#I'm assuming that's a bug? at least i hope it is bc if its a featre then. why
mothocean · 1 year
Why does trying to view a post that has filtered tags on mobile take you to a site version of tumblr...
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thegeminisage · 6 months
it's star trek update time. last night* we watched, well,
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pics taken moments before disaster ^
sighing deeply. ok. *i'm typing this at fuck o clock so technically it was earlier today but this post will go up while i'm at work. anyway here we go:
dark page (tng):
i don't want to talk about it.
rules of acquisition (ds9):
me having to watch this after dark page must count as some kind of cruel and unusual punishment
i was hoping ds9 could make me like the ferengi. i think whoever wrote this episode was trying. dax's little pro-ferengi speech. sure. and here's this ferengi woman, fighting for acceptance and change in her own way. yeah. fine.
unfortunately i think the episode undercut its own message a little in two ways: firstly, by having kira and dax getting groped nonstop without kira getting to break any fingers. like, non-ferengi women won't and shouldn't tolerate that, but for some reason in this episode they do...? i was especially steamed on kira's behalf; at least dax didn't seem to care as much. like, shouldn't the point be that that behavior is UNacceptable, instead of "oh it's not so bad once you get to know them"? and secondly, i think the impact pel made on odo was a little understated. the only real hint we got at him seeing a new way of things vs just him trying to protect himself was him offering pel the money to start a new life with, for free. you could tell because of his acting chocies there was a lot happening under the surface - like, he's always trying to get his own ass out of the fire, but he seemed protective of PEL rather than his own interests in several scenes there, particularly ditching his bar - but we didn't get to see most of the stuff that could ACTUALLY have been interesting bc we were too busy watching the nagus feel people up and eat bugs ha ha quirky fun! now THERE'S a guy that belongs on tng! extremely unendearing. you can win me over to um. some characters. but not this guy.
i was VERY surprised they let quark and pel kiss when quark was under the impression pel was a dude. not only was it a really funny "i thought i was GAY ping" moment, it also feels weirdly...progressive...? for 1993. along with dax assuming pel's in love with quark while ALSO still assuming pel is a guy. even though they kind of ruined it later
actually, the more i think about it the more pel reads as a trans man. is it right to categorize someone as trans when really they're just trying to get out of horrifically oppressive gender roles? maybe not, but the way quark managed to be super homophobic and misogynistic to pel at the same time ("you didn't kiss me" ok self-gaslighting king) feels so much like transphobia, and the way quark utterly rejected pel because of what she (he?) IS even despite the bond and chemistry they'd formed, AND dax, also trans, seemed to clock pel pretty quickly as being Some Kind Of Queer Like Me...i am Seeing
like, pel is all, hey we can run away together! fuck gender roles, who cares if i wear clothes! and quark is straight up like I Would Care. his internalized Whatever is keeping him from being happy with someone he clicked with, whether that's for a single night or an entire lifetime. there WAS a queer theme here. it was almost more about being queer than it was about sexism, except it wasn't actually about either of those because they fumbled the landing a little bit plus i feel like some censorship was probably happening and so the whole thing wound up being muddy. i did like quark's lisa simpson stare at the end though. girl, mood
TONIGHT: tng's "attached" and ds9's "necessary evil" I KNOW IT'S AN ODO EPISODE i'm very excited
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unethicalexperiments · 8 months
oh now that dragula s5 is over i can do my writeup on that too. spoilers for the whole season (and probably show) below the cut
i guess i'll kinda go episode by episode for this.
ep 1: fun way to start off, love when they make them walk around in the woods n shit in full drag. everyone meeting for the first time was fun as well big personalities right off the bat. correct winner and correct bottom 2. i loved the extermination challenge on this one, hardcore as fuck.
