#I'm in my sketch era rn :3
reddoll123 · 1 year
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Mr. Rover~
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temeyes · 6 months
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sigh,, more suckyshima,,,
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smoshygayness · 3 months
tagged by @wazurenaide, a little bit late because my work is freaking killing me rn and I don't have time.
1. how long have you been watching smosh?
12 years I guess. If i'm not mistaken it was like 2012, my best friend at the time introduced them to me. I took a long break though when Anthony left.
2. favorite smosh cast member(s)?
Ian. I always loved him and I will always do. I don't personally know him of course, but sometimes I do see myself in some of his personality traits. And we both are two amazing sagittarius
3. favorite pairing(s)?
Ian and Anthony. I'm really old school I'm not gonna lie.
Ian and Courtney could be a valid second choice though
4. favorite reoccurring character?
The Bystander
5. favorite smosh video?
Uh, this question is really tough. I love their old sketches, but I have to admit these new sketches are way more mature and really really good. So I'm gonna answer with one from old era "REAL DEATH NOTE" and one from this new era "SLEEPWALKING DISASTER!"
6. first video that got you into smosh?
The Pokemon theme song revenge
7. favorite picture of the cast?
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I mean, this one was pretty damn good.
8. favorite picture of your fave?
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9. what smosh series do you want to see more of?
IDRK if this is a real answer to the question, but you know, I grew up with Ian and Anthony playing video games and back in the days I really loved Gametime w/Smosh. That was like my favourite thing to watch because they really were themselves, so yeah, I'd like to see more Smosh games with the both of them in it.
tagging; @femtastico @lilac-hecox @smoshidiot
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rphunter · 2 months
Sending this again since I think it got lost (and it's been a week I think)
Been trying to find some new people for weeks but something's not clicking, so I'm trying again😃
I'm a 24+ female, looking for some mxf plots. Mostly fandomless oc x oc, but I'm also into a handful of anime fandoms (and there's also genshin for anyone who's interested) so feel free to ask if you'd like! Doubling is welcome and even encouraged and I can play any gender pairing for you!
Now, let's get the boring stuff out first. I'm big on communication and ooc chatter, which may or may not include moodboards and playlists. I just really wanna talk, so if you can't match that energy, I'm afraid we won't work. Please communicate if you're not feeling the plot, want to change it or need a break for a few days, communication is key and I'll do the same. Ofc, I'll do the same! Ghost me and I'm gonna block you, I've had enough of people disappearing only to reappear a month later.
Another big issue I've had recently is regarding FCs, now I'm not picky so idc what you use as your FC (or who). Sketch, Picrew or a real person, take your pick (even if you don't have a FC, I don't mind. My imagination is decent!). But I personally use Bing.ai to make my OCs and I'm not gonna change that, it just makes me feel closer to the OC. So please respect that if I'm respecting your choice. 
With that out, here's the things I'm interested in. I don't have a hard and fixed plot rn, and would rather like to worldbuild with partners, I adore worldbuilding! Still, here's a few tropes (all of them are romantic):
1. Slice of Life (friends/enemies/strangers to lovers, uni au, barista au, just anything)
2. Dark romance/unhealthy relationships/yandere stuff (even taboo ones really, like step-siblings or something)
3. Bonus if there's an age gap trope (not too much, about 10-12 yrs at max) and student-teacher tropes (both adults ofc)
4. Fantasy (pretty much anything, vampires, witches, fae, angels/demons etc)
5. Medieval/historic (Victorian era or old Japanese/Chinese ages, whatever. Goes perfectly with fantasy)
6. Mafia-ish au
7. Soulmate au (one of my personal favs, got so many ideas for this)
8. Marriage of convenience/arranged marriage tropes
As for writing, I write third person mirror, exclusively on discord. I can reply at least once every 2-3 days (if I'm swamped) and more if I'm enjoying, and I expect the same energy unless you inform me you're gonna be busy. Other stuff can be discussed privately. If this interests you even in the least, find me @ clumsy_and_cutie (on discord) or just leave a like and I'll reach out! 
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OK, since you've asked. Out of all the chaos RP aus that you have which one is your favourite, which one is the most developed and which one you'd like to set on fire and watch it burn for centuries long?
*deep breath. Starts going thru my trash hoard*
(also TW at the end: death threat to myself)
Alright, alright. I got favorites, I got mehs, I got "it's alright", and I got OH MY GOG WHY DAVE WHY
It is to my deepest dissapointment that the same AU that I had first shown to this fandom is no longer my most developed. Sorry Broomstown Redux/WTPB/POLI, but you felt like RCP + Lore + Angs rn. Worry not, I'll fix you someday.
