#I'm so sorry Estinien but I had to do it
kootiepatra · 1 year
#FFxivWrite2023 - Day 7: Noisome
The Azure Dragoon surveyed the Churning Mists with a sober, razor-sharp focus. From his perch atop a spire on a high-floating isle, he could see it all: the majestic, somber ruins from ages past, clearly of mankind’s make. The graceful, lily-like structure that marked Hraesvelgr’s lair. The drifting white spherical flowers that peppered the dwelling of those… rodents. And the violet, storming clouds in the distance that enshrouded the refuge of his ancient foe.
Nothing had come or gone from it in the few days he had been keeping watch. This, of course, was ideal. Were Nidhogg to approach him here and now, he would by no means stay his blade. But he would be a fool indeed to charge in without the Warrior of Light. He could not give a fig for having the glory of the kill to himself. He just needed to ensure this would end.
Those manacutters could not come fast enough.
Estinien was used to keeping lonesome vigils malms away from civilization. Truth be told, he rather preferred it. He could not yet say that he was entirely at ease serving as bait to keep Nidhogg’s attention off of Ishgard, however. But neither did he regret it. It had been his idea, after all. 
And it worked. Nidhogg’s gaze was fixed on him with a seething resentment. He could feel it, like a burning hot shackle that hooked him through the ribs. It watched with a patient hatred, like a coeurl pacing about in a cage, staring down its captors whom it would gleefully dismember if given the slightest opportunity. It was scandalized by his audacity to bring the Eye so deep into Dravania. It haunted him, taunting him without words. Daring him to give in to the rancor, to let his guard down for even a moment.
How long ago was it since his last encounter with Alberic, now? Not long enough for him to lose that healthy fear of what he almost became—of what he did become. Recent enough that he knew better than to surrender to that relentless pull on his heart. The Fury only knew if he would be able to recover a second time.
He shut his eyes and drew a deep breath, steeling his resolve again against the will of the dragon. For his parents. For his brother. For Ferndale. He would see this through.
“Still up here, kupo??” the squeaky voice loudly chirped in his ear.
His soul momentarily left his body.
When he came to his senses a half-second later, his lance was in his hands, his every muscle primed into a battle stance and ready to strike. The moogle who had startled him hovered expectantly, seemingly oblivious to his own very near brush with destruction. 
“What do you want?” Estinien asked through clenched teeth, requiring his every onze of self-control not to throttle the creature.
“Just making conversation, kupo!” he replied, somewhat offended. “After all, it is not every day we have men walking in our midst! At least, not until you lot showed up.”
“Speaking of, will your friends return soon?” another moogle asked, fluttering up behind the dragoon. 
“I am busy,” he growled, easing out of his stance, an angry heat burning around his ears beneath his helmet.
Yet another voice sniffed, “Busy doing what? You’ve done nothing but stand here like a statue, kupo. Trust us, if Nidhogg were to do anything rash, we’d all know. Not stealthy, that one.”
Estinien stared at them, flabbergasted. He did not know their names—just that they started with “Mog”, ended with something he didn’t care enough about to remember, and he could not tell them apart even should he wish to. He whirled around as he felt something prodding against his armor, only to see yet another of the foul, fluffy white beings. ‘Twould seem he was the entertainment of the hour, and he was starting to gather a crowd.
He glanced down at his lance. For plausibly deniable reasons, he began contemplating the mental image of marshmallows roasting on a stick.
These things had best count themselves lucky he had allies whose good graces he hoped to maintain.
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coldshrugs · 9 months
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there's your trouble
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yasuosexual · 8 months
Okay I'm sorry if this was already requested? but I want to know how they would seduce the wol? (thancred, urianger, aymeric, haurchefant and estinien once again sorry if this was already requested I have a hard time keeping up with things)
HOW TO SEDUCE ~~~ ZOO WEE MAMA !! no worries love, this hasn’t been done yet!
also i totally just realized that urianger is on my request list like i forgot he was ever there… oopsie :3
warnings: 18+, swearing
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- thancred is always trying to be on that type timing shit like this man comes up with the most creative ways to seduce you
- one time for your nameday he wrapped himself in satin ribbon… so you could unwrap him later. he was your birthday present (how romantic…)
- his favorite way to turn you on is to sneak up from behind and breathe gently on the back of your neck. if he’s feeling extra frisky, he may even give you a little nibble or a whisper in the ear.
- when he plans his surprise attacks, he always makes sure to be dressed in his tight small clothes and he never wears a shirt. gotta make sure you can see what you’re about to get ;)
- aymeric is not the best when it comes to trying to seduce you. his attempts typically elicit a long laughing session followed by rough sex.
- his favorite way to seduce you is by touching you. touching you so gently and in the right spots, making him absolutely impossible to resist.
- and the thing is, aymeric will do this anywhere. he definitely doesn’t understand how worked up you get. doesn’t matter if it’s in his office or at home, or somewhere in ishgard… he knows how to push your buttons.
- you try to show him your sexual frustration when he touches you this way, but it always ends up with you straddling his lap, begging him for more.
- mr romantic here loves to give massages. massages to work out that knot that’s been bothering your neck, but also massages to get you riled up ;)
- will always try to play it off as “just want to help you feel better” but you both know that isn’t the case.
- it’s when he gets you shirtless and laying down on the bed that he really gets frisky. loves to work his hands up and down your body- not ignoring your sore neck… but there’s other places that need touched too.
- haurchefant never neglects your sore areas, in fact he makes sure that he’s massaged them greatly before moving on to the rest of you.
- he won’t let you massage him because it’s his job to make you feel better, but every time he does you both always end up fucking multiple times that night:)
- seduction? not his strong suit… most people feel seduced just by looking estinien in the eyes so he’s never really had to try until you (he tries his best!!!)
- his favorite tactic, albeit simple, is to push you down onto the bed and kiss you slowly from your neck down to your lower abdomen.
- it’s simple, but it yields reward. he loves it when you beg for him to stop kissing around and just dive in!
- it always ends the same way— your face down in the pillows and ass up. no mercy will be shown tonight :)
- mr romantic (again..) loves to set the scene before you’re even aware he’s wanting a piece of you. like prepare for the night of ur life !!
- it’s always when you least expect it too. you’ll come home to get in bed and of course he’s got a light incense burning and some candles in your room…
- he’ll usually come up from behind you, pulling you into his embrace. with a few kisses on your cheek and a few guiding steps later, he has you on the bed.
- you realize how turned on you are once he’s got you in bed— his fingers soaked with your lust created by such a small gesture from him:)
wow i try to write the same for everyone but i went a little crazy on the haurchefant one…
thank u for this rq love this was fun! i hope u enjoy this awful wonderful monday and have a great week!
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cinnabun-faerie · 8 months
Hi! 1st I love your writing, brings me a smile every time ☺️ I've fallen down a poly hole and was wondering if I could request G'raha/WoL/Thancred with a WoL that's maybe a bit on the chaotic/impulsive side but loves them both dearly pls? Ah tysm for what you do, you're an angel ❤️
Poly G'raha/WoL/Thancred : WoL with a chaotic/impulsive side
A/N: Aw, I'm glad you enjoy! I'm so sorry this ask is so late (it has been a bit long of a wait, eh?)
Warning: Poly relationship
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There was nothing and no one that Thancred and G'raha loved more than you
you were their love and their world
but you were a bit too...impulsive for their liking
maybe because you remind them a bit of themselves
they know that you meant well when you shielded them with your own body taking hits and attacks for them before they could react
but it was dangerous
and they would sit you down and talk to you about it
and after their harsh and soft words, they'd hold you close and tell you how much they were happy to have you in their lives
in turn, you'd remind them of some of the things they have done that is equally as impulsive
Thancred: Perhaps we all need a bit of an intervention
G'raha: Perhaps we could come to an understanding that we just mean so much to each other that we'd do anything to keep the other safe
and they were always so thankful when you'd come and take care of them when they were sick or hurt
in the middle of training with Estinien and they needed you?
