#stronger and grow into a fine king someday.
dootznbootz · 11 months
Telegony? More like the Tele-GONE-y! HAHAahhahahh BE GONE! hahahahah
*gets booed off the stage*
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
Congratulations! You have now been teleported into the world of Avatar The Last Airbender, what advice do you give each of the characters?
OOOO! I love this! I have so much advice to give so many characters! Okay, let's see...
Katara: It's okay to be vulnerable. It's okay to be the one who gets taken care of every once in a while. Your strength is undeniable, but you can't shoulder everyone's load. It's not fair to ask of yourself. Surround yourself with people who give you the space and freedom to be vulnerable, even if in the middle of it, it gets a bit ugly. You deserve support and love and understanding even at your lowest points.
Now that the war is over, take a step back and ask what do you want? Forget what's expected of you, or what ahem someone else may want. This is your time to forge your own path. Your friends- your true friends- want to see you grow and be happy and do amazing things. If along the way you disappoint someone's expectations, that's fine. They will either get over it or get out of your way. You're bound for incredible things. Don't dim your shine to make someone else look brighter.
Zuko: I really can't do much better than Iroh, except to say this- you are not your forefathers. Whatever evils they committed may color how people see you at first, but they don't define you. You're not destined to make the choices they made. You are far kinder, stronger, braver, and more compassionate than any of them. That has nothing to do with one side of your bloodline winning out over the other, and you don't have to worry that someday something will shift in you and turn you into Ozai or Sozin or Azulon. The fact that you're even worried about it means that you won't make the same choices they made. Now, you may not be the perfect Fire Lord, but it's not fair to expect yourself to be. War is messy. Recovery from war is equally messy. You won't undo 100 years and 3 generations' worth of damage in your lifetime. Focus on giving the next generation a solid foundation to build on and you will have been more successful than any of them.
Keep yourself open to receiving constructive criticism, but also make sure that you're keeping yourself open to receiving love and support. The people who love you will not go out of their way to make you feel bad about yourself. They will not make you feel they aren't safe to confide in. Love will help you to see the best in yourself and be there for you to lean on when things get tough. It will not threaten or berate you. It will not betray you or insult you for expressing doubt or fear. Don't accept less than you deserve.
Toph: You're amazing! You're smart and talented, and when you allow yourself to be, you're a darn good friend. I know it's hard to not bring past trauma into new relationships, but you don't need to be on the defensive all the time. You have done a good job surrounding yourself with people who love and fear you. Keep letting them in- especially if they happen to be offering the nurturing care you missed from your family of origin. It's okay to give people a second chance after they've hurt you, and it's also okay to set firm boundaries with them.
I cannot stress this part enough- DO NOT BECOME A COP! You are way too talented to waste your time and energy using your bending against the poor and downtrodden to protect the property of the rich. If you really want to be involved in the field of law, consider becoming a defense attorney. You can stick it to the rich jerks and save people who have no power themselves. That's just a suggestion, but there are literally thousands of other much more worthwhile things you could do with your time.
Sokka: You've done a lot of growing and self-work in a very short amount of time. Kudos! We love a king who can admit when he's wrong and learn a valuable lesson about being sexist. Now take that same energy and apply it to your sister. Acknowledge all she's done for you over the years (to her face, and preferably with a nice gift), and then do your share! You are too old to have your little sister have sole responsibility of keeping you fed and your clothes right. You know that's not going to fly when you marry Suki, so practice sharing the load with Katara.
Aside from that, you're a bright, charming, occasionally funny young man. You're going to go far, kid.
Suki: I don't have much to say to you. I don't know you that well, but what I do know of you, I like. You're a strong, capable young woman who understands that you don't have to be all warrior or all woman. That's amazing honey! There are older women than you trying to figure out how to balance the different sides of themselves, and you've started to figure it out before you've even finished being a teenager. Keep it up! Don't ever let anyone make you doubt yourself.
It's amazing that you were able to help Sokka see the error of his sexist ways, and I hope you continue to call him out when you see him doing something stupid. However, it's also important to remember that his growth is not your responsibility. You can offer advice and point out blind spots, but his growth is his responsibility.
No one owes you a relationship. You do not get to violate anyone's personal space. If you are interested in someone, talk to them about it. If they aren't interested (whether it's a no, or an I'm not sure), BACK. OFF!! That's not an invitation to pester them. That's not a challenge for you to change their mind. Leave them alone! If they change their mind, they can tell you. If you ever approach anyone disrespectfully again, I will arm them with pepper spray.
Your point of view isn't the only one that matters. You have been given a huge load to bear at much too young of an age, and there's a lot of pressure on you. It's okay to be overwhelmed, but in the end, you need to be willing to share your burden with the people who love and support you. Listen to the advice of wiser people. They may not be able to understand the unique challenges of being the Avatar, but they have far more life experience and understanding of the world's complexities than you have. Your own wisdom is based on concepts you only have a 12-year-old's understanding of. Work on continuing to grow in your understanding and be humble. Other cultures have worth, too.
Hakoda: Look, I get it. You're doing your best. It's not your fault that you missed so much of your kids' growing up, but they need you. Take them home for a while. Put in the time to get to know them again. Now is not the time to jump right into a serious relationship. Especially not with a woman that is trying to open up your home to a soft invasion of the Northern Tribe. Give yourself time to breathe, grieve and take account of what you and your family and your tribe need. You are a father and a chief. There are responsibilities in both those roles that need your attention. That's not to say you can't date at all, just be wise and remember that it's not just you that will be affected by your choice.
Iroh: Listen... you have done a great job with Zuko. You provided as stable and loving an environment for him as was possible, and in no small part thanks to your influence, he's a kind, compassionate, selfless young man. He's exactly what the Fire Nation needs, but you dropped the ball, Iroh. I get it. It's been a long life and you've put in a lot of work, but with all due respect, you're not freakin done! IF YOU DON'T TURN YOUR BEHIND AROUND AND GET BACK TO THE FIRE NATION, I WILL KICK YOUR TEA SODDEN BEHIND FROM STREET TO STREET! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???
Zuko is 16. He's just been given this huge responsibility that he has never been prepared for, surrounded by people he can't trust, and you are the only consistent guiding presence in his life. Why would you leave him? What were you smoking when you made that decision? What on earth makes you think Ba Sing Se wants you back, Dragon of the West? I know you've done a lot to make amends for what you did, but what you did was lay siege to that city, and it's insane that you think they'd want to buy tea from you now that they know who you are. If it means that much to you, open up a tea shop in Caldera. Just make sure you're close enough to Zuko to help him navigate his new role, you befuddled meatball!
Ty Lee: Girl...go back to the circus. The Kyoshi Warriors is not for you, and you deserve a clean break from everyone back in Caldera. Go live your best, sparkliest life, queen.
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hjazysol · 3 years
I also just finished fairy tail. And what I have to say is its perfectly fine imo. Theres no death in the main guild of characters but to say theres no death at all was not accurate. Though Makarov escaping death 3 whole times is bullshit.
The first time in the middle of Battle of Fairy Tail was a relief. The second of not being left to die by Acnologia wasn't what I expected with Laxus coming back and being referred to as his successor but it was fine. But the 3rd time. HE WAS SPENT. HE NUKED A WHOLE ARMY AND WAS LITERALLY A DUSTY ASS CORPSE FOR THE REST OF THE FINAL ARC. BUT THEN HE JUST. Woke Up.
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Old man lucky. Man I better get that lucky someday. Makarov out here cheating.
The character designs are all rad and the characters themselves that you get to spend all the time with are really likeable and fun. Juvia is god. And the artsyle is really good especially in the manga. Which is what I'm reading now for the 100 Years Quest portion since there's currently no anime adaptation though one is apparently coming.
Fanservice is not at all a factor for me for anything on whether it makes it worse or not because fanservice never bothers me from the start. If its there its there. I'm just here for the plot and action :p
If I had to pick a favourite arc then it's probably either the Grand Magic Games, the Oracion Seis or Tenrou Island.
It has Dragon's.
Dragons are cool.
It also has Erza.
And Erza is cool
I feel like in terms of development. Every regularly involved character gets the same amount. But I'd say Gray's is the best simply on how it's structured and that his conflict from so long ago keeps finding a way to just fuck him up in the present day.
Like when he gets turned into a kid and experiences his trauma's as if they were happening right then and there. I felt that. His interaction with his dad was really sad to.
He has ice.
He quite literally is cool.
His last name is fucking Fullbuster. That's a coolass name!
His stripping gag is also funny.
Back before I watched either. I would always see people either saying one of the following. Sakura from Naruto & Lucy in Fairy Tail are both useless characters.
I can see why alot of people don't at all like Sakura because it's pretty understandable. Pre Timeskip she's kinda just there for the comedy & doesn't really get as involved as much as Naruto or Sasuke.
But I dont really see the need for her to. Back then anyway. She always came of as just the support character and being more stable at handling chakra and that was enough for me. Now post timeskip she can throw hands, she beats ass while also still remaining as that supporting character.
Who with a lack of their own personal like backstory no jutsu style struggle reacts to what Naruto and Sasuke do respectively and watching that was honestly really nice. And is a definite improvement from just a typical smart girl with an emo boy crush. No shade at Sasuke by the way he's fire
Now with Lucy. I just. Don't see it at all in anyway at all. Like she literally does so much throughout the whole of the story. It's not like she's just standing around letting the others do everything. Is it because she's the most emotional member?
Is that a bad thing? Last I checked character struggle and growth is a good thing. Like she's just a kind hearted person with strong ambition, the relationship between her and her spirits alone is enough to show that. Virgo is the best she's funny. The scene where she had to bite down and say bye to Aquarius to summon the C. Spirit King just so she would be able to continue fighting back against the Demon's ALONE, PLUS to save everyone.
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She even trains and gets stronger alongside the spirits to finding new ways so she can be even more useful. It's great watching basically the underdog of the Guild at the beginning grow this much and so often. I wouldn't be surprised if she became a Godess by the end honestly... ...It would essentially mean Fairy Tail has one of everything. They have 4 Dragon's. And 3 Demons (I'm counting Freed in that cause with the one demon magic move he has). She's also just really funny and charming.
If I had to go about the series in way of pacing. The first season was perfect the second was way slower and the third was in the middle. 1 & 3 are also way more colourful. 2 was kinda desaturated for no reason.
And once again Juvia is God she's so damn insane & bizarre and I love her for it.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Ruggie Bucchi・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines: Gala Couture Event Card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “The secret to feeling good is eating! As long as you eat, everything’ll be OK!”
Groovy “My studies, huh...? This is what’s gonna put food on my table, so I’m taking them seriously.”
Home Setting “They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch, you know?”
Home Transitions “I’m busy cleaning up Leona’s room right now. What? You wanna help? Man, thanks a bunch!”
“Mages who grew up in the slums like me are pretty rare.”
“Are you sure you should be spacing out like that? Time is money, you know.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Do you need somethin’ from me? I’ll listen if you say you’ll treat me to something.”
Home Taps “My uniform? It’s a hand-me-down from Leona. It’s a little big, but I can still wear it so it’s fine.”
“I wouldn’t mind looking after Grim if you ever need me to. How does 1000 madols an hour sound?”
“You’re hungry? If you get some ingredients together, I can whip something up for you.”
“I gotta think about what I’m going to do after I graduate and start working towards that. ‘Cause life is really long.”
“Hm, what’s up? Does Leona want something——Oh, he doesn’t? You scared me for a sec...”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I’m really good at sports. At least, better than you.”
Groovy “Alright! I think I should show my cool side to the lower grades every once in a while~”
Home Setting “Getting to run around so nimbly really is the best.”
Home Transitions “Move it, move it! We’re in the middle of cleaning out the whole dorm! ‘Cause Leona never cleans this place up himself...”
“I’m considered pretty small in my dorm. But that just means I’ve got a lot of advantages in magift.”
“I’m really confident in my endurance. If I got my eyes on my prey, it’s not gonna escape me!”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Magift has a completely different feel when you see it live. Wanna come watch our practice sometime?”
Home Taps “Ahh, I’m hungry. I’m feeling like a whole pile of sugary donuts to dip in some milk.”
“I really respect Jack for how much physical strength he’s got. But he still has a selfish playing style.”
“Building up your strength is really important to survive a brutal environment.”
“Coach Vargas got angry today? Just compliment him on his muscles and that’ll put him right back in a good mood.”
“Now’s your last chance to enjoy yourself. Let’s hope you don’t lose all hope in everything when Coach Vargas goes and pushes you to your limit though. Shishishi!”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “I don’t care that much about looking professional, but I kinda like these snazzy lab coats.”
Groovy “You’re really clumsy. Here, hand that to me.”
Home Setting “Dirt would really stand out on this kind of white.”
Home Transitions “You should probably stay away from the Botanical Garden. If you irritate Leona during his naptime... Oo, it gives me chills.”
“Ahh, you’re using up so much good lab materials! Man, what a waste...”
“I love alchemy. But I tend to make lots of mistakes if I get too greedy. Hehe.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Aah? I wouldn’t be able to help you with that work even if you asked me.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “You can still eat weeds if you cook them right. Huh, you actually wanna try ‘em? ...You’ve got weird taste.”
Home Taps “Jack grows a lot of cacti in his room. Maybe they could be emergency rations.”
“I can only throw together a meal with what I’ve got to work with, but I guess it’s fine as long as Leona eats it.”
“A lot of the plants they grow in the Botanical Garden could sell for really high prices. ...I don’t mean anything by that; I’m just sayin’. Shishishi!”
“I don’t really get how Riddle just dumps in spoonfuls thinking it’s ‘the right amount’ he needs.”
“Don’t touch me when your hands reek of chemicals! You’re gonna get the smell on me!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Want me to tell you what was covered on my tests last year? I’d even give you a special friend discount.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “These robes are so fancy. They really do have the feel of this school.”
Groovy “Even I look the part when I’m wearing these, don’t I?”
Home Setting “So? These actually look pretty nice on me, huh?”
Home Transitions “You’re a student at this academy but you don’t even know the history behind it? Gathering intel should always be a priority.”
“Want a keepsake photo of you in your ceremony robes? Just 1000 madols a pic! It’s a great deal!”
“Hah, I’m tired... I can’t help feeling stiff in clothes I’m not used to. How are you doin’ in them?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “This high-quality fabric with gold embroidering, plus these decorations... How much would they all sell for?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “The ceremony today is gonna be in the Mirror Chamber. Shishishi! You look nervous. It’s cute; it’s fitting for a first-year.”
Home Taps “I’m not rich, but I’ll always like this better than being a spoiled brat who doesn’t have a problem in the world.”
“The chance of Leona coming to a ceremony is... about 50/50. But he’ll still come to the entrance and graduation ones.”
“The Headmaster takes really good care of the apple trees that grow on campus. Those apples all look so good.”
“Mages were pretty rare where I grew up. I bet they’d all wanna see what I look like now.”
“You don’t need to rush; we’ve got plenty of time before the ceremony. You’re so impatient.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Your makeup’s all smudged. Alright, guess I’ll fix it for you. ...It’s fine, I’ve done this as a job before.”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “Who stepped into my territory?”
“Oh, wow, what a cute little kitten. Did you come here to be our prey? Shishishi!”
Groovy “I could tell you how to survive at this school if you want.”
Home Setting “I feel like somethin’ fun’s gonna happen today.”
Home Transitions “The deserted feel of the Ramshackle Dorm is kinda nice, but... Savanaclaw is still my favorite.”
“The dorm uniforms really are so easy to move in. They’re not too fancy either; it’s perfect for me.”
“We’re about to have a dorm meeting right now. What, you wanna come check it out? I mean, Leona’s kind of... It depends on how you ask him.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’m heading to the cafeteria with Leona. Wanna come too? Having more people to run errands saves me some.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Sure, I came to this school without a madol in my pocket... but you can always find a way to handle anything as long as you’re alive!”
Home Taps “The strong and the smart are the ones who rise to power in Savanaclaw. I like how it’s an obvious system.”
“This necklace is supposed to represent different parts of nature. Red for the sun, blue for the sky, green for the land... It reminds me of my hometown.”
“It’s important to not let your guard down in the savannah. If you’re not careful... bam! You get killed.”
“Leona works me hard, but I’m always paid the appropriate amount. It’s a give-and-take.”
“You’re really just like a puppy with how playful you are.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “There’s still so much you could do even if you can’t use magic. Want me to give you a lecture on them?”
Duo Magic Ruggie: “Use your head, Jack!” Jack: “Right! Ruggie!”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Ruggie’s birthday event (Apr 16 - Apr 22, 2021).
Login on Birthday “Today’s my long-awaited birthday! Course that means you’ve got a present ready for me, right? ...Wait, huh? You actually do? ...Hmm, you were so straightforward, it kinda threw me off... Well, thanks! Hehe.”
Unlock Card “I’m the king today! Is the celebration all ready to go?”
“There’s really no one worth giving presents to as much as me. I’ll be happy with anything I get!”
Groovy “Thanks for celebrating! Can I expect another fancy party next year?”
Home Setting “I’m going to make it loud and clear I’m the star today.”
Home Transitions “Jack was so annoying telling me ‘The birthday boy needs to just kick back and relax!’ It was hard shaking him off.”
“Cake tastes so good and sweet~ But as long as it keeps me filled, I don’t really have anything else to say about it.”
“I can’t believe Silver was so quick to buy me that premium pudding when I asked him for it... I’ll go crying to him next time I’m short on food money.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “The birthday parties at this school are the best! I mean, there’s so much fancy food! I’m going to stuff myself like mad.”
Home Taps “The neighborhood kids always come to visit on my birthday. ...No, not to celebrate; they’re after the food.”
“Jade gave me a high-quality towel that’s so soft to touch... I might change my mind about being okay using it.”
“Lucius showed me somewhere where lots of dandelions grow. He’s a thoughtful cat!”
“This donut pin looks so yummy. But I wish they would’ve gotten some actual ones ready.”
“Hey, I know you just pulled my tail! You’re wrong if you think I’m going to allow that just ‘cause it’s my birthday.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Some people don’t like getting older, but I’m happy about it. Don’t take your birthdays for granted.”
Duo Magic Ruggie: “Sebek, let's hear ya shout it out!” Sebek: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RUGGIE!!!”
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Tutorial “Delays never bring you anything good. Let’s go.”
Lv Up “Shishishi! This is good.”
“You’re kinda weird, trying to take care of me.”
“I think I’ve gotten stronger!”
Max Lv Up “I feel like I could do anything now. Trying hard every once in a while actually might not be that bad. Hehe.”
Episode Lv Up “You really are such a softie. You might get scammed someday, you know? Well, come talk to me if that happens and I might help you out.”
Magic Lv Up “I always thought my magic would stay sucky my whole life, but... it’s kinda turned out.”
Limit Break “I think my progress is still far from over. Guess I gotta stay around you a little while longer.”
Groovy “See? The skilled ones always survive in this world. You’ve got nothing to lose being around me.”
Select Lesson “There aren’t classes on haggling or anything? This place really is a prestigious mage-training school.”
“You don’t have to get so stressed about it. You take things so seriously.”
“Which one are you gonna do? If it were me I’d pick one that’d be useful for survival.”
Lesson Start “Alright, studytime, studytime!”
Lesson End “Hah... I gotta stay caught up.”
Battle Start “This is my territory!”
Battle End “Looks like I got myself some mouth-watering prey.”
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Profile Quote “This world is a survival of the fittest. If you don’t eat when you can, you’re not gonna survive.”
January 2020 Trailer “Even a hyena can become king at this school.”
Countdown Poster “You’ve got some nerve stepping into our territory. Shishishi!”
Login Bonus Greeting “Oh, you made some money! Shishishi! Getting this just by coming to school everyday really is the best, huh? Make sure you don’t forget to come tomorrow either.”
Player Birthday Wish “You’re eating good food, getting all these presents, and everyone’s being so nice to you today. So you don’t really need me to send you birthday wishes on top of that, right? Kidding. Shishishi! I swear! Happy birthday!”
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mommymooze · 4 years
Anxious Restraint
Sylvain x reader  
Warning: war, death, destruction, sad families, blood, injuries
Its a beautiful day during Great Tree Moon. Your nose is filled with the mixed scents of the flowers that are blooming everywhere, their petals catch in the winds and scatter across the cobblestones. You are strolling quietly through the pathways  of the school having just left one of your classes and heading to your next when you are suddenly joined by a fellow student, interrupting your thoughts about the upcoming battle.
Apparently, you have caught the eye of the school’s skirt-chaser, the notorious Sylvain Gautier. “Hey beautiful, how are you doing today?” He smoothly slithers up to your side, brushing his elbow up against yours.
“I’m fine, Sylvain” you respond listlessly, wishing this conversation was already over.
With his ‘every girl wants a piece of a guy who smiles like this’ look plastered on his face, he continues, “Want to grab some dinner with me today? Such a beautiful day would be even better if we shared a little time together, eh?”
