#my ramblings in lithuanian
madam-of-lithuania · 2 years
Happy New Year everyone ✨️ 💛 💖 🤗
I wish you all the Happiest years to you all
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And now I gonna go to drink some champagne 🍾 😋
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neonhairspray · 1 year
Turns out today is Speak Your Language day on here. So here we go, gonna have some fun with this lol (a. k.a no one will understand me)
Dalykas tas, kad rašyt savo gimtąja kalba taip keista! Ta prasme... Nežinau net kaip paaiškint visa tai. Galbūt todėl, kad socialiniuose tinkluose dabar beveik visad bendrauju angliškai ir tai tapo norma. Ok, dabar čia turi ateiti garsioji kalbos komisija ir pradėti aiškinti, kad kaip blogai yra lol. Kažkaip net nežinau ką rašyti, nes smegenys iškart bando persijungti į tą kalbą, kurią internete naudoju didžiąją laiko dalį.
Žinau! Tiesiog noriu pasijuokti iš savęs ir kaip nuo paprasto noro palaikyti bičą iš savo šalies ir neigimo, kad "ne ne nepatinka jis man! nu baikit!" per keletą dienų perėjau iki "gerai, sutinku.... nu patinka jis man!" Ta prasme... Gyvenimo ironija, ne kitaip 😀
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rivertakis · 4 hours
being trans and bad at names is so funny because ill pick a new name to try out and ill almost instantly forget about it
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kranklys · 2 months
You ever find a book that is so damn good but absolutely emotionally crushes you?
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ma-re-zo · 1 day
Alas I am alive
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“Love in popculture times” - by me lol, this is that one lietpol drawing I was talking about
Zoom in I swear it's not as crunchy as it looks lmao
Ok so, the main reason this drawing even came to being was only because I was listening to this exact same song on repeat for hours and scrolling through Pinterest until I found a reference I liked and therefore decided that I wanted to draw Tolys and Feliks like this. That’s basically it.
Now you COULD put some symbolism in there that ties back into the lyrics and into the AU itself — that I thought of for like 10 seconds and promptly forgot about. The basic premise is the hetalia characters but in a polish high-school setting bc honestly why not. I like to play with characters like dolls lmao.
But yeah, the first few lines of the song talk about an unhappy breakup, and can you guess what I connected that to??? Why of course — the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and how it later fell apart blah blah blah. Tying that into the drawing itself you could interpret that as Feliks and Tolys being together for a while and then breaking up. Later on I think they are in like a constant situationship-ish situation that neither of them can really fully navigate or grasp because what the fuck is going on being a teen in a shitty high school is hard okay. They’re still friends and close tho, obviously.
Ok that’s enough of my insane rambling bye I’m going to bed
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aro-langblr · 1 month
somewhat ramble-y japanese thoughts
I'm forcing myself to read more japanese again lately, and it's so infuriating when I need to double check the pronunciation or meaning of certain kanji. ones I used to know without question. it's all coming back to me quickly, but holy shit it's infuriating to brute force my way through relearning things I've forgotten. like sure, I can look at 彫刻 and can vaguely recall or infer the pronunciation and reading, but it's frustrating needing to double check so much because my knowledge is no longer reliable
thankfully atm I'm showing more promise with japanese than I have in 1.5 years (tho I'm still barely doing anything). but hot damn, it's painful to have to face this when I know every bit of knowledge I've lost is just a result of being cripplingly mentally ill
but like I said, I'm brute forcing the relearning process lately, and I'm no longer scared of evaluating how much I've forgotten. that fear has been an obstacle for a long while now, so hopefully now that (I think) I'm past the worst of the shame, maybe I can work on actually rebuilding ?
atm I'm not taking active steps to create a study schedule or concrete goals. I'm still using a very passive approach for japanese, but this slow and passive progression has worked well enough with lithuanian that I now have some semblance of a study pattern / routine. even if my study habits for lithuanian still aren't particularly the best. I want to believe the same could potentially work for japanese. just maybe.
