#I wanna give him bebe so bad but one will Have to stay and none of them want that
jekyllnahyena · 2 years
Have you wonder what it would be like if ghost had a kid with partners! Like I know the war going on and stuff but after. I’m just picturing a two year old not yet potty trained in a unicorn onesie, a bottle in one hand and blanket in the other. They are wearing a skull mask like there father! And there either gonna take a nap or fight the great marker! Also I can just picture that angry child having ghost is death stare and even ghost is like I’m not fighting that! They are ONLY TWO! 
OK, first off, the image of angry Ghost with angry toddler in his arms is absolutely hilarious. Kiddo angrily holding a bottle in hand while Ghost angrily holds onto angry baby while both glare is just. Mwuah. Chefs Kiss.
On a more serious note though, I have thought about them with kids and it's not looking too promising tbh😅
Look, all three of them get send all over the galaxy for missions and the like, it's not simply the war that's keeping them apart, it's been that way even before. They all were a team, doesn't mean they were together always. There have been weeks before Reg and Ghost saw each other again. Same with Soap. I doubt that any of them will stop after the war, they may have found domesticy with each other, but they live and breathe their work. And all three of them are very aware how easy it is to simply not come back from that. They wouldn't do that to a kid, that is not an environment any of them would put one through.
Also, family is a sore point, at least for both Reg and Ghost, and Reg does not plan on having biological kids, which will sadly mean no toddler in the house as neither Ghost nor Soap would want to involve another person from the outside. (all of them a terrible trust issues unless you've maybe almost died in each other's arms already) They'd need to actively adopt for it to happen, and like I said, very unlikely.
It's why Ghost sorta weirdly adopting his commando works. My dude is like 39, the commando is about 18 to 20 at the start of the war. They can be his kids in a way. He'd be a lot more comfortable with that idea, they're adults already, but he can be there for them, a parental figure in all of that mess.
The only way I could ever see them having an actual Child is by one of them finding someone on a mission, but that needs a lot of circumstances to align perfectly for them to decide and take the kid with them. Soap would be the most likely, he has a big family and he's thought the most about children of his own, but is very aware that it's just not feasible. Not unless one of them decides to become a stay at home parent, which. Very, very unlikely.
So, as absolutely adorable and hilarious the image of Ghost with bebe is, him continuing to come home with a grown ass dude, very unaware that he keeps turning more and more into a dad, will have to do.
(I'm honestly playing more and more with the idea of him walking into the flat, holding up a slightly delirious but very explicitly cursing Fox like Simba and telling Soap and Reg that he found her passed out in some backalley. And that's how Fox gets three murder parents. Or just the whole guard. Who knows what funky ideas the future brings.)
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amindofstone · 3 years
in his arms
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a/n: I AM IN LOVE WITH JUJUTSU KAISEN!!!! It´s so good and my bby Yuuji has my whole heart! He needs to be loved and protected at all cost. Megumi needs to be loved too and Nobara has to be praised. That girl is a BADASS!!! I love her! This trio is wholesome and their friendship!!! AHHH my heart. I love them! Hopefully they will stay together for a long, long time. (Preferably until they get old and grey.) Who´s yall favorite character and why? Any favorite moments/scenes? (I am in trouble because I wrote this during my linguistic class and only got half of the stuff taught. So please give this some love. Why do I only get good ideas during my studies?! Send help! Regret is really having the best of me right now. Like why did I let my mind convince me to write this down?! Now I have to study that sht on my own!)
Genre: anime imagine/oneshot? Jujutsu Kaisen imagine? Fluff!
Character(s): Itadori Yuuji x you (reader) x Ryomen Sukuna
Spoiler(s):NONE, (Please be aware that I just finished the first season and that I don´t read the manga. Please do not spoil anything if any comments are made. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.
Warnings: Maybe grammar or spelling mistakes. (I genuinely apologize. English is not my mother tongue and I´m really trying to improve. So please be so kind and have mercy)
Words: 2529
Info: Keep in mind that the words in italic are your (the readers) train of thoughts.
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture used is not mine. Credits to: @calclzz (Twitter)!!!