Eyes straight ahead, you keep walking as if he’s not even there. “No thanks, I have to work on my magic and I was going to practice after grabbing a bite in the dining hall.”
“What about tomorrow?” He pushes.
“Tomorrow I have a test.” You just want him to stop. Mother taught you not to be rude, but he is testing every bit of your patience.
“And the next day?” He sounds desperate.
“Working with Felix on my sword skills. And improving my Pegasus riding so I can be a dark flier. I really have to get going.” Your voice getting louder as you run at top speed to anywhere before you lose your temper.
Sylvain is left in the dust, again. You’re in the same class as he is. You haven’t known him long, but Ingrid fills you in on his life history of philandering.  Classes keep everyone busy. You have to study fairly hard, but you are rewarded with great grades. Sylvain is smart, but doesn’t apply himself, he tells you he shouldn’t have to bother to be the best because no matter what, his dad’s just going to make him take his place someday. Seems like every time you see him he has a different girl hanging off his arm. He still asks you out once or twice a month. More out of a force of habit than anything else.
Time flies by with unusual problems happening quite frequently at the monastery. The Church sends the students out to fight their battles for them on a regular basis. Classes are taught, battles are won, then suddenly war is declared. The battle of Garreg Mach leaves everyone numb. You head home to find it is gone, the whole village burnt to the ground. Everyone you knew is gone, you’re unsure as to who lived and who died.  You become part of a mercenary group, continuing to fight and develop your skills and battle techniques. Your group will take any job that will take down Empire soldiers or people allied with them. Yuri hires your group a few times. Most of your jobs are in the Kingdom and Alliance territories.
Five years pass and you find yourself back at Garreg Mach, wondering if your friends will be there for the reunion planned so long ago. You are completely shocked when Byleth appears, fighting alongside a battleworn and feral Dimitri.
Once the battle ends the Blue Lions light up the stove in the kitchen, salvage what they can and cook up food that doesn’t quite go together but gets something in their stomachs for the night. Sitting around a table in the dining hall they each tell their stories of what they have been doing the past five years. Most of them protected their territories, saving their people. Byleth was sleeping, Dimitri is absent, everyone draws their own conclusions on what his time was spent on.
Sylvain finds you alone one afternoon sitting on a bench after having spent the entire day organizing and cleaning the library. “So you became a mercenary? You could have come to Gautier or even Fraldarius. Felix and I would have helped you. You didn’t have to be alone.” He said, sounding sad.
“I guess I needed to find myself after everything I knew was gone. I felt like I had to crawl my way up from the bottom. I refused to give up. I hadn’t planned on being a mercenary. I knew I wanted to keep fighting, keep working to be stronger, needing to make a difference for the right cause. Waking up every day knowing that I would work to improve the lives of the people, sure it didn’t win any major battles. But it made a difference to them. I gave them hope. Stealing supply wagons from the Empire and taking them to those that were starving or had no way to protect themselves kept me moving forward all of this time. I may have lost all of my things, but I gained a true purpose.
The next few days are filled with finding places to sleep, hunting and gathering food, repairing rooms and critical buildings, and greeting others that have returned such as Seteth and Flayn with the Knights of Seiros. You work with Byleth, offering to train anyone in reason magic.
Sylvain comes to your classes. You notice that he behaves himself, having grown up somewhat, and actually studies and gains better control of his magic. He finds you in the training grounds late one night, working with the new recruits and decides to lend a hand, helping them with their incantations, manipulation of runes or simply being encouraging.
Finally, the last student leaves. You wave as you grab your tomes and notes. Sylvain takes a seat on a nearby bench.
“You have your spellcasting mastered. I can really see the improvement since we were students.” Sylvain genuinely smiles.
You have a look of shock on your face. That has to be the sincerest compliment he has ever given you. “Um…thanks.” You weakly smile.
“I’ll see ya tomorrow.” He says waving as he turns.
You stumble after him quickly. “Sylvain, thank you very much for helping me tonight. If you hadn’t, I could have been here until morning. That was really sweet.”
He flashes a grin at you and heads out the door. You are confused. The Sylvain you remembered from before the war was always flirting and shirking work. Now he’s helping with working and training. He actually volunteers. Maybe he really is growing up.
Battles come and battles go. Being the eye in the sky, you are always watching out for your friends. After surviving for this many years of war, it would be heart wrenching to lose any of them now. You throw a Thoron into a group of archers that are terrorizing Felix. You guide Ingrid to help Ashe when someone is sneaking up on him. Always, always you have one eye on Sylvain, making sure he doesn’t get himself surrounded or run through on an enemy’s lance. The fights are all the same, only the names of the places change and the numbers of scars on everyone ever increases.
Reclaiming the Capital is a painful battle. Everyone’s heart breaks seeing the city in such ruin. The people are hiding from the soldiers on both sides. Titanus running amok cutting down everything in their paths. You fly quickly, attacking the Empire from the air, then leading innocent citizens to safety and hauling the wounded back to the rear of the lines to get healed. Fire and smoke is everywhere. Your Pegasus is breathing hard and needs a break. You leave it with the other beasts not currently in the fight and run in on foot to see where you can assist.  You scurry back to where you had seen the heaviest fighting just in time to see the last Titanus fall with a thundering crash. Dimitri, Dedue, Felix and Sylvain are dashing towards Cornelia. As soon as you are in range you hit her two closest archers with Swarm-z, slowing them down as well as injuring them. Felix and Sylvain defeat the enemies quickly. Dedue and Dimitri are facing Cornelia. Angered by your magic, she casts Luna Λ at you.  Normally you have a fairly high magic resistance, however this is a dark magic spell that doesn’t care what your resistance is, it’s going to hit and hit hard. Your last thoughts before you lose consciousness is that your friends can finish this easily and you are glad you’re on the ground and not falling off your Pegasus.
Waking up on a hard cot in the makeshift infirmary of the palace you hear the sounds of people walking softly and whispering all around. You mentally take inventory, wiggling toes and twitching fingers. Opening your eyes you have to blink a few times before you can finally get them to focus. At first you only see oranges and blacks, then you can focus a bit and see Sylvain and Annette standing at the foot of your cot. You see her point your direction and he turns to face you. He was frowning but when your eyes meet his, his face relaxes.
Kneeling down at the head of your bed he says softly, “Hey, welcome back. Think you can take a drink for me?” pulling a waterskin to your lips and lifting your head a bit, helping you take a few sips.
The water is cool and feels amazing on your parched throat. “Mmmm. Thanks.” You whisper as you smile up at him.
“Let’s see. What did you miss? After Cornelia hit you with that spell, she was easily taken down by Dimitri and Dedue. The fighting was over soon after that, we just had to take out a few pockets of enemy soldiers here and there.  As you can tell we took over the royal palace. The people rallied outside and demanded Dimitri to present himself to them. They’re accepting him as king and happy to have him back. Your Pegasus is in the royal stables, Ingrid was able to coax her in there. I had no idea she hates men so much, I almost lost my right hand, gauntlet and all.” Sylvain chuckles softly.
“Sorry. She was probably mad at me for leaving her in the first place. Glad I did.” You take another drink, the fog in your head lifting a little more.
Sylvain looks up at Annette, who is getting some bandages together for another patient. “Do you think she’ll be able to make it to the party tonight?”
“If she behaves. She’ll have to take it easy.” The shorter redhead points at you. “No dancing the night away.”
The cavalier pats your shoulder, “It’s nothing big, just the Lions hanging out together, to relax a minute before the next battle. Gotta take a break sometime, right?”
“I will try to make it. I haven’t even tried to sit up yet.” You mumble.
“When you’re ready we’ll sit you up. If you want to eat we’ll get you some food.” He begins, “After you’ve settled a bit we’ll try to get you walking around and show you to a room so you can clean up and change. I’ll come by before the party and help you get there if you want to go. Sometimes these corridors can all look alike. Wouldn’t want you spending half the night trying to find your way there.”
“Sitting up sounds like a good start.” You propose, knowing that magical wounds take time you recall. There’s only so much healing magic and potions they can pour into you. You weren’t sliced open and didn’t lose blood. Mostly once you wake up, you could go about your business, just treading a bit more carefully.
The cavalier is tall and agile, stepping over a few empty cots with his long legs he grabs a wooden chair and sits it down at the head of your bed. Before you can start to turn to stand up, he picks you up and gently places you seated in the chair.
“Wow.” You gasp. “Um..thanks.” a tinge of red warms across your cheeks.
“I grabbed one with arms so if you’re still tired you would have something to lean on. Are you feeling alright so far?”  He has the tiniest upturn to the corners of his mouth.
He looks adorable, you think to yourself. Wait. Sylvain. Adorable? Um…hey brain, are you going to answer him? “My head is a bit fuzzy.”
“I’ll check on you in a while, in time for lunch, ok?” the redhead says as he pats your hand while he walks past and leaves.
You sit looking around the room. Soldiers mixed with citizens. A woman with her baby is holding hands with a man that looks like he was badly burned. You can see the strength and determination in her face, she is being strong for him. A young boy sitting by the cot of an older man that is sleeping. The clerics are checking bandages, stopping to talk to every patient and giving them words of encouragement. The physical fighting here has ended, now everyone is gathering themselves together, healing, and getting ready to rebuild and make a better world.
You start moving yourself, getting your blood flowing and stretching, kicking your feet for a while then holding them up in the air. Soon you feel brave enough to try to stand up. Putting your feet on the ground you use the chair to help you stand on your own feet. You don’t feel like falling over, no affects so far except for some anxiety. You spy a chair 15 feet away and decide to go the distance. Your first few steps are taken gingerly, but you gain a bit of confidence and make it the last few steps fine. Sitting down your legs gave a bit so you came down a bit hard, but it felt good to move. Now you realize that you are in a simple gown and socks. Not exactly the best clothes for heading out of here, hopefully someone will be by soon to tell you what to do next. After taking a careful stroll back to your original chair, you spy Annette coming down the row of cots, checking on patients. You take a sip of water and wait for your turn.
“How’s your head? Any signs of a headache? Any pain anywhere?” Her bright and cheery smile always makes you smile back at her.
“I feel pretty good. Whoever worked on me did an amazing job. I just have a tiny headache. I’ve even been taking a few steps back and forth between the chairs here. So what should I do next?”
Annette reaches under your cot for a small bundle. ”We have a change of clothes and boots for you.” She shows you to the bathroom to change. You nod happily, “I would love to get real clothes on. It gives you the mental kick like you’re getting back to normal.”
“You have a great attitude! I’ll bet you’re fine in no time.” The redhead bubbles, walking with you to the powder room.
Clothes changed, washing your face and hands, you feel like a gold bullion. No mirrors in here, probably so the recovering wounded are not shocked about how they look after battle and keep concentrating on healing. You feel much more confident walking back to the chair by your cot.  Observing the healers running around, you feel quite useless and guilty for not being able to help them.  Before you spiral too far into a frustrating mindset, Sylvain arrives.
“Look at you, all ready to go!” He smiles. “They said if I take it easy with you, we can get you to the dining hall. Ready to give it a go?” He stands next to your chair, his elbow ready for you to grab it for support if needed.
“Sounds wonderful.” You stand up and place your hand on his forearm letting him lead you out of the infirmary.
The first few times he spies a bench he checks if you want to rest or keep going. The continued movement is a little tiring, but also feels really good getting your heart pumping. Once you really begin to feel tired you are already at the dining hall. Felix, Ingrid and Ashe already at the table with their food.
“Welcome back!” Ingrid smiles, waving with a roll in her hand. Felix does his usual nod in your general direction. Ashe waves excitedly as he tries to chew whatever he has in his mouth faster.
“Great to see you!” Ashe begins, switching to recalling his view of the end of the battle. “I saw Cornelia hit you with that spell, it was so scary. You were taking out her archers protecting her and then Bam! This ball of black and purple hit you and you go down. Dimitri and Dedue took her out and when Felix and Sylvain finished her other archers they put you on Sylvain’s horse and he took you straight back to the healers.”
Sylvain returns to the table with a tray full of food. “So I wasn’t sure what you were in the mood for, so I brought a few things. Doesn’t matter because whatever you don’t eat, Ingrid will finish for you.”
“Hey!” Ingrid puts her hands on her hips, pouting for a second. Then she changes her mind. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
You decide the soup and a soft roll may be a good place to start. Everyone chats about things that happened in the fight, trying to concentrate on good things that happened such as saving a child or protecting a merchant.
“Oh Ingrid! Thank you for taking care of my Pegasus and getting her stabled.” You happily pat her hand in thanks.
“It was nothing. She was being feisty and knucklehead over there tried to grab her reins and she didn’t take to it too kindly.” Ingrid grinned at the cavalier. “they are not the same as horses!”
The redhead puts his hands up, “I get it! I get it!”
Lunch ends and before you get a chance Sylvain grabs everyone’s dishes and piles them on his tray to take back.
You raise an eyebrow at Ingrid, she shrugs her shoulders. Felix and Ashe are already out the door talking about some training they are interested in. Ingrid says she will check on your Pegasus and let you know this evening how things are. You assure her you’re going to try to make the gathering tonight.
Sylvain returns, placing his arm at the ready, you grab on and as he escorts you, talking about his history here, having grown up frequently visiting the palace, how he would chase Ingrid, Dimitri and Felix down the halls until they would get in trouble and their amazing snowball fights in the courtyards.  He leads you down the corridor to your room. Annette and Mercedes are staying in the room next to yours.
“Who am I bunked up with?” You wonder.
“Nobody. This is all for you. The room is huge with a sitting area, a grand fireplace, a huge bed with multiple fluffy pillows and a bathroom with bathtub big enough to swim in. You spy your bags set on tables next to the dressers.
“I am so confused.” You don’t realize you are speaking out loud. “Why this special treatment? I’m just like everyone else. I don’t understand?”
“Remember when we were up against Cornelia?” Sylvain explains. “The person she looked at, the one she needed to stop first wasn’t Dimitri, wasn’t Dedue, it was you. You’re the most powerful mage we have.  Sure, Annette is pretty amazing, but she can’t do the damage you do. Cornelia saw it. I know you can dance circles around me. You’re pretty terrifying. We’re thrilled to have you on our side.”
You’re absolutely flabbergasted. You never compare yourself to anyone else. You go out, do your job. You feel a blush to your cheeks even though you find this hard to believe.
The redhead continues, “Then there’s the fact that you do this while flying on your Pegasus. We’ve seen you do maneuvers on that animal that shock Ingrid. You make some seriously fast dives, then stop. The wind force from its wings is stronger than some of Annette’s spells. I’ve seen enemy archers rolling over backwards from it.”
You could be knocked over by a Pegasus feather. You’re just a regular person in the army and he’s put you up on a pedestal…wait. This is Sylvain you’re thinking about. But it’s not his usual flirting escapades. Where is that flirtatious attitude anyway? You have spent a lot of time with him today and walked past plenty of pretty ladies, but you can’t recall his saying hello or paying a compliment to any of them.
“I think I should get a nap.” You say, not sure if you’re overwhelmed or tired or both.
“I’ll let you rest then. I’ll be back for you to get you to the party in plenty of time. See you in a few hours!” Sylvain smiles widely as he heads out the door, closing it behind him.
You sneak over to the door, hearing his footsteps going off into the distance. You peek out to watch him head down the long hallway. You watch him walk past a few female fellow soldiers without a hitch in his step. He comes to the end of the hallway where a cute maid is dusting a portrait and he just keeps going, not even giving the maid a sideways glance. Who is this guy and what have they done with Sylvain? You’re not sure, but you need to find out.
You decide a bath then a nap may clear your head. There are wonderful smelling soaps with flowers imbedded in them and something that smells fresh and relaxing for your hair. Cleansed and warm, it is definitely nap time. You comb your hair out, braiding it a bit and surround yourself by the fluffy pillows. You are asleep as soon as your head hits the pillows.
Several hours later you wake up, glad to see it’s not dark outside yet. You dress in a soft blue tunic and black slacks with your boots. You let your braids loose so your hair can dry. You head next door to visit Annette and Mercedes.
“Knock, knock, anyone home?” You chuckle.
“Hey! Come in!” Annette’s bubbly voice calls back. You enter, hmm, their room is much smaller than yours. You frown.
“Merci’s in the bath right now. Do you feel well enough to join us tonight?” Annette is looking at two outfits she has laid out on the bed, trying to decide which dress to wear.
“I’m about ready. I need to fix my hair a bit, that’s all.” You pause. “Annie, if I ask you some questions will you answer me honestly?”
“Pssshhh. Of course. We have no secrets.” The blue eyed woman smiles from ear to ear.
You want to ask her the right way, not fishing for compliments, because you don’t want that. “So. I’m just one of the many mages in the army, right? I’m no different than any other Pegasus rider. Just a regular old normal person.”
“Well…” Annette scrunches her eyebrows and puts her finger to her chin. “For Faith magic, nobody can beat Merci. Reason magic I’m pretty good, but you’re better than me, and Byleth too. You’re the only one that can cast Dark magic. Byleth does call on you frequently to do some very tough jobs, being out on the front lines where normally mages are not.”
“You can be quite scary!” Laughs Mercedes as she emerges from the bath in a short tunic and her slips. “A bolt of darkness coming down like a demon on the dark wings of your steed.”
“I guess I’m just confused by Sylvain. Did Byleth tell him to watch over me or something?” You look so flustered.
Mercie puts her hand over her mouth to hide a giggle.
“You should have seen him when he saw Cornelia hit you with her spell!” Annette is leaning so far forward off the bed she’s going to fall over any minute. “You fell over and he tried to run over there. Felix nearly pulled his arm out of his socket. He had to stay and finish the archers. Sylvain insisted on getting you back to the healer’s tent as fast as possible.”
“Why am I in a big room at the end of the hall all by myself? Shouldn’t I be bunked with someone?” You are grasping at anything trying to make sense of today.
“That could be from me.” Mercedes advises. “I did tell Dimitri that you need peace and quiet, healing from a magic injury is impeded by stress like loud noises or bad roommates.”
You shake your head a bit. Maybe you’re just tired and after a good night’s sleep you’ll be better in the morning. You remind yourself not to stay up too late at the party.
The three of you chat a bit, getting into gossip and girl talk. Dimitri and Byleth have been getting closer now that he has been feeling much better. You elbow the red-headed mage sitting next to you on the bed, teasing her about a certain dedicated swordsman. She refuses to admit if they have kissed yet, but by the redness on her cheeks, there is something going on there for sure. Mercedes admits to having a few cooking dates with Dedue. He is showing her how to make some dishes. She’s always felt comfortable baking desserts but not cooking main courses and side dishes.
The two ladies corner you asking if you have your heart set on anyone. Sheepishly you have to shrug your shoulders. You haven’t had time to do much beyond teaching the new mages and their battalions, being sent on a few covert missions, and working with the Pegasus knights training, working the stables and working out with your own steed. You see Ingrid the most of the group, frequently Dorothea would be hanging out nearby waiting for her.
Suddenly you notice the time and need to get back to your room to finish getting ready. You wave goodbye and will see them in a little while. There is a lovely vanity with an adjustable mirror. You take a seat and decide to braid your hair in one of the more intricate braids like Petra had shown you in recent months. Tying it with a white ribbon you leave it on your right shoulder.  Dusting your cheeks with a light rouge and dabbing your lips with a bit of color you’re done. This has probably been the closest you’ve been to being dressed up since the war started.
A knock on the door brings your attention back from staring at your face in the mirror. You walk quickly to the door to find Sylvain there, smiling brightly.
“You look…like you are feeling much better. Did you get to rest?” he asks.
“I feel great, I’m sure tomorrow I will feel even better.” You smile as he steps back to let you exit the room and he closes the door behind you. You grab the crook of his elbow like you had done earlier and he leads you to the parlor where the gathering is taking place.
“It is great to just hang out together for once. It has been exhausting.” Sylvain announces.
“War takes so much out of you. We have come so far, just a little bit more.” You sigh wistfully.
“The end is in sight.” The tall redhead says quietly. After a pause, he asks, “So have you thought about what you’re going to do after the war?”
“I don’t know.” You slow your pace, trying to gather your thoughts as you walk. “I’ve been so busy with the war, its hard to think about it being over. There is still going to be a million things that have to be done. Setting up government, rebuilding, trying to get everyone to work together. The work never ends.”
“Well, let’s not think about all that work for tonight.” He says as he pauses outside the room. “Let’s relax for just a bit before it all starts over again tomorrow.”
Inside the parlor is a large table with many chairs. Tables loaded with foods, fruits, savory treats and desserts. A large circle of comfortable chairs, couches, loveseats and settees with small tables scattered between them is the right, a few seats already occupied by Dedue, Dimitri, Byleth and Ingrid.