ep 2: i will say i am not a fan of contestants (of any show) returning for no real reason. however i very much enjoyed jay kay on the show so i can't say i'm too mad about it. VERY correct winner, throb nailed that floorshow. i do not remember if cynthia deserved bottom2 off the top of my head but correct extermination. unfortunate because onyx is a cool performer just a little too... shy/quiet/etc for the show. there is no amount of money you could have paid me to do this extermination i do NOT do bugs </3 but i do love a gross one.
ep3: this was the ghost episode which was fun. by this point this season had already surpassed s4 for me. loved jay kay's bellhop look, deserved the win especially after the rough start. i remember throb doing really well this one too. as for the bottom 3 this ep. clearly there is something about orkgotik's drag that i just do not get. the entire time i thought their looks were messy and i didn't get the concepts but they were PRAISED by the judges (up until here) for it all. like ep1 when they were called to stay on stage i legit thought they were bottom 3 not top 3. obviously this is just a me thing bc other people online seem to really like them too. i forgot about satanna so i'm assuming her going home here was right. another good extermination with the rats but fuck that looked miserable. i would do it but i would not be happy about it LOL
ep4: ok it seems like the fanbase doesn't care for monsters of rock but i LOVE monsters of rock, and having this broken up into 2 episodes felt like a bonus for me. fantasia absolutely deserved the win here, she really is an excellent performer. i know a lot of ppl thought the whole time she wasn't giving monster (myself included at a few points) but you cannot deny her stage presence at all. jarvis and jay kay definitely did deserve bottom 2 and jarvis did lose that lipsync which was unfortunate but jay really beat his ass lol. jarvis's death scene may also have been one of the best in the show so far.
ep5: part 2 of monsters of rock. ok so i enjoyed this half less LMAO i do not care about songwriting on the show/rpdr, most of the time its mid at best; but i do get that its also how a lot of artists make money. but then again not every drag performer should be a recording artist lol. ANYWAY on to the actual floorshow. orkgotik's band NAILED it and they def deserved the win. fantasia's band was for the most part pretty good (or at least fantasia herself was good LOL) but man... you could tell niohuru had never performed like that before. i also forgot anna was on this season and it was way past her time to go. i like the tattoo exterminations, but it is pretty clear they use those to get rid of whichever contestant they want to get rid of. i think anna held her own in this extermination comparatively speaking between the two tattoo designs. i liked the tattoo challenge from s3 the best where they got to pick a tattoo for the other competitor.
ep6: i BARELY remember this episode oop. had to go to the wiki to get the synopsis of what happened. i thought it was strange the boulets said the floorshows weren't "what they were expecting". ok if everyone "missed the mark" then clearly your instructions weren't good enough. i remember the looks being cool but the actual "selling" being kind of.. forced? idk. not as much fun as i was hoping it would have been. i do not remember anyones looks this episode, but i do remember blackberri's win being deserved. i do not remember if fantasia deserved bottom but jay kay definitely did, and he gave up in the extermination! so yeah! its just pregnancy simulators that shouldn't be that difficult especially when you have contestants bungee jumping and eating maggots.
ep7: oooohhhhhh mygod. this was a great episode. i know they also said the runways "weren't what they were expecting" again but like i said before that's on them. i thought these runways were cool as fuck. blackberri and throb had really cool looks but hooolllyyyyyy shit niohuru. niohuru blew me the fuck away with that floorshow. i literally sat there eyes locked on the screen jaw open. she deserved to win the season on that alone. holy fuck. cynthia and orkgotik were definitely deserving of bottom 2 but man i loved cynthia she was so much fun even if her runways weren't the best. personally would have sent orkgotik home here but like i said i'm clearly missing something about their drag that everyone else loves.
ep8: this one i didn't care for but it certainly wasn't a bad episode. i think i'm just unfamiliar with the floorshow theme and that's probably why it didn't impact me the same. again i would not have given orkgotik the win here, i would have given it to throb. the extermination challenge for this one was fun i like it when they let them straight up fight. this was unfortunately fantasia's time, but i think she did better than a lot of people expected, i think she showed she has the versatility to be any kind of performer.
