been in the building and saw the perfect opportunity to do what she's been wanting to do for the past three weeks. As Sasha quietly creeped up on her, she over heard Carmella talk a lot of shit about her, as expected. Saying how she was the most dominant woman in the Women's Division including other silly claims that went in one ear and out the other for Sasha. When Carmella was in her own world, talking to the camera, there was a random person who was prepared to hand her a glass of champagne.
Carmella payed zero attention and didn't realize that Sasha had knocked the poor guy out clean so she would be the one to hand her the champagne, revealing her boss ring and attacking her with no mercy. She held her as long as she could in the Bank Statement before she had to let go of her due to Adam Pearce and another backstage person ordering The Boss to let her go.
"Come and fight me next week, like a real woman." Sasha yelled with bass in her voice, and took some deep breaths to calm herself down from her adrenaline rush. The camera remained on her as she closed her eyes, trying to get a hold of her breath and she finally felt calm in an instant. As soon as she opened her eyes, a presence was standing before her to the left and she saw the handsome Samoan, holding her Women's title as he stared at her admiringly with a settle smirk on his face. Roman's thoughts were so loud that she could hear them, even though he wasn't talking. Some of them were sweet, a little sensuous, but the biggest thing is that he knew there was this inner tigeress inside of her that was slowly but surely coming out. He could see it in her eyes, and no one noticed but him, which made him want her by his side more than anything.
Sasha wasn't quite sure what was happening to her, something changed. She didn't feel like her natural cocky, confident self. Even if she was a bad guy, or good guy, or something in between, there was a sudden twist. A switch was clicking on and off, and ever since her last encounter with Roman, that's when it all started. She couldn't stop thinking about him, and he took control over her mind constantly. When she went to sleep, she saw him; Whenever she wakes up in the morning, or simply goes for a walk to clear her mind, he's there. However, she liked it. She liked the way he made her feel, and the feeling was mutual. The pair was extremely too dangerous to be together, but they didn't pay any attention to that idea.
Sasha grinned softly before making his way towards him. He handed the title to her and she took it into her hands slowly.
"That's my girl." Roman praised in a settle, yet proud tone. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and her grin turned into a shy smile as they walked off.
"Are you seeing what I'm seeing, Graves?" Michael Cole asks in disbelief. Corey stays silent, watching the segment like everyone else.
They soon came across Paul watching the nearby television. Roman furrowed his eyebrows and Paul turned his head around, with a worried expression, "You might want to see this."
Roman gently took off his arm from Sasha's shoulder and crossed both of his arms in fustration as he watched the television. Jey was currently get his ass beat by Kevin Owens, which pissed off Roman to the fullest but made it kind of hard for Sasha to watch. She's always been really cool with Jey and Jimmy, so seeing one of the people she cared about get hurt was unsettling for her. However, what made Roman more pissed is what Kevin was telling Roman through the camera.
Things like, "You want people to fear you? I fear no one." Not only that, he sits at the head of the announce table to prove his point, saying, "Where are you? I'll be waiting." Initiating that Kevin was after Roman, potentially wanting to take his title.
Paul and Sasha briefly exchanged awkward looks and Roman looked down, inhaling sharply and stared at the ground in deep thought, then SmackDown went off air for the night.
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December 4, 2020
Another Friday came by, and the first thing that was shown was a backstage shot of Roman's private locker room. Two seconds later, it opened revealing Paul walking out, then Jey, Roman, and Sasha was the last one to follow. She closed the door behind her, adjusting the title on her shoulder while Roman watched her in awe. Sasha looked up at him as she snaked her arm through his, holding onto it gently while he held his title on the other.
"You look gorgeous, baby." He complimented, before kissing her temple, causing Sasha to flourish with butterflies in her stomach.
"No way," Corey Graves said in a disapproving manner, watching the segment from the announce table.
"I guess the rumors are true." Michael Cole says in a shocked, but not too shocked tone.
Roman turned his head to Paul and Jey, signaling that they could go ahead and lead the way first. While they did, Sasha and Roman exchanged looks of admiration before they followed them to the ring.
