#I'm just kinda mad that I'm watching friends talk about how its weird teaching middle schoolers that HIV exist and you shouldn't be scared
themissingcastle · 2 months
Why am I the weird one for thinking kids sho uldn't need parent to give them permission to learn about there body?! Why should teachers be scared to teach kids what puberty is?! KIDS NEED TO KNOW THIS SHIT!!! "ahh but the parents should be the ones to find the right time to teach them this stuff" NO THEY FUCKING SHOULDN'T! Sorry but We need to teach them shit cause the last generations don't know shit about sex. We relied on them and look what it's gotten us. Many people don't know how periods work. Many have never seen what the signs are for what is common illnesses like yeasts inventions. Many don't understand how to have sex/masturbate other than "penis goes into vagina." Many's only education is just video of birth and they don't know how the stages of pregnancy look that's not just art. Many don't know that just getting semen near the opening of the vagina might still lead to pregnancy. MANY STILL THINK QUEER PEOPLE DON'T EXIST!!! This isn't even everything cause still is just off the top of my head and we just expect parents to give them this kinda information when so many DON'T want them to know. "What about parent's right?" What about the kid's right to education and important information like how their bodies function. Why do the parents get the right to leave kids in the dark about things that come up everyday of there lives? "Oh but kids don't need to know about sex?" Yeah they do. No they don't need to know stupidly complex kink culture or any of that shit but teaching kids what there parts are and signs of bad behavior early on can give them the language to stop predators or giving teenagers the signs of sexual abuse can help them escape those situations. Plus Sex ed isn't just about sex. Sex ed needs to be about how attraction, romance, different gender and sexualities and their histories, and signs of unhealthy relationships in all forms. "But what about religions?!" I'm sorry but if part of your religion is about keeping kids ignorant about what should be basic health information then maybe it might be time to rethink those parts. Not even speaking of some of the largest religions do but yall do realize that holding back information and education is how a lot of backwoods cults start right? And let's not get started on the fact that much of why queer people are not accepted is due to many religions demonizing and hiding our history. Wasn't JKR just spouting shit about how trans people were not in the holocaust? Man that could have been avoid if it was commonly taught knowledge in school that trans people were also victims of the holocaust with just many queer people in general.
Maybe I'm just so sick of treating sex ed as some big boogieman. We should teaching kids what should be considered important information but like "common sense" no one teaches anything cause schools are scared to teach it or parents just assume their kids just know it already has really fucked side affects.
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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🌅Found Peace In Your Violence 🌅
Dean Winchester x Castiel
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Moving to a new place for a new start was always hard for Castiel . He wasn't really a people person , not because he didn't like them . It was just that his " people skills " are " rusty " as he likes to say .
His mother and Father liked to adopt & foster until they divorced .
Father had gotten custody of everyone and got remarried to Becky , my mother used to call her the annoying , crazy ,bitch etc , etc . He wonders how she's doing , she wasn't quite the best mother but he still  remembers everyone that comes and goes from his life .
His family was weird , they weren't like other family's.  It always seemed to be a competition among each other . It even caused almost half his siblings to leave and never look back . Anna is probably living the craziest life with no rules . 
Balthazer is probably running a fashion line . Or maybe there all with Lucifer breaking the rules and rebelling to everything. Although he thinks Balthazar would have gone far away from those three . He was the one he miss the most .
Father doesn't like talking about them , maybe he doesn't cares . We were after all kids he took in his home to create a batallion of soldiers that's what Gabriel says all the time . It was now 9 members of the family that was left  .  His Father , Becky , their son Alfie , Michael the oldest , Gabriel the trickster,   Eileen Leahy his favorite sister , she was the last child to be recruited from the foster house . I was the youngest one from the rest of the herd .
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His Mother was the first to go , should he still call her that . Once the divorce papers was filed , Naomi packed her stuff and slammed the door shut . Castiel waited for her to come back that night . Hours went by but she never came back .
Anna soon left after , She had left in there middle of the night .
Father wasn't upset he just announced that we should move soon .
3 week before moving , dad and Raphael had a fight . Father faced him and gave him ultimatum,  it had seemed for a while everything was alright . But Lucifer had other plans ,he had managed to convince raph that he shouldn't listen to father .
The move was cancelled , and when Gabriel had started prank wars against everyone Father wasn't even there to ground him . Balthazar told his siblings that he would soon move out he was 18 after all . He talked about his dreams , plans and adventures . Michael and lucifer didn't sticked around to listen  only Gabriel,  Eileen,  and him .
He promised that every time he would go visit a different place he would bring back souvenirs . And once he was stabled they would take a family trip together .
In their last hug castiel didn't want to let go , something told him that he wasn't gonna see him anymore .
When he was  15 , standing near  the porch in front the house waiting for Balthazar to appear until father shouted his name . They had to get on the road to head to their new home . All he could do was hold Eileen and Gabriel's hand .
..... ... .....
 Everything was calm , other than the fear of not knowing if you were the next victim of Gabriel's prank list .
Eileen was teaching him to get better at sign language . Michael was going to college while Lucifer was only 17 but seemed no to be interested in school . Becky had Alfie.  Silence didn't exist in the household .
. And for once he had a friend , He was kinda surprised she stucked around.
Her name was Kelly Kline , she was in the debate team and a Straight A student . He met her through Eileen . He understood why they both got along . Both were strong minded girls and didn't let anybody tell them shit .
Kelly wanted to make a change and she wanted both Eileen and him to help her . And to this day he doesn't understand why the world took her away soon .
She was pretty , she had raven hair and had a kind smile . She taught him good things can come out of the bad things . She made him want to do things he normally wouldn't do .
So he honestly didn't understand what she saw in Lucifer. They would constantly bicker but yet  they were together . Eileen would just let him rant about bees because she preferred that instead of seeing him wallow .
Gabriel would often give him advice that would make her  be interested but it usually involve some porno Gabe once watched . And Castiel usually didn't know If he was kidding or not .
But then suddenly His brother and best friend broke up . Kelly wanted to go out and forget she ever dated an asshole . Lucky for her They were invited to a party .
He doesn't quite remember that much of that night .
