#I'm at the last chapter of Gilbert's route
floydsteeth · 5 months
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freckled-lili · 3 months
[Spoilers for the second-last chapter of Gilbert's Dramatic Route]
Emma: Oh no! Gilbert's dying!
Emma: The only thing that can save Gilbert ...
Emma: ... is an Avatar Challenge!!!
Emma: I'm going to put on this black dress and I'm gonna look so glamorous that Gilbert will be begging for me to save him!!!
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caffedrine · 2 years
This is just a very quick and dirty plot summary up to chapter 10. Lots of spoilers, I'm leaving out a lot of information, and there's no guarantee that it's accurate.
I made it so that I could follow along with the plot, keep track of the mysteries, and a few of the interesting scenes.
Spoilers for Gilbert's route
Spoilers, Spoilers, Spoilers
Not all of the officials in the castle are aware of Emma being Belle, so after the ball they’re about to throw hands with her in the domestic faction’s office. From their POV - mystery woman shows up out of nowhere to ‘study’ at the castle, and then a week later she’s dancing with the Obsidian Prince at the ball.
The princes all saying that she’s trustworthy and fine doesn’t really convince them, and Emma leaves so the domestic faction can get some work done
Gilbert finds her and immediately drags her off on a ‘date’ to a store he has reserved for the night.
It’s Emma’s old workplace, and Gilbert starts talking about how much of her he already knows.
The book comes up - it’s game of thrones but everyone is extra evil. Emma doesn’t really know where it’s from, just that the bookstore owner gave it to her after his last trip. It’s currently Emma’s favorite book. (Sorry Sonia)
Gilbert tells her that they’re going to be friends and spend as much time together as possible over the next month.
When they come back, Chevalier immediately drags Emma into his secret library and directly asks her what Gilbert asked her to do.
He is absolutely flabbergasted when she tells him about Gilbert’s Project BFF.
He recovers quickly enough, and tells her that since she’s now ‘friends’ with Gilbert, she can be Chevalier’s exclusive spy/agent. Which also means that she doesn’t need permission to make decisions on how to handle Gilbert. He’ll take responsibility for the fallout.
Also, this is also a secret from everyone who isn’t Chevalier - including Sariel and Rio. Gilbert has several spies in the castle, and it could be anyone but Chevalier.
To signify this arrangement - he gives her a pin with his seal.
Chevalier also warns her that as much as that pin will help her, it might also get her head cut off - so yeah.
The next morning, Gilbert has Emma join him, Keith, and Silvio at breakfast - unlike what Silvio’s done in other routes, Gilbert fawns over her.
There is an interesting scene where Emma drops her fork, and when she bends down to grab it, Gilbert grabs her hand and ‘reminds’ her that grabbing things off the floor is what commoners do.
Also - Gilbert has enough pastries on his plate to feed 10 people. He very generously and loudly (in front of Keith, Silvio, and the servants) transfers enough food to feed 3 people from his plate to Emma’s.
During this scene, Gilbert starts talking about all the things he knows about Emma - events that go back before Emma even met Rio.
Keith and Silvio are now convinced that Gilbert is a creepy stalker - and Silvio gives Gilbert a new nickname.
Gilbert adds that since he and Emma are good friends, he’s going to help her help the princes with their duties. He’s obviously expecting Emma to balk at this, but thanks to Chevalier’s pep (?) talk, Emma pulls out the pin, fastens it openly on her blouse and welcomes his help.
Instead of getting angry, Gilbert starts laughing and praising Chevalier.
The first business is perhaps the most awkward carriage ride ever, with Leon, Yves, Gilbert, and Emma going to investigate an orphanage. Gilbert makes it very clear that he already knows what’s going on, and Emma is completely in the dark. Yves begins to ask Gilbert about his (Yves’) mother but Gilbert immediately shuts him down, he doesn’t want to talk about her, and he hates Yves.
At the orphanage, Gilbert immediately begins playing with the children. Leon and Yves go with the director to investigate the ledgers, and Emma decides Mr. ‘My Hobbies Include Training Spies’ probably shouldn’t be left alone with the kids. The play ends with them outside in the garden, and Emma sees the way that the director is acting with Yves (pretending that he’s not there and only looking at/speaking to Leon)
It turns out that while the orphans are raised well and treated nicely at the orphanage, when they age out they are essentially ‘sold’ to a baron who uses them for slave labor.
The group confronts the baron at his mansion, who literally has a dungeon of teenaged slave laborers and a fight ensures.
The baron tries to run away, but Emma and Gilbert cut him off.
Interesting - while Rhodolite has a full justice system - Obsidian is more of a dictatorship. If they were in Obsidian, since he’s part of the Royal family, if Gilbert decided the Baron should die because he didn’t like his socks, it would be legal to kill the baron.
This is also the scene where a Gilbert starts referring to Emma as his prey, and gets violent when he thinks his prey is threatened.
Later that night, Emma brings Gilbert a cart of 100 cookies to thank him for saving her during the fight with the baron. He invites her into his room for tea and cookies - and we find out that Gilbert is here without an entourage. He is his own servant, so he personally serves her the tea.
Emma also finds a familiar black book in his room, and Gilbert admits that he’s been reading it. It’s the sequel to Emma’s book. It’s very popular in Obsidian, and Gilbert offers to loan the book to her. He also does the whole ‘you aren’t leaving my room tonight schtick’ Emma then leaves his room that night.
Over the next few days Gilbert is very diligent with helping Emma, he goes over battle formations (with Emma) in the foreign affairs office, he helps Emma with documents with the domestic affairs office. He is her partner for dancing instructions (and warns her about stepping on his feet again lest he gets violent in response) He also adds supplemental instruction alongside Sariel. He even tries to get Emma to call him Gil-sensei.
Things come to a head, where one day Gilbert isn’t with Emma, and a mean aristocrat woman trips Emma badly enough for her to sprain her ankle. The woman and her maid start to make fun of Emma, but Yves comes in for the rescue and after yelling at them, makes them leave. Remembering how Gilbert got after the baron threatened to hurt her, Emma asks Yves to let it go or else someone will report it to Gilbert and the lady and her maid might get murdered. Yves does, brings Emma to her room, bandages her up, and gives her a pep talk about how it’s really okay to stand up for yourself.
They have an interesting discussion about Gilbert’s motives. Yves can tell that he’s trying his best to isolate Emma from the court, but he doesn’t know the end goal. He was thinking that Gilbert could be trying to start rumors that whomever she chose would be influenced by Obsidian, or even really influence her decision, but he doesn’t think so anymore.
While all of this has been going on, Emma has been giving daily reports to Chevalier. After her talk with Yves, she goes to report, only Chevalier isn’t in his secret library. Emma exits only to find Gilbert waiting for her. He’s decided that since she’s become familiar with Chevalier the prince, it’s time that she meets Chevalier the beast. He takes her out to the gardens.
He does pause briefly when he realizes that Emma is in pain while walking. He asks if she has anything to say to him, until Emma finally gives in and says that she’s tired and needs a small break. Gilbert stops for a little, then announces that his cane is too cumbersome for him to carry, so Emma has to carry it for him. Emma accepts the cane and finds that it’s weirdly heavy. Using Gilbert’s cane, they continue.
Because of the surprise break, they don’t make it in time to see Chevalier mow down assassins in the garden. But they’re still early enough to see the bodies, the blood everywhere, and Chev (for once in his life) wiping down his sword. While Emma BSoDs, Clavis pops out from behind the garden gazebo, and complains that Gilbert did this on purpose. Gilbert responds that he was just bringing Emma to Chevalier.
Emma recovers enough to say that Chevalier is obviously in the middle of something, and she’ll talk to him later.
Clavis manages to separate Gilbert from
Emma by promising him food, and takes Emma with him to calm down by the garden pond.
As revenge for what Gilbert did, they dig a pit trap for him. After he’s done eating, Gilbert happily hops into the pit trap, and announces that in recompense, he wants an invitation to Clavis’ next soirée. Three of them.
That night, Emma goes to Chevalier’s room to report/consult with him. Chevalier is mildly impressed with Emma willingly facing him, and we get our first sighting of Lucien, the guard who’s monitoring Gilbert in the events.
Chevalier doesn’t blame the assassination attempt on Gilbert - though doubtlessly he was involved. He tells Emma a little about Obsidian’s history, about how there hasn’t been a major war since 10 years ago. Instead, the countries Obsidian has taken over since have all willingly surrendered without bloodshed. This is Gilbert’s true power, and the reason he should be feared.
Chevalier and Emma come to the conclusion that Gilbert doesn’t see the people around him as ‘human’.
The next day, Gilbert, Emma, and Luke go through Clavis’ trapped mansion, with Gilbert pointing out the traps and Luke very skillfully dodging them. They find the anti-monarcy fist fighting with the pro-democracy faction in the party room, but they quickly recognize Gilbert. About half the room is happy and excited that he’s there, and the other half are pissed off. We start hearing about the Blood Stained Rose day 10 years ago, and seriously, how has Emma not heard anything about that?
Gilbert starts talking to the room, and remembering her talk with Chevalier the previous night, Emma asks if this is how he gets nations to surrender and join Obsidian without bloodshed.
Yes, this is Gilbert’s MO.
Someone else tries to stab Gilbert, and Emma tries to jump in and save him. Instead her collar is roughly grabbed, and Gilbert throws her into a nearby wall, and takes care of the assailant himself.
Emma takes this moment to speak - not to Gilbert - but to the crowd. She reminds them that if they close all dialogue, they’ll be no better than mindless beasts.
At this point, Clavis shows up to his own party, fashionably late. Luke and Emma agree that they’ve seen enough, and leave Gilbert to continue speaking with the anti-royalty factions.
Rio was waiting for them at the castle gates, and he is upset. Since Emma had gotten involved with Gilbert, she has gotten quite beat up. He is about to run off and attack Gilbert, but thankfully Luke stops him. Emma also tries to stop him, but Luke just picks her up, while holding Rio down.
They manage to convince Rio to not run off and pick a fight with Gilbert, but both men agree that Emma should cut herself loose from whatever hold Gilbert has on her.
Emma considers this, and ultimately decides not to.
Later that night, she follows Gilbert to the castle chapel, though she’s not a good tail so Gilbert knew she was following him the entire time. He was hoping to avoid her tonight, since he’s still very angry with her and can’t guarantee he won’t get violent. Emma doesn’t care, she needs to talk to him when he’s like this. She understands that he’s angry that she put herself in harms way and might of died, but she doesn’t regret the action. Even if he’s the final boss/main villain, he’s still a human and she doesn’t want him to die. Though, he really could take care of himself.
Emma has a new plan, just as Gilbert has been trying to isolate her into his cold desolate world, she’s going to resist him. Instead, she will drag him into her warm world full of human kindness.
Emma asks Gilbert to become her friend. Gilbert warns her that if she’s being his friend of her own accord, that means that she must promise never to betray him or he’ll be so sad he’ll kill her himself. Emma clarifies what he means by betrayal - if Emma becomes someone else. With that promise they kiss each other’s cheek, and Emma asks if this is a tradition in Obsidian.
No, it’s not.
They part ways, and Emma immediately goes to Chevalier’s secret library, only to find Clavis there as well.
Emma bluntly asks Clavis if he’s betraying Rhodolite, and they get into the whole kingdom vs. people, good vs. evil talk. Chevalier cuts in and asks Emma to report.
Afterwards, Clavis wonders again about what Gilbert’s plans are - specifically what was up with introducing her to the anti- factions. Is it to sow discord? Emma thinks it was some kind of test he was putting her up to.
Chevalier thinks she might be right - and furthermore, Gilbert might be using Emma’s reactions to make his own decisions going forward. They wonder about how Sariel picked Emma to be Belle, and just as Rhodolite is using her to decide it’s next king, Gilbert is using her to decide his next course of actions.
Chevalier orders Clavis to investigate the anti-Royal faction further, and to take Nokto with him. He is told not to involve Luke.
The next day, Gilbert brings Emma out with him on a date. And like all the best dates, he brings her to a sketchy deserted alley where Emma is convinced she’s going to be raped and murdered - maybe in that order. To put her mind at ease, Gilbert tells her it’s already too late, no one will come and rescue her.
He holds hands with her, and brings her to a desolate door, opening it and politely letting her in first. It’s a weirdly ordinary flat - and Gilbert explains it’s his safe house in Rhodolite.
While proudly bragging about how he just had it cleaned, Gilbert does not react well to the lingering dust and nearly keels over. Emma gets him a glass of water and rubs his back until his breathing gets under control.
Gilbert explains that back in the day, when he was a kid, the relationship between Rhodolite and Obsidian was pretty good, so he used this flat when he was visiting. Which he now bequeaths to Emma. He explains that this is the last time he will ever visit Rhodolite, so it might as well get some use. Even if he conquers Rhodolite in the future, he will not use this room.
Gilbert also reveals that he used to have four other brothers, all who died in ‘accidents’ and implies he’s the cause of the ‘accidents’. Emma thinks he didn’t kill then and is sad about their deaths.
Emma promises to take care of the flat - it’s not the request of an enemy prince, but the request of her new friend.
Gilbert is standing against the light in a way that she can’t make out his expression, but when he repeats the word ‘friend’ he sounds conflicted.
For some reason, Emma thinks this flat smells familiar.
Also, Gilbert reeeeealy wants her to start calling him 'Gil'.
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malachiexists13 · 22 hours
I have a feeling I won't be emotionally okay within the next month. Because--
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I've started these two's routes ^
As for the other games, I'm also doing Kanetsugu (Ikesen) and Isaac (Ikevamp). Current impressions?
Uhh I have yet to read the first chapter of Gilbert's (might read it later).
Elbert seems.. nicer? Then I expected him to be? He seems like he doesn't enjoy being a villain, based on what I've seen so far. Which kinda feels like whiplash considering the last route I read was William's. (Yes I saw the CW on his page. Can't wait to see how much trauma they fit inside this man.)
Kanetsugu has already pissed me off or made me experience secondhand embarrassment like 4+ times so Mitsuhide round 2 ig.
And I'm liking Isaac's so far :D
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fireemblems24 · 9 months
Golden Wildfire Ch 15 (Final)
Guys, I think this is finally it, the last chapter
We're . . . not going to get an answer about Shez, are we? Would I if I recruited Byleth?
