#banning single use plastics will actually help
idsb · 6 months
sorry to indirect my entire dash right now but do you know how much plastic Shein is putting out in the world with clothes that will be worn once (if at all)? do you know how many plastic bags are manufactured in a day? do you know how many gallons of oil Shell is dumping into the Great Barrier Reef or the gulf of Alaska (where we get most of the fish we EAT) every day? do you know how much plastic packaging is LITERALLY unnecessary and could be replaced with paper? How many plastic straws are consumed in a day, and how many could be made with biodegradable plastic instead, or how many non-shitty paper straws could be made, easily, but plastic is $.001 cheaper so companies won't do it and want you to think paper goods are the enemy?
Adopting pet mini-causes that detract from the rage deserved by corporations for the deep and irreconcilable harm they are causing, is one of the worst things you can do for the environment. Because you being distracted by things that don't matter as much is what those corporations want so they can carry on as they are. be angry about BIG things that fucking matter. not making ~100k extra vinyls that will be kept and used and listened to for 10+ years. 100k items is not a lot when their longevity and everything else thats going on is factored in. Taylor Swift making vinyls is not a wastage problem like the rest of the shit happening in the world with plastics is a wastage problem. be SO fucking serious right now and please don't insult actual ongoing environmental issues by focusing your rage on physical MUSIC.
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talkingpointsusa · 23 days
To the surprise of literally nobody, Matt Walsh has no idea what he’s talking about when it comes to forest fires
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Well folks, I'm back from a weeklong camping trip and am ready to tackle some more right-wing media brain rot. While I don't normally like covering the same show twice in a row I figured what better way to celebrate being back from the woods in Canada than debunking an episode about the woods in Canada.
So, Matt Walsh decided to cover the recent forest fires in Canada (finally, my country gets a mention) and you would think that it would be very hard to make that offensive. Shockingly enough though, Matt managed to find a way. At least he's innovative.
01:10, Matt Walsh: "One of the most basic assumptions about climate change that you're told to accept is that if you give the government enough power and make enough personal sacrifices you can help change the weather. You can make natural disasters less likely, you can save beaches and endangered species, even entire countries, the entire world can be saved and all you need to do is pay more in taxes to fund more government bureaucracy and give up your car and your gas stove and airline travel and plastic straws and maybe your entire livelihood and then everything will be fine."
Right out of the gate there is a mountain of BS that needs to be addressed here. Strap in guys, we've got a lot to unpack.
Matt's conflating weather and climate, what else is new? I explained this in a previous post but weather refers to short term changes in the atmosphere while climate refers to the weather of a specific region over time. Does climate change increase the probability of extreme weather? Yes! For example, 2023 was the hottest year on record and the world saw record breaking heatwaves as a result.
More specifically, many recent extreme weather events can be directly tied to climate change. According to Carbonbrief.org, which has actually mapped extreme weather events across the world and determined which ones have ties to climate change or not, 71% of the extreme weather events mapped by their organization were made more likely or severe by anthropogenic climate change. Furthermore, 93% of the extreme heat events charted by their scientists were made more likely or severe by anthropogenic climate change. So yes, climate change does change the weather and addressing climate change will make those disasters less likely. The only way to agree with Matt's BS assessment that climate change is a government run scam is to ignore mountains of data.
As for Matt's list of things that we're allegedly being forced to give up, it's complete rubbish;
Nobody has banned gasoline cars, although they're being phased out in favor of EV's. Even with this phaseout, you can still drive your gasoline car or even buy a new one if you chose and even if you couldn't you still have the option to drive an EV or hybrid or even a hydrogen powered car in certain states.
While New York state did ban gas stoves (and even then only by as early as the year 2026 meaning it's not like they're going to come into your house and drag you and your gas stove out by force), nationally they are only subject to energy efficiency and health related guidelines.
Airline travel is absolutely not getting banned, if only because the airline industry controls a fourteen million dollar lobbying arm that would crush that idea in five seconds flat.
As for plastic straws, a lot of states have banned them but to be honest who gives a crap? As someone who lives in a country that has banned single-use plastic straws, society has yet to collapse. Using a paper or metal straw isn't some herculean sacrifice.
In terms of peoples incomes, it would be dishonest to say that some people won’t most likely lose their jobs due to phasing out fossil fuels. However, renewable energy will also create thousands of jobs many of which can be occupied by the people who were previously employed in the fossil fuel sector. According to the DOE, there are currently just over 8 million jobs in renewable energy in the United States and in both 2021 and 2022 renewable energy job growth outpaced overall US employment. Another thing that the government could do is provide federal grant money and create transition programs, similar to Colorado’s lauded Office of Just Transition, to help out of work coal miners and other fossil fuel related workers transition to other jobs in the energy sector. I doubt Matt would like that solution though because that would require a bump in his taxes and as we’ve already established, he doesn’t like that very much. Taxes have gotta stay low, actual solutions to climate change that help everyone be damned!
Also, climate change is the real job killer. According to the National Climate Assessment Report, climate change will also drive up electricity costs and severely impact trade and the economy. In other words, if we don't address climate change Matt's economic fears will not only occur but will be a thousand times worse than what will happen with regulation.
*pants*, I know that was a lot of words but it's important to address Matt's arguments for what they are: poorly sourced bullshit.
01:42, Matt Walsh: "Now there's no other country on Earth that's internalized this way of thinking more than our neighbor to the north Canada."
First of all, get my countries name out of your goddamn mouth.
Second of all, not even close. I'd say that Denmark, which is honestly a case study in how countries should address climate change, is a lot more of a climate-friendly nation than Canada. We don't even make the top ten nations leading on climate and we're still pretty beholden to oil interests up in Alberta unfortunately.
01:48, Matt Walsh: "They've declared a national climate change emergency, they have a constantly increasing national tax on carbon which raises the cost of living for pretty much every household in the country, they've banned plastic straws, they've shut down oil and gas permits off their pacific coast. If you're an insomniac and you pull up a video of a debate in the Canadian parliament to help you sleep there's a good chance they'll be debating climate change in some way or another."
Brief pause, the carbon tax hasn't significantly increased the cost of living for the average household in Canada. According to StatsCan, the carbon tax has only made overall consumer prices 0.6% higher. As a matter of fact, Canada has a climate rebate called the Canada Carbon Rebate that actually helps small businesses and families offset pollution pricing.
Hmm, it almost sounds like Matt doesn't know what he's talking about here. Perhaps if he actually decided to look into Canadian politics instead of just going "boooring" and looking at random right-wing blogs talking about some obscure report released by the health department (we'll get to that later) he wouldn't make these extremely stupid mistakes while covering this story.
02:22, Matt Walsh: "Surely we can assume that at the very least Canada's carbon emissions are much lower as a result of all of this government beuracracy. After all, Canada's not even a top twenty country by population. The GDP barely ranks in the top ten, shouldn't be hard for them to rank low on the list of global carbon emitters, especially since they've been trying so hard and punishing their citizens so much.
We actually have the ninth largest GDP in the world according to the World Bank but go off I guess.
Also, how are these things that Matt previously listed off "punishing citizens"? As mentioned previously, the carbon tax has barely impacted the cost of living and comes with rebates. Banning plastic straws is an extraordinarily mild inconvenience at best, as a Canadian I can confidently tell you that I've barely noticed the difference. As for shutting down oil and gas permits off the Pacific Coast, your average citizen has zero idea that that even happened. This is completely ridiculous.
Also, the Canadian economy is outperforming expectations. Pretty much everything that he's saying here is a lie.
02:43, Matt Walsh: "But, as it turns out Canada is currently one of the biggest carbon emitters on the planet. They're setting new records in the wrong direction. They're adding more of that dreaded carbon into the atmosphere than countries three times their size and it's all because of a series of wildfires last year that the Canadian government clearly could not control, watch."
Matt's citing a study in Nature that actually contradicts his climate change denialism. The study makes it extremely clear that Canada's record breaking forest fire season was made more likely due to the impact of climate change. Here's a quote from said study:
"Canadian forests cover a vast area of nearly 362 million ha (ref. 9), amounting to 8.5% of the global forested area. These forests are an important sink of carbon, absorbing fossil carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and slowing the pace of climate warming. However, climate change is increasing forest fire activity, acting to suppress the carbon uptake capacity of these forests. Although more frequent fires have been widespread, 2023 has seen forest fires on an extreme scale."
So, essentially the way to address these extreme forest fires is to address climate change. In the meantime, countries need to learn how to adapt to record-breaking forest fires as they will only become more common as the climate continues to change. The study says as much here:
"The role of Canada’s fire management strategy in managing fire carbon emissions also deserves some discussion. Fire management strategies require balancing several considerations, including socioeconomic costs, ecological impacts and carbon emissions. Canada’s present strategy adopts a risk-based approach, for which decisions on whether or not to suppress fires are made on a fire-by-fire basis, with differing priorities across provinces and territories. Understanding how fire regimes will change with climate change is thus of high importance, for future decision criteria and costing."
This is a pretty important point to hammer in because it shows how lazy guys in the conservative media ecosystem like Matt Walsh actually are. They don't read anything that they're trying to cite, they don't bother to look into the topics that they're discussing, and when you look into those topics the stuff that they're citing often directly contradicts the point that they're trying to make.
03:59, Matt Walsh: "Now, if you check in with the experts of course they'll tell you that the wildfires were only so severe because of climate change."
The experts which include the study that you're citing. But yes, as the world gets hotter and drier forest fires will become more likely and more severe. I find it absolutely bizarre how Matt can admit that the Canadian forest fire season was record breaking but also try to make the argument that this...disproves climate change somehow. The mental gymnastics here are gold medal worthy.
Matt reads from an article published in MIT Technology Review that ties climate change to forest fires and decides to make a really dumb argument.
05:16, Matt Walsh: "Now, what's striking about explanations like this is that they conveniently absolve the government of all responsibility from managing the forests which is the single most direct way to prevent wildfires from spreading out of control like they did last year. And even the Canadian government admits that, I went on the website of Canada's Natural Resource Department and found that in addition to blaming fossil fuels they admit that they could do more to prevent wildfires from spreading."
What kind of dumbass argument is that?
"Oh yeah, this argument absolves the government from responsibility to manage the forest. And to prove that I'm gonna read this article from the government that says that it's the governments responsibility to manage the forests."
Absolutely galaxy brained content from friend of the blog Matty Walsh here.
06:18, Matt Walsh: "Now they don't mention that preventing arson is another way to stop these fires even though that's true as well. While the majority of these fires were apparently caused by lightning and some other natural event, there's at least one guy that pleaded guilty for setting more than a dozen fires last year."
What Matt's talking about is a story out of Quebec where a far-right conspiracy theorist plead guilty to setting fourteen fires.
The arsonist, a man by the name of Brian Paré, was a climate denier who posted multiple conspiracy theories that the government of Canada intentionally started forest fires across the country. Hmmm, sounds almost like someone who would agree with Matt and other right-wing media nutcases.
So, essentially what we have here is some guy who watched too much stuff like Alex Jones who set multiple fires after seeing posts about the record breaking fire season. This doesn't prove anything outside of the fact that right-wing conspiracy theory nonsense often has dangerous consequences.
So, Matt says that the government should "do things competently and prevent and contain forest fires" which is exactly what the government is trying to do. Then he finds another thing to lie about.
07:59, Matt Walsh: "And volcanoes erupt too like the one I talked about last year that drove temperature changes all of the world."
Matt's talking about the Tonga Volcano eruption and wouldn't you know it, he doesn't have the facts straight on this one either.
While the Tonga Volcanic eruption did impact the climate as well as weather patterns around the world, there are dozens of studies showing that the majority of climate change is anthropogenic, or caused by humans. Most volcanoes actually have a net atmospheric cooling effect with Tonga being an outlier meaning that they don't explain heating across the planet in years before the eruption occurred.
08:40, Matt Walsh: "Instead they're predictably turning the wildfires into another opportunity to harp on racial grievances and divide their country even more. TrueNorth reports this week quote; 'The Public Health Agency of Canada Wants To Review the Way That Wildfire Evacuations Are Conducted Because They Supposedly Disproportionately Impact Minorites.'"