Everyone stands and greets you as you enter. You hug them all, so happy to be back together with everyone. Sylvain holds his hands out hopefully.
“Of course, you didn’t get one yet either.” You smile as you place your arms around him for his hug as well. He smells good. He hugs back ever so gently, his touch is feather light.
Byleth returns to the settee that she is sharing with Dimitri and asks you to sit next to her. You take a spot on the loveseat and chat with her about what happened during the battle from her point of view and she shares how proud she is of everyone. The rest of the Blue Lions filter into the room. Sylvain hands you a glass of water with lemon slices in it then walks over to talk to Felix who has found the spicy meatballs.
Once everyone has a drink in hand, Dimitri offers a toast thanking them all for their help in taking back the Kingdom capital. Plaudits of the attendees fill the room.
The conversations are lively. Ashe sits next to you for a while, talking about some new books he has ordered and offers to let you read them after he is finished. Annette also sits next to you for a while, talking about all of the different and delicious desserts. You prefer the peach tart, however you agree that the strawberry cheesecake is simply divine. The redhead then joins Felix on the couch on the other side of the room. Sylvain stands between you and Byleth, talking about differences in armor quality and comparing different blacksmiths. You invite him to ‘take a load off’ has he likes to say to others, as you move to let him sit next to Byleth and you sit on the other side of the seat, patting the loveseat for him to sit himself. He nods and smiles as he takes a seat and continues his conversation with the former Professor. Mercedes bustles through the room, taking your empty plate and another that Annette had left on the side table.
Sylvain finishes his conversation and looks out into the room. You tap him on the hand to get his attention.
“What have you been up to today?” You ask him.
“I had to work on repairs for my saddle, one of the cinching straps had become frayed. I don’t need it breaking and falling off in the middle of battle. I also had to make sure my horse is in great shape, trimmed her hooves and then took her out for a ride. I used to ride a lot out here with Dimitri. It was good to feel the wind through my hair, the sun on my back and simply ride just for the sake of riding.”
“That sounds delightful.” You think wistfully. “Just going for a ride to be riding. Can’t wait to be able to do that again.”
“Any time you are up for it I would be happy if you would like to join me.” Sylvain smiles.
You gently wrap your tiny hand around his much larger, calloused hand. “Sounds great.”
Another hour of chatting with your friends goes by until a yawn suddenly escapes your lips.
Sylvain immediately notices. “Looks like you have had enough fun for today. I should take you back, okay?”
“Mmmm. I agree. Mercedes will tie me to a cot if I don’t rest.” You giggle
Mercedes laughs, “I have ways of making you sleep.” Her voice is much deeper, lower than normal as she squints her eyes menacingly. She wiggles her fingers in a creepy taunting manner at you, making you laugh even more. Sylvain stands and offers his elbow for you to take. Both of you bid goodnight to everyone as you head back out to the corridors of the palace. You are silent as you both walk back to your room. At the door he is preparing to take his leave.
Placing your hand on his shoulder you stop him from moving. “I would like to talk with you, that is, if you want to speak with me as well.”
He gives a slight smile and follows you into your room. You move to the sitting area. You take a seat on a soft cushioned char, he sits on an identical chair next to you.
“First, thank you so much for all of the help you have provided to me today. Bringing water, helping steady me in the hallways, and making certain I was not lost wandering the palace looking for the party.” You say this with all the sincerity you can muster, placing your left hand on your chest to show your heartfelt thanks.
“It was the least I could do. You have given of yourself over and over, it was wonderful being able to help you today.” A tinge of red covers his cheeks. “You really should get some rest.”
You really want to talk to him but he is right, you can barely keep your eyes open. He opens the door to leave, but you hold your arms out to give him a hug goodnight. He gently wraps his arms around yours as you press your cheek into his chest, exhaling with a sigh. You wave as he steps through the threshold and closes the door.
 The early morning war council is held in one of the palace’s meeting rooms. Dimitri shares a message delivered to him earlier this morning. It is a plea for assistance from the alliance, Claude asks for help in Derdriu. Everyone agrees to make the detour to the city then head on towards Enbarr to finish the war.
Arriving at the coastal city, Claude has done an excellent job preparing the city for the fight with the Empire. The battle zone has been evacuated of the citizens and merchants. They only ones involved in the fighting are soldiers. The Kingdom’s army is motivated and strong, overtaking the Empire forces in record time.
There is a meeting between Dimitri, Byleth and Claude. Claude announces he is headed for his own future and wishes everyone well.
The Kingdom marches for Enbarr. The final battle in the war. Edelgard does nothing to prepare the citizens, they flee in the streets as the fight rages around them. The fight is long and bloody. There is no surrendering by Edelgard, she and Hubert fight until their last breath.
You volunteer to stay behind, but Ashe, Ingrid, Dorothea, Linhardt and Caspar remain to start the repairs and healing from the war. The rest return to the north. Sylvian and Felix return to their territories to check on everything and keep their lands going.
Back in the Kingdom capital, your days are filled with rebuilding, not just the buildings, but the mind and bodies of the citizens. You are always amongst the people, one day clearing rubble, the next helping in the orphanages, another day watching a mother’s children so she could take care of business. You explain you are doing this for king and country. If there is anyone to thank, it is Dimitri.
Soon everyone is gathered here again, this time for Dimitri’s coronation. The ceremony is long. Byleth being the archbishop has the honor of placing the crown upon the king. There are so many speeches and the lords of every territory must approach the king and promise their allegiance.
A grand ball celebrating the coronation is held in the evening. King Dimitri is seated at the head table, next to Archbishop Byleth. Felix is next to Dimitri as his chief advisor, Dedue next to him as his Vassal. Ashe and Ingrid are knights, standing guard behind them. They insisted on working, reveling in the honor of being among the first to protect the newly crowned King.
You sit with Annette, Mercedes, Dorothea, Caspar, Linhardt and Sylvain. The conversation is never ending, you haven’t seen several of them for months, so everyone has to catch up. Mercedes and Dedue are engaged. Annette and Felix are officially a couple, as well as Caspar and Linhardt. You have been busy helping restore the school of sorcery. They have been begging you to become a teacher, you are still considering your options.
The orchestra on the opposite side of the ballroom begins to play. The king and archbishop take the floor, starting the dancing for the remaining couples. Sylvain had been seated next to Dorothea and they spoke quietly with each other several times during dinner. You would look up and smile at him and he would always return the gesture.
After the first song ends, it was time for the rest of the couples to dance. You are shocked when he stands and walks over to you, asking you to dance with him. He takes your hand and leads you to the floor. The first few minutes you smile at each other. Then you hear him sigh. You catch his eyes and he smiles at you.
“I’ve missed you.” Sylvain whispers softly in your ear.
“I was hoping you lived close enough that you could come visit here more frequently. Maps can be quite deceiving.” You frown briefly, “How are things in Gautier?”
Sylvain seems to stiffen a bit. “My father is going to step down, leaving me to take his place.”
You try not to frown, “Is that what you want to do?”
He hesitates as the song is ending and he asks you to step outside with him. You stroll through the gardens together, the smell of moist earth and roses fills the air. You stop far enough away that the brightness of the party no longer blocks the light of the stars on this perfectly clear night.
He seats you on a bench, taking a the spot next to you. He leans back and looks up at the stars.
You can’t look away from his face, so you simply watch him watching the twinkling in the skies.
He gently takes your hand in his. “I never wanted to take my father’s place. I never wanted to be like him or like he wanted me to be. I was always such a rebel. I wanted to ruin the world around me, pay it back for all the pain that I had been through. There was nothing that I was looking forward to, being forced to fit in the mold that my father made for me. When they had announced that Dimitri would be executed it made my father physically ill. The kingdom had fallen that day to him. He had no hope left. He stopped pushing me to get married. He couldn’t arrange anything, not knowing who would come out victorious. He didn’t know if he would be keeping his position or would the Empire trample him into the ground. He stopped leaning on me that I would have to be the next margrave, not having any idea how long he was to be the current one. I no longer had anything to defy, to rebel against. I pulled back. I had to learn how to take care of myself properly. Then we came back for the reunion. I had been feeling sorry for myself, then I found out you had lost everything. I saw how strong you had become. Even though you had nothing you had such passion to help everyone else to be better. It was so beautiful. I had never seen anything so beautiful. It wasn’t just a smile, a pretty face, it was radiating from so deep within you. I wanted to be near you, that’s why I had offered to help you, just to be near you. I knew I wasn’t worthy of you. But if I helped you at least I could be close to you. When Cornelia hurt you, I went mad. I thought you were dead. Felix brought me back, telling me we had to finish what you started. I wanted to talk to you after you were recovering, but then we were pulled into Derdriu and went to Enbarr right after that. And then I had to go back to Gautier. After the war, when I went back I thought my father would lord over me, make me continue to do everything his way. But he’s become tired. My parents are going to move to the coast to spend the rest of their days. Managing Gautier is left to me to handle as I see fit. I’ve been working on reaching out to the Sreng, to see if we can find peace between us. Everyone is so tired of the fighting. I know I am. Maybe I could be the Margrave, but I can’t do it alone. I’d like you to help me, teach me to be a good leader, to do right by my people. I would do anything and everything for you.”
You squeeze his hand. “At the reunion I noticed a big change in you. I wanted to talk to you about it but the war never let us have five minutes to ourselves. I noticed you were behaving differently. I wanted so badly to talk to you after we won back the capital, but the war jumped between us again. Maybe the only way I can have an opportunity to speak with you for any length of time would be to go to Gautier with you.” You grin at him.
“I really don’t deserve you.” He puts his arm around you for a half hug. “I know you are so good with the people. Everyone here loves you.” He rests his cheek on the top of your head.
You’re beginning to become flustered. At the moment you miss the old flirty Sylvain. He’s acting..shy? Inviting you to Gautier sounded like a business transaction more than inviting a woman over. “Are you seeing anyone right now? Have you decided what you want to do for yourself?” you ask.  
“Uh. No. I haven’t really thought about it for a long time. Its like once the pressure was off from my father, I just didn’t need to do that anymore. But yeah, I want to get married to a woman that I love, maybe have children, and shower them with as much love as I can muster. Make peace with the Sreng. Make the people of Gautier happy too. What about you? Are you seeing anyone? What do you want?”
“Well, I’ve always wanted to get married and have children. Now that the war is over that certainly is a possibility.” You begin. “And you know I like to help people, help them help themselves. I am seriously considering a job offer that I feel I am qualified for. I’m thrilled to find that someone I have been interested in for quite a while is currently single. So things are looking pretty good.” You look up at his face smiling.
Sylvain looks down at you smiling, but unsure.
Your hands slide up his chest, going around his neck and you pull him down toward you, finally he gets the idea and bends down to kiss you gently.
“That took you forever.” You gasp smiling up at him.
“I thought I had already missed my chance. I thought at least if I could be near you that would be fine.” He smiles, kissing you again.
“Ever since I saw you at the reunion, I could tell you were different in the best sort of way. You weren’t hiding behind a mask, you were acting like yourself. As long as you be your true self with me, I will always want to be near you.” You hold Sylvain tightly under the stars.
The wedding is the following spring. Both of you frequently travel all about Gautier territory, constantly talking with the people and responding to their needs. You find some people that speak Sreng and learn the language and culture well enough to be able to parlay and work towards a peace agreement. You give up some of the Gautier lands that the Sreng say are important to them. In turn they pay for this property with many rare minerals and jewels that are from their lands. You use this money to improve the roads and lives for the people of Gautier. Sylvain does spoil you rotten. You have at least 8 children and have no idea if any has a crest, not that you care. The Lance of Ruin is given to Byleth to do whatever she wants with the horrid weapon.
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babiesdreams · 4 years
Superhuman +18 Chapter 1
Warnings: Violence, mentions of blood, smoking, mentions of suicide, gore(?.
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Renjun’s story:
She came to me when I was just sixteen. I knew something was wrong with me since a long time ago, but her presence made it worse. She always makes feelings much more intense and pure... It’s really hard to leave feelings aside.
You know my... powers are related to feelings, the purest feelings are the strongest power source. I’m basically a generator. Anger and sadness are usually the best ones.  
I finally got out of my home, I was gonna start a new life, a new stable and normal life. For once I wouldn’t be judged for being too shy, or not letting my feelings in, or for being “a psychopath” 
But then she passed by, offered me a cigarrette and whispered how she knew everything. I felt like my whole life plan ended right there, but she was right. If I simply ignore my abilities I’m only making it worse, I had to learn more about them, and use them in my own advantage. I needed to know how to properly control it before getting into another messy life, before hurting anyone else, so she was a savior at the time.
“You have to meet them” 972 shouted at me. “I don’t want to, we can just go as a duo” I screamed back. “Huang Renjun, your anger levels aren’t under control, please relax, or I’ll have to call security” 
“I don’t want others to get involved with me” A soft wave moves the air around me, as I start getting more and more angry. “You know what happened” 
“Huang Renjun, control yourself or I might take action” 972 kept her angry tone, making it worse. “Let me go alone on the mission” My eyes fire up with anger, feeling how my power grows inside of me. “Stop. Now” She demands, making everything worse. 
A big explosive wave brushes the whole place, destroying everything on its way. I fall on my knees, crying for what I just did. “I can’t have a team, I’m a monster, I’ll fuck everything up” I shout with a broken voice tone. For a moment I thought she was dead, but then her voice sounded in the distance.
“We all are monsters here” Her voice whispers as her hand rests on my shoulder. “We... all... are” She whispers with a sad tone.
Shotaro’s story:
Since I was born, the weather changed along with my mood, if I cried, it would start raining. If I was angry, it would turn into a thunderstorm. I think you get it. The thing is that at first I was quite good at controlling my mood, but growing up made it harder and harder, to a point that I couldn’t control anything about it. I got scared of feeling, and isolated myself for months, but that only made it worse.
When I got in here, I wanted to learn how to destroy my powers, ended up knowing how to control them. Now it’s not at all linked to emotions, more like I have full control over the weather, I can change it as I want. 
I was known for being the best at controlling my powers and even if they’re not the most powerful ones I think my ability to control them made me stronger, that’s how I ended up being the leader.
“Guys you need to practice more” I say calmly. “Why would we practice? we are quite strong” Jisung says, not taking his eyes off the screen as he plays some stupid videogame. “It doesn’t matter how strong you are if you can’t control it” I say calmly, trying to make them understand. “You’re just jealous of our powers” Jaemin spits out, taking another chip into his mouth.
“You all are bombs, uncontrollable bombs, that’s not useful at all. Sure you’re powerful, but you’re basically dangerous for everyone” I say with a more serious tone. “Should I make him think we are training?” Chenle asks to the rest. “I heard you” I tell him.
But all the mess calms down when Renjun stands up. “Let’s go train, he’s right” He says with a serious voice and everyone follows. I sigh, feeling useless in comparison to his natural leader abilities, but yet glad that he helped me with it. 
Jaemin’s story: healing body (His fluids heal any harm)
I realized when I was a kid, I used to cry whenever I got hurt and then everything was fine. It got more intense when I kinda saved my mother.
I was holding her hand, focused on the beats produced by some machine. The sudden beep, made me anxious. I didn’t really know what to do, I panicked and started crying and when I realized she was fine again. 
With time and some exploring I realized it wasn’t only my tears that healed people, but all my fluids. Someone could be dying and if I licked his hand, they’d be completely fine. It feels like a lot of responsability tho, you never know the story behind someone dying.
The agonizing man starts choking on his own blood, trying to breath, yet unable to do so. I roll his body, getting him to rest on one side, to stop him from choking. I take his bloody hand and lick his index finger. 
Seconds later, the blood stops coming out from his mouth, and the cuts on the man’s stomach dissappear. “What did you do?” He says with a low voice tone. I look at him challenging, sometimes people really are ungrateful. “I just saved your life” I reply, proud of myself.
“Nobody asked you to do so” He shouts at me. “S-sir, I saved your life” I say stuttering. “They are gonna get my family if I don’t die you idiot” He shouts at me. I step back, scared of his words, letting tears fall down my cheeks. “I-I didn’t, I didn’t know that” 
That’s where I discovered that saving a life sometimes mean killing others. Butterfly effect. Maybe someday I could have saved a serial killer and then how many deaths would I be responsible for? I needed to learn that I can’t save everyone and sometimes I need to let people die. 
Jeno’s story:
I was an average student when I found out. Well actually I was a pretty stupid teenager. Classes were boring so I just went around with my friends, play games, and live life I guess. One day I saw soe students bullying a transfered kid, and I got into the fight.
I have always been pretty strong, so fights were an easy task for me. However those kids were much older than me, and I was alone. So they basically beated me up, until I did it. I don’t even know how I did it, I was just angry.
Trash from bins started floating, making people concern as to what was happening. I’ve heard my eyes turn red whenever I use my abilities so that might have helped to make them fear me. But after that day I became the school’s king.
Being at that place I started to hating my powers. I just wanted to feel normal, to be normal. But I guess that’s something none of us can really achieve. So I just kept training my brain and try to be better.
“Get out of the way” I say to Jaemin. The scared boy gets behind me, making me feel his shaking hands on my back. “So you want to die sir?” I say, looking at him with a fierce look. The man nodded, so sure of his decision, and I smiled at him.
“Have a nice trip” I say, while concentrating on the knife resting on the floor a few meters away. I held the knife mentally in front of him, pointing at his neck. “Do it” He says, crying desperately. “Look away” I whisper to Jaemin, before tearing his throat open. My figure gets covered by the man’s blood, while he dies slowly in front of my eyes. 
I throw the knife a few meters away, still not touching it for a split second. “It’s done” I say lowly, turning around to face Jaemin. My bloody hands hold his face, trying to calm him down. My fingers clean his tears, replacing them with blood.  “It’s fine” I whisper, letting him hug me tightly. 
The bloody scenario felt specially creepy under the moonlight, so I understand how Jaemin felt so guilty about everything. Still, he needed to grow up for future missions.
Jisung’s story: 
I remember looking up to superheroes like Spiderman or Hulk, or Superman. But being super strong isn’t exactly the best. Plus people don’t trust me when I say I’m strong. Of course, I tried to hide it, since all heroes in movies do that. But, it felt wrong somehow... Letting people take advantage of weaker people. Even letting people take advantage of me. 
So I decided to go anonymously, that way nobody would know who I was. But, again, nobody took me seriously. My family was also not doing so good, so I got into some illegal businesses. 
A guy decided to trust me and I started getting into street fights. I won money thanks to people’s bets. It wasn’t the best job, but at least I had something, and I stayed anonymous so they couldn’t interfere in my normal life. 
However I started to get tired of it and I stopped going there. I didn’t expect them to find me so fast.
“We had a contract” The old man says. I couldn’t stop trembling from fear. “Put the gun away” A woman’s voice says from behing the old man. He turns around, to find out how his bodyguards were already dead on the floor. 
The gun the man was holding started melting in his hand. “W-what are you?” He asked stuttering. The girl chuckled, and inmediately after a hole appeared where the man was standing, making him fall. His fingers held the floor, to stop himself from falling helplessly. 
“Hi, Park Jisung , I’m 972, I would like to recruit you into our team. What do you say?” Her eyes were fiercer than any eyes that ever looked at me, kinda hypnoticing. The grunts of the old man resonated all over the room, but they eventually stopped when she stepped on his fingers, breaking them with her heels. The fall was slow and long, ending with a disgusting sound, as the old man reached the floor somewhere at the bottom of the hole.
“I’m interested” I finally say, shaking the smiling girl’s hand.
Chenle’s story: 
Changing people’s percception is so funny. I can literally get away from every situation. I’ve never got punished for anything at all. Plus I can do whatever I want, no limits, no judgements. 
Sure, sometimes I don’t quite control what they are seeing instead of what I’m doing, like that time I was borrowing some clothes from a shop and people were seeing me pee on the clothes. I got arrested anyway. But I know how to use my power, that’s why I think training is stupid. 
We are basically gods, our powers’ limits are barely there, so let’s just have fun right? right?
“Let jun take care of this” 972 says, making all of us stay aside. I turn to look at Jaemin and Jisung, changing their perception so that they would see everything going fine, but I looked.
A loud sound scared all of us, and the buildings around the zone he was in started falling apart, getting reduced to ashes. People’s screams were really horrifying, something I will never be able to forget. And a loud growl from Renjun followed, filling the air with anger. “W-what happened?” Jaemin asked confused. 
“You have some work to do hyung” I told him, letting him finally see what really happened. He fell on his knees seeing all the victims from Jun’s powers. “You think you can do it?” I ask him doubting the limits of his abilities. 
“I can” His voice was shaky but I trusted 972′s plan. “Zhong Chenle get the living victims and make them think nothing happened. I’ll get the buildings back to normal. Lee Jeno, find the enemy’s body and bring it here. Remember, no fingertips on anything. Osaki Shotaro and Jung Sungchan get Na Jaemin to the victims. Park Jisung, you stay here in case I need protection” She ordered, while the buildings started getting back to normal. 