Which, now that I think about it, that was really anticlimatic death.
Also, Claude wants Dimitri and Faerghus to survive, but Rhea to die. Edelgard doesn't want Dimitri and Faerghus to survive, but also wants Rhea to die. So why the hell is Claude letting Edelgard right Dimitri while he fights Rhea? What's stopping Edelgard from killing Dimitri and taking all the Faerghus land she desperately wants? He knows Rhea was only an excuse for her.
I guess just another "Claude is an idiot" point or the writers not giving a single shit about him or this route and only caring about Dimitri and Edelgard.
Claude is suddenly reading Dimitri's mind. He thinks Dimitri wants him to dissolve the central church. This is . . . beyond stupid. Claude is literally imagining the enemy wants he wishes the enemy would want. This is such a stupid thing to do in war. Dimitri has never showed signs of wanting the church dissolved.
Also, blaming all of Fodlan's problems on Rhea is so dumb and such childish thinking too.
They really were like, go Claude, we'll give you nothing! in the writer's room.
If I cared about Claude, I'd be livid. I doubt many Dimitri or Edelgard fans are upset though.
Man, the character list is so much smaller in this route.
So annoyed this one has a bunch of side quests. I'm sooooo close to finishing this game.
Aww, an Alliance NPC talked about how much she likes Seteth and hopes he survives.
Ouch! Yuri! When he questions the validity of Claude's plans, Shez assures him it's the only way to pave the future, and he has the audacity to say "I guess now isn't the time to be wondering who exactly is included in this future we're dreaming about." He's calling Claude out on his shit big time. Yuri just does not fit here.
Ashe keeps talking about Dimitri. He's miserable.
Hapi doesn't want to kill Rhea :(
Ohhh, interesting, so Raphael doesn't like how we've been fighting. Shez can agree or disagree. I agreed in both SB and GW. In GW, she says their actions are too haphazard, but in SB, she says they're being too brutal and not letting anyone surrender. Curious differences (ofc Raphael just wants to eat and party, that's what he disagrees with, it's Shez's perceptions that made me interested).
Gilbert and Dimitri talking. Dimitri arriving has boosted moral. But it's the same for his enemies.
Dimitri's concerned about Rhea and learns that they're prepared for battle. Dimitri can't help them :(
Dimitri ordered his citizens to evacuate because he's worried about what the Alliance will do, but isn't convinced Claude wants to destroy his Kingdom.
I love Dimitri doubling down on protecting his people above all else here. Gustave is upset about abandoning Rhea. Dimitri is too, but he's willing to be the bad guy if it saves a single life in Faerghus.
A side mission involved defeating Cyril :( And now Flayn :(
Soldiers are happier. Shez can guess war turning in our favor or pay raise.
If you ever needed proof that Raphael is an idiot, he argues that wouldn't make sense because not everyone is motivated by money. Like, seriously, tell me a single soldier there who gives a flying shit about what some king says. The only route this wouldn't be true in is AG since they're fighting for their lives.
Anyways, it's actually the food.
Shez talks about how a good meal rather than scapes is a good motivator. And honestly, good point.
Raphael talks about being an innkeeper. Honestly, he'd be such a fun boss to have, but he'll need to hire someone to handle the logistics lol.
Raphael asks Shez to tag along. I can either be nice and agree or not make promises. Being mean to Raphael is basically bullying.
Shez either way still considers being a mercenary, but I love the idea of Shez and Raphael running an inn together.
Wonder why they choose Lysithea of all people to reach A with Raphael.
She studied too long and is out after dark, so obviously scared. She tries to convince herself the weird noises is Raphael.
But it's not this time, bc he shows up and asks what's the creepy noise lol. Poor Lysithea.
Now she's properly freaked out. Poor girl.
It's probably just a cat, but she thinks it's a ghost.
Lysithea goes to investigate too or else she'll be alone.
I guessed wrong. It's a puppy, not a cat. Poor doggy is hungry, and Raphael knows the dog.
Lysithea is like, if you knew the dog, how come you didn't know that? lol.
A fan gave Dorothea a bracelet, and she appreciates the support. Hilda wishes she had one too.
Dorothea tells Hilda no one is better in the whole army at makeup and accessories.
The support addresses how Hilda makes her own accessories.
Dorothea talks about plant design trends. So like real life lol.
Hilda asks Dorothea about her makeup. She tries to stick for ones that are actually good for the body. Which, is really good considering what they used to use for makeup.
They want to keep chatting over tea.
Honestly, I love seeing two girls just chat about girly things without anyone putting it down.
It's nice, in general, how the Fodlan games don't put down the women who are really into fashion and the ones who don't care. Everyone is allowed to just exist, and it's great.
Does she get her own because her paired up one is in SB?
She apologizes to Count Glouster for all the chaos Ordelia causes, but he apologizes for not taking care of it. She understands how important it is for him to protect the bridge.
Her father is buddies with Lorenz's father.
Shez comes with news about Ordelia under attack.
No one else can help. Lysithea says she didn't realize how Claude could be so cruel. Shez tries to defend him by saying she's all the way out here, and Lysithea claps back. Team Lysithea here.
Shez thought Count Glouster would we dead weight. She was right. Idiot almost died. Shez and Lysithea were fine.
He looks forward to the day both aren't leaders anymore so they can just be friends and thinks Lysithea would be a worthy heir :( Poor Lysithea, she faltered at that.
Glouster did nothing to help Lysithea's father because he led the pro-Empire nobles.
Yuri sees Marianne out late and worried that she was going to leave like she thought about, but she was just walking her horse.
Then we get the classic "..." and "..." response. Since the ye ole days characters have done that in FE supports.
Marianne is like, why were you worried, then goes off how she's just a burden, and Yuri is like stop that, now.
Yuri is allergic to horses and cats? :((( Poor guy. That would suck.
That's why he was always giving Marianne funny looks, because he was about to sneeze and she's always around horses, lamo.
It's nice seeing Yuri be nice. But if he was mean to Marianne, like how can you be mean to Marianne?
Yuri dreams of being able to spent time with the animals he's allergic too, so he accepts Marianne's offer to use magic to try to help. I hope it works.
Hilda is trying to figure out what's wrong with one of her accessories. She thinks it's missing something.
Dorothea offers to help out, and is really impressed with Hilda's craftsmanship. And honestly, there's a picture and it looks pretty.
Hilda likes Dorothea's suggestion.
Dorothea also offers to buy the accessories for the opera, and use that to advertise them too.
Hilda is more than happy with that suggestion.
Hilda actually wants to open her own school to teach people craftsmanship, and thinks she can partner with Dorothea on that too.
A pegasus that Ignatz was helping said "bring me more hay, four eyes." to Ignatz, Marianne interpreted. She rightly called it rude lamo.
Ignatz used to ride pegasus with his mother, she used to be a pegasus knight. I wonder if that's why he wants to be a knight.
He was really impressed with the view, understandably.
It made him want to become a pegasus knight, but they're sexist lol. Women only.
That's why he wants to help with the pegasi so much, it's the closest he can get.
Marianne is like "I can feel your feelings in the paintings" and Ignatz freaks out until she keeps going and saying she can tell how much he loves pegasi. I wonder what he was so worried about . . .hmm . . . Liking Marianne just proves taste though.
Marianne thinks that maybe the pegasus will accept Ignatz. But I don't think it went well lol. She grabbed his clothing with her teeth, not on her back. OMG, poor Ignatz.
It ends with Ignatz begging for Marianne's help lamo.
Alright, guys, this is it. 2/3 done once this battle is over. Sadly, I'll probably have to kill Rhea though. But who knows, she got to be the hero of SB in the end, maybe GW too, or is that asking too much?
Rhea's like I should've killed these bitches years ago (rather than protecting them after turning her genocided family into weapons, poor woman has seen some shit).
Rhea thinks she'll have the goddesses' protection. Too bad Sothis is dead :(
It seems like Rhea is expecting to die. She's telling Seteth and Flayn to run. And saying her time is at an end.
It's funny that Rhea also thinks she's fighting for the future and humanity because she thinks she knows what's best. She and Edelgard (and Claude in this route) are really the same. Then there's Dimitri, the only sane one who doesn't have a bloated ego that thinks he knows best for every living soul in Fodlan, in some case, without ever even talking to some people from a particular country (looking at you, Edelgard, ding dong thinks she can rule Faerghus better than Dimitri without ever even having bothered to TALK to someone from Faerghus).
OK, so why did Edelgard only get 40 points, but Claude gets 70?
OMG, one of Claude's tactics is to burn the enemies alive (elite archers turn enemies into ash, not sure how else to see that).
I don't want to kill Cyril two times in one night :( Thankfully, he retreated.
Great, now Alois is here, claiming he'll fight to the death, which seems major OOC even with Rhea under attack. This game really forgot that he had a family, didn't it? I think he, Claude, and Caspar got the biggest downgrades in writing.
Oh, shit, he died for real. And he mentioned his family this time.
I had to fight Seteth too, but he retreated, thankfully.
Oh, fuck, Cyril died :((( God.
Jeritza came to save his sister :(((( So he turned against the Empire in GW. That's kinda touching, much better than in Houses. Seems Mercedes is now flipping, better than having to kill her like poor Cyril and Alois.
Now I have to fight Flayn :( Thankfully, she withdrew.
Now I have to fight Seteth and Flayn again, but on the upside, Rhea did badass magic and took away my captured strongholds.
I'm not clear if Flayn died or retreated, but Seteth is pissed off at me.
Oh, thank God, they're both running away.
Time to kill Rhea :(
Cut scene time. Wow, Claude, that's rich. He's telling Rhea to go walk away. But, to like where? The guy's been hell bent on killing her and blaming her for everything from racism to arranged marriage this entire game?
Why the random flower getting crushed? Usually that's a sign of crushed renewal, not a brand new world like Claude's been blowing smoke about this whole route.
Lololol Idiot just realized Rhea's the Immaculate One.
Lamo, even in the final battle Marianne's not convinced Claude not coo coo for coco puffs.
More cut scene. Shez and Claude killing Rhea. Shez turned into Arval. Wonder what happens if you recruit Byleth.
This was such a watered-down version of SB's final battle. They both had Rhea as a final boss, but SB got Thales too and it was A LOT harder because of that. Either that or Lorenz is really that silly stupid good.
Another abrupt, non-ending.
Claude wanted the war to end, and shock of all shock, killing Rhea didn't work!!! The idiot. All those people died, for nothing. I also predict greedy assholes will still enforce hierarchies and be racist, even without Rhea.
This ending may have been even worse than SB's? Because at least Edelgard still has a goal she's working towards, it just cut off mid-way. Claude accomplished his and nothing changed - he only made the world worse.
Are either GW or SB better endings if you get Byleth? I'm betting that's what happens. Because that can't be the real ending, lol.
MVP time. Wonder when it'll turn into the Lorenz show. As soon as Ch 5, pretty much no one but Lorenz got MVP. He's just absurd, but in a boring way. He's invulnerable to damage, but doesn't play very fun. If I ever did GW again, I'd main Lysithea. She's a unit type I like way more, hella strong and fast, but low defense. Lorenz made GW super boring to play since I didn't have to think at all. He's that good of a unit.
It's funny seeing nothing but Lorenz's face on an endless scroll (except paralogues or like, women units only battles)
I can't believe I'm getting a letter from Lorenz. If I knew I'd get a letter, I would've picked a character I actually liked, like Marianne. Hubert's letter was better. Lorenz's was really generic.
Still pissed there's no paired endings.
And these endings are so bad, wtf. I'm glad I did this twice so I know AG is also just going to randomly end.
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viatagrinner · 2 years
I wanted to just reply to this post:
from @queen-dahlia , but my reply came out long, so it turned into a post.
+Gibert can't taste the food yet...
I don't think he's sick and dying, it's another thing he might be going to die.
Gil hates his father, in Silvio's romantic epilogue that thought was there.
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Gilbert: The Obsidian Emperor is the epitome of a liar. He is very good at reneging on his promises.
I have a feeling that similar examples of Gilbert's words about the emperor could still be found, but, alas, Silvio's epilogue is what I quickly recalled.
Unless I'm lying, perhaps in the Clavis route Gilbert meant that he was condemning an event from ten years ago, the war (Bloody Rose Day) between Rhodolite and Obsidian. Too much dirt, and he likes to wait. And you shouldn't put him on the same page as those people. A romantic route, perhaps?
Upd. Found chapter 21, His Side Story:
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Gilbert hates lies.
Hmm, he also mentions the word "judgment" intermittently. I think it refers to his father...
He probably realizes that in confronting his father, he may not survive.
There is a second option that goes well with the first, but could be a different version.
"The last gift" ... In the sense of "farewell." It means that the prince will try to distance himself from Emma.
I mean, he told himself that he likes our character so much, but he forced himself to come to her.
Maybe he feels so dirty that he doesn't want to "dirty" the girl. He also realizes that the closer he is to her, the more dangerous it is for her.
As for his morbid condition?
Life in Obsidian is no fun... Perhaps at some point Gil got used to restricting his senses, that it transferred to his body.... Living under constant stress, his body has developed this reaction.
He reminded me of Toa from The Court of Darkness. He, too, suffers from a father (also Gilbert 😄), a sister, and is also under perpetual stress.
Gilbert's weakness may also be due to the fact that he has almost no rest: wars, battles, planning, trips to different countries, constant "purges," always waiting for assassins.
You can't get healthy from such a life.😅
Plus there are alternate "What if....?" type stories: birthday parties together, their household when they became lovers.... Gilbert is alive and well, just working hard.
