#I'm only posting it because it'd feel like unfinished until I did
litteralflower17 · 5 months
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So while I'm not proud of this in the slightest I did spend like 5 or so hours on it so I figured that I might as well post it, though theres like a 50% chance that I'm going to attempt to redo this through digitalizing traditional drawings because I am definitely better with traditional (when it comes to drawing people at least)
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vampireacademysims · 11 months
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Well, I guess it's time to address the situation... or the lack of situation lol This is gonna be long, be warned. There's a TL;RD at the end if you wanna skip the wall of text. To start, thank you to the two anons who took the time to read the comic and prod me about it and the new people who started following this tumblr in spite of the Hiatus warning. Altho this place has been collecting dust for more than a year now, I'm still around, updating my side reblogs tumblr, so it's not like I dropped from the face of the earth.
The truth is, at this moment in time, I've feel out of love with making this comic. It was always a lot of work due to me being a perfectionist. I never used any extra rendering apps, all you've seen here is raw sims images and a lot of work on Photoshop, so much so it gave me a muscle contracture on my right shoulder (because I did all my work in bed with my laptop/drawing tablet in my lap. I never said I was a smart person lol) that still flares up from time to time because I learned nothing. Then the VA fandom was already quite small by the time I started doing this in 2015 and I never really advertised this in the fandom anyway. I always got the impression most of the fandom didn't like the OG comics as it was and most of the people that followed the comic were sims 2 fans because, well, it's made with the sims and the images were pretty (forever holding in my heart the people you said this <;3) The recent "Vampire Academy" TV series (it was just in names, honestly) was the final nail in the coffin of my motivation. After information had leaked I was already disappointed in it, but after actually watching it, yeah no. Only plus to it was the surprise to see it was partially filmed in my country, in places where I have been myself. And lastly, and probably most importantly, I struggle with motivation a lot. It happens to us all, I am sure. It's no secret that I hated to panel, if I'd start all over again I'd just post the big images like many of you telling stories are doing now, it'd be less of a stress for me, but alas, I can't change formats now. And I said many times I was doing it mostly for myself, because I did love the comics based on the books, but doing it for yourself only gets you so far until you get bored. And I got bored. I'm actually surprised my hyper-focus on it lasted for as long as it did. I haven't been to Photoshop for editing - I used to make photomanipulations and other kinds of editing - for way over a year, so it's not only the comic that stopped.
I still have 7 pages to end chapter 6 in various degrees of editing, Veninorchid and Esotheria-sims have seen them, so they exist lol I will eventually finish editing them - it's mostly a Romitri flashback - and post them. But after that, I will have to decide how to proceed. Spending less time editing would help, but lowering the quality of my pages, the only thing people like about it, really doesn't sit well with me, because yeah, perfectionist.
So at the very least the remaining pages will be posted in early 2024, I might go back to it slowly, a little bit everyday so I don't burn out or put stress on my shoulder. But after that, it's up in the air. It's not like I've been staring at the walls during this time, I had other things taking my goldfish-like attention. I got interested in home bookbinding, which made me dig out old unfinished stories I once started and I've been trying to finish them and later try to bind them, because why the fuck not lol And on my reblogs tumblr I had this set of pictures about a Regency little story that people really loved and I'd like to add to it, but then again, all the editing it'd need *cries* I feel tugged in so many directions I fear I'll end up doing nothing lol
So the TL;DR is, I got bored with the comic because it was too much work and resulted in physical pain, I lacked the motivation and other things got my attention meanwhile. Chapter 6 will be be finished eventually, but after that it's up in the air. Cross my fingers that I get my mojo back while editing those pages. Still, a thank you to all of followed and are still following, sorry these were not the good news you wanted to read just because I made a post. You support up until now was what kept me going in the past, I can't thank you all enough.
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to-proudly-go · 11 months
Fic tag game!
Thank you @mischievouschan4 for tagging me! 💛💛💛 It looked fun and I'm glad I got to answer these questions!
How many works do you have on ao3?
I currently have 8 works in my account!
What's your ao3 word count?
Only 5871 words! I only write ficlets so it's not a surprise (but honestly longer than my school essays...😂)
What fandoms do you write for?