Ah yes, well known reliable source of information TrueNorth.com.
Since I don't trust some dumb right-wing blog to reliably convey what this report was all about, I went and found a copy myself and wouldn't you know it, they're not telling the full story.
First of all, this report was published by the Public Health Agency which is not responsible for forest fire prevention. That falls under the jurisdiction of the governments of the provinces where the fires occur unless the fire occurs on federal land in which case it would probably fall under the Federal Government and Parks Canada. Provinces also have resource sharing agreements which are all outlined in the Canadian Wildland Fire Prevention and Mitigation Strategy which was published by the Canadian Council Of Forest Ministers which is a coalition of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments established to address forest related concerns in Canada such as wildfires. In short, this report on the health effects of wildfires published by an agency that has nothing to do with actual forest fire prevention isn't the only thing that Canada is doing to manage forest fires. It may come as a shock to Matt but governments are huge entities capable of doing multiple things at the same time.
Second of all, right-wing entities like TrueNorth.Com and Rebel News are severely misrepresenting the contents of this report. While Indigenous communities are mentioned in this report, mainly because their land is often in areas more susceptible to forest fires, it also talks about other groups that have nothing to do with race and sexuality such as women, children, and the elderly and how they're more vulnerable to the negative physical and mental health impacts of wildfires.
09:22, Matt Walsh: "Yes, they've turned their worst wildfire season on record into an opportunity to complain once again about nonbinary people. Yes, nonbinary people are more impacted by fire than the rest of us. The rest of us are impervious to fire, it turns out, as a straight white male they could set me on fire and I would be unharmed by it."
Nonbinary people only got mentioned in the 26 page analysis once and it was about the mental health impacts of wildfires on kids that identify as nonbinary. Quote:
"Results from several studies conducted after the 2016 Fort McMurray wildfire found that women experience worse mental health impacts in comparison to men. This was also noted for people who did not identify within the gender binary. Among Grade 7-12 10 students, those who identified as female exhibited higher mental health symptom scores, higher rates of probable diagnosis of MDD, PTSD, and GAD, and lower scores for self-esteem, quality of life, and resilience in comparison to their male-identifying students. (27) Students who identified with another gender or preferred not to state their gender identity exhibited worse mental health outcomes compared to both their female- and male-identifying counterparts."
So yeah, he absolutely did not read this document and is just riffing as right-wing media morons tend to do.
09:57, Matt Walsh: "So, here's a couple of lines from the Canadian governments report to give you some idea how unhinged the country has become. Quote; "The impact of wildfires on Indigenous peoples is influenced by colonialism and has forced many Indigenous peoples to live in isolation or in communities that are isolated from the rest of the country. Evacuation measures conducted in Indigenous communities served as traumatic reminders of being taken away to residential schools and or the sixty scoop as some were forced onto busses and separated from their family.'"
He's playing a pretty dishonest game here as he's mashing two sentences that appeared on different pages of the report into one big sentence and leaving out critical context for each. Quote (from the report):
"The impact of wildfires on Indigenous Peoples is influenced by colonialism, (33) and has forced many Indigenous Peoples to live in isolation or in communities that are isolated from the rest of society. Their geographic isolation makes it difficult to access basic goods, services, and other resources that are necessary for mitigating and building resilience against the impacts of wildfires. In addition, Indigenous communities often depend on the land for food, water, recreation, and cultural practices. Therefore, wildfires disrupt Indigenous ways of life and threaten important cultural activities, such as hunting, fishing, harvesting, and gathering."
Sounds a lot more reasonable when you read the actual context behind the sentence huh? I feel like I shouldn't have to say this but "people who live in isolated areas have a harder time accessing resources" and "wildfires impact peoples way of life" aren't dumb statements.
The sentence about trauma occurs a page later as part of a bulleted list of the impacts that previous wildfire evacuations had on indigenous communities in Canada. Quote:
"These findings were reinforced by a report from the House of Commons Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs that examined the impacts of the 2017 wildfires on First Nations communities across Canada. (41) The report found that many Indigenous Peoples also faced additional economic challenges during evacuations and recovery phases. While they were eligible for reimbursement of funds utilized during an emergency through Indigenous Service programs; many experienced difficulties claiming these expenses due to challenges with applying for reimbursement and not always receiving the full amount of a claim. (41,42)
For First Nations evacuees, there was a lack of space for the practice of traditional activities and preparation of traditional foods, as well as a lack of mental health resources for those being temporarily housed in shelters.(41)
Finally it was noted that the evacuation measures conducted in Indigenous communities served as traumatic reminders of being taken away to residential schools and/or the Sixties Scoop as some were forced onto buses and separated from family(41).
A community-based qualitative case study examining how residents of Sandy Lake First Nation were impacted by the 2011 wildfire evacuation found that a lack of pre-event preparedness resulted in some Elders with medical conditions being evacuated without a caregiver and families were separated and displaced during evacuation operations. (43)"
Again, it's a wonder how much context changes the report that you're lying about. I guess it doesn't matter when you can just deceptively combine sentences together and ignore half of what the report was actually saying.
Matt Walsh: Forest Fire Prevention Expert wasn't something that I had on my right-wing media bingo card but here we are. This was just a really dumb experience all around but dumb experiences seem to be the name of the game in right-wing media these days.
Also, as a palette cleanser here's an image I created in photoshop after I finished the fact-check to celebrate Matt's newfound "expertise" in forest fire prevention.
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Original Video:
“Ep. 1433 - When Wildfires Strike, Canada Blames Racism instead of Taking Action.” Dailywire.com, The Daily Wire, 29 Aug. 2024.
Sources Cited:
Lopez, Nuria. “Copernicus: 2023 Is the Hottest Year on Record, with Global Temperatures close to the 1.5°c Limit | Copernicus.” Climate.copernicus.eu, 9 Jan. 2024.
Pidcock, Roz, and Robert McSweeney. “Mapped: How Climate Change Affects Extreme Weather around the World.” Carbon Brief, 2022.
“There’s a New Federal Standard for Gas Stoves. Here’s What It Means for Your Kitchen.” CNET, 2024.
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. “Clean Energy Job Creation and Growth.” Energy.gov.
U.S. Global Change Research Program. “Fourth National Climate Assessment.” Globalchange.gov, vol. 2, no. 4, 31 Dec. 2017, pp. 1–470.
“Carbon Pricing Is Not to Blame for Canada’s Affordability Challenges.” Policy Options, 7 Dec. 2023, policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/december-2023/carbon-price-affordability/.
Agency, Canada Revenue. “Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR).” Www.canada.ca, 20 Apr. 2022.
Byrne, Brendan, et al. “Carbon Emissions from the 2023 Canadian Wildfires.” Nature, 28 Aug. 2024, pp. 1–5.
Ghori, Aiman. “How Can the Forest Sector Respond to Fires due to Climate Change?” Canadian Climate Institute, 31 Jan. 2024.
Serebrin, Jacob. “Quebec Man Who Blamed 2023 Wildfires on Government Pleads Guilty to Setting 14 Fires.” CBC, 16 Jan. 2024.
Canada, Public Health Agency of. “Rapid Review: An Intersectional Analysis of the Disproportionate Health Impacts of Wildfires on Diverse Populations and Communities.” Www.canada.ca, 18 July 2024.
“Canadian Wildland Fire Prevention and Mitigation Strategy - Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM).” Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM), 27 June 2024.
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isamorgan · 5 months
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📍pinterest. 🎵 playlist.
full name: isadora carmen morgan
nickname: isa
age: twenty-eight
date of birth: october 24
zodiac: scorpio
place of birth: lincoln city, or
gender identity: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: money ❤️
occupation: business bitch politician in training.
father: sebastian morgan (formerly moreno), mayor
mother: sofia morgan nee valle, businesswoman
no siblings
relationship status: single
education: bachelor’s degree in business and political science
languages: english, spanish, portuguese
height: 5’2”
hair: black, just past shoulder length, naturally straight but with waves for important events
eye color: brown
traits: ambitious, argumentative, competitive, privileged, stylish, vain, spoiled, insecure, dramatic, manipulative
aesthetics: the click of high heels, the lingering smell of expensive perfume, an unexpectedly strong handshake, the critically acclaimed television show glee, a ghostlight shining bright on an empty stage
the story goes that the morgan family came from nothing. before lincoln city, at least. formerly the moreno family, they changed their name and settled in small town oregon for a fresh start. they were seeking the american dream. little did they know then just how quickly they’d get it.
the morgans were a part of the founding of the town and originally became the mayoral family by default. only in the past few generations have children been born and bred for the role. isa has known from birth what her destiny is, so there’s never been any use in her finding other passions.
the valles have been in real estate development for generations, so business/politics is truly in isa's blood.
isa has always gotten everything she’s wanted in terms of material things, but she tends to struggle with making positive connections. she can frequently be described as “too much” - too dramatic, too argumentative, too selfish. though she was somewhat popular in high school, how much of that was because she was wealthy and well connected? college wasn’t much better for her in terms of genuine friendships. upon graduation she permanently moved back to town to learn the ropes.
isa was also not the best at actual school back in the day (math is hard!), but she was very involved in extracurriculars - in particular, drama, dance, and debate (co-captain).
if she could've picked her profession, she would've moved out to la to become an actress. instead, she spends her days pretending to be in a new spinoff of succession that's also a spinoff of the west wing… and veep.
she is legitimately good at business. people don’t expect it of her, but she’s very good at working within the political landscape of business relationships to get what she wants.
girlboss feminism has had an indisputable impact on isa. every time she questions whether she’ll be any good at being mayor, she just has to take a sip from her mug that says “the boss” and whisper her mantra - gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.
isa has a knack for planning events. her family has held a private gala or two (or one every year) and isa in more recent years has taken over the planning for it. she even spent one summer doing some basic event help with the rest of the local government to really solidify her own connections. it was also there that she discovered she has a few issues with control. apparently there IS a wrong way to fold napkins.
she dates, but not often. her standards are high and if you're not in her tax bracket, it's likely you're more of a networking opportunity than a potential suitor.
her little dad-approved community betterment programs are 1) renovating the local community theatre, which was shut down a few years ago after someone got electrocuted, and 2) banning plastic bags and plastic straws, to save the environment.
the serena to her blair. equally as popular, kind of messy, and part of the close friend trio with tae.
makeover montage. isa has always wanted to play fairy godmother to someone - maybe this was back in high school, maybe it's more recent.
current crush. they don't have to be rich, but nice? nice would be good. she's a strong, independent woman, but the heart wants what the heart wants.
the one that got away. isa's had a fair amount of bad relationships, but sometimes things do end for other reasons. maybe their lives were going in different directions. maybe they really were a match made in heaven but she's the one who messed it up.
rivals. from back in high school or in present day. if from st. mary's, this likely would've been for roles in the drama club.
cat blanco. childhood friends.
cherry amin. math tutor/friendly.
chris wilder. they weren't close, but isa was there that night. and her parents made sure to stay extra close to the wilders throughout the immediate aftermath.
elise wilson. the serena to her blair.
nicholas lehoy. ex. they dated early on in high school. he's the reason she no longer dates outside of her tax bracket.
river calloway. former friend. though they were set up for friendship by their parents, they did eventually bond over the pressures that they both felt to succeed in roles they hadn't chosen. which made it all the worse when the news about river's dad broke and isa's parents insisted she cut ties. she didn't do it immediately, but by the time they graduated they were essentially strangers.
tae seong & tbd. trio. close friends!
vincent atwood. ex. they dated senior year of high school, up until he cheated on her with helena. as a result, she tried to get him banished from lincoln city.
