#I'm built for girlrotting
freckledsweetpea · 4 months
I truly cannot believe I was on a dating app for 3 days and then deleted the app because I'm a girl failure and there are no hot slutty butches in my area.
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I'm sorry that your GNC girlrot era was just a phase to represent the loneliness and alienation at the lowest point in your life but I'm just built like that .
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eldritchamy · 1 year
You know I have followed you for years and you're a bit of enigma, but I never once remembering seeing anything about what you do for a living and I just can't help but be curious. What is it you do for a living? No pressure to answer if not comfy, just a curious follower ^^
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I girlrot in my girlroom with my girlunmedicated mental illness.
Recently I've started doing a bit of weekly video editing for a friend who pays me because it saves her a huge amount of time.
I co-own her company (FableScraps) which focuses on digital media content production (twitch streaming TTRPGs) and tabletop game development. We have a completely original game world and system called Issliss which is kind of a gritty survival horror thing set in a world ruled by intelligent monsters where humans are very much not the dominant species, and it has heavy themes of cooperation and organized rebellion against a fascist ruling class. The player group is called "the cell" in the rulebook.
I had some input on the game design (mainly the dice system), but the vast majority of the work was done by others.
Currently we have a quickplay guide available through the website and fully playable, but it's still in active development and there will be a full scale player's guide book later, MAYBE by the end of the year.
The primary antagonists for the first book/campaign are the Kasat, a species of giant spider people who use humans as a subjugated labor class. They also appear on the cover art:
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Also player stats are called "VECTORS" because the character sheets are framed almost like dossiers written by the ruling class
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The system is built for streamlined combat encounters so more time can be spent on roleplay and survival. Almost all rolls are made with 3d6, and a single 3d6 roll covers both your attack and damage. Using skills you're not proficient with requires a 2d6 roll (i.e. it's a lot harder to succeed) and doing it with "Synergy" (we have a whole system for this, basically help from another player) allows you to bump the roll up to a 4d6.
Systems like "Rival" NPC encounters (recurring antagonists) and "Showdowns" (more cinematic and high stakes combat) are still being developed.
I also have my own homebrew world that I'm slowly working on myself (the Uneiverse) which will hopefully move a lot faster once my ADHD is actually being treated. I want to write (at least one) book that takes place in that world, and very possibly adapt it as a system agnostic campaign setting. All of my homebrew experience thus far has been with 5e (my Witch class especially, and I currently have .... two additional ideas for homebrew classes) since that's the only system I have experience with, but Paizo has some interesting stuff for homebrew content so I may end up learning Pathfinder to adapt it for that. If it gets released as a campaign setting it will probably be done through FableScraps in some capacity.
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