#I'm so sorry nonnie I understand completely where ur coming from but they're just not the right people for it :')
jekyllnahyena · 2 years
Have you wonder what it would be like if ghost had a kid with partners! Like I know the war going on and stuff but after. I’m just picturing a two year old not yet potty trained in a unicorn onesie, a bottle in one hand and blanket in the other. They are wearing a skull mask like there father! And there either gonna take a nap or fight the great marker! Also I can just picture that angry child having ghost is death stare and even ghost is like I’m not fighting that! They are ONLY TWO! 
OK, first off, the image of angry Ghost with angry toddler in his arms is absolutely hilarious. Kiddo angrily holding a bottle in hand while Ghost angrily holds onto angry baby while both glare is just. Mwuah. Chefs Kiss.
On a more serious note though, I have thought about them with kids and it's not looking too promising tbh😅
Look, all three of them get send all over the galaxy for missions and the like, it's not simply the war that's keeping them apart, it's been that way even before. They all were a team, doesn't mean they were together always. There have been weeks before Reg and Ghost saw each other again. Same with Soap. I doubt that any of them will stop after the war, they may have found domesticy with each other, but they live and breathe their work. And all three of them are very aware how easy it is to simply not come back from that. They wouldn't do that to a kid, that is not an environment any of them would put one through.
Also, family is a sore point, at least for both Reg and Ghost, and Reg does not plan on having biological kids, which will sadly mean no toddler in the house as neither Ghost nor Soap would want to involve another person from the outside. (all of them a terrible trust issues unless you've maybe almost died in each other's arms already) They'd need to actively adopt for it to happen, and like I said, very unlikely.
It's why Ghost sorta weirdly adopting his commando works. My dude is like 39, the commando is about 18 to 20 at the start of the war. They can be his kids in a way. He'd be a lot more comfortable with that idea, they're adults already, but he can be there for them, a parental figure in all of that mess.
The only way I could ever see them having an actual Child is by one of them finding someone on a mission, but that needs a lot of circumstances to align perfectly for them to decide and take the kid with them. Soap would be the most likely, he has a big family and he's thought the most about children of his own, but is very aware that it's just not feasible. Not unless one of them decides to become a stay at home parent, which. Very, very unlikely.
So, as absolutely adorable and hilarious the image of Ghost with bebe is, him continuing to come home with a grown ass dude, very unaware that he keeps turning more and more into a dad, will have to do.
(I'm honestly playing more and more with the idea of him walking into the flat, holding up a slightly delirious but very explicitly cursing Fox like Simba and telling Soap and Reg that he found her passed out in some backalley. And that's how Fox gets three murder parents. Or just the whole guard. Who knows what funky ideas the future brings.)
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petphantoms · 8 months
the abusive flower husbands thing does actually just come across as homophobic at some point. interpreting things in your own way is all well and good but as a gay man seeing people who are not gay men (from a lot of what I've seen anyway, not saying it's true for everyone), bending over backwards to say "no really they're abusive because I'm going to take these jokes and bits completely literally" it feels bad actually. I'm also not cool with the way people also tie this into scott being aro, bc I'm also aro and implying that he's abusive because he is aro is bad actually! sorry i really don't want to start anything this has just really been bothering me and you're the first to actually bring it up. it just has uncomfortable ties to the way people treat scott (as a character and as a real life person) as a gay man, and i think people should be more critical of these patterns
i had no idea scott was aro? huh! so i wont be able to comment on that fully because i havent seen it personally used as a point of discussion but that's really interesting..and im sure ur telling the truth i just. i havent seen it so i cant say much about my experience with it
other than that, yeah! like i said in my rb response, people dont tend to give the way that joel and grian and etc all bully jimmy the same treatment, where theyre Also horrible and abusive to jimmy etc, it just. it strikes me?
i know not EVERYONE who is interpreting FH as abusive hates scott or is even homophobic but it does just come off weird when people just don't seem to like... enjoy. the people involved at all. ... i enjoy some problematic ships because im interested in the dynamic and how things happened and the outcome, um. .. not because i hate this other guy??
idk if that makes any sense. id love to talk about the nuance and importance of media analysis and interpretation/representation of problematic relationships whether they be intentional or not but thats not rly what ur here for.
personally i do love discussion so if you have more shipping takes i am literally all ears, even if i disagree i really enjoy trying to understand different perspectives, which is a huge reason why i even made that post in the first place. it was a cry of frustration and confusion with what i was seeing because i had no context.
anyways everyone please remember we love eachother and to be civil and that im just here for discussion and understanding. i dont think FH is abusive personally, to me it reads as very just messing around and rough housing in a bad and unfamiliar situation (the life series is not like. a kind game, and 3l was the first! ofc theyre gonna be less comfortable).
i dont think its actually indicative of anyones personal beliefs unless theyre being freaks but i would implore everyone regardless of what you do or dont like both CCs and ships and etc to like. ask yourself why you dont like it, and where you're getting that information from, ykwim?
ok ty for the ask nonnie xx -🍄
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