Estinien (and whoever was in the nearest vicinity) better duck and/or cover cause your weapon is going flying and you'll leaving a dust trail as you rush back home
not to mention you nearly suffocate either boy with many blankets because you worry that they'll get too cold
Thancred once made the mistake of mentioning he had chills
and you brought 4 blankets to his room in less than 30 seconds
honestly he didn't know where you were getting all of these blankets
G'raha loves how you greet him when he comes home after a mission
you run at him and jump on him, regardless if he is prepared to catch you or not
even when you totally mow him down, he can't help but look at you so lovingly as you are so happy to see him
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rigil-kentauris · 15 days
Prompt #6: Halcyon
i got your letter. sorry i didn't write back. feels like now that i don't have to submit reports every ha'bell, that i've lost the skill with it.
i am in kugane now. when you get this i might have left. so you can send letters along to the usual spot.
i had squid today. i like it. you wouldn't. theres lots here you wouldn't like. like the beach.
i don't know if you would like it. i thought you wouldn't, then i realized i was thinking about the house speaker and not aymeric. why do you let them think you're a high-bred noble snot?
they certainly wouldn't serve it at tea times back home, and i think maybe you'd enjoy that.
i want to take you to the beach.
today there was some kid selling driftwood on the beach. had a stand and everything. little auri kid - they probably would have killed him in old ishgard - i hate thinking things like that at random. i hate what ishgard does to a man.
there was someone watching him, older sibling maybe. he sold me this one and i though you would and im sending it to you. you get it. that's peace, i think. bothersome little kid selling sticks on a beach.
anyway, i'm okay. you know how we used to talk about what we'd do after the war? i never had an answer for you. i always could tell that made you nervous. i didn't say anything. i wish'd i'd had something to say. well, i still haven't got an answer. only these days i'm okay with not having an answer. i don't know what i'm doing. i do know that the day after a hard battle when you ache everywhere you've flesh, nothing feels better than a good stretch. the stretch hurts too, but it helps. you feel that deep down.
i don't know why i'm not a better man, aymeric. i don't know why i see your letters and i never write you back. if you are willing to wait a little more i think i might be able, though. i wake up in the morning- when im traveling i'm always thinking- i want to say things that i don't know how to-
ishgard is changing. i won't let that bloody stodgy place outdo me.
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elizabethrobertajones · 4 months
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A Dragoon's Work Is Never Done part... three? four? I did not caption the first in this series with that and so I can't even find it now.
Anyway the important thing is this seemingly completely normal diplomatic mission from Radz-at-Han where the Satrap has brought his sister for Fete Day over to visit the dragons in the other city state perched on a rock with a long history of dragon relations for good or ill. Estinien is refusing to dress up as a diplomat, which he is now when it comes to dragon things, whether he likes it or not. He claims he's just here for the Fete food. G'raha is here because he's glued to Frog and likes witnessing history happening in nice ways.
Day 6: Celebrations | Holidays
Oh, wait the above images were a spot the difference
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#I'm so interested in Estinien's and Frog's relationship (platonic) and how he fits into the puzzle now that she and Aymeric are A Thing @lilbittymonster
OKAY this will be unnecessary long to explain why Aymeric is getting so smirky.
So way way way back I did actually ship Estinien and Frog a bit, because I'd done dragoon 50 before HW and was therefore Completely Normal about the Estinien/WoL relationship. But I couldn't quite make it stick in my heart, and for whatever reason despite Estinien actually being, I personally think, the character with the closest bond to the WoL on the deepest levels bar the characters who are literally part of the WoL (you know, like, the 3-5 of them we cram in there), it ended up feeling more like just an unbreakable platonic friend bond. *shrugs* sometimes your heart just decrees stuff.
In Frog Canon this translates to the Stormblood 70 Dragoon quest being a moment where after sharing the dragoon eyeball tether for the first time, Frog and Estinien are riding an absolute high of connection and feeling really good about accomplishing Good Dragoon Things (and the reason I keep captioning Estinien and Frog doing dragon stuff as "work never being done" is them chasing that high again by tying up loose ends like taking Vrtra to visit Hraesvelgr or Middy, or taking Azdaja and Middy out for curry together).
That night on the steppe, they camped out together and shared a drink and the spoils of a hunt, Orn Khai was asleep by the fire. And completely unprompted Frog and Estinien both decided at the same moment to swoop in for a kiss, which lasted roughly 3 seconds and they broke apart like "woah, no, that was weird. We don't need to do that again. Nope. Sorry." and they instead solemnly vowed their friendship, and then laughed about it and decided to take that incident to their graves.
(At this point Frog had no idea Estinien had literally ever had a relationship in his life, never mind having been with Haurchefant as well and technically at the same time as her since Haurche had only nebulously mentioned "other partners"; Estinien did know she had been madly in love with Haurchefant, and Aymeric, who in turn Estinien had his suspicions was madly in love with Frog since like, seeing them interact once even in early HW. So it was a bit of a shock to her but he'd been idly contemplating her place in all this now for a while. But since he, Frog and Aymeric were all technically single or on a break or whatever Estinien thought he was doing while ghosting Aymeric for his own mental health SB > ShB patches, there weren't any of those connections to actually like. Build anything on.)
Fast forward to Endwalker, and I'm fully on the "Ysayle needs to know she won and Estinien has gone full dragonfucker" train, because he and Vrtra are an incredible power couple and it really represents to me a sort of final stop on Estinien needing to come to terms with everything that happened to him ever in his life and having accepted all sides of both the grand scope of history and also his own relationship to dragons, Nidhogg, and relations with dragons. He returns to R-a-H post-EW very very intrigued by what Vrtra wants with him, and they pretty much immediately get together.
I think by this point he's also encountered Aymeric enough times to have started to realise they never really broke up so much as stopped seeing each other, and Aymeric is exactly as devoted to him as he was last time they met, and Estinien only actually feels guilty about avoiding him so long, and mostly because Ishgard itself gives him the heebie jeebies immediately after HW and nothing to do with what Aymeric has done or not. So he's completely ready to resume that and just needs an excuse.
Which of course is Vrtra suggesting gently that there's a valuable connection there for Estinien and for the future of the two cities. AND Frog is on his case about seeing if Vrtra wants to meet the Dravanian dragons. Which he does. And then it only belatedly occurs to him when standing in Ishgard with Aymeric that maybe Frog also was manoeuvring. (I actually credit more G'raha machinations that Frog enacted, if you dig deeper :P)
Aymeric sort of ends up the orbiting twin star to the centre of the Frogicule, since he's the connection to all that and brings this whole side in, and considering all the pining on Frog's side to others, he's really got the more stable side of it all somehow...
She's glad of it because most of why she broke Aymeric's heart in the first place post-HW is because she thought it was cruelly unfair how little time she could spare for him and that he would only be mistreated by her coming in and out of his life at random.
The solution? A SECOND partner who comes in and out of his life at random and has very little tolerance for being in Ishgard! \o/ Between the two of them, maybe they add up to one full time partner?
(cue both of them getting on ships to Tural without consulting each other)
I don't think she goes out of her way to avoid seeing Estinien and Aymeric at the same time or finds it at all uncomfortable (low boundaries between them after all), but also she and Estinien are mutually uninterested in each other romantically and only passingly physically so aren't really interested in anything more than perhaps sharing a bed for platonic sleeping with a nice comfy buffer of Aymeric. It's easier just to enjoy spending time with them doing fun things like hanging out in the Firmament chatting to dragons and eating fair food, then take her catboy and leave. To the catboy's eternal disappointment. (Sorry G'raha, now this post isn't about you and we're talking Estinien today!)
Aymeric is here at this party realising he'd bed literally anyone there including Big!Varshahn (jury out on how he'd take to actual dragonfucking but it's like. A Catholic guilt loophole meeting a dragon who looks like a guy.) I don't think Vrtra and Aymeric are quite ready for anything but the simple fact of his existence is like an accessory that's making Estinien 1000x hotter in Aymeric's eyes I guess. Ser, that's a fellow head of state, please stop objectifying him.
Aymeric can not believe his luck that in a matter of months he's gone from staring forlornly out of a window alone to glancing between his hot girlfriend and his hot boyfriend, and is suddenly thrilled to go down in history as Ishgard's most eligible bachelor (never married, so many close friendships, all his letters and diaries spontaneously combusted on his death, how sad).
... as stated before, I am such a fan of Aymeric being a messy bitch who lives for drama and also is full of Secret Yearning and Weird Thoughts and would do wildly unstable things while projecting an aura of control and calm. Literally who knows if five to ten actual years down the line he and Vrtra end up publically married to unite their countries forever or something, but for now, this is where we're at.
Frog is just happy everyone is happy, and lacking the Ishgardian upbringing had given zero thought to Vrtra as a sex object and actively restricts herself from patting big!Varshahn on the head like he is still tiny. Little-brother-gender dragon snares another big sister. Estinien's love life remains a blissful mystery to her except for occasionally comparing calendars with Aymeric and swerving around the weekends he's blocked off for Estinien.
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morgana96 · 1 year
To try to give a genuine answer to an apparently genuine question:
I personally dislike estinien and aymeric both.
Estinien is an unreliable ally who has shown himself willing to shun (post HW MSQ), disdain (HW MSQ), or be violent towards his allies (ARR DRG queats), and Aymeric is a proponent of the forced adoption of the WoL into an Ishgardian house, and manipulative in a way that makes him a very good politician but not a very good person.