“On our way” We all shouted at the same time. It was something chaotic, but it worked out. “Now I’m gonna get an agent from unit V. Thanks for your collaboration, Unit D. You can all go now” 
Missions are always like that, cold-hearted and all about “Getting the job done”
Sungchan’s story:
I touched my grandma’s old clock. And I saw my grandfather, when he was younger, fighting in war, leaving home, giving her the clock. Everything happened in front of my eyes so fastly, I couldn’t really...
It took me a really long time to really get used to it. And when I did I hated the feeling. I wore gloves everywhere, so that I wouldn’t touch nothing directly. But avoiding it made it worse. Much worse. Because when it happened accidentally I could see more than what I normally would have.
The thing is that I thought my powers were more of an inconvenience than something useful. Until my father got that complicated case about a “Suicide” I touched the letter she wrote, and the chair he got over to hang herself up. Except it didn’t happen like that. 
Someone else wrote the letter and she was forced to stand on the chair that the man kicked, making her die instantly. I told my father my theory, and they got enough proof to take the responsible man. That’s when I felt like a hero. I thought I found my future profession as a detective.
I read all Sherlock Holmes books, idolizing what he did, wanting to be just like him, and now I have my chance.
I touched her face, and I saw everything she went through, who she really was. 
“Jung Sungchan, we talked about this didn’t we?” She says calmly. I nod, recalling her words about not touching her, probably to avoid me knowing her secrets. “We all have secrets here, we need to help each other okay?” I nod once again, and watch as her figure gets lost in the distance, still trying to process the information.
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itsthesinbin · 3 years
Insert Title Here (Obey Me Fic)
i dont have a title yet.
im still getting characterization down and im also not even halfway thru the game so forgive me if i fuck things up DSFKGDSFKDG
the mc is one of the species ive made- chimeras. for ppl who have been here a long time, u shld remember them. for newbies, i wont spoil what they are if this DOES become an actual thing
please reblog and/or leave a comment in the notes if you like this! i need feedback to be sure people would actually enjoy the fic!
“I don’t think I summoned the right person.” Diavolo looked down at the file he had in his hand, examining the picture attached to the front of the folder. A normal young woman stared back at him- blonde hair, pale blue eyes, glasses perched on her nose. The demon prince looked back down at the… creature… on the ground.
Passed out, he couldn’t see her eyes, but the wild blonde hair was almost a perfect match. Lucifer was currently draping his coat over her, as she had shown up naked. Ram-like horns sat on her head, and a tail twitched behind her in her sleep. Tan skin shifted into scales along their arms- and their stomach, from the little Diavolo saw before he averted his eyes. Her legs were much like a cat’s, her fingers and toes webbed and holding wicked looking claws.
“You think,” Satan asked, coming over to his eldest brother’s side to examine the summoned creature. Diavolo crouched down, getting a closer look at her face. Her soul. Asmodeus spoke up while Diavolo did his small investigation.
“What the fuck is it?” Asmodeus leaned over the table, his question earning a stern glare from Lucifer. Asmodeus simply shrugged, sitting back down next to a very confused- and very hungry- Beelzebub.
“... They are… definitely human-” Diavolo announced- “Maybe a… genetic relative?” Diavolo looked through the file again, seeing if he missed a note on any children or family. Asmodeus finally spoke up.
“Why didn’t the original human show?” Lucifer looked to Diavolo, who was just as confused. Before the prince could answer, the creature on the ground began to stir. The three surrounding them moved back, allowing her to wake up without being crowded.
Pale blue eyes appeared before them, unfocused and hazy. They snapped open a moment later, pupils turning to slits. The creature before the demons jumped up, knocking the coat off with a furious hiss. Satan in particular reeled back, feeling her fury harder than the others in the room.
She scrambled back into a corner, staring at the demons with wide, wild eyes. Much too wide for a normal human, if Solomon was any reference point. Dark blue scales glittered on her heaving chest, a rattling noise coming from her tail. Her pointed ears were pinned back against her head in anger.
“We… understand you must be confused, and scared,” Diavolo started, hands raised in a nonthreatening manner. He took a single step closer, and the woman let out a screech that made the three younger demons hold their ears. Lucifer and Diavolo cringed slightly, exchanging a look as she stopped screaming.
“We won’t come any closer. We just wish to talk.” Diavolo was tempted to send her back, but he’d need to get her back in the circle for that. And he doubts she’d simply follow his request to move.
“... What is your name?” She stayed quiet, the rattle on her tail slowly stopping. Her eyes scraped over everyone in the room, daring any of them to move. No one did. Slowly, she sat down on the ground, much like a cat ready to pounce.
“... My name is Diavolo, I am the ruler of all demons, and all here know of me. And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom.” There was a beat of silence where she just stared at the prince.
“Fuck you.” Everyone reeled back at that, before Satan put a hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing. He was starting to like this creature.
Lucifer was about to speak up, but Diavolo held a hand up to silence him. Clearly, she was scared and angry. Diavolo wasn’t going to take it personally. Luke was, while not as vulgar, very angry when he arrived as well.
“Why I here?” Lucifer cleared his throat, making her head snap to where he was. Diavolo placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“This is Lucifer- a demon, and the Avatar of Pride. He’s also the vice president of the student council and my right-hand man. Beyond that, he’s my most trusted friend,” the prince laughed, ignoring the glare from the human(?) in the corner. Lucifer sighed slightly, subtly shrugging Diavolo’s hand off of his shoulder.
“Welcome to our academy, even if your appearance here is… surprising, to everyone.” The woman hissed, baring her fangs at Lucifer. A bold move, if she were a demon.
“WHY I HERE?” Lucifer looked her over, crossing his arms.
“She certainly is different from Solomon,” he muttered, before starting his rehearsed speech on the reasoning for the exchange program. Satan could feel her rage build, the longer Lucifer talked. Yeah. He understood the feeling.
“You are our new exchange student, it seems, miss…?” Lucifer hoped he would get a name out of her. They needed to confirm if she was, somehow, the woman they originally intended to summon from the human world. When she didn’t answer, he continued with a sigh.
“Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the tasks that you receive from RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom.” The woman snarled.
“I- I’m- LET ME GO!” The fury in her words was betrayed by the wobble in her voice. She pressed further back against the wall, claws digging at the stone behind her. She was terrified. Trapped.
“I’m sorry, but there’s no going back.” Right now, anyway. “For one year, you are under our care and you will be attending RAD. Do you understand?”
The woman’s chest heaved, breathing picking up again to near hyperventilation levels. Her eyes were focused on Lucifer, but she was looking right through him. Satan bristled slightly, feeling himself grow a bit lightheaded at how strong her anger was. He had to keep himself calm.
The woman darted forward, toward Lucifer and Diavolo.
Quick as a flash, Lucifer grabbed her and pinned her to the floor. The woman thrashed and screeched under Lucifer’s grip, trying to reach back to swipe him with her claws. Her tail slammed into his side shockingly hard. Not that it really hurt him, but it was much stronger than he thought a human would be. If… humans had tails, that was.
She suddenly grew slack, eyes rolling back as she went unconscious. Barbatos, who had been off to the side, put his hand down when she was out. He had to put a stop to that before someone got hurt- human or demon.
Slowly, Lucifer released his grip on her. He didn’t get up from his straddle over her, in case she suddenly woke up, looking up at Diavolo for an order or suggestion.
The prince was at a loss for words, for once. On top of not knowing exactly what this woman was- sure her soul was human but she clearly wasn’t fully- he didn’t expect to just be attacked.
“... Take her to the House of Lamentation, Lucifer, and… maybe try to talk some sense into her there. Barbatos and I will… try to figure out who she even is.” Lucifer felt the migraine coming on. Sometimes he despised his job.
“Of course.” He grabbed his coat again, wrapping her up as Barbatos explained the spell would wear off in three hours. With a nod, Lucifer scooped her up and made his way over to his brothers. Asmodeus immediately cringed away, while Beelzebub just kind of… stared. Lucifer was pretty sure he was in shock.
He turned to Satan, who was still calming down from the intense rage he felt second-hand. Lucifer frowned.
“Satan? Are you alright?” The fourth eldest cleared his throat, flushing slightly in embarrassment.
“Yes. It… She was very angry- the sudden wave of it threw me for a loop, so to speak.” He had expected some anger, sure, but that? It was like expecting a drizzle and walking into a tsunami.
It was kind of funny.
Lucifer hummed slightly, before motioning for his brothers to follow.
“Let’s get her home, then. Satan, call Mammon and let him know he’ll be in charge of her.” Satan paused at that.
“... I’d love to see Mammon get his backside handed to him as much as the next demon, but don’t you think that’s a bad idea?” Lucifer growled slightly. Satan sighed, opening his D.D.D before Lucifer started one of his “are you disobeying an order” tirades.
“Fine. Don’t blame me when Mammon comes back missing a few fingers, though.” Actually. That sounded kinda funny. Maybe Lucifer had the right idea, not that Satan would admit it.
While the fourth argued with the second about his new position as… animal sitter, Beelzebub and Asmodeus fell into step next to their eldest brother.
“Are you sure this is a good idea? Can’t we pick someone else and send her back while she’s asleep,” Beelzebub asked, holding his hands over his stomach nervously. Lucifer glanced down at the sleeping creature, who was still trembling even while unconscious.
“... If it becomes too much of a hassle, I’ll talk to Diavolo. For now, we have to give it a try. It would take too long to find a new applicant. That being said… let’s find a reinforced room for her.” Lucifer didn’t want her busting out in the middle of the night.
“Maybe soundproof, too,” Asmodeus mumbled, wrapping his arms around himself in sheer discomfort. They were supposed to be taking care of this thing? Maybe he could get out of it if he avoided her. 
Lucifer shot him a look, but didn’t say anything. That screech definitely caught everyone off guard. His ears were still ringing. Which was only being made worse because he could hear Mammon yelling over Satan’s phone. The eldest sighed heavily.
Lucifer knew he had a long, long year ahead of him.
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jasperunbound · 4 years
“My First Friend”
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A translation of the DQXI:S voice drama track featuring Hendrik and Jasper when they were young kids.
Courtesy of @kamyuris / @suba_rashii on Twitter, who gave me permission to repost the translation here! Consider checking out her Dragon Quest and Dragon Ball Z fanart, and dropping her a thanks for taking the time to provide this English transcript. Read below, or here on Google Docs. (Note that the version below is slightly different, I made some corrections for typos and other minor grammar adjustments.)
One winter morning, two young apprentices walk out of the snow-covered Heliodor Castle. They head down to the warm abode of an ever-waiting mother. The two lonely boys, Hendrik and Jasper… what awaits them at the end of their secret little adventure?
  -My First Friend-
  Hendrik: Father! Please, open the door! I’m scared!
Father: ...Hendrik. Do not open the door until dawn breaks. As a knight's child, you know not to go against your superior. Now, think of me as such.
Hendrik: Why… why!? What about mother? Sisters… where?
Father: Hendrik! There is no time! Listen to me!
Hendrik: [sniffling] ...Yes.
  Father: Hendrik… my son. Whatever happens after this, do not despair. Whatever happens tonight is inevitable. Never forget, your father fought for a bright future for you. Hendrik, you must survive!
Hendrik: Father… please wait! Father… Father!
  Hendrik: FATHER!
Apprentice A: Shut up, Hendrik!
Hendrik: S-sorry! That… dream again…
  "...Just like today, it rained heavily that night. The kingdom of Zwaardsrust had been destroyed by a horde of monsters overnight. My father had hid me in the basement of the church, and I was later found by the King of Heliodor when they came to inspect. I… was the only one who survived within my family. Then, I was taken in as a knight apprentice at Heliodor Castle.
...It has been a while since that nightmare, but I‘d grown afraid of the night’s fall up till this day. I still remember that dark, wet basement, and then the fires when I left that basement…"
  Hendrik: The child of a knight should not be crying at a time like this…!
(If I cry again, they will hate me more. Especially that mean one…)
Jasper: Again and again, night after night… you are so noisy that we cannot sleep! You are a survivor of that Zwaardsrust thing, right? If you’re really the son of a Drustinian knight, then surely everyone from there is a crybaby like you!
  "Jasper… he is a blonde-haired apprentice knight. I couldn’t sleep ever since arriving at the castle, and he said such mean words to me. I am fine with insults directed at me. But I could never tolerate insults about Zwaardsrust…"
  "And then…"
  Hendrik: ...Take it back… take it back right now!
Jasper: What are you-
Hendrik: Take it back!
Commander: You two! Stop it right now!
  "Since then, every time I saw Jasper's face, I would end up fighting with him. Someone who doesn’t care for others would not make a good knight… But I do wonder if a day would come where I would patch things up with Jasper…"
  Commander: Jasper, Hendrik. Are you two ready?
Jasper: Hmph.
Hendrik: Tch…!
Jasper: Hah!
Hendrik: Agh!
Commander: Match! The winner is Jasper!
Hendrik: Darn it! 49 wins, 49 losses…
Jasper: ...Wrong. This is my 50th win. Do you not know how to count right?
Hendrik: Tch…
Jasper: Hm…
Hendrik: Someday… someday I will defeat you, Jasper!
Commander! Please, instruct me!
  Commander: That'll mark the end of training this morning! We will now move on to the cleaning of the area! As usual, the top apprentice will be exempted from cleaning! Today's Number One… Jasper!
Apprentices: Oooh...!!
Apprentice A: He's been in first place for ten days in a row now…
Apprentice B: He is a prodigy, after all…
Commander: Enough talking, get to cleaning now!
Apprentices: Yes, Sir!
  Hendrik: Phew!
Apprentice A: That Jasper guy, I don't like him at all! He doesn't even work that hard, and he came in after us! We had the skills and education for it!
Apprentice B: Yeah, cannot help but feel like he makes us look like complete fools.
Apprentice A: Prodigies who step foot into this castle get all the luck, huh!
Apprentice B: ...Well, I heard something interesting the other day. A rumour about him.
Apprentice A: What is it? 
Apprentice B: I heard it from one of the King's maids, but Jasper came to the castle… because he was abandoned by his parents.
Apprentice A: Abandoned!?
Apprentice B: Shh! Don't yell!
  Apprentice A: ...Really?
Apprentice B: Yeah. Rumour has it that he came from a noble home, but they couldn't hold up. He doesn't have a dad. So his mother left him alone here in the castle.
Apprentice A: Aw… that's so saaad.
  Hendrik: Hey!
Apprentice A: ...Huh? What do you want?
Hendrik: Spreading bad rumours about others is unbefitting of a knight!
Apprentice A: Aw, here comes the good boy Hendrik.
Apprentice B: Ooh, the Drustinian knight's son is so serious!
A and B: Hahaha!
Hendrik: Jasper is- ...he is not a good guy, but you should not be saying things behind his back!
Apprentice A: ...Hey, Hendrik, who do you think you're talking to?
Apprentice B: You want to scrap with us?
Hendrik: Y-yeah! Both of you, come!
  "That's enough, Hendrik!"
  Apprentice A: J-Jasper…
Jasper: You guys did good today. Say… did you see my book anywhere?
Apprentice B: Book… Ah, I saw it on top of the bench…
Jasper: Oh, you are right. Thank you.
  Jasper: I will study even harder… And then I will-
Hendrik: Jasper!
Jasper: Do not follow me!
Hendrik: Wait!
Apprentice A: Oi, Hendrik! We're not done talking to you!
Hendrik: Don’t get in my way!
Apprentice A: Agh, so cold!
Apprentice B: What do you think you are doing!?
Hendrik: Take this water and reflect on it!
  Hendrik: Jasper! Wait, Jasper!
Jasper: What do you want?
Hendrik: I… That, earlier…
Jasper: ...It doesn’t concern you.
Hendrik: But-...
Jasper: [sighing] Look at this.
Hendrik: …A letter?
Jasper: ...From my mother. She said that she’s sick, so she cannot take me back home yet.
Hendrik: Jasper, I…
Jasper: My mother-! My mother promised me that she will come pick me up once she’s all better and I became a good knight!
...She has not abandoned me!!
Hendrik: …Sorry.
Jasper: Give it back to me. I'm going.
  "That was the first day Jasper and I did not quarrel."
  "After that, he kept trying to avoid me. He would not look me in the eye and we didn’t talk, and a year passed without noticing… Then came what I thought would be a long winter break."
  Knight A: The year is finally over.
Knight B: Ah, we can go home after all this while…
Knight A: Be careful on your way back, there's a lot of snow this year.
Knight B: Yeah, you too.
Minister: Hear ye, hear ye! Now commences the King's Speech!
Carnelian: My subjects, you have gathered well today. This year, due to everyone's diligence, the prosperity and peace of Heliodorians stand ever stronger! Though it is a short vacation, please, return to your homes and get your much deserved rest. We will see you again once the new year starts!
Knights: Long Live the King! Long Live the King!
  Commander: Jasper, Hendrik. You two are the only remaining apprentices in the castle now. What you want to do is up to you… Don’t be fighting over everything now.
Hendrik: Yes. Have a great new year ahead.
[Silence between the boys.]
Hendrik: A-ah! Look, Jasper! There is so much snow! It is rare for it to be snowing this much in Heliodor, right?
Jasper: Yeah.
[More silence.]
Hendrik: Everyone is going home, isn't that nice?
Jasper: …
Hendrik:  ...Jasper, are you not going home?
Jasper: ...My mother's sickness got worse. I cannot go home and touch her or I'll get it too… that is what the King…
Hendrik: I see…
  Hendrik: ...Say, Jasper. Don't you want to get out of here and see your mother?
Jasper: What are you saying? Didn’t I just say that the King said I cannot?
Hendrik: You are so stubborn! If we leave and come back before dinner, we will be alright.
Jasper: But… the King said…
Hendrik: Yeah, the King's always right! Just as expected, the King! Wonderful! But… I think if she's really sick, you should see her. Maybe she will feel better when she sees her son's face after so long.
Jasper: But-
Hendrik: Jasper, do you want to see your mother or not!?
Jasper: ...I do.
Hendrik: Alright! That’s the way to go! Come on!
  Hendrik: Wow! It’s been so long since we went into town! Jasper, do you know how to make snowballs?
Jasper: When we told the gatekeeper we wanted to go outside to see the King, he immediately let us through… is the castle's security that thin? Is the castle going to be alright?
Hendrik: Hey, hey, do not say things like that! Everyone is looking forward to the new year, I don’t think anyone is going to do bad things!
Jasper: But we are doing something bad, aren’t we?
Hendrik: Ah, yeah! Haha, you're right!
Jasper: [sigh] ...Is it really a good idea to listen to this guy and disobey the King?
Hendrik: Huh? Did you say something?
Jasper: Nothing.
Hendrik: We have to go through the shopping district to get to your house, right?
Jasper: Uh huh.
Hendrik: Then, which way do we go? Left? Right? Hey, Jasper… Jasper? Hey!
  Hendrik: Jasper? What happened? You walked off suddenly.
Jasper: This shop…
Hendrik: The general shop? Did something catch your eye?
Jasper: I saw that brooch… the one that looks like a flower.
Hendrik: Which one?
  Hendrik: ...Woah! That is really pretty! The glass is shining all kinds of colours…
Jasper: I want to give it to my mother…
Hendrik: Oh! That is a great idea, Jasper!
Jasper: ...But I cannot.
Hendrik: Huh? Why?
Jasper: Do you have money?
Hendrik: I don't.
Jasper: Me neither.
Hendrik: W-well, Jasper, it is too early to give up now! My father said that you cannot buy someone's feelings with money! So we should get a sincere gift from your heart for your mother!
Jasper: ...Really?
Hendrik: Yeah! My father would never lie!
  Jasper: ...But what should I get her?
Hendrik: Hmm… What do you think would make your mother really happy?
Jasper: ...She likes flowers. She used to grow a lot of flowers in the garden.
Hendrik: ...Flowers, huh?
Jasper: But it’s snowing now, so that is going to be hard…
Hendrik: Wait… ice! That’s it! Ice!
Jasper: Ice? What is this all of a sudden?
Hendrik: We could get some ice as a gift! But not just any ice… Ice with flower petals in it!
Jasper: Ice with… petals?
  Hendrik: Yeah! One time my older sister had a cold, so I went to pick a flower for her so she would get well quickly. But all the flowers were wilted since it was cold like today, so I took some of the ice petals that I found in town.
Jasper: Did she like it?
Hendrik: She loved it! It was like a jewel. We got really sad when it started melting, so I promised her... that I will find another next winter…
Jasper: ...Hendrik.
Hendrik: I promised…
Jasper: What happened to her…?
  Hendrik: ...When Zwaardsrust was attacked that night, my whole family died.
Jasper: ...I didn’t know that.