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skoetiepoetie · 2 years
My personal ratings of the Ikepri routes
Idk I felt like making this lol
Chevalier: 10/10, my first route and I loved every single moment of it, definitely my favorite character
Yves: 10/10 as well, I absolutely love tsunderes, especially when they turn all mushy for the one they love, I also liked how vulnerable he got at one point (would've been my fave if Chevalier didnt exist)
Leon: 6,5/10, idk it just felt kinda mild or something?? It just wasn't all that interesting to me, but I did like the twist they put in his route (trying to keep it kinda spoiler free lol)
Nokto: 8/10, wasnt too sure about how I felt towards him before, but definitely liked him much more after I played his route. I love it when a slutty character turns soft for the one they like
Licht: 5/10, idk it just wasn't really my thing, might've been due to the depressive vibe and everything
Jin: 6/10, his route was pretty okay, I got more interested in his character but I kinda lost the will to read the last few chapters lol
Luke: 7/10, it really surprised me how much I ended up liking his route, before I played it I had 0 interest in him so I'm really happy that it turned out better than expected, I especially like the little twists & turns during his route
Clavis: 10/10, OMG I LOVE THIS MAN!! I was kinda neutral about Clavis before I started his route but holy hell I love him now!
Sariel: 10/10, after waiting for months to finally be able to play his route, I can for sure say it was worth the wait!! I absolutely loved his route, words cannot describe how much I love this devil of a man <3
Rio: 8/10, still feel kinda neutral about Rio himself BUT THE STORY WAS SO GOOD?? HELLO????
Gilbert: not yet available
Keith: currently playing..
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themattress · 10 days
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Continued from my last post.
I cleared Chapter 3 and recruited the Ashen Wolves from Abyss on all three save files.
- More interesting character insights! On the Black Eagles file, I am again reminded what a precious bundle of nerves and neurosis Bernadetta is, and I enjoy the emotional conflicts between Hubert and Ferdinand over how to best service Edelgard and between Caspar and Petra over the former's father killing the latter's. On the Blue Lions file, I am amused by Annette's clumsy antics and fascinated by the conflict between Dimitri and Felix plus the related conflict between Dedue and Felix. And on the Golden Deer file, the relationships Claude, Hilda, Lorenz and Marianne all have with one another are great, as is the emotional conflict between Ignatz and Raphael over (again) the former's parents causing the death of the latter's. And of course, the Ashen Wolves are all fantastic, being unique representatives of all four factions (Church, Empire, Kingdom and Alliance) while also being their own faction.
- Because Lord Lonato is Ashe's adoptive father, I was sadistic and brought Ashe in as my mission assist character on both the Black Eagles and Golden Deer files, meaning he had to help kill his father on all three playthroughs! But that brings me to an interesting point: since the Black Eagles version of White Clouds was written first, they thus established Lonato as a character first and then created Ashe as his adopted son afterward; they would do the same in connecting Annette, Mercedes, Sylvain and Felix to Gilbert, Jeritza, Miklan and Rodrigue respectfully. But Ashe is a unique case in that....there's really not much purpose to him after this event. When you consider that the rest of the Blue Lions are the tightly-knit group of Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Sylvain and Ingird plus the bestie duo of Annette and Mercedes, Ashe feels glaringly out of place. I don't mind the kid, but he's kind of a throwaway character.
- Speaking of Lonato, I'm not entirely sure how sympathetic I find him. His gripes with Rhea, Catherine and the Church of Seiros are absolutely valid, and while some other characters give him grief for involving the commoners he reigns over they are clearly following him of their own free will so I can't share their view. But on the other hand, he will flat-out try to kill his own adopted son when he's only trying to talk him down and reason with him, and in the Golden Deer version Claude says he and his insurgency would have ravaged all the small villages of innocent people on their march to sack Garreg Mach. Perhaps he was being manipulated by the Western Church, but Lonato ultimately seemed to let his grief over his eldest son blind him to everything else and make him go about things the worst possible way.
- As much as I love the Golden Deer route, I'll admit that it has the weakest scene following the battle. In the Black Eagles route, Edelgard reveals more of her character and how self-aware she is about the paradoxical nature of her philosophy: no hesitation or backing down from those with unreasonable views of justice that causes them to do terrible things "for the greater good" while also acknowledging that she isn't really any better since this requires her to risk the lives of others and take morally dubious actions in the name of what she considers "the greater good". Dimitri in the Blue Lions route, meanwhile, anguishes over this very philosophy and desperately wishes to believe there is another way, one which avoids bloodshed. Him noting that the insurgents killed were "fathers and sons" particularly highlights his own personal trauma from the Tragedy of Duscur, while him being against slaughter in the name of an alleged just cause hints at the shame he feels over what his kingdom did to the Duscur people. Claude, meanwhile, just loredumps, and it's information that you could find out elsewhere (ex: the first Support between Claude and Lorenz already discusses Claude's heritage and situation in the Alliance). Hilda at least brightens the scene up when she comes in, showing that she's more shrewd and perceptive than she lets on.
- Ummm....
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So yeah, with this horrifying theocratical insight, Rhea's getting even more interesting.
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what I'm currently reading or trying to read:
ikevamp - interlude (chap 11). I skipped charles' route at that time due to the election. No idea when I'll have time to do him
ikeprince - keith's route (chap 9). I skipped silvio's and I don't have time to read litch's rn. I didn't decide yet if I'll do gilbert. I think once they release all the guys routes, I'll just read their act 2 if I really feel like it
ikegen - sueharu's route (chap 12) and kagetoki (chapter 5). Kagetoki is on hold until I finish sueharu's
tears of themis - if I have time I'll start reading chap 11 this weekend. I still need to read marius fit for a king card <3
yumekuro - I have 2 caprice cards to read and I'm trying to unlock moon kuchen from that last event. Just finished his sun a few days ago and I'm going to post about the story soon btw
to sum up: I'm fucked ☠️
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syneilesis · 2 years
Thoughts about Clavis route
I finished Clavis's route yesterday! I chose Dramatic ending and am now playing it again for the Romantic ending route.
Bullet points because I can't write coherently right now lol. Spoilers ahead!
I love Clavis's route?! I feel like it has the best writing among the available routes so far. I like how they wrote the MC here. Usually in other routes there are some aspects in the MC where I kind of got annoyed with but not here in Clavis's route! So I like that very much. MC is a tsundere! LOL
Much as I like Clavis, I came out of playing this route LOVING CHEVALIER MORE LOL. In every other princes' routes, he's the highlight for me. I just love him so much. I love him, your honor. CHEVALIER LIGHT OF MY LIFE. I have no intelligent comment to contribute lmao. Every time he shows up I'd get the urge to offer my body and soul to him. Stab me with your bloody sword, you towering iceberg bibliophile.
This route made me appreciate Leon's faction, surprisingly! I feel that in their breakfast interviews I managed to glean more on what they want to do for their kingdom than in their own routes lol. At the very least I have a concrete idea now on what they want. Why is it that I get more glimpses of their politics in the routes of the foreign affairs faction lol
Why do the princes in foreign affairs faction have better political plots I very much enjoy them
Chev's mother and Clavis's mother were lesbians and they loved each other.
Among the new characters, I'm eyeing Silvio because he's voiced by Satou Takuya, but I'm intrigued by Gilbert! In the trailer that first introduced them, I wasn't really interested in Gilbert, but now, with what is shown so far, I am curious!
CHEVALIER vs GILBERT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT (Team Chev all the way, of course)
Re Chevalier and Clavis's relationship: I had an inkling that Chevalier values Clavis as an individual, so I'm happy that it's confirmed!
The reveal that Clavis being a kind and compassionate prince underneath that scoundrel persona ... I know that he's supposed to be a foil to Chevalier, the opposite of cold logic and reason, I understand it, really. But -- and this is just my personal taste talking -- I'm the teensiest bit disappointed LOL. I get it, I really do. He's an analogue of ikesen Mitsuhide even, what with those blatant similarities in the first chapter and sticking to his own beliefs and convictions. I guess I was hoping for a more morally ambiguous motivation to his character. I do kind of notice that the princes, pared down to their essential motivations and character, are good and kind (I think it's an executive decision by Cybird to design characters [many, but not all] that come from the original position of goodness/kindness but are morally ambiguous in their actions -- I'm looking at you, Nobunaga, Vlad, Kicho, Motonari, Mitsuhide, Lancelot, etc.). Only Chevalier doesn't have that compassion and kindness the others have; his is more a question of practicality than morality. Come to think of it, Chevalier is an analogue of Nobunaga, so the parallels between Chevalier+Clavis and Nobunaga+Mitsuhide are notable. I don't actually know where I'm going with this lol. But I love Clavis as a character! I guess the dramatic ending plot didn't completely vibe with me (interfering in the affairs of another nation-state without their consent just invites disaster; Clavis is so fucking lucky this is his own route lmao).
What vibed with me, however, was that until the end of the route, they haven't properly confessed to each other! MC held on to her tsun till the last chapter. This is where Clavis has the advantage against Chevalier hahaha. I was slightly dissatisfied with how MC's confession took place in Chev's route.
Chapter 19 was hilarious because MC and Clavis were having a lovers' quarrel WHILE CHEVALIER WAS JUST A FEW FEET AWAY. Poor Chev, he just wants to read in peace 😂 He's truly the long-suffering brother, having to endure his brothers' shenanigans.
Clavis being a studious nerd is so precious. He just wants to prove himself! 🥺
I probably have other thoughts but these are all that I can remember right now. Anyhoo, tl;dr: I love Clavis's route! It has solid writing and I enjoyed it very much.
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caffedrine · 1 year
This is just a very quick and dirty plot summary from chapters 24-Epilogue of the romantic route. Lots of spoilers, I'm leaving out a lot of information, and there's no guarantee that it's accurate.
I made it so that I could follow along with the plot, keep track of the mysteries, and a few of the interesting scenes.
Spoilers for Gilbert's route
Spoilers, Spoilers, Spoilers
The day after Yves and the others came for her, Emma escaped the Castle of Obsidian. She is wearing the black gown Gilbert had given her, and jewelry made from obsidian. She joined Yves, Akatsuki and Rio, and traveled with them back to Rhodolite. No patrols were spotted along their journey, and no one stopped them from crossing the border.
Both Chevalier and Gilbert think that the four-nation treaty is worthless, but Emma disagrees. It’s only worthless if Gilbert’s plan to destroy the world succeeds. So, Emma travels to Rhodolite to stop Gilbert’s plan and sign the treaty.
When she enters Rhodolite, the hostility she felt before is nothing compared to what she now faces as the proxy to the Obsidian Emperor.
She is brought to the assembly hall, where all the princes except for Chevalier and Luke have gathered. Key ministers, bureaucrats, aristocrats, knights, and soldiers' focus is all on her. While she has attended similar meetings in the past, it was at the farthest point away. Today, she stands at the center, on the same level as the princes.
The first obstacle is to convince the Rhodolite government to accept her position as proxy to the Emperor. Since she was just a minor noblewoman from a backwater territory a week ago, the ministers are reluctant to accept that she speaks for Obsidian. They are quick to decide that this is both an insult and a demonstration that Obsidian never intended to fulfill its promise.
Leon verifies that the document naming Emma as proxy is genuine, and Emma tells her biggest lie. She tells the assembly that Gilbert ‘welcomed her into the imperial family’. After that, she received permission from the Emperor to act as his proxy in this matter. In addition, the Emperor granted her the position of Empress for the purpose of the signing ceremony.
Leon surmises that she is married to Gilbert, which means that she is now a member of the Royal Family of Obsidian. In addition to the documents naming her as the Emperor’s proxy, she is qualified to sign on Obsidian’s behalf.
Leon pulls out a letter from his pocket emblazoned with the Obsidian seal. It’s a personal handwritten letter from the emperor, backing up Emma’s position as proxy. While he’s confused about why Emma and not Gilbert was sent, the Emperor agrees to abide by Emma’s decision to sign the treaty.
That’s Gilbert for you. While he was talking about keeping Emma trapped in the castle, he also sent this letter to back her up.
Emma turns her attention to the bureaucrats who are the most vocal against her, and notices that they were the same ones who were against anything to do with Obsidian before she had left.
She tells the room that she understands that what happened on the Day of the Bloodstained Roses cannot be forgiven. She accepts responsibility for that day. She, along with everyone else, never wants that day to be repeated. She isn’t so naive to believe that this treaty will prevent that day from happening again. However, this is the first steppingstone to peace, and the first and last chance to prevent that day from ever happening again. This is the only Emma will have to secure peace between Obsidian and Rhodolite.
Nokto asks if Emma understands what she is saying, what the price of her signing the treaty will be.
Emma does. She is now part of Obsidian, with all of Rhodolite potentially against her. If she is acknowledged as the Empress of Obsidian, she can never go home again.
The other princes add that as a member of the Obsidian Royal Family, she will be denounced even though she has not done anything. They won’t be able to protect her anymore. You know, since they were doing so well before.
They ask her if she wants to reconsider, this might be her last chance to escape her dark fate.
Emma thinks about how the princes are obviously worried about her. She remembers what Gilbert said about power corrupting people and decides to trust in the Rhodolite princes.
She assures them that she is not here under duress, and this is something she needs to do to meet her ideals.
For the first time since they met in Obsidian Castle, Yves speaks to her directly. He’s angry about Emma carrying this burden, when it should have been his to bear. This kind of thing, this kind of sacrifice shouldn’t be forced upon citizens of Rhodolite, but the princes themselves. He’s angry that he’s not strong enough to sacrifice the same things Emma has to ensure peace between Rhodolite and Obsidian. He subtly begins to cry.
Emma thinks that even if she could find a way for Yves to take her place, she would still choose this. If she abandons her role, then Gilbert will die.
Emma assures Yves that she’s not a martyr sacrificing herself for her country. She tells him that she is in a genuine relationship with Gilbert and doesn’t see herself as a victim. She has her own selfish reasons for wanting Rhodolite and Obsidian to be at peace.
The room is silent except for Leon laughing. He apologizes and explains that he’s happy that Emma isn’t under a martyr complex, and that she’s thinking with her own interests.
Leon challenges the gathered people to say anything else against Emma attending as proxy for the Obsidian Emperor. He warns them that they must match Emma’s resolve and be willing to sacrifice the same things she has. He reminds them that Emma knows how hostile they would be to her as the Empress of Obsidian, and she still came in order to pursue peace between their countries.
No one objects.
Emma can see disgruntled expressions, but it seems that while they don’t like it, they won’t object to her participation in the signing ceremony.
Leon assigns Julius as Emma’a personal guard. Julius has a peculiar expression on his face and asks if there isn’t anyone else more suited. Leon tells him that he is the one he trusts most for this assignment.