and yeah, I know I make a post like this every other month. shhh. but I mean it when I say I've been more consistent than I have in a long time. the reason I keep saying this is because I'm becoming increasingly more consistent with time. so yes! I am indeed doing "better than I have been" each time I say it. the upward trend has been slow and wavering, but it's still generally improving :)
below is my lithuanian progress on just one app. and I interact with the language a lot more than just what's recorded here. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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also, I don't feel intimidated to be a part of langblr anymore. bc there was a long period that I felt I didn't belong here anymore. despite being active since 2016ish. and it's kinda starting to really feel like I belong again.
anyhow, please wish me luck with japanese. I don't know what my next steps are, but hopefully, copying the steps I took for my lithuanian studies can help with japanese as well
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gubbles-owo · 25 days
i adore seeing brazillian miku make the rounds, and by extension all the other regional variants that proudly showcase all these rich cultures. it's super sweet (while also demonstrating just how malleable miku is as an icon!) but i suppose it's also brought a long-standing personal frustration to the forefront of my mind again, namely... i don't really have a heritage or culture that i can call my own. be warned, stupid american white girl rambling under the cut lmfa o
so yeah im like. "white", or whatever. it's critical to acknowledge that "whiteness" is ultimately a contrived social construct meant to elevate those to a certain class above others in order to oppress and silence those who did not fit this construct. it's fucked. the definition has changed and morphed over time, blurring those included into some homogeneous mass devoid of any real culture, but its purpose remains much the same. so in order to break down this shitty concept of "whiteness", i break down my roots into components, right? a more detailed, nuanced set of backgrounds and traditions that all define me as a unique being, yeah? it just kind of... doesn't work in my case. my own heritage is.... murky. my father's side of the family reportedly includes a mix of things— welsh, german, fuckin english— but all of those were rattled off once by my father in a tone bereft of confidence, pausing for long periods between each as he struggled to recollect any of the details. so very broadly some sort of "western europe" deal, but not much specific beyond that. i cannot recall any particular traditions or anything from his side of the family that were drawn from these various cultures. here's the real kicker: my mother? adopted. legally could not dig up who her biological parents were until legislation allowed it... after their passing. for the longest time we had zero fucking clue where she really came from, the circumstances of her birth and subsequent adoption, all of that. the non-biological maternal grandparents i grew up with at least had their own strong ties; my grandfather immigrated from france after WW2, and my grandmother and her family from poland around much the same time. they spoke their respective native languages alongside near-flawless english, and god, during large family gatherings around christmas and whatnot i ate the best goddamn perogies i probably will have ever had in my life. but see, that's the thing... that's the only time i ever really had those. or had all that much cultural interaction, really, were confined to those transient blips of holidays and events. it was all with extended family that i barely knew because i only ever got to see them once or twice a year. somehow they all knew my name, but i never knew theirs. it felt so... distant. like i was observing a warm and loving family behind a thick wall of glass. it's not like they ostracized me or anything, i just. felt so hopelessly out of the loop. my mother never learned of her true background until very recently. lithuanian, as it turns out. at least for her mother, no clue where her father was from. so in a way, lithuanian is the single one hereditary thing i can point to and say "yeah, i guess that is technically me," but it's not like i grew up around it. i never met my biological maternal grandparents, or Anyone biologically on that side. i know nothing about the culture or the language or their traditions. perhaps if i had grown up with some of that it would've felt more core to my being, but learning so late after the fact feels... almost pointless? like what am i supposed to draw from this?? -------- An idea introduced to me at one point was the idea of region as culture. but augh. oouuggghhh we are opening a nasty can of worms here. (thanks tumblr for nuking this next paragraph for no fucking reason, so u get a screenshot, sry):