Hendrik: ...That is alright. Even until now I think and cry about wanting to see my family and be with them… every day. But my father told me to live, and I was saved. So I have to live. If I am here, someday I will be needed by someone.
Jasper: ...I wonder if that will happen to me too. If someone needs me…
Hendrik: Hahaha! What are you saying? Now is that time! Your mother is waiting for you to come home!
Jasper: ...You are right.
  Hendrik: Yeah! That is right!
Jasper: ...Hendrik, will you help me look for these ice petals?
Hendrik: Of course I will! Why don't you tell me where ice tends to form here! I am not too familiar with this place.
Jasper: Okay! We’re going to find it before the sun sets!
Hendrik: Yeah!
  Hendrik: Jasper! Did you find anything?
Jasper: No… I haven’t.
  "Jasper and I ran around the central town trying to look for these ice petals. The town was much bigger and more maze-like than I thought."
  Hendrik: Let’s search around this pond!
Jasper: Hendrik, be careful!
Hendrik: Waah!
Hendrik: So cold!
Jasper: You idiot! Watch where you're going- ah!
  "Time passed, and before I knew, the sun was starting to set. It was starting to get colder, and snow began to fall."
  Jasper: This is bad… it’s snowing.
Hendrik: Not yet… we cannot give up yet! If we look really hard, we’ll find it for sure!
Jasper: The fountain… let’s look for it at the fountain in the middle of town.
  "We kept going and never gave up. Then…"
  Hendrik: Ah! Jasper! Jasper, look!
Jasper: Did you find it!?
Hendrik: Over there, look!
Jasper: Where!?
  Hendrik & Jasper: WE FOUND IT!
Jasper: We did it! We did it!
Hendrik: Jasper, this is great!
Jasper: Wow, it is even prettier than the brooch!
Hendrik: Yeah! This will make the perfect gift!
Hendrik & Jasper: WE DID IT! Hahahaha!!
  Jasper: Ah… ahem! Ice is a weird gift, but this is not so bad.
Hendrik: Wow… you're really lying to yourself.
Jasper: Sh-shut up! A knight should not be laughing so loud and should be dignified at all times.
Hendrik: Saying such a thing while we're soaking wet does not make you look cool! Ahahaha!
Jasper: ...Hendrik.
Hendrik: I’m kidding! Don’t give me that face.
Jasper: No, it isn’t that… I have always been mean to you. That time when you stood up against those guys who were saying bad things about me… thank you. And I’m really sorry about what I said about Drustinians being crybabies…
  Hendrik: Hey, enough about that… we’re friends now, are we not?
Jasper: ...Friends?
Hendrik: ...Aren’t we?
Jasper: …
Hendrik: Did… did I do something wrong?
Jasper: ...Yeah. We are friends.
Hendrik: Hahaha! Yeah! Friends! We're friends!
Jasper: Sh-shut up, you’re so loud! Saying things like that, so embarrassing!
Hendrik: Ahaha!
Jasper: ...Heh.
Hendrik & Jasper: Hahahaha!
  Hendrik: Phew… Now then! Since we found the ice, let us go to your mother's place! We’ll get there before the day ends if we make a move now!
Jasper: ...Mm.
Hendrik: ...What is wrong? We're getting there soon.
Jasper: I feel like there is something off all of a sudden. Would she really like it....?
Hendrik: Hmph!
[Hendrik hits Jasper.]
Jasper: Ow!! Why did you do that!?
Hendrik: We’ve gotten all the way here, do not say things like that! Do not worry! Let us hurry before the ice melts, Jasper!
Jasper : ...Yeah! You’re right.
  Hendrik: Jasper, are we there yet?
Jasper: As soon as we get out of this street. Keep walking.
Hendrik: Yeah, yeah… by the way, I do not really feel that cold anymore. Haha! Jasper, there’s snow on your head.
Jasper: Be a little more patient, will you? We have warm dumplings and the maids always give me a blanket. I think she’d be upset that I snuck out of the castle… but if I ask my mother, she will always make me warm cocoa. Drinking it always warms you up.
Hendrik: Really!? Wow, I can barely wait now! Hurry, Jasper!
Jasper: Hey! Don't run down the street!
Hendrik: It’s right around the corner, isn't it? Whoever reaches first wins!
Jasper: You fool! I will be the first one to see my mother, of course! That’s right, if you go through this corner, then here’s my-...
  Jasper: ...Huh?
  Hendrik: ...Jasper, is this your home…? There is… nothing here.
Jasper: ...That is impossible.
Hendrik: Ah… ah, that’s right, you have not been home in a while! Maybe you got the wrong home.
Jasper: ...Yeah, that might be it. But… my house…
Old Man: Hey, you two. What are you doing here?
Jasper: Ah…
Old Man: ...Are you picking something up from here?
Jasper: N-no, I… I am returning home.
Old Man: I see…
  Old Man: If that's the case, you should go quick. The noblewoman who lived here died of an illness.
Hendrik: ...Died?
Old Man: Yes… It happened a few years ago. Her maid and doctor were afraid of her illness, and no one was left to take care of her. She soon died alone, calling the name of her son who had been living away from her at the castle. What a sad story…
  [Footsteps-the boys walking back to the castle.]
  Hendrik: [sobbing]
Jasper: ...Why are you crying? This has nothing to do with you.
Hendrik: [sob] Because… because you’re not crying.
Jasper: ...Huh?
Hendrik: That is the saddest thing I have heard… and you are not crying, so… I cry.
Jasper: ...Why?
Hendrik: Because… we’re friends.
Jasper: What…? Stop saying such silly things-
  Jasper: Ugh… [wailing]
  Jasper: Mother… MOTHER!
  "Jasper and I cried as we made our way back to the castle. It fell quiet as the snow absorbed our wails. I did not know how long it took us to get back, but we were tired from crying, and our voices were hoarse. It was night time when we reached the castle. In front of the large gate, there was a torch that gradually grew bigger as it approached us… it was the King who was there to bring us back in…."
  Carnelian: Hendrik… Jasper…
Hendrik: ...Your Majesty.
Jasper: Please… forgive us.
Hendrik: Sorry.
Carnelian: Let me see your faces… I believe I must apologise to the both of you. Did you go and see your mother, Jasper?
Jasper: ...Yes.
Carnelian: …When I took you into the castle, your mother told me. She did not have much longer to live. She did not want her death to be a distraction to you. You were about to be all alone in this world, because she had to go.
Jasper: ...Yes.
Carnelian: She told me that until you grew up into a knight, her death must be kept secret from you.
Jasper: Mother…
Carnelian: ...I must apologise, Jasper. It must have hurt you just as it pains me to do so.
Jasper: … [sob]
Carnelian: And you, Hendrik… you really did your best for your friend, didn't you?
  "The King hugged us both and stayed until we stopped crying. The warm feeling felt like when my father took me into his arms, just like I remember it to be."
  "Jasper was called by the King into another room to talk about whether he would want to stay in the castle, or go live with a distant relative. I went back to the apprentices' dorm, and went to lay down. Even though I was exhausted, I could not sleep as it was too dark, and the moon did not shine."
  Hendrik: That dream again…
  "Hey, Hendrik… are you awake?"
  Hendrik: Jasper… is everything okay?
Jasper: Hmph. Nothing to worry about.
Hendrik: ...Have you made your decision?
Jasper: ...I don’t have a place to return home to anymore. Neither do you. So I will fulfill my mother's wishes and become a knight for this country.
Hendrik: ...I see.
Jasper: ...Hm. I see that you are all wrapped up like a dumpling again. Could it be that it is too dark again and you cannot sleep?
Hendrik: How noisy… leave me alone.
Jasper: If you cannot sleep at night, you are going to be all groggy and vulnerable in the morning… so…
Hendrik: ...So?
Jasper: Let’s read a book together.
Hendrik: Huh?
  Jasper: ...Do not think that I'm doing it voluntarily, I am not! I do not want to do this! The King made me do it, so here I am! Move!
Hendrik: ...The King, huh?
Jasper: Y-yeah! The King!
Hendrik: Heh… Hahaha!
Jasper: Wh-what? You're weird.
Hendrik: Jasper… thanks.
Jasper: Hmph! If you don't sleep, I am going to ignore the King, so sleep!
Hendrik: Haha! You are right. Looks like… I will finally be able to sleep well tonight.
  Hendrik: So what are we going to read?
Jasper: "The Hero of Heliodor".
Hendrik: Huuuh? But that is so boring! Do you not have anything more fun? I don’t like hero stories.
Jasper: So you want something more kiddy? You are really childish, you know?
Hendrik: What did you say!?
[Both laugh.]
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sara-scribbles · 4 years
Siegbert Summoner Support
C Support
Summoner: Hello, Siegbert.
Siegbert: Summoner! W-what are you doing here so late?
Summoner: I wanted to give you this.
Siegbert: A book… Is this the book I was…
Summoner: Yup! I thought that since you seemed so interested, you might want to read it when you get a chance.
Siegbert: I-I couldn’t take this. After all, I wasn’t supposed to be in the library. I apologize for intruding in a private space.
Summoner: Of course you can. Think of it as a loan from me. Since I can go to the library, I don’t think it’ll be a problem if I lend you a book. Just give it back when you’re done.
Siegbert: Are you certain? I do not wish to get you in trouble for my sake…
Summoner: I’ll be fine. Don’t worry no one will know. Have a nice night!
Siegbert: Good night. It wouldn’t hurt to read a bit…
B Support
Summoner: For tonight’s special book surprise, I present a book of watercolor paintings!
Siegbert: Thank you, Summoner. These past few books have been paintings. Is there a particular reason why you chose these?
Summoner: I may have caught you painting once...or twice.
Siegbert: Y-you saw me?!
Summoner: Are you embarrassed? Your face is turning red.
Siegbert: Well… I’m sorry for wasting such time on hobbies. I should really focus on being the best I can for Askr.
Summoner: There’s nothing wrong with having hobbies. Other heroes have hobbies outside of battle. Forrest makes very cute accessories in his spare time.
Siegbert: It’s just that I am to be king of Nohr someday. Before then I need to become better, like my father. Wasting my time on painting is not going to help.
Summoner: Hmm. You take your role seriously. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break once in a while. People don’t become great leaders overnight. It’s something you have to work on bit by bit.
Siegbert: It may be simple for you as you’re already a great tactician and summoner. On top of that you can use a divine weapon… I should return to patrol. Thank you for the book but I will have to return it. Good night.
Summoner: …
A Support
Summoner: Siegbert!
Siegbert: Ahhhh! You nearly gave me a fright!
Summoner: Your usual route on patrol has changed. Are you avoiding me?
Siegbert: O-of course not! I would never do that! Why would you th-
Summoner: The prince doth protest too much, me thinks.
Siegbert: I’m sorry?
Summoner: I was thinking what you said last time, and I just wanted to tell you something.
Siegbert: Yes?
Summoner: You’re wrong about me being a great tactician and summoner. I’m not great at all. I still have a long way to go before I even become good.
Siegbert: I highly doubt that. I’ve seen the way you maneuver everyone in battle. You're able to navigate even the most difficult situations. You shouldn’t doubt your skills.
Summoner: Maybe you should take your own advice.
Siegbert: I still have a long way to go before I can even compare to an inch of my father’s skills. I haven’t reached anyw-
Summoner: Siegbert, stop.
Siegbert: …
Summoner: You are stronger than you think. You’re a leader and a wonderful fighter on the battlefield. You might not realize it, but Kana, Forrest and the others from the deep realms look to you for guidance.
Siegbert: You must be mis-
Summoner: I’m not. You are capable and I can see that you’ll be a wonderful king someday. Even Xander is impressed with how far you’ve come. Believe me whenever I talk with him, he has nothing but praise.
Siegbert: He does? I didn’t think he thought I had improved…
Summoner: You’re the only one who doesn’t notice. These things take time, and you need to have a better self image.
Siegbert: I will try. It’s difficult when I feel like everyone has such high expectations.
Summoner: Forget what others expect. Do what you think is best for you to reach your goal. And it never hurts to indulge in some hobbies either.
Siegbert: Thank you, Summoner. I will take your advice to heart.
Summoner: Great! Well I’ll leave you to patrol.
Siegbert: Actually if you have time could you pick out another book for me? I have missed your special book surprise.
Summoner: I’ll go find something right now!
S Support
Summoner: Siegbert? I’m surprised to see you not training.
Siegbert: S-Summoner! I didn’t hear you coming…
Summoner: I’m silent as a ninja!
Siegbert: That seems true… I, uh, have something for you. Here!
Summoner: A book? Is this from Nohr?
Siegbert: N-not quite. I made it actually.
Summoner: Really? That’s impressive. Oh! It’s a book of drawings. These are beautiful. This must be Askr’s hot spring. And that’s the training ground. Is that me?
Siegbert: Yes. It was during one of the training sessions. The way you looked…well I had to draw it.
Summoner: It’s lovely. And…that’s me too? And me. Wow there’s a lot of drawings of me in here…
Siegbert: Uh, well the reason is because I wanted to give you this book I made and express my feelings. I care a lot about you, Summoner. You’ve helped me look at myself in a different light, and I appreciate that. Also I’ve always admired you for afar but never thought I would be able to get closer to you.
Summoner: …
Siegbert: I realize that right now I am not worthy of your affections. However I hope to make myself better so I might be a good king and worthy of your heart.
Summoner: You might not think you’re worthy, but I think you are. And I’d like to be by your side as you continue to grow if you’ll have me.
Siegbert: Truly? Then I promise on my word that I will work hard to be the kind of person you deserve and the kind of man I can be proud of.
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COS snippet #19
right after Xander gets kidnapped by the King
fair warning, this is a VERY long snippet
Jay stood very still as Lyssa sat down gracefully on the lounge chair; her emotions were currently constructed like delicate sheets of glass, ready to shatter at any given moment.
When they had learned that the King had taken Xander, the entire household had been thrown into chaos, and Jay had found it very difficult to handle the fact that Xander being gone was all on him. Guilt had eaten at him, as well as misery and sorrow, but compared to the Lumens of Xekanzi, his pain had been nothing.
Kai had gone straight to the river, wading in until he was chest deep, and burnt out his anger for days and days, until the river was nothing but dry sandstone. He’d gasped with an uncontainable fury and often, when one looked out of a castle window, one could see fire lighting up the sky as the Lumen expressed his rage in the only way he could.
Iken had taken off on Ennis’ back, and the two of them had soared in the skies for hours and hours, returning only when Ennis had roared out his fury and Iken’s tears had frozen in the sky.
Vera had screamed and destroyed her room, sobbing until restless sleep had overtaken her, while Roze had sat without moving on her bed until Lyssa had gently taken her and Vera and Iken aside, and soothed them until she had convinced them of her own absence of hers.
Jay remembered seeing her head towards the roof where Ennis lay, his tail curled around him protectively and whispered to him until the massive dragon had stilled.
Years of etiquette classes had taught him to be tactful, comforting, and encouraging, but he hadn’t quite known what to do when Lyssa had finally gone and locked herself in the training room for three days straight.
When they had finally pulled her out, her knuckles had been bloody, hair stringy with sweat and her muscles sore from overuse. Kai had picked her up despite her protests, and helped her bind up her wounds.
Lyssa had an spirit harder than diamond, stronger than any heartbreak.
But she had already endured so much. Cracks had been building up within her heart all these years, and finally something in her had broken.
“Do you want to say anything before I tell you how we might go save Xander?” Jay said tentatively, sitting down across from her.
“Yes,” she said, her face tight with pain and sorrow. She inhaled deeply, taking a shuddering breath and building a wall between her tears and reality. “Because there are something you need to know.”
“I never held a grudge against my adoptive parents for giving me up,” she said slowly, her eyes cool when she looked at Jay. “I never hated them, because Xan was always there. His heart was constantly full of anger and bitterness, I knew that, but he still showed me so much love even at such a young age.”
“When I was younger, I had no idea that he wasn’t my biological brother. Everywhere he went, even in the most dangerous places, I begged to go with him. I would have followed him unto death.” she paused, “I still would.”
She was completely still, but her fingernails cut deep into her palms, tiny droplets of blood staining her white skirts.
“If I was with Xan, as long as my brother was with me. I was alright. Even though there were times where he left for days at a time in order to find us food or to get a place for us to live for a bit, I knew, I always knew that he would come back. And no matter what, he always did.”
“When you are younger, you have blind faith and blind belief in the ones you love and trust, but it doesn’t take long for something like that to dissolve when you grow older, and you realize that your heroes are just as sinful as yourself. But with Xan, that never happened. Even though I know he does cruel and ruthless things, I know he is not lost yet, and he has never been anything but loving to me. Every time we are funning for our lives, and he needs to go in order to save us, I know, I know that he will come back to me. I believe that I will hear his voice again, the one that always used to call to me whenever I was lost. And I fear what will happen if I never hear him again.”
Jay was silent, nodding as Lyssa lifted up her bowed head.
“Which is why you need to understand that between choosing the lives of you and your kinsmen and my brother, I will not hesitate to let you burn.”
“Here, Lyss,” she looked up from her book, her eyes heavy with exhaustion and took the glass of cold rose tea Kai held out to her gratefully. “What are you looking at?”
“Some tricks for close combat,” she said, sitting up as he sank down beside her on her bed, and showing him the title of the book, “We’re leaving tomorrow morning.”
“I know, Iken spent the last two hours begging me to be able to come,” he said,  flopping onto his back and staring up at the ceiling.
“Oh, I should put him to bed,” Lyssa started to rise up, glancing quickly out the window, where the sky had already turned to a tapestry of black.
“Already did it,” Kai said, running a hand through his hair, “Roze and Ver are asleep as well.”
“Thank you, Kai,” she said gratefully, tugging on the end of her braid, “I haven’t been as attentive as I should have been to them. Poor babies.”
“It’s alright, Lyss. I can handle them.”
She smiled at him, for real, her heart warm with affection for him, “Of course you can.”
His grin was lazy as she curled next to him, her book forgotten on the floor, and his hand gently brushed her shoulder.
“You’re my favorite, Kai,” she murmured softly.
“I know,” he said, an echo of a sigh in his voice, “You’re my favorite too.”
The boy drowning in flames lay awake in the weak moonlight, hands fisting at his sides as pain tore through him again and again.
He never got better at handling the pain, and he swallowed a gasp as it burned in his veins.
He shifted but immediately froze when he felt Lyssa stir next to him.
“What’s wrong?” she whispered sleepily.
“Nothing,” he pulled the blanket back over her head, “Go back to sleep, kejan.”
“Is the pain really bad?” she yanked the blanket back down, pushing a pillow into his face, “I’ll go get you some water.”
“No, I’m fine,” he said stubbornly, biting back a cry as it seared his insides, shredding his nerves to bits.
“Okay,” she said, wrapping an arm around him and drawing him close to her.
And that was so much worse.
What I wish I could tell you, he thought, what I wish you could know
That you are so good and worthy of being loved, and I wish, I wish you could be joyful forever.
And forgive me
For being there for you.
(During the battle with Arid, the king’s general)
Fierce, the wind whispered to her, fight.
Break or be broken.
And you will break someday.
But not today.
Her fingers curled over the slippery handle of the knife, and she stood up, blood streaming from her face, like poisonous tears.
“Who are you?” Arid asked boredly, “Stand down.”
His voice was uncaring, as he directed a pair of soldiers to pin her down. Behind their glittering armor, she caught sight of her brother being held up by Arid’s lieutenant, his eyes defiant.
He glanced up despite his injuries and caught sight of Lyssa, his eyes flashing black with horror. He shook his head, making a muffled sound through his gag, crying out.
Despite the cloth wrapped around his mouth, the words were audible to Lyssa.
Don’t touch my sister!
And time stopped for a moment.
She could see Xander, gagged, blood watering the earth, his eyes black and haunted. His brilliant white hair greasy and smeared with soot and red.
And she saw the little boy who had reached out to a girl barely older than a baby and protected her for years and years, until he was finally strong enough to let her go.
She saw her brother leaving her.
She saw her only family leaving her because she was too weak to chase after them.
And in the deepest recesses of her memories, she remembered sobbing her heart out after their adoptive parents had thrown them out, and Xander, barely seven years old had clumsily wiped her tears away.
“You’re still my sister,” he’d assured her, “I’ll take care of you, I promise.”
I’ll take care of you.
She remembered being eleven years old, dragging Kai along with her as she followed Xander into the steel market, remembered his look of horror as he saw her behind him, saw her staring at the blood and weapons and poison around them.
Remembered him pulling her behind him, later demanding why she’d followed him.
“I wanted to go with you, bije,” she’d smiled then, the feel of the Veyan word for brother sweet on her tongue.
Her eyes burned, blood sticky on her face, pain fracturing her sanity to bits as she leaned on her broken leg.
Pain is nothing, she muttered to herself, it is nothing.
And she drew her weapon.
Stepped forward.
Her aim was always true.
And her brother was worth dying for.
