#I'm just taking whatever tags tumblr gives me and hope I'm not missing anything particularly important
maybelia · 6 months
The drama of throwing yourself in front of a car or slitting your wrists in a bathtub
Vs genuinely wanting to traumatize the smallest number of people
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sofiaaaaaaaa03 · 3 years
Did You Mean It?
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Pairing: Dad!Din Djnarin x GN foundling! Reader
Rating: G
Word Count:1,449
Summary: Din has been teaching you Mando'a and does not know how to react after you call him buir (father) for the first time.
Request: Heyyy, love your writing! Definitely not enough platonic mando fics out there. But I was just wondering if you were interested in making a tag list, if not that's fine I just don't want to miss anything you write! Also, if your still taking requests I was wondering if you would write a fic around the reader calling Din some form of dad for the first time. By accident or on purpose (like after Din teaches her the word buir) it doesn't matter to me. I'm just curious how Din would react lol!
A/N: Hey hey!! I’m fairly new to tumblr so I’ll do my best to do tag lists in the furure! Just let me know if you wanna join so I can write it down somewhere :)) (That was for the general public I’ll definitely mark your name down) I’ve seemed to have grown a habit for writing in Din’s perspective haha, but yes I do think that no matter how Din first hears the reader call him buir he’d still be like “...me?” I hope what I did was okay and you enjoyed it. And thanks so much for liking what I write!!!
Although you were not raised in Mandalorian culture, Din took it upon himself to teach you Mando’a. He first brought it up some time after his encounter with Bo Katan and the other Mandalorians. When he finally saw others of his kind, albeit reassuring, it reminded him that the effort it took to find them could only mean his people were slowly being wiped out. Din needed to hold onto his deteriorating culture, and hoped that you would take an interest in learning from it as a member of Clan Mudhorn. When he inquired about your interest in learning the language he did so thinking that you would probably be daunted by the challenge. He wouldn’t have been offended if you declined as he didn’t want to force you into something you had no interest in, but much to his surprise you were ecstatic about it!
It warmed Din’s heart to watch you fumble over syllables during your first lessons. He began with simple introduction phrases and vocabulary. Nothing too difficult but sufficient enough to help you progress. You were often praised for your efforts and encouraged to converse with Din for practice, which you did. He often corrected you on grammar mistakes and your pronunciation. One thing you hated was how he wouldn’t remind you of a word you’d forgotten during a conversation. He’d simply ignore your plea to remind him and continue his work, leaving you to try to remember the term by yourself.
After some time, you were capable of holding simple conversations. Nothing too complex, but enough for you to get by if there was ever the need for you to use it. On one occasion, it helped you avoid getting arrested.
Although it was not entirely your fault, it often sounded like it was the way Din told it. The Clan had taken the day off to visit a local market after a successful bounty to stock up on fresh supplies and eat a good meal. Din gave you several credits to spend on whatever you pleased while he went to run his errands. The day was particularly sunny. Shoppers wandered around Din, although he stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the civilians with his beskar. Curious eyes casted towards him but he paid no mind to them as he walked up to a vendor and greeted her with a nod.
“Can I buy a holopad around here?” He inquired, waiting for the vendor to return his change. She paused a moment, credits in separate hands as she thought a moment.
“Not too far off that road,” Din followed her gaze and thanked her, pocketing his change before making his way to the shop she’d pointed out to. In truth, he already had a holopad of his own but wanted to give one to you for your upcoming birthday. He approached the shop, pausing a moment to gaze at the door, before making a move to open it. Wait.
What was that?
Din slowly moved back and surveyed the area. He could have sworn he could have heard something familiar. He strained his ears to listen once more.
Suddenly his attention was caught by your figure as you desperately ran towards him, almost tripping on your feet with Grogu clinging onto you in your arms. Behind you was a vendor tailing you, anger written over his expression. Din marched forward quickly, pushing you and Grogu behind him when the two of you were close enough and held a hand out as the vendor approached.
