#I'm just venting in lithuanian
technologyvoid · 6 months
How does this day keep going from bad to worse. Stop
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glimmer-silver · 7 months
Russian History
I'm taking a class on Russian history in college right now. I swear to god, it feels like every single class is another example of why Eastern Europe hates the Russians. And it's not the Eastern Europeans starting it. It's not Poles, Lithuanians, or Ukrainians starting it. It's the Russians. How anyone is surprised that the instant they had the chance they joined an alliance like NATO is beyond me.
I hate saying it, but Putin is right that to understand the war in Ukraine, you need to know the history. He's just wrong about who the victims are. Russian history is a history of Russian aggression. The victims are Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, and God knows how many other groups. Of course, they sought Western protection the second they got out from under Russia's thumb.
I'm sorry if this is rambling or confusing. I just needed to vent somewhere.
 Слава Україні! Героям слава!
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koolkat9 · 1 year
🔮✒️ and/or 💛
get-to-know-you-better hetalia ask game! version 2.0
🔮 you can choose to retcon one thing from the manga/anime, what is it?
Most of what I would have retconned has been (or was removed like Korea which is a shame).
But if I had choose I'd say setting the early chapters primarily during WW2. It wouldn't fix all the problematic aspects of the series or fandom, but it would fix a major problem that people have with it. I don't think Hetalia was nazi propaganda or meant to cause harm by it. But I also think it was a distasteful choice to set most of it in WW2 with a focus more on the Axis Powers. I'm glad it didn't cover the darker points, but like...those darker points are always at the back of my mind when watching and reading and makes me feel so weird and kind of icky.
✒️ do you have a headcanon that you love, but directly contradicts canon?
Canada was never actually forgotten. Not like early canon depicts him.
He was just very quiet and kept to himself, so it was easy to not notice when he was in/came into a room. Like maybe during his early days, still a dominion under Arthur's care, nations may have not known his name, but they were aware of who he was and that he was Arthur's son.
Alternatively, my whole Ireland. I don't use canon and instead use my oc Niamh.
💛 name a friendship that doesn't exist in canon but you'd like to see between two characters!
I answered this but there are few friendships I want to see. Matt and Kateryna. If Tolys lived with Al during the increase of Lithuanian immigration to the States, then Kateryna lived with Matt. And they're both just such soft people so I think they would get along very well. Have nice little lunch get togethers. Gossip and vent to each other. Just very nice, very soft, very supportive.
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minnuet-archive · 4 years
ah yes the mixed race problem of “oh fuck what if i’m not really any of them + i’m just looking for attention”
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Pastaruoju metu jaučiuosi nei šiaip nei taip. Dabar sėdžiu ir mąstau, ką rašyti, nuo ko pradėti, nes realiai tų problemų nėra daug, tiesiog jos yra, ir neįsivaizduoju, kaip jas pašalinti.. Pirmiausia darbas (ir spaudimas iš tėvo dėl darbo). Žinau, kad vasarą labai sunku darbą susirasti, bet juk įmanoma ar ne? O aš, lyg kokia užkeiktoji, jau 4 metus darbo taip ir nesusirandu.Situacija darosi tiesiog absurdiška, kai net “Maxima” ir ta tavęs neįdarbina dėl nežinia ko.. Prie viso šito prisideda spaudimas iš tėvo, kuris, kad ir kokie jo geri ketinimai būtų, nesupranta, kad man tikrai sunku susirasti tą prakeiktą darbą. Kitas dalykas, jaučiuosi vieniša, ir tas vienišumas dvipusis. Iš vienos pusės nėra nė vieno žmogaus, kuris norėtų mane išsitempti kur nors pasivaikščioti, visi atrodo mane pamiršo.. Iš kitos pusės jaučiuosi vieniša, nes man reikia idk galbūt kažkiek daugiau dėmesio iš mano simpatijos, kartais, kaip pvz dabar, pradedu mąstyti ar tikrai jis man ką nors jaučia. Bet iš kart nuveju tokias mintis šalin. Tiesiog užknisa tai, kad tas žmogus su kuriuo nori būti yra už kelių tūkstančių kilometrų.
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