#Brynne for ts
hazellevessque · 7 months
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“Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand. It’s nice to have a friend…”
My favorite couples as Taylor Swift songs part iii | It’s Nice To Have A Friend (Brynne Rao and Hira’s Version)
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book-girlswhispers · 2 months
The unsent letters of Aru Shah
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Summary: Aru tries to connect with Aiden through letters during the 8 Months Of Ignorance
Pairing: Aru x Aiden (Aruden) - tpq
Genre: angst
Tw: none I think
Word count: 822
Sup Aiden!
So I thought I'd write to you, seeing as you, you know, you act like I don't exist anymore.
- from Aru
Aru crumpled up the piece of paper. She couldn't sound too blunt, not if she wanted him to actually read it.
Hi Wifey,
How are things with you recently? How's shadowfax doing? I hope that you are thriving -
Hope that you are thriving?! Who was she, an aristocrat or something? Gosh, she hadn't spoken to him in a few weeks, and suddenly she sounded like the Queen of England. The letter was screwed into a ball, before meeting the same fate as its predecessor.
Aru stared at the new page a while, and started writing.
Hi Aiden!
I know we haven't spoken in ages but I just wanted to say hi! How's things going? I saw you mom at Costco the other day, although she completely ignored me. Is that why you've been avoiding me? Did I do something? Do you hate me -
"Not sending that,"
Hey Snob
How's things over on the other side of the road?  There isn't much happening on my side. Poppy Lopez got moved up a set and keeps on kicking the back of my chair which sucks... Oh and I applied for the chess team! But that's all that's happened here.
It would be so cool if we could be in the same class, you're the only person in school who I can talk to about saving the world and all that stuff. It would be even better if you actually talked to me...
"Absolutely not."
Hi Aiden.
Is everything ok? We haven't talked in forever! Me and Kara are going to the movies this Saturday if you want to come? It's going to be so fun, we're going to see how much candy we can eat in one go - don't tell Mini about that part - and it'll be even more fun if you were there. We used to spend loads of time together but now -
To Aiden,
Me and Mini went over to Rudy's the other day (he was showing off his new wardrobe - Niki made him one) and we watched frozen. I like Let It Go the most obviously, but Do You Wanna Build A Snowman is a close second! We were all sing along, especially at the bit that goes like "We used to be best buddies, but now we're not, I wish you would tell me WHYYY-
Yo Aiden Wassup my man...
Ok I already know I won't send this, so I might as well say whatever. WHAT THE HECK?! Why are you doing this? I did nothing, absolutely nothing, and now you treat me like I'm not there. No, worse than that. Like you wish I wasn't there. What's wrong? Did I do something, say something? If I screwed up, tell me! But don't treat me like I'm some random stranger.
I thought we were friends.
- from Aru
Dear Aiden
How are you? I've been meaning to talk to you for a while now. What have you been up to? Apart from the constant avoidance I mean.
Why do you hate me?
I heard a TS song today and thought of you. How's it going? Are you going to training on Saturday? It would be great to spar with you, cause Mini is more defensive and Brynne is downright terrifying when it comes to fighting. Kara's pretty good at sparring as well. She misses seeing you almost as much as I -
Dear Aiden
Can we just talk again? We used to be friends, I just want that again. Or if you can't do that, tell me why you're doing this. Please. I - and I know this sounds weird and cringe but it's true - I miss you. I miss talking and laughing and watching movies and sparring and just being together. I miss you, Aiden
- Love Aru.
A teardrop fell onto the page. Followed by another. And another. Aru crumpled up the page and threw it in the pile, before breaking down into a sob. I miss you, Aiden. She said it over and over in her head. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you I miss you I miss you I missyouImissyouImissyou- Aru sobbed harder. Why do you hate me so much?
A spark of light across caught her attention. Aru looked up from her desk and to the left, to see her curtains open. Across the street, Aiden was looking out his window, outlined by the warm light of room against the dusk around him. For a moment - their eyes met, and Aru saw something flicker over his face. Regret? Or maybe just loathing. Whatever it was, it was gone a moment later. Aiden pulled his curtains shut, and Aru followed suit.
With a brisk wipe of her face, she turned back to the desk, a new piece of paper waiting.
Dear Aiden...
- Bea <3
Please do not copy/repost this work. All rights belong to me, the author. Feel free to reblog, though :)
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jalwyn21 · 4 months
Don't take this the wrong way and you don't even to post it, but given how swifties are looking into Joe and blogs to spread hate, not a good idea to share that like from Brynn. They will use it to hate on him and say she knows he sucks or crap like that. It's just drawing attention
That would be true, babe, had she been consistent with her behavior. But the girl has been the opposite of that.
Back in April when she was still Patrick's girl, she unfollowed ts on all sm.
Early summer she unfollowed Patrick and Joe and followed ts back 🤭 and she posted about being independent from the English.. like girl... Guess we know what happened. 🤭🤭
So, this only proves that she knows that ts sucks, but she is salty over Patrick...
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lcndonboysstuff · 4 months
It sounds like it’s a group of very online and very unhinged TS stans that plotted to create an account and then spread misinformation through their own accounts and this fake Joe fan site. I have reported all the accounts and the fake Joe fan site multiple times and just nothing is being done. And it’s where most of the misinformation and hate is coming from. They see it on there, believe it, and then spread it to others. Nobody is stopping for a second to fact check or live in reality. It even ends up in spaces that isn’t anti-Joe with people saying - wow, is this true?? So much misinformation. It’s truly going very very far but in the Elon Twitter-verse, this is what is allowed to happen.