" Are you sure you want to do this . I think we are extremely intoxicated and not in our right minds . And we might doing a mistake that we will regret , I'm not saying I regret making out with you cause your an amazing girl I have ever meet besides Eileen but that's different cause she's my sister and I don't think of her that way , And now I made this so awkward by bringing up m- "
A hand covering his mouth making him stop ranting . looking up to see her , and the fear he once had just vanished just by looking at her smile
" Castiel ! There are alot of regrets that I have done including that I ever got involve with that douchebag . I just want to make a choice that I know won't end up as a mistake . "
..... ...... .....
That choice was inevitable to hide , not because both Kelly and castiel started a somewhat relationship . It was revealed on a Thursday that Kelly was pregnant .
Lucifer was never one take responsibility for his actions , so he told her to get rid of it .
" yeah I'm not planning to do some father bonding or give up my plans for a baby that might not even be mine . Hey you can't lie and deny that you haven't been jumping back and forth with Novak brothers . But wow really castiel , but look at the bright side you can dump all that responsibility to him . He will believe anything - ".
The sound of the slap that Kelly gave him echoed but it wasn't enough so she kneed him on the balls and lastly punched him .
" I hope you rot in hell , "
That was the last conversation she had with him when Eileen told her he had left the house .  
... ..... ..... ..... ....
Father never showed  how it affected him when his children left . But now that Lucifer left , he started to drink again and he looked sad .
He shook it off when it had been a week later . It  seemed a good time to mention someone pregnancy.  Father didn't think the same , he was quite mad , especially when it was revealed that they weren't sure who the father was . He remained calm afterwards when they all agreed it was 90 percent Lucifers .
Castiel was only 18 and now left with the mess of his own brother .
Once he graduated he stopped seeing Kelly for 5 months . Eileen would lecture him how he was being a bad friend , how he should be more supportive. He let 2 more months pass by and he couldn't help but ask Eileen how was Kelly doing .
That's how he end up in her room , Kelly was glowing . She had belly bump , He apologized for not being by her side , for letting their friendship tumble down the drain . She forgave him , discussing what they had missed . Avoiding the topic of the elephant of the room , until the baby kicked .
Castiel loved the baby already .
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They never really tackled in depth of truth of who was the father . Castiel didn't put mind into it , since he felt the baby move he doesn't know how to explain it . it was like epiphany , a connection. 
So he soon took the role , he read books , used the internet , asked some questions from Becky that rambled on and on but he still got information he needed .  In favor that he would learn and be ready when his baby would come . He helped Becky with Alfie  , at first it was hard but then it was fine
" your gonna be alright , you got this castiel . "
" I hope so . "
... .... ..... .... .... .... .....
It happened so fast , his mind was so confused one second he's in bed and then he's at the hospital . Every time she would scream of pain he felt bad . his hand was hurting from the way she was holding it .She  held a grimace from every contraction .
" It hurts so much , I don't think I can't do it . Ahhh baby you have to go easy on mommy . "
She screamed again of agony , she hold his hand tighter as if it would help from the pain .
" You can , your strong and soon we will be at home I'll be taking care of our baby while you rest and sleep . How does that sound ? "
" That sounds like the best idea "
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He feels like he failed , he could've done something or maybe done something different . He didn't think Kelly would leave him , she promised no to . He guess it wasn't a coincidence,  life seemed to take everything from him .
Today was supposed to be the happiest day in his life . Now he's holding onto his siblings , crying seemed it would help but the feeling wouldn't go away .
" Its gonna be alright cassie , it's gonna get better . "
He really hoped Gabe was right .
He was following the nurses that was leading him to his baby . He didn't even got to see his newborn , it just happened to fast .
The nurse open the door wide to let him pass , his hands were shaking waiting for her directions .
" Here they are , seems like they were waiting for dad to come see them . Congratulations Mr Novak and I'm sorry for you loss ."
stunned he couldn't answer , he had his eyes only for them . he heard the door close he assumed she left to give him privacy . Tears started to build up but of happiness. 
"  We're gonna be ok , I will do my best because your all I got . I love you so much , Mommy loved you so much but she had to go rest . I think she deserves it , how ironic how she always said there was an angel watching you over . Now you do , . "
Chuckling , as he wipes away his tears  trying to compose himself . Letting out a shaky breath he starts speaking again .
" I guess is time to give you a name , bear this in mind when the time comes be thankful I didn't give you a horrendous name . You in the other hand are lucky because Kelly had already picked out one for you  . "
Smiling as they both made a noise that seemed they were going along with him on the conversation. 
.... ..... .
" I'm so ready to meet my nephew !! , I'm so excited !!! "
" shhh  "        " shhhhhhh" 
                   "shh "      " Shhh "          "sHhhh"
It wasn't like Gabriel was screaming , sheesh these people sometimes , ready to respond he stays quiet when he sees his brother motioning his family to come closer .
" Say Hello to Jack and Claire Novak . "
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His kids were his pride and young , he will admit he struggled at first but with the help of his siblings he catched on . They had already turned two , they were growing so fast . Both are so smart and beautiful .
Claire with her beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair that were in pigtails in the moment . She was a troublemaker but love her endlessly.  Jack is his small bee , he was tiny and adorable . The kid loves nougat , he blames it on Gabriel.  He also had blonde hair but he had golden eyes .
He wants the best for his kids , thats why  he was contemplating on Gabriel's plan to move .
Gabe was planning to open another bakery ,
since his last three was successful and was trying expand his work . Father was quite happy with Gabriel , he helped with everything he could do . As usual Gabe took advantage and stacked up on candy , his response was always with
 " he won't even notice , he has enough and more . So shut up and help me decided between those two , who am i kidding Im taking  both . " 
Eileen was going with Gabriel,  something about a fresh start . Michael was only going to keep an eye on his siblings  , Fathers orders . And his big brother isn't one to disobey  , he was gonna get paid for babysitting gabe . His study's are kept on hold until father says so .
Castiel didn't  know what to do . He was a highschool dropout , father of fraternal twins , relying with the money of his father and it wasn't like someone is waiting for him here .
Maybe this would do him good and for his kids .
Gabriel went full on screamed of joy that he had accepted,  screaming that they were gonna have a blast . Michael was boxing their stuff fully knowing the trickster of his brother wouldn't do it , he turns to look at the youngest giving him a pointed look .