Tagging: @writingqueensworld @dowings@joyful-soul-collector @thescholarsninja @stuffaboutwriting @panic-at-my-sexuality @nomadian-novelist @waterfallofinkandpages @tragedyshow @onthewingsofwords @writingonesdreams @stories-by-rie @qlpwrites @sunlight-and-starskies
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etheriumart · 6 years
And So They Flew
Many years had passed since they had last flown the skies together; the king wondered if he ever would again. Part of him grew sick at the the thought of man, their swords and knives of cruel steel and biting iron only brought pain and bloodshed to his people. But the great dragon remembered.
He remembered that boy, no older than he, taking the sky from him, confining him to a small valley on an island. He remembered how that boy held the knife, and instead of cutting his flesh, cut the ropes that bound him. He remembered how the boy loved him, and how he loved the boy. He remembered how the boy took the sky, but gave it back.
But that was a long time ago. Now, the great dragon king spent his time presiding over his kingdom, and tending to his family. He and his mate had three children, all young and full of fire. He had no doubt that his first-hatched son would make a fine king someday, after he was gone. But before that would come to pass he had much to worry about.
One day, as the black dragon sunned himself on the rocks just outside of the massive waterfall that guarded his home, watching over his family, he saw a familiar shape in the mist. It was a shape he had not seen in a long while, but the sight of it made his stomach turn.
Out of the mist came a ship, single masted and small. Its rough wood looked hand hewn and the figurehead was painted in a rainbow of colors. He would deliver a warning, then.
Landing on the figurehead, he stared the man down, but the man did not draw a weapon. His face seemed familiar, yet was alien to him. But when he spoke? The king was taken back to times of flying with another, the boy who gave him back the sky.
And so once more, they flew.
When one year had passed, the king of dragons climbed up to that rock once more and waited for a ship, a ship to bring him his boy. Out of the mist it came, that same ship, with the same figurehead in a myriad of colors, with the same rough, hand hewn wood and woven sail. In that same ship, holding the same wheel, was his boy.
He jumped, wings outstretched, overjoyed at the sight of his boy. The viking chief received him with open arms, much stronger than the arms that had received him all those years ago. But he did not care, for he was here, and that was what mattered.
And so, they flew.
Every year on the same day for ten years the viking chief flew with the dragon king. Sometimes the boy brought his mate, or his children, and sometimes the dragon would do the same. Yet the years he came alone were the sweetest for the dragon king, for it reminded him of a time when all he had was the boy, and all the boy had was the dragon. Each year the boy’s hair grew a little greyer and the wrinkles on his face grew more in number, and each year the dragon’s scales shone a little less brightly and his eyes a little less green.
And so they flew.
The eleventh year, the boy came, same as always, and met the king on the rock. His hair was grey and his face seemed thinner, but it was still his boy. He sat down on the rock and wept, telling the dragon king that he had lost his mother. The king could do nothing but hold his boy close to him, wishing he could fly beyond the stars to wherever souls live.
And so they flew.
It got harder and harder to fly together, but still, with every passing year, the dragon king would come onto the rock and wait for his boy to come out of the mist. Their children were no longer children and their bones no longer young, but the promise of the skies and togetherness made them forget the pains of growing older, and in their hearts they were still young. The dragon met the boy’s grandchildren, and the boy met his. The great dragon suspected that the boy may be one of the last to remember his kind.
And so they flew.
And then, on the fifty fifth year, when the great dragon king climbed out of the waterfall and onto his rock, the ship came slowly out of the mist. There were two figures on board, neither of them his boy. Something was amiss, the king could tell, for the boy’s children were here in his place. He struggled to his feet as the boy’s children stepped off the ship and onto the rock. The fair haired man unwrapped a parcel and presented it to the dragon king, his face full of sorrow. In the man’s hands there was the boy’s shoulder plate, adorned with the image of a red dragon. The king wished for all the world dragons could weep, for he knew his boy could never fly with him again. Affixing the plate to the gear mechanism on the king’s tail, the fair haired man and green eyed woman sat with the king in silence. The king vowed to himself that he would never again feel the wind beneath his wings above the sea, not without his boy.
And so they did not fly.
Still the fair haired man came, wearing the ornaments of chief, to sit with the king, year after year.
But they never flew.
After five years time, the man returned to the rock to see no dragon. Worried he grew, searching for the familiar dark outline that his father had loved so dearly and that he had grown to care for as well. When at last he turned to leave, he saw a dragon climb onto the rock, a great and proud dragon king. Dark like his father and light like his mother, the new king stood tall and strong, ready to fly.
And so they flew.
To this day, there’s a place at the edge of the world where the sky meets the sea, and a great viking chief meets the dragon king in secret, one day a year. It will be carried on by their children, and their children’s children, until the world is safe for dragons once more.
And so, they fly.
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cavaliant · 4 years
13 for any/all of them! what direction do u desire....
13. Do you have any plans for the future of your muse? Would you like to see them grow a certain way?
Under the cut bc that’s a lot of people lmao
Asaello: I’d like him to realize that he doesn’t have to act so tough all the time or hide that he cares. He isn’t ever gonna be an openly goopy and soft kinda guy but I’d like him to know that he doesn’t have to keep up his big bad hitman of Conote image all the time anymore.
Balthus: I don’t really have much wished or planned for him lmao like obviously he could stand to responsible himself up a little but other than that I’m fine with the current goofing off with occasional flashes of serious insight.
Beowolf: I’d like him to emotionally mature enough to actually confront and accept feelings he might not want to face (instead of walking off in the middle of convos to avoid them like before Belhalla lmao). To accept that forming attachments to people isn’t bad and that he’s a lot more sentimental than he likes to think.
Diarmuid: I’d like him to express himself more openly...he isn’t really one to show very strong emotional reactions, especially negative ones like fear, sadness, anger, etc.
Fergus: I also want him to realize that forming attachments to people isn’t bad and that he can actually trust people fully someday.
Fred: Not sure...maybe just pursuing more things he wants to do? I should probably develop his character more lmao rip.
Homer: I’d like to see his serious side a bit more, and more of him taking notes on their journey and spreading songs of it all over Jugdral. The idea that he keeps a sort of diary during their campaign is pretty funny.
Jamke: Just more interacting with others I guess. He’s kind of antisocial outside of the him-Dew-Edain trio but it is funny that those two can bring out a more childish, sarcastic, and playful side to him.
Lachesis: I guess for her to realize she can’t do everything herself? That she doesn’t have to constantly push herself to be the best and do everything to make up for past failures. And to be more adaptive/sensitive to other people’s wants/feelings.
Machyua: Not much to say here either other than I should develop her desires/motivations more lmao...maybe some more thoughts about why she didn’t become a knight, freedom VS security, etc.
Miranda: Yet another one I should develop more...I guess it’d be nice if she got some chances to just be a kid again without having to worry about all of Alster depending on her.
Oscar: I guess showing some stronger emotions beyond “polite”, “cheerful”, and “mildly concerned”? The scene with the brothers and Rolf’s mom was really good. Some brotherly bonding interactions would be nice 😔
Ranulf: Another muse I feel is already pretty well-adjusted to go along with Fred and Machyua...maybe more mentor-like moments with the young beorc.
Reinhardt: It would be nice if he could someday actually conceptualize of his past wrongdoings as being wrong in the first place :/ and develop his own sense of right and wrong and independent goals other than “what master says”.
Shannan: To stop blaming himself for what happened to Sigurd’s family and to start living for himself instead of to repay his perceived debt. Though I’m not sure that will happen completely with him being king of Isaach I’d at least like him to make some time to think about what he actually wants in life instead of what he “has” to do.
Sigurd: To learn to think more about the consequences of his actions and how they can affect others :/ He’ll always be impulsive but maybe with time he can at least learn to rein in his initial impulse and consider it a little bit or ask for some advice before acting.
Thor: To be more committed and decisive about their chosen path, not being so wishy-washy about how much they’re gonna support the cause they’ve already chosen to support.
Tibarn: 🤔 dunks him in the well-adjusted bin too. More interactions with other herons would be nice though. He’s so soft on all of them it’s so funny.
Zelgius: More exploration of how one person can be so upstanding one moment and then so cruel the next I guess. Two seemingly conflicting sides to a person is always interesting, especially when those sides start to overlap/aren’t as separate as they first appear.
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roselinewynters · 5 years
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⌜   CIS FEMALE, SHE / HER   |   paradise by coldplay, gryffindor, infp   ⌟    ⏤   meet ROSELINE IDUNA WYNTERS ; a TWENTY TWO year old who kind of resembles JOSEFINE FRIDA PETTERSEN, don’t you think? she originally hailed from ARENDELLE where she lived with her mother, QUEEN ELSA (   FROZEN   ), but word is that she’s been continuing to explore the world and enjoying every minute of it this past year. she’s always been pretty OUTSPOKEN & HARDWORKING, but has gotten way more CONTRARIAN & HOT TEMPERED since she woke up. maybe her powers of ICE & WATER MANIPULATION can help in taking down the dome. you can check out her stat page HERE & her pinterest board HERE.
i’m running because i can, because i MUST,            because i want to see how far i can go before i have to stop.
part one of two : the backstory.    (   trigger warnings for talk of fire and death.   )
born august 24th, 1996 to queen elsa and her husband, oskar christensen. the second of two children, the eldest, christian wynters, being ten years her senior.
she was never much like her mother, much to elsa’s chagrin. she could dress her young daughter in flowing blue dresses and braid her platinum hair back like her own, but rose was always interested in what was beyond the castle walls.
she spent all of her early childhood outside. elsa sometimes remarks that it was her formative years spent deep in the forest that made that itch to be free so strong, even when she couldn’t AFFORD it. 
high on her fathers shoulders, right at christian’s heels - she would return to the castle covered head to toe in mud, her smile something savage. sometimes, she would come back with nothing more to show for the adventure the three of them had been on than a handful of acorns and twigs caught in her hair. other times, she would have a tiny rabbit in her pocket, or a frog clutched between both hands. she always wanted to show her mother, even when her mother’s nose would undoubtedly turn up.
she doesn’t remember these days much, anymore, but she does recall that they were HAPPY. no matter how weary elsa was of both her children preferring the great beyond than their lessons at home, she would settle into the crook of oskar’s arm in the evening while christian played with little rose on the carpet, the four of them a happy family.
then christian grew up. he grew DISILLUSIONED. he was sixteen years old and attending more lessons everyday, preparing the crown prince for the life that he would be living, soon, as king of arendelle. and he rebelled. the excursions with his father and his little sister weren’t enough. he LEFT in the dead of night, he came home in the middle of the day. he made friends with all of the wrong people, and he was punished for his misdeeds, of which there were MANY - but he didn’t stop. it got worse. he brought his friends home with them, and the maids had to shoo them out the back door early in the morning before elsa would see, lest she lose her temper. she would leave on diplomatic missions and come home to find the portrait room trashed, a party broken out while she and oskar were away. and they’d try to reason with him, they would try to discipline him, but he was only trying to have fun - at least, that was how it started. 
and then, it happened. he was seventeen years old when the fire broke out ; no one knows how. later, a few of his “friends” would be sentenced for reckless endangerment, and one for manslaughter. rose doesn’t recall the details, though she’s told how lucky she was, how quickly her father ran into the flames to pull her from her bedroom, at the very end of the hall of the wing that caught fire. she’s told how lucky they ALL were, really, that a part of the castle burned. but she doesn’t remember the night for the fear that gripped her in the moment she awoke - she was just a kid. she remembers it for the aftermath. for her father dying, hours later, from smoke inhalation. for her brothers friends on the stand. for christian, his reputation already on a fine line amongst the people of arendelle, being DISOWNED. 
he left before he had even attended oskar’s funeral. she never said goodbye.
for her part, elsa never spoke of it. she hadn’t been at home, at the time ; away on a trip to the fitzherberts, politics coming before home. she had never known what was going to happen, of course, but she felt a responsibility upon her shoulders for it. 
and rose was crown princess, over night. new lessons replaced the old. new rules were put in place. she was to conduct herself like a young princess should, and that meant with grace and humility. you can imagine, then, how both of them felt when the other did something they didn’t approve of ; that didn’t fit with their ideas for ROSE’S life. she would return from gathering ants for her farm and be more severely reprimanded than ever before - her father had always been a buffer, and with him gone, there was no one. elsa would command something, anything, and she would do what she could to get away from it. she had gotten used to freedom that she couldn’t keep, without christian there.
the first time she ran away, it was in the heat of an argument. commanded to stay in her room, rose had slipped from her window before she had even thought of the consequences, saddling up her horse and riding out the front gates before her mother could even alert the guards. she got as far as three towns over when they dragged her back.
the second time, she had three weeks of freedom before they found her. and every time after, she got LONGER. much like when she was a child, rose found that the world outside of the castle walls was infinitely more interesting than the one inside of them. she met people that she found entrancing. she saw things that she could never have dreamed up. she would return, surrounded by guards, her pockets overflowing with trinkets from wherever it was that she had been. and no matter how hard she tried, elsa couldn’t stop her. and she really wished she could. the older rose got, the more that she reminded her of oskar. the more she felt she was going down the same path as CHRISTIAN. and nothing could have scared her more than that. 
the final straw was rose attempting to leave on a boat. the guards found her in the nick of time, and it was the only time that she had ever come back in tears, kicking and screaming that she didn’t want to be there anymore. when she asked where she was going, rose told her that she was going to find christian. the next morning, elsa shipped her to walt disney academy - the most prestigious boarding school in the world, and the one place she hadn’t tried. they promised they could sort her daughter out, and she liked to see them try ; but at walt disney, rose had more freedom than ever.
she found friends. she found happiness. she used her power, and instead of eyes on her, worried of what might become of the young princess - people were in awe. rose could explore on her holidays, spend weekends away, but with no one actively searching for her during those times, she didn’t struggle to come back. in a way, her being difficult had always been out of SPITE - out of feeling like her mother wanted to control her, and actively rebelling against the thought.
and she met carter. her best friend. her soulmate, if you believe in such things. she watched him date all the wrong people while wishing that he would notice her, yet in spite of her feelings, she was there for him all the same. leaving him came to hurt the most. they had just one moment, one maybe, and then - he was gone.
part two of two : what u missed on glee.
over time, distance made the heart grow stronger. rose leaving the school was often a sore point for her mother, but with time, she came to see that she couldn’t stop her, and the angry calls ended. they talked about things, like adults. aired their feelings. tried to understand one another better. and rose forgave her mother for all of her shortcomings, while elsa came to see that she had perhaps been parenting too fearfully, after all that had happened in the past. rose was not christian. she was oskar, through and through. when her youngest wanted to drop out of school, though it was not what she wanted for her, elsa allowed it on the condition that when she had her fill, when she thought she had seen all the world had to offer her, she would come home. rose couldn’t have asked for a better setup.
her first stop? the great forrest, where finally, she and carter admitted their feelings for one another and decided to leave ; the adventure being beyond each of their small worlds, all along. she showed him all her favorite places, and they discovered new ones, together. they were happy and in love, and it was nice for the world to see - however much the people of arendelle approved of their crown princesses life, they couldn’t be mad when they got to see such loved up photos of her with the future king of the great forrest.
when they got engaged in front of notre dame ( pre fire ), those strange fans of real life royals went wild. they were going to have a HUGE wedding, and everyone would attend ; except that had never really been them. they knew eventually they would stop traveling, and shirking their responsibilities. they knew that someday soon, they’d get word that their parents had put together everything for their big white wedding. so they got ahead of the game, at least so that they could do it THEIR way first, and married in vegas. they were about to get frisky on their honeymoon when this happened.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Sebek Zigvolt・Voice Lines
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School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Get to class now! You’re wasting time.”
Groovy “Someday I ought to teach you how you’re supposed to behave towards your superiors.”
Home Setting “I take close care of my appearance.”
Home Transitions “I was miraculously able to enroll at the same school as the Young Master. I’d like to watch his growing success from as close-up as possible.”
“I’m hungry... The bread from the school store isn’t filling at all. I want more meat.”
“I joined the horse-riding club because I thought it’d be wise to pick up practical activities. All knights should be able to ride a horse.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “To make sure that you’re not a threat to the Young Master, I’ve decided to observe you all day today. Don’t run out of sight.”
Home Taps “Styling my hair every morning is a chore, but I never want the Young Master to see me looking sloppy.”
“Silver is the only person I know in the Valley of Thorns from the same generation as me. ‘My friend’...? As if I’d call him a friend!” 
“The Young Master is also taking classes here. It’s 1000 years too early for us to be skipping them!!”
“I have a loud voice? What are you saying? Your voice is just too quiet!!”
“Are you trying to play tag? I’ve long since outgrown childish games like that.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “As if I’d lose any contest! The training all of you have done is nothing compared to mine!”
Groovy “Want me to tell you my training routine? Only if you can keep up.”
Home Setting “Let me take you on.”
Home Transitions “To improve yourself, you need to eat well, work well, sleep well, and play hard! ...That’s what Master Lilia taught me.”
“I train so that I can be the Young Master’s sword and shield whenever he needs me.”
“I heard we’re having a long-distance race for our next PE class. I’m better at short-distance, though... No. You aren’t a guard without good stamina.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Why is your back hunched over like that? You look sloppy! Stick out your chest and fix that posture!”
Home Taps “Whenever I go to practice for the horse-riding club, the horses always get scared of me. I’m not going to eat them or anything. They’re so skittish.”
“Being left-handed often comes in handy when I’m sparring. But no matter which hand I use, my victories will always be in the name of the Young Master.”
“There’s no point in training without a reason. It’s important to me that I gain power to protect the Young Master.”
“Don’t waste your breath. All that matters while you’re training is willpower, persistence, and a fighting spirit!! That’s it!”
“You want to play soccer together? ...Alright. I certainly have no plans of losing to a human.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Your appearance reflects who you are inside. I won’t let a single wrinkle to pass.”
Groovy “You want to study with me? Very well. Show me what you’ve got.”
Home Setting “I don’t have any blind spots in today’s class either.”
Home Transitions “I’ll get the highest score on our next test. And then the Young Master will praise me...!”
“The environment in the greenhouse is just amazing. It’s warm, humid, and so easy to relax in there.”
“I learned everything that was covered in our lesson last period when I was in middle school. Education in the Valley of Thorns was very intensive.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “The most I’ll do is give you a few hints for your assignment. I’d rather not be dragged down during our joint class.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “You look exhausted. I’ll share some tips with you on how to remain focused.”
Home Taps “I’m very good at solving both numerical and chemical equations. But there’s never a need to use cheap tricks like that when the Young Master is around. Heheh.”
“Do you have any Awakening Potions? I want to try making Silver drink an entire bucket full.”
“Master Lilia gave me this drink. He said it’s an excellent beverage that lets you take in your meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables all at once!”
“I’m not good at art, since it’s so subjective. Subjects where the solutions are very clear is more my speed.”
“Stop tugging at my clothes. I can’t appear in front of the Young Master looking indecent!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Could you recommend a book for me? I’ll try reading it tonight.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “The Young Master would never get upset over something as minor as a school assembly.”
Groovy “Hmph. Even you look befitting today.”
Home Setting “I don’t want to see the Young Master look so dejected...”
Home Transitions “As if I’d ever feel nervous at a school event of all things! Festivals in the Valley of Thorns are so much grander than this.”
“Have you seen the Young Master anywhere? I haven’t been able to reach him in a while. ...Don’t tell me he— ...Again?”
“It’s not worth having a ceremony if the Young Master isn’t participating. They should just stop it midway through.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “YOUNG MAAAASTER!! Where did you go...? Oh, perfect timing. Come look for the Young Master with me.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Grim was causing a ruckus again. I swear, I can’t believe how much of a pig he is. ...What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Home Taps “Before coming to this academy, I spent an entire year dedicating myself to my studies. I did it because I had faith I’d be able to get into this school too.”
“No matter how alert you think you are, Master Lilia will always find a way to sneak behind you. Oh, see? Turn around.”
“I feel like I’ve gotten taller again lately. These robes might even end up being too small for me.”
“Do I look okay? Nothing’s out of place? It’s fine if I appear in front of the Young Master like this, right..? ...Oi, are you even listening to me?”
“Stop with that mumbling. If you want to say something then say it loud and clear!!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “The Young Master’s ideas are so grand. Sometimes, I can’t even begin to understand them. That’s why I admire him so much.”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Sebek’s birthday event (Mar 15 - Mar 21, 2021).
Login on Birthday “Human, have you come to give me a birthday present? I see... Thank you! I was just giving the Young Master my gratitude earlier as well. I am the luckiest man at this school!”
Unlock Card “No matter if it’s my birthday, I’m not going to abandon my duties as a guard or stop being vigilant!”
“I-I never thought I’d be able to receive a birthday blessing from the Young Master... How lucky am I!!”
