#I'm sick and have a fever and I find this funny in my craziness. let me have this.
dootznbootz · 11 months
Telegony? More like the Tele-GONE-y! HAHAahhahahh BE GONE! hahahahah
*gets booed off the stage*
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akariarda · 7 months
Request from ao3.
Young Wu and Garmadon are training as usual, only Garmadon is strange this time. Wu finds out that he has a fever and he takes care if him.
"Let's go one more time," Wu said as he and Garmadon trained in the monastery.
"We can like this forever," Garmadon said gloomily.
Wu decided to ignore that comment, it wasn't the first one today.
"Then let's go," Wu said and started towards Garmadon.
He struck him once with the katana and Garmadon blocked the blow.
Garmadon tried to land a blow below the belt on Wu, but Wu defended it and surprisingly managed to strike Garmadon easily.
"Sorry," Wu said to him when Garmadon finally stood up. "I didn't expect such an easy resistance..."
"You'll see what easy resistance looks like!" Garmadon shouted and hit Wu with his powers.
"How are you feeling today?" Wu shouted at Garmadon when he managed to stand up."What's wrong?:
"Nothing, what would it be," Garmadon shrugged.
He was somehow rumpled, but without a drop of sweat.
"Are you cold?" Wu asked him.
"Just because you are a weak opponent,so I can't warm up." Garmadon said strangely again.
"Get up, let's continue."
"Stop, brother," Wu said and approached Garmadon as close as he could, "You are so strange."
"If anyone is strange, it's you." Garmadon said and raised his katana. "What are you waiting for? Let's continue."
"Just let me..." Wu started and tried to touch Garmadon's forehead, to which Garmadon aggressively moved his hand to the side.
"What are you doing?"
"Just trying to see if you have a fever," Wu said calmly.
"You have no business checking my temperature," Garmadon frowned. "You're not my mom,"
"But I'm your brother," Wu responded, getting a little annoyed.
"And a younger one," Garmadon reminded him.
"Anyway, I care for you!" Wu almost yelled.
Garmadon could really drive him crazy sometimes.
"Don't worry," Garmadon waved him off. "I grew up. Let's go continue."
"Just let me..." Wu said again and tried to touch Garmadon's forehead, to which Garmadon again tried to move his hand away.
Wu didn't give up, so the whole thing turned into a brawl.
"Stop messing around!" Garmadon yelled at him.
"Just give me..." Wu struggled until he finally managed to put his hand on Garmadon's forehead. He was weak today.
Since he didn't believe his hands, he put his lips on Garmadon's forehead, which Garmadon didn't like, so Wu flew two meters away in no time.
He hit him weaker than usual, but still hard enough for Wu to feel like all his bones had cracked.
"You're burning up," Wu said when he managed to stand up.
He looked towards Garmadon who was painfully bending and breathing.
"It's best for you to go to bed," Wu suggested.
Garmadon complied without resistance, which worried Wu the most.
He reached him and gave him a hand to help him enter the monastery.
"Just lie down," Wu said when they reached his room.
"I know I need to rest!" Garmadon replied gloomily and crawled into bed.
"I'll bring you some tea," Wu said and left his brother's room to go to the kitchen.
By then, Garmadon was lying in bed, struggling not to fall asleep.
He knew the tea would help him recover.
"Here's some tea for my poor sick brother," Wu said as he entered the room.
"Shut up," Garmadon told him but smiled a little. He was glad Wu was there.
"Just for a moment," Garmadon said and sat up.
"Are you feeling better?" Wu asked after he took a few sips.
"Actually, I am," Garmadon noticed. "Thank you. And sorry for not being the best company today."
"No worries, I understand," Wu reassured him. "At least you're calm now."
"Haha, how funny," Garmadon chuckled sarcastically. He couldn't help but smile a little, feeling better.
"Are you sleepy?" Wu asked.
"Actually, not really," Garmadon replied after some thought. "Will you keep me company?"
"Sure," Wu said and placed a chair by his bedside. "There's nothing smarter to do."
"Great," Garmadon closed his eyes and smiled.