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algonquian. quinnipiac. pequot. mohegan. connecticut. those sure ain't names carried over from england unto unclaimed soil that's for fucking sure. thanks the horrific methods of colonialism, the place i grew up and hold dear to my heart is, ultimately, built on tainted soil. how closely can i really hold onto any of that when it is built up on the very names of those that were eradicated?? god it is all just so fucked. yeah, i know, fuckin, "privileged white girl whining" here. and you'd be correct. i'm not holding the short end of the stick here, and it's necessary to acknowledge that. sure, i can stake claim to "gay" and "transgender" and "chronically ill"— but my heritage, and the ground on which i've lived all my life, is absolutely not one of them. what our dumpsterfire of a country did to the indigenous people that once thrived here is just... absolutely fucking horrific. ------- to be clear, i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with mixing cultures. like i'm not really on about some """purity""" shit where i have to have One Single Background; i'd say it's probably good and healthy to have different things to draw from! but i dunno, there's a point for me at which it all feels so fractured that it's impossible to derive any sort of identity from it all. where do i come from? what am i?? and at the end of it all the only really thing i can say for myself is.... "white". and i fucking hate that. it feels as if trying to further adopt traditions of any of these aforementioned cultures feels like some sick and twisted form of cultural appropriation. it feels wrong. it's theft. to tie it back to where this post began, how would i design a fuckin miku to represent where i'm from? and i just... don't have an answer. i have nothing. i remember a poll going around here on tumblr that was like "which of these languages would you want to learn?" and while i considered picking smth and rbing it i just could not pick one that didn't somehow feel wrong. the closest from that list i could answer was like... danish. why? not because i have any ties to denmark. but because there is a single prog metal band from denmark that is incredibly important to me. but they don't even sing in danish!! all of their lyrics are in english!! i don't even know what the language sounds like!! in fact i keep mixing it up with dutch!! fucking hell my uncultured ass needs to learn a Lot of things. i just wish i had roots that i could be proud of, rather than confounded by and ashamed of.
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
I've realised why I, as an immigrant, never met Lithuanians who hate me for being an immigrant. Like, my mom is an immigrant twice as well, so I've been taught since childhood that no one likes immigrants, and no matter how hard you try, you'll never become "our guy." It is just natural for people to hate other people. Especially foreigners. Especially when they possibly "live on our taxes", "take our free job vacancies" etc. etc. I didn't expect much when I came to Lithuania, I just hoped people would not organize harassment of me for being Ukrainian like they do with Jews in Harvard University nowadays, or stab me to death like they did to those two poor young basketball players in Oberhausen.
Reality turned out to be much better than that. Now I think, it is for several reasons:
Language barrier
The fact that I never highlight my nationality
My genuine love for Lithuania and its people. Yes, even when they are not cheerful, not smiley and behave a bit rude. Let's say, a lady wants to tell me that Ukrainians are all ugly, unfashionable and uneducated and that I will never become a true Lithuanian. Would she really do that if she sees me, who has starry eyes and who constantly rambles about how cool Lithuania is and how much I like Lithuanian culture. A lot of people hate other people, but very few people are able to hate those who genuinely like them. Psychology factor, lol. This lady would probably feel too embarrassed, confused or even ashamed to tell me such things, even if her opinion about Ukrainians does not change, because in this case, it seems that I am more patriotic than her, a true Lithuanian.
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mugbearerscorner · 1 year
So if y'all wanna see submarine shenanigans that are not about rich white men building deathtraps, I highly recommend "The Hunt For Red October".
Bone-chilling undersea action? Check.
Military/political intrigue from the times when stuff with Tom Clancy's name on it was actually good? Check.
Sean Connery portraying a Lithuanian captain of an experimental Soviet Nuclear Sub? Check!
Did I mention it's about an Experimental Soviet Nuclear Sub yet? Check.
An epic soundtrack from the " Starship Troopers" composer Basil Poledouris? Heck yes! Check!!