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bmpmp3 · 8 months
I FINALLY watched that barbie movie that came out, i watched it last night! it was cute and pretty solid i thought. and then immediately after finishing that i watched the 1989 found footage tv movie ufo abduction/the mcpherson tape?
barbie was mostly very funny (that smallpox joke is inexcusable tho) it seems aimed for maybe a tween-teen kind of audience? i havent heard of many big huge movies aimed at that demographic recently so thats really nice
you know i was worried id be insufferable to both barbie movie fans and barbie movie haters because i have 1) a doll hobby 2) too much interest in doll history and 3) a complete lack of trust and respect for mattel as a company in the past decade and i figured you wouldnt be able to talk to me about it without me um-actually-ing every two seconds BUT it wasnt as egregious as i expected in regards to doll history myths
im especially glad they didnt call stuff like happy family midge and earring magic ken like "recalled" or "banned" or whatever 'cause thats just one of those myths LOL BUT discontinued is a weird term... yeah they were discontinued but like. all dolls are some day. from what i can tell both those dolls werent even like prematurely (heh) discontinued or anything most reports seem that happy family midge sold okay (although there seems to have been controversies at least with the wedding ring and cardboard cutout husband situations) and earring magic ken probably didnt sell well. because hes ken. the earring magic barbies in the line probably sold better LOL i guess a better term could have been like. controversial barbies? infamous barbies? sugar's daddy ken is true and hilarious tho, although if i remember correctly it was like a collectors doll meant for adults that just never got released in the first place
I DID love tanner's inclusion. i love that stupid shitting dog so much i wanted it so bad as a kid but i didnt care about the barbie so it would have been a waste of a playset
speaking of not caring about the barbie so like. i didnt really like barbies as a kid. i didnt really like dolls. i was a furry i only liked animal shaped toys LOL i did have one barbie i picked out myself, fairytopia kindlee who i loved and adored and lost and i dream about her forever. but yeah nothing less interesting to me both as a child and as an adult than a default face sculpt blue eyed blonde barbie toy, which is, as most adults interesting in the modern day toy industry can attest, the reason for our disdain for mattel HFJDKHFDJS actually its more than that - weirdly inflated prices for cheaply made clothes and low quality printing, strangely dated fashion, the weird all or nothing either bare minimum 5 points of articulation or full out double jointed mtm bodies (where is single jointed elbows...i miss her....), THE DECADE LONG REIGN OF TERROR OF THE GLUE HEAD (although we're finally past that), why are those collectors dolls so expensive they look the same quality, why did they make that collectors mermaid ken white from the brown guy in the concept art, in canada the pricing and availability is wacky so i imagine its even worse everywhere else outside the US, this is a personal thing but why does every mattel doll ive ever owned like combust at its joints randomly. am i cursed? do i have a mattel curse? ive been thinking about this for years why does the plastic just disintigrate the second it enters my home what god did i anger. what plastic god did i anger. help me my bloodline has been cursed by some sort of polyvinyl based deity beyond my comprehension
anyway as i was saying it was a little sobering watching a movie with a good fashion and prop and set budget do a take on the memories of what barbie dolls used to be and then thinking about that absolutely dire state we're in rn. bro i kept looking at outfits like modern mattel would never. theyre too busy making half printed t shirt dresses with a random ruffle attached on the side <3 but vintage mattel would also not be as diverse. although neither mattel has an actually fat doll so. um. thats the saddest um-actually im gonna do :(
ive been joking to myself for years that barbie is the name of the species, ken might be some kind of subspecies, so it is funny to see the brand in both real life stores and also this movie lean into that. barbie really is a species. they do move in herds. wait im getting distracted anyway years ago barbie had a big refresh where they leaned into the idea that anyone can be barbie - everyone is barbie: they brought out new body types (standard, tall, short, and slightly curvy) which was a big step, a bigger range of skintones and all kinds of new face molds and screenings, also theres like bald barbies and barbies with prosthetics and wheelchair barbies are made way more often. and all this is fantastic. but unfortunately the blonde blue eyed millie sculpts still haunt most non-fashionista releases.... stereotypical barbie u dont know what u are.... its a shame they didnt reference the millie sculpt in the movie i woulda died LOL
but i always thought it was pretty wack that they made all these cool dolls and then relegated them to wear t shirt dresses for eternity. i like that the budget line is so diverse and i dont even mind the lack of articulation that much (although i do miss basic 9 point articulation where are my elbows and knees) but GOD those outfits. can be ROUGH. and WHY do they never put like half of the diverse dolls in other playsets WHY cant basketball barbie be bald WHEN will i get that prosthetic leg barbie as a fairy like youve put all this effort into all this diversity and then ur doing NOTHING with it mattel im begging u. im begging u. make a fantasy wheelchair barbie i know you can do it. i know you can do it
im not even talking about the movie anymore sorry im just complaining about barbie dolls even tho im not a huge barbie collector JFKDHJRKF i was just picky about toys as a child and i want kids nowadays to get cool dolls too. i think a kid deserves a nice thing to play with that looks like them or like their family or other people around them that also allows to imaginative play you know
okay. okay in the context of the movie its fine and makes sense but lemme tell u. being so deep in the current state of mattel hearing america ferrera's character suggest "ordinary barbie" made me fucking jump out of my seat and point at my laptop screen i almost said outloud "YOUUU" jgekfjfd it was her.... she did this.... jk jk its a sweet message in the movie but just so u know in mattel's mind "ordinary barbie" translates to overpriced cheaply made sack dress barbie. orz
wait back on topic back on topic its a nice movie, im glad it resonates with a lot of people. the plot was a little strange but i dont mind, the sets and outfits and everything was so good anyway, i loved that big huge chunky necklace as a touch, its some fashion brand symbol i dont remember sowwy but i like how huge it is LOL also the music was pretty great, i liked the needle drops and the music composed for the movie was fun too, what was i made for is fantastic but i knew that already its been a hit for a while now and i heard a vocal synth cover of it that sounded nice so i was already on board HJKDHJKFDS sometimes the. racial aspect of the movie was. jarring? they really only mention race like thrice (one of those times being the aforementioned awful smallpox joke) which. you know sometimes i get a little annoyed with a lot of contemporary movies and shows bringing up race just for little quips and jokes here and there while completely ignoring anything substantial about the topic, i know this is a tween movie with a two hour run time and they wanted to focus but i dunno man. it always feels like they're making a joke about elephants while the ignoring the elephant in the room staring u down. but whatever. i'll just lock someone into an unskippable cutscene conversation about history in regards to race and dolls irl later LOL cute movie tho. i like when movies have cool sets and outfits
NOW to the second half of that very odd double feature i gave myself last night UFO ABDUCTION its basically considered the first found footage horror movie, as a tv movie from 1989, and lemme tell u IT IS hard to watch LOL not because its like scary but like. because its a little bit bad <3 but its okay i dont mind, the main character behind the camera got pretty insufferable near the end (would not shut up and made it hard to hear the other actors orz) but it was only an hour and had like no budget - plus i love seeing where so much of the genre came from. im glad to know people screaming at the main character to shut that damn camera off has been here since the very beginning. i also loved the stupid alien costumes its such a shame theyre only in there for like 3 scenes they were the best part: genuinely kind of creepy at the first sight at the ufo landing because theyre so far away and low quality, and also really silly and goofy when they walk right up to the camera <3 <3 <3
i truly madly deeply genuinely without a shred of irony adore found footage so im always happy to see more! even when its bad :) i like it when cameras shake and people scream OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT
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tastydregs · 1 year
Scientists Say Recycling Has Backfired Spectacularly
Reduce, Reuse, Repudiate
While recycling campaigns can help limit what heads to the landfill, scientists are now saying that it's masked the glaring problem of over-production and de-emphasized other waste reduction strategies that are far more sustainable.
In a new essay for The Conversation, an interdisciplinary group of researchers out of the University of Virginia that's been studying the psychology of waste found that many people over-emphasize the recycling aspect of the waste management industry's "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" slogan. The result, they say, is a major backfiring as the public has come to mistakenly consider recycling a get-out-of-jail-free card, confusing which goods are actually recyclable in the first place and ignoring the growing waste production catastrophe.
In a series of experiments, the UV researchers first asked participants first to list "reduce," "reuse," and "recycle" by order of efficacy — the correct answer being the same one in the old slogan — finding that a whopping 78 percent got it wrong. In a second experiment, the researchers had participants use a computer program to virtually "sort" waste into recycling, compost, and landfill bins. Unfortunately, the outcome of that survey was even more stark, with many incorrectly putting non-recyclable waste, such as plastic bags and lightbulbs, into the virtual recycle bin.
Cause and Effect
While over-emphasizing or getting the recycling protocol wrong is an issue on its own, its downstream effects have been devastating as microplastics from consumer waste continue to pollute our oceans, land masses, and bodies — and as greenhouse gases from the production of all this stuff keep throttling our planet.
While lots of governmental bodies are, as the researchers note, attempting to stem and even ban the proliferation of single-use plastic goods such as plastic straws and bags, the industries responsible for creating those landfill-bound items keep making more and more of them, and even their own mitigation strategies are voluntary.
The onus to reduce, reuse, and recycle ends up falling on consumers — who, as the aforementioned studies show, aren't as well-trained on how to do them as we should be. It's a status quo that does little to tackle the global waste crisis and ends up using a lot of logistical and worker power to boot.
More on waste: The Ocean's Plastic Pollution Has Spiked to "Unprecedented" Levels
The post Scientists Say Recycling Has Backfired Spectacularly appeared first on Futurism.
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worldecoideas · 2 years
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If you've been hearing about the zero waste movement lately, it may seem a little difficult to actually follow. The term sounds like an oxymoron - to have no waste and always produce nothing. This post will take a look at why it's not impossible to adopt parts (or even all of) this lifestyle. There are a lot of ways to reduce your trash without going all out. Let’s explore the concept of zero waste and what that entails, as well as some easy and efficient strategies for reducing the amount you produce. What is Zero Waste? Zero Waste is a concept that means designing and managing products and processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste, by reducing, reusing, recycling, or composting the materials. Zero Waste is about redesigning society so that we can live without creating waste. It's about moving from an economy based on making things to an economy based on keeping things in use. The term "zero waste" was coined in the 1990s by a group of European environmentalists. They wanted to encourage people to rethink their relationship with resources and reduce the amount of trash they produce. Zero waste is a lifestyle that aims to reduce the amount of waste we create. It is a more sustainable way of living, which is better for the environment and for our own health. Why Should We Care? Zero Waste is a form of sustainable living that aims to reduce the amount of waste created by humans and to reuse, recycle, and compost as much as possible. There are many benefits to this lifestyle, including environmental benefits. One of the main reasons why people should care about Zero Waste is because it saves them money. When you buy less food and products, you spend less money on things that will just end up in the trash. How to Implement a Zero Waste Lifestyle into Your Lifestyle Zero waste is a lifestyle that focuses on the reduction of waste created by humans. It includes reducing the use of non-essential goods, recycling and reusing goods, and composting organic materials. The goal of zero waste is to create as little trash as possible and to reduce the amount of energy and natural resources needed for manufacturing. There are many ways you can start a zero-waste lifestyle: Begin by taking inventory of what you currently have in your home and evaluate the wastefulness of your personal items. Create a strategy with your household to identify items that are not needed and eliminate them. Purchase items that are reusable rather than single-use (e.g., coffee cups, shampoo bottles). Support zero waste initiatives in the community where you live or work, such as recycling programs or local farmers' markets with biodegradable packaging. When you do purchase single-use items, instead of using disposables like paper plates, buy a set that can be used multiple times (e.g., bamboo cutting boards). Make a conscious effort to reduce waste in your life and create more time for yourself by not buying unnecessary items and being mindful about what you consume. Adopt a zero-waste lifestyle in your home by reducing the amount of trash you create, packaging garbage compactly, and recycling what you can. Learn more about zero waste. Here are some other easy changes you can make that will help you reduce your waste: Eliminate Single-Use Plastics The need to eliminate single-use plastics is clear. They are a major contributor to the world's pollution problem. The term "single-use" refers to products that are used only once before being discarded. These products are often made of plastic and include disposable coffee cups, straws, cutlery, and water bottles. Some countries have banned single-use plastics, while others have taken steps in the right direction by imposing taxes on them or implementing recycling schemes. Use a Zero Waste Kit A Zero Waste Kit is a kit that helps people to reduce their waste by giving them the tools they need. This kit includes
items such as reusable water bottles, reusable cloth bags, and other items that can be reused. The Zero Waste Kit is an effective way to reduce waste because it provides the tools needed to cut down on waste. This kit includes: A stainless steel water bottle, A reusable bamboo plate, A set of silverware (fork/spoon/knife), A reusable napkin, Reusable sandwich baggies, An easy-to-use lunch container, An eco-friendly bag. Not buying unnecessary items  The idea of not buying or consuming anything that is not needed is called the zero-waste movement.  We should not buy things that we don't need. This is because it will create more waste in the environment. We should be aware of what we are buying and try to buy items that can be reused or recycled. It is a lifestyle that is about more than just not producing waste. It is about minimizing your environmental footprint and reducing the number of things you buy and consume. Learn more about zero waste We’ve spoken about a few ways to reduce waste in your everyday life that have proved successful for many. However, if you’re interested in exploring this further and would like some advice on the subject, there are plenty of blogs written by eco-friendly individuals out there to help guide you. Trash is for Tossers is a good option for those looking to cut down on the plastic they use. They offer all sorts of great tips, product reviews, and more. The author has been doing this for 8 years and has a lot of experience. Start Your Journey Today Towards A More Sustainable And Greener Lifestyle In conclusion, we can say that the future of sustainability is not as bleak as it may seem. There are many ways to start your journey towards a more sustainable and greener lifestyle. The first step is to make a plan and decide what you want to do in order to achieve your goals. The second step is to find the right tools and resources that will help you on this journey. The third step is to start implementing these changes in your life today because tomorrow might be too late!