After the commerical break, the show was back just in time for Roman's entrance. His music echoed throughout the entire Thunderdome as each of them walked out. He did his usual thing, savoring the moment, holding up the title, instead Sasha was by his side to do it with him, and she felt like she was on cloud nine. When they got to the ring, Roman assisted Sasha up the steel steps to make sure she didn't trip with the heels that she wore, but also just because he wanted to, he was a gentleman. He also made sure that she was always going to be the first one to enter the ring, and of course, Paul along with Jey had to wait until Roman went into the ring after her.
Kayla Braxton was in the ring to interview Roman, coicidentally after she interviewed Sasha last Friday. It was a little awkward at first, she didn't quite know how to approach Roman but it became even more uneasy as she began to ask him questions. Questions about Kevin Owens, Jey, and other things that started to make him a little upset. Sasha contemplated on stepping in, but she remembered that Roman had it handled. Besides, she didn't feel like being bombarded with a bunch a questions from Kayla again. He told her off after each question, until she reached her last one.
"Well, let's shift gears and talk about.. you're friend, Sasha Banks." Kayla suggests, making Roman slightly raise his eyebrow at her comment. Sasha's avoided glance at Kayla finally took a look in her direction, and immediately noticed the hint of shade in her voice. She knew exactly that they were more than that, but it was just to see if either of them were going to officially admit it or not. They played replays on the screen of Roman giving Sasha advice, to him watching her matches, joining forces at Survivor Series and what happened between them last week before Kayla asked, "So..are you possibly more than friends with The Boss? What is this?"
Sasha on the inside felt extremely pissed, and wanted nothing more to get in her face for over stepping her boundaries. She bit her lip harshly in anger and got ready to walk towards her but Jey quickly stopped her, putting a hand strongly on her side. Since her movement wasn't too noticeable, Paul widened her eyes and chuckled in amusement while Roman sighed, rolling his eyes. Kayla hesitantly brought the microphone closer to him and Roman looked down at her with a bored expression, "A friend?"
Kayla nodded slightly. Roman shook his head in annoyance, and Sasha stood in place, sighing briefly, looking down. She found no point in getting involved in the interview. Jey dropped his hand from her side, hoping that she wouldn't go anywhere as she stared at the ground in thought. Before Roman could reply, Kevin's theme music stared to play and he stormed out to the ring. Kayla nervously but slowly inched towards the corner of the ring as Jey, Paul, and Roman watched him. Sasha stood in her place, also annoyed but not threatened by him at all.
"You know last week, I made it clear that I don't fear you." Kevin says into the microphone while making his way down the ramp. The Head Of The Table's protective instincts kicked in and he put his strong, tattooed arm in front of Sasha, carefully moving her behind him as Kevin got closer to the ring.
"And since we've established that you don't fear me, I don't see the point of waiting later tonight. I figured, since you didn't come to me last week, I'll come to you now and we can settle this. Right here, right now." Kevin challenges, marching into the ring. Jey and Sasha exchange glances while Roman holds his hand out for Paul to hand the microphone. Jey quicky grabs it, getting involved again. Sasha facepalms her forehead in embarrassment as Paul and Roman stares at him in confusion, so does Kevin.
Kevin disregards Jey, and continues to talk to Roman, "If not now, how about at TLC? and let's not stop there, Roman. Put that title on the line, so you and I can handle this like men. What do you say?" Kevin asks, then his eyes fall onto Sasha, making him smirk a bit. Sasha glared at Kevin before he says, "Well look who we have here, when the hell did this happen? Are you afraid to get your ass kicked in front of your girlfriend?"
Roman's lip started to twitch in anger, the one thing that he wasn't going to tolerate was anyone threatening Sasha. Paul sensed that Roman needed to say something, so he grabbed the microphone out of Jey's hand and put it in his. Before he brought the microphone to his lips, Kevin suggests, "If not, then we can handle this right now."
Kevin dropped the microphone, putting himself into a fighting stance. Sasha scoffed, resting her right hand on her hip while Roman chuckled in amusement, knowing that he wasn't going to give him the time of day.
"I bet that's what you want, huh?" Roman continues, "To fight me right now? You being on the island of relevancy is the best thing that's ever going to happen to you. But, understand this, I train my cousin well and we don't back down to no one. Neither does she." He regards to Sasha. Sasha looked at Roman as he stared at Kevin intensely, "Don't you ever, mention her again." He warns.
