#I'm glad there's a term that specifically means 'not skinny but also not really fat'
dwarrowdams · 3 years
A few months ago, I saw something on TikTok that was like “small/mid fat people experience thin privilege” and like...no????
We don’t experience the further marginalization that larger fat people do (for example, I’m a midfat and I generally don’t have trouble fitting into seats on public transit or booths at restaurants), but we sure as shit don’t benefit from thin privilege.
Please tell me if this is overstepping/an inappropriate comparison, but it reminds me of people who say that light-skinned POC have white privilege.  True, they don’t experience colorism, but they still experience racism (and DEFINITELY do not have white privilege), and it’s shitty to act like they don’t.
You can acknowledge degrees of marginalization within a group without kicking people out of it, I promise.  
this was also coming from someone who said that the term “midsize” was fatphobic, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised
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