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Dating Itadori Yuuji for six months now felt like six months spend in pure bliss, joy and heaven. You were the most happiest since you could remember. He took care of you and loved you. Everyday felt like the first time you went on a date. Every time you thought of him there would be a smile on your lips that would get Nobara to tease the hell out of you until you would hide your face behind your hands because of the growing pink shade of your cheeks. “Sweetie it´s fine. You´re in love with that brainless creature after all. I might not understand how such a sweet living being like you could love him but what I know is that he´s a lucky idiot.”
Yes, you were deeply in love but so was he. He fell for you in the first week he saw you. It started with a simple crush and him always trying to show his best and strongest side whenever you were around. Sometimes he managed to do so but some other times he would end up embarrassing himself. With time passing he slowly understood that you were more than just a simple crush. He was in love with you. He fell for you head over heels. He would always imagine hugging you whenever he saw you hug Panda. He tried his best to not show any traits of jealousy but always failed due to him looking at you with a sad pout. He wanted to make a move and tell you about his feelings but the curse inside of him worried him so he kept a distance. He tried. He tried so much to unlove you but he didn’t knew how, so it came that every time he made a step back regret and sadness would overcome him and he would come back and make two steps towards you. One day he found himself knocking on the door of your dorm asking if you wanted to watch a movie with him.
“For all the times that rain on my parade. And all the clubs you get in using my name. You think you broke my heart, oh girl for goodness sake. You think I´m crying on my own, well I ain´t.”, You were in your dorm cleaning and rearranging some of the furniture’s in your bedroom while singing some of your favorite songs like you always do whenever you were cleaning. You tried to look for a good place to put in your full length mirror you recently purchased while once in a while checking the cake that was put in the oven by you.
“And I didn´t wanna write a song, cause I didn´t want anyone thinking I still care I don´t but, you still hit my phone up. And baby I be movin' on. And I think you should be somethin' I don't wanna hold back, maybe you should know that. My mama…”
Although the song wasn´t really about a beautiful love story or a lovely couple you still loved the song a lot. It was a simple song accompanied by a guitar. You loved it. The first time you heard it you fell in love with it, although you weren´t that of a huge fan of the artist himself you sang the song daily and listened to it as much as you could. The song was played on your phone at least three times in a week and probably sang more than three times a day. When asked what exactly you liked about the song you would stop in your tracks and just reply with a shrug and a sweet smile.
And right now was one of those moments were you sang the song when a pouting pink haired boy started to whine. “Baaabyyyyy, why are you singing such a sad song? It´s basically about someone that got used by their partner for their name. Why would you sing that when your great boyfriend is around?”, you smiled at Yuuji who walked into your room with sad eyes. “Aren´t you happy with me?”, you shook your head and laughed at his question. “No bebe. It´s just that I really like this song. Should I sing something else?”, you asked and made sure the mirror you leaned at your wall next to your closet does not fall. “Yes please!”, when you were sure that the mirror stood properly you turned around and walked to your bed to take your phone. “What are you doing?”, Yuuji asked leaning onto your desk that was occupied by books and notebooks filled by your neat handwriting.
With a chuckle and your phone in your hand you reached for the curious looking boy in your room. Yuuji took your hand in his and let you drag him back on his feet. “Why do I need to stand when I can enjoy your singing sitting?”, the boy asked with eyes filled by endless love. You said nothing and just played the song you choose and made the boy smile.
“I found a love for me. Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead. Well, I found a boy, beautiful and sweet. Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting from me…”, you softly started to sing again while you placed one of your hands around his neck and the other one at his cheek to lovingly caress it. Yuuji leaned on your hand and let out a soft sigh. You were in love. No matter what anyone said about your age and you two being just kids. You didn´t care what people said because you knew what you felt. You knew what he felt and that was enough. You didn´t care when people told you that it is just a phase that is lead by curiosity and the need of attention. You didn´t care and so didn’t he. Why should you two care when your friends were watching your backs and making sure no one talked bad about you. Why should you care when even Gojo Sensei was approving of your relationship and supported you although he still annoyed the hell out of the both of you. But that´s Gojo Sensai after all. You didn´t expect anything else from that man.