I dislike the ship between them because I feel that they would both be bad for each other, for these reasons.
I'm not trying to hate on you, but you seemed to be genuinely asking a question so I'm trying to genuinely give an answer.
Keep brightening my dash <3
I debated on actually replying to this because what I have to say might come off as rude. But I'm afraid this interpretation of both Aymeric and Estinien feels EXTREMELY innaccurate. I'm not sure how far you are in the story because you only mention up to Heavensward, so I don't want to spoil anything post-Heavensward. But even then, these claims simply make no sense.
In my opinion, calling Estinien "unreliable" and "disdainful" to his allies is wild. He can be distant and harshly blunt sometimes, but he very clearly cares about other people. He is open about his respect for people like WoL, Alberic, and Aymeric, and his familial fondness for Alphinaud. That is NOT disdain. If anything, his aloofness is due to the trauma of losing his entire family and village, making it difficult for him to form new connections out of fear of losing them too. While his all consuming desire for revenge was unhealthy and misguided, it was fueled not by disdain for others, but rather extreme grief for those he loved so dearly and lost so violently.
During the DRG quests, finding out the truth about Alberic and Ferndale was DEVASTATING for Estinien. He openly admits that Alberic is a father figure to him, and learning that his mentor was hiding the full truth was shellshocking, making him more susceptible to Nidhogg's influence and manipulation. And it was that manipulation that led up to the questline's final confrontation.
As for Aymeric, since when has he ever "manipulated" WoL? He's probably one of the most honest characters in the game. If you're talking about his appearances in ARR, you're far from the only player who initially got "secret villain" vibes from him. But most players eventually realized that was never his intention. He's not lying to you or trying to trick you into doing anything during those initial meetings. If anything, he's being brutally honest about how Ishgardian bureaucracy works, regardless of his personal opinions on the matter.
Also, I have no clue where you got the idea that WoL was "forcibly adopted" into House Fortemps to further Aymeric's political agenda, because that is not even remotely close to what happened. Haurchefant is the one who petitioned for them to get into Ishgard because he wanted to protect them after the events in U'ldah. Count Edmont took WoL, Alphinaud, and Tataru in because Haurchefant vouched for them, and because they had literally nowhere else to go. Pretending it was some political scheme by Aymeric and not Haurchefant's faith and admiration for WoL that got them into House Fortemps is a major disservice to both characters and a critical misinterpretation of the plot.
I couldn't disagree more with the idea that Aymeric and Estinien are somehow "bad for each other". Like I said in my original post, they have been friends for a decade, and it says a lot that Estinien opened up to Aymeric despite the former's reluctance to form bonds with others. Aymeric considers Estinien his "dearest friend", while Estinien sees Aymeric as Ishgard's "best hope" and literally threatens to take down the Holy See himself if they threaten harm against him. Whether that's romantic or platonic love is up to interpretation. But it's very obvious that love is there.
So yeah, I'm sorry, but I can't humor this reasoning. To me, these claims unfortunately give off the same frustrating energy as players who insist their WoL hates the Scions because they are "manipulating" their WoL and "using them as a weapon", when it is glaringly obvious that the Scions do not view WoL that way at all. At most, the only Scion to behave even remotely like this is Alphinaud during A Realm Reborn (and the ARR finale and Heavensward literally show him growing out of that and realizing how arrogant and inconsiderate he'd been.)
I swear I'm not trying to be mean. But I really think you should replay some parts of the game over, because based on what you've said here, I think you're severely misunderstanding many aspects of these characters as individuals.
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coolcataetheryte · 6 months
I've never posted a fanfic on this platform before, so sorry if anything looks weird. The characterization may be a bit iffy *shrug* I wrote this at like 3am. Also, I don't write smut often, so I expect this to feel about the level of a cheesy romance novel, and maybe that's fine. Can you imagine Estinien on the cover of one of those?
Summary: The WoL is feeling burnt out and lonely, Estinien shows up and helps her relax.
Pairing: Delphinium(WoL)xEstinien
Rating: NC-17
Tags: first time, uuuh size kink i guess? Barely, basically pwp, minor plot, I'm not sure what else. I don’t do this often, sorry lol so i’m not sure what should be tagged
Word count: 3,250
Delphinium sighed as she closed the door to her inn room behind her. The sound of the other scions’ drunken merrymaking muffled to a whisper and she was thankful for it. Of course, she loved celebrating a job well done as much as the next adventurer but once things got too loud and rowdy, it was time to make her exit. The boisterous cheering and laughter and music was just too overwhelming.
She took a few deep breaths then simply stood there, staring at nothing really. The room was a bit stuffy and her clothing felt stifling. Her rapier felt heavy at her hip. She was exhausted.
She finally peeled herself from the door and laid down her weapon on the bench. Her fingers brushed her harp as she withdrew her hand. She stopped and gave it a long look. She hadn’t played it since becoming a red mage some time ago. It was gathering dust and probably had fallen out of tune. Tired as she was, maybe a little bit of mindless work would do her well. She picked it up gently and sat down right where she was on the floor. The old wooden boards creaked slightly under her. She began cleaning and tuning the neglected instrument, all other noises fading into the background and her mind fell more at ease as she focused. Her fingers worked meticulously. Her ears missed nothing, quickly fixing any sour notes. Her scaly tail swished gently behind her the more she got into it.
Quite some time had passed when she gave the harp a satisfied nod. The noise from the lobby had disappeared. They’d finally decided to call it a night. That meant it was likely around midnight now. She hadn’t meant to stay up so late but admittedly, doting on the harp had somehow given her a bit of a second wind. She looked around the room absently, fingers just barely touching the strings and creating a mere whisper of song. What should she do now? Her eyes fell back on the instrument in her hands. It’d been a while since she sang. While less so than playing the harp, as she did sing to herself on occasion, she hadn’t truly sang and she began to feel like perhaps she should.
She loved singing. She always had. It was why she initially sought the way of the bard to begin with. To use song in battle had started to strip the joy from it, however. A side effect she never would have expected. That was the reason she turned to the blade. The others of course had questioned her decision. She played her role as bard well, and no doubt they enjoyed to hear it even if their focus was battle and not her performance. She’d told them it was simply to strengthen herself and feel more helpful with damage. It wasn’t a lie. But it wasn’t the whole, intimate, personal truth that she had never told anyone.
In a swift motion she stood with the harp and made her way across the room to open the door to the balcony. The night was crisp and quiet, with naught but a few insects disrupting the silence. Her chest swelled as she breathed deep of the cool air. It was only when a small shiver ran through her that she realized she’d been sweating. She paid no mind and began to string together notes that drifted into the night. Then her sweet voice joined in. It was an old song. One she didn’t even remember learning. It was simply part of her core despite having few memories from before her arrival in Gridania on that carriage. A lullaby from her people she presumed, with its soft melody and lilting sung notes.
Her song faded into an echo as she finished. A small smile graced her lips.
“That was lovely.”
She nearly jumped out of her scales at the sudden voice. Normally it was difficult to startle the Warrior of Light but Estinien had a way of catching her off guard randomly. Had he been there the whole time? Why did he jump onto her balcony of all places? He was probably lost. She gave him an exasperated look before turning on her heel to return to her room. His footsteps followed behind her.
“My intent wasn’t to frighten you,” he said.
He seemed sincere but she could hear the mirth in his voice. Yet somehow she couldn’t bring herself to tell him to leave. Without a word she placed the harp in its previous resting spot. She found herself simply standing and staring at nothing again.
The material of Estininen’s trousers caught gently on one of her tail spikes and she became aware of his presence directly behind her. He was close, a hair’s breadth from her back.
“What is it,” he asked. “You only stand about like this when something is on your mind.”
He placed a hand on her shoulder and that was all it took for her demeanor to completely break away. She relaxed back against his body with a sharp sigh, her head resting just barely at his navel.
He sounded concerned. She gently placed her hand over his. His hand felt so large. She imagined what they might be like holding her more intimately. She quickly shoved those thoughts to the back of her mind. Sure, they had their banter, and yes, many knew it was flirtatious but that was all it had ever been and this.. was entirely too comfortable. She couldn’t afford herself this. She suddenly wanted desperately to move away from him but she was stuck between him and the bench. She decided on a side step but, in her exhaustion, quite embarrassingly caught the edge of Estinien’s boot. He caught her with ease before she could fall to the ground. Their eyes met, and for a moment there was nothing in the world but the concern in his eyes as they searched her own.
Her breath hitched when she was pressed against him. Her feet left the floor, and it took her a moment to realize he had lifted her to crush her against his chest in a tight embrace.