Sasha faintly smiles at him, finding it sweet how serious he was about defending her. She adjusts the title on her shoulder, and then looks back at Kevin.
"You're lucky, if I was the man I used to be, I would whoop your ass right now. But there's a time and a place for everything. What do I look like, a savage?" He questions with a confused look on his face, "I'm a gentleman, we have ladies in the ring."
Roman licks his lips and nods his head to Sasha and Kayla standing behind him. Kayla has a lost expression on her face, meanwhile Sasha couldn't hold back her smirk. Jey and Paul laugh, looking at Kevin like he was a fool.
"Grow up." Roman snickered, tossing the microphone to the ground. He put his hand on Sasha's lower back, insisting her to exit the ring first while he followed. Kevin stood there in fustration, watching them leave the ring in silence.
After the commerical break, it was time for Roman and Jey's match against Kevin and Otis. Sometime before that, Sasha had a battle of words with Carmella while Roman remained by her side through the entire thing. It got very heated; Carmella claimed multiple times that she was better than Sasha with half the work, while of course Sasha begged to differ. She was no where near in her league, and she was going to make sure of that when she defends her title against her at TLC. However, Carmella's jabs did get under Sasha's skin a little bit, especially when she mentioned Roman, saying that if Sasha wasn't Champion than he probably would've ended up with her. Of course, Roman reassured that what she said wasn't true at all and reminded Sasha to not let someone like Carmella get the best of her. She wasn't worth it, and she was lucky to even be considered for a title match.
Since Jey had to suffer the consequence of getting involved earlier tonight, Roman decided to show up a little late to the match. Not only to teach him a lesson, but he did what he wanted to do on his own time anyways. There was also another consequence coming, little did Jey know, including Sasha and Paul. They both followed closely behind Roman as all of three of them made their way down the ramp, hearing the programmed boos echo throughout the crowd. Sasha saw Jey nod his head in reassurance, showing relief that Roman had showed up and not left him in the dust. Once they made it to the ring, as Roman walked up the steps, he handed his universal title to her. Sasha laid her women's championship on her left shoulder, while laying his title on her right.
Roman held his hand out for Jey to tag, but after awhile, he lost his patience and jumped into the ring himself. The referee tried to stop him but it was too late before he had superman punched Otis off the ring. He then slid out the ring, and began demolishing Otis; Then he started to beat the hell out of him with the steps. Paul stood there with a scared, appalled expression while Sasha stood next to him with an evil smirk on her face, licking her lips slowly afterwards as he watched him at work. Sasha's look of proudness quickly went away when Kevin Owens attacked him from behind.
She inhaled sharply, seeing everything go down until Jey lunged from the ring and put a stop to it. The Boss cracked a small smile so it wasn't noticeable. Even though Sasha cared for Roman deeply, she still had a soft spot for Jey. Trust, she enjoyed it when Roman beat the hell out of his opponents and looked damn good while doing it, however, Jey was different.
Long story short, everyone ended back into the ring and Kevin was in control for a little bit before Roman delivered a huge close line, taking him down. After that, he tagged Jey in and he took over. Jey was doing a good job and as Kevin was in the corner, Roman took this as the opportunity to taunt him. The referee warned him to stay back and Sasha furrowed her eyebrows at him while Paul told the ref to keep his distance.
"Don't tell him what to do!" She warns the ref along with Paul. Not too long after that, Jey does his Uso chant before running to Kevin but then failed, missing him completely. Kevin got right up, ran all the way to the corner and ran back, doing a harsh forward roll onto Jey. Paul cringed, Sasha shook her head in disappointment while Roman face palmed his forehead in embarrassment. Sasha actually tried her hardest not to laugh at his reaction, she quickly wiped the small smile off of her face.
"Get up," Roman demanded. Jey tried his best to make a comeback but he continued to get beaten up, frustrating Roman to the fullest when Kevin was so close to getting the pin. As Kevin tried standing up, himself and Roman made eye contact; Kevin tried to rile Roman up, but it didn't work seeing that Roman had shook it off with a laugh, shooing him off. Sasha stared up at him in awe, admiring his beauty. She loved it whenever he did that smug smile of his, it was so sexy to her. She snapped out of it once again, pulling herself together.