“I love you so much.”, you heared Yuuji say before he hid his face on your shoulder. You placed a soft kiss on his neck while you slowly danced around your bedroom. “… Baby, I´m dancing in the dark with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath. But you heard it, darling you look perfect tonight….”
The position you were right now made you remember the beginning of the time you started to date him. You remember him never wanting to hug you this long. You remember him saying that he fears he won´t be able to hold up his guard and Sukuna taking over his body and mind. He feared the thought of you seeing him and on top of that having him so close to you. He feared the thought of him hurting you. He was able to take care of the curse and make sure that he doesn´t take over his body and causes trouble. But he did not knew if he was able to do that in your arms since he turned weak whenever you were close to him. And he told you that. He told you his worries and him being scared that the curse will hurt you. But the curse never did.
You always hugged him and held Yuuji close to you. You would sit in between his legs at the river close to the academy and sleep in his arms without a bit of worry. You would drag him to bed with you and keep him over night next to you without a bit of fear towards Sukuna. Sensei Gojo might be supporting your relationship but he always made sure to tell you that you should never forget that there was a curse inside of the boy you called your boyfriend.
“…We are still kids, but we´re so in love. Fighting against all odds, I know we´ll be alright this time. Darling, just hold my hand. Be my man, I´ll ne your girl. I see my future in your eyes….”, you never cared for the curse being inside of him. It was a fact and couldn´t be changed. So you simply lived with it. But it would be a lie when you said that you didn´t saw him once in the cause of yor six months of relationship. In fact, he appeared quite some time out of nowhere when you had Yuuji in your dorm. But that only happened when the boy turned into the lovesick boyfriend he was or when he came seeing you after a mission all tired and sleepy. Every time he would pass out after a tiring mission the chances of Sukuna taking his body over was high. But you learned that when he showed up around you it never was to cause trouble or hurt you. He only did that to take a closer look at you while wondering why his stupid vessel liked you so much. He would come to understand why the stupid creature would always come for a hug or simply just holding hands. And right now, exactly that happened.
“….Baby, I´m dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song.”, you still had your arms around his neck while caressing it. Slow steps were made around the room accompanied by your voice that sang along to another of your favorite songs. Another soft kiss was placed on his neck by you when you loosened one of your arms to take your boyfriends hand in yours. His hand that held you close to him were tenderly placed around your body. The hand you loosened around him took one of his in yours to intertwine them when something made you stop in your tracks for a few seconds. You felt longs nails on your boyfriend’s soft hands that made you realize that he no longer was here but rather pushed aside. “…I have faith in what I see. Now I know I have met an angel in person and he looks perfect. I don´t deserve this, you look perfect tonight.”
“Aren´t we a bit cheeky, my dear dark knight.”, a deep sigh echoed in your ears. “Why did you stop singing human?”, a chuckle left you while the song by now ended but your body were still slowly swaying from side to side. “Cause the song ended, idiot.”, an annoying growl erupted from the throat of your boyfriend. “Who are you calling idiot, human?”, Sukuna didn´t sound mad. In fact it even sounded playful. Should I let go of him? But he´s not letting go himself so hugging him should be fine, right? “Why are you calling me human? Well, I am one but still. Do you know that I have a name? A name like you have it. Something we use to call each other to avoid calling every living being human, you know my dear?”, a soft but still deep chuckle could be heard before he let go of your intertwined hands and got back to hug you. “I´m not stupid you damn creature. I´m even smarter than any of you could ever get.”, he whispered while he nuzzled onto you. “Really? Are you that? Well it seems like you weren´t that smart when you ripped Yuujis heart out of his chest or attacked Sensei Gojo. Remember?”
The words you said made him loosen his grip on you and look you in the eyes. Any normal human being with a bit sense of sanity would have screamed or looked the curse with fear in their eyes but you didn´t. With one hand still around your body that held you close to his he took your face in his other and made you look in his eyes. “I dare you to get rude. Watch out what you say, human.”, he sounded angry and talked in his deep voice that would cause anyone to tear up instantly. But you? You were smiling at him while trying to hold back the need to laugh. It´s so easy to provoke him.“I need to take the cake out of the oven.”, the curse looked at you dumbfounded. Weren´t you scared? How aren´t you scared of him? “You need to what?”, he asked confused. “Let me go for a second and you´ll see.”, the man in front of you raised a brow but let go of you nevertheless to see what you meant. After a quick thanking him, you made your way out of the bedroom into your kitchen to turn the oven off and take the cake out. “You see that´s a cake and the thing it was in is called oven. It bakes there. Now I let it cool.”, you carefully put the cake on your counter and look back at your boyfriend whos body and mind was taken over by the curse. “Now would you mind changing back with Yuuji? I´d like to watch Netflix with him.”, you asked with a tilted head.