“Whatever it is,” he said quietly. “I hope that you would trust me enough to tell me.”
The dam broke. She gripped his tunic as her tears streamed down cheeks. Estinien held tighter and gently lowered to sit on the floor as she sobbed into his chest. She easily fit into his lap.
“I’m sorry,” she choked out. “It’s just all been so much. I’ve done so much in so little time. I barely have any time to rest. I always have to be strong for everyone. I’m just so..tired.”
He said nothing but continued to hold her close. A hand stroked her hair gently. After a while, she calmed, taking deep breaths.
“You must think so little of me now,” she chuckled dryly. “The great hero, crying like a child.”
“No,” he said. “I know how much you hide your emotion. You bear quite a burden and you seldom let anyone see what you truly feel. I know how I seem, but I do understand you.”
She looked up at him at his words. Being half his size, she’d never seen his face so close before. She’d also never been so vulnerable with anyone, yet here she was looking so deeply at him with tear stained cheeks. He used a thumb to wipe a tear from her eye, then his hand drifted to caress her cheek. His thumb dared to ever so gently brush across her lip, the pink of her lipstick leaving a faint streak on his skin.
It was Delphinium that closed the distance between their lips. She gave in to the desire she held since she first battled alongside him on the bridge. He didn’t resist her, secretly having had the same thoughts since that moment. He’d cast them aside as he continued to focus on his revenge, but now there was nothing to hold him back. He helped her adjust into a more comfortable position as he deepened the kiss.
Her hands found their way into his long tresses, while Estinien’s hands rested comfortably at her waist and back. The tiny moan as Delphinium allowed his tongue access sent a shiver through him. They stayed there a while. There was no battle for dominance. Delphinium gladly gave into him, letting someone else take the lead of something for once.
Somewhere they’d ended up with Delphinium on the floor beneath him. His lips found their way to her neck, and she finally registered her horns scraping uncomfortably against the unforgiving wood as she arched a bit into him. She stopped his hand as it began tugging at the laces of her blouse. He paused, looking at her.
“Let's have a bath,” she said breathlessly.
“After. We’d need another once we’re through.”
She gave a bit of a snort at that. “Please. I want you to bathe with me. We should be clean before we do anything.”
He relented easily. One more kiss, then he helped her to her feet. She held his hand and led him to the washroom with a smile.
As the tub filled, Delphinium felt a wave of self-consciousness. She had her back to her companion, but could hear him beginning to undress. She weighed the possible consequences of following through with her actions. Was this a good idea? Could she afford to be involved with someone so intimately? Could she allow herself?
A hand on her arm turned her toward Estinien. She looked up at him immediately, trying to ignore his naked groin just below her eye level. He slowly began to unlace her blouse. He looked at her, silently asking permission to remove it. She nodded. As he worked to undress her, her eyes scanned over the scars decorating Estinien’s upper body. They were many, some old and faint, some clearly more recent. When he knelt down to remove her boots, she caught sight of his gnarled shoulder. Without thinking, she reached toward it, her fingers carressing over the marred flesh as gently as they had the harp strings earlier that night. He looked up at her and she muttered an apology, removing her hand.
“It’s all right,” he said and continued the task at hand.
Now both fully nude, a blush crept over Delphinium’s face. She noticed Estinien’s cheeks began to dust with pink as well and smiled. She took his hand and guided him into the warm water with her. Seeing his scars reminded her just how strong and resilient the Elezen was. To hell with her doubts, Estinien could handle himself. The fear of losing him would always be there, but she knew he would not fall easily. She was tired of handling everything alone. It was clear he felt the same.
The tub was more than large enough for them and she was thankful not to have ended up cramped together. She’d never been so close to anyone, let alone been naked with them. But she was the one that wanted this and wouldn't back out now. Estinien watched her while she began to lather soap onto a cloth. She tried not to appear so nervous under his gaze.
She looked at him, this time being the one to silently ask permission. He nodded just as she had. She washed him gently. Upon reaching the scar on his shoulder, he placed a hand over hers. She understood, relinquishing the cloth to him. She found another and scrubbed her face, removing her lipstick. Wiping under her eyes, she realized how smeared her makeup must’ve been, and how silly she likely looked. She laighed to herself, drawing Estinien’s attention.
“What is it,” he asked.
“Nothing. Just imagining how I must've appeared this whole time. I’m sorry for suddenly crying at you. And sorry if your tunic is stained.”
It was his turn to chuckle. “Pay no mind. I have other tunics. I’m honored you shared your tears with me.”
She smiled and kissed his hand gently. “Let me wash your back?”
He nodded, then turned to give her access, moving his hair off to the side. She rubbed the cloth over him, again noting all of his scars. She kissed a thin scar near the base of his neck. He turned to her and she was about to apologize when he captured her lips with his own once more.
“Your turn,” he whispered.
She looked at him confused.
“Your back? I should return the favor.”
“Right,” she laughed awkwardly and quickly turned away from him.
He didn’t hide his chortle. He was a bit rougher with his washing than Delphinium would normally be. However, she could tell he was cleaning her scales with the same precision he cleaned his weapons. She relaxed into it with a sigh, drawing her knees up and leaning her chin on them to keep her head above the water. He was nearly massaging her at this point and she felt like she could fall asleep like this.
Estinien pulled her into his lap, her back flush against his chest. He seemed to ignore the small spikes of her tail biting into his stomach. She shivered against him as her breasts were exposed above the water. She became more alert again when she felt a hand glide up around one of them. Of course, she couldn’t sleep just yet. This is what they both had been looking forward to.
She was aware of her short stature, but now with his hand covering her ample breast she felt downright tiny. It was as thrilling as she imagined. She let out a breathy sigh as his fingers teased the bud of her nipple. She felt his other hand move downward, brushing over the deep scar on her lower abdomen. She knew he must’ve seen it earlier. She expected he’d ask about it, and was a little surprised he hadn’t. It didn’t necessarily bother her to speak of it, but it did bring back memories of awful pain. His hand didn’t linger over the scar for long, and drifted lower still.
Another sigh left her lips when his long fingers met their destination between her thighs.
She squirmed slightly at the sensation his rubbing fingers sent through her. A moan escaped her throat and that seemed to encourage him quite a lot. She felt his erection growing beneath her, the length of it coming to rest against the cleft of her heated folds. He continued his motions. Her breathing became more erratic, and her moans more frequent. She never thought he’d bring her to the edge so quickly but she couldn’t hold back.
She couldn’t help but rock her hips into his massaging fingers, the motion also grinding against the erection between her legs.
Estinien pressed his lips to her shoulder, stifling a heated groan that went straight to Delphinium’s core. She climaxed with a shout that echoed embarrassingly through the large washroom. His fingers lingered a few moments longer as her spasms calmed. Then, he moved to grasp his length. He held her impossibly closer as he stroked himself to his own completion. If she hadn’t been so preoccupied with him breathing heavily in her ear, she would worry about her tail possibly drawing blood from his crushing embrace.
He finished with a grunt then finally loosened his hold. They both needed more.
“Bed, now,” Delphinium said.
They wasted no time. Drying just enough so as not to slip, he carried her easily to the bedroom. He all but tossed her onto the soft bed and immediately he was crawling over her, planting a trail of kisses along her thigh all the way up to her breasts. She moaned quietly as he mouthed at the perked nipple, her hands gripped his hair gently, urging him on. His tongue flicked over the bud, earning him a louder sound and a twitch. Satisfied, he continued his trail upward, finally capturing her lips for what seemed like the thousandth time that night.
Again, she allowed his tongue access, gasping against his lips while his thumbs firmly caressed her nipples. Her legs spread wider of their own accord and she was beginning to ache for him.
“Estinien,” she breathed. “I need you now.”
Without hesitation, Estinien sat back to hold her hips. He gently probed the tip of his erection at her entrance. She watched him eagerly, the difference in size wildly apparent. Neither had any idea if it would truly fit, but by the twelve, they weren’t about to stop now.
Their eyes met and she gave a quick nod. The tip plunged inside her not a moment later. She gasped out a moan and tangled her hands into the bedsheet as he slowly slid the rest of his length into her heat. He grunted out his own pleasured moan as it engulfed him. He paused, the only sound was their panting breaths. He gave her a minute to adjust to him. Then, at her nod, began a quick pace of thrusting. While it would’ve been lovely to take it slow, they both desperately needed this connection and release. There was no way he could hold himself back now.
Delphinium’s fervor matched his, a string of moans falling from her parted lips. She watched him with half lidded eyes, memorizing the way his muscles clenched with each movement.