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Shovel Talk
Summary: Hotch and Emily find out about Derek's relationship with Spencer and decide it's time for a chat.
Tags: fluff, humour, est. rel., protective!derek, emily, and hotch, relationship reveal, mentions of past hurt spencer
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid
Word Count: 1.5k
Masterlist // Read on AO3
Inspired by this post by @penemily that I couldn't stop thinking about. Honestly I love this fic so much lol.
Derek isn’t quite sure how he’s found himself in a vacant office after hours, crowded into an office chair with broken wheels as the two most intimidating FBI agents he knows stand over him.
“Either of you want to tell me what the hell’s going on?” Derek asks, bewildered by how quickly his evening had changed. One minute he’s sneaking looks at Spencer over his computer screen, and the next he’s hauled off to a private room like some sort of hostage.
He’s not scared, but he’s definitely a little pissed off. It’s nearing 10pm and all he wants to do is go home with Spencer, curl up on the sofa and eat take-out in front of the TV as they celebrate closing a case in their own way. He used to celebrate by going out for a drink, falling into bed with a stranger if the opportunity arose, but a quiet evening on the sofa with his boy in his arms is surprisingly satisfying these days.
Hotch raises an eyebrow. “We know,” he says simply, something fierce behind his words.
Derek’s heart skips a beat. It’s not hard to figure out what it is he’s talking about. He and Spencer had started dating a couple of months ago but had decided to keep it under wraps for now; something so young and beautiful was too precious to expose to all the inevitable eventual complications just yet. They’re so ridiculously smitten, though, that he’s not exactly surprised two profilers paying close attention had figured it out.
Ignoring the quietly humming nerves starting up in his stomach, he mirrors Hotch’s raised eyebrow, trying not to look as affected as he feels. “So… what? You wait for Spencer to go to the bathroom to lure me to an empty office to beat me up?”
“Maybe,” Emily replies, voice dry.
Behind the nerves and the posturing, Derek can’t feel a small twinge of hurt. “Look, guys, we expected it to be a bit of a shock, but we thought you’d at least be happy for us—”
“It’s not a shock,” Hotch interrupts.
“It’s not a shock,” Emily repeats. “Everyone saw this coming a mile off. We’re not surprised.”
Now, he’s even more lost. “Look, can you guys just sit down? You towering over me is creeping me out, man.”
“Good,” Hotch says easily.
Irritation takes over, and he stands up. “You know what, if you’re gonna be funny about it, I don’t actually have to be here.”
Before he can actually make to leave, though, Hotch is shoving him back down into the chair, old metal and plastic creaking under the force of his caught-off-guard body hitting it again. “Stay.”
“What is going on?” Derek explodes. Maybe under different circumstances he’d be able to profile the situation but as it stands, he’s stressed and confused, desperate only to be allowed to leave this dark, cramped room and take Spencer back to his place. It almost surprises him that all he craves in such a weird and unfamiliar situation is cuddles and a nature documentary, but he’s been with Spencer long enough for it to be approaching normal. The younger man’s probably back at his desk by now, wondering where he is, and Derek would hate for him to be worried. He just wants to go home.
“Derek, we are happy for you and Spencer,” Emily finally explains. “But we couldn’t in good conscience let this go on without having a… chat.” Her face twists into the faux charming expression he’s watched her use to disarm unsubs countless times. It stings a little that she’s using it on him.
He splutters a little as a realisation dawns on him, equal parts bemused and offended. “This is… this is a shovel talk!”
“Yes,” Hotch says with a straight face, his expression tight and intimidating as he tilts his head to the side slightly, clearly entirely unaffected by Derek’s emotions. “This is a shovel talk.”
Derek feels himself relax, tension easing slightly. “Guys, I appreciate the sentiment, but Spencer’s my boyfriend; nobody wants to protect him more than I do. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’m pretty sure we could give you a run for your money,” Emily says, her expression quickly transforming into something far more dangerous and challenging than only moments previously. “Spencer has something every single member of this team would die to protect. And if you get in our way, then we’re going to have a problem.”
“Emily, what, we’re friends.”
“Yeah,” she agrees, shrugging easily, “and I love you. But Spencer is my little brother, and I would do anything to stop him from getting hurt. As long as you don’t interfere with my primary mission, we’ll be fine.”
Hotch speaks before Derek can get a word in. “Derek, I knew Spencer long before you did. I remember the first time Gideon brought him to one of our lunches, and I saw something in him that made my heart ache. It didn’t take me long to realise that what I saw were the scars left by incredible deep-seated pain. Spencer has been through hell and back throughout his life, and he’s been hurt repeatedly by people who were supposed to protect him, including Gideon. I would do anything to prevent him from getting hurt by someone like that again, you hear me? Anything.”
As confusing as this all is, Derek can’t help but feel touched by Hotch’s earnest, emotional speech. Most of his nightmares these days revolve around Spencer getting hurt, and it’s kind of reassuring to know that he has so many people in the world who will stop at nothing to prevent those horrible dreams from spiralling into reality.
He can’t help but smile a little. “I’m glad he has you two,” Derek says honestly, looking between them, “but I can assure you that if I ever hurt Spencer for some unfathomable reason, your services wouldn’t be needed. I would hate myself enough for all three of us.” Even just considering the hypothetical possibility of hurting Spencer makes his stomach turn: it’s enough for him to know that he wouldn’t need Hotch and Emily to hold him accountable to that, his own self-loathing would be punishment enough.
It seems to appease Hotch and Emily, who Derek realises look sort of like intimidating twin mafia bosses standing over him like this, and they finally step back a little, posture relaxing.
“Well, what are you waiting for then?” Emily says, smiling for real this time. “Get your boy and get home. It’s getting late, you know.”
He rolls his eyes at her as he makes his way to the door.
“Oh, and Derek,” Hotch says, laying a hand on his shoulder, turning him before he can leave, a genuine smile on his face too, “I am actually happy for you and Spencer.”
Derek grins at that. He really is a lucky, lucky man. “Thanks, Hotch.”
“What was that about?” Spencer asks, his features twisting in curiosity as Derek makes his way across the bullpen to his boyfriend, Hotch and Emily emerging from the same room moments later.
Derek doesn’t answer properly, laughing instead. “You got some good friends, you know that?”
Spencer nods, still looking a little confused, but clearly deciding to let it go as he slings his messenger bag across his body, standing up from his desk. Derek slings an arm around Spencer’s shoulders, leading him towards the exit as his insides twist at the adorable blush that colours Spencer’s cheeks so prettily.
“Derek,” he hisses, “shouldn’t we be leaving separately?”
“I think it’s a little late for that,” he chuckles, looking over his shoulder. Spencer does the same, blushing even fiercer as he spots Hotch and Emily leaning against the railing, overlooking the bullpen with all-knowing looks on their faces.
“Oh my god,” Spencer mumbles, clearly embarrassed, but Derek just laughs again as they leave the bullpen and approach the elevators.
“Come on, pretty boy,” he sighs happily, sliding the arm around his shoulders to rest at his waist, fingertips pressing into the small frame of the boy he’s already falling in love with. “Let’s get you home. That penguin documentary awaits.”
“You’re gonna watch Emperors and Kings with me?” Spencer’s happy exclamation and the delighted expression on his face only warms his heart further, and in that moment he decides that he wants a happy Spencer and another nature documentary within his reach for the rest of his life.
Surprisingly, it’s not as terrifying a thought as it might once have been.
(If Derek thinks the shovel talk from Hotch and Emily is bad, though, it’s nothing compared to the one he gets from Penelope. By the end of the next day, he’s somehow reduced to tears that are both happy and the product of extreme terror, on the receiving end of a ‘baby girl’ ban for keeping it from her for so long. In the end, he decides that it’s probably an alright price to pay for everything beautiful that his life has blossomed into over the last few months.)
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @negativefouriq @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @livrere-blue @hotchseyebrows @jellejareau @reidology @i-like-buttons @spencerspecifics @bau-gremlin @hotchedyke @tobias-hankel @goobzoop @marsjareau @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @im-autistic @anxious-enby @queerminalminds (taglist form)
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Day four of the Horror on Cherry Lane Challenge! Today’s prompt was Sunglasses!
Steve has a lot of secrets. Too many probably.
Most teenagers’ secrets are things like sleeping with the wrong people, smoking the cheap shit the jocks pass out, broken curfews and failing grades. He’s got all of those too, but Steve's secret runs much deeper than that.
His is the kind of secret that’d have men in black suits coming to take him away, or at this point, more than a decade after letting him go in the first place, putting a bullet in the back of his skull and calling it a day before any trouble comes up.
He’s been stuck in Hawkins all his life. Been fed the knowledge about the world off a silver spoon he didn’t ask for. His first five years of life are well forgotten to shock therapy and to the lab, where they intended to use him and the rest of the kids like him as weapons. Pawns in their big game of life.
But Steve was different. He could turn his powers off, make them undetectable by the machines they hooked him up to. They thought he was just a failure, so after so long, they wiped his brain with their very own cocktail of drugs and just let him go. Adopted him out to a middle aged dink couple who wouldn’t run their mouths about where their little bundle of joy came from as long as their pockets were lined with enough hush money, and that was that.
It didn’t take long for them to realize though, that he wasn’t as normal as they had been convinced he was. Not even knowing he was doing anything wrong, little Stevie would have outbursts, or small tantrums as momma always tried to convince everyone who told her Steve was too much for her to handle.
These weren’t just normal crying fits though. Anyone who got near him would be just as sad or scared or frustrated as he was. A single sob from that boy had enough power to crack the foundations of the family home.
Most kids when they have a cranky morning will get on the nerves of their parents, but Steve could disrupt the whole neighborhood without even realizing it. And that was his power.
They didn’t have a name for it, really. The range of what he can do is too broad, too undefined by anything else. There was a telekinetic girl, a pyrokinetic he’s pretty sure is dead now. But Steve was just special. Part of what made it so easy to go under their radar was this, but it also made him a risk.
The only reason he wasn’t immediately reported and given back to the bad men was the power this frail boy carried. It scared Ruthie and John, and they decided that they’d rather face the men at that lab again than a seven year old who could accidentally destroy them with his emotions.
So they kept him, and certainly kept their distance. They forced him into a little mold of how to behave properly and made him take pills to weaken his powers. They send him to behavioral therapy and make him act like he’s not a failed government experiment. A fact which he only learned a couple of years ago after his pills worked a little too well at messing with his memory that he forgot to take them, and memories came flooding back.
For the same reasons, Steve’s bored of being careful. Bored of following all the rules and being passive, just pretending he’s like everyone else so mommy and daddy dearest are safe. He starts getting a little riskier, testing what he can do, since this is the first time he’s ever really had control over his ability. He finds a link with other people and their emotions, something of an empathy power, but he doesn’t get far in his research, because his plan very quickly goes to shit when Billy Hargrove rolls into town.
