#I'm sad and disappointed so much of my dash has fallen for this
idsb · 6 months
sorry to indirect my entire dash right now but do you know how much plastic Shein is putting out in the world with clothes that will be worn once (if at all)? do you know how many plastic bags are manufactured in a day? do you know how many gallons of oil Shell is dumping into the Great Barrier Reef or the gulf of Alaska (where we get most of the fish we EAT) every day? do you know how much plastic packaging is LITERALLY unnecessary and could be replaced with paper? How many plastic straws are consumed in a day, and how many could be made with biodegradable plastic instead, or how many non-shitty paper straws could be made, easily, but plastic is $.001 cheaper so companies won't do it and want you to think paper goods are the enemy?
Adopting pet mini-causes that detract from the rage deserved by corporations for the deep and irreconcilable harm they are causing, is one of the worst things you can do for the environment. Because you being distracted by things that don't matter as much is what those corporations want so they can carry on as they are. be angry about BIG things that fucking matter. not making ~100k extra vinyls that will be kept and used and listened to for 10+ years. 100k items is not a lot when their longevity and everything else thats going on is factored in. Taylor Swift making vinyls is not a wastage problem like the rest of the shit happening in the world with plastics is a wastage problem. be SO fucking serious right now and please don't insult actual ongoing environmental issues by focusing your rage on physical MUSIC.
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arcsimper5 · 11 months
Thank you so much for Been Too Long. Love you so much thank you 😭
My ass absolutely has fallen in love with Echo so anytime I see a fic with him on my dash I save it to read when I get home and oh boy was I not disappointed. This one is going straight into my “read again every night” pile.
So, once again, love you thank you sm
THANK YOU! You're so sweet, anon!
I'm so glad you liked it, and seeing as you love Echo, I thought I'd give you another 'sweet' treat (hehe).
Please enjoy:
Strawberries Echo x Reader (GN) No real warnings, a bit of horniness and flirting with added strawberry eating.
“So, wait… you’re telling me that you’ve never tried chocolate? Like, ever?”
Your voice was a little more high pitched than you had intended, but as you stared at Echo with wide eyes, disbelief written over your features, you were genuinely perplexed.
To his credit, Echo kept his face more or less neutral, though the beginnings of a smile were tugging at his lips at your shocked reaction.
“Nope,” he shrugged, pulling his gaze from yours to look down at the plate of chocolate covered strawberries between you. You’d decided on a quick snack break just away from your ship, the repairs that had been entrusted to you both almost complete and way ahead of schedule.
You often shared your delicacies and treats with Echo, forever amazed at his lack of experience when it came to food, enjoying his genuine reactions and his animated expressions.
“We always heard about it, natborns and our Generals and the like wouldn’t stop raving about it, but we were never…”
He trailed off for a moment, eyes turning sad.
“I guess Clones weren’t important enough to be given something so… decadent.”
Not for the first time in your conversations with the ARC, your heart broke a little, eyes stinging at his resigned expression. The treatment of the Clones had never sat right with you, especially after you began getting to know them. They were about as similar as chalk was to cheese, each carving out their own identity through haircuts, tattoos, behaviours… they truly were individuals, and it angered you how they were all often treated the same.
Shaking off the anger beginning to rise in your veins, you offered him a smile, one he returned as he sheepishly met your gaze once again, cheeks flushed.
“Well, I’ll give you every decadent thing I possibly can,” you nodded, delicately picking up one of the strawberries and holding it out to him.
It was a milk chocolate covered one, large and plump underneath, picked by hand from your hydroponics station on your ship. Growing food had always been a part of your life, and just because your home was now on board a starship, you’d made sure you had a few pieces of your past with you.
Echo regarded it with suspicion for a moment, hesitating. You held in a giggle as he leant forward, sniffing it, one eyebrow arching as the sweet scent filled his nose.
“Do you not trust me?” you pouted, feigning hurt, a laugh passing your lips as he rolled his eyes and bought his hand up to yours, taking the treat gingerly from you with his forefinger and thumb.
He held it up at eye level, inspecting the smooth surface for a moment before he swallowed hard, bracing himself and taking a bite from the chocolate coated tip.
Immediately, his eyes widened as the chocolate cracked and gave way, his teeth cutting easily through the sweet flesh of the strawberry beneath.
It was tangy but sweet, the chocolate elevating it to a level he had never experienced before, his expression morphing into one of utter ecstasy as he chewed, savouring the flavour.
His eyes fluttered closed as he allowed the sweetness to coat his tongue, the chocolate beginning to melt in his mouth, and a soft groan of pleasure left his throat.
The sound travelled straight to your crotch, heat tingling through you as your cheeks flushed brightly. His enjoyment sounded sensual, and it was almost embarrassing how much it turned you on.