Emma suddenly realizes that Julius is one of Gilbert’s spies, and Leon knows it.
Clavis cuts in, he will also assign Cyran to her, as a second Obsidian guard.
Quietly, Emma asks after Luke. Leon beckons over Clavis, he knows Clavis and Chevalier did something sneaky with Luke the previous night.
Clavis might have an idea where to find Luke, but is Emma really sure she wants to see him? Emma is. She recalls all the interactions she has had with Luke up to this point, and has already pieced it together. Clavis looks at Emma like he’s searching for something before shrugging, he’ll come with her to see Luke.
In the privacy of the carriage, Clavis asks if Emma figured it out. Emma guesses that Clavis already knows, and he agrees. He asks if she noticed that both Chevalier and Luke were missing today, and if she’s smart then she can guess why.
Clavis seems to understand what Emma is trying to do and asks if she is prepared. Both Luke and Chevalier are resolute in this, and he doubts either will listen to her.
Emma refuses to give up. During her trip to Rhodolite, she was trying to come up with a way to thwart Gilbert’s plans. This is the only thing she can come up with.
Clavis suggests that instead of seeing Luke, they visit Chevalier instead. Right now, Luke is strung out to attack them on sight, they have the best odds of succeeding with Chevalier.
Emma understands that Clavis is on her side. He’s the kind-hearted prince who rode into a burning village to try to save everyone. It’s because of Clavis, and his ability to handle Chevalier that made her decide to choose Chevalier as king.
She thanks him, and Clavis assures her that no thanks are necessary to harass his brother.
Emma asks Clavis for his view on Gilbert’s ideals, and they discuss them using Chevalier and the brewing civil war as an example. Clavis thinks that even if the anti-royal faction kills Chevalier and takes over the government, it’s not a guarantee of change. Killing Chevalier and whomever rises in power to replace him won’t guarantee the anti-authoritarian government Gilbert wants, but it will ensure a lot of innocent people get killed.
Emma thinks of Gilbert’s goals, from what she understands, his involvement ends at causing the uprising. Unlike the Belle system, there’s absolutely no check in place to make sure the anti-Royal faction elects a good or even reasonable person to rule Rhodolite.
Suddenly the carriage shakes, they’re under attack. Emma hears the sound of explosions, and from outside Cyran and Julius report that they’re being ‘welcomed’ by 10 people, all armed with Obsidian guns.
The group is brought to a mansion in the forest and Clavis apologizes - they’re now in the worst outcome. Emma recognizes some of the people from Clavis’ party.
In the center of the crowd a young man sits on a sofa like a king. Emma had to revise her expectations, she had thought that Luke was just a member of the anti-Royal faction. Now, looking into his dark, stagnant eyes, she realizes that he’s their king.
Luke notes that Emma doesn’t look all that surprised, and admits he was hoping that she didn’t notice those times he slipped up in front of her.
Clavis, Julius, and Cyran position themselves between those surrounding Luke and Emma, and Clavis asks them to stop pointing their guns at her. Luke reminds Clavis that Chevalier is coming for them today, and Emma is on Chevalier’s side. He asks why Emma has come, and if she has a message for him from Gilbert.
Emma admits that she does not, but she is familiar with the plan. She summarizes it, ending with the part where they now have Gilbert’s bullets. It seems that after she left Obsidian, Gilbert made his own move as well.
Luke thinks that Emma is here to stop him, and he’s right. She admits that Gilbert doesn’t think it’s possible but she does. Emma appeals to Luke’s better nature, and asks if the princes of Rhodolite are so horrible it’s worth starting a riot and getting a lot of people killed over them. She reminds Luke of their kind and warm nature.
Clavis interrupts to exclude Chevalier from that definition. Emma wonders whose side he’s on.
Luke talks about his family, and how they were killed by one of those same Princes of Rhodolite. He also brings up what the former King of Rhodolite did to his mother, finishing with the fact the entire family must be stopped.
Emma asks if this grudge is worth all those families who will be ripped apart and killed during the ensuring Civil War. She asks if everyone who has received one of Gilbert’s weapons is fine will murder, or if they somehow think they will be absolved of it. She asks how they are different than those currently in power.
Luke tells Emma it’s too late; he has already made his decision. He signals for one of his followers to take them away somewhere, and Emma tells out, asking if they really trust Gilbert. She asks if he really wants to wipe out those in power.
Luke hesitates, so Emma continues. Gilbert is a beast who doesn’t love humans. He doesn’t care about anyone, which means he doesn’t care about if they win or not.
Prior to her departure from Obsidian, Emma had asked Gilbert when he had become a beast. He told her before he was a stupid kid who loved everyone and everything, just like Emma. Well, he didn’t love his father, who even back then was mad with bloodlust. But he loved his mother, his brothers, and his friends. As bad as things had been back then, there were times when the castle was nice and warm too.
But then one day, the Emperor announced that he would choose his successor, and everyone changed. Gilbert’s brothers, friends, nobles, and even servants formed factions, and then they all began killing each other.
Fortunately, Gilbert had been born sickly, and was mostly left out of the struggle, as the bedridden prince, almost forgotten. One by one, everyone he knew and loved died. He imagines it was around the time his 10th friend died that his heart stopped feeling the pain of it.
The stressful environment exacerbated Gilbert’s condition, so his mother and older brother Albert arranged for him to travel to Rhodolite in secret with his personal doctor to recover. They had worried over him, and for a year sent regular letters. And then one day the letters stopped. Gilbert had a bad feeling and returned to Obsidian, where he was greeted by the sight of his mother’s and Albert’s head displayed on pikes on the castle walls.
He found out later that his mother and brother had gone to the Emperor to beg him to put an end to the succession war. Knowing them, they probably also tried to do something about the corruption within the castle. So, the Emperor labeled them as traitors and had them executed.
It was then that Gilbert understood the true nature of humans. Once something becomes corrupted, there’s no stopping it. It just spreads downward, infecting everyone and everything.
The first-person Gilbert killed was his older brother who had laughter at his mother and brother’s deaths. And then he just kept on killing, killing, and killing. Before he knew it, the Emperor had grown fond of him, and he had obtained a high position at court. He’s ruled many countries under the Emperor’s orders, done many cruel things that even now he doesn’t want to tell Emma. Eventually, he became known as the trampling beast.
Gilbert notes that despite all the malice he’s exposed Emma to, she still thinks that she can uncorrupt people without killing anyone.
Emma is reminded that in the past, Gilbert was like her and believed in the inherent goodness of people. She wonders if he was handing out his weapons, hoping to find someone who would refuse him. Someone who could give him a way to uncorrupt people without death and violence.
Back in the present, Emma is still negotiating with Luke. She begs Luke to reconsider and not fall into Gilbert’s trap. The path he is going down will turn him into a beast just like Gilbert.
Luke pulls out a gun from his pocket, one that is the same size as Emma’s. He tells her that he is fine with going down Gilbert’s path, as long as he can get his revenge. He won’t let anyone stand in his way, not even Emma. Pulling out bullets, Luke begins to load the gun.
Clavis gallantly moves to stand between Luke and Emma. Gently, Emma pushes him out of the way.
Emma pulls out her gun, and tells Luke that Gilbert gave her one too. Putting it on the floor, she tells Luke that she won’t use it, and will never use it. She won’t resort to violence to enforce her will over him. She will never hurt Luke, who was always kind to her.
Luke begins to break down, but his finger never leaves the trigger.
Suddenly Chevalier appears and pulls Emma back against him. He tells Emma that she is done, everyone is too riled up to give in to her words right now. She has said enough, and now needs to give everyone time to think.
Luke asks if Chevalier really came alone, he thought there would be an all-out fight between them. Chevalier was planning on that, but then the new Empress of Obsidian had to ruin his plans. That, and he made a very troublesome promise.
Chevalier violently tosses Emma at Luke, who drops his gun and catches her. Chevalier then picks Emma back up again.
He reminds Luke that Emma rushed into enemy territory just to settle this peacefully. Meanwhile, Luke has let go of all sense of reason and is acting like a beast. He already knows which one of them has won.
Chevalier looks forward to the signing ceremony tomorrow.
Chevalier leaves with Emma and tosses her into a waiting carriage. When Chevalier enters, the carriage begins to move, leaving behind Clavis, the honor guards, and Luke.
Emma barely registers that as her attention is captured by the other occupant of the carriage. As Chevalier mutters that this is a once in a lifetime favor for a former friend, Emma gapes at Gilbert. Smiling, Gilbert reminds Emma that he said he’d see her after the signing ceremony. Looking into his blood red eyes, Emma can see a human reflecting back at her.
Chevalier ignores them, looking out the carriage window.
Gilbert looks healthier than she last saw, though his complexion is mostly the same. He asks why Emma is looking at him like that, he thought she would have been happier to see him.
Emma knows she should be happy to see him alive and well, but for some reason all her fear and anxiety doesn’t leave. Last time they talked, Gilbert refused to go to Rhodolite due to not being able to cover up his own death in a foreign country.
When they return to Gilbert’s room at the Castle of Rhodolite, Emma asks if he’s really Gilbert. His voice is like Gilbert’s, and he’s answering her questions just like Gilbert would. But when Emma reaches out for his hand, he evades her, explaining that he is not in the mood.
Yeah, this definitely is not Gilbert, who would go out of his way to cuddle with her at every chance. Emma darts forward and grabs his hand. His warm hand.
Now that she has proof, Emma can look closer at ‘Gilbert’s’ face and notice small differences. ‘Gilbert’s’ easy smile drops, and he gently picks up a black cloth draped over a nearby couch and wraps it over his head.
It’s Roderich.
Roderich realized that Emma noticed it right away, so he sees no point in continuing the masquerade. He thinks Chevalier noticed as well.
Emma doesn’t know about Chevalier, but she knew only because she had had the opportunity to see Gilbert up close. But to discover Roderich was an almost perfect copy was a surprise. Not just his looks, but his voice, speech, and mannerisms were all perfect.
Gilbert sent Roderich to help protect Emma. Emma is confused, Roderich could protect her all the same without pretending to be Gilbert. Then it hits her, Gilbert intends for Roderich to replace him after he dies, to see his plans and ideals forward. Then, once everything comes to fruition, Roderich can stop pretending to be Gilbert and the Obsidian Royal Family will die.
Roderich explains that only Emma and Walter know about Gilbert’s low body temperature. Besides that, there are very few people who can look Gilbert in the eye, so the small differences in their features will probably go unnoticed.
Roderich was an orphan at a military facility that Gilbert had found and had been Gilbert’s shadow since they were young. Apparently, something similar has happened before, when a noblewoman took in a slave who resembled her dying son to replace him.
Emma asks if Gilbert is still alive, but Roderich cannot answer her. He tells her that it’s not his will to replace Gilbert, it’s just the orders he’s following.
Emma thinks about everything she wants to tell Gilbert, everything she has said and accomplished. It won’t work for her if she just tells his replacement.
Emma slides to the floor and tries not to cry. She knew all the risks she was taking when she left for Rhodolite. But still, confronted with the hopeless reality, hits her. She tries to leave for her own room, but Roderich kneels in front of her, stopping her.
He explains that he has been with Gilbert since he was a child and knows him the best. He talks about how Gilbert is evil for the sake of others, never for himself.
Emma has the distinction of being the first and only time Gilbert has acted selfishly. He wanted to go to Rhodolite just to meet her. Because of Gilbert, her life is in shambles, and Roderich cannot say anything to justify it. Still, he’s happy that Gilbert did something for himself.
Looking like he’s about to cry, Roderich apologizes to Emma, her misery has made both him and Walter happy that Gilbert could enjoy his last few days.
Emma wonders if Chevalier ever came close to the truth. It never dawned on her that Gilbert would go through so much just to meet a commoner from Rhodolite.
Emma remembers her last night in the Castle of Obsidian. She had been helping Walter by getting Gilbert to take his medicine. Like a child, Gilbert was complaining about the taste, Walter’s philosophy was that the best medicine was extremely bitter. Emma tells Gilbert to stop acting like a child and just take it.
Gilbert dares her to try it first. Emma refuses, she’s not sick so there’s no point.
Gilbert takes the medicine and drinks it down, and then immediately kisses Emma, forcing his tongue in her mouth. His very, very bitter tongue.
Gilbert pulls away and Emma begins gagging. There’s bitter, and then there’s whatever Walter used in that medicine bottle. She admits that Gilbert has a point.
Gilbert kisses her again, pecking and nipping at her lips, running his tongue along hers before nipping her lips again. He laughs, thinking that at least the taste is fading.
Gilbert picks Emma up and they fall into his bed together. Gilbert complains that Emma has no place in Rhodolite, and where to go but Obsidian now. Why does it feel like he still isn’t ruling over her? If he can’t control her, how can he fall in love with her?
Emma disagrees with Gilbert, she had other paths she could have chosen, she didn’t have to come to Obsidian. Even so, she thinks that she would follow the path she chose again and again.
Gilbert complains that in the beginning she was afraid of him and would constantly tremble. Now, all she feels is pity for him. Emma wonders if this means that she took control of Gilbert. Gilbert disagrees and bites her lip as if in reproach. He doesn’t want to be ruled by others. Emma isn’t so sure about that. Her lips are swollen from Gilbert’s bites, so when she kisses him it hurts.
Back in the present, Emma realizes that Gilbert is in love with her, and he’s not done with her. She reassured Roderich that Gilbert can’t die yet, not while he’s still being selfish. This cheers up Roderich and they laugh helplessly together.
The next morning, the signing ceremony goes off without any surprise civil wars. Though Emma is obviously looked down upon by the spectators, she fulfills her part and signs the treaty as the proxy to the Mad Emperor, who hasn’t been seen in over 10 years.
Yves praises her, this is something that he had never accomplished. He had given up on peace between Rhodolite and Obsidian and considered the hostilities between the two nations as a matter of course. He praises Emma for finding a way to bridge the gap between the two countries. Leon also praises Emma, and he and Yves talk about how they too can improve relations.
In a back alley, Jin finally catches up with Luke. He offers him a honey flavored lollipop he had just purchased in town. Luke stares at him, and Jin asks Luke to come back with him.