A star-studded side-cast that includes Sam Neill, Tim Curry, James McFucking Earl Jones, and probably some other names I forgot? You bet your sweet ass, check!
Dumb-ass DSVs made by dumb-ass people? None-existent!
I hope y'all will see my point (but also don't take my rambling 100% seriously) and watch that awesome movie.
One ping only, pleash.
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murmurmurl · 8 months
attempting a pinned post because it's getting crowded here,,
hii you can call me Rin or Murl !!
he/they/it + neos are cool too
I'm a minor, so. don't be weird, I guess?
I'm a belarusian artist, english isn't my first language, so sometimes I might say some nonsense,,
on that topic, the languages I speak are: belarusian, english, russian + learning lithuanian + I understand ukrainian and a little bit of polish! referring to me in any of those is okay, though with the last three I'll respond to the best of my ability.
this is my main blog and I just throw anything in here, so tags:
#murl murmurs – me yapping about random things
#murl doodles – just. rare doodles I do on my phone for some reason
#murl draws – my art stuff (but not everything I draw is tagged with it because I often forget)
#Helianthus♡Light! – my pjsk oc unit!!!! I talk about them a lot,,
(there are also tags for each of my pjsk ocs, but I'm too lazy right now,,,,)
#ask – asks,, I would change it, but I don't wanna go back and edit stuff
#oc ramble! – me rambling about my pjsk ocs,,
#murls food stuff – for whenever I talk about forgetting to eat, which is surprisingly often,,
#murl is silly – for when I talk abt feeling Not Good (could include triggering stuff?? but I try to tag it lmao)
@murmurmurl <- me!!!!!!!!
@totally-not-murl <- side blog for yapping so there isn't too much here !!
@murl-draws <- reblogging my art so it's all in one place :3
I'm currently very much hyperfixating on project sekai and my pjsk OCs, so that's mainly what I draw!
I don't really have much of a dni list..? but I guess general stuff – homophobia/transphobia/aphobia/racism etc., you get it. also russia and/or israel supporters. other than that, I don't even usually block unless I feel unsafe. or unless it's weird spam lol
I'm autistic and also just generally absolutely suck at understanding someone's tone, esp through text. so. I use tone indicators, but not always,,
I'm very-very open to any kind of interaction, asks, requests, whatever!!! it's all very fun, though I might take a lot of time to respond for anxiety reasons!
oh, I also post my silly little drawings on instagram (murmurmurl_)
I'm probably forgetting something, so. might edit this later!!!
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uhh so a little ramble under the cut about my mental state and our boy Arnas (not connected I swear)
first of all; I've been overwhelmed by all your sweet comments and messages about my engagement! Truly, it has been so heartwarming, and the reactions were so unexpected that I barely replied to anyone, but to all of you: thank you so much! it means a lot that many of you not only enjoy my fics, but also seem to genuinely like me for some reason haha!
ahh other than that, I'm having a weird, bad mental day, which is also a big reason why I haven't been responding to many dms/replies, not just here, but also on insta or anywhere else some of you may have me on. it's nothing personal if I read and don't reply, I often forget (hello adhd), but today it's also because I'm just fighting with myself again. however, I'm okay and I know tomorrow will be better. I just gotta let these days happen.
AAANYWAYYY, so, tomorrow! big day, huh? If I'm correct, the first 3 episodes of the Wheel of Time will drop in my country at 2AM (which is in about 3 hours). since we don't know which episodes Arnas will be in, I have no idea if it's worth staying up for, but I want to try to watch at least the first episode when it airs (will probably fall asleep before but ehh) anyway, since my boyf- fiancé?! watches the show with me, I probably won't see the other episodes until later tomorrow afternoon (he found out last night Arnas will be in the second season and he was not happy lmao) BUT, as I want to avoid spoilers; I won't be online much here until I've seen the episodes. I do want to warn that IF Arnas is in the first episodes and I can get some decent stills, I will be sharing them here. I try to keep it spoiler free, but just a heads up. I am considering to not put the taglist in any possible edits because I know/understand not everyone can watch it the first few days. so yeah... there's that. I will be updating as soon as I got something, due to timezones, I will probably be very late with any footage, but it is what it is, isn't it? however; please please show our beloved Lithuanian man some love and go stream those episodes when you can. share it with your friends, share it with their moms and their pets, and with your uncles. it's a big moment and I am so excited and I know he'll make us proud but, not going to lie, due to the lack of content we've seen of him, I am not having high hopes that he's like... super in it. unless they are going to totally surprise us (which I hope), but alas, support this show!