Estinien carefully pulled her up into his lap. She let out another moan of pleasure as the new position pushed him deeper still. Her hands glided over him, feeling his chiseled body. She kissed his chest and held tight as he began to move once more. His thrusts were quickly growing desperate, she was nearing her limit as well. His passionate, breathy, moans were right in her ear again. Her own sounds had gone up an octave. With a few more thrusts, she was pushed again over the edge into that wonderful, white hot pleasure. Moments later she felt him pulsating within her, filling her to the brim with his seed.
Panting, he stroked her freckled cheek and realization settled in. She saw the streak of panic in his eyes and gently shook her head.
“I can’t,” she whispered, leaning her forehead against his.
His mind flashed back to the scar he’d felt on her stomach and he relaxed, understanding.
They held each other close as they caught their breath, and the high passed. Gently, he laid her on the bed and disappeared for a moment.
Delphinium was already beginning to let sleep take her when he returned. She startled slightly when the warm, wet cloth touched her, but once she understood she allowed herself to fall into her slumber.
Estinien cleaned them carefully. While typically he wouldn’t bother, he remembered how much Delphinium hated to feel sticky. He would do anything for her. He would die for her. Of course, he’d try very hard to never let it come to that.
He settled them under the blankets and watched the sun slowly light up the room.
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nidstiniens · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue — Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well!
tagged by @myreia ♥️ thank youuuu!! tagging @hartsvale, @geth-consensus, @birues, @lilbittymonster, @ishgard, @gatheredfates, @dogfromfallout, @alannah-corvaine, and whoever wants to do it!
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— 1. Conversations by the Window (nara/ardbert) "What was it about me?” he asks, a playful grin masking his solemnity. She takes the bait and her cheeks burn as her gaze drops to the ground between them.
"You were like me," she says.
— 2. My Secret (nara/ardbert) "That’s my shirt," he tells her softly, tilting his head down towards hers until their gazes align.
"My shirt," she corrects him, lifting herself up onto her tip-toes so that her lips brush his as she whispers. "My secret."
— 3. Godless (nara/emet) "What do you want? Why did you bring me here? What could I possibly have left for you to take?"
— 4. Godless (nara/emet) "That’s not— Because I just— I don’t know it! And— And if I don’t know something as basic as that, then…"
"Then how do I know any of it was…"
— 5. Godless (nara/emet, nara/ardbert) [unpublished] "You never would have stayed, and I’d never have let you if you tried. Your place was always here in the First."
"Still… When I think of—"
"Then don’t think about it. You said yourself that you can’t save everyone and I’m not your responsibility, besides. Who knows what idiotic things I’d have done to hurt you had things been different?"
— 6. The First Bookstore (nara/emet) [AU] "It is quite literally an OSHA violation not to have one in a place of business."
"Oof," she replied with a sheepish grin. "That’s on me."
— 7. The First Bookstore (nara/emet) [AU] "Listen, buddy, if you think you can intimidate me just because you're the size of an ocean cruise liner—"
— 8. Bad Idea, Right? (nara/estinien) "You've thought about me this way before."
"I have," she admitted breathlessly, her cheeks flushed as she looked up at him beneath long lashes. "What of it?"
— 9. Bad Idea, Right? (nara/estinien) "I don't want you to save me — right now, I just want you."
— 10. Call It What You Want (nara/estinien) "No way! You can't just say you're thinking about me and expect me to drop it."
— 11. Mirrorball (nara/estinien) "You are very important to me," she said quietly. "And I'm so sorry I made you feel otherwise."
— 12. Meet Me in the Afterglow (nara/estinien) "I don't know, Estinien! I don't know. You act like you're my knight in shining armor, but you refuse to even hold my hand outside of this room!"
— 13. The Easy Kill (nara/estinien) "But I want to be with you."
— 14. The Easy Kill (nara/estinien) "I love you. Is that not the worst thing you've ever heard?"
— 15. Maimed (nara/estinien) [unpublished] "And maybe you're right. Maybe we will ruin each other, but not here, not like this — and certainly not because of you."
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tsunael · 1 month
⌚ What's a drama plot you'd like to write?
💫 Random favorite trope
Writing Wishes | accepting
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What's a drama plot you'd like to write?
The one I'm sitting on right now that I really want to put to proverbial paper is Tsuna's arrival to Thavnair for the first time. Going there had always been Tsuna's original goal: to find her father who she thinks abandoned her to the Garleans... but when she fled from Kugane she ended up dirt poor without means to travel, and got caught up with the Scions anyway. The first time the player goes to Thavnair is already pretty silly, so I'd just be adding to it, but the small detour from canon also has the potential for drama if done right. I already have a gpose mapped out for it, but since it needs a lot of context I haven't posted them. It's embarrassing to write it out but I can't put it under a read more. 🙈 Sorry if this sounds stupid outside of my own head. Anyway. It's something like... sometime after helping Matsya they recognize a girl that looks strikingly similar to Tsuna because of her scale pattern, or because Tsuna recognizes the girl's surname, which makes Tsuna storm off knowing her father is alive and living in a village nearby. Estinien and co are just sort of exasperated by her since they have work to do and all (and that she's threatening to beat up an old man). She goes a little feral from 20 years of pent up emotion when she finally sees him, and Estinien tactlessly knocks her out or something. Narratively, I think it would be a good place to reveal Tsuna's past by someone who isn't an unreliable narrator (her father). It would be where the reader (and the scions) would learn her real name, too. 🤷🤷🤷🤷 It has the added bonus of more weight to the events in Palaka's Stand because Tsuna now has attachment and complicated feelings for someone she once wanted dead, but now is afraid for her father's life.
Random favorite trope
I wish I could think of one that isn't a romance plot, but I'm diseased, so... Saw a tweet today that went like 'where the heroine is held prisoner by the villain who then, with sinister courtesy, sends to her room an evening gown which she is forced to wear for the upcoming tense formal dinner / harrowing gamified ordeal / desperate escape attempt.' and I was frothing in remembering how much I love that trope lmao. Gave me emetwol feels I'm ashamed to say, but specifically @/etheirys' brand which im always /chinhandsing at.
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paintedscales · 11 months
disc.01 :: Tending Wounds
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The twins learn that playing stupid games earns them stupid prizes.
(I don't know what to make the summary. It's late, I'm tired.)
Word Count: 1,271
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The sound of pained wailing was more than enough to have Nomin drop everything that she had been doing in the island cabin. To the deepest pits of hell with whatever it was, even as the ceramic bowl shattered at the bottom of the sink, and the water still ran. The feeling of her heart dropping straight into her bowels as her legs moved on instinct alone made Nomin extremely tunnel visioned as she rushed outside and looked around before bolting in the direction the wailing was coming from.
Hurrying past foliage and through the desire trails, Nomin soon came across a scene where she steeled herself to stay as calm as possible.
One of the twins was curled on the ground, whimpering and wailing as she clutched her bloodied arm. The other twin had a look of horror etched on her face, an all too familiar lance in her possession. That look of horror melted away into guilty sadness as the standing twin started bawling now that their mother had arrived, the lance slipping from her grasp. It fell to the ground with a muffled metallic clatter against the dirt.
“What happened!?” Nomin asked, attempting to keep any anger or panic free from her tone. The anger was easier to keep out than the panic, as it turned out.
“F-Fleur cut m-m-me!” the twin on the ground sobbed. Her arm was coated in scarlet, the other hand clamped over the wound and doing its best to keep pressure on it as Nomin and Estinien taught them in the past.
Letting out a sigh, Nomin hiked up her shorts and then knelt down next to Cyrielle, frowning as she looked over what she could. Holding out her hand, Nomin recalled how the aether felt when she focused on casting Vercure. As the aether pooled and created a healing white light accompanied by gentle wind, Nomin gently reached out with her other hand and placed it upon Cyrielle’s head.
“Come now… Let me see the wound so that my magicks can work more efficiently…” Nomin calmly instructed.
“I-I’m sorry, mama. I…I d-didn’t mean to…” Fleurette sniffled. She was rooted in place, her hands coming up to messily wipe away her tears.
“I’m not the one you need to apologize to, Fleur,” Nomin replied. She kept her attention both on Cyrielle and keeping the flow of healing aether going. Seeing the cut for herself, finally, however, made Nomin give a silent sigh of relief. The cut was not too terribly deep -- deep enough to leave a scar, but not deep enough that some simple curative spells would not have done the trick overall.
Fleurette’s bottom lip trembled as she sniffled again and hesitantly said, “... I’m sorry, Cy.”
“You’re to apologize to your father as well when he returns home,” Nomin sternly said. “He will not be happy that Nidhogg has been taken from his armory for the type of play the two of you decided to get yourselves in.”
