#I'm really dumb
Not sure if you've closed or open requests but
How do you feel about writing a Yan! Slime? Could be platonic or romantic up to you! Idk slimes are cute :3
(also I'm permanently gonna low key stalk ur blog since again yummy yan fics hope you don't mind me staying- /hj)
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CW: Wholesome, romantic, stalker monster love ahead ❤️ proceed with caution❤️
Accidently pushed post whoops done now lol
The five year old boy burst through the bushes, tumbling awkwardly and unskillfully before slowly popping up onto his feet and swinging his stick sword forward. His sibling, (Reader), high stepped carefully over the branches of the bush their brother had just crashed through. (Reader) nervously held their own sword, following their older brother into the woods.
"Jay, can we please go back?" (Reader) whined, trying not to cry nervously as they "explored" deeper into the forest.
"Don't be a baby!" Jay chastised, raising his arms high above his head. "How are you gonna be a monster hunter if you're too chicken?!"
(Reader) grumbled, dragging their shoes in the dirt. "I don't wanna be a monster hunter.. I wanna go home! I'm hungry!"
Jay opened his mouth, and raised his fists, ready to say something when something moved nearby, plopping loudly into a pile of dry leaves. His big, childish eyes went wide with fear, immediately losing all confidence and hiding behind (Reader), holding his thin stick in front of his face defensively. He was too scared to speak, trembling into (Reader's) back.
The younger of the two felt a surge of strength, needing to protect their beloved big brother, so they gripped their weapon with both hands, scrunching up their chubby little face to appear tough. They stomped over to the bush the sound came from, holding their breath, unlike Jay who was hyperventilating. (Reader) removed one pudgy hand from their stick, and swiftly pushed back the little branches, exposing a tiny green blob.
Jay released a high pitched scream and took off running back home, dropping his stick.
The glob was vibrating, and (Reader) was instantly filled with sympathy, assuming the little ball of goo was shaking with fear. "Hey, don't be scared." The four year old cooed, dropping their 'sword' and sitting on their knees to be closer. "I'm sorry, I thought you were a monster." (Reader's) cheesy grin showed off their missing front teeth.
Whatever the green thing was slowly went still, and (Reader) could feel it looking up at them.
"My name is (Reader), and I'm," they looked at their fingers, focusing on holding up the right number, before practically shoving their fingers in the glob's personal space, "four years old!"
The goo reached forward, forming a little nub of a hand, touching (Reader's) fingers. It was surprisingly warm. (Reader) opened their hand so it could roll onto their palm.
"Burrrrble!" The thing happily gurgled, looking quite pleased despite it's lack of a face.
"Burble? Is that your name?"
"Prrrr?" It patted their hand, not understanding the question. (Reader) laughed, feeling ticklish.
"I'm gonna be your best friend!" They decided, cupping the slime with both hands, still giggling over the sticky tingling the little guy caused. "I'll visit you every day, and we can play together everyday after school!"
And (Reader) kept their promise, visiting every single day, for years. The two friends grew up together, Burble learning to speak (Reader's) language over time as (Reader) brought their homework into the woods to have more time with Burble while they studied. Jay kept Burble's existence a secret, but never got over his fear of the creature, so he kept his distance from the two while they played.
Burble had a difficult time not praising (Reader) for their heroics, because if they did it would reveal that Burble had been watching them at school. Living alone in the woods was isolating, especially as a monster, their presence frightening off animals of all species. At first it was just because of how lonely they were, wanting to leave the forest to be with (Reader). They turned Burble down, reminding them how dangerous it would be, now no longer the naive child who didn't understand that slimes were monsters. But, no one would know if Burble attached just a little piece of themselves inside (Reader's) backpack, just to hear their voice while they were away.
Fourteen years later, Burble had been practicing in secret, forming their naturally round body into a humanoid form, trying to perfect their appearance before they revealed themselves to (Reader). It happened so naturally, Burble falling in love with their one and only friend. They wondered if (Reader) could ever feel the same. (Reader) was just so perfect; they were kind and strong, preferring pacifism, but quick to throw themselves in danger's way to protect the ones they love, just like when they first met. Even at school, (Reader) would stand up for those being bullied on a regular basis, gaining a reputation for standing up for those too scared to protect themselves. And they never bragged about it!
The green slime learned so much about (Reader) through the way they interacted with others at school, and fell deeper in love everytime they opened their mouth. (Reader) was an angel on Earth.
(Reader) trudged into the forest behind their home, exhausted after field hockey but refusing to take even a day off from visiting their best friend. It was surprising, learning that Burble was less of a pet and actually a sentient being with thoughts and feelings, but that was even more exciting, being able to communicate with a species not known for their intelligence. Burble rolled onto view, now a very large blob the size of (Reader) if they tucked in their arms and legs.
"(Reader)!" They happily gurgled, jiggling up to the high school senior. "How was your day?"
"Same old, same old." (Reader) lied, still wearing their gym shirt because their original clothes got soaked with milk after they stood up to Cody, the biggest dick they ever met.
Burble knew this, however, and was fine with (Reader) lying, knowing they were just being humble. It made their non-existent heart swell. (Reader) pulled out a bunch of classwork, and a brochure slipped out from a folder. "What's that?"
"Oh, that's a pamphlet for a university. Admissions are coming up, so I've been looking around."