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Gabriel was full on rambling of why he choose the location . He wanted a challenge and one of the many things he loves to do is
1: Himself
3: Pranks
4: proving Dad wrong
Once the trickster told his father his plans , he told him no . To him is practically a Yes , he wasn't planning getting him self involved , oh well  you gotta do what you gotta do .
Michael was pissed but hey he could just for once say no to dad . Eileen and Castiel and his nephew coming along was the best thing of the trip . He might even admit that he's kinda glad dad forced his big bro to come along .
The perks of having a wealthy father is that they had everything solved . Airplane . Check . Ride CHECK.  House check . Moving Truck . Check . Schelduing everything on the same date ...........
It wasn't his fault , who would in their right mind would leave him with all that responsibility.  They got to their flight , the ride into country , House was there and with their boxes surrounding it . Hey they got Michael might as well put use to his muscles .
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" Only you would do this Gabriel , I don't know why I let you drag me into this "
" Look at the bright side , were surrounded with some hot cowboys " Eileen spoke and signed with a mischievous smirk .
" see cassie , even Eileen  not complaining , just relax . Take a deep breath and - Ok you grab that box and I will take the heavier one . "
Gabe said as to fool Michael they were helping but as the annoyed glared they were all receiving it was obviously the 3 younger siblings were just resting .
" Your doing well Michael keep up the good work "
They all burst out laughing when the oldest retorted with a angry 'Shut up ! '
" Maybe we should help " She said & signed to both of them .
" yeah , I'm gonna go check on the kids , they might wake up any --- . "
Turning around to see where the noise was coming from , he took in the sight of a sleek  black jaguar . Squinting to block the sun , he hears the person above signalling the horse to halt .
" I wasn't informed new people were moving in , Welcome . "
  Removing his stetson , he looks at them but his gaze fall onto the bluest eye he had ever seen and the cutest head tilt . Making his Voice huskier and putting on his best smile he asked .
" Dean Winchester .
              Need A Hand , Angel ? "
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tiny-space-robot · 4 years
Okay so Fire Emblem anon here!! Here's a Kinda Super Long Bc I Got Carried Away description of a few Fire Emblem games, plus some characters that seem like they hit tropes you like!
The good news is that there's not a super huge overarching timeline, there's several smaller timelines that are seperate from one another except for the crossover games. I'm gonna go with describing the newer ones that you're most likely to be able to get your hands on and play; a lot of people complain that they lean into some anime-tropey stuff and are too easy, but tbh, that's a perk just as often as it isn't. Basically, it's Game of Thrones, but rated T and with more cute girls and old men who are friendly instead of creepy.
Tbh, it's a turn-based strategy game with visual novel elements for characterization, if strategy games aren't your thing and you're just interested in the characters, watching the support conversations on Youtube might be more your thing. All the characterization, none of the resetting the same goshdang level thirty times. Anyways, description of the games in passing, including a brief description of the plot concept, pros and cons, trigger warnings, and some characters you might be interested in if you're just looking up characters.
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Awakening: for the 3DS. Follows Robin, an amnesiac mage, after they're found in a field by a band of knights called the Shepherds. Involves the undead, a twink in a mask, timey-wimey shenangians, and the usual cast of oddballs you'd expect from a Fire Emblem game.
Pros of Awakening: customizable player character, intro of Casual mode (turns off permadeath) and the Pair Up system, which lets you put characters together for shipping reasons strategy and stat boosts. Also doubles as a shipping simulator, since you can pair off characters and meet their later in the game due to said timey-wimey shenangians.
Cons of Awakening: there are some....very concerning combos of names/skin tones/plot relevance for certain characters, so go in with a warning about implicit racism. Also if you like strategy games, this game is relatively easy to break and make "too easy," but tbh that's what Lunatic Mode (the Ultra Unfair Hard Mode) is for.
Trigger warnings across the main plot: underhanded politics, attempted assassinations, martyrdom, an optional character is implied to stalk Robin but idk how to tag that, identity crises, conflicts within a family, character who isn't you looks like you, backstory child abuse, an optional character is a bad portrayal of DID if you squint?
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Fates: is actually a group name for two games set in the same universe, and a DLC bonus story: Birthright, Conquest, and Revelations. All for the 3DS. All three games star Corrin, a pacifist raised in seclusion in the kingdom of Nohr. Each game reflects a different path Corrin can take in navigating the war between the nations of Nohr and Hoshido: Birthright has them stand with Hoshido, Conquest with Nohr, and Revelations has them strike out (nearly) alone. Each path has a completely different storyline, cast of characters, and difficulty curve.
Pros of Fates: honestly, the characters here cater the most to the avid pro-shipper and multi-shipper. I just love this cast. Both Nohr and Hoshido have four members of the royal family you can play and get to know, each of those royal family members has two retainers who are various levels of dedicated and/or unhinged, and the cast just widens and widens. Also a character customization and shipping simulator point for the same reasons Awakening gets it. Also, canon fujoshi rights (there's a character with a skill called Daydream, which boosts her stats when two male characters are paired up near her. one of us, one of us). Also the first game with canon queer characters: both Rhajat and Niles are bi.
Cons of Fates: unfortunately, the writing is kinda rushed or badly translated in some places. Also *shakes IntSys* my lore! Give me more lore! Also, iirc, you could get both physical games in a bundle for a discount when they came out, but not anymore, so it's sorta like Pokemon with version exclusives. Which is less fun, since you can't directly trade characters. Also the fandom for this game is RIFE with discourse, which is kinda sad bc I just wanna talk my ships with ppl sjxhdjdn
Trigger warnings for Fates: child abuse might as well be Nohr's middle name, in-universe racism (since Hoshido is p obviously Japan-inspired, and a lot of Nohrians are rancid to Hoshidans), kidnapping, on-screen murder, lots of fighting your loved ones (on both main routes, you gotta fight the playable characters from the other side AAA), su-c-de, death of sibling(s) in certain routes, demonic-like possession, there's like six characters people can read as bad mental illness rep, Niles especially is discourse bait for being a kinky (yes that's canon) bi man of color but also he's awesome so die mad antis
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Shadows of Valentia: for the 3DS. A remake of Gaiden, the second game in the series. Follows Alm, a farm boy from a small village in Zofia, and Celica, his childhood best friend. Zofia and the nation to its north, Rigel, are two nations ruled by the dragon gods Mila and Duma, respectively. Normally, they're in equilibrium, but Rigel is invading and Mila is missing, prompting Alm and Celica to independently investigate the problem.