okay well this was a lot no one asked for bye-
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madam-of-lithuania · 2 years
Someday I wanna go and visit my online besties, that is it they invite me,
I don't know how in other countries but in my country Lithuania without invitation is considered rude
I hope i visit my besties someday
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harperd · 5 months
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I probably should've done this ages ago, but here is a little master post about me!
I am fairly new to tumblr and tumblr etiquette/culture, so please me patient with me when it comes to things that generally fly over my head!
My name is Angel/Harper
Please use They/Them on me!
I speak English, Lithuanian, and Norwegian!
I post mostly art or short rambles, I'm a very passionate person! Sometimes I link some ao3 drabbles I've written, I've been writing for around 3-4 years so far and it's a little hobby of mine.
My main interests: (Main highlighted)
-Fullmetal alchemist (Of its entirety)
-Radiation (in general but I do love researching nuclear warfare and Chernobyl the most.)
-Old quirky visual novels
-Pathologic (I have both games.)
-Fear and Hunger (Both, but I only own Termina sadly.)
-Dinosaurs (The BIG one in terms of interests)
-Code Geass
Some side interests that don't really pop up too often
-I've seen over 150 animes, so if you tell me a reccomendation I've probably already seen it.
-You And Me And Her
-Project Zomboid
-Kekkai Sensen
-Animals (Specifically felines)
-FNAF (Fan games to be precise)
And a lot more..
Dni list:
-Basic criteria
As stated previously I am a very passionate person, I do not mesh well with people who are unable to handle my rambling or ranting, I've gotten a lot of negative reactions previously because of my passionately fueled rambles, I type with A LOT of emotion and that certainly doesn't get me a lot of nice comments from other people on more mainstream media sites. If it's possible, do not reply if you have nothing nice to say to me. This does not mean to not reply if you have a different opinion, please go ahead! Just don't mock me for being too emotional or that I get riled up easily.
This is a multifandom blog I just post art or drabbles of all my interests
Thanks for reading!! <3
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kranklys · 5 months
Are yra tumbleryje kokių nors lietuvių kuriem patinka troliai mumiai, cold front, tnmn arba kažkas panašaus? Man reikia daugiau lietuvių sekti, pavargstu matyti tik anglų kalbą.
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ineffablebookgirl · 1 year
☾ ✌ ❀ ☆ ! <333
Moi? Oh goodness. So, my native language is English. But I teach Spanish and also speak Russian decently well. So maybe I'll answer for all three, if you'll indulge me.
☾ Favorite word in Russian is войлок, which means felt, as in the material, but I love the way it feels to say it. Closely followes by конечно, "of course." In Spanish, I really like the phrase, ¿te apetece un cafecito? because of the rhythms and the consonants and because, yes, I would like a cup of coffee. And, as an English-speaker, the word trabajaba makes me chuckle. In English, I think one of my favorites is elude or possibly lovely or experiential.