The green color lightened almost to a sick looking yellow. Burble hadn't heard anything about this! What did they mean?!
"Burble, you okay?"
"Does that mean you're leaving?" Burble's voice shook, wobbling their jelly body.
"Yeah, if I make it in, but that's still half a year away, so we have time-"
Burble cut them off. "Don't go."
(Reader) sighed, placing a hand on top of their friend's smooth body. "I can't stay with my parents forever. I want to go explore, meet new people, hopefully get a career a have a passion for."
"Then take me with you!" Burble shouted, heating up under (Reader's) hand, the yellow intensifying.
The now yellow blob lunged at (Reader), morphing into a humanesque shape, creating a beautiful face that looked to be on the verge of tears. Burble held (Reader) to the ground, trapping (Reader's) body with their arms and knees.
"Burble, what the hell?" (Reader) wasn't angry, or nervous, just confused, not understanding what had gotten into their childhood friend.
"You can't leave me alone, (Reader), please!" Burble was incapable of forming tears, but their body ached like they were sobbing, rumbling instead of heaving as they didn't need to breathe. They slammed their face onto (Reader's), knowing what kissing was from a picture book (Reader) had shown them as a child, but not quite understanding how to actually do it. Their newly formed lips moved against (Reader's) timidly, easily holding down the struggling human. Burble broke the kiss so (Reader) could gasp for air. "I love you, (Reader), please don't leave me!"
A hurricane of emotions ripped (Reader's) mind apart, struggling with accepting what was happening. Their first kiss was taken by their best friend, who was still holding them tightly against the dirt ground.
"Let's.. let's talk about this later.. I need to go home." (Reader) stuttered, overwhelmed by the emotions they never felt before rampaging in their skull. Burble sunk lower, melting over (Reader's) body to better prevent their leaving.
"No.. not until you promise not to leave me." Their voice was barely a whisper, begging for (Reader) to love them back.
"I-I won't leave you. We'll figure something out.. You've just gotten too big to hide and-" Burble's weight was heavy on (Reader's) ribcage. "we'll figure something out."
Satisfied, Burble sat up and rolled off of (Reader), slowly changing back to their natural green hue. "You promise?"
"I promise." (Reader) face a sad smile, still incapable of fearing their dear friend.
Burble smiled, barely maintaining their shape as they allowed (Reader) to leave. They trusted (Reader), even if (Reader) didn't accept their confession at that moment, there was no way they would break their promise. And, if for some reason they did, if someone like their nervous brother fear mongered (Reader) into abandoning Burble, they would always be able to find them. The green slime collapsed back into a ball, happily listening to (Reader) through the tiny piece of themselves still hiding in (Reader's) backpack.
"Please come back soon.."
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erika-xero · 2 years
me, after an entire week of hard work: hehe time to take a break from drawing
also me: *starts sketching OCs designs*
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wisterimoth · 2 years
thinking about that one time i woke up and thought "i should introduce my friend joe to oliver and maybe they could hit it off..."
took me a good 2 minutes to remember oliver is one of mY OCS
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A reminder you can submit your own thought of the day!
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stargazingcat6 · 8 months
"You're so smart"
No, I say believable sounding things in a confident way that makes it seem like I'm smart. I know pretty much nothing.
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Really fucked up actually that the "you are valid" culture which, usefulness and uh, validity thereof aside, was intended to provide some some perspective for people who may have been blamed for harmless things they could not control morphed into "if strangers on the internet do not constantly tell me I'm good and perfect they are the oppressor" and "even constructively and gently telling me that I hold some power and responsibility to seek a better situation is an unspeakably cruel act."
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gwen-hemoxia · 1 year
Realised I forgot to post to Tumblr in like almost a week so here are the ones I missed before today ^^'
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Apples and Oranges
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Minecraft skin :3 (wip)
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Clothing study
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Clothing study 2
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destiny-islanders · 5 months
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atlantean pop idol sora kingdomhearts fancam
inspired by this post everyone's been redrawing
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dreemurrsightings · 2 years
when you don't know how much is 3x8 but you can draw the curly bracket well
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Shit post time
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humming-fly · 8 months
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I only just now realized what a shame it is we never got to see Al and Greedling really interacting
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gallifreywhere · 2 years
Me the day before Doctor Who Day: I'm broke
Also me, the next day:
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Dear author, can you show Kirch's appearance using neural networks?
I love reading you! Have a good mood and forgive me for my bad English. ❤
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Don't apologize for your English! ❤️
I just don't understand what you mean because I am incredibly stupid 💔🥲
Someone please explain to me in the comments what Anon means!
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rosemarytrash · 3 months
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this is so needlessly chaotic but so is act 4 so really if you think about it i'm imbibing the spirit of it all into a lot of gaussian blurring
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yudol-skorbi · 3 months
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so uh is there a missis Doomseed?
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benevolenterrancy · 9 days
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(Unseen Academicals, Terry Pratchett) I think Shang Qinghua and Ponder Stibbons should have tea and compare notes about somehow accumulating so much behind-the-scenes power by doing menial jobs no one else wants that they could basically run the show if they wanted...
meanwhile we have Shen "meh good enough" Qingqiu
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bixels · 5 months
This Twitter MLP human redesign drama is a mess, leave me the fuck out of it.
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