I know the response from Joe will continue to be nothing, as it should be, and I think most normal people in the world have given up on Twitter, but I would hope his team is monitoring some things. It’s going into a dark space and defamation for some people that aren’t even involved - Emma, Paul, Andrew, now Brynn.
And I think at some point, Taylor is going to be forced to say something. This is the fandom that she has created. There is no way her team or Taylor herself does not know about the harassment and death/violent threats he is getting. And I would hope she would choose to do it on her own instead of through legal action (presumably like JM), but considering she contributes to it, I don’t have high hopes.
it’s weird they hate him, i don’t get why they have to bring his friends and family and girls he’s not even dating into it.
i don’t think she’ll do anything about it. i wouldn’t expect someone he’s still seemingly heartbroken over a man to come out and defend that same man.
i wish we had bigger accounts on twitter to combat this
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bisluthq · 2 years
If joe was only with Tay for clout of lifestyle he probably wouldn’t have any genuine friends left. Anyone associated with him has to distance themselves from him on their social media because swifties are nuts and DM and comment for details about Taylor. I did a basic search on joe when news broke he was dating Taylor which lead to finding some of his friends without trying and seeing pics from uni days. I was bored so I just clicked anything relevant including those local sporting pages that mentioned him. Anyway since then a bunch of his friends have gone private and don’t even have their face in their Instagram profile picture. They don’t follow each other. But then you’ll have something like NYE in NYC a few years ago or at Taylor’s shows and you can see his friends in those pics. We haven’t gotten much content in years with the pandemic limiting appearances but if you get chronically bored and hyper obsessed with something for a day, you can find his friends names in the list of people who liked pics on the CWF page… Brynne has comments restricted but that isn’t good for someone who is trying to make a pop career. A couple of joes school friends who have managers and get regular theatre work can’t have a public IG because swifties pounce.
They both must be decent people and surrounded by good people because his friends would only need to post a pic with Joe and one of the cats to break the fandom and get heaps of followers which looks good for their career….. until you make the link that half his followers have ts as their profile pic lol. As a former kaylor who followed that narrative while working out my own sexuality (I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND IT) Kimby was praised in our corner every time she posted an often old pic with Taylor (it signalled the girls were fine 🙄) but omg she was the biggest clout chaser ever!! I forgot what even inspired me to write this thesis lmao but I think it had to do with how basically everyone Joe knows has to tiptoe online now and that must be exhausting and feel shit for joe and worse for Taylor… there are other ways to get money if he just wanted to be a sugar baby.
Ya I don’t think it’s a good way to just be a sugar baby. There are easier ways lol and also he’s like a productive sugar baby too - if he just wanted a rich girlfriend he needn’t like keep working so damn hard.
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webseriesviral · 7 months
Shep Rose on Why He Doesn't Want to Date Brynn Whitfield 247 Credit: Todd Williamson/Greg Doh... #movie quote #movies #movie line #movie line #movie scenes #cinema #movie stills #film quotes #film edit #vintage #movie scenes #love quotes #life quotes #positive quotes #vintage #retro #quote #quotes #sayings #cinematography
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dwarrowdams · 2 years
A few months ago, I saw something on TikTok that was like “small/mid fat people experience thin privilege” and like...no????
We don’t experience the further marginalization that larger fat people do (for example, I’m a midfat and I generally don’t have trouble fitting into seats on public transit or booths at restaurants), but we sure as shit don’t benefit from thin privilege.
Please tell me if this is overstepping/an inappropriate comparison, but it reminds me of people who say that light-skinned POC have white privilege.  True, they don’t experience colorism, but they still experience racism (and DEFINITELY do not have white privilege), and it’s shitty to act like they don’t.
You can acknowledge degrees of marginalization within a group without kicking people out of it, I promise.  
this was also coming from someone who said that the term “midsize” was fatphobic, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised
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sheerioswifties · 6 years
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southsideleader · 7 years
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happy munday from someone who never thought about backwards baseball caps until fp jones tbh.
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cidercidercider · 4 years
hey y’all
please go to the link and vote for me (hanna/finn) when the poll is up
thank you i want to be president
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sashabeauty87 · 3 years
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rainesclan · 6 years
mc profiles
janelle (es) 
melrose (tf/ts/tj) [zig route]
cariedee (tj) [single/nathan route]
jax (hss) 
kayleigh (ilitw)
chelsea (pm)
september (trr) 
brynn (bb)
desdemona (vos)
nastya (ame)
katiya (rcd)
bronte (lh)
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dillie60 · 3 years
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I have always been an adrenaline junkie. I have sought out the thrills and rushes, my latest adventure being on the back of a bull. Anything that gets my blood pumping and my heart pounding. Anything that makes me feel alive. I had no idea a woman could give me that feeling. One look at her and my blood starts pumping. My heart starts pounding. I feel alive. She is the ultimate thrill. The ultimate rush. And I cannot have her. I am not supposed to want her. Even thinking of her is reckless. She is my brother’s ex-wife. **Something Reckless is Kipton and Brynn’s story and is book three in the Dirty Southern Secrets Series. It is a standalone full-length novel. It contains adult content, adult language, and sexual content. It is intended for mature readers only.**
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ksteadman15 · 3 years
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poot6547 · 4 years
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