Pros of SoV: the most like the old-school Fire Emblem games, but it also has the permadeath-off mode. also the first to be fully voice acted! The art style is gorgeous, and the plot was polished up from the old game--two characters names Berkut and Rinea were added, and they are PEAK OTP the diskhorse can die mad. Also the cast is pretty fun all around, from buddy squad and the older brother/dad figure they adopted along the way to "hello this is my gang of childhood friends, we're gonna kill a god" Also introduces Mila's Turnwheel, which lets you rewind your moves if you realize you goofed big time and screwed yourself over.
Cons of SoV: has the most references to other games, but you won't, like, be lost if you don't get them. You just might have a few interludes of "who tf is Camus/the White Wing Brigade/etc" but it's easy enough to look up on the wiki. Also tbh, the plot kinda drags in the middle, there's some filler battles to try and make it feel more realistic and it feels...weird. Also no custom character, you are Alm and Celica and you will Like It.
Trigger warnings for SoV: you know that thing where a girl character gets killed off for a guy character to angst over? the game starts with a fakeout version of that. also a character slowly goes mad over the course of the plot (but it's really well done imo?), there's some self-sacrifice stuff in there, classism is a major theme, possession/selling your soul™, there's a couple of levels where you're exploring tombs/prisons, I'm sure there's something else but I'm forgetting right now
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Three Houses: on the Switch. The newest game in the series, and the most polished imo? Stars Byleth, a wandering mercenary turned teacher at the Officer's Academy. The Academy, housed in Garreg Mach Monastery, teaches youths from across the land of Fodlan how to be warriors, commanders, and knights. Students are sorted into three houses based on their country of origin: the Black Eagles are from ghe Adrestian Empire, led by the heiress-apparent Edelgard; the Blue Lions are from the kingdom of Faerghus, led by prince Dimitri; and the Golden Deer are from the Leicester Alliance, led by Claude, grandson of the Duke. You choose one of these houses to lead, and then everything quickly goes sour.
Pros of Three Houses: It's such a rich experience! The music is incredible, there's so much lore, and you can wander around the Monastery and hang out with the students to your heart's content. Also, it's four storylines for the price of one, even if they're all relatively similar in the first half. It does a pretty solid job of weaving together its themes into a satisfying narrative that will make you consider everyone involved. Also we got our first bi main lord (Edelgard) and non-white main lord (Claude is mixed race) in one fell swoop! Also, given the setting, it's teacher/student ship heaven.
Cons of Three Houses: just gonna come right out and say it: one of the villainous factions in the game is pretty substantially tied up with some anti-semitic tropes. There's no way to ignore it, it's just bleh, and I'm not gonna send anyone in without that warning. Also, though there's some characters you can persuade to switch sides, or spare, there's no route where there's a happy ending for everyone. Also there are so many people who are fake deep about the themes of the game, so be ready for the worst takes imaginable about your faves. also super trigger heavy, see below.
Trigger warnings: MANY. Garreg Mach and the Church of Seiros are very reminiscent of catholic religious stuff, for anyone with religion triggers, blood in cutscenes, death of a parent, death of a sibling (different characters), major gaslighting vibes in some places, lots of people going unhinged, some white savior™ vibes in places, body horror, creepy ass weaponry, backstory genoc-de (mostly not related to the anti-semitism), blood magic (definitely related to the anti-semitism), in general it goes to a lot more effort than the other games to make you think about what's Actually going on, even if it doesn't always work.
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As for characters you'd like, if you just want to look some characters up, my recommendations based on what I understand about you include:
Awakening: Libra fits 'gnc man of the cloth' so well it's actually a conversation in game: "so what's a woman of the cloth doing here?" "...man, sir, man of the cloth." And Then He Never Gets Misgendered Again. Also Nowi's supports sometimes feel like a jab at antis-- she's a manakete, a person who can transform into a dragon. Manaketes also grow really slowly, as in "middle aged looking manaketes are like 1000 years old," so she's got major baby face and copes with being mistaken for a teenager by making jokes. Also Gregor, who she first appears with, is pretty fun--older mercenary with a thick accent who is like 80% here for a good time. Also Walhart, who's a villain but got some content added as DLC.
Fates: any interactions between Corrin, Leo, and/or Camilla are probably right up your alley--Camilla is obsessively protective over her siblings in a way that's Very Definitely Platonic™, and Leo also canonically has a crush on her in something that was cut in the English release. Also Gunther--once upon a time he was your classic knight in shining armor, now he's semi-retired, Corrin's personal guard, and covered in scars (and his voice is gorgeous too)
Echoes: my biased answer is to listen to every single line Ian Sinclair read for Berkut because he absolutely did NOT have to go that hard. My actual answer is to point you in the direction of the pegasus sisters Catria, Palla and Est, or maybe the older gentleman who's the head of the Priory, I forgot his name oops abbdbd. Also Clive is a devoted husband to one Mathilda, who looks just like an older version of his sister Clair 🤔
Three Houses: knowing you, you'd adore Hanneman--an older professor who's extremely passionate about his work, to the point where he tends to forget personal space and such. Also Seteth, like I mentioned before (join me in simping for him and his gorgeous pecs) and like, honestly, I know ppl make jokes about Alois but he's rlly good. Soft, awkward but he doesn't care, dad jokes everywhere. And also Mercedes, both because she's the biggest sweetheart imaginable and everyone should love her, but also bc she is just walking potential for the kinds of stuff you post on this blog. On one hand, she's the oldest student at the Academy and attached at the hip to one of the youngest, Annette (tho people act like they have a way bigger age gap then they actually do) and on the other hand, she has a long-lost half brother she can encounter (who I will not name for HUGE HUGE spoilers reasons) who she spends the rest of her life with in one of her endings. Heck, he has three possible endings total! Total!