Groovy “Despite being a human, you’re celebrating to make me happy... I’ve improved my opinion of you, just a little. J-Just a little!”
Home Setting “Alright! I think I can still perfectly carry out my guard duties in this outfit.”
Home Transitions “This cutlery and tableware is placed in the wrong order. Did you not know I’m left-handed? You didn’t do enough research beforehand!”
“Lilia told me that ‘a sound soul lives in a trained body.’ I must not forgo my training, even on my birthday.”
“My magic manifested at a late age. When I was little, I always wanted to be like my older brother and sister, who could magically light the candles on a cake.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’ve gone hungry all day to get ready for this party. I only had three servings for lunch!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I-I lost again... This may be a party game, but I can’t stand to keep losing to the likes of a human! One more round!”
Home Taps “Azul told me ‘I heard you liked Magical Analysis’ and gave me a rare book on it... but I feel like he wants something big in return.”
“Riddle gave me a special horseback riding lesson. You don’t often get a chance like that. I’ll remember it as a fond birthday memory.”
“Silver, that bastard! He gave me dumbbells as a gift! That can’t mean anything but him thinking my training isn’t enough!”
“Epel gave me a fruit carving of the Young Master. It’s an incredible piece of work... but there’s no way I could bring myself to eat it!”
“I-I hear an explosion!? What’s happening!? ...Oh, you’re popping party poppers? It’s so loud! You know you’re bothering the people around you!!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Here, I went and got you ten plates of food. ...You’re good with just one? Heh! I know you’re a human, but you eat so little.”
Duo Magic Sebek: “Let me thank you for your blessings, Cater!!!” Cater: “HBD, Sebek-kins~!”
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Tutorial “Follow me, human! Make sure you commit the grand sight of the Young Master to memory.”
Lv Up “Did you see that!? Look at the progress I made!”
“I’ll be able to take even more action now with this!”
“Mm. Not bad.”
Max Lv Up “Maybe now I’ve turned into a man who can gain just a little of the Young Master’s approval. ...No, I shouldn’t act conceited. I need to get rid of these thoughts and focus on keeping myself devoted. Let’s go!”
Episode Lv Up “I always viewed you as nothing but a meager human, and yet you’ve become someone I rely on so much... You’re just always surprising me.”
Magic Lv Up “This power...! Young Master! Did you see that just now!? Wait... He’s not here. Kgh. That must mean this still isn’t enough...!”
Limit Break “I need to get even bigger, smarter, and stronger to be a proper servant for the Young Master!”
Groovy “I’m feeling happy and energized! This really does feel nice. Make sure you never forget all this success I’ve made!”
Lesson Select “Human! I decided to take a class with you today. Which one do you want? Hurry up and pick.”
“What? You look so nervous. Isn’t the point of classes you’re weak in to be a challenge for you?”
“Master Lilia taught me that your classes are just another part of your training. I’m not going to slack off in any of my subjects.”
Lesson Start “Let’s give today our all!”
Lesson End “Knowledge enriches the body and soul! Let’s work hard next time too!”
Battle Start “I’ll swallow you whole!”
Battle End “This win is for our king!”
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Profile Quote “Don’t even think that you can come close to the great Lord Malleus Draconia, lowly human!”
January 2020 Trailer “Are you a new student too? Take utmost care not to be rude to the Young Master.”
Countdown Poster “Meager humans ought to bow down before the Young Master.”
Login Bonus “Hmph! You’re pretty capable for a human. But I don’t go a single day without training myself.”
Player Birthday Wish “What are you doing here? On your birthday, you’re supposed to eat your favorite food, sing, and celebrate. You didn’t even know that…? Very well, then. I’ll teach you how to spend your birthday the right way!”
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Magic History
Good ★
“Come at me anytime!”
“I’m... not tired!”
“Humans are so shallow.”
“I learned a lot from this.”
“The Young Master is even more incredible.”
“Cat! Shut up!”
“Serve the king.”
“The Young Master will make history.”
“Silver’s asleep?”
Great ★★
“I want to get closer to the Young Master.”
“Piece of cake!”
Perfect ★★★
“I have no business with weaklings.”
“Don’t make light of me, human.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“My answer is this!”
“How old is the Headmaster...?”
“I won’t let you disturb me!”
Good ★
“It’s a beautiful morning.”
“I’m not letting Silver win.”
“I’m not scared of getting hurt.”
“I can’t turn smoothly.”
“Trust me on my speed!”
“My stomach growled.”
“I respect our coach’s stamina.”
“Take control of your problems...”
“I’m going to master this.”
Great ★★
“Oh...! Young Master!”
“I feel like jumping for joy!”
“I’m never off my guard.”
Perfect ★★★
“No one can catch up to me!”
“All right!”
“You want to challenge me?”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Headmaster, what do you need?”
“Don’t stand where I’m about to go!”
“Everyone’s so slow!”
Good ★
“You’ve looked miserable all morning.”
“I’m keeping an eye on Master Lilia.”
“I’m very adept.”
“Let’s do this!”
“Immortality, huh...?”
“Did I get ahead of Silver?”
“That’s a gross color...”
“I’m hungry...”
“I’m not a dog!”
“Did you read the footnotes?”
“I see.”
“Humans are so greedy.”
“Gold isn’t going to satisfy me.”
“This jewel would suit the Young Master.”
“Be quiet and take your lesson!”
Great ★★
“There’s nothing I can’t eat.”
“Please praise me!”
“You think I could fail at this level?”
“Hmph. Piece of cake.”
“Gape at the power of the Valley of Thorns!”
Perfect ★★★
“Young Master, please accept this.”
“No trouble at all.”
“This is probably how the Young Master would do it.”
“What do you think? Perfect, huh?”
“You still can’t do it?”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Stay cool... and composed.”
“No one could outshine the Young Master.”
“Hm? He’s watching me.”
“I’ll get grades that won’t tarnish our dorm’s name!”
“A perfect brew.”
235 notes · View notes
animakupo · 6 years
Shortcake vs. Beefcake (Gladio x Reader)
i can stay up late working on a fic and yet i can’t even extend the same courtesy to my actual work. Nice™
I tried following the canon timeline for this one, just because a lot of the story was built up within the timeframe before the FFXV game. Also, apparently the whole Gladio vs. drunkard really was the reason for the scar on his face, but I changed it up a bit to accommodate the story.
This one’s a bit more similar to how I usually wrote fics prior to my 9845798-year hiatus from writing fanfiction. wow, yay, party on, woohoo, i’ll edit this later bc it’s almost 3am zzz
word count: 5.8k+, fluff, angst??? kinda slow burn mmm
Whenever people saw you and Gladiolus Amicitia together, they often mistook the two of you as siblings. While it annoyed you to no end, it couldn’t be helped. You often bickered with one another — playful or otherwise — and your substantial height difference only made you look more like a little sister than anything.
Seeing as your mother was a member of King Regis’ council, you were privy to occasional access into the Citadel. At least, whenever your mother was summoned to another council meeting, which grew in frequency over the years due to the continued strain with Niflheim. Thus, the Citadel became a playground of sorts for you growing up.
The royal family’s staff didn’t mind looking after you during those lengthy council meetings so long as you were well-behaved and didn’t get your hands on anything too expensive-looking. For the most part, you acquiesced to their wishes, especially with the threat of being banned from the Citadel — something your mother often imparted on you before heading off to the council room — looming over your naive head.
It was an empty threat, of course, but you were too young to comprehend that.
Many of your childhood afternoons were spent in the garden, filling up coloring books and devouring page after page of your fairy tales. Sometimes, when you thought the royal staff weren’t looking, you would explore the Citadel on your own accord. It was through this did you first encounter Prince Noctis, as well as his Shield, the mighty Gladiolus Amicitia.
One day, on one of your Citadel expeditions, you had somehow stumbled upon the Prince’s training room. Though he appeared to be significantly smaller than his opponent, you were in awe of how well he seemed to hold his own. Upon spotting you shyly observing from the doorway, the Prince became distracted for just a second too long, causing Gladio to send his wooden floor flying across the floor.
At this, you rather impulsively sprinted towards the Prince, opening your short arms as a means of screening him from his own Shield. “Stop bullying the Prince!” you cried, glaring at the much taller young man in front of you.
Gladio raised his brow, both in surprise (‘Who let in this kid?’ he thought to himself) and in mild annoyance at being accused of “bullying” the Prince. “I’m not bullying him,” he replied, walking over to where Noctis’ sword had slid off to. “I’m training him.”
You blinked owlishly as your arms slowly fell to your sides. Unbeknownst to you, Noctis was snickering silently from behind at your accusation towards Gladio. Hearing the Prince get back on his feet, you turned to him, as if seeking confirmation on what Gladio had just said.
Though Noctis appeared little against the strong build of Gladio, he actually had a good head over you, making him appear much taller than he actually was. You stared up at him with a pout, feeling slightly embarrassed at how you had wrongfully accused Gladio of being a bully.
“Don’t worry about me,” he assured you. “I’m fine. And you’re right — Gladio sure is a bully!”
And thus was the beginning of your friendship with the Crown Prince of Lucis.
Being of same age, you and Noctis got along spectacularly well. He had even introduced you to his father during one of your games of hide-and-seek. You offered a polite curtsy to King Regis, to which he responded with a hearty laugh and a small bow of his own.
“I like your dad,” you told Noctis. “He’s a nice king.”
Noctis shrugged as he sipped on his apple juice. “I like him too.”
Although your friendship with Noctis flourished, you couldn’t say the same about your friendship — if you could really call it that — with Gladio.
There was just something about the Shield that brought out every competitive bone from your body. Whenever he and Noctis sparred, you were often spurred on by this inexplicable need to take down Gladio with your own wooden sword. It was usually after his sessions with the Prince did you challenge him for a one-on-one match.
Having no practice or background in swordsmanship, you were — as expected by Gladio (and Noctis, if he was being completely honest) — frequently defeated more often than not. Despite facing the bitter sting of your loss over and over again, you never faltered, always coming in with another challenge for Gladio the next time you saw him.
Gladio had to hand it to you, though. For a small brat, you were pretty determined to conquer him, one way or another.
“Better luck next time, shortcake,” is what he would often tell you as you wallowed in your consistent defeat.
“Shut up, meathead,” was your usual retort, accompanied by a scowl and a huff.
Your competitive streak against against Gladio was not restricted to just sparring matches. Sometimes, you would challenge him to races. (He was always faster than you thanks to those blasted long limbs of his.) Other times, you would see who could do the most push ups in a minute. (You usually gave up after the third count.)
One time, you challenged him to an eating contest. Unfortunately, you challenged him to an eating contest with Cup Noodles. Basically, this meant that you were a goner even before you opened the first pack of Cup Noodles.
You vowed never again to consume another cup of the wretched noodles if it was the last thing you did.
As to why you continued to challenge Gladio — despite his blatant advantage in physicality — remained a mystery to Noctis. But hey, if it got him out of training, then he was all for it.
“Just give it up already, shortcake,” Gladio taunted. “Face it: you’re never gonna win against me.”
‘I will one day,’ you thought, sending a glare towards the smug Amicitia. ‘Mark my words, you stupid meathead. I WILL beat you someday!’
Over time, your challenges with Gladio became a typical occurrence at the Citadel. You later on befriended Noctis’ royal adviser, Ignis Scientia, who found your nearly daily provocations towards Gladio more amusing than anything. You liked Ignis — much more than Gladio, that was for sure — especially whenever he had some pastries to offer after testing out a recipe or two in the royal kitchens.
Still, your competitiveness towards Gladio never wavered.
You continued to challenge him. To his credit, Gladio continued to accept these (sometimes absurd) dares. But, you would still fall at his hands. It was a vicious and never-ending cycle.
“AGH!” you screeched, throwing your hands up in the air as you fell in step with Ignis, who was escorting Noctis to his chambers for another session of tutoring. “Why is he so good at everything he does?”
Ignis readjusted the spectacles on his face. “He has to be,” he said, opening the door to Noctis’ bedroom. “He is the future king’s Shield, after all.”
“Hmph,” you sulked, laying your things out on Noctis’ bed to get started on your own homework for the day.
Noctis sighed. “When are you ever going to learn?”
You squinted at your best friend with a pout. “Never.”
When you were 13 and Gladio was 16, he — for the very first time in the history of your relationship — declined a challenge, claiming he had an appointment to get to and didn’t have time for your “childish games.”
This struck a nerve with you, as you never appreciated being treated like a kid. Sure, you looked like one, and your short stature — along with your babyface — did nothing to help this, but it didn’t mean that you were still a child. You were 13 years old already, for Ramuh’s sake!
“Betcha you’re just scared that this’ll be the day you’ll taste defeat,” you provoked.
Gladio scoffed. “Aren’t you tired of always getting beaten by me?”
“Today’s the day, meathead,” you declared. “I can feel it in my bones. Today’s the day that I’ll beat you at something once and for all!”
It was only a year or two ago did you begin to seriously practice your weaponry, not just as a means of someday beating Gladio, but also to pave the road towards your current top aspiration: becoming a member of the Kingsglaive.
You had always admired the Glaives ever since you caught a few of them sparring during one meeting of your mother’s with their captain. They just looked so cool and powerful, and that was exactly what you wanted to be when you grew up.
No one had to know about your tiny crush on the one they called “Ulric,” though.
That felt like almost ages ago. Now, at the age of 13, you were still growing into your body, whereas Gladio was well on his way towards developing his physique into quite the powerful build. His jaw was already becoming much more pronounced, his hair was growing longer, and during one of his sparring sessions with Noctis, you had even noticed that his muscles appeared to be even more distinguished than how you remembered to be.
Gladio may have looked stronger and bigger than when you first met him, but this didn’t deter you in the slightest. “C’mon, Gladio,” you pleaded for once. “Please? This’ll be the last time, I swear!”
“I’ve never heard you sound so desperate for me,” Gladio teased as he set aside the last of the scattered equipment in the training room. “Sorry, shortcake, but I really can’t today. Can I take a rain check?”
You were disappointed and annoyed, but you knew you had to let the Shield go. His appointment must be something really urgent if he couldn’t spare a few measly minutes with you.
“Fiiine,” you relented. “Where do you have to be that’s so important, anyway?”
Gladio sent you a smirk. “Not that it’s any of your business,” he said with a bit of a cocky lilt to his voice, “but I’ve got a date tonight that I have to get ready for. See ya, shortcake.”
You weren’t sure why his response upset you to the point of near tears, but ever since that day, you pledged never to challenge Gladiolus Amicitia ever again.
For the most part, you managed to maintain your self-imposed ban on ever challenging Gladio again. It was something the people around you — namely Noctis and Ignis — noticed, but for Gladio himself, it was something he used as ammunition to aggravate you even further.
“What, no confident speech about taking me down today, shortcake?” the Shield jeered when you showed up at the Citadel one afternoon.
“Whatever,” you hissed, rolling your eyes at him. “I have better things to do, that’s all.”
“And what would that be?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, beefcake,” you shot back, “but I’ve got a date with Iggy today.”
At this, Gladio’s brows shot up. “Okay, first of all: beefcake?” Turning to Ignis, he said, “And really, Iggy? You’re dating this squirt?”
“Hey!” you objected hotly. “I am not a squirt!”
Despite already being 14 years old, you still appeared to be rather small for your age, making Gladio all the more relentless with his quips about your height. It didn’t help that Gladio only seemed to grow and grow the older he got, which meant he towered over you more and more as the years passed.
“I’d like to clarify that we do not, in fact, have any romantic plans together,” Ignis said. “However, we will be kept busy this afternoon in the training room. I’ve offered my services in the art of dual-wielding to our young friend here.”
When Ignis began his training in preparation of formally joining the Crownsguard, you sought him out, mostly due to his expertise in your weapon of choice. Taking after your mother, you had an affinity towards daggers, preferring short but quick attacks. Who else to further your training to join the Kingsglaive than Ignis, then?
“Ah, gotcha. Noct and I will give you two some privacy.” Gladio wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, causing Ignis to sigh in exasperation at his friend’s antics.
“We will?” Noctis parroted, lost with what his Shield was getting at.
“C’mon.” The resident muscle head pulled the Prince by the collar. “We can spar outside. It’ll switch things up a bit. And you,” — he turned to you just then — “I expect your skills to improve after a few training sessions with Iggy here.”
You smirked. “Ready to get your ass handed to you, beefcake?”
Gladio snorted. “Bring it on, shortcake. Oh, and thanks for the new nickname. I’m flattered that you think so highly of my anatomy. I’ve worked hard on it, after all.”
Perhaps only Ignis noticed it then, seeing as he was the one closest to you in proximity at the time, but you were definitely red in the face after hearing Gladio’s parting comment.
Unlike your beefcake of a rival, you weren’t much for the dating scene and romance in general. In fact, your first date — if you could even call it that — took place when you were already 19. An old classmate of yours asked you out, and you thought he was pretty cute, so you agreed to catching a movie together over the weekend.
The date was… a disaster, to say the least. This being your first venture into the world of dating, you were a nervous wreck, and throughout the film, your date would obnoxiously make comments scene after scene like some wannabe movie critic. It irked you to no end.
Needless to say, you declined his offer to take you out for some drinks after the film ended. In spite of your blatant rejection, your date was nice enough to insist he take you home. However, wanting to spare yourself of any more moments of awkwardness, you politely declined, claiming your house was only a few blocks away.
Though reluctant, your date finally let you go after a rather uncomfortable parting between the two of you. ‘That… was the absolute worst!’ you thought to yourself, quickly making your way home.
Perhaps tonight was just not the night for you, because as you neared your side of the neighborhood, you accidentally bumped into a stranger in your haste to reach your living quarters.
“Sorry!” you reflexively called out, trying to navigate yourself away from the man.
Unfortunately for you, the stranger was not so forgiving, as he harshly grabbed your shoulder and spat, “Watch where you’re going, bitch!”
You were immediately on guard the moment you caught a whiff of alcohol from the man. Of course, his derogatory slur only caused your temper to flare. How dare he talk to you that way? Intoxicated or not, he had no right to talk to you in such a rude manner, let alone insult you.
“Let go of me,” you said, trying to keep your tone even despite the slight tremble of rage that was weaved into your voice. You didn’t think it wise to provoke someone so inebriated, especially since you were unarmed. There was the option of using your fists, but really, was this drunkard even worth it?
“You know what? I don’t wanna,” he slurred. You took notice of the rather delirious and borderline lecherous look in his eyes — the telltale signs that you needed to get out of there, pronto.
“I said let go!”
You thought taking on this drunk stranger would be a walk in the park. Considering how much time and effort you’ve dedicated to your fighting skills over the years, defending yourself from creeps on the street should come as no challenge whatsoever.
What you weren’t anticipating was for this jackass to grope your chest.
Never in all your 19 years had you ever been violated so… so… you didn’t even know what to call it. You were shocked and frozen at the spot, becoming all the more terrified when the man pulled out a knife from pocket. All your training flew right out the window the moment he took a hold of your… your…
When did you start crying?
The drunkard licked his lips, dragging the side of his knife across his chest. “Now, be a good girl for me and-“
In your hysteria, you were completely lost to the world. All you could hear were punches, groans, a lot of yelling, and the sound of metal being tossed to the ground. It was only after you felt a warm hand on your shoulder did you manage to snap out of your blankness.
Thinking it was your assaulter, you retaliated with a scream, tearfully crying out, “Please, don’t!”
“Hey, hey.” The voice was rough, but there was a gentle tone to it. “It’s me. It’s Gladio.”
The familiar name managed to pull you out of your cowering. “G-Gladio…?”
The young man nodded. “Gladio.”
With a sob, you slammed yourself into his chest, feeling instantly comforted by the feel of his bulky arms around you. “Gla-Gladio, I was… I-I-“ You felt terrified. Embarrassed. Dirty. “I-I’m… I…”
“Shh, you’re safe now,” Gladio cooed, rubbing your back in a soothing manner. “He won’t ever touch you again. You’re okay.” You felt his hand rest on the back of your head, keeping your face securely rested against his body. “I’m sorry. I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again. I promise.”
All you could do was wail, allowing Gladio to absorb your cries and having him become your shield for the night.
Things between you and Gladio changed after that dreadful encounter with the drunkard. You had apologized profusely after coming to the realization that your longtime — albeit unofficial — rival took a nasty blow to the face when he defended your honor.
The scar looked painful, but Gladio assured you that he wore it with pride. “Don’t worry about it.” He waved you off with an easy smile, ruffling your hair in the process. “Women love battle scars.”
His comment made you scoff, but nevertheless, it eased the tension in your chest. “Gladio, I…” You let out a deep breath, taking a hold of his hand in your much smaller ones. “Thank you. If you hadn’t been there that night, I-I would’ve…”
“Don’t,” he interrupted, giving you a sharp and warning stare. “Don’t go there. You’re safe, and that’s all that matters.”
