#I'm so ready to leave
solroskajan · 5 months
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I refuse to belive Uzi can't easily carry N if she wants to.
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yesokayiknow · 3 months
do you ever think about how one of doctor who's most famous time loop episodes (heaven sent) isn't a time loop. like the fact that time is passing normally is a huge plot point
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hrokkall · 4 months
draw minophus,,, plsss =*^*=
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Monochrome old man yaoi sketch. For you
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zishuge · 7 months
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Story of Kunning Palace (2023) | Ep. 38
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biffybobs · 8 months
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"It's beautiful here. I think we should stay."
"For another night?"
"Maybe a little longer."
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high-noon-raccoon · 3 months
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Finally finished reading Legionnaire but unfortunately it set me back on my bullshit and I'm trying desperately to spare my tabletop group from it.
I need to just sketch more, it helps me remember how to draw like an actual frigging adult.
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buckttommy · 3 months
Buck and Eddie are going to be pissed at each other/one of them is going to be pissed at the other, but not for the reasons you think.
Before anyone asks, I'm not being shady and I don't know how the season is going to unfold, but I do know that in all the years of Buck and Eddie being BuckandEddie, we've seen them survive a lawsuit (essentially: Buck at his most selfish), a kidnapping, a nervous breakdown (essentially: Eddie at his most destructive), a shooting, and so many other things that have yet to actually rock the core of their relationship. I think this—whatever this is—is going to strike at the heart of who they are together and that? That fascinates me.
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soubidou · 7 months
Me: Aw, Silver is turning out to be a sweet guy to and with Suvi and I hope we get to see more of hi-
Brennan: He's leaving for the front kudos see you next week 🫰🏻
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sonnburn · 6 months
There are so many beautiful things about Last Twilight as a production; the script, the acting, the cinematography, the wardrobe, etc. but can I take a moment to gush about the music?
This show legitimately has one of the best soundtracks of any show in any language I've ever experienced. Blame the Stars is maybe the best Jimmy has ever sounded. One Palm Distance by Satang Kittiphop is romantic and ethereal. Last Twilight by William Jakrapatr (whom I've never heard of before now but goddamn can that man sing) is powerful and emotional and encapsulates the show perfectly. The OST always gives me chills and I get so swept up in the background music that I often have to rewind the scene because I missed what was happening in the story!
This show is beautiful all around, but the musical score might be my favourite part.
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What are your favorite Chase moments from the show so far?
Just like with Zuma's post, it's in no specific order, I just really loved all these moments
That first Mission PAW episode when the Princess chose specifically HIM to be the watch dog and guard her crown. That was so adorable I can't even. He seemed so genuinely proud and happy there! Plus he's so damn cute wearing that tux lol
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When they were going to rescue Skye and Chase was so worried upon hearing that she was the one in need of rescue. Then when Ryder was choosing which pups would be part of the rescue, that moment he was like "Pick meee pick meeee-"?? That was so cute, he really cares about her and wanted to impress her so bad lmao personally make sure she would be safe (Bonus points for his excitement over being picked for the rescue and everyone else like Go ahead king, we all know you wanted this XD)
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The entire time he spent with the owlet and working to rescue the mama owl from that fallen tree. It was so sweet!! The fact I also love owls surely didn't help AUSHAUSHAUSHAU I love that episode SO MUCH
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That moment when he finally turned into a Merpup. Poor boy was so fixated on "being on duty" despite wanting SO BAD to go and participate in "the fun". And he couldn't even enjoy being a merpup immediately because he was transformed just because he needed to swim faster for the rescue but he was so overjoyed anyway! Only after that mess, he could go and finally have the fun he wanted and deserved so much.
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That moment in the first Sea Patrol episode when he and Skye were left behind at the beach while the rest of the team went on the first mission with the Sea Patroller. His face upon SEEING the HQ turn into a ship and sail away was just priceless XD (Also it's rare to see Chase being put on the sidelines for once lmao)
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The first Ultimate Rescue episode!! God, Chase was SO HAPPY. He's THE Police Pup, he gets to lead the mission, supervise, plan, give orders. And the way all the other pups clearly loved the experience and were SO ON BOARD with being Police Pups with him, it was just awesome!
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So far these are my favorite moments! Actually I legit just got to watch this first Ultimate Rescue episode like one hour ago. Not to mention it took me five days to think of these moments and then go find the episodes again to take the respective screenshots XD
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polite-pandemonium · 8 months
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I am just somehow OBSESSED with Takeru DRIVING. Like is he a bad driver? He speeds past the gang waiting outside of Daisuke's restaurant (or the restaurant where Daisuke works, whatever), so maybe? Is that his mom's car? Or is it his car? Why does he NEED a car? What is he doing that requires him to drive? Is it going to be a plot point in the movie? Is Takeru being a BAD DRIVER going to be a plot point? I need to know.
Ken and Miyako are also visibly startled when Takeru speeds past (Miyako JUMPS!!!!), while Iori and Hikari don't even flinch. What does that say about DYNAMIC?! Are Iori and Hikari more used to Takeru's (presumably bad) driving? That would make sense, no, cause they are (canonically???) closer with him? Just such a small interaction and I can interpret so much and draw so many conclusions!!! How fun!!!
There's just something really so fun about watching characters you've loved your whole life continue to grow - to see new details about them spring up, new traits, new things to add to canon. It's the most delightful thing about the Digimon Adventure franchise to me. Sure, the stories they have told over the last decade have mostly been all various shades of mediocre, but the character moments - goodness, the character moments just don't hit the same in any other media for me. It's so special to me.
ETA: WAIT, looking at the screencap, Iori looks slightly concerned. Only Hikari looks calm (though she does turn her whole body to look at the car once it stops). Does this mean HIKARI is the only one comfortable with his driving? Cause Hikari is closest to him? (I don't even think their closeness is something that is debatable - I feel like it is PRETTY CANON that they are closest with each other???????????)
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dilsdesigns · 22 days
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you've already seen this but. it's done!
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soupnoodle · 4 months
my friend who went to see the new master and margarita movie, not familiar with the book: what the fuck is going on
me, watching the new master and margarita movie, familiar with the book: what the fuck is going on
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shoechoe · 2 months
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current progress of my first attempt at a large survival minecraft build (SevTech Ages modpack singleplayer)
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mel-loly · 6 months
-“Oh, school has to be something serious, especially this year/something like that!”
The things I did when I was at school (especially in computer class):
TW: cigarette
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I have a lot of memories, and this is certainly one of the most important/best/funniest in my life. I'm really going to miss everything... and I'm already crying lol..
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