For real tho, WTPB/BR is still my favorite. Where I got my Blonde!Helly headcanon from, and also badass Helly, Roy being cheesy with flirting, Poli and Jin being actually related to some extent, and...SHIPPING. Still struggling over it rn actually.
For most developed, it's gotta be Modfall: a hodgepodge of my Homestuck obssession and RCP. Basically, it just started as Mod Ten, then Modded Twelve, then more lore and timeline fuckery = Modfall itself.
So far, I've got about a dozen of teenager archetypes, Homestuck classpecting and analyses, sketches of characters (including a new art style for this), and hypothetical scenarios laid out...and also the timeline. Homestuck got a fucked-up one, so why not have my own fuckery?
Also had to omit and alter a lotta people, including my own OC South (sorry my transmasc femboy gal, but I gotta use Homestuck OCs for Homestuck AUposting). I'm also figuring out on Helly's own...relationships, because surprise surpsrise he's a teenager in this AU (although the youngest one, the oldest bordering 17)
Got a lotta to talk about Modfall, but anything else is spoiler content. But just as you know: Helly and Droney are bestie soulmate thingy (aka (online) moirails) in this AU. There shall be homosexuality. There shall be trans-shanigans. There shall be casual death and another Poli to put in my body count.
And there shall be a ship both sunken and sailed at the same time. As in, Timeline A sunk, Timeline B sailed kinda thing.
As for what I wanna burn to the ground, besides the things I did with my...sexual drive exploration? And also my first FNF era?
At first, I thought of my first AU for WTPB (aka Alpha/Beta), where it's 1) an FNF mass displacement crossover, 2) transfem Helly with no rhyme or reason...and shipping him with a 17-year-old FNF character (why me why), and 3) Poli got the Bill Cypher defeat ending going on.
But....hey....I had no black sheep?! Even that Alpha/Beta is an artifact to remind me of progress, and my FIRST EVER AU literally jumpstarted my love for AUs and crossovers!
Infinite Loops/IFP!RCP: Hey—
IFP!RCP: *whimpers*
Sorry about that...haha!
Sorry for that random "kys" thing. Idk why I even joined IFP beyond crossovers.
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lilrobinbird · 10 months
Tagged by @korrasamibottles and @allgremlinart thank youu🫶
Those 2 tag games had almost the same questions so I'll just combine them
1.Last Song: House a Habit by We Are the Guests
2.Currently Watching: nothing rn, maybe I need to finish Doom Patrol
3.Three Ships: Rangshi :^)) Hei ran x Atuat mostly but also Hei ran x any character I feel would have a fun (and hot..) dynamic with her at the moment
4.Favorite Color: it changes time to time, now I'm really appreciating green, plus now it's white everywhere and I miss it
5. Currently Consuming: tea🍵 and cabbage rolls
6. First Ship: first that I remember is Shikamaru x Temari which was my cringest era
7. Relationship Status: single ( but i WILL get a girl one day just wait)
8. Last Movie: My friend was rewatching Purge so I joined and watched for the first time
9. Currently working on: I'm mostly busy with uni assignments and internship buut I do try to sketch some fanart and finish the wips when I can
And adding missing questions from the second tag game:
1.Currently reading: A few months ago I got tagged in a similar game and I said "Inne nieba" and that didn't change because I can't finish it (I like it, just no motivation at the moment)
2.Currently craving: coffee.. tea beloved but why I am drinking it now instead of coffee
Edit: tagging @caramella120 and @preawwanwisarakcharoen
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wiltkingart · 4 years
hi wilt, sorry if this is a weird ask, but do you have any advice on working faster? ive been drawing for a while, but i feel like even relatively simple things take me a long time to do well compared 2 other people. But whenever I try and force myself to work faster, i think my art suffers for it. I'm just drawing for myself rn, so there's no outside pressure or anything, im just unsure how to draw/paint faster without sacrificing the quality of what i'm working on.
i can speak from my personal experience, at the very least!
first off i want to preface that taking longer than other people to make art isnt a bad thing at all. some artists that i admire a lot have said that they take days or weeks or even months to make a single art piece. the fast paced pressure of being a modern ‘social media artist’ does us more harm than good, i think. and there’s really nothing wrong at all about taking your time, especially if you like your art better when you go at your own pace.
personally i have gotten significantly faster at art over the past 3 years, but that wasnt ever actually my intention. in fact my goal was just to simplify my sketches to make the whole process easier on my hand. but by simplifying my sketches, i ended up cutting back severely on the amount of time it would normally take to overwork and cleanup my sketches, as well as reducing the amount of time i needed to clean up my work while coloring. so it became a positive side effect of my original goal, rather than my main focus.
for example, this is what my sketches looked like in 2016
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i would spend so much time and effort on them that i would often end up just using the sketch as lineart and coloring underneath.
