#I'm halfway through the second book
the-errant-bard 1 year
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desiwitch 3 years
I don't understand mal hate like what did that boy did to you ????
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browniecrisp 7 years
so i wasn鈥檛 super into the foxhole court in the first book tbh but by the end i came around... and now i鈥檓 so into the drama in the second book im like slightly hooked ?? i read it while i run on the elliptical at the gym and it makes an hour pass so quickly but also ......... andreil is such a slowburn im like...... dying... but i also appreciate it鈥檚 about all the foxes and not at all about romance but still... i鈥檓 dying
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dylanadreams 7 years
If you鈥檙e looking for something new to read, I highly recommend the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson.
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bananastagram 8 years
AINSLEY how are you!?!? I feel like you've been busy bc I haven't seen you on my dash much which is LE SAD and I miss you!!!! Is that weird to say? It probably is a little but it's also true and I'm a lil tipsy too so I'm putting it out there anyway. Also did you also have a full on meltdown at that one photo of Louis wearing plaid and fancy shoes bc even though it was a few days back ooh boy, oh man, oh buddy I am still experiencing chest pain over it. My child is so truly beautiful.
hiiiii bubba!!!!! i鈥檝e been really really busy with work which has been SO sad but i鈥檓 hoping that this week is going to go easier on me (but probably not when can march end please, i restart classes tomorrow rip). at any rate, yes i SHOUTED about louis for SO LONG in that plaid it was truly glorious.聽
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disregardcanon 10 years
it took me until about the end of the first book for me to warm up to sansa, but i really like her character now.聽
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canasianjosh-blog 12 years
There are some parts in that book where I think Katniss is a dumb bitch and I just want to slap her with my pee pee.聽 And Peeta is cooler than Gale.聽
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mermaid2626 13 years
I wanted to finish the whole Hunger Games series before I saw previews for the movie
but then tumblr happened....
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