You’d always found Echo attractive, his personality and beautiful, large eyes that expressed so much capturing your heart completely and utterly soon after you’d met him, not that you’d ever told him.
Running from the Empire and freeing brothers and building a resistance was not exactly the ideal backdrop for romance. And yet, you treasured these moments with him, sat in the hangar on a ragged blanket, sharing your favourite things with him.
“So,” you prompted, trying to distract yourself from the electric feeling running through your body, “what do you think?”
Echo didn’t respond, only met your gaze as he took another bite, letting out another shuddering groan of pleasure. It was all you could do to not keen at the sound, your thighs pressed together, trying to ignore the heat coming from your core now.
If he only knew what he did to you…
“This is the best thing I think I’ve ever tasted,” Echo managed after a moment, tongue darting out to lick his lips before he took another large bite, the juice of the strawberry beginning to run down his chin as he bit into it, his eyes rolling again, though for different reasons.
You could only watch as he devoured the treat like it was the last thing he’d ever eat, chocolate smeared on his lips as he reached the end of the strawberry, looking at it hungrily.
“Don’t eat the stem!” you warned quickly, his eyes opening again, pupils blown, “That bit won’t taste nice!”
Echo begrudgingly murmured in disappointment as he placed the stem back onto the plate, immediately reaching for another strawberry, a white chocolate one this time.
There was no hesitation as he popped it into his mouth, sucking on the end this time, licking away the chocolate until the strawberry was exposed and he bit into it, another streak of juice trickling down his chin.
Again, he hummed in enjoyment, eyes fluttering as he ate it quickly, placing the stem back onto the plate and meeting your gaze again, lips reddened from the strawberry and plumped by the tartness.
He grinned happily, smile faltering when he met your gaze again, taking in your slightly slack jawed expression, your eyes wide as you looked him over.
Suddenly self conscious, he lifted his hand to his mouth, cleaning his lips and realising he had juice on his chin, attempting to wipe it away.
“I, I’m sorry, that was… I kind of got swept up in the moment,” he murmured sheepishly, a small smile tilting his lips as he wiped over them again, a streak of red still visible on his chin.
“It’s okay,” you breathed, swallowing hard as you leant closer, bringing your hand up to his face automatically. He practically froze as your thumb ghosted over his lips, taking the last few smears of chocolate away before sweeping over his chin, gathering the last of the errant juice that he’d missed, his entire body shuddering at the motion.
You almost fainted when he tilted his head up a little, capturing your thumb between his lips and sucking delicately, his tongue lathing over the pad, cleaning up everything you had caught with it.
As your breath hitched, he pulled away suddenly, blinking and exhaling lowly, expression set serious once more.
“Stars, I… I’m sorry,” he breathed, scrambling back, “that was… that was so inappropriate, I’m sorry, I…”
Even as he rambled an apology, you spotted another, tiny smear of chocolate under his bottom lip, your eyes fixed on it as he moved to stand, still murmuring how sorry he was, stopped by your hand lacing with his, pulling him back down.
“You… You missed a little bit,” you all but whispered, Echo’s eyes wide and fixed on yours as you bought your thumb back to his chin, capturing the last of the chocolate and sweeping across his lip before withdrawing it and bringing your thumb to your own mouth, sucking the remnants off.
You were shivering with anxiety, knowing that this was new territory for both of you, Echo’s breathing fast and sharp as he watched you clean your thumb, your gaze still locked with his.
A soft curse escaped his lips, still watching you intently as you picked up another strawberry from the plate and offered it to him, eagerly pressing it towards his lips.
Echo almost whimpered as the chocolate covered tip touched his mouth, opening up to let his tongue flick over the sweetness, allowing you to feed it to him with a tender touch, leaning into you.
His eyes remained locked on yours as he bit down, the cracking of the chocolate audible. Reaching the end of the fruit, his lips wrapped around your fingertips, tongue gently lathing over them before you removed the stalk, your eyes blown with arousal.
“Can I?” he murmured lowly, picking up another white chocolate strawberry and offering it to you, your heart beating wildly in your chest as you nodded.
Gentle and slow, Echo placed the strawberry against your lips, his pupils dilated, mouth slightly parted and tongue darting out to wet his lips as you opened yourself to it, sucking on the chocolate.
He groaned low in his chest, closing his eyes, steeling himself for a moment before allowing himself to continue watching, the bulge forming under his blacks now visible and large.
“F-Fuck, Meshla,” he breathed, pressing a little bit hard, “you’re so kriffing hot…”
It was all you could do to not whimper at his words, your stomach churning with want, heat spreading through every cell of your body.
