#I'm so soft for him
starmocha · 4 months
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Zayne's snow/ice figurines
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conjuring-ghouls · 1 year
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I should have edited my client's photoshoot today but I spent hours doing these gifs of Copia instead and I'm not even feeling guilty about it.
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sweetsweetjellybean · 6 months
Thinking about Torn!Eddie this morning. How he sneaks out the side door of the CursedSound building while the first rays of pale light are still rising around the tall buildings, gleaming off the mirrored windows. He pauses outside the door to tug on the plaid hat that matches the cashmere scarf (both gifts from you) tucked into the neck of his well-worn leather jacket.
Large thick snow flakes fall, turning to slush in the sidewalk as he walks the two blocks to the coffee shop that had become your favorite. He knows that he could make you coffee in his loft that would be just as good, he's even stalked up on oat milk and your preferred salted carmel syrup, but it's light, incredibly flakey croissants that the shop bakes up first thing ever morning that he can't find a substitute for.
Uncharacteristically, he smiles as he walks back, heat from the bag of still hot pastries warming his hands, a song he's been mixing playing in his head, but it's thought of you in his bed, eyelashes kissing the top of your cheeks, your steady warm breaths fanning out across his pillow that makes him realize he's happy. That this moment in his life is a sweet spot he should savor. He's a man who doesn't consider fate to be a friend, he makes his own luck, fighting for everything he has, but as his cold nose brushes along the warmth of your temple, your lashes starting to flutter when he follows with his lips, he feels exactly that...lucky.
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deadboyswalking · 1 year
Buddy Daddies is both very funny at times and very sad at others.
Kazuki makes my heart ache, to be honest. He's so kind and so caring and it was so profoundly unfair that the wife and unborn child he adored so much were ripped away from him in seconds, his little family destroyed before it even had a chance to begin. And this was AFTER his own parents abandoned him so young that he barely remembers them.
Kazuki has so much love in his heart to share and it seemed like the universe was completely stacked against him as if to say, "Kazuki, you are a cursed human. You don't deserve to have a family or be happy."
And then he had Rei, someone to care about again. And then he had Miri and finally, all of that fierce affection inside him had somewhere to go as he built his new little family with the two of them. Kazuki probably never thought he'd get to have love in his life again after finding and losing it so devastatingly the first time around.
But, like spring flowers after a hard winter, love's blessings returned to him.
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kenobion · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield on The View
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chadleys · 11 months
mmmhm imagine his deep voice reverberating through his chest, which is pressed to your back. his nose buried in your hair as he whispers sweet nothings to you. an arm thrown over your waist, holding you so close guh
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earthfleurs · 1 year
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cat content!! cat content. he's in his truest form
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strhwaberries · 1 year
his voice is so soothing
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togetherhearted · 2 years
Wylan with Jack's clothes from Netflix's Tudum.
Just thinking about how cute he would have looked with these on.
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tyrilstarfury · 2 years
I like you too 😍
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OK I'm sold... Wasn't sure about his cheesy golden boy image but this scene got me... Was smiling the whole time I read it.
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massivewaffle · 2 years
Genuinely GoodTimesWithScar is such a goddamn babe it’s unreal. He is not aware of his full power and I don’t think we should ever allow him to become aware of it because he will use it for evil and thus will be even HOTTER.
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eternally-smitten · 2 years
The thought of Trevor swearing in French while all worked up over something...hoo boy I need to sit down
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stariwrites · 1 year
🛩️ + 💋 for gojo (if I remember your blorbos correctly)
🛩: Where would the two of you go on your honeymoon?
Probably Italy or Greece. Those are some places I've always wanted to go and so I feel like it would be a surprise and we would have such a blast!!
💋: Where are your favorite places to kiss your f/o/where are their favorite places to kiss you?
I think Gojo's favorite place to kiss me other than my lips is my cheek. He's a lot taller than me so he would bend down and kiss my cheek whenever he leaves. For me, my favorite place to kiss him would be his hand and temple. Because when we hold hands I would kiss his knuckles. It makes me happy especially seeing the soft expression on his face when I do so. Temple kisses are also just so cute to me so I would love to kiss him there as a way to ground him.
Ask me about my self ships
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maiko-coy · 11 months
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Me when Eclipse
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
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did somebody say dadkarios
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guardian-of-soho · 11 months
Aziraphale is a guardian.
We left him at the end of s1 with the knowledge that apocalypse was still coming. He'd saved the world for that day, but Heaven was still bent on destroying it. The ones with the power to burn everything were still inescapably loveless. It really looked like he and Crowley alone of all the Earth-walking beings would fight for the world.
And he loves the world so much. The opening scenes of him in the record shop, buying his Shostakovich 78s? The warmth toward Maggie and her music and her heart? The generosity, and the delight in the shared understanding, and the pleasure in the discovery that he could make her life better? That he could spare her pain, give her a little more time with her joys? He knows how fragile those are.
He wants to give that to the whole world.
He wants to believe he can lift the doom hanging over them all, banish it permanently. He is desperate to believe it. Even if he wasn't longing so fervently to be seen, approved, affirmed by God's word (I was so undone by his jealousy as he watched Job speak to her) -- even without that I can't imagine him not wavering at Heaven's offer, faced with the chance that he could use all Heaven's might to guard the world again and get it right this time.
And then he's offered that power with apparent warmth, and feigned approval, and the shameless claim that at last they understand. They hear what he's been trying desperately to tell them as long as he's lived in the world. They're telling him that he's finally made his point -- that they are proud he's tried so hard for so long.
So -- the ending is shattering. It is maddening. It's utterly unfair on Crowley. And I didn't see it coming, and yet.
Aziraphale is a guardian. He really will have to see for himself that power won't love what's good; there is no way to make the world safe forever.
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