“What did you do?” He looked down at you, not waiting for an answer but rather looked at the vendor. He hunched over, hands on his knees while he caught his breath. “Can I help you?”
He inhaled sharply and straightened himself up after gathering his breath, gesturing at you. “Is this yours?”
“Can’t you see the resemblance?” Din’s voice was monotonous despite the sarcastic comment. You made a face at the man from your place behind Din. The man inhaled sharply at your expression, though Din chose to ignore your actions.
“Is there a problem here?” Din inquired, pushing you further behind his back so you wouldn’t upset the man even more.
“I caught them trying to steal some of my produce. I have half the mind to call the sheriff-”
“That’s not true!” You interjected, pushing yourself into view but Din was fast enough to push you back in your place.
“Y/N.” Din warned, “vaabir no ukoror bic. Tonaid was bic?”
You shifted uncomfortably in your stance, raising Grogu higher in your arms. “Grogu.”
“Kaysh hiibir mayen?”
“Nayc, he grabbed some things and I didn’t realize.”
Din understood now that you meant this was just a misunderstanding. He placed a firm hand on your shoulder and turned to the impatient vendor. “My foundling has a habit of grabbing anything he can get a hold of. He’s still a child. You can understand.”
At first the vendor was reluctant to leave, convinced that Din’s little clan members were nothing but no good thieves. He even insisted that Din paid reparations for what Grogu had taken, for he tried to eat some before you took it from his mouth. It took some convincing, and several credits, to make the vendor walk away satisfied.
“Well, that’s that.” Din sighed, shaking his head a little and tucked his hands onto his hips. He turned to the two of you, “C’mon, let’s get something for you two to eat.”
At the local cantina Grogu helped himself to a hearty bowl of soup while you ate your own favorite meal from there. Din simply sat back, checking his credits before placing the payment on the table so that he wouldn’t have to worry about it later. When he was done and his mind left wondering, he thought back to when he first heard you call for him in Mando’a.
The term you used was one that a child would call its father. You called him father. He wondered if it came out naturally for you, or if you used it because you had to prove that you and Din had some sort of relation. That must have been the case. You’d only been a member of the clan for almost a year now. Seeing Din as a guardian should be natural, but a parental figure? Din wasn’t so sure. He had grown fond of having you around. As an older child you were a far better conversationalist than Grogu was and many times showed that you trusted Din. But still, Din wasn’t your father. He had to remind himself that sometimes. But still, he couldn’t stop wondering how you saw him as he watched you eat your meal.
“Did you mean it?” Din didn’t know where he found the courage to start speaking, but he didn’t stop himself.
“Hm?” You lifted your head, your dish in your hands as you were about to take a bite.
“You called me… buir.” The word sounded strange to call himself.
Your face lit up when you reminisced the incident. “Oh! I mean, yeah. I knew it was the only way to grab your attention. It was really crowded today.”
Din chuckled, “It worked.”
You couldn’t help but smile before taking another bite into your meal, smiling to yourself at its taste. It’d been awhile since the clan ate at a cantina. It’d been awhile that the kiddos had gone out actually. Why was it that every time they joined Din out into town trouble would occur? Din shook his head lightly, deeming that only he would have ended up with such troublemakers.
“But, it’s not like I don’t see you as one.”
You stared back at him, cocking your head to the side and giving him a small smile. Although you couldn’t see it, Din held a big smile underneath his helmet. For a moment he almost forgot that you couldn’t see his expression and collected himself as you waited for his response.
“I’m really proud of you, Y/N.” He beamed, turning to wipe some smudge off of Grogu’s face. “You’re a great kid.”
You grinned widely and a pleasant moment of silence falls upon you two despite the noisy environment. Din told the two of you to finish soon so that the group would return to the ship before nightfall. During the last moments of supper, you and Din conversed with each other in Mando’a to practice your pronunciation once again. At some moments you grazed through phrases you previously struggled on, though you did not realize it Din certainly did, and it made him even more proud of how you’d grown.