ep9: last supper, which is always a good time. loved whoever it was pulling a vape out in the middle of the episode fgfhjdsk i do not care for on-screen relationships but i know a lot of people wanted a clearer answer wrt niohuru/orkgotik.
ep10: ok so finale. i have to say i did NOT like final 4 last season and i did NOT like it this season. there is no reason to have 4 out of your 11 contestants as potential winners. i would have cut orkgotik or blackberri (but really orkgotik) and made it a final 3. i also hate that they went in a different order (filth/horror/glamor as opposed to glamor/filth/horror) bc seasons 1-3 went in the same order. i also have to say i wasn't particularly blown away by anyone's finale looks. i thought throb did a good job overall, if we were picking a winner based off the final floorshow alone it would have been throb. i thought niohuru's and blackberri's looks were all around kinda mid, niohuru's takeout look was very good though. i actually liked orkgotik's horror look for this one! only took me to the finale to get on board with them then the boulets immediately turn around and say they didn't like that one dfgfhjdksa either way, niohuru was the clear winner of the season and she definitely earned it. its also nice to have a non-american, asian trans woman in the winner's circle.
overall, i would rank the seasons 2 > 3 > 5 > titans > 1 >>>>> 4 at this point in time (i had a lot of issues with season 4) but its also been a minute since i've watched season 1. not ranking these on performers but in terms of how the season was produced. i think they've improved a LOT since season 4/titans alone, let alone season 1, but i think there's still some room for improvement. and now i'm getting bored writing this so i'm ending it here lol
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heirofall · 8 years
Oh god this is so long I'm sorry
Okay so I’m making a Bloodswap fanventure (Bc I’m trash ;)) and I heard you did session analyses, so here I am!  It’s kind of like Hivebent, except everyone has different titles and I’m not sure how their personalities would change the outcome.  Here are the players’ info:
Gamzee (Burgundy) –> Bard of Time, Derse dreamer, Land of Tents and Melody. Likes pranks, speaks sign language, killed by a rockslide in a FLARPing incident. Able to hear the voices of the dead. Tends to get quiet at times, but is usually pretty peppy.
Eridan (Bronze) –> Prince of Breath, Derse dreamer, Land of Wrath and Zephyr. Enjoys science, especially chemistry, and is avid in writing Troll Star Trek fanfiction. Spends a lot of time RPing on the internet. Hesitant to try new things. Has a bit of a superiority complex. 
Feferi (Gold) –> Witch of Doom, Prospit dreamer, Land of Dew and Fire. Very sporty, sassy as all getout, loves making terrible jokes. Believes her memes are the best memes on the planet. Will not hesitate to verbally roast a bitch if need be.
Kanaya (Candy) –> Sylph of Blood, Derse dreamer, Land of Rays and Haze. Reserved, loves fashion, decent at painting, dubbed the Mom Friend. Hides blood color from the public by lying, but other than that, very true to her word. Acts like a bronze blood, has candy red.
Terezi (Olive) –> Seer of Heart, Derse dreamer, Land of Thought and Tea. Excited about everything, hoarder of nature themed items, blind and relies on smell, loves bugs to an extreme. Has a very poorly timed sense of humour, and doesn’t have much of a filter.
Karkat (Jade) –> Knight of Space, Prospit dreamer, Land of Pulse and Frogs. Constantly harsh on and unsure of himself. Creative, but never finishes anything he starts. Loves shitty TV shows. Very impatient and blunt. Sees taking care of the Mother Grub as a burden instead of an honour.
Nepeta (Teal) –> Rogue of Mind, Derse dreamer, Land of Little Cubes and Flow. Against the idea of a caste system, quite a troublemaker, very passionate about interests. Never able to decide one thing over another. Very brash at times, but is able to take charge when needed.