"Then you can tell your older brother what's bothering you in life and all, any crushes, interests..."
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aceoftrashies · 2 years
Hii! Hope you're ok and I'm not disturbing,can I ask (if you are OK with it) a sick asmo with a messy cold who ask to Mc to induce him? Maybe because he can't sneeze or he is too congested? And when he start sneezing like crazy he is like "mc sorry I think I sprayed you" but Mc have the kink and it's like a tomato?
Sorry but I'm not really good at english sorry for the mistakes
Get better soon!
[Funny how I'm writing about a cold while I'm sick with C0V!D lol] (this was from back in August, I’m okay now! ~Ace in October)
[It feels like a cold to me anyway. No worries about your English, you did really well! Also, thank you for the get better wish! I'm doing my best!]
Snz content for Asmo under the cut!!
Asmo laid in bed, coughing into his arm and rubbing a balled up tissue against his nose for the hundreth time, a nice pile of balled up tissues inside of his cute pink trashcan. He heard a knock on the door, and you came in.
"Heeeeey, Asmo." You spoke sympathetically, seeing his glassy eyes glow with delight when he saw your face.
"Hello, dear.." He sniffled, grabbing a new tissue and blowing his nose. "I'm afraid I'm not... f-feeling too well.."
"I know, I can see that.." You frowned and rubbed his back, feeling how warm it was. He must have a fever.
He groaned lightly and blew his nose again with a thick, congested, wet sound. 
You let out a small “ohhh..” out of sympathy and rubbed his upper back, hearing him hum in appreciation. You just being here with him made him feel better.
You had him turn so he could rest his head on your chest, so you could rub his head and give it little kisses. 
While giving him physical affection to cheer him up, you feel a chill go up Asmo’s body, and you hear his breath start to hitch. 
He lifted his head up a tad and inhaled, nose twitching cutely as he prepared for the sneeze to be released, only to be disappointed with it becoming stuck instead.  
“Y/N...” He groaned, opening his eyes to look at yours. You couldn’t tell if it was upset tears or glassiness from being ill, but you assumed both right now.
“It got stuck, huh?” You ask, rubbing his back. He nodded with a whine, sniffling and resting his head back on you.
“Help meee...” He whined, blinking up at you with puppy eyes. You frown, pressing another kiss to his head. 
“How would you like me to help you, my sweet?” You ask, matching his gaze. He pointed to his nose for a second, looking at you still. 
“Make the sneeze come out...” He stated weakly, closing his eyes faintly. You swallowed and felt your face begin to heat up a bit. 
“Umm.. o-okay.. well, do you have something I can use?” You look around the room, almost trying to answer your own question. 
“You can take a feather out of one of my boas. Use the light pink one, that one is old.” You nodded and went to his extravagant wardrobe, all the vibrant shades of pink being a lot for the eyes to take in.
Asmo rested his head on the pillow, groaning and sniffling, breath hitching again before it left with another sigh of defeat.
You find the fluffy light pink boa ans extract a feather, twirling it gently in your fingertips before going back to him.
You laid back down and once you were situated, he rested his head back on his chest. He glanced at the feather with a soft smile. 
“Please, do go on, dear. My nose is tickling and I can’t take it anymore...” He spoke, which made you a bit flustered. 
You brought the feather to his nose and gently tickled the inside of it, watching the way his nose twitched as his eyes shut again. 
It didn’t take long, the demon’s breath hitchy and unsteady. You could almost hear your heart beating a bit quicker. 
While you were distracted in your own flustered fantasy land, you tickled a little too much, and before the demon could warn you, he sprayed your chest, going into a super ticklish and messy fit. 
“hhiH’tchiew!! Ikg’schuu! hh.. hiHH--!! E’tscheww! Ish’ew!! K’schiew!!” 
You noticed his sneezes were turning messy after the third sneeze happened, and you hold the tissue to his nose. He gently takes the tissue from you and blows his nose, leaving you a minute to notice how hot and red your face has gotten. 
Not to mention the sound of your heartbeat being a bit more prominent than it was before. 
He sniffled and noticed you wiping off the small amount of spray from your collarbone area, which made him frown a bit. 