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Hello, I'm back! I'd really like a matchup please (M!)! I'm a white girl, who is 5'4" with green/blue and gold brown eyes and wavy to slightly curly extremely dark brown hair. I love to read (mostly historical fiction), write stories, and play video games, most of which are on the rpg genre. Most of my friends say that i am very nice and willing to help anyone who needs it, as well as having a very dark sense of humor. Most people don't know that i also have a really bad short temper, that used
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Welcome back, Emily dear! Thank you so much for the kind words!!! <3 The matchup is all yours, hope you like it! //AND sorry for taking a while!!! Lemme tag you (if tumblr lets me) so you get the notification @emilyd-i-c-k-ens ;;//
Okay this is gonna sound a bit weird, but at first I didn’t know who to match you up with! Why? Because except on the physical aspect, you and I are pretty similar! Imagine the struggle of not just slapping in here a moodboard of my biggest stinky jojo crush...
NO MATTER! I found the answer in the end! And it’s double, so bare with me please!
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Translation: “Love, with you by my side, I can do anything!”
Narancia Ghirga!
He just finds your natural charm and mature air tremendously magnetic. It’s like you’re exactly the balance he needs in his life. 
You met at the movies when you went to see the same one, you went by yourselves so when you sat down and saw the theater almost empty and the single spot between you two vacant, Narancia just decided to sit next to you and give you a bright smile to start up chatting before the movie started rolling.
You had time to introduce yourselves, and you heard him ramble on how much he liked this kinda movies! He was so excited it made you feel his own excitement in return, making you naturally relaxed and bubbly around him.
When you got out of the movies, he chatted with you about it all the way outside, with your small input from time to time when he slowed down for a second. Once outside under the night’s sky, he seemed to look around curious, raising an eyebrow and looking back at you while scratching the back of his head. “Say, Y/N, is no one coming to fetch you? It’s pretty late to walk around alone...” He drifted off, even more surprised when you shook your head to confirm that, in fact, no one was coming. 
“Well, in that case, I’ll walk you to your house, if you don’t mind it!” He asserted, showing you some quite comical flexing and posing to pretend he was strong and fearsome. “Alright, let’s get going then, Narancia.”
You didn’t live that far from the theater, so it didn’t worry you to make him lose his own path back to his own place. While you walked in silence, his hands in his pockets and kicking the occasional peeble on the pavement, he seemed to steal quick glances on your direction, thinking you didn’t notice.
“Something on my face, Nara?” You asked, both amused and curious. His reaction made you chuckle, as he shook his head from side to side violently and turned his gaze away from you. “No it’s...” He started, quietly. After a sigh from him, he finished his sentence. “You look pretty, that’s it.” Even if his tone sounded uninterested, you knew full well he was actually very embarrassed. The shade on his cheeks and his slight pout gave him away.
“Why, thank you, you look handsome too.” He gave you a look, his lips contorted into a lopsided smile and his eyes cast into the ground before him. Taking one of his hands to the back of his head, he kept walking with a small smile on his face. “Well, thanks, Y/N.” That was the first time a girl as pretty as you had called him handsome. Hell, the only one that called him that sometimes had been Buccellati when he asked if an outfit was ill-fitting on himself.
Before you’d realized, you stood at your door, turning to face him and give him a smile. “Thank you Narancia, it was a pleasure to walk home with you.” You started, not expecting the dark haired male to almost instantly extend his arm towards you, firmly grasping a phone in his hand that pointed in your direction. “P-please, could I have your number, Y/N?” Silence, and Ghirga felt some sweat beads on his temples. “I-I mean, I just really want to keep taking because you’re so nice and, and we like the same stuff and well I-” He was cut off by you gently hoovering your index finger on his lips, taking his unlocked phone and introducing your number in his contacts. “Saved.” You announced, giving him back his device and turning around once more, and waving him off with a little amused smile on your face.
