#I'm having a dandy time
vonn13 · 6 months
On today's episode, did I actually like that book or am I having an euphoric episode currently? Either way I'm having a blast for now, my wallet a little less but eh it's 15 bucks for a hardcover so
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sketchy-tour · 5 months
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So I haven't posted in a small moment and planned to get myself going again soon but right now I am recovering from an accident (I won't get into the nitty gritty) that has left me quite shaken. FIRST OFF I AM OKAY! Minor injuries so nothing alarming I am physically fine besides being sore for a bit and some scrapes and bruises that are still healing, including my arms which is making drawing a bit difficult. I'm slowly getting better but cant really draw for long periods and honestly I might not draw much for a bit till I feel better both physically and mentally. its the mentally part that might take some time. But I'm resting, rest assured!
ANYWAY this is more just an update cause I know i've been a lil absent. ESPECIALLY after this accident. I'm not abandoning the blog by any means, def still check on tumblr but couldn't seem to muster the energy to interact with much at the moment as my brain is a little rattled up.
I hope yall are all okay! I hope your days are bright and yall are taking care of yourselves!
I promise I'm doing what I can to take care of me!
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sw33t--t00th · 1 month
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*romantic sigh* if only 7/18/1999 exsisted
Original below! v
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mokeonn · 3 months
I love art and being creative so much but I really hate that low point in my story making process. Right now I'm trying to come up with the main plot for my story, my "defeat ganon" if you will, and it has been a huge nightmare. I am constantly coming up with the little details, smaller villains for arcs, and different cool concepts; without that "defeat ganon", I don't actually have anything to work with.
I basically have to wait until an idea pops in my head and I have a main plot idea down, then I have to refine everything to fit that idea, adjust the idea, and all that fun stuff.
But it's been a while since I came up with a story like this from scratch, so I completely forgot just how frustrating this period between coming up with concepts for the main plot is.
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savage-rhi · 3 months
Magenta kinda?
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greatwrath · 5 months
I really want to update my theme/pages, because I realize it's been like seven years since I started this blog, but it is so much work and I don't have time like I used to when I was a teenager.
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nervouswreckhere · 1 year
i have exams tomorrow and i feel like dying. that's when i remembered i never shared this:
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he is almost in as much torment as i feel like i am in *upside-down smile*
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trilobi-te · 1 year
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I come bearing more furry art. I think this is the first time I've actually colored a picture of Dandy. He's a ferret because Cider said he reminded him of one and I drew this in class so I wasn't thinking about any other animals that might potentially fit him better.
Also I realized I said Cider kind of looks like a serval but never showed any proof of my claim, so I have placed a bunch under the cut.
Okay so most of these are Sogga memes I screenshotted from around the internet. But look at the kity. Same goofy smile lmao. Yes I went up to the image limit I have almost 6000 random cat images on my phone it is a problem. There are of course even more that I didn't attach. Kity :3
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dandiest-doodles · 10 months
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cidandy · 1 year
an unholy amount of cidandy doodles + a bonus unhinged dandy
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sorry i saw that post & it's literally the type of shit he'd say you can't try & tell me i'm wrong here
closeups under the cut :^)
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this one's my favorite :^D
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ded-ihn-uh-hul · 9 months
Queued posts that aged horribly:
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These guys are my Sandra...
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dandyshucks · 2 months
I definitely was experiencing a lot of dissociation last night that made it really hard to like. fully grasp the situation. it's hard to understand how bad something is when you are in a very thick fog and nothing feels real unfortunately. I woke up this morning and remembered the situation and it was only at that point that I fully grasped just how fucked up it all is!
so I think I will definitely be leaving Koster's music and the podcast behind - he is not handling this shit well and he makes me incredibly uncomfortable now that I have actually processed the situation a bit and have a proper grasp on the reality of it now that I'm not dissociated to hell and back lmao.
I don't feel any real need to keep the janitor as an F/O so I won't be attempting to OCify him - I enjoyed the character and story and everything but like... I feel like I'll be able to leave him behind without too much trouble. I can let it all go fairly easily all things considered! I'll be deleting his tag from posts and I figure I should also delete any of my art posts with him in it. I just feel ill looking at any of it because it reminds me of the whole situation :') The only thing that makes me a little sad is that I do genuinely feel quite proud of a couple of the art pieces I've made that feature him but ahhh well I can just make more art fsdjkl
also Star (self-insert/sona) is not actually really connected to the podcast! I made them before I'd even heard of the podcast or Koster's work - I just really like P.ierrots and I play the accordion so I made a little sona with those traits and then when I found the podcast I thought they'd be a good fit for that world/story! So I won't be leaving Star behind, they'll just go back to being a sona that isn't really connected to any story or world! a fun little internetsona :]
if you have any concerns or anything or think I am missing something, feel free to let me know! I am still not really functioning as well as I'd like to be because of some external factors outside of all this going on, so it is entirely possible I'm missing something or overlooking something.