Where to begin with Billy. That boy makes him feel all sorts of things he never even considered. The very first day he showed his unimpressed (but very impressive) face at Hawkins high, Steve cracks his windshield. Oops.
He was able to tap into that control and tone it down, but that reserve dwindled the more he’s around Billy, and from there it just spirals. Bending the basketball hoop on accident, exploding light fixtures, giving everyone in the school headaches. It gets to the point where Steve has to come to terms with the fact that he had a crush on Billy, and that he has to do something to get it back under his control before somebody gets hurt.
That and he doesn’t want to get caught now. He just got back into the swing of using his powers before Billy interrupted his calm. Going back there, or whatever else might happen, is the last thing he wants for himself.
He settles for a pair of ray bans.
It’s stupid, but when Steve was still young and all but popping his mommas brains every single time he cried, she was desperate to find a way to get him to stop. She started to notice he’d concentrate hard on one thing and another would happen, staring at a lamp until it shattered, looking into her face until her ears started to ring and pop. So she does what she can to break that subconscious focus. Puts a barrier between him and all that he’s hurting. A plastic, race car themed barrier, but it does its job, and it worked every time until they got him on meds. So now that he’s old enough not to just tear the damn things right off his face, he figures it’s worth a shot.
Because nothing had made him this emotional, this out of control since the day he found out the truth about his past. Billy is special, and the very last thing he wants is to lose control and hurt him.
He still feels like a dope walking into the school with a pair of shades on. Everyone starts to stare in that way he tries not to let remind him of the lab and the doctors standing in circles around him, prodding and waiting for a reaction. Steve thinks wearing sunglass inside is the least weird thing to happen in the halls of a highschool if Tina can come in with a perm high enough to touch the ceiling, but whatever. He’ll get over it.
The fact that nothing’s exploded from how on edge he is, mostly from wondering if his momma’s trick will work and not because of their judgement, is a very good sign.
Boldly, he decides to put it to the ultimate test, and approaches Billy.
In his head, he’s so focused on just going to talk to Billy, he has nothing planned to say to him, but he thinks he would’ve forgotten anyways, what with the lazy smile Billy flashes him when he notices him approaching.
Steve’s gaze quickly darts past Billy to check for damage to anything, the racing in his chest from just a look like that typically enough to at least crack a window. Maybe he’s not as confident about this as he thought, or maybe Billy’s just really good at making him flustered.
Doesn’t matter, because he’s at the other boys locker before he has time to process what he’s doing, “Lookin’ for somethin’ Harrington?”
“Oh, yeah, I was just checking for uh, my fans. Yeah, they follow me around everywhere, you know?” It’s bullshit, and it sounds more than dumb coming out of Steve’s mouth, but it makes Billy laugh, real low and raspy and that’s a win in his book.
“That what the little disguise is for?” Billy hums and taps his temple, clearly referring to the sun glasses perched on Steve’s nose.
“Oh these? No, I uh, wear these ‘cause of the uh.. because I wanna sleep in class and down want the teachers to know?” His answer comes as more of a question than anything, so he’s grateful when Billy seems to be more interested in his excuse than the subject at hand.
“Pfft, yeah right. I’ve heard you sleepin’ on the basketball bus. Ain’t no way your snoring doesn’t get you caught before your eyes do.”
Steve just waves him off, laughs with Billy even if his heart isn’t in it.
Billy closes his locker door, switching the subject as the scenery switches. It’s all a distraction to Steve, but he forces himself to look Billy in the face as the other boy asks him, “Seriously though dude, you okay? It ain’t like you to switch up your look. You’re not hiding anythin’ under the shades are you?”
“Nah. Just been thinking, I’m not the King because I’m not cool anymore, right? So I’m tryin’ to look a little more.. interesting.” Steve’s not a very quick or good liar, despite the military guarded secret that is himself and the little black number seven carved into his arm, and he can tell Billy doesn’t buy it.
He’s a good sport though, throwing an arm around Steve’s shoulders and assuring him with a little jostle, “Aw, Stevie, you're cool in my book. At least as long as you quit comin’ up with reasons not to hang with me, yeah?”
“Yeah, I- alright. I can do that. Sorry for flaking so much though. Didn’t realize until you said something.”
“S’Cool. Just meet me at the quarry after dark and it’ll make up for it.” Billy offers, obviously trying to play up the coolness neither of them apparently actually have, and Steve can’t help but call him on it. “It gets dark at like, four-thirty, five o’clock anymore?”
“Fine. Meet me at nine, pretty boy.” Billy smirks, dropping his voice to add knowingly, “And lose the shades. I think you’re much more interesting without ‘em.”
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rjzimmerman · 3 years
Excerpt from this story from Mother Jones:
Plastic is now considered toxic under Canada’s primary environmental law—the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)—the Trudeau government announced Wednesday.
The decision, which comes despite months of lobbying by Canada’s $28 billion plastics industry, paves the way for a proposed ban on some single-use items. A series by Canada’s National Observer earlier this year cataloged the sustained push by the plastics and food industries to disassociate plastics from anything to do with the word “toxic.”
However, the government held firm, which now clears the way for other measures to reduce plastic waste proposed by the government last fall. “This is the critical step,” said Ashley Wallis, plastics campaigner for Oceana Canada. “It’s the key that unlocks so many possibilities to help us actually address the plastic pollution crisis.”
About 3.3 million metric tons of plastic is discarded in Canada each year, and less than 10 percent—about 305,000 metric tons—is recycled. The remainder goes to landfills, incineration, or leaks into rivers, lakes and oceans, according to a 2019 study commissioned by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).
The industry is also poised to drive continued oil and gas extraction, with some petrochemical companies expecting it to account for up to 90 percent of their future growth, according to a 2020 report by the Carbon Tracker Initiative.
A 2020 government science assessment found ample evidence that plastic harms the environment, choking seabirds, cetaceans and other wildlife. The findings form the basis of the government’s decision, as substances can be considered toxic under CEPA if they harm the environment and biodiversity, human health, or both.
In October 2020, ECCC released a proposal to deal with the problem. Under the proposed rules, Canada will ban six single-use plastic items, like straws and six-pack rings, create incentives for companies to use recycled plastic, and force plastic producers to pay for recycling.
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zhanyes · 3 years
19 days pandemic version / living together headcannons
I just want to imagine the boys living together because let’s be honest it’s going to be so chaotic but they deserve each other’s company
P.s. I know nothing about how China dealt with the pandemic so this is purely self-indulgent
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- When the lockdown happened they were all at He Tian’s for a sleepover so they were forced to stay there for a few weeks until everything settled
- Mo guanshan kicked up a fuss over it but was actually just worried about his mom being left alone at home
Mo guanshan, already taking note of what to put in the pantry: “THE FUCK YOU MEAN WE’RE STAYING HERE?! NO!”
- Zheng xi is surprisingly okay with staying at He Tian’s for the time being, Jian yi says it’s because He tian has a ps5 (He’s not wrong)
-Mo Guanshan lost all respect for Zhengxi when he said “It could be fun.”
- Both Zhengxi and Guanshan’s parents agreed that they should stay for a bit just to be safe
- Jian yi is a panic buyer and with He Tian’s money they bought enough food to feed an army
- He forgot to buy necessities and Guanshan wacked his ass
Mo guanshan looking at the 9 full plastic bags of groceries: “You’re telling me OUT OF ALL OF THIS, you didn’t buy a single toothbrush?”
Jian yi, a dumbass: “I didn’t know we were having toothbrush for dinner?”
Mo guanshan brandishing a knife out of thin air: “Come ‘ere I’ll show you what's for dinner.”
- He tian is a menace in the grocery store, he’s bought about 4 pots, 2 pans, a new dish set AND knives set, 6 new mugs of different colors (Yellow for jian yi, blue for zhengxi, red for guanshan and black for him; the other two just looked nice) and a dozen of scented candles
Zheng xi, trying to keep Guanshan from committing murder in a grocery: “Why did you do this?”
He tian: “They were in sale! Buy one-take-one!”
- They make it out of the store and Guanshan vows to never let jian yi and he tian do groceries
- Guanshan mostly cooks for everyone and Zhengxi helps out but jian yi is surprisingly a decent cook???
- He needs to be supervised tho because his attention span is limited to 5 seconds and he’ll forget he was boiling water
- He tian canonically can not cook. He is BANNED from the kitchen after he put sake in a pan thinking it was water
- He tian has 2 guestrooms in his apartment but he locks the other one and assigned Zhan Zhengxi and Jian yi to the other room
- Mo guanshan forces his way into Zhanyi’s room and He tian follows. That’s how all of them ended up sleeping in a single guestroom on the floor with mattresses stacked and pushed together
- Zhengxi introduces them to anime and Jian yi’s favorite genre is surprisingly action with a lot of fighting scenes and Mo guanshan (and He tian) likes slice-of-life
- He tian and Jian yi strays away from animes and movies related to the mafia and Zhengxi and Guanshan never asks, it’s an unspoken rule that those types of stuff are banned
- They have game nights because Jian yi thinks bonding is key to make their friendship last longer (and to avoid having anyone murdered)
- Every board game turns into a disaster. There’s no exception.
The boys playing monopoly:
He tian: “Have you tried not being poor? No? Well that’s too bad.”
Zhengxi, is safe in jail and has the most land: “Lmao losers.”
The boys playing uno:
Mo guanshan: “Don’t do it…”
He Tian: “I’m sorry Mo this is the only way”
Mo guanshan: “No please you can find another way…”
He tian: “Goodbye, my love *puts a plus 4 down* Uno.”
Mo guanshan: *unintelligible noises of a loser* 
Playing scrabble:
Jian yi: “The fuck you mean gorjeus isn’t a word? That’s what I am.”
He tian: “You’re right, that's what you are. An absolute idiot.”
Mo Guanshan to He tian: “You might be smart and winning but I have the power of violence and nothing is stopping me from flipping this table over.”
Word guessing game:
Jian yi: “It’s loud, annoying, depended and cries a lot.”
Zhengxi, guessing the word baby: “Is this you?”
Jian yi: “I- okay yeah that’s valid.”
- Zhengxi is very observant, he knows Jian yi well enough to know when he’s having anxieties about the pandemic, he knows when Guanshan needs some time alone, and when He tian is getting too lost in negative thoughts. He does what he can to help
- His bonding moments with Guanshan consists of listening to pop music and staying quiet
- The apartment is almost always alive and noisy, whether it’s Jian yi suggesting another game or Guanshan screaming about something, He tian takes joy in the fact that he’s with people he cares about
- He’s thankful for the noise after living in silence all alone for a long time. Jian yi knows the feeling of going home to an empty apartment and vows to visit more often with Zhengxi once this is all over (and drag Guanshan along assuming he’s not here already)
- Over time He tian smiles and laughs become a lot more genuine. Once, He tian laughed loudly at something Mo guanshan did and the only thing he can think of is, “Oh shit, happiness looks good on him.”
- Queue gay panic to Jian yi
Mo guanshan: “WHAT IS THIS?!”
Jian yi, remembering He tian doing the same thing yesterday: “Natural selection.”
- Jian yi loves all of them, really, but sometimes he feels claustrophobic from being kept inside for so long
- Zhan Zhengxi always notices, and he would sneak Jian yi up to the rooftop and they would stay there for a while so they can look at the stars, the city lights and Jian yi can breathe easier
- During those times, He tian relishes the alone time he gets with Guanshan, sometimes they talk and banter, but sometimes they just stay quiet and secretly enjoy each other’s presence (they steal glances at each other when they think the other isn’t looking)
- They grew so used to living with each other that they developed a shower schedule and Zhengxi wakes up the same time as Guanshan to help prepare breakfast
- He tian and Jian yi tends to wake up a little later and Jian yi gravitates closer for warmth so they end up cuddling until they’re forced to get up and eat
- Zhengxi takes a picture of them and sends it to their group chat
- He tian has hundreds of pictures of him and Mo, just Mo, the group, Zhengxi and Jian yi, and a lot more stolen shots that he keeps in a separate album in his phone
- He prints out his favorites, hangs them around the bedroom and frames some of them to put it in the living room. None of the other boys have the heart to take them down after seeing how happy He tian looks every time he sees the pictures
- Jian yi asks He tian to share the pictures to him too, he doesn’t print it out but he uses one of the pictures of all of them together as his lockscreen (his wallpaper is a stolen picture of him and Zhengxi He tian took when they were stargazing on the rooftop)
- When everything settles down enough for them to go home, they’re actually reluctant to go
- Still, Mo Guanshan and Zhengxi go home to their families. Jian yi stays with He tian since he knew his mom wasn’t at home anyway, at least this way they’ll both have company
- Guanshan claims (loudly) that he’s glad to get away from them but still video calls with them everyday anyway
Mo Guanshan, in the videocall for the nth time: “I’m SO GLAD. Those were the WORST weeks of my life.”