He gave a little jump in front of your now closed door, that you didn’t fail to notice since you could see him through the window right next to it. This adorable gesture made you let out an amused small chuckle and a hand be brought to your chest. He was a cute one, and you wanted to get to know him better. 
Almost around midnight, a text message entered your notifications from a new number, and you smiled. You couldn’t fall asleep thinking on how well your evening went, and the cause of that state just texted you without even thinking that people are usually asleep at that hour.
“Wanna go the arcade tmrrw??” Yes! You wanted to! And you let him know. 
You went to the arcade and spent a wonderful time in there! He’d playfully bump your shoulders together when playing on the racing games, making you lose your balance to give him advantage. Whine even if he was amused when you beat him in crane games, and even sticking his arm inside with the risk of sticking it inside to get you a price that didn’t quite fall right!
It was a cute teddy bear, the perfect size to sit in your palm. Fluffy as all could be, and it held a small heart between its tiny arms. Narancia gave you a shy smile. “It reminds me of you and me, Y/N!” He said, cheery. “Why is that?” You replied between giggles and fist-bumping his shoulder gently. He reluctantly rose his hand to his neck and looked down. “Well.” He started. “We just met it, and it already holds a heart between its hands. You two are similar.” You took a second to understand what he meant, giving him a shy smile. Damn, he really went for it all huh?
“That’s so sweet, Narancia.” You replied, giving him a soft smile and gently grabbing his wrist, only to tug at it and start leading the way. “Come on, I wanna try and beat you on DDR*. Winner gets to challenge the other on whatever they want.” 
The violet eyed male blinked a few times before smiling and following after you with an excited step. He was very good at DDR, excellent almost. As you stood both in your positions, one to the other’s side, he was already thinking about what he’d challenge you to.
As soon as the coins slid down the slot and you’d chosen your song, it was clear that neither of you were playing around. Nevertheless, Narancia’s movements were smoother, precise, his “Perfect!!” combo streak never faltering. You, on the other hand, were growing weary. Why’d he have to choose the difficulty? You were trying your best to keep up, when you slid your arms behind you and rested them on the support bar, while looking at the screen and trying to keep up. Unfortunately, last minute, when you tried to step on the correct arrow, your foot slipped and you fell on your butt, the last 4 arrows going by and the song ending with a nice little tune. Of course, Narancia had won.
“Y/N! Are you okay??” He missed his last notes to come immediately help you up though; and you couldn’t help but smile at him and swat your free hand to make him rest assured, while your other hand was the one he held tightly to help you. “I’m... fine, don’t worry.” You stared at him, he was close. 
He gave you a lopsided smile, never letting go of your hand as he almost hoovered over you, you could barely feel his chest press on yours. “You know what, I think I know what I challenge you to, Y/N.” He started, tilting his head slightly to the side as he gave your face a short scan with his beautiful eyes up and down.
“Yeah? ... What is it?” You replied, your voice quiet, feeling a weird sensation turn and tighten in your stomach, your heartbeat in your ears. He smiled, showing you his slightly pointy canines and leaning close to place a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. 
“I challenge you to have another date with me, next time, we can meet in my apartment, I got Danganronpa on my PC.” You raised your eyebrow and gave his shoulder another soft punch. “That, that fills me with hope.” You replied, making him chuckle and gently let go of you, holding his hands behind his back. “Well then, it’s settled!” He exclaimed, balancing his body on his feet one time on his tip toes and one time on his heels. “I would have been filled with despair, otherwise.” 
You laughed at his reference and gave him an amused smile. You liked him, you really did.
After you start dating some months later, he’s just... a wonderful boyfriend, you really have no complaints. He loves to laze around with you at home, playing whatever games you particularly enjoy. He particularly loved to watch you play Stardew Valley, he found it relaxing, even if sometimes, he got pouty and was overly clingy almost not letting you move when he noted that “You married a small pixel character and had two children and he was stuck as the pillow boyfriend”. You smacked him softly when he said such stupid things, but, it made you laugh, and he knew that.