✌ I wonder if the memes of today will be the proverbs of tomorrow? "But I'm being so brave about it." "Now we don't have time to unpack all of that." One thing my friend once said that I think aboit a lot is, "We healing on the way." Meaning, there isn't an end state of "healed" that we need to reach before we deserve a good life, or love, connection, joy. In Spanish, I like "pensando en la inmortalidad del cangrejo," but I'm not sure how many people actually say that. (I also don't think that's really a proverb, per se)
❀ Which language(s) would I like to speak fluently. This is a tricky question. The thing is, I really enjoy the puzzle and the struggle of studying and learning a language. Of course I also love the fruits of that labor - the ability for more connection with others, to read and hear stories from a different perspective or totally different stories than I can hear in English. People (in the U.S.) have this idea that English is such a monolithic lingua franca now that it almost doesn't make sense to learn other languages, but there's so much that isn't translated into English. I find it really interesting to look at wikipedia articles in English and then switch them to Spanish or Russian, because often it's not just a direct translation one way or the other. If it's something relevant to a Spanish-speaking community or culture, the article will be way longer and have more detail in Spanish, naturally. And what the author chooses to emphasize may be quite different. So I think that the challenge of learning a different language, and especially learning less-commonly-taught languages is very important. I will never be a native speaker of any language other than English, and I probably won't ever be considered "fluent" in Spanish or Russian. I would like to keep getting better at both thosr languages. I would like to learn German and Lithuanian, for personal reasons. I have dear friends who are Polish, so I would like to know more Polish. And I have dear friends who are signers, so I would like to improve my ASL. I would love to know Quechua and Nahuatl, and I would like to learn some indigenous languages of North America as well.
☆ The coolness of the riverbank and the whispering of the reeds / Daybreak is not so very far away
Hermanos y hermanas de otras razas / De otro color y un mismo corazón (Brothers and sisters of other races / Different colors and one heart)
В этом городе я знаю пути / Знаю тех, кто мне мешает идти... / Каждый шаг, каждый миг / По кольцу и в час пик... / В этом городе не каждый герой / Кто не первый, тот уже не второй!
(In this city I don't know my way / I know those who would lead me astray / Every step, every moment / Around the ring and at rush hour / In this city not everyone is a hero / If you're not first you're not second either)
Thanks for the questions! I enjoyed rambling on about the answers :)
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mothman-clarice · 2 years
Well hot diggity DAMN my weird self indulgent ramblings have actually gotten some attention! Even if it's just a few people it still surprises me! So I dont have a clannibal cryptid au thing this time but i have some ramblings for another au i have.
Apocalypse au
This is post hannibal 2001 with some heavy modifications and canon divergence lol
In this au the majority of the human race has been eradicated in a nuclear world war. The only ones that remain are the remnants of a few governments and some billionaires.
Many powerful governments agreed to create sentient robots that will house the consciousnesses of numerous vitally influential and important historical figures.
This was done in hopes to let them carry on the legacy of humanity (and possibly rebuild a civilization) in the event that humanity goes extinct.
Some rich people also got to make their own androids with their own consciousnesses. This is how hannibal fits in. Hes Lithuanian royalty so he obviously had the money to do it.
This is obviously the far future so cyborgs are a thing. Clarice may not have been able to become a cool robot but she does have some cyborg parts she got from being in the FBI. She had both her legs replaced with prosthetic ones because of a nasty accident she had on a mission. She also had some other cyber enhancements to help make her more efficient in a combat scenario (nearly bulletproof skin, a built-in scope in her eye for shooting, a nuclear power cell in her chest which supplies power to her robot parts, etc.)
Because hannibal escaped before the war broke out the us government doesnt know if hes alive or not but they're looking for him anyway, dead or alive.
He turned into a robot a few days before the war started as soon as he escaped cus he knew war was imminent
They also think clarice may have gone with him so shes now considered an accomplice
Hannibal took her to a nuclear shelter he had off the grid where they stayed for the majority of the war. They only came out once they stopped hearing bombs dropping outside.
Now hannibal would be mostly* immune to radiation but clarice isnt fully robot like him.
Hannibal knows this and does everything he can to keep her safe, even building some improvised lead armor for her in the event she needs to go outside.
This is all I have the energy to write for now but I will certainly add to this in the future. Hope yall like this lol
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