The others, hearing the same lie for the nth time: “Mhm. Whatever you say, Mo.”
- They have discord sleepovers because they all miss sleeping in the same room with each other (they never mention it but everyone knows)
- Mo Guanshan cooks meals for more than him and his mom and have it delivered to He tian’s and Zhan Zhengxi’s. When asked he claims it’s just leftovers
- Zhan Zhengxi’s body clock is fucked, he grew too used to waking up early so he just went with it and helps his mom prepare breakfast
- They all silently agree that they wouldn’t mind living with each other again in the future (again none of them ever mentions it but everyone is aware)
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heyheyloki · 4 years
Summary: The reader starts to unravel as their feelings for Mammon grow more intense.
Mammon x M!Reader
Inspired by the song Single by The Neighbourhood.
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As the weeks turned into months here in Devildom on your exchange program, you knew that something was wrong. It wasn’t always but just whenever you were around the second eldest brother, Mammon, avatar of greed. Everything he said, did, it was different than normal. You weren’t dense. It was obvious to you the crush you developed on the demon. While you knew for the most part that you could compose yourself around him, but lately that hasn’t been the case.
So, you’ve been avoiding him. You knew he noticed, and you knew everyone else noticed. However, the only person you told about your feelings, your true feelings about Mammon was Asmodeus. The two of you were close, closer than you were to any of the other brothers. You had a friendship with all of them, and yes you were close to them but to you, Asmo was like your best friend in Devildom.
Currently, you were hiding from Mammon. You knew you made a huge fool out of yourself when you saw him approaching you with this goofy yet charming smile on his face and immediately ran in the opposite direction before locking yourself with Asmo in his room.
Your eyes stared up at his ceiling from his bed, your body laid flat against it as Asmo did his nightly facial treatment. He asked if you wanted him to do yours, but you declined. 
“I can’t even be in the same room as him, and then when he’s not around I just can’t help but think about him,” you ranted. “It’s sad, and pathetic.”
“Yeah, it kinda is.” You heard a voice suddenly say quickly after you finished your sentence. Without hesitation, you grabbed a pillow from behind your head and chucked it at the back of Asmo’s head. 
“Hey!” He shouted, “you almost made me mess up here!” 
You knew he was talking about his skin care routine, but you didn’t care much. This dude was an immortal demon, he has plenty of time in the world to take care of it. You, however, would die in a manner or 50 years and thought you problems were more urgent.
“You have eternity,” you huffed out. “Help out your best friend!”
Amos let out a huff as well, his hands slamming down the products on his nightstand before stomping over to his bed and sitting in front of you. He raised his hand, four fingers up before saying, “You have to remember these four things, okay?”
You nodded your head as your hands gripped your pants. “Okay.”
“One, Mammon is an idiot.” He started off. “Two, Mammon is dense, three, he’s dumb, and four, he’s just an idiot.”
Your small smile fell into a straight line, your eyes deadpanned as you stared at the Avatar of Lust. “You just called him stupid over and over again.”
“That’s my point!” Asmara shouted. “My brother is the most idiotic moron you’ll ever meet, and that’s why you have to make your point very, very clear to him.”
Your head tilted a bit. “What?”
“When you make hints, they’re interrupted as nothing more then friendly batter in his dumb mind. For someone like me, I get them, and so does Lucifer and Satan. The rest of them, especially Mammon, think you’re just being friendly. They think it’s just human behavior.” Asmo explained, your lips parting in understanding.
“I think I get it.” You said softly with your head down at the pink sheets of Asmo’s bed. “So, what, directly tell him I like him romantically and that I wanna spend all my time with him?”
“Yes.” Asmo cheered with a smile before promptly shooing you off his bed and out his room into the hall. His hand was steady on the door while he stared at you. “Don’t come back until you settled this.”
With that, he slammed the door in your face. You could hear a faint click soon afterwards. Yep, he locked the door too.
A deep sigh exit past your lips as you looked around the hall. There wasn’t anyone but you standing, if you had to guess, everyone was in their rooms. Though, without realizing it, your eyes shifted over to Mammon’s door that was a bit down the hall from Asmo.
You didn’t allow yourself to think, but just move and keep Asmo’s words the only thing in your mind. You couldn’t think about consequences, or if he would reject you. Who knows, maybe his light flirting was just for fun or maybe that was on you for thinking it was that. Perhaps you weren’t his type, maybe he’d rather be with a demon like him that he could have a future with.
At this point, your motivation in the beginning died. It was just as you stood in front of his door too, damn thoughts. You knew you were banned from Asmo’s room, but maybe he’d let you back in if you just told him you did it. There wouldn’t be anyway for him to truly know. Besides, if you just say that Mammon doesn’t want to bring it up with the others, maybe Asmo could keep a secret for once in his life.
You moved your body a bit to head back, though, as you took your first step you heard the knob on Mammon’s door twist before his figure was shown to you on the other side. You could see his calm look turn into a bit of confusion before he asked, “Whatcha doin’ here? Asmo kick you out?”
Yes, he did. But you’d never say that aloud.
“No, he didn’t.” You said as calmly as you could. “I came to hang out with you, actually.”
You watched as faint blush placed itself on Mammon’s cheeks that made your throat dry. It was so cute that you could barely contain your smile, thankfully you did.
“Sure,” he muttered lowly as he stepped aside for you to enter.
You walked into his room as causally as you could, your eyes gazing at the mess he had made. Clothes were strewn about and old, used plastic cups laid all over the place. You didn’t mind though, it usually looked like this.
You heard the door shut behind you as you made your way over to the couch he had in the middle of his room. A relaxing sigh making way from your lips as you felt yourself melt into it. Though, you were stripped from your fantasy when you felt the weight shift and see a very stiff looking body that belonged to your crush.
“So, whatcha wanna do?” He asked in a manner that made him seem cool.
You thought for a moment before letting your emotions take over in an instant. “I just wanna hang out with you, it doesn’t matter what.”
You saw the demon turn his head the other way in the corner of your eyes, the ends of your lips being tugged up gently by strings.
“Of course you do!” He shouted with a small stutter in the beginning. “I am the Great Mammon after all, of course a human like you would want to hang out with such a powerful demon.”
You laughed. “Yeah, something like that.”
It didn’t take long for a odd atmosphere to turn friendly and loving. Laughter filled the room, jokes being thrown back and forth until tears started to pop up in the corner of each other’s eyes. Though, when it was Mammon laughing alone, you couldn’t help but go crazy. Without knowing until it was too late, Mammon had caught all of your attention.
“Mammon.” You sternly put, watching as the demon calm down and stare at you with something behind his gaze that made your heart beat faster.
“Yeah?” He questioned with a stupidly cute smile still prompted on his face.
“I like you.”
You watched him carefully. Everyone muscle, everyone small change in his expression. You watched all of it. Worry behind to take over your soul when his first reaction was surprise. However, that blush you adored returned and easied your mind.
“Idiot,” he uttered out. “You can’t go saying stuff like that outta nowhere.”
You nodded your head, your body inching closer to his. You pressed your hand into the couch to hold up your body weight and lean in more. You watched his body back up an inch out of pure instinct reaction.
“I really like you, Mammon.” You repeated, your voice never fluctuating. “I like you, romantically.”
Mammon’s eyes closed as he leaned his head down. “Damnit, you idiot, I-I was supposed to say it first.”
It was your turn to blush a bit, but you tried to keep it down and remain calm as you said, “Be mine.”
That was it, the trigger. You literally thought you broke the second strongest demon for a moment, but he recovered eventually when you pressed your lips to his cheek. You made it soft, comforting even. You knew you were hot in the face, but you didn’t mind him knowing so much anymore after his reaction.
“Be mine?” You asked his time with some hope in your eyes and even though you knew his answer.
“Idiot, you’re mine! Got that?” He yelled as he tried to regain some control in the situation. Though, that failed when you happily laughed and wrapped your arms around him in pure bliss.
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Details for Toronto Pride Parade & Trans March-- RSVP please!
Hello people,
Here is the info for the Trans March (Friday June 24, 2022, meetup by 7:45pm) and the Pride Parade (Sunday June 26th, 1pm meetup)-- friends/allies welcome!  
Please RSVP  ([email protected])-- Pride Toronto has set things up differently this year, so RSVPs are necessary for the Pride Parade and helpful for the Trans March.
Please make sure to read both the specific Trans March & Pride Parade info as well as the General Info below, as there is some new stuff this year-- like no plastic bags!, a new Parade line-up process (and masks encouraged). And please let us know what signs to bring for you.
1) Trans March: Friday, June 24th, 2022-- check in by 7:45pm
meet up at south-east corner of Church & Hayden, ideally check in with the Group Leaders sometime between 6:30-7:45pm (picture-- similar to previous years, just south side of street)
the rally starts at 7pm and the march is at 8pm
(One of the speakers happens also to be part of the Toronto Aces & Aros community, and will apparently be speaking about the importance of police/prison abolitionist queer/trans politics)
2) Pride Parade: Sunday, June 26th, 2022
meet near the check-in tent at 1pm (#B26) at Charles St. E and Ted Rogers Way / Jarvis street (which is south of Bloor) -- NEW LOCATION THIS YEAR (it's a somewhat awkward intersection)
it's actually a little closer to the Sherbourne subway station than the Bloor/Younge station and there will be WAY fewer people at Sherbourne (and it looks like they now have elevators)
Note: The way they are doing things this year will make it harder for any late-comers to join us-- which is why RSVPs are necessary (so we know who we’re waiting for, etc.)
***  We continue to invite (non-ace/non-arospec) queer/trans community members who don't have other groups to march with (also by RSVP), especially bi/pan and/or trans/non-binary folks, particularly those with more radical politics (i.e., anti-racist, anti-colonial, anti-ableist; police/prison abolitionist politics,etc-- all messages generally consistent with Toronto Aces & Aros Respect Guidelines).***
We will be including some police/prison abolitionist messaging in our group. We are also mindful that we are a politically diverse group: if there is anyone who is more comfortable with more standard ace/aro "we exist"-type messaging, we will make sure to organise our group physically with that at the front so it is clear our group is politically diverse.
General Info details about both marches below
Please dress for the weather and consider sunscreen. The events are rain or shine. The Pride Parade especially will involve waiting around on the street for a long time before marching.
Pride Toronto this year is taking a very strong "anti-litter" stance. They also have banned all plastic bags and want to minimise/eliminate single-use plastics, especially at the Parade. 
Please bring whatever water and snacks you might want-- just make sure you also bring a reusable bag to keep any "litter" with you.
Note that Pride Toronto does not allow any group names or logos on signs or clothing other than for the "registered" group. They also don't want unredacted swear words like "fuck", etc. (common asterisk work-arounds, e.g., "f*ck" are allowed)
While the events are outside and there are no mask requirements, due to the crowds, masks are encouraged.
Because we are expecting smaller groups than in past years, we are not bringing all the signs. When you RSVP, please let us know if there are any pride signs you'd particularly like us to bring for you (in addition to the large banner and both ace and aro pride flags)!
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finiteuniverse13 · 3 years
Bravo's Banned List
With the help of @bravo-four-seal-team, @@jayhalsteadfan-2417 and @rebelwrites, we made a list.
A list, posted on various walls throughout the Naval base, the plane and the cage room. About 1/3 of it is typed up, the rest is in hastily written pen. Made by Blackburn to try and corral Bravo. It's doing its best.