Get ready for lots of cuddling and just physical affection while you watch movies at home together. Sometimes, you’ll feel him shake if something on the movie disturbed him. Occasional screaming when he gets scared. You noted he feels more distressed when watching indie horror movies, such as the Blair Project. He claims “he just likes the adrenaline they give him” when you ask him why he watches if he’s scared.
Fugo Pannacotta!
He finds support and understanding in you, he sees you as a strong pillar, he really admires you! As a person who’s had some problems with keeping his rage under check, he finds your understanding of the situation very assuring; he feels like a completely normal guy when he’s with you.
He thinks you’re the most interesting person around that does not get on his nerves, ever. (Narancia, does, even if he loves him very much, all has to be said.) You read very interesting books too! He respects that hobbie, sometimes he’ll sit with you to read his own and then quietly comment on how’s each other’s lecture going.
Your dark humor... He loves it. Each time you crack a way too dark for normal comfort joke, he absolutely cracks up. He just really likes how you have no trouble saying such things, besides, that’s his type of humor too man! He loves that!
He really likes your eyes! That’s a weird trait, but he really likes to focus on people’s eyes, and yours were so pretty and full of depth, he really liked what your eyes communicated. It made him feel assured and relaxed around you.
A smaaaaall side note on the * ; For the younger peeps, DDR means Dance Dance Revolution. And in my time (I mean i’m not THAT old but yeah), it was basically the most popular, fun and stressing dance game there was at the arcade back then. Now it’s rare to find one of those machines, at least where I live! 
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sage-nebula · 7 years
Hey Scrawlers, long time no speak. I hope you're well. I was surfing your Alain posts and could not find; or maybe I missed it but: Professor Sycamore's summer camps... do you think Alain helped Augustine at the camp? I'm sure Gus would have encouraged Alain to socialise with kids closer to his age in an attempt for him to make friends. Knowing how shy Alain is, Imagine what everyone would have thought about this timid little assistant who looked remarkably like the Professor. What do you think?
Sorry for the late response! A very good friend of mine is in town (and the States!) visiting for the first time ever, so I’m not on tumblr very much for the next few days.
So, the summer camp: as it turns out, I have talked about it a bit, but it’s easy to miss because I just talked about it in the tags on this post. For convenience, I’ll go ahead and copy those tags (the relevant ones anyway---there are others) here: 
#anyway i'm toying with the idea in childhood - i need to rewatch some episodes to see but i'm thinking about the summer camp   #that's an ANNUAL thing right? so surely if it's an annual thing Professor Sycamore runs   #then surely Alan must have attended them . . . as an assistant if not a participant   #(and i imagine it would be as an assistant bc a.) he has been an assistant since he was 5 and b.) he was a shy child and socializing is not  #his forte and Sycamore won't push him if he's uncomfortable - but Sycamore WOULD be thrilled if Alan wanted to take the opportunity to make   #friends. but anyway so most of the time he's there as an assistant   #but WHAT IF. what if one year Louie was there. and he DECIDED that this assistant boy WILL BE HIS RIVAL. HM? AND HE TRIES TO START SHIT   #and Alan is just like >:( and then asks the Professor if he and Lizardon can battle   #and Sycamore is like =D!!!! yes!!! go play with the others!!!  #but what he doesn't realize is bc Louie made disparaging remarks about Lizardon AND suggested that maybe HE'LL win all the battles and be   #Prof Sycamore's new assistant instead since ALAN can't even battle and . . . well. let's just say it's PERSONAL   #but anyway that's just an idea we'll see what comes of this   #(Sycamore misunderstands and thinks Louie is Alan's new friend and puts them on the same team for the stamp race)   #(Alan is just like ''Professor why. why this.'')   #(alternatively: they're still on separate teams and competition is HEATED)   #(because Alan is only 10 / 11 and Louie is STILL TRYING TO START SHIT)   #(because he is also around the same age)   #(and Alan's not going to lose to this pretentious jerkwad if he can help it and neither is Lizardon)  
I really do want to write that fic of Alan and Louie clashing at the summer camp (especially since the idea of Louie thinking of himself as Alan’s rival while Alan always forgets / represses that he has met Louie in the past is one that is hilarious to me, particularly if they met as children), so this will be explored more there---but yeah, I do think that Alan attended the summer camps, even though he wouldn’t have participated until he was eleven. (I said 10 / 11 in the tags, but that really depends on when the summer camp takes place. Alan would either be about to turn eleven or would just already be eleven, and I’m betting on eleven for simplicity’s sake due to a few factors.) 