Jey got the opportunity to nail Kevin with an elbow to the face but out of nowhere, Kevin picked Jey up and did the Samoan drop. Sasha's lip curled up a little in anger, and she looked at Roman to see him pissed off as well due to the disrespect. Kevin got up and taunted Roman again, "What now, huh? Get in the ring!" He yelled intensely, and Roman didn't hesitate to do so even though he was stopped by the ref, again. Jey turned him around, Kevin elbowed him off but then as soon as he turned back around Roman smacked the taste out of his mouth. Then right after that, Jey delivered a super kick to his face.
When Roman stepped out of the ring, Jey got the opportunity to hopefully win the match for them. He prepared himself to get on the top rope, but right when he's about to take off, Roman orders him to get down.
"Get down," He barks. "Get down and tag out, this is my show, I finish the show. Get down."
Jey's confidence begins to fade once again as Roman disapproves of his actions for the hundredth time. Sasha looks down at the ground, trying to make sure her bothered facial expression wasn't noticeable as Jey comes down from the top rope. He grabs some of Kevin's hair and leans towards Roman to tag but Kevin brushes Jey off, then punches Roman in the face, knocking him off of the ring next to her. Before she could even blink, he slid back into the ring so fast, breaking the pin Kevin had on Jey.
Roman gave a harsh punch to his head before wrapping himself around Kevin's body, locking in his submission move. The bell was rung countless times to stop the match, but he didn't care, he was determined to take his last breath and make him pay. Sasha bit her lip, admiring the sight, feeling satisfied while resting her arms on the edge of ring floor. Paul side eyed her a little, and stepped away from her slowly, feeling a little disturbed about her enjoyment.
Roman let go of him, stared at his helpless body for about ten seconds before he ordered Jey to get chairs. The ref pleaded for him to stop, but got chased out like always. Sasha giggled from amusement from how fast the ref left the ring as Jey finally came back with chairs. Jey handed a chair to Roman, and they wasted no time in taking turns slamming the chair onto his back.
The sounds of Kevin's pained screams were on ten and Paul was stunned, covering his mouth, "Oh my God!" He said in shock, over and over again while Sasha stood there perfectly still, quiet with an evil grin on her face.
"Finish him," Roman said very beastly, "Make him understand!"
Jey hit him with the chair one last time before, putting the chair on him and doing his frog splash. Paul yelled, "Oh my God!" once again, covering his eyes slightly, not believing what he saw. Sash cringed, feeling Jey's pain, She knew that frog splash had to hurt. Out of nowhere, when they least expected it, Roman slammed the chair onto Jey's back. Sasha stood there, frozen in shock; She was expressionless, unsure of what to say or do.
"What do I tell you everytime, huh?!" He yelled out in fustration, slamming the chair against him again. "I have to keep repeating myself!"
The chair slams against him again, and again, and again. Each time, pieces of her heart started to shatter for Jey. She wanted to put a stop to it, but she couldn't. While Paul's mouth was covered, they both made brief eye contact in fright. Jey and Kevin were both out cold on the ground as Roman stared them down.
Roman then grabbed Jey's hair, dragging him a little to lay next to Kevin. After that, called my name, asking for his title. Sasha slid his title off of her shoulder and handed it to him, refusing to make eye contact with him because he would see the guilt in her eyes. He took the title and walked back to Kevin, dropping it on his chest and taking a handful of his beard roughly.
"You tryna' split me and my family up? Huh?! You wanted my attention?" He yelled at the top of his lungs, he looked around for a little bit before looking back down at him, "Now, we have the whole world watching. Now, they all have your attention." He punched his face in the middle of his sentence, "You're tryna' take me from the top? You're tryna' take my position, you want this title? You should've just took the title. You should of just took the title but instead you wanted to attack me and my family. You wanted to try and make me something that I'm not and make me look like a monster in front of the whole world." Roman voice shakes with anger, gripping the hell out of Kevin's beard. He inhales sharply as she watched, feeling extremely uncomfortable.