Basically I brought the games up bc I'm used to being on the side of the fandom where everyone shoos anything uncomfortable under the rug, but there's so much material here that's being wasted I SWEAR
If you have any other questions I can send another anon? Your call! Thanks for hearing me out I love ur blog :3
OKAY!!! sorry for answering so late, but this ask was pretty much a BOOK (not that I´m complaining though! thank you so much! ;;u;;)
and from what I read here, I THINK if I´m going off on my first fire emblem adventure, I´ll try and pick up three houses if I get the chance! I have read your trigger warnings (thank you so much! ;u;) and I think I can take it! >:3
again though, I am really, really not a fan of anime and the anime artstyle in general (blergh! XP) so I´m not sure how I´ll cope with that in particular, but then again, an artstyle does not make a game! u3u
AND HANNEMAN SOUNDS LIKE A WINNER TO ME!! I looked him up and OOOF!!! he may not have NEARLY as many wrinkles as I´d like him to have, but the facial hair is definitely a step in the right direction! ;3c
LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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jiwonsssi · 5 years
- differences, pt. 2
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I hate descriptions. Just read.
characters: Eun Jiwon/'you'
warnings: swearing
A/U: i tried into drama making but since i hate drama it turned out kinda cringey so yeah enjoy and OH its long
And the next week was pretty much normal. Practices, meet ups with friends, helping your mother on her work and other typical stuff for you. You even managed to forget what happened with Jiwon earlier, because there were no time to think about it; too much is happening, and, as always, it does make you feel overwhelmed. And of course there was someone who was fascinated with the idea on how to make you life worse. Sungha didn't even try, you don't know if it was his intention; but God was he successful.
He got suddenly fucking annoying; to the point you didn't even want to see him. He asked annoying question, joked annoying jokes, touched you so annoyingly that you flinched from him everytime. Perhaps, he didn't do anything wrong (as he, himself, claims) and to be honest you are not that angry with his actions on that damned night, but.. something is wrong. You can only feel it, it's impossible to describe it or put it in words; and that's, actually, one of the main problems - you have no idea what to tell him.
And he continues to ask. Annoyingly.
You read and heard somewhere that a simple gesture of a person could easily turn you away from her or him. Apparently, that happened.
And Jiwon. Somehow you see him tragically different now. This week made you analyze so many things about him; you spent hella time together, it wasn't that hard anyway. It's not like you are ready to jump on him screaming 'oppa take me' or something. Absolutely fucking not. Yet.
Anyway, among everything, you drastically wanted to be closer to him. Friendship seems like out of this world idea, but just talking to him feels better than with anyone else. Except, maybe, your mother. But perhaps it's because they are around the same age? We (you and your common sense) choose to ignore that fact.
The other thing you want to ignore is that you are very much disappointed in the fact that he stopped being late. Just a tiny part of you were hoping for another 15 minutes spent together in total comfort of the night drive.
And today was not different; Eun Jiwon was tolerably late and all the dancers waited for him patiently.
- We need to talk, - Sungha sits down beside you and you fight an urge to roll your eyes.
- Right now? - you are annoyed without any apparent reason. It's not right. You really want to talk; you know it's a need. But at the same time it feels so impossible; you know that there would be a fight. You just want to postpone it for as long as possible.
- Yes, because any other time you run from me like crazy, - he has a point.
- I'm not, - we will not accept it anyway.
- You are! But.. not a point. What the fuck is happening? Are you still mad at me? For just one shitty night? You made it safe! - he's not screaming, more like loudly whispering but you still see people watching you. So you stand up, taking his hand and shove him out of the room, standing in front of him with your arms crossed on your chest.
Rage starts to build up unexpectedly fast and you have no idea how to stop it. You don't want to, to be honest.
- Yeah, I hope you had great time as well.
- I promised them! What could I say? 'Sorry, I need to abandon something that has been planned weeks ago'? - he has a point, he really does. Everytime. But.. you just can't think straight. Whatever he says, you would probably still blame him.
- It would have literally took you about 20 minutes. But no, you didn't even think about it; the idea that your friends can spend 30 minutes without you didn't cross your mind. But the idea of abandoning me in the middle of night - on top of all, - you articulate dramatically at this point, but who cares anyway.
- Oh, now we are playing that 'could have been done' game? C'mon, quit it, I care about you and you know it, - did it make you more angry? Because it did.
- You? Care? My ass, how many times you dropped me over some shit? Buying me stuff to make it seems like an apology is not caring about me, it's bullshit, - you put his hands that he already had on your waist down, stepping back a little.
- Uhm, it's not like I'm the one who accepts them, - it's a war declaration.
You know he is right. You know. But at the same time, who said you should always think with you brain, not, for example, with ass? It will sound stupid, but your heart already gave up on him (if it even was considering him in the first place), your head's ideas don't really suit you and other parts of you just really want to punch him.
- Oh you know what? It's better to receive at least something from you, because otherwise I might stuck with only "amazing" conversations and even worse sex. I'm not your parent to teach you how to behave when you are guilty and if you want to shower me with gifts when you can simply apologize, I'm not here to complain, - aww, who's that angry little boy? He furrows his brows, breathing heavily and you shrug your shoulders, smiling the most annoying smile you can manage.
Everyone think that you are with him because of money, so why not play along?
- Fuck that, - Sungha goes straight back to the practice room again and you feel air in your lungs hurting. If that's even possible. You have chosen him for a reason and the reason is absolutely not wealth. And now.. it's kinda weird to be sad over something that you, yourself, ruined. You did ruin it, right? And over some, indeed, tiny fucking mistake.
You will not blame yourself for this, but maybe you are allowed to be a little upset. Break ups happen and.. it's upsetting. And when the adrenaline in your veins finally calms down, you inhale deeply, trying to calm that tiny crybaby in you down.
The thing is, you absolutely can't handle it right now. Just not in the middle of this mess with everyday practices and hella tone of work in general. You want peace and comfort, not all those nerves.
It's absolutely time to get wasted. And you're have absolutely no time for that.
Coming back in, you feel particularly everyone in this room watching you and it's so fucking annoying again. Why can't they just mind their own business? Is it that hard?