Although the antics and banter between the two of you continued on like normal, the air you felt around Gladio felt different all of a sudden.
Jokes on your height went on as they usually did (“Need help with that, shortcake?” was a consistent offer whenever you had to stretch on your tiptoes in order to grab something on a shelf that was just out of your reach), but the shared glances between the two of you were friendlier. Softer.
You still competed with Gladio on the smallest of things, but they were much more lighthearted and comforting more than anything. At some point, you even sought out Gladio’s company with no underlying motive other than to spend time with him.
You didn’t realize it at the time, but this was the beginning of your romantic feelings towards Gladiolus Amicitia.
Developing feelings for Gladio felt almost burdensome to you. For one, you knew he’d never see you as anything other than a little sister. You were certain that you were just Iris 2.0 to him. Not that there was anything wrong with Iris; you loved that girl to death.
It was just frustrating having to keep your feelings at bay whenever you were around Gladio, because really, in his current state of physicality, how could you even resist this beautiful specimen who laid out his muscles for all the world to see?
It didn’t help at all that your height difference — paired with your incessant bickering, as endearing as it was for the both of you — made you look more like a charge he had to look after rather than a potential love interest worth considering.
It might’ve been naive of you, but you held onto your feelings for Gladio anyway, unrequited as they were.
“I’m still going to beat you one day, Gladio,” you swore, taking another swig of your drink on the eve of Noct’s 20th birthday.
“I hope that day comes soon,” the Shield teased with boisterous laughter. “I’m not getting any younger, you know.”
“Can’t the two of you take it down a notch for once?” Noctis groaned. Though he was used to your empty promises of “I’m-going-to-beat-you-one-day” towards Gladio by now, he at least wished that he could be spared of such words on own his birthday, at the very least.
“Someone sure is grumpy,” Prompto teased as he took a random photo of his best friend and his ever-so-permanent pout.
“I can assure you,” Ignis addressed Prompto, “Noct is always grumpy.”
This caused a surge of laughs across your circle, much to the Prince’s chagrin. “Cut it out you guys!” Noctis whined, only leading the rest of you (sans Ignis at this point, because of course only he could stay composed at any given time) towards even more peals of laughter.
Once your noises died down to some chuckling, Gladio suddenly nudged your side, prompting you to turn your gaze from your empty cup to his amber eyes. “What?”
“So,” Gladio started, “what’s it feel like to be officially part of the Crownsguard now?”
Despite your initial ambitions of joining the Kingsglaive, your mother — along with a few other influential parties, a.k.a. Ignis, Gladio, and even the Marshal himself — convinced you that you would be a much better fit in the Crownsguard instead. As the next in line to rule Lucis, Noctis needed his own set of guards, and it was unanimously agreed on that you would make the perfect addition next to Ignis and Gladio — and Prompto, soon enough — in the Crownsguard.
It took a little bit of persuasion (and, okay, maybe a little bit of good-natured provocation from Gladio), but you were eventually swayed into setting your eyes towards becoming a member of the Crownsguard itself.
Once you were decided, Gladio quickly took you under his wing in order to enhance your combat skills beyond not just what you already knew, but what you were comfortable with.
“Weeell,” you drew out. “It feels great, to say the least. Who wouldn’t be happy to be done training with a beefcake like you?”
“I’m giving you a five-second start, shortcake.”
You heeded Gladio’s warning, squealing as you zoomed past the rest of the gang to stay away from the Shield’s clutches.
“We’re near the treasure!” you cheered. “I can feel it!”
As fans of the Assassin’s Creed series, you, Noctis, and Prompto were beyond excited for the Assassin’s Festival being held in Lestallum. Not only were your assassin’s robes a nice touch, the slew of festivities to enjoy made everything all the more entertaining for you and your friends.
Well, it did for the most part. There was just one thing that continued to bother you at the back of your mind…
“I. Am. Disgusted!” Prompto scoffed at the sight of Gladio flirting with yet another woman during the duration of the festival.
You faltered at the mere thought of Gladio getting cozy with the women here, but what could you do? This was the resident ladykiller, after all. There was a reason why you called Gladio “beefcake,” and he was definitely taking advantage of his assets as he charmed one girl after another.
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” you gagged. “Besides, we’ve got better things to look at other than Gladio flirting with anything that breathes.”
The quest to fulfill the festival’s treasure hunt was a bit of a long-winded one, but once you all solved the mystery at hand, the fruits of your labor made everything worth it.
“Well, that was fun,” Noctis commented at the end of the quest.
Ignis concurred with a nod. “Indeed.”
Being a massive fan of Assassin’s Creed, it seemed Noctis still wasn’t done with celebrating the festival, as he suggested that your group continue on with a few more rounds of games. Prompto latched onto this idea immediately, especially at the suggestion that they all go for a few Chocobo races.
“Count me in!” Prompto whooped, already giddy at the thought of getting to ride his favorite animal yet again.
Noctis turned to you, as if seeking approval. You nodded with a smile. “Why not? The night’s still young. Iggy?”
“C’mon, Specs,” Noctis egged on. “One race won’t kill you.”
Ignis shrugged. “I suppose a race or two wouldn’t hurt,” he conceded, to which Prompto cheered excitedly. “But I do believe it’s best we retire to the hotel soon. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
“Aye, aye, captain!” Prompto saluted, the grin on his face growing all the more. Addressing Gladio, the blond inquired, “What about you, big guy?”
You didn’t think it was possible for Gladio to further aggravate you for the night, but alas, how wrong you were in that assumption. “Actually, I’m meeting someone in a few minutes,” he declared, sounding somewhat smug. “You guys go on ahead.”
Indifferent, Noctis shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
“Keep it in your pants, big guy!” Prompto called, already racing Noctis towards the Chocobo stables.
Pushing his glasses up his nose, Ignis turned to you and asked, “Shall we?”
Your other three companion might not have minded — perhaps they were used to this side of Gladio by now — but you, on the other hand, were seething. Getting to enjoy festival activities was practically a luxury by now, especially with the Nifs always on your tails. Yet here was Gladio acting all high and mighty, declining the offer to spend time with his friends for a quick romp with a stranger?
You were absolutely livid.
And, okay, maybe a little jealous, but you were definitely more upset than anything.
“I’ll catch up with you in a bit,” you ground out. “I’m going to have a word with that dumb beefcake first.”
Ignis sighed. There was no doubt that your impending confrontation with Gladio was bound to be rather explosive to say the least, but it wasn’t really his affair to meddle with. Besides, he had his other kids — a.k.a. Noctis and Prompto — to look after. Who knows what those two could stir up when left unsupervised?
“Might I advise you not to make too much of a scene?” Ignis proposed. “We wouldn’t want to bring any more attention to us as it is.” At that, he left you to your own devices.
When you caught up to Gladio, you found him leaning towards a hooded woman who was backed up against a wall. The sight of the two of them being much too close for comfort made your blood boil.
“HEY, BEEFCAKE!” you hollered obnoxiously, disrupting the intimate bubble of privacy that Gladio had been sharing with the woman.
The large man groaned. “What now?”
“I’d like a word with you.”
He grumbled, irritated that he was being interrupted for the umpteenth time tonight. “This better be worth it.” Turning to his female companion, he said in a disgustingly flirtatious tone, “I’ll be right back, sweetheart.”
“Don’t keep me waiting too long,” the woman crooned, batting her eyelashes at Gladio.
You wanted to barf right then and there.
Once the two of you found a more private corner near the Leville, Gladio crossed his arms and glared at you. “This better be good, shortcake.”
With a stinging look of your own, you said, “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Gladio stared at you incredulously. “Me?”
“Yes, you!” You poked at his chest, the frustration towards the man in front you steadily rising. “Here we are wanting to celebrate the Assassin’s Festival as a group, and yet you ditch us — your friends, need I remind you — for a quick fuck?”
Gladio’s eyes hardened at your choice of words. “What I do with my time is none of your business,” he retorted. “Besides, we spend so much time together on the road as it is.”
“What the hell are you insinuating?” you spat venomously. “Oh, are you sick of our company already? Is that what it is?”
“That’s not what I said and you know it!” Gladio snarled. His eyes were ablaze with anger, but this only spurred you on even more.
“Then why would you rather spend the night with some… some stranger than with us?! Why go chasing skirts for something so meaningless when you could do so much more with your time?”
“And what do you propose, huh?” he growled. “What, wanna compete with me on another one of your dumb challenges?” Gladio chuckled almost mockingly, the sound making dread and unease settle in your chest. “No matter what you say, you’re never gonna beat me, you know. You’ll never be good enough.”
You didn’t know you had it in you to deliver a sucker punch that would send Gladio reeling, but it happened.
“Fuck you,” was all that left your mouth before you hightailed it out of there.
If he was being honest, Gladio didn’t know what came over him.
Despite the fact that everything you said was true, he had refused to back down, especially with his ego being afflicted by your statements. He wanted to counter with some painful remarks of his own, even if he didn’t mean a single word of it.
‘Good going, dumbass,’ Gladio thought to himself, massaging his sore jaw. ‘That was one helluva punch, though.’
His hot date long forgotten, Gladio searched high and low for you. Still, you were as evasive as ever. Before long, he retreated back to his shared hotel room, thinking it best that he give you your space for the time being.
It thus came as a surprise when, upon entering the room he shared with all of you, Gladio found you seated on the bed. By the looks of it, you had just taken a shower and were getting ready to go to sleep, what with your damp hair and pajama-clad body.
What really gripped at Gladio’s heart was how broken you looked. Your eyes were swollen, an obvious indication that you had been crying. You looked so… so defeated. The sight of you made Gladio regret everything that came out of his big mouth during your very heated exchange.
He took a step towards you, and this was enough to pull you out of your daze. Your eyes met, but only momentarily, as you turned your back towards Gladio and refused to face him any longer.
Anxiously, Gladio ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I’m-“
“Save it,” you croaked, rubbing at your eyes as another sniff escaped you.
Even your voice sounded so shattered. It only served to make Gladio feel all the more worse. He sighed dejectedly. “Listen, I know I’m the last person you wanna see right now-“
“That’s just scraping the surface.”
“-but I just wanted to apologize for earlier.” The bed dipped with Gladio’s weight right next to you. “I didn’t mean any of it, I swear.”
Being so close to Gladio, especially after being burned by him so recently, sent your heart into a frenzy. Taking a shaky breath, you whimpered, “You hurt me.”
Gladio frowned, feeling more and more despicable about himself. “I know, and I’m so sorry.”
“Y-you… you promised.” You were wailing now. Wiping the tears from your face soon became a futile action at how much you were crying. “You pr-promised you wouldn’t let any-anyone hur-hurt me again.”
Gladio stilled, his fists balling in anger towards himself. How could he forget such an important promise he made to you not too long ago? He felt like such a scumbag. “Some Shield I am, huh?” he mumbled sourly. “I can’t even protect the girl I’m in love with from myself.”
You froze at his sudden declaration. “Wha…? What?” You couldn’t help but turn to him then, your mouth agape in disbelief. He didn’t just… did he?
“I love you,” Gladio said sternly. Deeply. Surely. He held your teary gaze and let out a long exhale before continuing. “This… probably wasn’t the best way to go about with it, but I guess the cat’s outta the bag.”
Your eyes widened. “Ar-are you… you’re not joking, are you?”
“Why would I joke around with my feelings?”
“But… you’ve never… with me…” You were stumbling all over your words. “Since when?”
Gladio paused. You could tell he was going over the details in his head. Finally, he answered, “Probably a little after you started training with Iggy. But I don’t think I was really sure about my feelings until the night I got this.” He pointed at the trademark scar on his face. “After that, I was already certain that I was in love with you.”
Your hands were trembling. Gladiolus Amcitia, in love with you? Never in your wildest dreams did you think it was possible that he would ever reciprocate your feelings. By the looks of it though, it seems he did — and tenfold, at that.
You were still hurting a bit from his harsh words earlier, but there was no denying the heat in your cheeks that steadily intensified. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He shrugged. “Didn’t wanna scare you off, especially not after that night. Then life just got in the way, and I didn’t really know if it was the right time, what with everything going on right now.”
It was silent between the two of you for a while. Maybe you were quiet for a beat too long, because Gladio suddenly took ahold of your face in his hands and dropped his voice to a whisper. “Say something. Please.”
There was a poisonous seed that had been planted in your head, and it was something you needed to clear out before moving forward with Gladio. In a voice that sounded so incredibly sad to his ears, you questioned, “Am I good enough?”
This was enough to break him. “Yes, Astrals, yes.” He was littering your face with kisses now, as if trying to cleanse any trace of the tears and heartbreak that he had caused. “You will always be more than enough.”
Gladio pulled you to him then, and you allowed him to do so, opening your arms not just to embrace him, but to accept his apology and simply open your heart to him fully and unconditionally.
“I love you, Gladio.”
He drew back slightly in order to gaze deeply into your eyes. “You might be a lot smaller than me,” he said, “but your heart will always be much, much bigger than I’ll ever be.”
When Ignis divulged to Noctis and Prompto that a storm was brewing between you and Gladio, they had expected the worst. Suffice to say, they were in for a bit of a shock when they found the two of you tangled in each other with your lips locked rather passionately.
One thing’s for sure: your vast height different was no issue when making out with Gladio — so long as you were both lying in bed.
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Chapter 4-Yufina Marlon; Scene 4
The Lunacy of Duke Venomania, page 145-151
When IR returned to the mansion in her human girl form, Sateriasis was embracing a woman just inside the foyer.
She couldn't tell who it was from behind.
But none of the harem women would come upstairs. Sateriasis being up here with her must mean that a new woman had fallen to Sateriasis' evil ways and come here.
That was joyous news for IR.
Ho ho, my duke…So this means you weren't able to come to a halt.
He had contracted with the demon for the purpose of obtaining Gumina. And he had fulfilled that goal just the other day. There should have been no reason for him to increase the size of his harem any further. Though he did need to maintain the demon's power to keep Gumina's heart ensnared, that was something he could adequately cover with the women he had now.
The fact that Sateriasis continued to kidnap women---that was proof that the demon was continuing to take root inside of him. Sateriasis was simply unable to resist his desire to keep growing stronger.
IR had expected that things would turn out like this. Even if Gumina kept quiet on the fact that she was Sateriasis' fiancée--even if being his fiancée wasn't what she had wanted--eventually the two of them would be married. If he just wanted to ensnare her heart, it wouldn't take much longer after that point.
However, Sateriasis hadn't waited for that. Selfishly, he had taken her by force. Even if he knew that it might put his situation at risk, he had been unable to stop.
At this stage, it was clear that Sateriasis had become unable to control the demon.
Very good, Duke. Continue to accumulate lovers. That ties in with granting one of the things I desire.
IR snickered to herself in her mind.
But she was incredibly shocked in the next moment, when the woman Sateriasis was embracing turned around.
"--! Y-you're…Hakua!?"
"…Haru! Thank goodness, you're alive after all!"
The moment that IR saw the seventh lover of Sateriasis Venomania, Hakua Netsuma, the girl ran from Sateriasis and hugged her. IR's face became buried in Hakua's ample chest.
"I was so worried about you! Where in the world have you been all this ti--"
"…Ah--just a sec--I wonder if you could wait a moment. …Hey! Duke!"
IR pulled away from Hakua, and then screamed at Sateriasis louder than she ever had up until this point.
"What is it? Is she an acquaintance of yours?"
Though IR roared at him to knock it off, Sateriasis remained aloof, used to her yelling.
"You trying to say you brought her here without knowing that?...Good grief, you asshole, you really are--"
"No, I just happened to see her in town; I just brought her because she looks a little bit like you. She has the same hair and eyes, doesn't she? I figured she would do, since you still won't budge."
While Sateriasis' reasoning made it clear that lust had taken priority over love in his criterion for selecting women, IR couldn't rejoice at that as she might like to.
"…Get rid of her, Duke."
"Have a ready answer, do you! Well you can't use her, at any rate!"
"At least tell me why. There's too much risk in letting go a woman I've already brought here once. You of all people should know that."
"This girl, this Hakua Netsuma…is my older sister."
"That's surprising. That you have a sister, I mean."
"To be clear, she is the older sister of this body--of Haru Netsuma…At any rate, you've brought over a real nuisance--"
IR heaved a great sigh, holding back Hakua as she attempted to hug her again.
After entrusting Hakua to Lukana, IR ended up talking with Sateriasis in her room.
"…Well, there was no need for you to be so cruel, was there? She's been through quite a bit, this girl. The village she lived in was burned down by an evil sorceress, and she was separated forever from her little sister--"
"That 'evil sorceress' would be me."
"Why did you attack her village?"
"Because they had something I wanted there. The katana, you see--the 'Vessel of Deadly Sin',"
IR said. Then, having remembered something, she suddenly switched topics. "Right, speaking of 'Vessels of Deadly Sin'--There's something I need to talk to you about."
"Hm? What is it?"
"Duke. I want you to seduce a certain woman."
"So sudden…Oh alright, I'll hear you out at least. Who is it?"
"The queen of Marlon, Yufina Marlon. Right now, she's come to Beelzenia as the king of Marlon's escort--"
"Hold up! Wait just a moment! You said the queen of Marlon!"
An unexpected title of address entered the conversation, and naturally Sateriasis was quite flustered at that.
"What is it? Are wives off limits?"
"That's not it! You want me to kidnap the queen of another country, of all things!? Depending on how this goes it could lead to war!"
"There is that added risk, but there is a reason why we ought to get our hands on her. Yufina…might be in possession of a 'Vessel of Deadly Sin'," IR said, glancing at the box she had placed in the corner of the room.
"A 'Vessel of Deadly Sin'…You mean there are others, outside of the katana?"
"To be accurate, including that katana there are seven 'Vessels of Deadly Sin' in all."
"That's quite a lot."
"You'd know this, having one yourself, but even one 'Vessel of Deadly Sin' is an item able to obtain extraordinary power. But just picture it. If one were able to collect all seven, and obtain the power of all of them…"
A smile came to IR's face. A smile so wicked it put Sateriasis off a little bit.
"…So you'd become the owner of unbelievable power. And that is your goal. Do you plan to conquer the world once you've obtained this power?"
"I can't deny it. But, my duke. I think that would be very beneficial for you."
"I have no such aspiration. As long as I can live happily with my women, that's fine with me."
"While fearing in your heart that the truth may come out someday?"
At that, Sateriasis unthinkingly grimaced.
At seeing his expression, IR continued to speak, smirking in satisfaction.
“You are a duke, and the regional lord of Asmodean. But that is, after all, all you are. A mere human, who can't change the laws alone, who will be crushed in an instant if the country should turn against him.
"But I have the power of the demon--"
"And what would you do with that power? Become a demon and pick a fight with the whole country? You might fare well against the likes of Marquis Glassred's guards, but you don't have the kind of power to take on an army, do you? Or would you use your 'Lust' power? Regrettably, the emperor is a man. Your 'Lust' spell has no effect on men. Or will you wait for a woman to become ruler?"
IR had become quiet loquacious, as though her previous foul mood had been only an illusion.
"However. Once you have all seven vessels of deadly sin--Or rather, if you're taking on the country then three at least should be plenty. At any rate, once you've obtained them, there's a chance you could become the new king of Beelzenia. Once you've done that, there's no reason why you couldn't have any woman in Beelzenia as your wife, nevermind Asmodean. Well, do you still think there's no use in--"
"Alright, I got it, I got it. --It's not like I don't get what you're saying. I'll help you in collecting these 'Vessels of Deadly Sin', at least. But let me think it over when it comes to the Queen of Marlon."
IR seemed about to speak, to press the matter more fervently, but at that moment there was a knock on the door, and so she dropped her voice to a quiet whisper. "…The only chance you'll have is when Yufina is touring Asmodean. Make up your mind quickly."
The door opened, and Lukana came in.
"I've given Miss Hakua a full tour and brought her to her room."
"Which room did you put her in?"
At Sateriasis' question, Lukana replied, without a hint of ill-will, "The room next to this one. Miss Hakua told me she wanted to be close to Miss IR's room."
Upon hearing that, IR's face clouded over in a flash.
"Why next door of all places...There are plenty of empty rooms."
"Hey, IR."
"What is it, Duke."
"Your attitude towards Hakua seems a bit strange. If she's in the way, you'd normally declare that you'd 'burn her to ashes' or something like that, without any hesitation."
"…Borrowing a human body is a fairly troublesome thing. There is almost nothing left of the will of the original person in this body--Haru Netsuma. But--"
"By 'almost nothing' you mean to say there's still a little left."
"Correct. Just a miniscule fragment, albeit. But that fragment is getting in the way…'Don't kill my big sister', it says…We've talked enough, I'll be heading out."
So saying, IR left to go to her own room, leaving Sateriasis alone with Lukana.
"Say…Lord Venomania?"
"What is it, Lukana?"
"This is off topic, but there's a little something I wanted to tell you about…"
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