So I realized that there are several big reasons why I am not active on my blogs. I do work, but I also generally have some time most days where I could rp, if I really wanted to.
The pressure to rp is what keeps me from doing so. I’m afraid that I can’t keep up with my dash, and that I can’t provide the quality replies that you’ve come to expect from me. 
More so than that, I’m afraid that in my absence, most of my partners have moved on. I’m starting over from scratch every time I log on, and it’s tiring and disheartening trying to rekindle a thread or relationship with old partners that just aren’t interested anymore.
It doesn’t help that Jason has become such a popular character, and there are literally dozens of blogs I could list off the top of my head that play him well and consistently. I’m by no means undermining my own portrayal, since I’ve become comfortable with my way of playing Jason, but I know that there are other portrayals others may and have chosen over my own if only because they are more reliable.
For these reasons, I will be archiving this blog, and likely will not return. Should I ever choose to play Jason again sometime in the future, chances are I will make a new blog and start fresh.
However since I do still want to rp, I will be moving to my OC blog. There I will unfollow almost everyone that I no longer interact with, and will start fresh with new partners. Hopefully this will take some of the pressure off of what should be a fun hobby, and I can start rping at a more comfortable pace, and in a manner that I can enjoy.
tl;dr: see bold.
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Tfw someone keeps unfollowing and following you to get you to notice them and Tumblr keeps recommending them to you but you dON’T WANT TO FOLLOW THEM.
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me: makes a post promising to be more active me: gets called into work not even an hour later me: has no energy to do drafts after work me: doesnt have a day off for the rest of the week you: patiently waiting for replies me: hearteyes
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im a mess
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When she mentioned seeing double, Jason was now past the point of waiting for permission, so it was a good thing she had granted it. He quickly tugged on his helmet and closed the distance between them, sweeping her up easily in his arms. “You might wanna hold on.” And with that he was running. She said no motorcycles, so he had to get her to where he’d stashed his car, since the nearest hospital was a good five miles away.
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She knew she really ought to take him up on it. Especially since the hand he had extended to her was now two hands. Signalling she definitely needed to get help, even more so as he began to double. Cringing as her hand instead went to cradle her head she just carefully nodded to his offer. “Okay fine. I’ll go. Just….I can’t pick out of the two of you is the real you. Meaning I probably really should go to a hospital. Sorry.”
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Roy was damn lucky he was cute. And that he woke Jason with the promise of food. With a grumble, Jason shoved Roy out of his lap so he could stumble out of bed. Once he was standing, Jason stretched his arms above his head, back arching almost obscenely as he yawned. Then he scratched the back of his neck and turned to face Roy again, naked as the day he was born and holding his hand out for the blunt again.
“In the kitchen,” Roy replied, taking back the blunt in exchange for a kiss. He didn’t really make an effort to move when Jason sat up, leaving him perched in the younger man’s lap, perfectly positioned to catch that smoke with his mouth instead of his eyes and nose. “I put in all this work, you have to make some effort.”
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“Yeah, sure.” Jason flashed Tim what he hoped was a reassuring smile. Given his reputation, Jason didn’t have many friends of his own either. He was a confusing mix of nerdy and troublemaker that had most people avoiding him, since he didn’t really fit neatly in any of their cliques. And that was fine with Jason for the most part, but it did get a little lonely.
You Got a Friend in Me
Tim breathed a nervous sigh of relief. “Really? So you’ll be my bodyguard?” It was an amusing thought. He was so used to being on his own that he hadn’t even considered the idea someone might take a liking to him and want to stick around. A friend was a good thing though, and part of Tim was hoping he’d make more. One was a good start.
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He probably should have been relieved that Tim was still well enough to make jokes, but then this wasn’t really the time or place to be doing so. Tim’s attempt at humor only earned a huff from Jason. “Are you putting pressure on the wound?”
Jason’s annoyance was hypocritical, of course. If he’d been the one stabbed, he’d be making jokes too. But this was Tim’s life on the line, not Jason’s, and Jason was far more careful and concerned about Tim than he was about himself.
“About what?” Tim paused, then let out a little huff. “I’m not dying, Red. Uh…” He cast about, trying to find a subject.
“Goddamn, it’s chilly. Can you stop by Starbucks and bring me a peppermint mocha?” So yeah, maybe he was using humor to try to diffuse the situation. But he’d lasted this long, Tim wasn’t gonna let himself get taken down by a poke. No matter how much blood came out of that poke. Christ, his ribs hurt.
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“Screw work, ‘n screw their data.” Jason’s eyes searched Tim’s before flicking to his lips. He was thinking some very dirty things, and with the promise of a whole week alone together, he was having difficulty reeling in those desires. 
“Screw Red Hood, screw Stray. For the next week s’just gonna be you and me, kitten.” His hand carded through Tim’s hair in a petting motion.
Tim’s smile widened and he tipped his head back contentedly, shuffling up to settle against Jason’s side on the couch. He picked up the collar again, running it through his fingers once more and giving Jason a look that said I know exactly what dirty things you’re thinking. 
“I did get the week around New Year’s off this year,” he noted, more than willing to indulge Jason. “I work tomorrow night, then the only thing I have to worry about before the third is someone’s busted hard-drive that needs the data extracted.”
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“An unfortunate soft spot that landed you here in Gotham.” Fixing tea was automatic, instinctive, almost reflexive. It was a calming set of actions that Jason could quite literally perform in his sleep, and the familiarity of it helped to sooth him even before the tea touched his lips. “You can have alcohol when you’re old enough for alcohol.”
Once Upon a Nightmare
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Hey peeps! So I’m back, and hopefully I’ll be on more often due to some screwups that have me out of school for a couple months. 
As for today, I plan to knock out most if not all of my drafts and then chill over on Ethan for a while, if anyone wants to join me over there. His blog needs some tlc and his info page is due for some updating, so I’ll probably be doing that and reblogging memes or something.
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S O R C I E R E ; it’s munday. so…
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Happy munday, I have a big lollipop
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say ayyy, it’s mundayyyyy! 😁 feat. me being a dweeb (all the time but esp. on christmas when stickers are involved)
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its only that hot where u are bc ur hot ;* #guaranteed
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jfc me, with the flattery
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a pic of me from a couple days ago for a cute munday I GUESS !!! (im rly cute its true)
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