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lots of artists do this, and it isnt bad at all! but this was very stressful on my hand. i literally got tendonitis so bad i had to see a physical therapist and rethink my whole life, and i was hardly able to make actual paintings because it would take so long and the rendering/cleanup process was hell. in 2017 i tried to mitigate the problem by letting myself be messy in both the sketch + painting process. thus the start of the wiggly era.
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but it wasnt enough. i still didnt like how much time i was spending on cleanup/rendering. so began my 2018 journey to simplify my sketches and i forced myself to do this by completely removing my ability to use pen pressure by using the binary tool. i also started laying down silhouettes first, which is something i still do to this day.
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i’ll admit it was a rough period of time, but i kept at it! i liked how i had more freedom and maneuverability with the painting phase. and eventually i adapted to it and became more comfortable with it and my art started to look and feel decent again.
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i became so comfortable with it that i decided it was time to set aside the binary tool and go back to my good old friend the marker tool, because i missed having the ability to make sketches that looked good on their own too. but by now i had the ability to quickly and effectively make sketches that held the bare minimum information i needed to work with.
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and right now im really happy with my current art process. its super flexible and im satisfied with splitting up my time as 10% sketch 90% color/painting. plus my hand pain is at an all time minimum! so i guess what im trying to say with all this is that as long as you’re happy with your process and your art, it doesn’t matter how slow or fast you are. if you’re not happy with your process, then by all means try new things. but i dont think speed is in any way an indicator of skill.
“im just unsure how to draw/paint faster without sacrificing the quality of what i'm working on.”
if you dont want to change the way your art looks then there’s no need to force the issue. but if you are still interested in trying to speed up your work, there will most definitely be a dip in quality for a while while you figure things out and learn new techniques, as i think ive shown with my journey. but that dip will be temporary.
as far as how to speed up your work, ive only shown my approach to it and there’s dozens of different ways to do it. some people force themselves to do 5 min / 1 min / 30 second figure studies. other people use multiply/overlay effects to speed up the coloring process. its a highly personal matter and i would recommend asking other artists or looking up tutorials! best of luck and i hope this helps in some small way.
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
Nyx I feel compelled to tell you that it's 3:30am and during the last six hours I have compiled a list of all the characters in Dramatica, looked through which roles they could be assigned in a hypothetical sleeping beauty theatre production, spent an hour scrolling through medival portraits and artistic renditions of scenes from the fairytale to look what potential costumes could look like, proceeded to make two messy and bad sketches (because I'm not in the artistic success era rn apparently just say you hate me god), of Hokke and Tomoya and thought about the changes that would have to be made to the original story so it would be more fitting for a production organized in the modern day and also because Dramatica only has so many actors and Wataru can't really play three/four fairies at the same time now can he and also my impulse control is at it's worst right now.
*shaking you gently* please go to sleep dont you have school later
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kyunsies · 3 years
good afternoon mädch!! i haven't gotten to the artistic part of my bullet journal setup yet (it's always the most time consuming part),, i was a bit busy so i only did bare necessities like a calendar :// i'm hoping to maybe sketch it out today - i'm thinking of doing goldfish! i cannot do it all at once lol,, have to space it out so i'm not feeling exhausted after
how are you doing? i saw your gifs on the dash (v pretty!) and hhhh changkyun in the airplane fit,, obsessed w the big dangly earring,, kind of wish he'd wear them more often. i don't have much going on today but!! i'm finally getting my 1st dose tomorrow!!! i feel like i've waited so long to finally get it - mostly due to the frustration of our govt and how slow the vaccine rollout initially was, but in the past month or so it sped up a lot. i think once i get it i'll feel a sense of relief bc idk how i'm feeling rn lol - 🌱
hey love !!!!
i’m sure a goldfish theme will look soooo nice and cute <3 as long as u enjoy doing it and are able to take your time, i know it will look great !!
i’m doing alright today love !! it’s 90 degrees here so i’ve just been chilling outside before the rain comes 😭 and also KDJKDJD his earrings are so so pretty !!! reminds me of jealousy/shootout era when he used to wear those gorgeous long silver ones all the time :( i wish he wore them more often too !!! maybe they annoy him hhhhh who knows :’) ALSO !! congrats on finally being able to get the first shot today my love 💖 it’s so nice to hear more and more ppl are able to get it even tho things might be moving at snails pace 😭 i’m am grateful that my uni required all of our health science majors to get the vaccine, but i also wish others would be able to get it just as fast too :( don’t be alarmed if you kinda feel like poop !! however the second dose (for me at least) was so bad hhhhh ; or u might not feel anything at all !! my roommate never felt ill so it’s just the luck of the draw and how well your immune system will handle it !! take care tho 💕💞💖💘💓💗 and good luck !!!
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