Taking one last bite, you pulled away, swallowing the sweetness quickly, about to ask Echo what this meant, if he felt the same, when he dropped the stalk and wrapped his flesh hand around the back of your neck, crashing his lips into yours.
He tasted of chocolate and strawberries and warmth and something distinctly him, his tongue tangling with yours as he pulled you into his lap, remaining strawberries forgotten by your side while you straddled him, his hand smoothing down to your hips, clutching at you.
“Well, damn,” he breathed when you finally parted, eyes sparkling with desire, “seems like I was wrong. You have to be the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“Echo!” you giggled coyly, almost able to pretend you weren’t currently straddling him in the hangar, panting for breath where he’d kissed you so thoroughly.
“Seems like I have to make you believe it,” he hummed, pulling you back down against him.
One thing was sure; Strawberries were your new favourite treat.
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invinciblerodent · 4 months
Ohhhh thank you for the very long thought stream I much appreciate it (anon asking about DA:V characters/romances)... I've been following you for a long long while and Iove your takes and characters from DA and BG3. My own hype for DA:V waned a little bit from my first impression of the trailer but (in a hopefully 0 pressure way hah) seeing you and other people on my dash getting excited for it really helped kick me out of that slump and I'm starting to regain it, so genuinely thanks for that :D
You've definitely thought about it more than me xD the "doomed romance" so to speak of Davrin is *very* tantalizing but honestlyy I was just like... Pretty.... Pretttttttyyyy.... But in fairness that applies to all of the companions soooo, :p
I haven't thought much about my own Rook but I'm excited to start putting some thought into it now. My canon inquisitor was an M!Lavellan Archer Dorian-mancer so I'm not sure if I'll play an elf again... I guess we'll have to see!
Thanks so much for your thoughts and for answering, I always love seeing what you have to say and I appreciate you answering!
Aww, I love that, thank you, I feel all fuzzy now! I'm so glad you enjoy my blabbing lol! (have some more of it lol!)
And yeah, you know, I did see a lot of people feeling a bit worried or put off by (or even angry at) the trailer/reveal and posting very negative takes about it, but honestly? I feel like there is something to be said about just how primed many are for disappointment with every new game. And I don't just mean Bioware games, I mean that with the way the industry has been going (not just lately, but honestly pretty much since there have been AAA studios), with the layoffs and delays and the ten years it's been since Inquisition, it's very easy to just get inside our own heads, and sort of... forget to have fun with our hobbies.
It's an understandable impulse of course, it's a bit scary to see how few of the hard core of the franchise's creators remain still at the company, and if you lowkey expect something to suck it's not so much of a letdown if it does, but it's... I'm gonna be so real with you, it also sounds like a miserable way to enjoy games.
To always be looking out for ways in which something might not live up to your hopes instead of enjoying it for its own merits, to expect specific things that then (very obviously) aren't gonna make it into the final product, to lose sight of the industry at large and compare a product not to its contemporaries but to a version of it that only exists in your head and to cling to a franchise you've only ever been disappointed with since like 2011, it's an easy way to grow sad, and dejected, and frustrated.
And I get it, but I'm also not going to indulge in it, or expose myself to it. I perfectly understand why one might feel the urge to piss in their own soup before anyone else could, but I'm not going to let anyone piss in mine. I'll just... enjoy my piss-free soup, lol.
Which is to say, I try to personally keep my expectations very realistic, not think ahead too specifically (which is a good thing that I didn't, we apparently get to choose FACTIONS???? and I was NOT prepared for that lol), and just enjoy wherever a franchise that I (quite obviously) love very much, takes me. ❤️
...... also, yeah, Davrin is also just... also just really pretty in the reveal, lol. I mean.... man, you know they'll make the bastard alternate between blindingly radiant smiles, and big, sopping wet, brown calf eyes.
Something something if I had a nickel, but seriously, if I actually had a nickel for every recent time I've fallen a little bit in love with a disgustingly pretty elf man (who is canonically amazing in the sack) with a weird magical-medical condition that makes their lifespan incompatible with a potential romantic partner's, I'd literally have two nickels.
(and now watch me slow-motion fall head over heels, ass over teakettle, etc., for literally anyone other than Davrin, lol.)
(Or just end up with someone totally random. I mean I still remember when in my first playthrough of Inquisition, I had similarly vague plans going in, and that first character of mine somehow ended up with Cullen of all people.) (I still kick myself over that, I robbed myself of SUCH an excellent story by not going with Blackwall first like I had intended. But I learned my lesson: always "yes, and" handsome Warden-types, and for exploring everything else and battening down the hatches of a "canon" game, there's always next playthrough lol.)
(It's been ten years, and I'm still not sure who should remain in the Fade, man.)
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