Tag: @rebelwrites @chibsytelford @bravo-four-seal-team @velvetcardiganbucky @supervalcsi @abby-splace @itsonautopilot @thegirlwhoisalwayswriting @pinkrockstar19 @softi92 @mrsmarvelous1995 @jayhalsteadfan-2417
Just so you're all aware, this is a 6.5-page document.
0: On the days of Adam and Swanny’s Death, leave the group be to remember them. I will not protect you.
1: Brock Is Not Allowed Coffee. No exceptions.
1.1: Do not leave Metal alone with Brock when Coffee is around.
2: Dick jokes are not required in briefings
3: If a single one of you bastards get between me and my coffee, we will be having issues
5: You made the dog sad; you die.
10: Dirt bikes (don’t ask)
13: Fire. That is all
16.1: Scratch that, they stab people with the metal cutlery. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions. They can eat with their hands.
19: BOY BANDS (not allowed to be played on the plane)
19.1: GIRL BANDS (for the love of god, they will try and imitate them)
19.2 RAP MUSIC (they think they are the next Eminem and will make your ears bleed)
20: Do not tell Jason he is not allowed to do something. He finds a way to do it
20.1: Apparently Ray will do the exact same without question
21: Do not leave any members of the team with upper brass. (How did you make an Admiral with years of combat CRY!)
22: Clay is under Jason’s protection don’t go after him they will not find your body
22.1: If Clay calls Jason dad just leave it ok
22.2: Actually, check on Jason, he’s been standing staring for the past hour now
24: Only Trent is allowed to call Metal by his legal first name. Ensign Williams learnt that one the hard way.
25: Paintball is banned from the base the last time it was extreme and got violent
26: The transformers movies because clay tried to do a stunt it ended badly
27: Thumbtacks apparently
28: Any Marvel movie (Jason you’re not Captain America)
28.1: DC movies are out as well
28.2: Disney Princess movies as well (don’t ask)
30: Do not leave phone unlocked around Sonny, he will not hesitate to change everything
38: Grenade launchers are not required for every mission Trent
42: Yes, Clay does know an Admiral by name. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to.
45: If Clay starts angrily ranting in a foreign language, don't worry. He's thinking out loud, not plotting to destroy the base
45.1: If Clay is calmly talking in a foreign language just back away slowly
48: SpongeBob is a Bad Idea because they are way too Annoying and make References (I’m looking at you, Clay)
52: Sharpies. When I find whoever gave me this sharpie tattoo sleeve, there will be hell to pay
57: Red paint. I went to check something at 3 am and Clay was painting a satanic ritual on the floor
58: 3 am checks are a bad idea. (I have seen things, people!)
62: Explosives are to be locked away when not on mission Sonny and Clay will try and play catch with a live homewrecker
62.1: I expected Metal as a Master Chief to know better - he falls under the same rule as Clay and Sonny.
63: Don't wake Clay when he is sleeping back away slowly and leave the room
64: If I'm sleeping, back away and leave the room. Interrupt me if they've broken a rule, or if the base is actively being bombed. If not, I don't care.
65: Have multiple phone chargers or they will disappear and you’re not getting them back
68: If you call Clay anything other than a nickname expect to get punched or stabbed or sniped in the ass when least expected
68.1: Metal will stab you. Please remember he has a shovel and lye in his truck (WHY DO YOU HAVE IT)
68.2: Don't try to take the shovel and lye off of Metal
69: NEVER say the number 69 around them they are all immature children and expect tongue in cheek comments
70: NEVER interrupt Sonny when he is eating breakfast, he is grumpy in the morning
72: If they are all asleep make no sound - YOU WAKE THEM THEY ARE YOUR PROBLEM NOT MINE
73: For the love of god, stop giving Clay earth mineral nicknames. This is the third time this week I've watched Sonny empty limestone dust from his pack
75: Do not give them hammers! What is wrong with you people?
79: Do Not talk to Trent unless it’s after 2 coffees
83: For the love of god, don't ask Metal if he ever did nude modelling in art school. He will begin stripping, literally anywhere
91: Cerberus is a good boy and you hurt Brock you die
98: Super Glue (never again)
100: Do not give in to their peer pressure while they are drunk, I will not be doing it again
100.2: Sweet Caroline won't work twice
103: Don't tell Sonny he looks good in pink because you better believe he will keep wearing it (and probably some girl clothes too) to keep getting compliments
115: HAIR DYE (Why did you dye Metal and Trent’s hair pink?!)
115.1: Face paint (Sonny, their faces did not need to match their hair)
116: Do NOT touch Clay, Charlie team learnt that, and someone ended up nearly losing a finger. (And it wasn’t because of the dog)
117: If they offer you a drink whilst smirking DO NOT take it
118: Sea shanties – if I hear one more SEA SHANTY while we are FLYING
119: If you hear someone shout incoming, run, it’s not an attack, it is Bravo, someone has done something and they’re coming to tell me
120: Vegemite is not allowed in the base after Jason let Clay eat it
122: Hawaii 5-0, if I hear one more thing about how we should hang people of the rook of buildings I am going to shoot someone
124: Mortal Kombat (Clay was acting like Scorpion for a month)
130: Itching Powder (looking at you Brock)
131: DO NOT TOUCH JASONS TOMATOES - you will get a bamboo cane jammed into your thigh
138: Laser Tag is fun until someone gets hurt (Sonny and Clay you know what happened)
138.1: Laser Tag! (Ray needed to go to the hospital guys, come on)
143: Basketball. My nose will never be straight again.
144: Bravo and Ice skates don’t mix (the only person good on them is Jason but no other member of Bravo is allowed on the ice again)
144.1: Same goes for rollerblades
145: Ash Spencer is not allowed to be alone with Clay (Jason punched him last time he was on base)
145.1: Do not leave Jason, Metal or Sonny alone with Ash Spenser, it’s going to end up with a murder charge.
146: Clay is Jason’s adopted kid and needs to be supervised when Jason is away
153: SCISSORS - Jase cut a chunk of Clay’s hair in the night now the base is a war zone
153.1: DONT FUCK WITH COVERBOY'S HAIR see point 68 for consequences
154: NAIR (why do you even have it?)
156: Call Of Duty (Clay must be supervised when playing it)
157: Do Not leave Clay unattended with Metal (They are both recovering from the ONE CHIP/DEATH CHIP Challenge)
158: Marshmallows (don’t ask)
163: The Hunger Games (are not a good training exercise)
164: The Olympus Has Fallen movies are not allowed to be mentioned in any given time)
173: If you mention the word ice-cream just run, run for your life
176: If I am sleeping STOP THROWING PAPER AT ME
177: Yelling FOR NARNIA is not an appropriate battle cry
178: The Fast And Furious movies (Clay you are not Brian so stop)
182: Nap time is important if their asleep do something else but if you wake them run like hell
190: Any movies about WAR are BANNED (I need a drink to talk about that one)
200 (From Bravo): Blackburn isn't allowed any more paper
200.1 (From Bravo): or pens
200.2: (Blackburn) Handcuffs. They handcuffed me to my desk and wrote that
200.3 (Blackburn): Bravo will not be allowed to tell their Commanding Officer what to do
202: Who keeps giving them superglue? This is the 8th time we are having to unglue Sonny and Clay’s hands
203: Do not let any of them take point on Briefing EVER
205: Are you serious? Paperclips! Do not give them PAPERCLIPS
206: Leaving anyone unattended with fire is a bad idea - I can still smell burning
210: This is Sparta (Jason don't kick people off the roof)
213: Ash Spenser is not allowed on base. DEVGRU heard about what kind of dad he is, and now its kill-on-sight
214: Puppy dog eyes because Clay has been using them on anyone to get out of doing paperwork
218: DO NOT PUT LION KING ON - they will cry like babies and there’s no consoling them over Mufasa
220: If I have to explain why BRAVO will not be joining teaching GREEN TEAM please see rule 1 and understand from that then ask the Green Team Instructor. (Brock terrified them by running the O Course in 30 minutes, all because someone gave him coffee)
220.1: And yes, that is the on the 50-minute-record O course. The time hasn’t been counted since it involved performance-enhancing substances
222: Gray’s anatomy (That is all)
228: HATS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN BRIEFINGS (Sonny you know what you did)
229: MAGIC MIKE AND MAGIC MIKE XXL (still haunts my dreams)
233: I am begging you can you please BE NICE TO THE FLEET ADMIRAL (it's the 3rd time he's left in tears)
234: Chocolate - just run ok
235: Please stop re-enacting the screen from titanic when we are on a boat (I’m looking at you Brock)
237: Monopoly got violent last time and Jason got punched
237.1: In fact, any board games turn violent even snakes and ladders
237.2: Board games. Just please stop playing board games
240: Why am I revisiting the nerf guns people? IT WAS A FAMILY BARBECUE! (You lot need to learn to let your kids win!)
241: Brock is banned from Cooking - I do not want food poisoning again
246: If they pass out around the fire pit for the love of god move them Clay and Sonny tend to like melting the sole of their boots on the flames even when passed out
251: Plastic cups only (this rule is to stop sonny from smashing them)
254: Why am I needing to revisit Sharpies? They aren’t allowed them, give them Crayola's or crayons
254.1: Scrap that YOU CAN’T EAT THE CRAYONS
256: Clay you are not Spiderman get off the walls
258: Don't mention Hawaii five 0 just don't
258.1: They will attempt the intro to it, it’s just painful
259: Don't mention Harry Potter because they will all cry over different characters deaths
287: Soup is now banned (Ray. I honestly thought you were the normal one of the team. I am disappointed)
321: If you see Clay and Sonny cuddling just walk away, pretend you didn’t see anything, one of them had a bad day and the other is the only one they will confine in
322: Don't mention the Philippines or India just don't
330: If Metal and Trent are talking, just leave them be. (No one wants to know if Metal is yelling about something stupid Trent did)
331: Popcorn is not allowed on base it ended up in everyone's gear
342: Non-Aerosol Deodorant. (Two of them tried to eat it before realising it wasn't edible)
344: Aerosol Deodorant. (Metal and Sonny used it with lighters. to create a flamethrower)
344.1: Side note LIGHTERS ARE BAD
345: Headphones. DO NOT ASK
346: Rubber bands are not slingshots
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whatbigotspost · 4 years
I was just trying to think of all the times I can recall that the state of Texas overturned or ATTEMPTED to overturn policies or city local ordinances/laws in Austin in the 11 years I’ve lived here. Here’s what I can remember...this is VERY incomplete, but to give you a taste:
1. A single use plastic bag ban.
2. Requiring establishments that have single person public restrooms to make them all gender neutral.
3. Being a sanctuary city.
4. Funding cuts to the police department.
5. Requiring fingerprint background checks on Lyft/Uber drivers.
6. Closing businesses during the pandemic (there were near constant instances of this since March, but I’m linking the most recent.)
7. The repeal of the camping ban on public land, related to Austin’s unhoused population.
8. Requiring businesses to offer paid time off for sick employees.
9. A limit on the number of short term rentals in the city (in an attempt to help keep housing more affordable.)
To be accurate, many of the other metropolitan centers of Texas (Houston, DFW, San Antonio) have experienced the same thing for their own laws, often alongside Austin. And even tiny Denton was sued by the state when they proposed a fracking ban.
I’m curious to know if other Austinites/Texans remember additional distinct examples...please chime in if you have them.
Also, this is one of those times where YES, I’m talking shit about Texas state politics as someone who lives here and is deeply critical of this shit. But I want to underscore, yet again, that the state level politicians of Texas don’t really represent the actual voting block or citizens here. This state has been voter suppressed and gerrymandered within an inch of its life. The result is that we have clowns and criminals like Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, and Ken Paxton “leading” us at the state level and Ted Cruz (insurrectionist) and John Cornyn (“moderate” Republican do-nothing) in the Senate. I deeply believe that things that we saw happen in Georgia recently are extremely within the realm of possibility for Texas.