"This is only the beginning, and until you see that, I'm gonna take your manhood, I'm gonna take your lively hood and everything that you love," He promises sternly. "You and your family are going to fear me. Get use to this." Then he harshly let's go of his head, and stands back up, grabbing his title. He stands in the middle of the ring in thought for a little bit before he turned his head, making eye contact with Sasha. He stared, practically burning a hole right through her.
She stared right back at him refusing to break the eye contact or show him the fear she had deep down. Roman adjusted the title on his shoulder, and brought his hand up along with his finger, doing the "come here" motion. She stood there for a second, trying to find feeling her feet after being frozen for so long and then Sasha began to make her way to him. She handed her title to Paul, having him hold it. Since she was in heels, Sasha slowly walked up the stairs so she wouldn't fall, and thankfully Roman walked to the corner of the ring to reach out and grab her hand to assist her. He sat on the rope so she could enter the ring easily, and they were finally in the ring together.
His hand was on the small of her back as he guided Sasha gently to Kevin and Jey who were still knocked out on the ground. He bent down to the left, grabbing the chair, then got back up, handing the chair to her while she looked at Jey in pain, and it killed her inside.
"Make him understand.." He mumbled into her ear in his deep, seductive voice, but also loud enough so the cameras could hear. She clenched onto the chair, hoping that he meant Kevin but lost all of her hope when he continued to talk, "Make Jey understand never to disobey your chief, ever again."
His hand caressed the side her waist until he slowly let go of Sasha, taking a couple steps back in order to watch. She bit the inside of her cheek, holding back her tears as best as she could meanwhile her hands were shaking like an earthquake. She turned her head to look at Roman, and he nodded his head in reassurance, wanting her to do it. Sasha looked back at Jey, and a tear rolled down her face.
"I'm sorry, Jey." She says quietly, before she raises the chair and slam it onto his back harshly. Jey screamed out in agony, and rolled over. Another tear rolled down her face, and she paused, but then the switch suddenly flipped back on inside of her and her frown slowly turned into a dark smile, while a giggle escaped her lips. She lifted the chair up once more, and began to beat him up with the chair repeatedly.
One, two, three, four, five, six. She took a small break, sighing with a lazy smirk on her face before hitting him with the chair one last time. She laughed hysterically in her signature evil tone before tossing the chair away. The tears that were on her face were still evident, so she wiped them off slowly, flicking them away. She walked backwards to the rope and held her hand out, signaling for Paul to hand over her title, and he did; Meanwhile, when Sasha looked over at Roman, he just stood there with his evil smug of a smile on his face.
He walked over to her, sliding his title off of his shoulder and wrapped his arm around her waist. She looked up at him as he looked down at her, the chemistry they had was bouncing off of the walls and the dangerous feeling they had for each other grew stronger. It couldn't get any more crazier than this.
Roman kissed her forehead, then they both looked at the camera, and raised their titles together.
"What on earth has Roman done to Sasha Banks?" Corey graves asks, with a hint of fear in his voice as well. Michael Cole briefly looked at him with a bewildered expression. The vibe in the room was completely unexplainable, and even though the programmed boos were roaring, the look on everyone's faces on the screens were priceless. Everyone was so caught off guard by what they just saw, and had zero words. No one, absolutely no one saw this side of the blueprint. It was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before, and it was extremely bizarre.
After a long pause of silence, SmackDown went off air.
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December 11, 2020
As Sasha walked down the hallway of the SmackDown halls, just about all of the men's and women's roster were in groups and huddles whispering, watching her walk by in silence. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, and looked down, avoiding the glances she was receiving. It had been a rough week for the standard ever since last Friday, and nothing has been the same since. Sasha felt so confused, and extremely guilty about the events that had taken place. Everyone on social media, including people who were present in her life couldn't stop talking about the brutal attack she made on Jey. She refused to look at any replays of the incident, because she couldn't believe what she had done. Sasha had no idea who that woman was last Friday, and had zero idea what has gotten into her. It made no sense to the women's champion at all and she felt so lost. She put on a brave face in front of Roman ever since then and pretended like she was okay with everything, when really she wasn't.
Roman had actually been looking everywhere for her tonight, normally it would've taken a whole army to tear them apart from each other's side but Sasha needed time to collect her thoughts on her own. Besides, she had to hurry and do a contract signing with Carmella.