“Sorry about that, hun, I didn’t mean to spray you.” He stated. Just as you were about to reassure him that it wasn’t his fault, he smiled and gave a wink. 
“But judging from how you look right now, you don’t seem to be... completely opposed to what happened, now are you?” 
The way he said that made you want to curl up into a ball and hide your face in the comforter in embarrasment. 
He giggled and wrapped his arms around you, sniffling thickly as his nose attempted to fight the intense congestion. 
“Alright, mister teasy while sneezy, I think you should get to sleep.” You cocked a brow, the nickname alone being enough to make the demon chuckle lightly. 
“Yes, yes, dear. But one more thing before I do.” He takes your hand and gives you a soft kiss, looking into your eyes. “Thank you. I mean it. For checking on me, helping me through this, everything.”
You smile softly and kiss his head in return, running a few of your fingers gently through his hair. “It’s no trouble, I’m always here for you if you need me.” 
After a little bit of soft cuddling, he fell asleep peacefully, and you gave him another kiss on the head and went out to see if the other brothers needed anything. 
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theoriginalladya · 3 years
under cut for personal ramblings and medical/illness talk (not me)
So, about a week ago, my Dad contacted me and my brothers to try to set up a time on April 6th for us all to get onto a Zoom call together so we could raise a glass in memory of my Mom who died five years ago that day. There was some fumbling about because the initial time didn't work (Dad and I are same time zone, one brother an hour behind, the other brother six hours ahead - talk about logistics! yikes!). Last I knew, things were still being worked out.
Then we all got a text message the next day, I think? Maybe two days after - Dad had been admitted to the hospital for pneumonia. The man who is never sick - in the hospital. He's been there since. First it was pneumonia. Then it wasn't. They did find a blood clot in his lung, so that's being treated, but they can't figure out why he's got a fever. He's been tested for Covid at least twice. etc.
Today, we got a text mesage from his girlfriend: he was on his way to ICU. However, HE was the one calling, so he was alert and knew what was going on, etc. She was busy at the house with some workers to install something and couldn't go to the hospital right away. Later on, we got an update - he's on a ventilator and sedated. Apparently, they found 'something they can't identify' in his lungs. I know he's had issues breathing since this all started.
Apparently, pneumonia is still a possibility. But as far as I can see it, things are going in the wrong damn direction. My son isn't taking it well. He's angry, I know he has to be thinking about his other grandfather who died after a massive stroke, and my mother who passed from cancer. I'm not doing particularly well, either, but I'm finding ways to distract myself through the worst of it so I can keep my balance and be there for him. But... god, why? The similarities to what happened with Mom are too many to count, even though (so far as we know) his situation is a completely different thing. (please, don't let it be cancer!) One of the first things he and his gf said to us was that he'll be all right. That's what my Mom said, too.
And to top this all off, I'm still trying to figure out what to do job wise. I've got a couple possibilities I can apply for, but I'm almost afraid to in case I get one and then have to ask for leave right away because of something with Dad. (not going to let it stop me - I can't, I need money to pay the bills, but the idea's there, you know?)
So... I'm here, even if I'm not around much. I'm writing even though I'm not posting many fics or updates. If you guys have any happy anecdotes, or fluffy stories you're posting, or funny jokes, or even just crazy pictures or anything that could be considered a silly distraction, would you please tag me? The stress of all of this hits unexpectedly most of the time, but seeing those kinds of things really does help!
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Okay, @joliejolyne, this idea is so adorable!
Mikitaka X Reader: Lovesick
"Hey Miki, wanna stop by the ice cream place?"
Classes had just ended for the day and you met your friend Mikitaka Hazekaru at the lockers. Well he said his real name is Nu Mikitakazo Nshi, he claims he's an alien who came to Earth after he planet got destroyed. You decided it was just easier to call him Miki, a nickname he grew to like. Josuke and Okuyasu still weren't sure if he was an alien or a Stand user who thinks he's an alien, but you reasoned that, hey, if vampires and Stand users exist, there's no reason aliens couldn't too, so you have him the benefit of the doubt and played along. As strange as he is, you loved your alien bud. It was a nice day, now that school is over, the weekend has started, so you thought it would be fun to have a picnic at Morioh Park.