Only 2 with published fics for now: One Punch Man and Star Wars! (mostly because I focus on fanart more than fanfic though I do wanna write more, the words just won't words sometimes 😅)
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Welp I only have 8 works so I guess I'll just give the top 1 if that's alright??? And it's a Saigenos fic - Sleeping Sensei with 230 kudos!
Do you respond to comments?
As much as I can! Sometimes I see the comments late so I dither on whether I should give a response or not...(but I cherish every single one! 💛)
What's the fic you write with the happiest ending?
Oh lordy (I cry as I realize I only wrote 2 happy fics including the wips)
But I think this one! - Kisses before chores (another Saigenos)
Do you get hate on fics?
So far no! Everyone's been sweet actually 🥹
Do you write smut? What kind?
Ehe (yes and it's mlm and wlw though both are unfinished 😭 I despair)
Do you write cross-overs?
I haven't tried but I wouldn't be surprised if one day I get an idea, I guess
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! Thankfully
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! Though I'd be very happy if someone did
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I haven't but that would be exciting!!
What's your all time favourite ship?
Don't ask this of me I'm begging you (though on swordpoint I might answer Obikin because that's my current fixation and I love them so much they give me life)
What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh damn too many to mention actually I am scared of opening my gdocs again 😂 And most of them are original stories, not fics (may my OCs forgive me for abandoning them I still love you and think of you fondly every now and then)
What are your writing strengths?
Angst angst very descriptive and poetic angst and more angst (a friend of mine who is also a writer neary threw away my phone in pain after reading my star wars fic and meta post. I considered it a compliment, coming from them who also writes beautiful angst)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing long fics! I write mostly based on vibes and feelings that I want to express in as few words as possible, mmmaaaybe because I was a poem writer first before trying on fics (what is plot I don't know her 😂)
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm all for it! English is not my first language and I think it'd be fun to insert some jokes and cuss words from another language 😅 (although I haven't tried it yet)
First fandom you wrote for?
I think it was for Kingsman! Although it's still a wip until now in my docs and I may never publish it, idk yet!
Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably my first ever published OPM fic In the aftermath (I hurt mysef writing this 😭)
Thank you again for the tag my dear!!!! I had fun 💛💛💛
If you've been tagged already or don't want to do the game then don't mind me, darlings! Anyone interested can also join in the fun!!!
@virahaus @isinnedforcake @tideswept @spikybanana
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
bro i will block u FUCKSNXJBS😭😭😭 /j /s /nm
ok so i stalk the jaemin smut hashtag quite frequently, therefore i see a lot of your posts and have so many of your works (mostly nana ofc but not limited to only him🙊) favorited. the sole purpose of my acc is just to read therefore im a random ass user no layout no nothin,, i don't scroll thru my home feed often i use the search page more than the home page, so i don't usually bother to follow ppl.. but FUCK i can't not follow after reading 'she gets the flowers' (sgtf).
first of all, i stalked the jaemin smut hashtag when i came across sgtf so it's safe to say i was not prepared for that emotional rollercoaster. secondly, this was a personal attack bro writing & posting sgtf u came for my neck 🥲🥲 reason being i got out of a very long term relationship and there were a lot of things i didn't realize ab the relationship until after the breakup, leading to a lot of unfinished business = a lot of anger & bitterness i did not get to verbalize bc i didn't realize it till it was far too late, it'd look like i was trying to start stuff if i brought it up the past now.
sgtf hit me so hard man i can relate to every emotion y/n felt and that dialogue that conversation just wrung my heart out hard like a wet towel. i just HAD to stop by to unsolicitedly explain why sgtf was such a personal attack and i kinda hated having to see those feelings written down and borderline having to almost replicate and feel those feelings again, but i also feel so ignited as a reader bc i love when literary works make me feel such strong emotions 😭 so i ended up favoriting sgtf anyways for whenever i need a good cry. i NEEDED to come by to tell u what a great writer you are because not only have i had your previous works in my favorites before, but man..sgtf takes the cake. i said nope i'm done seeing so many of your works that i enjoyed reading, and have favorited, and NOT be following u? absolute blasphemy. ur writing? chefs kiss🤌
i cannot wait to see what other works u release!! <3
a mentally ill anon 🥰
bro i will block u FUCKSNXJBS😭😭😭 /j /s /nm
ok so i stalk the jaemin smut hashtag quite frequently, therefore i see a lot of your posts and have so many of your works (mostly nana ofc but not limited to only him🙊) favorited. the sole purpose of my acc is just to read therefore im a random ass user no layout no nothin,, i don't scroll thru my home feed often i use the search page more than the home page, so i don't usually bother to follow ppl.. but FUCK i can't not follow after reading 'she gets the flowers' (sgtf).
