#Adele made 100k vinyls and half of them DID go in a landfill bc no one bought them lol
idsb · 6 months
sorry to indirect my entire dash right now but do you know how much plastic Shein is putting out in the world with clothes that will be worn once (if at all)? do you know how many plastic bags are manufactured in a day? do you know how many gallons of oil Shell is dumping into the Great Barrier Reef or the gulf of Alaska (where we get most of the fish we EAT) every day? do you know how much plastic packaging is LITERALLY unnecessary and could be replaced with paper? How many plastic straws are consumed in a day, and how many could be made with biodegradable plastic instead, or how many non-shitty paper straws could be made, easily, but plastic is $.001 cheaper so companies won't do it and want you to think paper goods are the enemy?
Adopting pet mini-causes that detract from the rage deserved by corporations for the deep and irreconcilable harm they are causing, is one of the worst things you can do for the environment. Because you being distracted by things that don't matter as much is what those corporations want so they can carry on as they are. be angry about BIG things that fucking matter. not making ~100k extra vinyls that will be kept and used and listened to for 10+ years. 100k items is not a lot when their longevity and everything else thats going on is factored in. Taylor Swift making vinyls is not a wastage problem like the rest of the shit happening in the world with plastics is a wastage problem. be SO fucking serious right now and please don't insult actual ongoing environmental issues by focusing your rage on physical MUSIC.
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