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Not anon for the ask meme I am biased so I'll say your selfships with Maxi and Aqua! From what I know about em? Very good. 10/10 top tier selfships
YAAAYY Thank you!! Those two are so special to me!
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smile-files · 2 years
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caroline, my sweet cinnamon bun <3
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olehoncho · 4 months
How I would fix Dr Who (revisited)
While I am sure there are folks that love the Doctor Who show and the direction it has taken under Chibnal, I know there are others who are not satisfied with certain developments. Ever since the end of Matt Smith's run there have been issues with the continuity of the series: - The expansion of The Doctor's regenerations was first explained via a "time lord energy infusion" in Town of Christmas, but was later revealed to be an aspect of the Timeless Child. - The swapping of sex/gender was first done with the Master and later explored with the Doctor. - Letting go of a Time Lord's power was explored in Human Nature and later in Uptopia, but revisited as being a "female presenting" quality later. - The Bi-Generation creating two time lords.
A lot of this new canon has been... not easy to absorb. And I'm not going to say there's any connection to ratings or audience scores, but as someone who is more interested in the science fiction aspect of the show, I think there is enough of the new canon to play with to fit in with the long-running series canon.
Make The Doctor a distinct being separate from The Timeless Child. - This is the main one, and could be done a couple of different ways. My previous theory was to make The Timeless Child the Time Vortex at the heart of the TARDIS (which explains why it is different from other TARDIS). This would explain the leeching of memories and power to other individuals as well. - Another way to do this would be to have The Doctor either be a bi-generation from The Timeless Child, or perhaps be the son of The Timeless Child who inherited some memories. There are options.
Restore the Regeneration Limit and explain how it was bypassed. - The previous explanation is that The Doctor is the first Time Lord and therefore has endless regenerations. This never felt right. The Doctor being a Time Lord whose uniqueness comes from their decisions, the promise to be "The Doctor" rather than their particular history is the key to the character. - You could do another bi-generation backstory into The Doctor's past, and that part of The Doctor has been dormant, sleeping aboard the TARDIS for near a thousand years (my personal choice would be the regeneration from 2nd to 3rd Doctor). - Then you would have to explain that The Doctor who has been adventuring has been part of The Doctor, but a being who got mixed up with The Timeless Child and is therefore confused. Then explain that the reason for the regeneration limit being bypassed is because of the TARDIS - so many Doctors regenerate in the TARDIS and this is shown to have led to many explosions of energy which were not present in earlier regenerations because this version of The Doctor is growing unstable. - Time Lords are not meant to live more than 12 regenerations, because the energy in their bodies becomes more than they can handle, like a dying star they either go supernova or become dwarf stars.
Kill off the current version of The Doctor and bring in "The Original" - This could be a series-long arc involving The Valeyard - with the "current Doctor" being the Valeyard and "The Original" questing to stop them, but would end up with The Doctor dying and creating their grave on Trenzalore that is eventually visited by 11 and Clara. - The "original" Doctor would then continue the adventures, absorbing all the memories of their alternate selves - and resume the regeneration limit from 3 (a new 3, not Pertwee) and then regenerating into 4.
Anyways, that's how I'd rework Doctor Who if it was up to me. But it's not, so whatever.
#Doctor who#tardis#seriously though I stopped watching because I hated how mean 12 was to Danny Pink#Like there was no reason to be that rude to your companions love interest#I just could not jive with Capaldi and could not bring myself to go back to the show#kept up with the lore and the drama and felt satisfied I stayed away#but can we stop race-swapping people please#I mean I guess its fine when you consider alternate realities but that was never Doctor Whos thing#Like time travel is fine and all and they really haven't done enough fun back to the future or quantum leap stuff about fixing timelines#but as part of a larger trend I just think race swapping historical figures is lame#Now fictional characters is fine and dandy#But like if Doctor Who went on an adventure with Sun Wukong I wouldnt want the Monkey King played by a scotsman#So its just weird to see Isaac Newton played by Nathaniel Curtis#And then to have the showrunner attack fans as racists#Like he was the one who changed the race of the person showing he was the one with the problem in the first place#this is my problem with folks who cry racism or sexism or shout at fans for not embracing changes#they're the ones who made the change from the source materials so doesn't that mean they are the ones with the problem#like don't say its the fans fault for not accepting the changes you make blame yourselves for not getting it right#but again that's just the way I see things#not a shipping post#yeah I'm done talking about doctor who#I bloody stopped watching the show 9 years ago why do I even care
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bear-cubs-art-things · 6 months
head hurt. ibuprofen need
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