this is so cute but the 'i see A LOT of your posts' made me scream i did in fact flood the tag in the past weeks lmao but in all seriousness, it makes me so happy that you decided to follow me when you usually don't do it like 🥺😭
first of all, i stalked the jaemin smut hashtag when i came across sgtf so it's safe to say i was not prepared for that emotional rollercoaster. secondly, this was a personal attack bro writing & posting sgtf u came for my neck 🥲🥲 reason being i got out of a very long term relationship and there were a lot of things i didn't realize ab the relationship until after the breakup, leading to a lot of unfinished business = a lot of anger & bitterness i did not get to verbalize bc i didn't realize it till it was far too late, it'd look like i was trying to start stuff if i brought it up the past now. sgtf hit me so hard man i can relate to every emotion y/n felt and that dialogue that conversation just wrung my heart out hard like a wet towel. i just HAD to stop by to unsolicitedly explain why sgtf was such a personal attack and i kinda hated having to see those feelings written down and borderline having to almost replicate and feel those feelings again, but i also feel so ignited as a reader bc i love when literary works make me feel such strong emotions 😭 so i ended up favoriting sgtf anyways for whenever i need a good cry.
not me being a therapist every time i post an angst fic. I'm sorry for everything that happened to you (like you can relate to that??? I'M SO SO SORRY) it tore my heart apart while writing the last parts i can't even imagine relating to it because you have been through that. i'm sure you'll heal completely soon, i'm rooting for you!! (and fuck whoever hurt you this bad)
i NEEDED to come by to tell u what a great writer you are because not only have i had your previous works in my favorites before, but man..sgtf takes the cake. i said nope i'm done seeing so many of your works that i enjoyed reading, and have favorited, and NOT be following u? absolute blasphemy. ur writing? chefs kiss🤌 i cannot wait to see what other works u release!! &lt;3
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MESSAGE!! I LOVE YOU 🥺🥰 it made me so happy, an equally mentally ill author ♡♡♡
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baka-writings · 4 years
𝕆ℕ𝔼ℝ ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕠 𝕒 𝕤𝕖𝕩𝕪 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕥 𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕤 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕
Warnings: smutty, maybe language and Mu Ziyang..
Summary: You're in a club/party, both of you under the influence of alcohol and the party itself, dancing to some songs and well..it gets heated
Also this is without Bu Fan Fan, If you'd want him too I can make a separate post😌
Also² i have no idea what this is, it's a mess so am i.. i'm sorry
all gif cr. to owners
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𝕐𝕦𝕖 𝕐𝕦𝕖
he knew it'll be trouble when you accepted the party invitation to Qin Fen's weird party
but you managed to talk him into it, would call him an old man if he was ruining your party vibes
and he'd not like that
while you were having fun with Fen, who was getting you drunk, he was drinking with his friends
and yes at that time the trouble appeared
after a few shots you'd find yourself dancing with him to some weird suggestive songs, not realising your touch makes him horny two times as fast since he's drunk
the alcohol would make you both kinda forget you were in public
his hands would pull your hips closer as he'd be back hugging you and move his hips so you can feel his hard i want to feel it honestly
his hands would roam all over you body while still moving to the rhythm of the song
he'd whisper some dirty shit into your ears
you'd have to sober up a bit if you don't want to be fucked right there and tell him control himself for a bit longer until you get home
he'd do that yeah, but would not be able to eye fuck you tbh
NSFW part ahead
Okay so when you got home, he pinned you to the nearest wall with so much force it'd almost make you unconscious. He wouldn't do it on purpose of course, but he'd still be tipsy from the alcohol. He'd start giving you sloppy kisses while quickly undressing you. Since you're tipsy too, these actions would be enough to make you moan and turning him on even more if that's possible.
"Fuck me already" you managed to breathe out in-between his kisses and touches. He smirked at you and did his ✨best✨ to slam himself into you. Lovely.