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ancaporado · 4 years
It's been difficult to process the spree killing in Boulder. I lived in Boulder for 9 years. Until 2020, when I moved to Wyoming, I lived actually just 1km from that King Soopers. My first job in college was working the night shift stocking shelves at the other King Soopers in Boulder when I was 20 years old - just like one of the victims, Denny Stong. For the rest of the time I lived in Boulder, I worked a very public facing job and all the faces of the victims are familiar to me; people I'd seen before, if not spoken to. I have mutual friends, acquaintances, and connections to almost all of the victims. I've seen in my direct social media feeds the families mourning their loses.
As I saw the initial reports roll in I tried to downplay it, thinking it was a botched robbery or mugging, with a victim or two at most. As the police presence increased through the afternoon and the media swarmed the location is became more difficult to deny that it was a murder spree, with many victims.
I remember helping an elderly man pump his gas at the station there. Dropping friends and coworkers off nearby after a shift. I had to pick up bags of ice on the way to work from that store. I ate breakfast once a week in the diner just down the street to it. I took almost all my first dates to the brewery adjacent to it. I would meet friends in the lot to carpool to climbing or skiing. I went there for groceries 2 or 3 times a week. It's a place I had been often for a long time.
I really wish that there was a way to have stopped the murderer before he opened fire in the parking lot and went into the store that afternoon. People are bringing up that the City of Boulder had enacted an ordnance banning "assault weapons" for purchase or carry inside of city limits. This ban was lifted by a court order just 10 days prior to the murders, and would have applied to the weapon which was used. I don't see how this specific law would have done anything to prevent the tragedy as the weapon and murderer originated from outside the city, in Arvada, and until the shooting started there was no crime committed.
On top of that the ordinance was dead on arrival, it wasn't enforced by the city police, compliance for registration was basically only a handful of people, out of the obvious of hundreds of local gun owners who showed up to protest the ordinance at city council meetings for weeks The ordinance was penned as a reaction to the Parkland Highschool massacre in Florida.
Many opposed to the city's law pointed to the Colorado state law about preemption of firearms regulation by the state. The intent of preemption is to prevent a confusing patchwork of contradictory laws that make gunowners criminals just for travelling or moving through the state from town to town. Ultimately, through a series of legal challenges and appeals a Judge ruled that the state's preemption law still does apply to the city of Boulder and that the ordinance was null and void. Nothing actually changed on the ground in Boulder that day except the local police department destroy the handful gun-registration records that they had generated as a grandfathering clause for existing "assault weapons" in city limits.
So would a state-wide ban on "assault weapons" have worked? Doubtful, gun parts are readily available online with no background checks. Once a receiver is either purchased, or manufactured via 80% kits that require only a power drill to complete, or even plastic 3d printed ones made at home, assembly is a bit like Lego blocks.
Background checks? The NICS is operated by the FBI and along with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) they preform mandatory background checks for all purchasers in the state of Colorado. While the suspect has a criminal history nothing actually rose to the level of disbarring them from legally acquiring a firearm. One could level the charge that the FBI and CBI dropped the ball on this one, they approved the purchase despite the warning signs. I hope they feel some guilt today, but with the ease that background checks can be circumvented it's perhaps a non-sequitur
Colorado also has a "Red Flag" law that allows friends, family, coworkers, etc.. to report individuals for emergency firearms seizure by the local police or sheriff. This is another place where, I believe close relatives or any of the people who knew him and saw the warning signs should be deeply remorseful for not acting to prevent it. This isn't that I necessarily support red flag laws, but if they were going to use them this would have been the time.
Regardless of any laws that could be enacted or enforced to prevent something like this happening I'll tell you that the government can do very little to protect you, even if they wanted to. Every single thing fell through the cracks. The world is a dangerous place no matter how many state protectors you can muster around you. The people there that day were lucky to have a police officer nearby who was willing to charge into the fire on their behalf. Police have no legal duty to protect anyone outside of their custody. Still, when that police officer did intervene they paid with their life. I've seen reports that they issued verbal commands but were unable to stop the suspect before being slain themselves.
Please, get yourself training. Learn medical techniques to stop bleeding and trauma. Learn situational awareness and a defensive mindset. Become physically fit so you can run and jump and carry and fight. And if you're prepared, purchase and learn to use a firearm, get training and keep it on you. You could save your life and others.
The day I turned 21 I purchased my first handgun in Boulder, CO and then applied for my concealed carry permit. I received that permit just a month later and began carry a loaded pistol concealed on my waist at all times for the past 7 years. Interestingly, Colorado even permits Concealed Handgun Permit(CHP) holders to carry on campus, so during my tenure at CU Boulder during my junior and senior years, I carried a loaded gun in class and at work on campus.
I carried a loaded handgun in that King Soopers hundreds of times. I train with my pistol regularly, at the range or shooting competitions practicing drawing and firing, reloading, accuracy, speed, and safety. I don't wish I was there. I don't know that I'd have been able to stop the violence, I don't know that I'd run towards it. I do know that as long as I wasn't the first person shot I'd have had a chance to wound or kill the attacker. That I had not been slaughtered but had fought.
Make yourself difficult to kill.
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January 10, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
Unbelievably, it was only a week ago—last Sunday—that we learned Trump had called Georgia’s Secretary of State and pressured him to change the results of the 2020 election. Trump demanded that Brad Raffensperger “find” the 11,780 votes Trump needed to win Georgia. The news of the attempt to get an election official to overrule the will of the people was astonishing: at the time, it was the worst domestic attack on our democracy ever, coming, as it did, from a sitting president.
At the time.
Over the past several days, the picture of what happened on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, has become clearer, and it’s bad. While Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser gave a press conference Wednesday night, there has been not a single official briefing from the White House, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, or Capitol Police.
The federal government has gone dark.
What we do know is that on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, egged on by Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, Alabama Representative Mo Brooks, Don Jr., and especially Trump himself, Trump supporters stormed the Capitol just as Congress was meeting in joint session to confirm Democrat Joe Biden as our new president. They overpowered the Capitol Police—perhaps with the help of some of the officers—breached the doors, and smashed their way through the historic building, shouting for Vice President Mike Pence—whom Trump insisted was at fault for not overturning the count-- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and “traitors” who were counting the electoral votes for Biden. While many of the early pictures from inside the Capitol showed rioters gawking like tourists, ones released this weekend showed violent thugs, carrying plastic handcuffs and seeming to have information about where to find specific members of Congress. They breached the Senate chamber at 2:16, just a minute after the senators made it out.
The Capitol Police got the lawmakers to safety, but were not in control of the building. Lawmakers huddled quietly behind barricaded doors waiting for police that took hours to come. When they did arrive, they cleared the area and regained control of the Capitol. After janitors had cleaned the building, lawmakers counted the electoral votes that established Democrats Biden and Kamala Harris as the next president and vice president of the USA.
As videos have emerged and timelines been established, it has become apparent we came perilously close to seeing our elected representatives taken hostage or even executed on the makeshift gallows the rioters set up outside the building.
But here’s the thing: these were not outside insurgents; they were supporters of the Republican president. Trump enflamed the insurgents but he did not create them: years of demonizing Democrats and suggesting they must not be allowed to govern did that. As NPR reporter Kirk Siegler noted, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, infamous for years of standoffs with the federal government, wrote on Facebook that Trump “pointed towards Congress and nodded his head… [and said] go get the job done.” Republicans are now caught in a vise of their own making. They have to stand either with their own voters or with democracy.
The night of the attack, more than 100 Republican members of the House of Representatives and several senators, led by Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Ted Cruz (R-TX), continued to endorse Trump’s lies by voting to reject the electoral votes for Biden in key states. The next day, Trump’s supporters tried to argue that the rioters were “Antifa,” despite their Trump garb and the fact Trump invited them, incited them, urged them to go to the Capitol, and after the riot told them he loved them. (An AP investigation establishes that they were right-wing agitators.) When that didn’t take, supporters tried “whataboutism,” comparing the Black Lives Matter protests of this summer to the storming of the Capitol.
They are trying to rewrite the history of this week to downplay that we have suffered an attempted coup that killed at least five people, and that the people behind it are still in the highest levels of our government.
The realization that we are in the midst of a coup, abetted by Trump’s use of social media, prompted Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to ban Trump permanently, and to take down QAnon accounts. That, not the Capitol attack and the murder of a police officer, has created outrage among Trump, who is allegedly “ballistic,” and Trump supporters. Republican lawmakers spent the weekend noting how many followers they were losing as Twitter took down QAnon, Nazi, and fake accounts. (Trump opponents noted that this was not actually a good thing to call attention to.) Parler has lost almost all of its supporting businesses and might go out of business itself.
Democrats are appalled by what Trump has wrought, and they are joined by plenty of Republicans. In the National Review, for example, Ed Whelan called the Capitol attack “an outrage that ought to have every genuinely patriotic American seething with anger.” He blamed Trump for inciting the attack, and said that “impeachment and conviction of Trump is an appropriate, and probably a necessary, response.”
In a powerful video, former Republican Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger called the Capitol attack the American equivalent to Kristallnacht, which marked the beginning of German Nazis’ systemic destruction of the Jews. To puncture the idea that the sort of behavior on display on Wednesday was manly, Schwarzenegger told the private story of his abuse at the hands of his father, who had been swept up in the Nazi movement in Austria, and celebrated the sword from his starring role in the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian as a symbol not of toxic masculinity but of democracy, tempered by adversity. He called on all Americans to rally around Biden and to work to make his administration a success.
White House appointees’ resignations show which way the wind is blowing. Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney took to Fox News Sunday to say he had no idea that people might actually do something like attack the Capitol. “People took him literally,” Mulvaney told MSNBC. “I never thought I’d see that.”
Similarly, the rioters themselves, once found and arrested, are either apologizing and saying they were swept up in the moment, or denying they were part of the mob. One man apologized for his “indiscretion.”
Both Marriott, the world’s largest hotel chain, and health insurer Blue Cross Blue Shield have suspended their donations to lawmakers who voted against the counting of Biden’s electoral votes late Wednesday or early Thursday morning. The anti-Trump Lincoln Project has promised to target companies that donate to any lawmakers who voted against the counting of the electoral votes. Hitting closer to Trump, Stripe, the vendor that handles online credit card payments for Trump’s campaign, has announced it will no longer handle his account. And tonight, the Professional Golfers Association of America Board of Directors took the 2022 PGA Championship away from Trump Bedminster, his New Jersey club.
At the end of last week, Democratic leaders set out a three-part plan to punish the president for inciting an insurrection. They gave Pence an option to begin the process of invoking the 25th Amendment, which, considering the president had tried to get him killed, was not necessarily a long shot. Pence refused. They gave McConnell the weekend to convince Trump to resign. Trump refused. They announced that, if both of those things failed, they would begin impeachment proceedings on Monday.
McConnell promptly noted that the Senate could not take up such a proceeding until the day before Biden’s inauguration at the earliest. He is bargaining. It is possible to hold an impeachment trial even after a president is out of office, but he knows that Biden does not want the beginning of his term crowded with more Trump business, especially as coronavirus is raging and Biden wants to get it under control. McConnell doesn’t want Republicans to have to vote either for or against the president because such a vote will slice the Republicans in two and make it clear that some of them stand for insurrection. In the Senate, only Republicans Mitt Romney (R-UT), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Pat Toomey (R-PA) have endorsed impeachment.
McConnell is hoping Pelosi will blink and the moment will pass.
She will not, and it will not. She notes, correctly, that the president is “an imminent threat” to “our Constitution and our Democracy,” and she is trying to give the Republicans cover to do the right thing. Tonight, she announced that the House tomorrow will begin proceedings on a resolution by Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) calling on Pence to mobilize the Cabinet to activate the 25th Amendment within 24 hours. If he declines, the House will turn to impeachment. She has asked for unanimous consent for the resolution to enable the Republicans to avoid a vote. If they refuse, the measure will go forward the next day anyway.
She also fired a shot across the bow of Republican lawmakers by asking her colleagues for their views on the third section of the 14th Amendment, the one that prohibits anyone who “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States, “or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof,” from serving in Congress.
As I watch Republican lawmakers try to slip away from the crisis they have made, I think of Black Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman, armed only with a nightstick, luring the insurgents in the wrong direction to buy the time Senators needed to escape with their lives.
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