At this, Fleurette’s eyes widened as she blanched at the very thought.
“C’mon, Cyrielle, up we go. That should ease the pain for now, but we need to get you bandaged up…” Nomin said, slowly rising to her feet as she offered her hands to help Cyrielle up onto her own. All while sniffling and hiccuping, Cyrielle allowed Nomin to help her up. Meanwhile, Fleurette was still in stunned silence, her gaze having gone to the ground.
Walking over to the discarded Nidhogg, Nomin picked the lance up into her possession, frowning as she did so. She looked over at Fleurette and sighed once more. “I’m not even going to ask how you managed to get into your father’s armory. The important part is that your sister is not going to die, nor will she lose her arm, if you were ever worried about that. However…that does not change the fact that both of you will need to be punished somehow.”
“But it was an accident!” Fleurette sobbed, burying her head in her hands.
“Accident or no, you could have seriously harmed your sister, Fleurette. If not harm, then potentially have even paralyzed or even killed her with your father’s lance…” Nomin replied, keeping Nidhogg in her grasp as she placed her free hand on Cyrielle’s back. She was still babying her arm, though at least her wailing had died down to small hiccups and sniffling now that her arm had healing aether to aid her.
“Why am I…why am I b-being punished, too?” Cyrielle asked, taking in a stuttering breath as she bit back her crying.
Motioning the girls back toward the cabin, Nomin considered her words carefully. The experience was traumatic enough, surely, without her having to chastise or yell at them to get her point across. So…she finally gave her response: “you see, Cyrielle…even if you were the unfortunate victim in this bout of play with Fleurette, you still went with it. Both of you know that your father and I teach you what we can not so that you may play with one another with what you’ve learned, but so that you may defend yourselves or even each other should the time arise for such things.”
“But…you and father always look like you’re having fun when you fight…” Fleurette protested, folding her arms over her chest as she walked alongside the other two.
“Your father and I have spent many years of our lives training in our own ways and methods of combat. We know our limits,” Nomin replied. There was a moment where she paused, though she elaborated on her statement: “I was… Admittedly, I was made to learn combat against my will for much of what I know. Your father chose his combat lifestyle for his own reasons. I'm sure he’ll tell you once he feels you’re old enough, or the time is right.”
Once the garden was in view, Nomin urged Cyrielle forward and nodded to Fleurette to go into the house. Looking down at Nidhogg, Nomin’s expression grew distant before she frowned and tightened her grip upon the shaft. She felt his essence that still stained the steel, even after all these years. Likewise, she felt that familiar tug of malice and turmoil within the twins themselves.
It was nauseating at times, though Nomin shook her head and took the lance back inside. She glanced in the girls’ direction, noting how they had taken up their seats in the dining room. Satisfied for now, Nomin took Nidhogg and got it put away back in the somewhat sizable walk-in closet space that both Estinien and Nomin used for their arms and armor.
There was a moment where Nomin paused. She looked back to the armor that Estinien typically wore and placed her hand against the cool steel of it where one’s heart would be.
“... Ysayle…you would protect them, too, right?” Nomin softly asked. She knew her question would go unanswered, but she liked to believe that some trace of her lingered outside the aetherial sea. That she truly watched over them.
Dropping her hand back to her side, Nomin took one last look at the armor before leaving the room and making sure to lock the door behind her. Striding back into the dining room and then into the kitchen to retrieve a medical kit, Nomin placed it upon the counter while getting some soothing and healing salve, along with some bandages.
“Well, looks like you two are going to learn some basic triage today. We’ll discuss the punishments you two should have to do after I teach you both how to care for wounds without magic.”
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ivorystand · 6 months
An EstiYuhki snippet I have been imagining in my head over and over. Also wrote this while high, I think my third eye opened
Also @pinkcadaver because I mention their wonderful OC and Yuhki's best friend, Melody!
Under the cut, but here's the screenshot that started my idea for this! (Also the way my brain associates the song "Contention" from the Heavensward soundtrack with Yuhki's pining for Estinien but being to shy and scared to lose her friend after finally reuniting to actually act on those feelings)
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The Churning Mists seemed to fall into a tranquil silence, save for the soft crackles of a slowly dying fire. The group had decided to call it a night. Melody, Carbon, Alwin, and Alphinaud slept nearby, while Novia and Ysayle had given themselves a bit of distance from the others. The only two who had yet to fall asleep were Yuhki and Estinien.
Yuhki glanced up at her fellow dragoon. "It honestly feels good to have the trio back together,” she spoke softly. "It's been way too long…” 
Estinien nodded with a soft grunt of acknowledgment. "Aye, it has," he muttered.
"Remember that time we tried to jump that ravine?" She giggled. "I still don't know why you decided to try to cushion the fall."
The elezen couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. "Because I didn't want you two to get hurt. I still remember you kept apologizing when you noticed I broke my arm."
"I felt bad, okay?" She laughed before realizing she was getting a little too excited. The last thing she wanted was to wake the others.
"You'd always get so wound up over the little things, good or bad. Like the day we met when I scared off a chinchilla and you were convinced I was your hero," a faint smile appeared on Estinien's face. From what Yuhki could see from under the helm her friend refused to remove, he seemed to be reminiscing about their childhood.
Her heart fluttered at the sight of that barely noticeable grin. It reminded her of home, of the days before Nidhogg had burned Ferndale to the ground.
"Esti," she mumbled after a moment. She didn't even realize she had used the nickname she had given him as children until the smile she couldn't help but feel drawn to was replaced with a slightly shocked or flustered frown. Not Estinien's usual scowl he seemed to constantly possess.
"What did you..." He mumbled, letting his sentence drift off.
Yuhki's eyes widened slightly and her face tinged pink in embarrassment. "I'm sorry,” she blurted. "I'm just... thinking about how I used to call you that all the time. It may have been cute for an eight-year-old to call her friend that as a nickname, but it seems a bit weird for a 30-year-old to say.”
Before Estinien could respond with either a sarcastic jab or a possibly embarrassing anecdote from their youth, Yuhki stifled a yawn. "I think we should get some rest," she quickly added. She shuffled a little bit away before lying down in the grass.
As the last of the smoldering remnants of the campfire fizzled out, Yuhki glanced up at the sky. Lying on her side, facing away from the others, she found herself drifting into a lonesome sleep. She wished she could say just the right words and do so many things, and yet when she had a chance, it slipped out of her grasp.
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coldshrugs · 8 months
wip wednesday
i was tagged by @hythlodaes and @myreia, thank you frens :> and i'll tag (no pressure) @scionshtola @lavampira @gefiltefished @hylfystt @impossible-rat-babies aaaand @magebastard because 👀 i'm working through the modern au's thanksgiving episode and this part is obliterating me (sorry if you've already read this 🧍‍♂️)
How long has she been staring at the ceiling? Fifteen minutes? Four hours?
Io doesn’t want to look at the time—it’s hard to tell here anyway, without the familiar sounds of her campus or the city moving around her; there’s only the rustling of an animal or two outside as they prepare for winter, the occasional snap of a branch. Moonlight falls through the blinds, landing across the bed in thin silver arcs, and not even those hint at a turning sky. For all she knows, time has stopped, the world and all its ceaseless motion has paused, and she can live in this Wednesday forever. The evening can stretch on indefinitely, never reaching midnight.
Tomorrow doesn’t have to exist.
She’s had enough Thanksgivings for a lifetime anyway.
Maybe she was wrong to travel so far away from her home. Away from them. But what does it matter when both things are out of her reach, regardless of the geography?
All she has left are memories of ghosts, in a house that belongs to someone else now. She hopes the family living there will make the same kinds of memories. It feels like a stupid wish to make while she’s feeling sorry for herself, and a laugh that barely sounds like hers breaks the silence. That’s when she realizes she’s crying, and the laughter is mutilated by a choked sob as she curls in on herself.
The doorknob turns clumsily. Shit, shit, shit… She wipes her eyes and nose on her sleeves.
The hinges whine and Estinien, little more than a dark shape, steps into the room. His voice is thick from sleep as he asks, “Io? Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” It’s a hurried whisper. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound fine.”
The weight of his stare settles on her in the dark. As the seconds pass, it becomes clear that this is a standoff: her avoidance versus his stubbornness.
She sighs, unsure if she wants him to stay or go, but needing something to change.
“What do you want me to say?” she asks, and every word fractures on the way out as her voice refuses to remain even. So fucking embarrassing.
“Hey, come here.” But he is the one who moves. The single bed shifts as he climbs in, sliding an arm under her shoulders and pulling her to him. Without thinking, Io clings to him. The tears come faster, her shoulders shake, but she is quieter now.