A slight smirk grew on Sukunas lips before he came closer. “You could also do that with me. , you shook your head and went to sit on the couch in front of the TV. “I could, but that´s not fun. We wanted to start the third season of Money heist you know. And I need someone to talk to. And that I can´t do with you. You´re not understanding the whole concept of the series and the minds, emotions and the actions of the characters. Therefore it´s a no for me, thank you. Now please change back, your majesty.”
Sukuna came to sit next to you. With an annoyed eye roll he closed his eyes and left to allow the actual owner of the body to take over again. “Hey there. You´re back, baby?”, you said with a tilted head. Yuuji looked around with confusion written all over his face. “Did he come again?”, he asked you with a pout and apologetic eyes. You nodded and took his hands in yours. “It´s fine. He didn´t do anything. He never does. He just comes to annoy us.”, Yuuji nodded and pulled you into his arms and made you sit on his lap. You were straddling him while he buried his face back on your neck. He was happy. He was happy and really appreciated the fact that Sukuna kept his word and never hurt you. He might cause him a lot of other problems and annoy the hell out of him and even drop him when he needed him but at least he didn´t hurt you. He sometimes even could feel how he took care of you when he couldn´t. Yuuji couldn´t say that he was on good terms with the curse but one thing’s for sure. He was damn thankful that he understood his feelings for you and didn´t disrespect that.
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oscars-wifeyyy · 5 years
Chapter 2 (The Innocent)
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Two weeks has passed since everyone found out that Cesar was jumped into Los Santos and two weeks has passed that most of the group tried to find ways to get Cesar out. Elizabeth refused to take any part, knowing there was no way for Cesar to get out, only hoping that he could just fly by with no huge responsibilities. There was going to be a meet up at Ruby’s place to discuss the plans, but Elizabeth had a shift at the restaurant after school so she sent Oscar a quick text. After school, Elizabeth and Oscar met a block from the school to go to the sports restaurant and bar that she worked at.
She already had the uniform shirt on with her blue jeans with her waitress apron already around her waist. It’s almost weird because Oscar has been giving her rides lately and it was inevitable for them not to become great friends and get to know each other more, not the big details. Their rides were mostly laughing and getting to know small parts about each other. It was leading to Elizabeth gaining some kind of feelings for the big bad gang leader that was actually a really sweet guy.
After her shift was over, the gang texted the group chat to tell her about the plan of getting Cesar out of the gang, but she quickly texted back that it was a terrible idea. However, like all her other opinions, it didn’t go along with theirs so it was ignored. The next morning, she was with them in the morning sans Cesar so she could find out more even though she didn’t agree. They walked up the stairs as they talked about their failed plan.
“Cesar’s reaction was a wake up call. The plan isn’t fully formed. We need more time to let our ideas marinate before we take action,” Ruby explained.
“Marinate? No,” Monse insisted, “we gotta cook now. Longer we wait, the deeper Cesar’s in,”
“Guys,” Elizabeth sighed, “this is a gang we’re talking about. Cesar is in and he can’t do anything about it,”
Monse ignored her negativity, “right now he’s got no responsibilities. We gotta get him out before he puts in work,”
Cesar popped up behind them, “who’s putting in work? You’re still with that?”
“With what?” Monse acted dumb.
“Jamal?” Cesar wrapped an arm around his neck.
“We’re still with it,”
Cesar sighed, “this isn’t funny anymore. Trying to reason with my brother is dumb. You gotta promise you’re gonna drop it,”
“You’re overreacting-” Monse got cut off.
“Especially you,” Cesar looked straight at Monse, “Promise,”
“I promise,” Monse lied.
“Ok, good. See you after class,” Cesar nodded at Monse, “Eli, you coming with?”