Jin admits that he looked into things with Clavis and apologizes for never noticing Luke’s past. Clavis had debriefed him yesterday; Jin is now caught up on everything. Jin admits that it was him who killed Luke’s sister, but he already knew that for a while now. Jin asks why Luke hasn’t taken his revenge yet.
Luke doesn’t know. Jin is full of opening, killing him would be easy. Luke takes the lollipop and begins eating it. Jin asks Luke to introduce him to Luke’s friends, but Luke warns him that there are people who hate him more than Luke does. Jin knows, but the only way to face them is head on. He needs to follow Emma’s example and at least try to talk to them before violence becomes the only option.
Placing his hand on Luke’s shoulder, Jin tells him that he also wants to talk with him. He’ll take in all the hate and sadness, so that at least Luke will feel better.
Luke starts crying.
Emma has a final debriefing with Chevalier. Technically, as the former Belle, Emma shouldn’t have any contact with Chevalier, but both are ignoring the rule.
Chevalier notes that though Emma has given him some useful information, she has also held a lot back. And Emma has, her report focused on the technology and manufacturing abilities of Obsidian and steered clear of Gilbert. She probably fails as Chevalier’s spy.
Chevalier warns her that Gilbert is still the single biggest threat to the world. It has nothing to do with his military genius, and all to do with his abilities as an inventor. He has single-handedly brought forward Obsidian’s technology over a hundred years beyond that of any other nation.
Chevalier pulls out the gun that Emma had left behind when she was confronting Luke. Chevalier admits that the gun is impossible for them to duplicate with their current level of technology. The age of knights is ending soon, to be followed where anyone with a gun can fight on equal, if not superior footing than even their best trained knights. Chevalier’s mouth twists into a kind of smile, wondering if this future will be good or bad.
Emma asks if Chevalier and Gilbert are friends. Chevalier admits that once upon a time they were, but now he sees nothing but vermin when he looks at Gilbert. She wonders what happened between them but doesn’t push it.
Emma is returning to Obsidian; she has submitted a formal letter of resignation from her previous position. She hopes to be able to come back and visit Rhodolite in the future, though she understands that it will take a lot of diplomatic work before either country is ready for it.
Chevalier warns her that this time things worked out the way she hoped, but there are further tests for her dreams and ideals in the future. Emma understands she will face those challenges and stop Gilbert from destroying the world. She tells Chevalier that if his environment corrupted Gilbert, then she will change the environment to purify him.
For the first time since she met him, a human-like smile graces Chevalier’s mouth. He congratulates himself for picking up the perfect pawn.
Emma tries to return the pin with the white tiger crest Chevalier gave her so long ago. Chevalier tells her to keep it; if she wants to improve relations between Obsidian and Rhodolite, the day might come where she needs it. And he wants to get revenge on Gilbert for swaying Emma to his side. Emma doesn’t really understand what Chevalier means, or what his evil smile portends. Emma decides to keep it, as a lasting connection to Rhodolite.
She and Roderich rush back along the long road to the Castle of Obsidian. When they reach the front gates, Emma calls out to the soldier on guard asking after Gilbert. The soldier apologizes, he hasn’t seen Gilbert for a while. Very carefully keeping her expression neutral, Emma and Roderich enter the castle. They decide to divide and conquer and split to look for Gilbert.
Unfortunately, no matter how many rooms Emma looks through, she sees no sign of Gilbert or even Walter.
By the time it’s evening, Emma has searched most of the castle, and is finally looking in Gilbert’s laboratory. She finds a letter at his desk and opens it. The first line is ominous ‘if you are reading this, then I am gone’. Emma begins crying and cannot read any further.
Emma hears footsteps, and finds Roderich, still wearing his hood, in front of her. She wordlessly shows him the letter.
Roderich asks if she wants him to pretend to be Gilbert for her. He’s confident in his acting ability, and over time, she might be able to overlook the differences.
Emma refuses, it’s not something either of them want. Even if she were amenable to his suggestion, it was Gilbert, not Roderich who she fell in love with. No one can replace him in her heart. She closes her eyes, still crying.
She feels Roderich wipe at her tears with his hands. His cold hands.
Emma’s eyes snap open to find Gilbert removing the hood from his head. He smiles at her and asks if she’s surprised to see him. He’s happy, he got to see Emma cry without holding back.
Besides, didn’t the letter she handed him say ‘If you’re reading this, I am gone, but will be back soon’? Well, he did think she would stop reading before the last bit.
Emma reaches out with a trembling hand and Gilbert holds it in one of his cold ones. She admits that she’s relieved to see him alive.
Gilbert is surprised, he thought she would get angry at this point. Well, he does like it more when she’s honest with herself.
Gilbert explains that he went through surgery while Emma was in Rhodolite and is still recovering.
Emma asks why Gilbert chose to live and he points out that Emma has made it her mission to stop his evil plans. So, he needs to stay alive to come up with new ones.
They talk about the signing ceremony, and Gilbert admits that he thought she would put herself in danger like that and sent Roderich to help. Emma realizes that Gilbert was worried about her.
Gilbert has Emma sit on his lap and admits that he only told her half the reason why he decided to accept the treatment. He’s been in the position before where he’s come home to a corpse and didn’t want to inflict that on her.
Emma tells Gilbert everything that happened in Rhodolite, including her belief that he wanted someone to refuse his weapons. He doesn’t say anything to that, but she still believes it to be true.
Gilbert really wants to know what title Emma claimed to attend the signing ceremony. Eventually Emma tells him that she used the title of Empress. Gilbert asks if she means ‘Gilbert’s Wife’ and when Emma denies it, he points out that is roughly what she was saying. Besides, it was the only way she would be allowed to be the Emperor’s proxy. He assures her that he’s not angry, he told her that she could call herself whatever she liked.
However, Gilbert hates lies.
Gilbert has decided, tomorrow they will officially announce the death of the previous Emperor. He kisses Emma’s mouth, noting that he’s been operating under the Mad Emperor’s name all this time. The former Emperor’s reputation kept the other nations in check. However, if Emma intends to oppose his plans, she needs the position and power available to her. And as Empress of Obsidian, her words are absolute.
That and Gilbert won’t be able to perform as the Emperor of Obsidian while he recovers. He actually needs Emma to run the country for a while.
Gilbert summons the castle personnel to the throne room and has Emma sit on the throne in front of them. He announces that the former Emperor is dead, he is now the Emperor, Emma is the Empress, and only he can supersede her word.
Emma, who was a civilian a month ago, and had never stepped foot outside of Rhodolite a week ago, should have had some people dissent. Instead, as one, they accepted Gilbert’s proclamation and her.
Emma understands what Gilbert meant when he talked about the blind obedience that the nation of Obsidian gave to the Royal family. They had dominated the nation to the point that normal, rational people would accept the absurd as law.
Gilbert has Roderich draft the official notice to be sent out to the nations. He also asks Roderich to make sure that it is clear to Rhodolite that Emma is his now. Soon, only Emma and Gilbert are left in the room.
Emma tells Gilbert that a lot of things have happened in a short amount of time. For one, she and Gilbert are friends, not lovers. Also, she is pretty sure that she’s not qualified to run the country; she has no training or education on this. Gilbert assures her that it will be fine, he’ll help her for the part that requires real decisions, and the castle is full of people who are excellent at their jobs. She just has to make moral decisions and decide ‘yes’ or ‘no’. He promises it will be easy.
Meanwhile, they can become lovers and flirt with each other a lot more. Gilbert reaches behind his back and pulls out a bouquet of black roses. He asks Emma to accept his feelings. Emma tries to understand the feeling black roses convey, and Gilbert answers that she is his.
Gilbert explains that Emma is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. As much as he’s tried to get her dirty, she remains incorruptible. Looking into his eye, Emma can see a human reflected back at her.
Gilbert tells Emma that it no longer matters if she like or hates him. As a villain he will overrun her, dominate her, and take her for himself. Emma feels the poison inside her respond, Gilbert’s words make her happy.
Gilbert kisses her, sweetly enough that Emma can forget that she is in the throne room.
Emma asks Gilbert what he thinks the true nature of people is. Gilbert admits that he still thinks everyone is full of a false love. Everything he loves dies, everyone who told him they loved him died. Even now, he doubts Emma’s love, despite everything she has shown him.
Emma recalls the time when she tried to protect Gilbert from being stabbed. That is what he means by ‘false love’, saying you love him and then forcing the heartbreak of losing you on him.
Gilbert adds that it would be nice if love was real. He thinks he can only trust it if it’s with Emma and will try with her.
Emma thinks she can save Gilbert, turn the beast he has become back into a human. Like everyone else, Gilbert’s true essence is love.
Emma thinks that Gilbert’s eye isn’t the color of blood, but the color of a rose.
It’s been a while since Emma began living in Obsidian, and she still is learning new things about Gilbert. One day she hears a gunshot and rushes towards the sound, only to discover that it came from Gilbert’s ‘cane’. Emma had noted that it was strangely heavy when she had held it that one time, but as it turns out it doubled as a rifle.
Gilbert had been interrogating a nobleman who had raise taxes three times the normal amount. The gunshot had pierced the wall next to the nobleman and he is cowering in front of Gilbert. Emma intervenes, the nobleman can be punished without needing to be killed. Gilbert asks if Emma will undertake the punishment and reeducation. Gilbert is willing to throw him in jail and let him reform.
Emma thinks that this was Gilbert’s goal from the beginning. He is trying to give her ideals a try, reformation without death. This is his way of enacting it.
Gilbert suddenly complains about this plan of theirs. He hates the idea of Emma talking to a man besides himself. Emma points out with that logic; she won’t be able to talk to anyone but him. Gilbert is okay with that.
Emma winds up kissing Gilbert, in front of the cowering nobleman. Gilbert looks satisfied and begins securing his rifle, turning it back into a cane. He tells the nobleman to rejoice, Emma has just convinced him to let the nobleman live. The nobleman thanks her, and Gilbert tells him that his life is in Emma’s hand.
Emma realizes that Gilbert is trying to build a support system for her, including people who are on her side.
Gilbert has Roderich take the nobleman away for his sentence, and when they are alone, Emma asks if he’s being a little mean, making her kiss him in front of an audience. Gilbert assures her that this is love.
Well, he had looked very happy when she kissed him.
Emma changes the subject, asking about the cane. Gilbert offers to have one made for her as well, but she assures him that she doesn’t want any more gun gifts. Instead, she wants to know more about him.
After all this time, she still has no idea what is under Gilbert’s eyepatch. Is it a scar or something else? Emma has never brought it up, sensing that it’s a topic Gilbert doesn’t want to talk about.
Gilbert senses that she has a question and offers to answer it. Tonight. In bed.
Walter has been monitoring Gilbert’s recovery, and he has been doing well. Well enough for Gilbert to bring Emma to his bed.
Of course, they didn’t do much at first, just kissing and then sleeping next to each other. These days though, things have been getting weird, where Gilbert doesn’t stop at kissing.
At night, Gilbert has her take everything off, so she is completely nude. Tonight, Emma is too shy to take of her undergarments, and decides it would be less weird if Gilbert were to strip her himself. It turns out to be worse that way.
Emma crouches trying to hide herself, and Gilbert reminds her that this isn’t her first time being nude in front of him. Emma complains that every time, she is the only one who is naked. Gilbert gasps, it sounds like Emma wants him to be nude too! Does Emma have no shame?
Emma assures Gilbert that he wins on being the one with the least amount of shame. He laughs and pulls her into bed.
Emma rolls onto her stomach as Gilbert crawls over her, his mouth on her skin. He tells her to look back at him. Emma refuses, and Gilbert tells her that he won’t take off his eyepatch then. There’s no point if she won’t look.
Emma holds back while Gilbert kisses and bites her back. Eventually her curiosity wins out and when Gilbert takes a break, she looks back at him.
To her surprise, under the eyepatch is a beautiful ultramarine eye. Gilbert explains that he was born with it. Emma asks why he was hiding it - it’s gentle and beautiful and exudes affection.
Gilbert points out that he has a baby face. No one believes he’s the evil Emperor of Obsidian when he looks so cute. Emma makes a sound, and he accuses her of laughing.
He inserts his fingers into her and notes that she is in the mood tonight.
Emma ignores him and asks if there’s any other reason for the eyepatch. There were, but Emma doesn’t need to know since they’re pointless now.
Gilbert grows more enthusiastic with his ministrations.
Now that he’s told Emma a secret, he respects a reward. His weight is on top of Emma, pinning her to the bed so she couldn’t run even if she wanted to. All she can do is accept what he’s doing to her.
Gilbert notes that there’s more that he never told her. He’s writing a book, he designed the dress Emma wore to the signing ceremony, and he found this in her belongings.
‘This’ was the metal insignia Chevalier had insisted Emma keep. Gilbert complains about her still having it.
Gilbert’s ministrations on Emma increase, and she can hardly bear it.
He complains about her being aware of other men, when she should only be aware of him. It makes him feel jealous and want to kill the other man.
Gilbert’s love is expressed through control. But, in spite of everything, he hasn’t taken away Emma’s freedom, and still respects her heart. Even his love has contradictions, proof that he is swinging between the beast and human within him.
Emma wonders if Gilbert has noticed yet that there are things about him that only Emma knows. Like right now, while he is doing something evil to her, his gaze is full of sincere love.
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dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Silvio Ricci - Main Story - Chp 04
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Standard Disclaimer: I do this for fun. I don’t, and never would, claim to be proficient at JP. There will be mistakes herein. There will be dialogue I choose to smooth out or change, because it feels choppy just straight translating. There will be the occasional snarky aside and irreverence and just plain summarizing. If you’re looking for 100% pure accuracy, without commentary or localizing, this is not for you. If you don’t mind that…then proceed, and I hope you enjoy! And please, support your local localizer (they make this stuff look easy) and Cybird by playing the games and routes when they come to English.
(If you’re reading along, I am cutting out the redundant part where they repeat the end of the last chapter here)
In the wee hours of the night, two princes are having a clandestine talk at the Benitoite embassy that could upset the balance of the four countries.
Gilbert observes aloud that the existence of Belle means there is no king. “That,” he points out on a smile. “Makes this a good opportunity to attack Rhodolite.” 