But most probably the biggest problem is that right after you, a mere seconds later, Jiwon comes in and you can swear he heard everything. Everything. You groan and stomp your feet, screaming at how life hates you. Internally.
You meet his eyes once, when Jiwon greets everyone and he just smiles, nodding his head a little. Maybe he will not think of you as someone who sleeps with men for money.
Just a tiny, tiny, tiny possibility. A girl can dream, right?
Hope dies last. All that shit.
It's hard to concentrate when all you can think about is your now totally fucked up relationships; it's impossible to pretend that you don't care. You do. And not because you are scared of losing him (somehow that is the last thing you afraid of), but to break up on this conditions. You truly believe that everything can be solved through conversation (even though you are the one who became angry but does it really matter?); you won't beg him to start over, because you simply don't want to. But breaking up without hating each other sounds better than what you have now.
The practice starts and you do everything automatically. Absolutely on autopilot.
- Hey, are you with us? I'm talking to you, - of course it's time to miss main choreographer speaking directly to you, right in front of your face. What a perfect day!
- Sorry, I.. sorry, - the music is already silent and everyone are out. For a break, probably. You feel like you are on crack or something, because you totally forgot what was happening around. And how much time passed by.
- Nevermind. What I wanted to say is that you are to dance with Eun Jiwon. I hope you remember choreography for 'Tipsy', aren't you? - you badly want to close your eyes, breath and whisper 'what the fuck' but you just nod silently, then shake your head.
- But I was dancing with Sungha as backdancer, so I..
- Not anymore. I don't know what is happening between you two but this is the last time I agree on changing partners in the last moment. Understood? - again, the exact same wish. What the fuck is going on? It feels like you fell asleep in one reality and woke in another.
- Yeah. But I..
- That's it, go and grab some coffee, I don't know, you lookin awful, - she smiles in the end so you don't feel offended, but she's totally right. Nodding, you turn around to leave. Coffee. Great idea. Would be even better with whiskey.
Unsuccessfuly trying to persuade coffee machine to not to add 5 portions of sugar, you also trying your very best to persuade yourself to stop fucking whining.
- Yes, bad terms. Yes, I look like a bitch now. Yes, he's going to shit on me everywhere. Yes, probably I will lose some people. Yes, I said awful things, - talking to yourself in public place is not a great idea but who cares, - But do I need those people? And sex was really not that great.. Fuck you!
You tap with a loud sound on a coffee machine who proudly presents you extra sweet coffee. Feeling your lower lip tremble out of pure rage, you shove coffee in sink and sigh slowly.
- Please, just once, sweetie, let's do it, huh? Just for me, c'mon, - now you try to persuade the machine nicely. It works with you laptop every time, so why not?
But yeah, life is a shit and that's exactly why you hear a loud giggle from behind and.. we're not in fanfiction. It can't be him. Right?
- After talking to yourself you started to chat with coffee machine. I genuinely want to know, are you okay? - it's absolutely not the right time for Jiwon to show up out of nowhere. The awful timing. Closing your eyes, you force yourself to smile and turn around, facing him.
- Yeah, just.. it's always nice to chat with someone smart, - he smiles again, nodding and comes closer.
- That's why you were talking to coffee machine? - you look at him, standing right beside you with his kind mocking face and he smirks, celebrating his win. Hell no.
- That's why I will not talk to you, - his face changes in seconds and he's now cutely mad. You could never count him as scary old sunbae, because it's so light around him. You can't be this free with the most of the men around there because every one of them don't know how to handle pure jokes. Jiwon does everything perfectly.
- Okay then. I'll drink that tasty fresh black strong coffee with no sugar from cafe nearby all by myself, - you don't realize that he's holding two cups and you honestly forgot how to say 'thank you'. He turns around very slowly, looking you in the eyes all the way and you put on your most exaggerated charming smile.
- Oh my God, I'm so sorry, oppa, you are the smartest that I have ever met! - you would hang on his arm or something but apart him being very open and comfortable with you, it's still obvious that he's much older. Literally twice your age. That would be crossing the lines.
Jiwon pretends to think for a moment and you smile as innocent as possible and he suddenly nods, with the same exaggerated satisfaction, passing you the hot cup.
- I saw you spacing out, thought coffee will help. Must be difficult these days for you? - he just stands here, leaning with one hand on a table and he looks.. stunning. His style is perfect without trying and you can swear the color black belongs to him. And you just broke up with the boyfriend. Stop. But maybe it's his care that looks stunning, huh. Sounds lame, but.. unless?
- Yeah, I just.. - actually you have zero fucking idea on how to answer his question. He wouldn't be asking if he wasn't interested in what you are going to say. Yet you also had no intentions on showering him with your problems so you look at him, trying not to look desperate and shake your shoulders, - You heard everything, right?
He nods and you sip coffee, trying to not to burn your lips.
- I did, sorry, - he places his cup onto the table, putting both of hands in the pockets of his joggers, - You broke his self esteem, not his heart. So don't worry about sounding like a bitch.
He's actually very right. But there is something that will eat you anyway. Nice, though, that he's trying to help you. Hella weird.
- But it will eat me a couple of months anyway, - you continue to drink your coffee, staring at the material of his black tshirt, not seeing anything anyway when he speaks again.
- Your words about sex will eat him at least a couple of years. So don't worry, you won this one, - and you choke on your coffee, spitting it everywhere, trying to laugh and feel ashamed at the same time. Jiwon wipes brown drops from his upper arm that happened to be on the way of your hysteria, laughing not so loud but any way very pleasing. No need to be ashamed, apparently.
It wasn't funny. It was just so weird to hear it from him.
- I won't ever again buy you drinks, - he's laughing, hanging you tissues and taking the cup out of your hands, throwing it into the trash, - C'mon. Break must be over by now.
And he's so light, just like that. Jiwon doesn't make you talk about it further, doesn't try to get into your head with advices; he said what he wanted to say and listened to you for as much as you needed.
Does being intelligent comes with age?
You wipe your mouth, making your way after him when you get this feeling again; why does your whole life feels like a fanfiction? Of course Sungha needs to stand in the dark corner near vending machine like a fucking anime antihero.