"Sasha, do you have a moment?" A reporter lady, who Sasha wasn't quite sure what her name was said. She sighed heavily, stopping in her tracks, letting her go ahead without saying a word.
"Um.." The reporter trailed off and pointed to the nearby television screen, "Do you care to explain your reasoning for what happened last week?" Then, television started to play replays of the attack Roman did to Jey and Kevin, and Sasha joining in, attacking Jey. Sasha looked down, feeling ashamed and the replay finished. The reporter slowly brought up the microphone to her, awaiting a response.
She lifted her head back up, and exhaled, "Listen, I gotta' go." Sasha pushed the microphone out of her face and kept walking forward until she reached the ring. She tried her best to pull herself together as she did her entrance and entered the ring, the one thing that she couldn't let happen is let Carmella see her when she felt down. Sasha refused, and she was ready to get this contract signing over with. Adam Pearce was in the ring as well, and Sasha sat down in the seat provided.
"Sasha. Last week after what it felt like a very personal war of words between you and Carmella, you issued a very confident challenge to face her at the TLC pay-per-view for that SmackDown Women's Championship. This contract signing will in fact make that match official." Adam informs, placing the contract on the table. As he continues to ramble on, Sasha wastes no time in opening it, however, there was no contract in the case. Her patience was extremely low and had zero time in playing any games.
"What the hell is this?" She pointed at the missing contract with fustration in her voice, "Are you kidding me? Is this a set up?"
Adam had no idea what was going on and also didn't know that the contract was missing. He tried his best to calm her down but it didn't work, she was upset. As Sasha continued to go off, Carmella's sneaky laugh lingered from the big screen, causing Sasha and Adam to look up.
"Looking for this, honey?" Carmella waves the contract in her hand, making Sasha's blood boil, "Sasha, don't you know by now that I make the rules, and you follow them. Don't worry though, I did sign the contract and I'll have it hand delivered to you by my somalia."
The camera backed up a little bit, revealing a dark skinned man with dreads, wearing a blue tux. Sasha rolled her eyes, watching the two of them.
"Will you take this to little miss, pretty pants over there?" She asks him nicely and he nods, taking the contract and shortly made his way over to her.
"You know, I should've know that you've been up to your dirty little tricks." Sasha says into the microphone, speaking to Carmella, "Aren't you embarrassed being you, Carmella?" She shades, looking at her with irritation.
"I'm not embarrassed at all," Carmella shrugs. "I'm proud of who I am, did you seriously think I was going to get in the ring with you tonight? After what you did to Jey Uso last week?" She scoffs. Sasha bits her lip harshly, and looks down in fustration. Then Carmella chuckles.
"Even when you try to put on this whole Boss persona and pretend like you're better than everyone else, you're not. Not even your boy toy, can do anything about that. I mean, come on, out of all people, he chooses you?" Carmella tilts her head, crossing her arms. Sasha stares at her through the screen intensely as she continues, "I'm the hot chick, I play the games, I'm playing the game of chess with your life, and I'm always four moves ahead."
Sasha felt so extremely angry that she couldn't even think straight. She didn't even realize that Carmella's Samolia made it into the ring, handing the contract Adam. Sasha's attention slowly faded over to the two of them, and Adam hesitantly put it in front of Sasha, knowing that she was pissed off. Sasha cracked a small, heated smile as she opened up the contract, stamping her name on it, making the match official. As Carmella complained to Adam how ridiculous Sasha was being in the background, Sasha completely snapped and took her anger out on Carmella's Samolia.
Adam didn't feel the need to stop her or else he knew he most likely would've gotten his ass beat too. Sasha delivered a harsh back-breaker to the Samolia, shoving the table onto him, making Carmella instantly silent and she stared at Sasha in amusement. Sasha grabbed the microphone off of the ground, putting it to her mouth, "You wanna' play games? Then you got it. Me and you, main event, tonight, for the title." She spat, throwing the microphone onto the ring floor and exited the ring, holding her title in her left hand.
After the commerical break and a couple of matches later on from other superstars, a segment showed Sasha getting ready for match with Carmella in her locker room. She was in her ring gear, and her Championship sat next to her. Sasha sat down on the couch in deep thought, and heard footsteps approach her. She looked up to see Roman with a concerned look on his face, this time he was alone. Normally, no one had natural access to her room, but he was an exception.