You two left the school and headed to the ice cream shop. But when you get there, the shop was closed due to broken ice cream machine.
"Ah rats!" you exclaimed. "I was hoping to get some ice cream." Mikitaka smiled and opened his bag.
"Don't worry (name)," said Miki. "I brought some of my own just in case." and sure enough he produced two cones of his own. You forgot that sometimes he keeps weird stuff in his bags.
"Oh boy, what flavor?" you ask him.
"I've got two cones of the cream mixed with red Earth berries and covered with a sweet brown syrup that hardened, surrounded by a cone." answered Miki, unsure what the actual flavor was.
"Ooh chocolate covered strawberry! I love it!" you exclaimed as you took the cone. You and Miki opened your cones as you walked to your house to grab the sandwiches you made. You bit of into your cone breaking the chocolate shell. It was delicious! "Wow this is amazing, thank you!" Miki smiled, a slight redness spreading on his cheeks.
"I'm glad the cream of ice was satisfactory." Miki looked a bit troubled for a second.
"What's wrong?" you asked. "Did you get a brain freeze? That can happen when you eat cold foods, but it'll be better in a few seconds." Miki shook his head.
"No, my brain didn't freeze, but I do feel a bit peculiar. Maybe I'm just hungry." he reasoned. You understood and nodded, you felt a bit hungry yourself but didn't realize it until you finished your ice cream cone. The two of you had just arrived at your house.
"I'll be right back, I've got the sandwiches and stuff inside." You gave your friend a hug, which seemed to surprise him. Rushing to the fridge, you grabbed the sandwiches you made the night before, a few soda pops, and a bag of Doritos and stuffed them into a small picnic basket, and ran outside. "Let's go!" you exclaimed, "Off to the park!"
When you arrived to the park, you and your alien friend sat under a shady tree, it was a warm day, but a cool breeze stirred up once in awhile, which felt good under the shade of the tree. You ate your sandwiches, but you noticed Miki had only taken a bite or two from his. He had this troubled look to him as if he was thinking of something.
"Hey Miki, do you not like the sandwich?" you asked. "I can switch it for another flavor. Miki shook his head.
"No no!" he exclaimed, "It tastes amazing, really. But I seem to have lost my appetite."
"Well what's eating ya?" you asked. Mikitaka looked at you with confusion.
"Nothing's eating me." he answered. "I'm still here and not being eatened." Whoops. You forgot he doesn't understand certain expressions.
"Sorry." you quickly apologized, "It's an Earth saying. I asked if something was wrong."
"Oh! I see." he answered smiling a little, "I'm not sure." He suddenly looked serious, "I didn't want to scare you earlier, but I may have picked up an Earth sickness. I've been feeling different for about a few weeks, nothing like I've felt before on my home planet. I thought I was better for awhile today, but sometime around when I gave you the cream, I felt it again. I knew you've been wanting to plan this picnic, so I didn't want to cancel, I'm sorry."
"Well Miki, of you're not feeling well, I don't want to make you feel worse, coming out when you're sick." you said. You were a bit worried for your alien friend. "Here, try telling me what's wrong, maybe it's not so serious."
"Well," he paused, "It's difficult for me to describe clearly, but I'll attempt it. I feel similar feelings to nervousness, but I also feel warm inside. Not the same as when you have a fever, but more like when you eat hot food. Though sometimes it feels like the heat also rises to my cheeks. Sometimes the palms of my hands feel like they're wet and unsteady. A few times I've had trouble sleeping, or eating." he said motioning to his half eaten sandwich. You thought of his symptoms. These sound familiar. Wait a minute.
"Just out of curiosity, when these feelings occur, do you think of a certain specific person?"
"Yes I do," answered Miki.
"And do you feel like you can't get that person out of your mind, does it drive you crazy, but at the same time, you feel weirdly pleasant, like you really like this person so much?