After some time, Estinien asks, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Maybe in a minute.”
“I’ll be here.” Soft as it is, his voice does not waver. Io has never believed anything more than she believes this simple promise.
“Will you talk to me?” she sniffles against his shoulder. “I'm sorry. Not your favorite activity, I know.”
“Yeah, I can talk to you,” he says. They shuffle a little, getting more comfortable in the bed that’s too small for the both of them. It’s a tight squeeze, but the warmth and pressure of being tucked against Estinien’s side is grounding. He strokes her hair. When he speaks, his whisper is slow and soothing, and if this is how Wednesday ends and Thursday begins, maybe she can tolerate it. 
“I was thirteen during my first Thanksgiving with Alberic... It was a fucking mess. He went all out for it; bought a huge turkey, things to make all the sides, and he wanted to make pumpkin pie too. It was more food than we could eat, and he was determined to make everything from scratch—the ultimate pity meal, right? He asked if I wanted to help, but I couldn’t see that he was trying to keep me busy. I was miserable, so I just stayed in here, crying all day. Wondering why I had to be here, in this house that wasn’t mine, with a man I didn’t know and didn’t want to know, instead of being… wherever they were…” He trails off. That thought needs no explanation; it’s where Io was last year, trying so hard not to let it show as she grasped for some degree of normalcy.
“Yeah,” she admits. His fingers find her scalp, scratching gently.
“Alberic spent so much time outside my room that day, just sitting on the other side of the door, that everything was burnt by the time he convinced me to come out. When I did, I could see he’d been crying too. I felt so shitty for putting him through it that I sat down at the table full of ruined food—which he fully arranged, by the way, the sentimental fuck—and I just started eating. It was awful, but Alberic ate too. It was just us, trying not to cry over all this charred food. And when we finished, he brought out this perfect pie—the only thing he managed to get right—and it was the best pie I’ve ever had. I don’t know. I think about that a lot, you know? When everything feels shitty, I try to find the one good thing at the end of it. It’s always there, if you wait for it.”
Io steels herself with a long inhale. “I miss them, so much.”
“I know,” Estinien says. “Me too. That’s just how it’ll be for us.”
She doesn’t mistake his straightforward words for nonchalance. This is the whole of it, the reason he invited her. This is him linking his pain to hers, telling her it will still be there in ten years, reminding her that either of them carrying it alone is not an option. He will lift on one side if she lifts the other, and together they will move forward. Her grief will be as stubbornly reliable as the man at her side. She wants to believe the context of both will change with time. His grief seems to have changed, so maybe there’s hope for hers.
“I’m glad I’m here with you, though. And Alberic. Even if this trip was an elaborate setup to keep me busy.”
Estinien laughs quietly but doesn’t deny it. They settle into the silence, their bodies relaxing a little. Io’s breathing has steadied in his arms. Lines of light spill over part of his face, highlighting the slope of his nose, and accentuating the length of his lashes against his cheek while his eyes are closed. They’ve never been this close. If she turned her head, she could almost—
His phone buzzes in his pocket.
“Okay, who have you been texting all week? Just tell me.” She hopes that sounds less annoyed than she is.
More silence. His hand stills in her hair. From behind his lashes, his eye slides over to her and then to the ceiling. “...just a guy. Vic. In one of my classes.”
A different weight sits on her chest now, but she can recover from this one. “He’s making you laugh. I like him already.”
“We don’t have to talk about it.” He uses the hand that’s not occupied with touching her to cover his face. Io lifts herself on her elbow a bit to tease him, but also to allow him to move, if he wants to. He doesn’t budge.
“Do you think he calls his nudes ‘Vic pics’ instead of—?”
“Io—” But Estinien laughs anyway, too loudly and sincerely for her to feel anything besides bittersweet happiness for him. It’s not time.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, giggling too. “But hey, if you send any, remember to crop out your face.”
“I hate this,” he groans, slinging his forearm across his face. But in an isolated streak of moonlight, she can see the corner of his lips still turned up.
“But not me?”
“Never you.”
“You neither.”
Time moves again, and she measures it by the changing pattern of light falling across his face. His eyes close again, and his breathing slows to a peaceful rhythm. Estinien falls asleep with his arm still wrapped around her shoulder. Io also closes her eyes, and doesn't wonder which side of midnight this moment belongs to.
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jefarawol · 2 months
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“Have you seen her at all?”
Estinien rubbed the scales on his hand self-consciously, across the room Aymeric sat, hands clasped together watching him. “Will you not even try?”
“How can I face her?” He growled. “My life is so fucked up now. My body is fucked up, I dont even know why she let me live?” “Jara would never give up on you. No matter what happened between you.” “Jara.” He repeated the name. “She never let me call her that. Just another stab to the wound.” “It's not her fault, or yours for that matter. Nidhogg used you both.”
Estinien didn't reply. He clenched his fists feeling the sharpness of his nails digging into the palm. After a moment he turned to Aymeric. “The Holy See used me.” Bitterness laced his tone. “I'm sick of it. Everything I’ve ever known has been a lie. Alberic, Ferndale, Jefara. All of it.” “Ferndale?” Aymeric looked confused. “What about Ferndale?” “Nidhogg showed me it all. Everything. And I saw it through echo.” Estinien looked at him, the draconic slits of his altered eyes piercing Aymeric harshly as he continued. “I saw how the Temple Knights took a bound and bleeding dragonling to the town square screaming for the horde. Goading an attack, decimating the village to shreds in revenge.”
“No. Why would they do that?” Aymeric shook His head in disbelief. “Why would they kill their own people?” “I don't know. But they did.” he fought back his anger. “The only thing that differed in Ferndale was our faith.” “Mephina,” Aymeric supplied. “You don’t think they wanted to destroy it for that?” “Why not?” Estinien quipped back. “He used the prayers of the people to fuel his primal form. Having two faiths would lessen the devotion.”
Aymeric swallowed hard, fighting back the bile in his throat. He couldn't deny the plausibility of Estinien's claim. “I'm sorry Estinien. I don't know what to say…” “How unlike you.”
They sat in silence, the only noises in the room the gentle crackle of the fire and creak of the wood as people bustled about in the surrounding infirmary.
“So what now?” Estinien sighed. “What will you do?” “Me?” Aymeric looked at him unsure. “I hadn't given much thought after I step down. Although I confess travelling with Jara to Hraesvelgr did make me wonder what kind of life we could have together.” “You would abandon your precious Fury? Never thought I'd hear you say that.” “For Jara? Yes. I would. I'll follow her to the end of the earth…”
“If only she would take me back.” “She's a fool. Both of you are.” Estinien scowled. “Her feelings are insufferable.” “Do you still feel them?” “Not to the same level we had.” He shook his head slightly. “But it's persistent, and annoying and I can hardly tell what's me and what's her.”
“But she still loves you, Aymeric, that I can say for certain.”  Estinien's eyes softened. “My being here will hold her back. If I leave, if I go far enough where I can't feel her, then maybe we can both figure out what we want.” “You don't have to leave!” “Aye, I think I do.” Estinien retorted. “If not for her sake then mine.” “What will you do? How will you manage?” Aymeric continued with concern “I'm sure I can take care of myself. Sell my lance for services, I'm sure I can still fight.” “I don't doubt your martial prowess, it's your people skills that worry me.” “Fuck off Aymeric.” “Exactly what I mean…” Alphinaud couldn’t listen any longer, he shouldn't have been listening at all. As silently as he had slipped into the room he left. His feet did not stop until he returned back to Fortemps Manor. “Ahh Master Alphinaud back so soon?” The steward ushered him in. “Ahh yes, Ser Wyrmblood is indisposed.”
“I understand, Mistress Jefara is in the music room if you desire her presence.” “Thank you,” The young Elezen walked down the hall until he reached the door. He pushed it open and looked up to the upper floor seeing Jefara tucked into her favorite sofa book in lap. He climbed the stairs, his footsteps deliberate to alert her to his presence. “Alphinaud? I thought you were going back to see Estinien?” she looked at him surprised. “Ahh, I was..” He began. “What's wrong?” she looked at him worriedly. “Ser Aymeric was there…” He began. “They were talking. I- I overheard some things.” “What kind of things?” She put the book down on the table. “Things relating to you…” “Oh…” She looked nervous. “I guess you had better tell me what you heard perhaps?”
Alphinaud crossed the room, sitting himself on the sofa away from her
“You said that you and Estinien had been together. Romantically.” When she didnt respond he continued. “However Ser Aymeric spoke about you as if-” “As if we had also been romantically entangled?” “Yes…” He looked at her. “Is it true?” “Yes.” He listened, as she recounted the whole story; from their first meeting almost two years ago, the hardships of navigating Ishgardian customs and the Heavensward. And how Estinien had fit in, and the abuse they had suffered at the hands of Nidhogg’s cruelty.