He'd be fucking you against that wall until you both come, then still keeping himself inside you and taking you to somewhere else for a few more rounds. Just to show you he is not an old man he is.
The next morning he'd be kinda embarrassed, but also lowkey cocky. Embarrassed because he let the alcohol to lead him and cocky because well... he showed you he ain't old.
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𝕄𝕦 ℤ𝕚𝕪𝕒𝕟𝕘
okay let's say you went to a club to celebrate oner's comeback
as it naturally goes, both of you got some drink together with his members too
but both of you are responsible drinkers, so in this case the alcohol wouldn't play as much of a role
honestly I don't think anyone would need alcohol to be seduced/charmed by this man 😏
one of his favorite songs started playing, which was obviously the sexiest song you've ever heard befor
just because it's Ziyang
and he of course dragged you with him
you'd start dancing casually, yet seductively
however after some time he'd start giving you looks similar to that in gif
I'm not afraid to say even more dangerous ones
he'd not be ashamed to move his towards you in a very naughty way
you on the other hand would like that way too much than you'd ever admit to him
by the end of the song, both of you'd be turned on and a small quick look at him would tell you that he's not done yet
NSFW part ahead
He then grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the nearest restroom, not even locking the door. The idea of getting caught would high-key arouse him not gonna lie.
He'd then attack you with his whole body, not giving you any time to protest or something. Well since you don't have much time he wouldn't bother undressing you, not yet anyway.
He'd most likely pin you against the door and fuck you quick but hard, his lips and teeth on your neck and leaving marks. He'd not care If you were loud, I'm not afraid to say he'd even want you to be loud. He would give you the same dangerous look but would add some smirk to it during his last thrusts before he cums. Honestly I think he would not even wait for you to come and be a little shit and finish it when you get home. But the fact he'd keep you unfinished for such a long time is rude. So he better make it up.
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oh god this child pls save him
he's frankly new to all of this alcohol shit and that's why he gets drunk easily
and it'd be this case as well
you'd be casually dancing with Ziyi and chatting with him as you were long time friends
when drunk Didi storms there and clings onto you while dances away with you in his arms
you'd ask him what the hell is he doing, but no answer
he'd be just back-hugging you while slowly dancing with you in his arms
you were confused on the fullest level as this was not the typical Ling Chao
you were thinking about it way too much that you didn't notice the song change to a sensual one
but well Didi would notice right away, maybe because he'd be in mood before that anyway
as he's dancing with you, his arousal pretty much poking your lower back, he'd whisper some weird shit into your ears
not weird in general, but weird coming from him him
honestly you'd be lowkey turned on by all of this not gonna lie
but on the other hand you'd be a bit embarrassed to even admit that you want him and his horny self to pleasure you
NSFW part ahead
After ages of his whining about how much he wanted you, you finally gave in. Since the party was in one of your friend's house, there was plenty of free rooms. You dragged him to one of them, quickly locked the door and attacked his cute face with kisses. You wouldn't bother undressing him, maybe later, as you knew where you were going.
You dropped on your knees, kissed his still clothed arousal, earning a a high moan from him. To that you smirked and continued your way to his dick.
You took him fully into your mouth, moving your head in a slow pace while your tongue was teasing him. He'd enjoy that too much, judging by his moans. Since he's needy, he'd grab your hair, but only lowkey motion you to go faster. Which you'd of course do. No time for teasing right now.
With a few more licks and sucks he came into your mouth, making him embarrassed as he was starting to sober up.
While you were cleaning yourself up, he'd shyly speak up and maybe apologize for "demanding sexual stuff". You'd have to tell him it's okay and it wasn't demanding at all... And maybe that you can continue when you get home.
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d3-iseefire · 5 years
Beneath the Surface Chapter 3
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This is going to end up being five chapters as even when I’m finished I can still read through and end up going, that should be a chapter break. I’m gonna post this morning, evening and tomorrow, though, so it’ll still end on time! 😊
Chapter 3
She became aware of the cold first.
It lay on her like a thick blanket, pushing through to her marrow until her bones felt frozen inside her. 
For a few seconds, she was convinced she was dead, a cold corpse upon a slab in some forgotten corner of a hospital morgue.
Then the dull ache and swelling on her face set in along with the burning pain on the soles of her feet and she realized she was still very much alive.
She hadn’t expected that.