You couldn't see him earlier, but.. Jiwon did. You look at his back, being not just surprised, but absolutely fucking stumbled. Why? He didn't do anything extra, but he could have been silent about such an intimate detail, as sex. But he wasn't. He deadass joked about it. And it led you to one thought: was he angry at him?
No way. Probably.
After looking at him for a moment, it feels like all that joy and relaxation you got from talking to Jiwon disappears in mere seconds. You feel so pressured again. You fucked it up. Again.
Sungha follows you and you feel his eyes imprinting 'you will regret this' on the back of your neck; you literally can feel it. It's funny how you have been knowing every bad thing about him and his friends and still decided to say 'yes' to this relationships. It started as a mess, and it will end the same.
Position "I will make him better" was never intended to work anyway.
Jiwon holds a door for you and you enter practice room, slightly nodding to him as 'thank you'. Even though you are going to dance so close to him; so close to the point you never knew you wanted to, you had no intention to continue this rehearsal. Not even the slightest.
And when the choreographer was talking to Jiwon about changing partners and he was actually very surprised or even when the music started to play, you had absolutely no emotions on your face. And so the troubles begin.
Of course, that made choreographer perofm a very nice thing called 'I will fucking end you if you continue to ruin my pattern' and it made you even more irritated and you forgot how many times you clumsy bumped into Eun Jiwon's limbs with yours. He helped you. A lot. Messing it up himself, sometimes. Sometimes receiving your palm slapping his chest. You didn't see even a tiny muscle changing on his face to form an angry emotion. And it's all extremely touching and his patience is made of steel when he wants it to be like that, but.. you still can't concentrate.
- You know what? I'm tired, - you hear Jiwon nag loudly, after you stepped on his foot for the third time and music stops the moment after his words, - I can't work like that.
Was you ready to cry? Because you even feel your eyes watering. You never expected him to care about you more than he already did, but he clearly saw what was happening.
Though it's only your fault. You move away from him a little, brushing your hair back and close your eyes. There are three more candidates who can do that. Not a big problem for him to change.
Jiwon moves in the direction of the woman who's now particularly burns with flames of rage and you know that you are the one they are discussing and feels so pitiful. You really wish it didn't ruin your pride.
And it's not how they talk while looking around on dancers that made you feel like shit. It's how everyone know that you were declined and that it's absolutely your fault; and they feel like it's prior duty to stare at you so.. contemptuously. Everyone have their bad days. Yours just happen to be today. It doesn't make you worse or better, but it's hard to persuade yourself to think like that because you are already digging yourself in.
And his rejection is actually making it hundred times worse.
- So, I wanted to say that I'm extremely tired and that's it for today, - Jiwon stands in the centre of the room, looking at you all with such a sincere sorrow. You title your head, frowning. What the fuck? - I know that it's still a long way to go, but let's have an evening off today. We all are doing great and I am very thankful for all the hard work you do for me, - he speaks so.. slowly and thoughtfully. Like he really means it. It's nice, - And besides, I'm not getting younger so I need to rest. Let's pretend it's not the main reason, - you catch your 'what the fuck' expression in the mirror and he laughs, continue to talk like only he can. You have no idea how to explain that. It just hits differently, - So let's go, run faster until our very scary choreographer didn't change her mind. Go!
He claps his hands, bowing a little and continue to stand where he is, scrolling through his phone after politely saying bye to everyone who was addressing him. You don't move even a bit because now you feel like it's your prior duty to hail him. Of course people will know the truth, but he at least made an attempt to make it seems like it wasn't your fault.
You don't know how to feel about that. You really don't.
He stares at his phone and you wait until all the people are gone, clearing your throat to make him notice you.
- Shit, you scared me. I was ready to call you, - you title your head again, because what is wrong with him. He walks to the door, opening it for you again. What the..
- I am confused, but I still will say what I wanted to, - you come closer, letting the door shut and now it's his turn to be surprised because you just realized that you have a face that says 'I'm about to beat you up'. And you are not, - I wanted to say sorry for my work. I did a lot of mistakes. And I will understand if you are going to change me for someone else. I am truly sorry. And also I want to say thank you for what you did. It was.. great. Thank you.
Lowering you head, you look at his sneakers and sigh loudly.
- Look, I understand everything. I know what you are capable of and I will not judge you now, - he does it again. Sounds so mature. Reassuring. Calming. His voice is low and manly suddenly and you feel goosebumps running wild on your skin and you finally look at him, smiling, - But if you hit me one more time..
He pokes a finger at you and you laugh, murmuring short 'sorry' again, hearing how he chuckles softly. He's not mad. At all. You are so used to bullshit out of everything that when people actually treat each other like human beings it makes you lost.
- Okay. Remember when I told you I am not going to buy you drinks? - he looks at you mischievously and you nod slowly, making that "the fuck" face, - Lies. I will.
Now it's time to make that 'so...?' face and you do exactly it.
- Do you.. drink? - is he trying to ask you.. out? Like, is it.. no, it can't be real. It's ridiculous. No. Unless?
- I.. do, - the whole conversation sounds like two very slow idiots are trying to decide on something.
- So.. Me too, - you can't help but laugh shortly looking at his expression and then come back to the 'idiots' performance.
- That's... Nice. That we two drink, - you nod, trying your best to not to laugh again and he does exactly same. Hilarious to watch.
- So shall we.. do it together? - he stumbles for a moment then rolls his eyes and then smile, waving his hand in the air, - What I wanted to say is that I want you to relax and I don't know a better way than to drink. So let's go.
You know one that's better than drinking. But let's say he won't understand if you say it out loud.
Finally you just nod, exiting the room first.
This day is a fucking roller coaster.