“So am I to take that as a declaration of war against an ally of Benitoite?” Silvio asks.
Gilbert counters this by asking if he’s going to turn a blind eye to all this - hasn’t he heard anything from his father, the king? He’s not believing that, not with Benitoite consumed with who’s going to succeed the king. “If you want to be the next king, I would think you’d be happy to please him.”
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Silvio seems none too pleased about the workings of the inner circle of Benitoite being leaked, but Gilbert is unapologetic and reminds him that cultivating spies is his hobby.
“It’s a bad one,” Silvio sneers.
“I think it’s more charming than your way of letting money do all the talking,” Gilbert counters. He goes on to say the emperor of Obsidian has taken to reevaluating things, and is seeking to form alliances with other countries. Silvio reminds him that he was just talking about attacking Rhodolite only moments ago, and Gilbert clarifies that they want to pick and choose their friends. They can’t get along with everyone.
As far as which friends would be suitable, the emperor thinks Benitoite would be one. 
“Ha,” Silvio scoffs. “Don’t lie.”
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Gilbert denies he is, unlike most cut-rate nobles, and Silvio tells him then that Benitoite’s definition of ‘friend’ and Obsidian’s definition of ‘friend’ seem to be wildly different. Accusing Obsidian of looking to make temporary truces, only to turn around and bite their ‘friends’ at the first opportunity - 
“I don’t say ‘friend’ to food I eventually plan to prey upon,” Silvio derides.
Gilbert says maybe so for him - but not for the wise king of Benitoite. He’s already met in secret with Obsidian’s delegation.
“...That feckin old man.” Silvio kicks his heels up onto the table in irritation.
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Gilbert nonchalantly rescues his tea before he shrugs. He says the reason he came to the four-country summit was to show his goodwill to Benitoite - at least, on record. A suspicious Silvio asks what his real deal is.
“I’ll tell you if you become my friend,” Gilbert promises.
Silvio says he’ll pass, he’s not interested. Casually said, but his eyes are sharp. He moves things along to the real point here - Gilbert went to all this trouble to deceive the Rhodolite people and offer a secret meetup, there must be something he wants, no?
Gilbert reveals that he knows Silvio is in Rhodolite on a mission from his father to find something that could lead to breaking off their alliance with Rhodolite, and Silvio is less than pleased to hear once again how many of their secrets Gilbert seems to know.
"I'll help you," Gilbert offers. The candle gutters strangely, despite the air being still, and there's a moment of silence as if Silvio is mulling the idea over.
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"No need," he says eventually. "I'm not even ready to agree to working with your country to begin with."
Gilbert questions whether he can really afford to say that, with such an important mission and the potential for the throne on the line, earning himself only an annoyed glare that he merely smiles at. He suggests the following 'scenario': Benitoite is greatly upset by the fact that Rhodolite hid something as important as the death of its king - and given Rhodolite's lack of trust and honesty, they unfortunately must opt to dissolve their alliance.
Silvio scoffs that it's a lame story, but Gilbert points out it doesn't really matter. All that matters is that the story helps Benitoite save face amongst the rest of the countries out there. And if Silvio really wants to go through with that angle, he'll need to find evidence that the king is dead.
"Rhodolite is no fool though. It's certain they'll pick their next king while we try to prove the prior ones passing," Gilbert observes, but he says it'll be too late if Belle gets to choose the next king. "The fastest way then would be…"
"Getting that women to admit she's Belle," Silvio finishes.
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Gilbert agrees. "My hands are tied here though. It's all up to you."
Silvio asks exactly what Gilbert's 'help' is supposed to be then, and Gilbert tells him it's information. He does have spies everywhere, remember? And a pawn of his in Rhodolite - not just in the city, but amongst the 8 princes themselves.
Silvio laughs that he didn't think there'd be a traitor amongst those chummy bros, but Gilbert assures him they've got someone sympathetic on the inside. 
"You know how it is with royal brothers, don't you?" Gilbert says.
After a long pause, Silvio shrugs his comment off noncommittally, looking up at a nearby dog statue with darkened eyes.
Gilbert observes that Belle is a commoner, a rube basically, and a woman like that should be an easy mark for Silvio right? Silvio reminds him he's on whichever side benefits him most - be that the land of roses or the land of ore, he still hasn't made up his mind.
"I'm still trying to decide. So it's up to me to choose whether things go the way you plan them to or not," Silvio warns him.
Gilbert laughs approvingly. "Good. Even though you're a royal, you're straightforward and direct. I like that about you, you know?"
"Not that I'm thrilled about you liking me." Silvio surges to his feet then, so violently he almost knocks his chair over, and turns to go with one last warning to Gilbert. "I'm still debating what to do about the woman. Don't touch her."
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"Alright. I'm watching, so be careful, Silvio," Gilbert replies.
Silvio slams the door shut behind him, hard enough to almost break it…and left alone in the room, Gilbert sips his tea and sets the cup down gently with a smile. "Dogs are useless when they've been trained, right?"
Starting the day after her disaster dinner with Silvio, security's been tightened around Emma. Everywhere goes she has either Rio or a servant with her at all times, no matter what.
There'd be no repeat that horrible day, she thought.
'Thought', that is.
"You're naive. Servants can be easily bribed, you know." Silvio grins unrepentantly at her from across the table at the bar he's taken her to after snatching her away from the castle.
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She's fuming at how underhanded he can be, stooping to bribing a servant and getting her alone, poised for a repeat of her hellish experience before.
Silvio chides her not to be down in the dumps this whole time and to pour him a drink - that's her job, entertaining him, no?
She'd expected things to be weird between them, given the fight they'd ended their last interaction on, but Silvio seems his normal tyrannical self - or maybe it was just so commonplace for him he didn't even blink.
She watches as he takes an elegant sip from the drink she pours, and can't stop herself from speaking up. "....I was surprised."
"That I didn't punish you?" Silvio supplies.
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"There is that…but also, this is a bar for just about anyone." It's not the highbrow place he took her to last time - it's a local joint full of townsfolk and commoners, and even Silvio himself is dressed far more casually than usual, as if to match the surroundings.
He's still got the bling on, but she's kind of used to it, and him, by now.
She says aloud that she thought he was only into expensive stuff, but he tells her not to be silly. A good drink is a good drink, regardless of how much it costs.
She finds it interesting that he's the sort of person to let money do the talking, but yet doesn't value things solely based on their price tag…and has to admit to herself that her view of him has shifted. A tiny bit.
"Besides, if you're a commoner, you're more used to this kind of bar, right?" he points out.
".... I'm not a commoner," she denies.
“If you wanna be stubborn and refuse to admit it, that’s fine,” Silvio grins. “For now, let’s just drink.” He lifts the bottle and fills her empty glass  - a gesture which seems decidedly odd to her. Not like him at all. 
He remarks on how he’s pleasantly surprised by how good the rose wine is here, and his haughty stare is urging her to drink up too. Still feeling as if something is slightly off, she agrees and takes a sip. 
“Oh, it’s true, it is delicious,” she notes.
He agrees, and observes that she’s a good drinker. She tells him she doesn’t mind alcohol, which seems to please him. “Ha, not too shabby. One of Benitoite’s main industries is brewing,” he tells her. “A woman who enjoys a good drink is more than welcome.”
She says she thinks she’d probably do well in Benitoite, and he agrees she might…and then the conversation dies off, leaving Emma to squirm at the silence. Silvio continues to drink wordlessly, and she’s casting about for something to talk about.
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Just like him being the one to pour her a drink just now, something seems strange about him today. She knows there was an ulterior motive behind the party and the fancy dinner, to try and suss out her real identity…but she can’t pin down what his purpose is behind today. Not to mention, if he’s trying to force her to admit she’s Belle, he’s doing a rather half-hearted job of it right now. Or none really at all, frankly. 
Though she knows she should be wary of him…she makes up her mind what to say. “I really am quite sorry.”
“Huh?” Silvio looks puzzled.
 “The other day. I said a little too much,” Emma concedes. She sets her glass down and chooses her words carefully, holding Silvio’s gaze as best she can. “I don’t think it was wrong to object to you. But…my words went too far.”
“Ha,” Silvio huffs a laugh. “Being rude to royalty can’t just be smoothed over with some trite apology.”
“...I figured as much.”
Silvio’s grin fades. “Ah, hells…don’t look at me like that, you’ll make the booze taste bad. I was just kidding.” He surprises her when he takes ahold of her head and softly strokes her bangs with his thumb. 
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Inwardly, she’s surprised by how gentle his touch is. Having fully expected him to say something arrogant again.
“I forgot what you even said,” he tells her, to her surprise. “I was drunk then, so let’s just chalk it up to that.” She’s trying to process why he’d say something obvious not true, when he goes on. “And also…”
He trails off, falling silent long enough that she prompts him with his name. “Prince Silvio?”
Still he remains wordless, his gaze meandering about for some time before he finally frowns. “...I’m sorry.”
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It’s said so quietly that his voice is almost drowned out by the hustle and bustle of the bar, but she’s pretty dang sure she just heard maybe the last words she thought she’d ever hear out of the tyrant’s mouth. She’s still blinking at him, utterly taken aback, when he musses up her hair.
“Ah, stop that, please!” she cries. 
“Be quiet. We’re done talking about this,” Silvio scowls blackly. 
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She never actually expected him to apologize. Maybe the other day he realized he’d gone too far with his threats, even for him. All that despite her having thought he was a tyrant who didn’t give a fig about anyone’s heart or feelings.
She finally understands the motive behind him pouring her a drink…and she thinks that perhaps, past the arrogance and the harsh tongue, he’s not a bad person at heart?
“What is it? Don’t stare at me,” he tells her, messing up her hair tas much as he pleases before turning away, and his current lack of tyranny has her forgetting her wariness.
She tells him she was drunk too, so she also ‘forgot’ what he said…and he just looks at her in surprise.
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“I see,” he says eventually, his surprise melting to a relieved laugh, and the air between them seems finally calmed and clear. 
This is bad…she thinks. Her thought prior had been to proceed with The Plan that she and Sariel and Rio had hatched after making her apology - but realizing that Silvio might actually not be a bad person has her heart trying to pump the brakes. But she steels herself to go on with it, because even if they’ve made up she can’t continue to play hostess for Silvio. 
The fate of her country depends on this, so she has to put a stop to it no matter what.
“If drinks aren’t enough, order some food. I’ll buy you whatever,” Silvio offers on a grin.
She declines though, pointing out that he bought everything their last outing together too, so she’s good. But he reminds her he’d told her the hostess isn’t supposed to disagree with him, so just go with it. “I know this place has some of those sweet things women seem to like.”
That’s why he chose this place, she realizes. Maybe with legitimate thought put into what she might like. But she chides herself not to get too thrilled with that - it’s probably far more likely he’s just trying to butter her up, and she should find a way to delicately refuse. 
She suggests trying a strawberry tart, and asks if he’d like to try it too (fully expecting him to turn the whole thing down and give her an out). Silvio declines, claiming that something that sweet would just give him heartburn…but then he folds and says he’s willing to try a bite or two if that’s what she wants. 
Immediately he calls out to the staff to put in the order, and she’s kicking herself  - she should have just said no flat out! Even Silvio comments on her visible dismay, forcing her to scramble to cover by thanking him.
“You won’t accept jewelry, but this you will,” he notes.
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It’s true, she sent the dress and the jewels back to him via Sariel after last time. But today she’s not putting up much of a fight, and she can only come up with one reason why. “Because this time, I can tell you mean something by it.”
Silvio claims to have no idea what she’s talking about, but he laughs, clearly in a good mood, and for some reason her heart flutters just the teensiest bit.
No, no wavering! she scolds herself, recalling the moment Sariel had asked her if she was prepared to become an evil woman. She can’t waver…because she’s made up her mind to become a villainess Silvio would hate.
<< Chapter 03 | Chapter 04 Avatar Challenge (Premium) >>
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fireemblems24 · 1 year
Azure Gleam Ch 7
Man . . . my "only use one unit" thing is really going to make this . . . interesting. . . .
Man, I use Dimitri, Rodrigue, and Dedue. And now all 3 are gone. Nooo. Whyyyyy. That's ok. I'll just grind Ingrid, Sylvain, and Felix up a few levels if I can't catch them up bc Dimitri's MIA. If I can just give them a few levels, we'll be good lol.
So Sreng caused trouble, but not as much as it sounded like. Relief that Sylvain's dad is ok.
Yeah, they're luring Dimitri into something, aren't they? Cornelia? Is this why Dimitri's MIA? Story stuff.
Shez is like let's go Felix. I agree.
Unless this soldier is a liar.
Love seeing Felix get to call shots for real though.
Sylvain's like we have to get to Dimitri. Felix says Dimitri manages to give him a headache when he's not even around, lamo. Accurate. The Dimilix is strong in this one and I'm not angry about it.
Yep, like I thought, Rodrigue, Dedue, and Dimitri are gone. But I CAN level anyone up to 30 where Dimitri is, so I'm fine. I'll just give Shez and co a little boost. Plus, it's a good excuse to use Felix, Ingrid, and Sylvain a bit. Mercedes too.
"King Awakens" is the chapter name. Looking forward to this. Something is obviously about to go down. I'm worried though. This is obviously a parallel to the AM chapter where Dimitri retakes Fhirdiad in AM, so what happens this time then?
Kinda torn about this. Some of me wants it to be another "Dimitri the good king" kinda moment, like a big positive growth thing going on for him. But another part of me wants Dimitri's proper villain arc. But I just don't see that happening unless they killed off Dedue and Rodrigue, but if that happened, I would've gotten more comments. Either way, I'm stoked about this.
Petra's thoughts on Sreng is interesting, esp since she called it peace between Brigid and the Empire despite her not willingly being there.
Man, I feel there is just so much more going on in this route than the other two, with Miklain, the mystery of what's happened to Dimitri, drama with Sreng and the Empire that's a consistent threat (and not like what just happened in GW).
Duke Ifan sounds like a badass, people are like "no way she'd let someone invade." I wish we'd get to see her, but since she's a woman she won't get a unique face, that's reserved for Dads only.
Felix's dialogue was interesting. It starts like he's repeating one of Dimitri's lines about the dead and ends with him understanding and sympathizing with Dimitri more now that he knows what it's like to lead.