Anyway, as I said in the tags (and as you surmised), Sycamore would have wanted Alan to participate and have fun with the other children. But (also as I said in the tags), he wouldn’t have pushed him. He would have suggested it, yes---or offered it, even, in a sort of “you can go play with them if you want” kind of way---but he wouldn’t push him, particularly when he was young. If the summer camp is held in late summer (say, August), then Alan would have just turned six by the time of the first summer camp that he could experience. I think that, at that time, he would have been much too shy to want to participate. He’d be far more comfortable observing, as well as sticking close by Sycamore’s side and helping him with whatever he needed. (Which, when Alan was six, was not very much, but Sycamore would still let him take notes or help set up small things, so long as the small things weren’t too heavy for him to carry or anything like that.) As Alan grew older he grew less shy and timid, of course---he became more comfortable speaking with others, even if he didn’t know them very well---but even then, there are several factors that would have kept him in the assistant role rather than the participant role until he was eleven years old, including (but perhaps not limited to):
His personality, as indicated. Being shy / reserved, even as he grows up and grows more comfortable speaking with others, he’s still not the most sociable person, and would simply prefer to help out as an assistant / observe the others rather than participate when he was a kid. Sycamore would be thrilled at the prospect of Alan making friends with the other kids, yes, but going out and being sociable with other children was not something Alan was particularly interested in / comfortable with. Like, if he had to he would, but . . . generally, he’s not one to go introduce himself, so if he was given the choice between assistant or participant, he’d pick assistant.
On top of that, he honestly felt that since he was Sycamore’s assistant, it would be kind of . . . cheating? . . . for him to participate. Like, he knows what the events are ahead of time, so that gives him an edge (he feels) over the others. (Sycamore doesn’t think so, and he always reminds Alan that, if Alan wants to participate in the summer camp activities the following year, he can just not be involved in the planning---but then, point one is still a factor, so.)
One of the main summer camp events is a battle contest, and for most of the years that Alan was living at the lab as a child he didn’t have a Trainer License or a pokémon of his own because he was too young. He didn’t hatch Lizardon until his tenth birthday, and likewise didn’t get his License until shortly after that (as you do). Therefore, even if he wanted to participate in the stamp race or some of the other activities, he couldn’t participate in the battle, which to be honest is the one that would have been most interesting to him even if he didn’t decide to officially become a trainer until he was twelve (and set out to find Mega Stones). So while there are other activities he could have participated in, that one would have been off-limits for him due to his age right off the bat.
Anyway, so those are the three main factors that would have contributed to Alan not participating in (most of) the summer camps growing up, instead acting as the world’s tiniest assistant. Since the other summer camp participants tend to be kids (from what I remember) I think that some of them might have tried to talk to him (with varying levels of success as Alan grew older), and I’m sure there are some who might have thought that perhaps Alan and Sycamore were related (and surely if there were any parents dropping their children off, they might suspect it given how similar Alan and Sycamore look), but I think that for the most part the summer camp kids might have been too excited at the camp activities to pay too much attention to Alan, particularly once Alan was older, had come out of his shell a bit more, and was getting closer to an age where he could have his License. Of course, once he had Lizardon riding around on his shoulder, he caught Louie’s attention in the scenario where they met as kids at the summer camp, and Louie decided that Alan would be his rival . . . but that’s another story for another time. ;)
Thanks for asking!
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