“Sure,” Elizabeth shrugged, “my class is there anyways,”
The two walked away from the rest of the group and once they were out of earshot, Cesar cleared his throat, “Eli, I’m sorry. I had to claim Monse as protection for her,”
Elizabeth sighed, “alright. You’re forgiven,”
Cesar grinned, “so...am I Salad, again?”
Elizabeth laughed, “Yes, you’re Salad again,”
It was after school and Elizabeth was running to catch up with Monse and Jamal who were on their way to Ruby’s place. When she slowed down next to them, she heard Monse talking about Ruby’s diction so she quickly jumped in.
“Yeah. Sometimes I don’t get half of the things Ruby says,” Elizabeth agreed, out of breath.
Jamal grabbed his face in frustration and pulled, “what?” Monse asked.
“You’re driving me a migraine!” Jamal told Monse.
“Think about how I feel,” Monse disregarded Jamal, “I have no time to teach Ruby not to talk with his hands. He can’t do that stuff with Oscar. Dudes gesticulate a lot in prison. We don’t want to remind him…”
“Hey,” Cesar called out from inside a Santos car, “where you headed?”
“Nowhere,” Monse replied.
“Whatcha doing, Jamal?” Cesar asked.
“Decorating Ruby’s room,” Jamal lied.
“So there is no scheming?” Cesar pried for the honest answer.
Elizabeth groaned at the group, but took out her phone to see a text from the one and only Oscar Diaz.
Future Mans
Whatcha doing, mamita?
Eli <3
With the crew to “feng-shui” Ruby’s room apparently lol
Future Mans
Nice...not really. You got any work this week?
Nope. Thank God lol I’m not tryna do any work. Wassup with “Future Mans”?
Future Mans
Well, bebe. You’re gonna be mine.
The group finally arrived at Ruby’s place, but as soon as they knocked on the door, his head appeared through the half open door, “we’re here to feng-shui your room! That’s why we’re here!” Monse held her arms out.
“I don’t have my own room, but…” Ruby went out the door and ushered the group back, “I have a boner. My cousin just moved in. Not like my cousin-cousin, like ‘what up, cuz,’ you know like fam, but not fam,”
“Like if you can’t keep it in your pants, keep it in the family,” Cesar jokes.
“Exactly,” Ruby paused, “no. not exactly. There is no blood relation. There is no in-breeding. Oh, and call me Ruben. I go by Ruben now,”
“Ruby!” Geny shouted as she walked outside
“Ruben,” Ruby corrected.
“Ruby, aren’t you forgetting something?” Geny ignored his correction as inside, “guys, this is Olivia. She’s going to stay with us for awhile, ok?”
Geny went back inside as an awkward silence came, “is it me or did things just get weird?” the new girl said.
“It’s you,” Monse stepped up, “this is Jamal and Cesar,”
“Ignore the stares. They haven’t been neutered,” Monse smiled, “Jamal, why don’t you tell Olivia what you didn’t do to your neck. Ruby, can we discuss our chem assignment?” Monse pulled Ruby away to the side to, undoubtedly, talk about their plan to get Cesar out of Los Santos.
Elizabeth didn’t pay any mind to the two that just went to the side, instead engaged into the conversation; however, Cesar lifted the bottom of his shirt to wipe off some “sweat” that he had to show off his abs. The sophomore was glaring daggers into the boy as Ruby was glaring at the boy. Monse and Ruby were on their way back to the group, but Ruby had yelled out.
“I’m saving Cesar!” Monse glared at Ruby as Cesar looked at Monse with a disappointed look.
The next morning, Elizabeth got ready to meet up with the girls, but when she left her place she didn’t feel like rushing to rush to where they were so she just stuck with Ruby who she saw pacing. She approached the small freshmen with a concerned look as she heard Ruby call out to Santa Maria. Ruby started walking into the backyard of the Diaz house so she went up to the small friend and wrapped an arm around him, causing him to jump.
“‘Sup, compa? What are you doing?” Elizabeth smiled.
“Gonna talk to Spooky about Cesar,” Ruby stressed as he walked further into the backyard, “acid? I can’t. I can’t. I can’t,” Ruby tried walking away.