I'm really interested to see where this leads for those two. I'm so happy Felix is getting all this attention. Man, my Dimilix heart is loving AG so far.
Of course it's Cornelia and the Western lords. They're the reason we haven't heard from Dimitri :(
So that bitch threatened the people and Dimitri surrendered to protect them 😭😭😭😭😭 Of course he did.
But if they haven't heard from Rodrigue or Dedue, that means they got away. Gilbert is probably ok too.
Will Dimitri still have two eyes after this? Or is he going to get one taken out again 😭😭😭
Shez is so worried 😭😭😭
Felix called him "our fearless leader" that's not the first time I don't think. You know, I'll take that over boar.
So we'll be doing the prison break this time. Cornelia better not have hurt him unlike last time. Or that this doesn't cause him to "snap," because this is like the only route that's different so far. I love that story line, but I want something new.
Oh, Dimitri. I wish he would just behead Cornelia. He could crush her head with his hands probably. You know the only reason he's not is to protect his people 😭😭😭😭😭
Rodrigue and Dedue are trying 😭😭 Don't worry, Felix, Shez, and everyone are coming.
She's boasting that she'll hang Dimitri in front of all of them. God, I can't wait to kill her. And get Dedue, Rodrigue, and Dimitri back.
I reallllly am dying to see this reunion. Felix is going to let Dimitri hear it lamo.
Lamo, Dimitri's like "I almost appreciate such bald faced sadism." Cornelia's like "such flirting."
She's also like "you deserve this for reforming things." What a bitch.
You know Dimitri is probably blaming himself for this. For pissing off the Western lords, who are unquestionably awful. Someone get in there before he gets too far into his own head 😭😭 Well, someone other than Cornelia, who sure loves to gloat. She's so evil. I love it.
Dimitri gets all the best villains Cornelia (hammy fun villain) and Edelgard (interesting, personal, complex villain) are wayyyy more cool than "exists" Nemesis and CF!Rhea (Rhea is awesome, but my God they made her one-dimensional in CF). Not gonna lie, though, it would be nice for Dimitri to get to punch TWSITD as a whole out on purpose and hoping this game will let him.
Catherine just mentioned Shamir. Is her girlfriend showing up soon? Please tell me they have supports in this game.
Poor Ashe's like "our King is suicidal." Poor dude can't catch a break this game.
Sylvain's ready to lecture Dimitri about his recklessness. Good.
This is their only one. I'm bummed.
The boys and girls are flirting!!
Mercedes is engaged? To someone from Gautier? It's just her father again.
Mercedes has no interest in this guy. It would've been pretty funny if she got engaged to some random guy lol.
Mercedes is a confirmed heart breaker, getting tons of proposals.
Sylvain just proposed to Mercedes lamo. He's offering to marry her just to block anyone else so Mercedes can live how she wants. 😭
They had, 1, 1 support, and it was a better romance story than most novels. 😭😭😭
The background music was so romantic too.
Guys, I propose all the Blue Lions just enter a poly marriage together, then I won't have to ever sort out all my ships.
So far just talking about some mercenary crew. Shez's old captain used to be in there.
This merc was super loyal to a noble and would help out with even farming and building stuff. Wonder where this is going.
Shez's whole point to this was telling Ingrid no one is tied to their role and can do what they want. The whole Ingrid struggling with being a noble and knight.
Oh, cool! Ingrid's grandmother knew Tobias. Nice tie in.
Oh, this is their first one!!!
Sylvain brought up someone acting up and Ingrid suspects Sylvain is talking about himself lamo. He's not.
Ingrid is just satisfied as fuck, because Sylvain now has to deal with someone like she used to have to deal with him, lamo.
Sylvain feels pressure to feel like the mature one of the group. Ah, that's cannon!!! Everyone always suspected he felt like he had to be the older brother to everyone.
Ingrid is just soaking this in. Queen deserves it.
Awww, Ingrid said she would've just abandoned him if she was really miserable and actually seemed to enjoy covering for Sylvain, on some level.
Basically the whole "we aren't kida nymore. We've grown up, hunh." Stuff. I love it. This is why you end up loving all of the Faerghus Four. Because they all build off each other soooo much.
Bernie's bug hunting. And when Hapi talks to her assumes Hapi's trying to kill her for no reason. So typical. Bernie is this close to being a good character is the game took her seriously.
They both enjoy carnivorous plants. I think Hapi just likes eating them though lamo.
Yep these two are not having the same conversation.
They worked together, and now are having a tea party together. Shez wanted to go out to eat. But Mercie is a lady of class and wants tea.
Mercie likes her sweets.
Ohhhh, Shez's mom incoming. The treats reminds Shez of something her mom used to make.
Sounds like Shez's mom lived the #cottagecore life, picking food from trees to make and living in a forest.
I think Mercie wants to live in the past days. She asks if Shez wants to and seems like she misses living with her mom 😭😭😭
Mercie. No. Why do all your supports get the sad face?
Sylvain's studying magic hardcore. Probably to try and fix the Crest only gets access to super weapon thing.
Also gets to be the Sylvain is actually smart support.
Oh, classic fantasy trope, learning how to weaponize fireworks. Mat Cauthon says hi, Sylvain.
Sylvain's out here about to invent guns to Crests are useless. Empire, you guys are up shit creek if Sylvain invents guns, lamo.
I want guns, AG only route where everyone gets guns and this game ends realllllll fast.
Miklain and Sylvain have different moms?
Sylvain admires Sreng. Good. That's promising for the future.
Oh, Shez is actually smart! Recognizing that when the king shows power (lends Sylvain's family soldiers), then everyone else loses power.
Sylvain loves the Kingdom 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 he's like "he's a half-frozen stretch of dirt, but it's MY half-frozen stretch of dirt. And only home I've got."
Eat shit every "Sylvain makes so much sense in CF" person.
More Shez's mom talk. She thinks her mom was weird and mysterious.
Mystery mom was really smart, knew a lot, and knew magic.
I'm glad some of these are actually about Shez. Helps flesh her out so much. I actually really like Shez.
Awww, Ashe is going to help Shez investigate. Because he knows how it feels. Poor baby looked for info on his parents and couldn't find much. 😭😭😭
Blue Lions need a "sadness incoming" warning on all their supports, ISTG. Or maybe I'm just way too attached lamo.
Ashe is willing to visit the village with Shez in the future to help her find her mom.
This was so fucking wholesome, guys. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I cannot believe they don't have an A support. Whyyyyy?
Seteth is like "Flayn, you're making yourself useful! How dare you!"
Man, it's weird hearing her call him brother.
Ok, I'll cut Seteth some slack. He's terrified Flayn will fall into an endless sleep again. Poor dude. Right when he lost his wife too.
This support would be so confusing to someone who didn't play Houses.
😭😭😭😭😭😭 Flayn is afraid of sleeping because of this. Poor, baby.
Oh, finally! She called him father 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Poor baby Flayn just wants peace.
They're also so scared of what will happen if they lose the war. Oh, God, I can't keep playing Edelgard's route.
"If I lost you, I'd love the very meaning of my life." - Seteth to Flayn.
Flayn's like I'll eventually grow up, dad. lol. But she won't leave him all alone.
Don't worry, Seteth. I will literally never leave you supportless.
Hyped for this one, guys.
I don't want to deal with Cornelia's weapons, ugh.
RODRIGUE AND GUSTAVE ARE OK 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Ifan is alright too. She sounds badass.
But what about Dedue? And Dimitri?
Man, Rodrigue is such a badass.
Western Lords aren't alone. Let me guess, TWSITD? And those two are creating a diversion?
Annette told Felix off, lamo. Saying they need to go help them out. But Felix just wants to rescue Dimitri.
But they know Dimitri won't leave the prison until the people are safe.
Ashe mentioning Dedue. All the points. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
See Felix take command like that does things to me.
Dedue and Rodrigue!!! They're back 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Cut scene in the middle of a battle.
Dimitri's like why did you show up. Idiot. He won't leave though 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 He's too worried about the people. Plus, he's Dimitri, so.
He's like Idk if I die. Dedue is like shut the fuck up, Dimitri. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 "I will not allow it." (is what he actually said and holy hell in a deep, badass voice) Dedue just told Dimitri off. Good. So now we know that Dedue can and will push Dimitri around if need be.
And then hand holding a spear. Because that's not suggestive.
Oh, badass Dimitri in the cut scene. And Dedue got a moment.
OMG. Guys, is that fanservice? I think I just got fanserviced.
They somehow made it Dimilix and Dimidue in the same scene.
Ok, but this game has been serving Dimilix, but can we note Dimitri didn't take Felix's hand? Dedue had to like storm in and put his hand over Dimitri's and force him to pick up the weapon? And it was DEDUE who made Dimitri change his mind? Felix got to lead the mission. Both getting the spotlight.
Guys, like, I need to rewatch that like a thousand times. Because we also can't skip the Dimitri and Dedue being complete badasses afterwards shots.
DIMITRI'S BACK. I CAN USE HIM AGAIN. Ohmygod I forgot how strong he is. 37 strength. WTF Dimitri.
Margrave Gautier just showed up. Holy hell this is epic.
Wait, Cornelia just talked about tearing Dimitri's eyes out. Does this confirm that bitch took his eye in Houses?
Dimitri finished her off with Atrocity. Seems fitting.
Cornelia's like don't kill me! Or the truth will never be known. Dimitri's like ofc, bitch.
So Cornelia arranged most of the pieces of the Duscur. So glad Dimitri's finally getting to ask all these questions 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Edelgard knows what happened to Patricia? Or is Cornelia blowing smoke?
This bitch is about to warp, ugh. Though, that means I get to kill her again, so not too upset.
Man, is AG really going to focus on Dimitri discovering the truth about Duscur and fighting TWSITD because if that's the whole plot . . . I'm so happy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
But like, why does Dimitri get the whole new plot? Edelgard and Claude are getting crumbs. Oh well.
Dimitri, Rodrigue, and Dedue have rejoined you. Helllll yesss.
Dimitri ready to go after Cornelia. But Felix saying to chill.
Ohhhh Felix got words for Dimitri this time. He's yelling at Dimitri for taking on too much by himself. Calling Dimitri out for not listening.
Ingrid's like, Felix stop. Felix isn't listening.
Dimitri just called killing Rufus "murder." Like stawp. Dimitri, it's self-defense at that point. I swear to God Dimitri would find a way to blame himself for cancer 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
He didn't choose any of this 😭😭😭😭😭😭
He wants to take all the guilt for Edelgard's and Rufus's and TWSITD's actions. Baby, no. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Felix is telling everyone else to tell Dimitri to knock it off lol.
OMG, I'm so glad for this scene. They're all telling Dimitri not to shoulder everything alone. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Guys, this is the missing scene from AM that I was desperate for.
Guys, this route is like 10000000x better than the other two.
I need to write some kind of hybrid AG/AM route.
Cornelia's in pain. Good. She's getting the Western lords whipped into a frenzy lamo.
And you know what, no Byleth or Jeralt! I'm so fucking tired of them showing up every. single. battle. Good on AG to knock that off for at least 1 chapter. It gets fucking old.
God, this chapter. I'm going to be thinking about this for a long time.
Man, I really am tempted to just drop the other two routes and only play AG. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Silvio Ricci. Chapter 11 + Letter
Church. Silvio and Gilbert.
Gilbert: Jade has a more complicated family situation than Belle, so I don't blame him.
Silvio: I hope you didn't make up this family situation yourself.
Gilbert: Haha, that's a terrible misunderstanding. I didn't have to make it up, but royalty always have their own messy family affairs, don't they?
Gilbert: I've only been using it for a while.
Gilbert: But you disturbed Grumpy Boy*, didn't you?
*根暗くん - nekura kun. Nekura - dark-natured; introverted; grumpy; gloomy; pessimistic
Silvio: I'm sick of your disgusting actions.
Silvio: If the woman chooses to be an Obsidian spies in order to hide her identity as Belle...
Gilbert: As expected of Grumpy Boy. No, I wonder if the "beast inside Grumpy Boy" has quieted down?
The second time I read Silvio's route. There was a mistranslation.
Gilbert is just talking about how the existence of a secret agreement between Rhodolite and Obsidian would have been a problem for Jade. Perhaps that's why Keith wasn't affectionate with MC.
Basically, Gil makes it clear that he knows everything and that he pushed Keith to do what he did.
Silvio doesn't like Gilbert's actions. Gilbert wants to find out what Silvio thinks of him.
Gilbert: You only have two choices, join hands or be forced to join hands, right?
Silvio: Huh?
Gilbert jumps off the podium and puts his cane to Silvio's throat. There was no chance to resist, it was an instantaneous event.
And then this image appears and I forget what I'm translating... Who is Silvio? Let me read about this guy 🚬🤤
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Silvio is trapped.
Gilbert: Depending on what you do, I may have to turn my heart into a beast!
Silvio: Нa, I see.
Silvio realized that the case of Keith and MC and it was "a threat to him".
Gilbert gave it more time to think. But not for long.
The trail left by Silvio has not disappeared. The heroine is back in the collar.
She drinks tea with Rio. She confesses that she has grown to hate him less, so she decides to entertain the prince. And Rio has to help her do it.
Rio:.... How can I say no to MС when she asks me to do something for her? I am your loyal (dog) butler.
Rio gets jealous...
Day 1.
Leon and Jin recommended a liquor store.
Silvio liked the wine.
MC was pleased.
Then the prince added that it was possible to open a production facility in his country.
MC became sad.
Day 2.
Love this scene.
The hill, overlooking the city.
Rio's and MC's favorite spot.
Rio tries to get Silvio drunk on a spicy juice that makes "fatigue and consciousness magically deflate." Clavis' recommendation.
Silvio: 😐😑 You don't want to entertain me at all, do you?
Rio happily drinks the juice.
The result is known. Eyes on his forehead and cries of "It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"
MC immediately begins to take care of Rio.
Silvio: Woman, give me a drink.
He drank....He liked it.
Rio: ....🤨🙄
Day 3.
Rose Garden. After all, Rhodolite is associated with roses.
Silvio: Damn, I'm not interested.......
Yves and Licht tell the trio about the secret gazebo.