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
Okay so we got the boys as big brothers but I'm curious,,, what about the BMC girls as big sisters???? :0
omg yes yes yes i’ve been thinking about this but i’ve been avoiding doing it since i’ve had requests aka im using this as an excuse to do it
i just put everyone under the cut since i did all of them so
thank u nonny
best. older sister. ever.
if you’re into musical theatre, it’s a huuuuge bonding experience!!!! i headcanon christine started when she was a kid and always loved it so just
imagine getting into it when ur in middle school/high school????
christine helps you with stage makeup and teaches you how to do it properly and what the right amount of stuff is!!!!
if ur not into acting n stuff, you work crew or lights maybe
or you just come to every show and cheer her on!!!!
internally you’re just like “THATS!!! MY SISTER!!!!”
although the play she did junior year was kinda weird
all her theatre friends know you
like?? you could have never done theatre and everyones like “IS THAT [y/n]???”
christine will jam out to showtunes in her car and she gets INTO IT and its rly fun and sometimes the two of you have duets 
also the two of you will sing like 50 different parts for one song
can i be honest and say christine probably has sO MANY PICS OF U TWO LIKE
also sometimes people are like “do u two fight” and ur like “no???? why would we” “ur siblings” “i mean yeah but have u seen her?? does she seem like the person who would fight over dumb things? like the closest thing we’ve gotten to a fight is when i said one of her musicals was ‘okay’ and thats because i didnt even listen to half the soundtrack”
… u two… watch bootlegs together….
ok not theatre-related stuff
christine!!! is just!!! really positive a lot!!!
but like, you kinda get to see her being unsure sometimes
if anyone talks shit about her yOU ARE R EA D Y TO F I GH T
christine takes meds for ADD and often you’ll remind her in the mornings just in case she forgets (which is rare unless she’s had a late rehearsal the night before! but she still appreciates it!!)
christine knows exactly how to cheer you up! like, you like sitting back and watching movies? she’s got u. you like petting dogs? well, the best she can do is pictures at the moment but she will sent u all!! the dog pics!!!!
i hc that she’s really into romcoms so sometimes she takes u to the movies with her and its fun
ok but like
midnight chats with christine where the two of you just kinda aimlessly ramble together and its a very nonjudgmental time and you two talk through things
also helping christine by running through lines with her. thats all
u and christine have a lot of videos of u two doing stuff like ur own lil skits and ur own “cooking show” together as kids and it’s really cute
i just rly love christine and its rly obvious
i mentioned how with jake as ur big bro you get a lot of ppl like “oh, ur jake’s lil sibling” and it’s the exact way with chloe
except you get a lot more fuckboys. its gross. you’ve told off a few of them.
alright i’ve had this headcanon but like
fuck gender roles completely. chloe does ur makeup and you feel like a god damn boss
like, ur eyeliner could cut a man.
brooke is around a lot and shes nice to u (sometimes nicer than chloe is)
honestly chloe is rly confident and she strikes me as the kind of person where like, you could be having a bad day and she’d just compliment u but in a way that ur like “is… is that a compliment or are u mad that im sad”
its both.
can i say that chloe is kinda terrible? to other people? like she can be kinda crass toward you a lot but she has these little moments where she’s actually a decent big sister (like her doing ur makeup???)
but even then you two fight and its not rly a good time but one of u will apologize if its Really Really Bad
i like to imagine chloe’s parents have moments like “take [y/n] with you” and shes just “ughh fine”
her friends dont rly mind since ur mostly quiet
“anyway she’s kind of a slut-” “chloe don’t fucking call other girls sluts”
the two of u argue. some of her friends are recording u two fukn fighting
softly theres just someone going fight fight fight fight
it probably ends up on social media
so people know..
you have a couple people like “YO!!! U FOUGHT WITH CHLOE????”
“yeah i mean she’s my older sister so… i can call her our on her shit i guess?” “WHAT T HE  FUCK SHES UR SISTER????”
“wait she signed up for the play?? wtf who else is in it” “jake dillinger-” “god damn it chloe.”
im not even gonna touch on anything that happened at the halloween party other than just you were glad she got out unscathed in the end. 
but after some rumors fly u dont rly trust her??? as much???
anyway. moving on.
actual Good
“why do you hang out with chloe?” “w-what do you mean?” “no offense but……she seems…..kiiinda bitchy……..”
brooke doesn’t talk to u until u apologize
which honestly is understandable bc chloe’s kind of her bestie and u just insulted her so
very gentle big sister
shes in play??? u will be there like!!! “thats cool i didnt know u were into theatre”
i feel like i talk about the play in every headcanon i do but its such a big part so
wait is she dating this guy
she seems to??? kinda like him??? he sounds nice
whats his name
jerry or something
ur ready to fight him tho like, remember brooke’s ex who cheated on her??? u may or may not have called him out.
and possibly punched him.
and possibly gotten beat up
dont fuck with football players
brooke comes home from jake’s halloween party kinda early and shes rly upset and ur just like “wHO HURT U”
ur gonna fight chloe and jeremy.
anyway u kinda sit around with her trying to cheer her up
the next day the two of u go to the mall or pinkberry or somewhere to cheer her up
then chloe calls
“brooke please dont pick it up”
she doesn’t.
and then she does after chloe texts her and ur like “brooke n o o o”
ok so uh
brooke is a sweet big sister even if she’s not there 24/7
imagine being asked on a date by someone cute and ur like ‘fUCK BROOKE H E L P HOW THE FUCK’ and she helps u look cute and calms u down
a sweet bab
i love her
im just gonna go ahead and get it out of the way: you know a loooot of shit since jenna knows everything
jenna is protective and no one dares to say shit about u because like
rumors fly? she’ll debunk them AND find the fucking source and tell them off
someone insults u and she hears it? she will F I G H T
someone insults and makes u feel bad and she always finds out because she’s rly good at noticing things??? she will either cheer u up or approach the person herself
or both
i dont care where u guys go but ur family will go on summer road trips and you and jenna take selfies everywhere like
close siblings. the good shit.
honestly jenna is probably the kind of person who watches tv with u and sometimes she ends up not sleeping a lil so she just keeps watching whatever show and then shes like
wait shit i cant spoil this for them
jenna sits next to u and ur like “you already know whats gonna happen dont u” “yeah” “gdi”
jenna strikes me as the kind of person who would be a vlogger imo
being her sibling u get pulled into her vlogs sometimes
theres no warning shes just recording u at 12 am in the kitchen like
“hey [y/n] what are u doing” and u just staring at the oven “baking cookies what does it look like-” and u look up and shes recording and ur like “ayy”
late night snapchat story consists of her and u watching stuff together bc neither of u can sleep
sometimes she just gets a “jenna go to bed”
it never happens
i wish
i had more headcanons for her but i d on t
thats all babes 
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