“‘Sup, fool?” Oscar called out causing Ruby to pause and turn.
Oscar advanced towards him with two bins so they could sit. Elizabeth walked further into the yard with Ruby and sat on the stack of tires while staring at Oscar’s shirtless body with his Dickies shorts and long socks with his high-top converse. He had a scowl on his face, looking at Ruby, who was beyond intimidated.
Oscar started leaning in closer to inspect Ruby’s face, “What’s with the glitter?”
“Late night at the club. You know how hynas be,” Ruby tried to play it cool, but it caused Elizabeth to try and hold her laughter in.
Oscar chuckled, “I feel you, homie. Sometimes my ruca wears the same shit. She be rubbing all up on me. I can’t get that crap out for days,” Elizabeth frowned.
Ruby shrugged, “Women,” Oscar offered him a cigarette, “trying to quit,”
“Whatcha wanna chop it up about?”
Ruby looked terrified, “Um, Mr. Oscar,” Oscar raised an eyebrow, “I mean, Spooky. I know you’re a busy man, so I’ll cut right to it. Is that acid?” Lilo slapped the back of Ruby’s head and took the lighter that Oscar had in his hand to light her cigarette, “you know what? Don’t answer. None of my business,” Ruby took a breath, “so, Cesar. I mean, can we just talk about how smart he is? You know, I’m smart, but he’s like...a certifiable genius. He has off the charts emotional intelligence, which is rare, combine that with his innate ability to empathize and problem solve and you get the real deal. A natural leader,” Ruby felt more confident, “which is a testament to you and how well you raised him,” Lilo felt offended but was taken by surprise by Oscar’s sudden grip on her and the force taken to make her sit on his lap.
Oscar nodded, “I feel you, homie,”
Ruby continued, “so, what I’m saying is, he has so much potential that hasn’t been realized. He’s just a baby bird waiting to take flight. Who knows how high a bird can fly given the right wind and lack of avian predators,”
“I never looked at him that way,” Oscar said.
“‘Cause he’s not one to toot his own horn. Yet another one of his many attributes,” Ruby smiled.
“You’re right. He just needs to be given that right opportunity, with good wind and no vultures and shit,” Oscar leaned forward a little bit.
“Well, vultures are more like scavengers. I was thinking hawks,” Ruby said.
“Hawks can suck a dick!” Oscar yelled.
Ruby leaned back, “exactly. I mean, you feeling me Spook,” Ruby immediately corrected himself, “Spooky,”
“Yeah, mos’ def’. You opening my eyes, homes,”
Ruby scoffed, “that’s what I do. You know...I will take that smoke,”
Oscar fished out his pack, giving one to Ruby as well as one in his own mouth, “Time to give Cesar his wings,” Oscar said, lighting his then moved it to Ruby’s cigarette.
Ruby immediately started coughing as Elizabeth rolled her eyes at her friend and laughter bubbled up to the surface.
“You alright there?” Oscar asked while Ruby nodded.
It was finally time for the high school kids to go to school, but as they were gonna exit the backyard, a voice called out, “Elizabeth, stay here,”
Ruby rushed out, leaving his friend behind to defend herself, “y-yeah, Spooky?”
“Oscar,” Oscar corrected, “why you going back to Spooky?”
“Spooky, whatever you’re trying to accomplish with me needs to stop. I got other things to focus on and I don’t need a guy that thinks that he can lead me on when he has a ruca the whole time,” Elizabeth shrugged, “bye, Spooky. Delete my number,”
Elizabeth walked out and to school with jumbled thoughts in her head like why he would even think to do that, why she was even dumb enough to actually almost fall for it. She has enough things to focus on and worry about, like her jobs and the money she needs to help around the house as well as her college. Fortunately, she was lucky enough that she could go to a nearby university on a full ride scholarship and the university being UCLA is a pretty big deal for anybody. Thoughts about her life and the future became jumbled so she took a breath and decided to take her earphones out and listen to music.
Her journey to school came to an end when she saw the school and entered the premises to go to her locker and grab her books and things that she needed for classes. However, she felt stares on her so she turned to see people staring at her, causing her to take out her earphones and hear the last part of the announcement.