There was metal under her fingertips, rough and unfinished, and the air had a strange, musty quality to it. Bilba couldn't hear anything so she forced herself to take a deep breath to calm her nerves and opened her eyes.
She was in a cage.
A metal ceiling hung low several feet over her head and she could see part of one corner where thick, iron bars ran down toward the base. Given the situation before she’d passed out it wasn’t a surprise, but it was still unnerving.
Her throat was so dry it burned, and she struggled to find enough saliva to swallow. Just how long had she been unconscious? Her stomach was trying to gnaw on her spinal column, and it felt like she’d had nothing to drink in days.
Carefully, she spread her palms flat on the ground and started to push up. A gasp of pain escaped her as bruised muscles protested. There seemed to be more than before, including what felt like long, thin scrapes and gashes along her bare legs.
They’d dragged her in here, she realized, with zero regard for her physical safety. It didn’t bode well for what they planned to do with her.
She managed to struggle to a seated position, only to freeze with a gasp at the sight of two men sprawled out unconscious on the other side of the cage.
Gingerly, Bilba scooted back the last few inches until she was pressed fully against the bars. It wasn’t very big, even back as far as possible left her only a foot or two of space and she doubted the taller of the two men (who appeared very tall indeed) would be able to even sit up straight.
Neither appeared close to waking up so she risked taking in her surroundings through the bars. It wasn’t very exciting, simply a large basement with all manner of industrial looking equipment. Most of it was covered in filth and some appeared to no longer be in working order.
The floor it all sat on was concrete and equally dirty with what looked like years' worth of dust, cobwebs and debris scattered about.
A low moan dragged her attention back to her two unwanted companions, and she tried to press back even further into the bars. She drew her legs up, balancing her feet on their heels; tugged her skirt down as far as possible and wrapped her arms around her knees.
The shorter man woke up first. Bilba wished he was actually short, and maybe a little less threatening, but the adjective only referred to his height in comparison to the giant next to him.
He was older than her, probably in his mid 20s, with short brown hair and a rugged looking face. He wore a button-down shirt over a black t-shirt, and a denim jacket over that.
He swore under his breath, one hand going to his head, before he started to push up to his feet. He caught sight of the other man and paused to check his pulse. Then, almost as if some weird alarm went off for him, his head suddenly snapped up and his eyes laser focused on her.
Bilba gasped and drew in tighter as if she could somehow magically make herself invisible through sheer force of will.
The man studied her for a second, and then slowly raised both hands, palms outward, “Hey there,” he said, his voice low and quiet. “My name’s Dean. What’s yours?”
Bilba hesitated but then decided it really didn’t matter if he knew her name or not. “Bilba.”
He gave a nod. “Please to meet you, Bilba.” He slapped the other man on the arm and grinned. “This here’s my brother, Sammy.”
Bilba’s lips twitched at the obvious affection in Dean’s voice. “Pleased to meet you.”
The other man, Sammy, chose that moment to groan and Dean shifted to help him sit up. That revealed the man truly was as tall as she’d thought, with saggy brown hair. He dressed similarly to his brother, if not a bit preppier, and appeared to be a few years younger.
Dean said something to him as he sat up and Sammy gave her a concerned look. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Bilba whispered. Her throat felt like she’d gargled with razor blades. She tried to clear it, only to immediately regret the action as it simply made it worse.
"Here." Dean tossed her something and she flinched, only to relax as Sam caught it midair with an exasperated look toward his brother. Dean shrugged and went back to examining the bars.
Sam handed her the item and Bilba saw that it was a throat lozenge. "Thanks."
"Can't vouch for its age," Dean said absently, without looking at her. "Been in there since the last time Sammy got sick."
Sam sent him another look. Dean didn't take his eyes off the bars but grinned as if he could see it.
"Better than nothing." Bilba unwrapped the lozenge and popped it in her mouth before adding, "my...friend, Fili, saw me get kidnapped. He might have gotten the license plate."
"Won't help," Dean said. "Car was most likely stolen." His eyebrows drew together suddenly, and he half turned toward her. "Fili Durin?"
Bilba's heart jumped and she nodded.
Dean frowned, and then snapped his fingers and pointed at her. "Bilba. You're that Bilba."
"That Bilba?" Bilba repeated blankly.
"Man," Dean shook his head, "you messed that kid up."