Equius (Cobalt) –> Heir of Light, Prospit dreamer, Land of Caves and Treasure. Very adventurous, loves exploring. Very good at programming various types of software. Very superstitious, and is adamant about his beliefs. Not controlling, but can be pushy at times. Has all the luck. All of it.
Vriska (Indigo) –> Thief of Void, Prospit dreamer, Land of Maps and Silence. Quiet, very antisocial, stays in the background most of the time. Steampunk trash. Somewhat of a kleptomaniac, mainly steals writing utensils. Good at keeping secrets, often successfully lies through things.
Aradia (Purple) –> Maid of Rage, Prospit dreamer, Land of Quartz and Mirth. Often feels unattached to reality, disassociates quite a bit. Usually angry at herself and afraid of disappearing. Often questions belief in the Mirthful Messiahs. Can be very stubborn, but is good at cheering people up.
Tavros (Violet) –> Page of Hope, Prospit dreamer, Land of Sand and Angels. Very optimistic, sees the glass as half-full. Quite naive, willing to believe anything anyone says. Loves animals, probably vegetarian. Calms Sollux’s lusus with paps instead of killing lusii to keep her quiet.
Sollux (Fuchsia) –> Mage of Life, Derse (and Prospit) dreamer, Land of Brains and Glass. Talkative, impulsive, likes diving right into things. Interested in video games and coding. Has low self esteem, covers it up with a self-deprecating joke and an “ayy lmao.” Doesn’t handle responsibility well.
The first big problem they face is the fact that Sollux decided it was a good idea to prototype his two-headed Horrorterror lusus, because now the Black King is really big. Great job, Sol. Assuming they defeat the Black King, the next part of the plan is for the Black Queen to grow vengeful and hop into the Kidswap Betas’ session, grow stronger like Jack Noir did, and return to the trolls’ session to possibly erase their chances of success.
They also keep getting “pestered” by an overly-excitable Heir of Space (John), a pop-punk cool kid Seer of Time (Rose), a creepily cutesy Witch of Light (Jade), and an awkward bedroom-dwelling Knight of Breath (Dave). It’s kind of like how the kids were trolled in their session except the opposite.
I’m still working on the human session and how the Black Queen’s going to do the thing, and I might come back to ask about the kid session, but my main focus is the trolls right now. What do you think their success rate would be?? I’m so sorry this was so long ugh
Okay, before I even get into it, two things. One: this has been sitting in my inbox for way too long and I am so sorry, and two i absolutely LOVE the classpects of the beta kids, but I’ll get to them later! 
On with the lengthy analysis!
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So, let’s get something out of the way. You have the same classes and aspects, just shuffled around. Therefore I don’t even need to address the active/passive balance, Knight, Space and Time players, and everything else present. We’re all pretty familiar with that stuff as it is! Things are looking pretty good!
You’ve given me literally everything about the characters, so for that alone I’m going to put in as much effort as I can muster for this. Thank you so much, it helps a lot. 
Well, why don’t we go in blood caste order!
First off is Gamzee and OH BOY ALARM BELLS!!! Almost all of the classpects in this session I’ve dealt with before and the Bard of Time is no exception! A destruction class with any cardinal aspect is big danger, but as far as they go I would be tempted to say Bard of Time is one of the more preventable (nowhere near as dangerous as its active counterpart, but still dangerous!).
Most of his personality quirks seem to align themselves with not being too destructive at all, actually! A dead Bard of Time is the best kind of Bard of Time imo, so hopefully you’ve saved yourself a bit there! However, if you really want to cause some havoc, the Bard of Time could direct people in the complete wrong direction and, as a ghost, have no regard for stable time loops at all, causing a lot of problems (THAT COULD EVEN LEAD TO THE RISE OF LE if you’re going for that of course lmao). This Gamzee actually seems like a pretty chill dude, so hopefully he’ll be ok! I can see him being friends with Karkat and maybe even Equius! He would need to make sure his pranks didn’t get the better of him and lead him on a destructive rampage!