"We need to talk." Roman said, sending chills through her spine. Sasha sighed slightly, and got up from her seat, crossing her arms, avoiding eye contact with him. They were very close to each other, and Roman could sense the secretive energy bouncing off of her. Something was wrong.
"I've been looking everywhere for you." Roman starts, which says a lot because the head of the table never went out of his way to do such a thing like he did for her. "You haven't returned my calls or texts all night, how come you didn't tell me you had a contract signing tonight? I would've been there with you."
Sasha looked up at him, scanning his handsome face and briefly looked away at times to maintain her emotions. Roman sighed, and shook his head, knowing that she was most likely not going to answer.
"Why would you challenge Carmella for your title?" He questions in confusion, then his look falls to the floor, "And who was that guy out there?"
"No one important, okay?" Sasha quickly reassured, with a hint of impatience in her voice. Roman stared at her unconvinced as she picked up her title, getting ready to leave but he stepped in front of her, blocking her way.
"We're not finished." He warns, but with a soften face, "You can't do this."
Sasha sighed, looking down for a little bit before sliding her Championship on her shoulder. She didn't say anything but simply kiss his cheek, and caress it shortly before brushing past his shoulder lightly, walking out of the locker room. The camera shot closely on Roman's disappointed, yet worried facial expression before the show went to break.
When the show came back on, Kevin stormed backstage to find Roman. Due to the fustration that Roman felt after his conversation with Sasha, it was the icing on the cake due to the build up between him and Kevin. He had no choice but to take the opportunity but attack him backstage, and send a message to his family afterwards, a very threatening message. Roman felt no mercy whatsoever, but someone who he could not get off of his mind was Sasha.
Sasha was currently in a brutal title match against Carmella. There were moments in the match were she was so close to winning, but Carmella still somehow pulled through, especially when her sidekick came out and tried to distract her. After that, Sasha immediately saw red and attacked her, causing her to lose the match due to disqualification. The Somalia tried to pull her off, but as soon as she turned around, Roman appeared in the ring and speared him harshly, catching Sasha off guard. As Roman continued to attack Carmella's Somalia with blows to the head, Carmella took the opportunity to smash a champagne bottle to her back, causing her to scream out loud in pain.
Everyone at the announce table gasped and Roman quickly stopped beating Carmella's sidekick's ass to turn around and see her laid out on the ring floor. Carmella and Roman caught each other's eyes, he stared at her in a despising way while she smirked at him, wanting to jump his bones but decided not to. She slid out of the ring, making her way up the ramp as her Somalia limped, following her. Then, as Roman's angry stare stayed fixated on her, a bunch of referees came into the ring checking if Sasha was alright. Roman turned around and gave them a stern look, pushing one of them away, "Get your fucking hands off of her, go." He ordered loudly, causing all of them to leave the ring.
Roman bent down to her level, and saw a trickle of blood running down her back. He immediately took off his shirt, placing it on her wound. Sasha winced in pain, burying her face into the ring floor, not wanting to show her face from the embarrassment she felt.
"It's okay, babygirl. I got you." Roman whispered to her, wasting no time in picking her up from the ground, carrying her bridal style as he left the ring. As Roman walked up the ramp holding her, the big screen showed a beat up Kevin Owens, sitting down in a steel chair, holding an ice pack on his arm. Kevin looked at the camera angrily, and Roman sighed in defeat, wanting him to give up already.
"We're not done, Roman." Kevin carefully states in a shaky voice, "Watch your back."
Before the show went off air, it showed one last camera shot of Roman, staring at the screen for a couple of seconds before looking down at the beautiful woman in his arms, causing his face to soften. He hated whenever she was in pain, and the head of the table was never the type of person to be scared, but he was honestly scared about what was going through Sasha's mind, and how they were going to move forward.
Tags; @haharollins @toothlesstim @sassymox @reignsbanks @wwzentertainment @darksinandmadness @reignsprint @nianotjax @cptcharisma @grandslamstandard @likesummerrainn @brookethegamer @notoriouscrown @flawlessglamazon @roderickstrong @serenityfiretrash @thandiwethagirl @zaddyreigns @kingbarrett @nathog97
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