"Dean!" Sam's voice was sharp, but Dean simply rolled his eyes.
"You saw him. Kid's been moping for weeks."
"Was he?" Bilba was a little ashamed of the hopeful note in her voice. It wasn't that she wanted Fili to be upset, per se. It was just the thought that someone, somewhere out there had been upset over her, and that she hadn't been the only one miserable... "I thought perhaps he wouldn't care."
She hadn't meant to say that out loud, and immediately felt her face flush with heat as embarrassment crept over her.
Sam and Dean had both gone still and were looking at her with unreadable expressions.
"Trust me," Dean finally said, breaking the silence. "He cares."
Sound came from overhead, and Bilba flinched again, drawing into herself. "What were those things?" she whispered.
Sam sighed. "You probably don't want to know." He smiled at her. "Don't worry, all right? We'll get you out of this."
"If Fili doesn't get here first." Dean smirked. "That kid's gotta be pissed right now."
Sound again from overhead, and now the tortured screech of rusted hinges echoed through the small room as a door was wrenched open. Bilba clenched her teeth but couldn't stop the whimper that escaped.
As if on signal, Dean and Sam moved back to their original positions. Dean tugged lightly on the hem of her dress and Bilba scooted over to the far corner of the cage, behind them.
"All right," Dean said in a low voice as he and Sam sprawled back on the floor. "Try to make them come in after you."
Bilba wanted to ask how they were so sure the person coming in would want her, but then immediately decided she was probably better off not knowing that.
Sam and Dean closed their eyes and went limp. Bilba curled up in the corner of the cage, drawing her legs up and wrapping her arms around them.
One of the men she remembered from the house sauntered around the corner and Bilba stiffened and drew in closer, pressing against the bars until they dug into her back.
The man punched a code into a keypad set in the door of the cage and, with a beep, it clicked, and the door popped open. "Let's go."
Bilba shook her head but couldn't find her voice to say it.
The man scowled and slammed his hand against the bars, causing Bilba to gasp and jump. "You won't like it if I have to come in there, little girl. Now, come here."
Bilba doubted she could have gotten up even if she wanted too. She was shaking violently, and her legs had turned to jelly. Dean was closest to her and she curled her toes under his shoulder. They said they'd help her, she reminded herself frantically. They weren't asleep. They were just pretending. It'd be okay.
She hoped.
The...man...or the thing pretending to be a man had been insanely strong and had the ability to trick others into seeing things that weren't real. Did Sam and Dean know how to deal with him...it?
The man swore and crouched down. "Obnoxious bitch," he growled as he crawled into the cage. "I'm really not the sort you want to be pissing off right now."
The cage was so low he was forced to crouch. He did, and then went to his hands and knees. Bilba wasn't sure why until, without warning, he suddenly scuttled forward with unnatural, startling speed. He scrambled over Sam and Dean's bodies and reached out to grab her.
Bilba shrieked and tried to press back, but there was nowhere to go. She shut her eyes and tensed, waiting to feel his hand wrap around her arm and yank her forward.
Nothing happened.
Instead she heard a strangled intake of breath, similar to the sound someone might make if they'd been punched in the stomach.
Tentatively, Bilba opened her eyes. The man was still there, just in front of her, but his eyes were wide, expression frozen and he seemed paler than before. She looked past him, and saw that Dean was up on one elbow. His other hand held the handle of what looked like some sort of blade. She couldn't tell for sure, because it was currently buried to the hilt in the man's stomach.
"Correction," he growled. "I'm not the one you want to be pissing off."
He shoved the man off into another corner of the cage and pulled the knife out. He cleaned it off on his pant leg with a scowl and then slid it down inside his boot.
Sam had already sat up and was checking the man where he lay crumpled in the corner. "Looks like silver works."
"Usually does." Dean sounded overly cheerful considering the situation. He got up into a low crouch and held a hand out to her. "Come on, what do you say we get out of here?"
Bilba nodded shakily and took his hand, allowing him to help her out of the cage. "You just stabbed him." Her voice wavered. She'd never seen a dead body before, let alone someone killed in front of her.
"Trust us," Sam spoke up from behind her. "He was planning to do a lot worse."
"And he was going to die pretty soon anyway," Dean added. "Just as soon as his girlfriend got a snack."