Oh lord you are after my own heart. My favourite Prince (one of my god tiers >:D) and a fantastic role for Eridan, the Prince of Breath is one of the least “Bad News” Princes in the game. You definitely seem to know what you’re talking about too, as a Prince of Breath would be hesitant to try new things (or outright destroy them!) and would definitely have a bit of a superiority complex! 
If you want to look it in a positive way, Eridan could forge bonds in the team out of the destroyed freedom, or even destroy the freedom of the enemy! If you want to make Eridan the bad guy he is in the canon, you could get him to destroy the freedom and confidence of the team, possibly by blowing up their meteor, chopping someones legs off, etc! It’s up to you to decide!
Oh thank god, the best Feferi. I love your writing of her so much (incidentally, if you end up making this let me know!). 
The Witch of Doom Feferi would be able to manipulate and control the Doom in the session or just in general! No one would be dying on her watch, and could take the death or restrictions of the team and place it upon the enemy! If any member of the team were to sacrifice themselves, much like a Rogue of Doom Feferi could move that sacrifice onto the enemy!
I can still see Feferi being friends with the same people, possibly even more!
Now if there was ever a counter to the Prince of Breath, this would be it! Well... apart from a Sylph of Breath but that’s beside the point!
Kanaya being the Sylph of Blood would be able to mend any relationship or bond in the session, making it one with great teamwork! The dubbing of her being the “Mom Friend” would be very accurate indeed, as she would Meddle And Fuss in relationship and make sure that everyone was getting along!
Of course, I could definitely see a rift between her and Eridan, as they each would take different approaches toward teamwork and making friends (or making people be friends with others!). That is a little of an oversimplification, but we really don’t know a whole lot about her class and her aspect!
Being the Seer of Heart, Terezi would work very well with Kanaya, instincively knowing an awful lot about people’s emotions, and be able to read people very well, despite being blind! In terms of personality differences based on the change of aspect, I could see (hehe) her changing the most! 
Although she would be able to read people well, she may struggle with knowing how to use this information and when to apply it, as well as possibly not knowing her own sense of belonging and identity, leading to some possible complications. A good moirail would be useful, possibly even Kanaya!
She may also find it hard to know when to use her emotions, which would go well with her poor comedic timing and over-excitable personality! However, through the adventure she would learn to deal with this!
Gee, I really don’t know why you’re coming to me, because this is a very adept analysis of Karkat is he was to be a Knight of Space! Again, love the classpect, a personal favourite.
I can see this classpect working very well with Karkat’s already existing temperament, as his creations would be very good and interesting, but he would see them as pointless and awful, going as far as to stop working on them simply because he thinks he isn’t good enough. Knight of Space and inferiority/self-confidence go together like (enter witty Homestuck reference here), and I can definitely back it up on this one! Karkat would definitely struggle with raising the mother grub and breeding the Genesis Frog, but with good enough support I can definitely feel like he can do it!
The main problem here is that the Space player instructs the Knight, and if someone is a Knight of Space, perhaps they would need to be guided by...nothing? By that I mean VOID PLAYER!
Karkat would definitely have a lot of room to grow, but largely it would be quite similar to his canon arc, just with space instead of leadership!
Rogue of Mind is a classpect which I haven’t had much to do with, but that doesn’t mean I don’t work with it! Nepeta would have trouble applying herself when it comes to analysis and calm-headedness, but would learn how to use her talents of the Mind! 
Nepeta would have a general ability for Mind but not realize it, which may go hand in hand with her thinking the caste system is a bad idea (because it is!!). She, like you mentioned, would have trouble deciding on things, as she may wax and wane on issues which are actually pretty important, and not understand the gravity of the situation.