"Why yes, that's right!" answered Miki. You couldn't help it, you ended up bursting out laughing, confusing Mikitaka.
"I don't understand why you're laughing." said Miki "Did I say something that's funny to Earth humans?" you calmed down.
"I'm sorry Miki, I shouldn't have laughed, that was impolite." you said, "See, I was worried you were sick at first, but after what you told me, I have some good news, you're not sick at all, you're perfectly healthy. Miki, you've got a crush! You're falling in love with someone!" Miki looked like he understood.
"So I'm not sick after all!" he realized. "This makes sense. I've never experienced these feelings before."
"Does your species fall on love?" you asked.
"They do sometimes," he answered, "I've just never myself specifically felt this way about anyone. Have you ever felt these feelings?" he asked you. You were a bit nervous to say, but Miki was your crush. An oddball, but you loved the way he looks at things on Earth that are normal to everyone else, finding beauty and interest with even the most mundane items, and he had an odd, handsome, exotic look to him. It was your turn to blush.
"Yes, I've felt this way." you answered. "Sometimes these feelings do feel weird, and it can make you feel like you're sick. Us Earth humans have a nickname for it, love sickness!"
"Love sickness?" said Miki, "It is kinda funny. How do you get these weird feelings to stop?"
"Sometimes it helps to talk about the person you like." you suggested. "You can tell me, I won't tell anyone, I promise."
"Well," Miki began, "the person I feel the love sickness for is," he pauses, "well, it's you!" This took you by surprise.
"Are you for real?" you ask, hoping you heard him right.
"Yes, I am being for the real. You give me the weird feelings." he answered, the blush on his face deepening. "So what do you think of that?" You surprise him enveloping him in a hug.
"I've been wanting to you the same thing!" you shouted. A warm smile appeared on Miki's face.
"I think I feel a lot better now (name)!" said Miki. His appetite invigorated, the two of you continued your picnic.
"Ooops, we're out of sandwiches." you exclaim.
"No we are not!" said Miki, pulling two katsu sandwiches out of his bag. Oh Miki! You tried a bite of the sandwich, it was even better than the katsu sandwiches from St. Gentleman's!
"This is so yummy!!! Does your bag have TARDIS technology or something?" you asked him.
"What's a TARDIS?" asked Miki. You laughed.
"There's a TV show from Britain I like called Doctor Who." you explained, "It's about a time traveler called The Doctor, he's an alien like you are, and his time machine, the TARDIS, is sorta like his spaceship. On the outside it looks like a blue box, but it's really big on the inside. It's an interesting show, maybe we can watch it sometime."
"I'd love to watch the show with you." said Miki. "What do Earth people do when they're in love?" he wondered.
"Well, they do lots of things to spend time together." you answered. "We could go to the movies, or the mall, spend the day at the amusement park, go out to eat for dinner, or," you motion around, "have a picnic like what we're doing now, or even something simple like renting a video and watching it together. There's all sorts of things we can do."
"I'd like to try all those things with you." he said beaming. You wrapped him in a hug and planted a kiss on his lips.
"What's that you just did?" asked Mikitaka.
"Oh, that's a kiss!" you replied, "It's what Earth couples do to express love."
"May we try that again (name)?" asked Miki, "I wasn't prepared for this kiss to happen." You giggled.
"Of course we can." you answered, and you kissed him again, this one ended up being slower and longer. The sun began setting in the distance, wrapping the two of you in the glow of the sunset.
"It's getting darker," said Miki embracing you. "Let's clean up and I can walk you to your house."
"Thank you Miki" you tell him, "I'd like that." After taking a few minutes to clean up, the two of you walk back to your house, the sky almost dark and the first few stars popping out.
"Maybe tomorrow we could go to a place to eat." suggested Miki, "Or we could see that doctor program you mentioned earlier." You giggled.
"Doctor Who." you corrected. "And we can do both of those things since there's no school tomorrow! Maybe even go to the bookstore too. Would noon be okay?"
"That sounds wonderful (name)." answered Miki. He kissed you on the lips and embraced you again. You waved goodbye as you went back into your house.
"See you tomorrow Miki! I love you!"
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