"His girlfriend?" Bilba repeated blankly. "What was she going to eat?"
Sam shot Dean an annoyed look, and he raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes in an exaggerated inquiry.
Bilba's own eyes suddenly widened as the answer hit her. "Oh," she whispered. "That's why it mattered that I had no one, so no one would miss me."
Sam grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "They secrete a pheromone that lets them interfere with memory. They go after people without connections to ensure there's no lingering sensation of someone being gone. They just failed to realize that most people have at least some connection."
"Which means people noticed," Dean interjected, still strangely cheerful, "and we showed up, met up with the Durins and are handling the problem."
"By getting captured?" Bilba forced a small smile, trying for a bit of levity now that her nerves were beginning to settle just a bit.
Dean chuckled and shot her a cocky grin. "Worked out didn't it? We were here to keep you from being monster chow."
"Dean." Sam sounded exasperated but Bilba surprised herself by laughing, just a little. That laugh vanished as soon as they grabbed her hands just outside the cage door and pulled her to her feet. White hot pain blistered through her feet and she bit back a strangled cry as her knees automatically buckled, trying to take the pressure off. A wave of dizziness swept over her and, when it cleared, she was sitting back on the ground, breathing rapidly, with Sam and Dean both crouched near her feet.
"Don't--" Bilba started, panic settling in and strangling her voice. Don't leave me. That's what she wanted to say, but her mind was stuck on one setting and the only word she could force out was "Don't," over and over again.
Sam moved back to her side, slid an arm around her back and another under her legs and stood with her. "It's all right. We said we'd get you out, and we will."
Bilba was still too upset to speak but managed to nod shakily.
"I wouldn't want to be you if Fili sees you carrying her." Dean quipped as he led the way toward the stairs.
They made it to the top where Dean pressed against the door and tried to hear if anything was on the other side. "I hate bugs," he grumbled.
"They aren't bugs," Sam interjected. "And you're just sore they took your weapons."
"Shut up, Sammy," Dean said without heat. He pulled his boot knife back out and waved it. "And that's most of my weapons. You're just jealous they found all of yours."
Sam had carefully set Bilba on her feet against the wall, grimacing in apology as he did. When he turned back to his brother he'd somehow produced a massive hunting knife that he held up in a few fingers and waggled at Dean. "You were saying?"
Dean scoffed and went back to the door. "Whatever." He slid the door open, risked a look out, and almost immediately jerked back inside and shut the door. "Well, that's going to be fun."
"What is it?" Bilba asked, and then, before he could answer, amended, "never mind. I don't want to know."
"You really don't," Dean agreed. He nodded at Sam and went and took up position just behind Dean's right shoulder.
"You'll be safe here," he told her over his shoulder. "We'll clear out the corridor and then come back, okay?"
Bilba nodded, not because it was okay but because she really didn't have all that much choice. She wouldn't be able to walk well, or run at all, and there was no way Sam could carry her and fight at the same time.
Dean held up three fingers, then slowly curled one down, and then a second. When he curled the third down, Bilba's stomach clenched and she bit down hard on her lower lip as, together, the two opened the door. For the briefest second, she heard what sounded like a strange scuttling, skittering sound. Then the door slammed shut and she heard nothing.
She pressed against the wall, trying to brace her weight against it so she could balance on her heels and not touch her blistered feet to the ground. With death no longer imminent her adrenaline began to fade, and her body's complaints started to make themselves known.
For one thing, she was freezing. She'd been vaguely aware of it being cold but now the temperature was downright biting and the thin dress she'd worn did absolutely nothing for it. She'd lost her shoes and the floor beneath her feet was like ice, which numbed the pain a little but not enough.
After that she could feel the myriad cuts and bruises she'd picked up along with the burning in her throat. She was hungry, and thirsty on top of all of that and fatigue hung on her like a blanket, trying to convince her that lying down for a nap was a perfectly fine idea.
Looking back later, it was probably for that last reason that she utterly failed to hear footsteps creeping up the stairs from down below.
Rough hands grabbed her and, before she could react, a hand was clamped over her mouth, forcing her jaw closed against the scream trying to escape it.
"Your friend missed my poison sack by an inch," a, by now, familiar voice hissed in her ear. "A pity for you."
And, with that, he put his other arm around her waist, tightened his grip and dragged her through the door.
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