The girl leads them there.
Rio: MC's smiling face is picture-worthy.
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Boy in Love 🤗
Silvio: ......
Rio: Lord Silvio?
Day 4.
MC cooked fricassee. Silvio didn't want to try it at first.
Tsundere mood: on.
Silvio admitted that it wasn't bad.
But he ate it with pleasure.
MC: Practice saying "good" next time.
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Silvio: ....You're cheeky.
MC: Huh... Please stop mussing my hair.
Rio's not happy.
And Day 5.
Keith comes to apologize.
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Keith: You can beat me up all you want!
(This is a different person, not like the last time.)
MC forgives him, but Rio adds that it's only one time.
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I praise you, read on.
Your recent entertainment isn't bad.
The only thing I don't get is the damn dog that comes with you every time.
But even with that, the content is much better.
I especially liked the rose fricassee.
You should definitely make it again.
And give me some more of your homemade food.
YOUR homemade food, of course.
If it's homemade, that means only you can make it.
I want that taste, so don't let anyone else cook it.
... And don't let the fucking dog help you cook.
Call me instead of cooking with him alone.
I'll help you out a little bit.
Silvio Ricci.
Silvio's Masterlist
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azureaqua · 2 years
❥︎ The Queen's Deceit • Ikemen Prince fanfiction
1. I don't own any of the ikepri characters and surroundings here, just my OC whom I created just for this purpose!
2. This is my first writing here and on top of that my first English writing! It's not my first language so there could be typos, and grammatical errors (as I'm still kind of learning the language) — in case this happens please tell me, I'm quick to fix them and make better quality!
3. Last, but not least is the story itself and some characters' personalities. Since the plot doesn't follow after our MC in the game, things can be different! Also, some elements were completely invented by me, so please keep an eye out for that too! (Plus, there could be spoilers for some routes.)
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• Chapter I.
(If you guys want a theme song for our protagonist;))
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Ice. And cold. I got used to it by now. Or at least my mind did, a long ago... But my body would still let me down after all these years and warn me by constantly getting goosebumps and shivering, not feeling at first my fingers tips then my hands and feet. I was burning from inside to outside... As if those ice crystals in my heart were burning down my body slowly, mercilessly. Wanting to destroy my organs first so that my chilled, helpless body will be unusable by the time I'm dead. Merely, a frozen corpse, an icy prison for my past self.
...But I should be okay after I'm ready. There.
I sighed while walking fast, trying to keep my pace and breathing steady. The exhalation when the carbon dioxide fled first from my lungs and then through my mouth to become one with the very perishing and choking air around me appeared lightly before my eyes. I saw the delicate poisoned steam as they spread all over the area. Almost saw the icy crystals too that might have frozen in that instant moment I let out my sigh. Suddenly the whole corridor around me felt cruel, nearly pinning me down in one place to notice my surroundings. And stop. But I had no time to spare nor observe. I have to keep going.
And damn, it is exceptionally cold tonight. I better sleep with double blankets after this, I guess...
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"Your Highness? What are you doing here at this time of the night?" 
I heard one of the head maids calling me. I was in the kitchen, holding a plate of food, so I wasn't suspicious. My back was facing her, but I had to be careful nonetheless. I had the venom ready in my hand, too - just a couple drops from it, and it could be fatal. But... was this really what I wanted right now? I was eager about it before, but now I'm suddenly scared. 
Vater wouldn't be proud of me now, would he? Neither Gilbert, for that matter. Good thing I won't see them for a while... Let's get over this. 
"Ja, it's me, Franziska. Don't worry, I just finished training a little late and got hungry, so I will take this meal to my room if you don't mind." I tried to sound as normal and tired as possible, hoping my voice won't shake. I almost laughed nervously at the end, but that would have given away the whole act. 
Although I was still showing my back to her, I wasn't sure where she was standing exactly, so I feared that the next moment she would look over my shoulder and see what I'm doing. If only my hands wouldn't shake so much... But this is the first time I'm doing something like this, it's not like I'm a professional. I just have to be fast. 
Thanks to this nerve-racking position I was in, I no longer felt the cold eating me up, I assume this is the only positive aspect of this. Suddenly I was more like; burning with dishonesty, a bit of mischief, and excitement. 
"Very well, Prinzessin, I'll leave you to it then. But please don't overwork yourself, your mother has been worried about you." She said in a sorrowful tone. 
...It's nice of you to say something like this, Franziska, but - unfortunately - I know my mother very well. She would never be worried about me, especially after what occurred a year and a half ago.
"Trust me, I won't. I appreciate you and my mother worrying about me, but I'm doing good, training keeps me in shape, and it helps me a lot in my daily tasks, so I know my limits." At the last sentence, I turned my head in her direction and watched as she bowed to me and left. Finally, this was quite close!
I didn't waste any more of my short time and poured some delicate drops from the small vial in my hand to every point of the healthy meal. Or... well, not so healthy anymore. 
After that, I quietly slipped out of the master kitchen and tried to use some hidden passages throughout the castle to get to my destination quicker, without more people seeing me. At one point, while I was walking the stairs, I believe I caught a glimpse of something or someone, but neither of us was interested enough to investigate at this time, close to midnight. I only sincerely hoped it wasn't Gilbert or one of his watchmen or soldiers. Usually, they are the ones who use these shortcuts in the palace the most, and they also finish training late, or there could be a guard switch every 3 hours, so it was evident for me to get worried. But when I saw my room at the end of the corridor in the East wing, I silently ran towards it and finally felt safe after a long day. 
I kicked off my boots hurriedly, but before I stripped down for a sedative and comforting hot shower, I noticed that the maids must have left my window open since the morning... I was back to freezing at last. 
After half an hour, my brain felt at peace finally. I was relaxed and calm... Before the storm. 
The last thing I thought about before falling into a pleasant slumber was that I prayed that the forenoon, I wouldn't see Gilbert - or any of his subordinates, for that matter. Normally we would eat breakfast in our rooms or at the training grounds, but he's quick to sense if something's amiss. What if he comes into my room to see if I'm still sleeping or eating? Of course, this wouldn't be a problem in itself, but I know I won't be here the next time the Sun rises. At the same time, the next evening I won't be in my room either, taking a shower after a rough training, and more importantly - I won't be sleeping in my bed, neither tomorrow nor the day after that. What he'll do? 
If he finds out sooner than he should... I may get all of us killed. 
I must wake up earlier than him because I will outsmart my brother once in my life. 
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...Quick, I have to make my way down fast!
In a hurry, I ran downwards on the castle's stairs as swiftly and silently as I could. I woke up before sunrise, as I wanted, but I had so much preparing to do I was constantly debating in my head that I underestimated myself and my timing.
Every second I thought that I'm running late, and at the gates - when I got my horse and assistant with me - I'll run into Gilbert, and my whole mission will fly out the window into some relentless coldness and endless suffering. Also, my second biggest fear was that what if Ingrid forgot what I told her last night? Not that she has ever forgotten anything I said to her, but still. 
Now for once, as I was running, I was not afraid to make too much noise as I didn't have my armor on me. I decided it was for the best; I won't be too recognizable. I plan to keep a low profile, and I want to do it right. 
I finally reached the castle grounds and cut through our spacious garden which didn't bloom beautifully even in the spring. That's the curse of Obsidian, I guess. Then for this matter, why did we even have a garden? 
Meanwhile, moving continuously, I reached the royal stables, unleashed my horse, and walked with her to the gate. I felt a pang of relief in my heart when I saw my assistant waiting with her horse near the enormous doors. I also already had an idea forming in my head about what I'll do with the gatekeeper guards, but that had to wait a little longer. 
"Ready, Eure Majestät?" Asked Ingrid, however, she immediately hopped onto her horse - as if not expecting any response. But after I nodded my head, we went on. 
It's time to deal with the guards... It's early, so I hope whatever I bribe them with, they'll take it without a word and keep their mouths shut in front of my mother and my brother. 
"Guten Morgen meine Herren! Could you please open the gates for us?" I used my best smile to be engaging. 
"May we know where you're going so early, Prinzessin?" Asked one of them, however, the other guard - ignoring his companion - reached for the handles to open the desired entrance... Our entrance to freedom.
"Oh, I can't possibly tell you everything. This one is a top-secret mission of mine if you'd please!" I was still smiling, but now it was a forced smile. 
Just don't ask for more details, let us go already..!
"Very well. What should we say to dein Bruder?" Meanwhile, finally, the guard who's been questioning me moved to open the gates too. 
"He knows about it, don't worry." I thanked them one last time and beckoned Ingrid to follow me. I immediately kicked my horse into a gallop, running into the dry, blackish field, feeling free. 
Shortly my assistant caught up to me and hurriedly asked me. 
"Eure Majestät, where are we planning to go exactly?" There she goes, being worried... But it's true though, I didn't say any specific destination to her last night. Not that I have any better idea now.
"Oh come on, enjoy this freedom a little bit, will you?" I laughed, which made her laugh too. "I will figure it out when the time's right." I reassured her at last and started galloping again.
It will be a long way anyway while we reach some borders, so I had plenty of time to decide which way to go. Until then, we can feel the fresh air burning through us with the marvelous taste of liberty in our mouths, making us drunk early this dawn. 
There's nothing better than this at the moment. 
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"Are you sure about this? Entirely?" She sighed, her face troubled as she held my horse's bridle tightly in her other hand. 
I dismounted my horse, close to the evening hours when we reached a border in the South-Eastern region. I wasn't planning to arrive on horseback since everyone knows that only royals travel with horses, and right now, I wasn't thriving to be royalty. Right now, I have to look like a commoner, and I have to act like one. That's why I decided near the border that I will walk from now on. 
"Look on the bright side, Ingrid, you can take some day-offs! I will manage, I promise!" 
"I know you'll manage, that’s not the thing I'm most worried about. It's the country, the territory you chose. Are you sure Rhodolite is the best place to escape for a while as an Obsidianite princess and a member of the Royal Family? You know they hate us... If you get found out, they'll kill you. And maybe, but just maybe, start a war too." I sighed, seeing her anxious expression. 
"I know what I'm doing, but they will never know. That's the key; not letting them know. I'm familiar with the consequences and risks that may occur in this short period, but I need to do this. For several personal reasons. You trust me, right? You will know when I need you next time I will reach you, so don't worry, Ingrid." I stepped closer to her and hugged her. 
"Just relax around here... Feel the freedom without the kingdom's responsibilities for a little while. You can use my horse too if you want. Just don't go back to the palace and guard our secret. You're the only one I truly trust in Obsidian, not even my brother. I will be careful because it's worth it. It's worth it to be careful because I know I can go back to someone." I patted her on the shoulder one last time and started running towards the border. 
Buckle up, Rhodolite; here I come!________________________________________________________________________________________
(Okay, so how did you guys like the first part? Was it clear, was it good? Honestly this is my first English ff I posted anywhere, since I usually write in my native language, but a couple of days ago I thought I should try something new and develop my skills... I’m open to any critisism and/or opinion, bc I have nothing to lose as this is my first time haha! Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed! :D)
Part 2 is here!
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
What MC was your favorite in ikepri routes so far and why? :)
( 。•ω•。)ノ This was a hard one to answer because again, I'm going to be extremely biased like when I was asked what my favorite route was (I was actually thinking about this the other day: the irony that my favorite routes in an otome game don't actually focus heavily on romance. It’s still there, but feels more subtle. Literally, for both routes, confessions happen in either the last or second to last chapter), but they really are Clavis' and Sariel's MCs. I remember when I was reading Clavis route, I always found MC adorable and funny. And being really impressed with her in Sariel’s route.
Spoilers under the cut. 
TL - True Love route PL - Passionate Love route
Clavis’ MC - I freaking love her dynamic with Clavis. How she doesn’t take shit from him, but still ends up going along with his plans like “I don’t actually hate this, but I guess this is my life now”. She’s so outspoken, but then gets really shy when it comes to being lovey-dovey. - The way she cares and supports him, and how she’s learned to differentiate between his smiles. She’s tsun and absolutely refuses to fall in love with him, but whenever Clavis is feeling anxious, she helps him the way he’s helped her when she’s felt that way. - *clenches fist* The way she knows how important Clavis and Chevalier are to each other.  - Strong and brave (though sometimes foolishly stubborn), not saying that the other MCs aren’t, but this girl had to deal with so much shit...witnessing Chevalier kill someone before her on her 2nd day in court, Clavis’ cooking, being alone with Gilbert, drinking with Silvio, standing up against Chevalier and his sword while Clavis has a mild breakdown (TL), being casually bathed in blood as Chevalier kills people in a dance hall (PL), having Gilbert hold a sword against her neck and actually draw blood (PL)... - One of my favorite lines from MC, from PL, after Clavis has Cyril escort her to the Obsidian/Rhodolite border while he [Clavis] stays in Obsidian and Cyril points out how she didn’t cry: “If I have time to cry, then I have time to think about a way to get Clavis back to Rhodolite “
Sariel’s MC - The fact that she becomes a mini Sariel and even the princes point that out - I think she really showcases her intelligence and hardworking nature in this route. And she has an unwavering heart that doesn’t change her views on Sariel, no matter the rumors, what she’s seen, or what even Sariel himself says (all of which relating to Sariel being the devil. Like sure, but she’s still going to save his life anyway, even at the risk of her own life). - I really loved being able to see MC at work, especially since in this route she’s pretending to be a bureaucrat’s apprentice. Even if she does work until she passes out at her desk... - Clever girl learning how to get information. Like learning that she can bribe Chevalier with books, which she got from Nokto in exchange for information on Silvio’s schedule. - Her freaking endurance and willpower. After citizens call for Sariel’s execution for his involvement in the previous king’s death, MC stands in the plaza for days to, even when it rains, revealing her identity as Belle and talking to the people about her experiences in court. This eventually leads to less people wanting Sariel dead. This is all part of her plan to draw out the true culprit behind the embassy fire, which works (TL) - In PL, she also has a plan to exonerate Sariel and draw out the true culprit. She knows just which princes to go for help + how to convince them. -  When she and Sariel get invited to a merchant’s place in Benitoite, she immediately pieces together that he’s the culprit behind the fire and knows exactly why he invited them.
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