I LOVE the idea of a troublemaker Nepeta, and I feel like with her personality she would be ok at it! Maybe she could hang out with Gamzee sometimes (do i hear moirail in order to protect the timeline? i think i do >:))
I’m glad to see Equius get a bit of light! He deserves all of the luck (aaaaaaaall of it!). 
Equius would hold fast in what he thinks is right and good in the world, and would often be protected by his own good luck. The Heir of Light is quite similar to the Heir of Hope, but there are definitely differences! Equius would often strike the jackpot when adventuring and exploring, adding to his already substantial hoard of money and treasure, thanks to his good luck. 
Equius would be superstitious, of course, and would probably cop flack about it from his peers, and may be subconscious about it!
Ah, the Vrisk. I take back what I said about Terezi, this is definitely the most unlike the original character! That’s perfectly fine though!
Vriska, as the Thief of Void, would do the exact opposite of what she does in the canon source, as in she would take away the insignificance from things! She would enable other people to shine brightly, but may use this darkness and irrelevance to wreak some kleptomaniac trouble! Perhaps she and Equius could be in a mutually beneficial relationship, with her providing him relevance and him providing her cool steampunk stuff!
Vriska would definitely steal stuff, and I would imagine that she would be an avid hoarder of other peoples secrets, loving to get some sweet goss to blackmail people if she needed! She would be a master manipulator from and with the shadows, but would still be pretty well liked!
Aradia would have issues with internalized Rage, and would rely on other people for power, anger, and other things related to her aspect.
She would also suffer from Rage a bit, like how Jane as the Maid of Life suffers from having so much energy to do things but is restricted!
Aradia would definitely feel unattached, due to her questioning of her own anger and emotions, and may sometimes rely too much on the wrong people, who either manipulate her or simply can’t or won’t help.
Despite that, she would end up being very good at using her anger to create things and directly heal others, possibly through sheer determination! She would be very powerful and may simply, in some kind of purple frenzy, create the end for many of her enemies! I haven’t looked much into the Maid of Rage, but you can count on her being equally as scary!
Well, we’re in luck here because we’ve already got a canon Page of Hope, our buddy Jake English who, funnily enough, Tavros is quite good friends with! 
I can definitely see Tavros as a good Page of Hope, and being very optimistic and guillible, definitely to a fault. Just like in the source material, I could still see Vriska manipulate him a bit, but with Tavros having a bit more confidence and a hell of a lot more power in terms of blood type, he wouldn’t have much of a problem!
I could actually see Tavros progress quite nicely, either that or being killed in some kind of horrific accident with Sollux’s lusus! I also love that Tavros paps the lusii. Adorable.
My man Sollux. I’ll be honest, I’m totally bias and I LOVE Sollux, and this is probably going to be longer, as not only do I love Sollux, but I also have quite the extensive knowledge of the Mage of Life!
Like Mage of Doom Sollux, Mage of Life Sollux would suffer from bipolar, probably worse than he already has it, due to him suffering from life and energy. He would be a lot more free and able to do what he wants, but would still struggle with the fact that there is a fixed amount of Life for everything.
Like any good person suffering from Life, he would be very impulsive and talkative, like you state, as he would act first and think later. He would also struggle with authority, like other Life players do, and being in a high position in the caste would make him not be able to handle responsibility well.
Well, you seem to have done a pretty good job so far! You’ve got enough complications to make something bad happen, but also enough good things to maybe not let everyone die!
Beta Kids
I’m not going to analyse the Beta kids, but I will tell you that you’ve definitely got the right idea, and I encourage you to be confident with their personalities! John and Rose wouldn’t change much, but Jade and Dave would be influenced by their aspect. It’s fine as you have it though! I would love to see their interactions with the trolls!
Overall Analysis
Depending on how you want things to go, I could give this between a 50% of success and a 90% chance of success! The characters would work quite well together, and I can definitely see a lot of different dynamics at work! If you ever end up making this a thing, link me it, it sounds really interesting!
And that is THAT done! Hope you enjoyed!
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