By the end she hung her head, unable to watch her companion as he wept. “How could something be so cruel?” He sniffled. “I wish I knew, but now you know everything.” She shuffled herself on the cushion to bring herself to sit beside him. “I’m sorry I'm not who you thought I was.” “Not who-?” He looked at her sadly. “You’re not the one who's been lying about who they are.” She leant over and took his hand. “If you mean yourself,“ she gripped it tightly. “There is no lie in presenting yourself how you wish to be seen.” “You know that I am-” He stumbled again. “ You saw in the infirmary?” “I saw a boy who needed my help.” She leant her head against him. “If that is how you desire to be then that is how I will see you.” “Thank you, Jefara” he smiled. “Thank you.”
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
I hope everything is okay with you and I send internet hugs if its not. I understand if you're not okay with this and I get it. How would each of the Scions react if you woke up from a nightmare brought on by the trauma that the WoL has been though? Whether it's about losing them over and over again or dealing with everything in general?
A/N: It's going alright I suppose. Could be worse. I'd love some hugs, so thank you! I hope you're doing alright as well, Anon. I'm completely okay with is, no worries. I meant to write it last night but I fell asleep.
Warning: A bit angsty
FFXIV taglist:  @missnella-nova @shippyprincess @healersadjust @thai  @lumeriadeborel @obscene-tevene  @losingmymindinglitter @gudaworks @imadreamerinmymessylife
If you want to be added to the taglist for whenever I post, you can comment here on the original post !
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When she'd hear you crying, she'd go towards the sound. She didn't care what time it was when it happened, her friend needed her. She'd find you asleep at the table, tears staining your cheeks. She'd shake your shoulders lightly to wake you. You didn't need to explain as she knew that you needed an outlet. She'd give you a smile and lead you to a much comfier place to sit where she would ask you to please tell her of your troubles. And she'd listen intently when you'd oblige.
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He would jump out of his bed half asleep when he'd hear your terrifying screams. He would burst into your room, ready to defend you. But what he'd see was you tossing and turning in your bed in distress. He wouldn't hesitate to move to your bed side and try to shake you awake. Once your eyes would open, they'd fill with more tears as you saw him alive and well.
"I'm here, Y/N. What was your nightmare about?"
He didn't get an answer, instead he got engulfed into a tight hug. He didn't mind as you surely needed it. He would hug you back and wait for you to pull away. When you did, you two would sit and chat for a long while.
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He had expected your nightmares to increase after the recent events of your travels. You held too much for just one person. So when you'd start crying in your sleep, he'd pull you close to his side. Your cries of pain in your sleep were an out for your emotions as you'd never let them loose when you were awake. All he could do was be there to be your comfort.
"Just let it out. Gods know you need it."
When you'd wake yourself up, you'd snuggle into his side. "Thank you, Estinien."
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G'raha Tia
He hears you scream out his name desperately from your shared room followed by uncontrollable sobs. He drops his spoon in the cup he was preparing for you and rushes towards your distressed cries. He feels his chest tighten as you beg him to come back. It were the words Alphinaud told him you cried out when he sacrificed himself the second time. He was quick to hold you in his arms, whispering to you that he was there with you and in fact not gone.
"I hate you." he'd hear say quietly when you'd begin to catch your breath, trying to calm down at the sound of his voice. "Why would you do that to me?"
Tears pooled in his eyes at your pained words. It had not registered in his brain just how much his "deaths" affected you. He had just done what he thought needed to be done. But seeing you like this, he never for a million years wanted to hurt you like this.
"I'll never do that to you again, my love. I'm so sorry."
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Just hearing you call out his name in any way other than happily, hurt him. It would shake him to the very core when he'd hear it the first time. Never would he have want to hear the pain in your voice as you call to him, nor the cries that followed. You'd tell him afterwards that it was because you'd lost him so many times, and the fear of losing him at any turn loomed on your mind. And your mind would be plague with nightmares of losing him for good. And he'd be there to soothe you and remember that he was not going anywhere.
"I promise you this, here and now; I'll always come back to you, Y/N. No matter how impossible it may seem. I won't leave you on your own."
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It would truly tear his soul apart whenever you had nightmares. They were all the same, reliving the moment when he had "died". When he'd first experienced it, he was shocked to hear you cry out for him from your room. He would rush to you to assure you that he was still there. And he'd make it a habit to stay with you every night to assure that you wouldn't be alone whenever the nightmares returned. If he had to spend his entire lifetime at your side to create better memories and dreams to combat the nightmares, he was happy to do so. You meant the world to him and he wasn't going to cause you this pain like this again.
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She was all too familiar with your nightmares. It hurt her to have caused you so much pain. Unfortunately your job as Warrior of Light would never get easier. She was only glad that she could come back to you in her living state. But she wished that she could take your pain away. The best she could do was try to soothe you and hold you until you calmed down. She would always spend the entire day with you when the nightmares happened.
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brineffxiv · 2 years
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We have a plan. Make that two plans. At the same time. And I'm going to head up both teams.
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On one hand, the Forum is clearly hiding something and we need to get to the bottom of what, particularly if it pertains to the Final Days - which it almost certainly does.
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On the other, a tower has appeared in Thavnair and an alchemist named Nidhana has requested the assistance of a capable warrior with the blessing of Light. And seeing as how we're in short supply of those with Arenvald's injury, it's gonna have to be me.
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I opt for the former first, since I'm already here in Sharlayan. It just made the most sense. Though, I'm not entirely certain why it's necessary for me to be part of this team, given that - with the possible exception of Estinien - I am the one who knows the least about Sharlayan and the Forum. Ah well, I can overlook that. Time to hit the books. Intense book-reading action!
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Despite how much my friends love and care for their country, I am hearing a great many things that I don't like about Sharlayan. First I find that only citizens are free to peruse the majority of the collected knowledge. And further, that there are several layers of authority in the collections. Now I find that there is an active effort to conceal the truth of the world's structure underway. No, I do not think there will be any writing of the Final Days available for us to find, and that disturbs me. The idea that the truth is being kept from the general public because certain authority figures do not think they can properly handle it.
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Alisaie and I take a break from the reading and head to the Last Stand for something to drink. We try and find out what the customers know of the Telophoroi and the Final Days, but all they want to do is gossip about Alisaie being disowned.
So I pretend to be a server and chat up the customers instead, which I think is a very silly thing to do. The only thing of note I find out is that the gleaners are extremely overworked of late.
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Later, when Alisae and I are enjoying our beverages away from prying eyes, we espy an especially large shipment of goods being delivered to Labyrinthos - the subterranean storage facility below Sharlayan.
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We take news of our discovery back to our friends, and they agree that the gleaner traffic is worth investigating. Off to Labyrinthos!
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I think this would be more impressive had I come down here during the day.
That said, Labyrinthos is not at all what I expected. And entire manufactured ecosystem below ground... Are the forum planning to hunker down here and wait out the Final Days? This place would make a pretty damn decent shelter from the world above.
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That's what I just said, Krile.
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I'm sorry Krile, I don't mean to stress you out. Forgive me.
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We ingratiate ourselves with the gleaners to find out what's going on to cause all the ruckus. This handsome bunny man informs me that there's a great inventory underway. We confirm that the orders came directly from the forum, but the gleaners haven't been informed of any purpose behind it.
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Ah. And apparently it fits the timeline for the Telophoroi's nonsense to have been the impetus.
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I'll take your word for it Y'shtola, this is hardly my area of expertise. If you need anything beaten up or slain you can call me.
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Oh dear. There is something the matter with Krile that is not related to me being a sarcastic little shit. She claims she's fine, but I worry.
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We attempt to gain access to the Archeion's vaults, but are barred from entry. We are also disallowed from accessing the lifts down to the middle tier of Labyrinthos. The gleaners, however, are still permitted to make use of the lifts...
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Uh oh. I don't like this guy. He's gonna get us in trouble, isn't he?
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I meet up with the handsome bunny man, Erenville, again, and help him capture a hornbill.
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Uh. Y'shtola? I'm gonna bet that that's where the forum's suspicious activity is going to lead us. Just a hunch.
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Erenville shares with us his suspicions that this great restructuring is leading up to a migration. But while he can share with us knowledge, he cannot help us reach the lower level via the lifts. His cargo is going down separately from himself, and he can hardly take us with him if we're not needed to assist with anything.
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He does, however, inform us of an old mineshaft that connects the two levels. If we're brave and don't mind climbing we can make use of it to descend. Off we go!
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