“Congratulations to Elizabeth Hernandez. She received a full ride scholarship to UCLA, only being a sophomore,”
Elizabeth groaned and continued shoving books in her bag, as well as taking some out, then walked towards her class. There was a sudden force on her back as two hands pushed against her back and she fell down, laying flat on the floor, so she slowly got up and turned to see a group of seniors.
“Why you hangin’ with Spooky this morning?” the obnoxious gum-chewing girl asked.
“It’s nothing,” Elizabeth looked straight at the girl’s eyes, “we were just talking about important shit with my friend,”
“You’re friend left, but you stayed for a few minutes longer, por que?” another girl that stood next to the gum-chewer asked.
“It was a few minutes. We didn’t even do anything or talk for those few minutes,” Elizabeth groaned, “chill, he’s all yours. I ain’t got time for any of that,”
“Mhmmm, it better stay that way. Name is Lupe and I’m his ruca,” the gum-chewer said.
“Ok, cool. Now I gotta go so have fun with all that,” Elizabeth turned and began walking towards her class again, but on her way there Cesar caught up to her.
“Felicitaciones por la beca, hermana,” Cesar smiled at the slightly older girl.
“Gracias, mano,” Elizabeth grinned, “I learned about it this morning from my mom,”
The two bid their goodbyes as they arrived outside of Elizabeth’s class. Elizabeth walked in and took her usual seat next to the door, taking out her notebook and textbook to do tonight’s homework. Time passed and class dragged on until the bell rang and bodies rushed to leave the room and meet up with their friends while Elizabeth simply took her time and went to her locker to grab books until a hand touched her shoulder. She turned to see a guy standing there nervous.
“Hey,” the guy said, “my name is Damien. I’m in your english class,”
Elizabeth nodded her head, “hey. What’s up?”
“W-well, I was wondering if y-you wanted to maybe, I don’t know, go on a d-date with m-me?” Damien asked.
“Y-y-yeah sure,” Elizabeth blushed, “when and where?” “We can meet up at Dwayne’s then go to the mini golf course? 7 p.m, tonight?”
Elizabeth thought it over, “yeah sure. Why not? What’s your number?”
The two exchanged numbers, unaware of the eyes and ears of a Santo that was texting everything to Oscar.
Oscar was out doing business for Los Santos, but half of his head was out and cursing himself at his stupidity to say that he had a ruca. He doesn’t have a ruca because Lupe and him broke up two months ago, but he only said he had a ruca to Ruby because he didn’t want other people to find out about his thing with Elizabeth. A ding interrupted him from his thoughts so he pulled out his phone and became angry at the updates about Elizabeth.
She got a date with Damien @ 7
Dwayne’s BBQ and mini golf
Ok. gracias, mano.
No problemo, mano
The leader was angry as he looked at the time when he was done with business for the gang. He pulled out his phone to see the white numbers at the top of the iPhone reading ‘5:50 pm’ so he rushed home and showered. Cesar came home when Oscar was done and getting ready to leave. 6:45 pm.
“Mano, I’m leaving. Be back soon. la comida está en la nevera,” Oscar closed the door and to his car.
He arrived at the joint at 7:05 pm and saw that the two were sitting and looking through the menu, even though Elizabeth knew what she was getting. The cholo got out of his car and made his way inside the restaurant, bells dinging as he opened the door. Elizabeth turned and saw the cholo, causing her eyes to open wide and shake her head at him, but he ignored her as he stopped next to their table.
“‘Sup, fool?” Oscar looked at Damien with a raised eyebrow.
“‘Sup, Oscar,” Damien nodded, “this is Elizabeth. Elizabeth, this is my best friend, Oscar aka Spooky,”
“Nah, homes,” Oscar chuckled with no humor in his phone, “we ain’t friends. Elizabeth is gonna be mine so back up,”
Damien flew out of the booth, “o-oh, sorry, Spooky. I-i didn’t know that. I thought you were still with Lupe?”
“We ain’t together,” Oscar crossed his arms, “we broke up two months ago. Tell everyone that we broke up two months ago,”
Damien ran out of the restaurant, leaving Elizabeth to Oscar, but she moved to get out of the booth and out of the restaurant to go home. Oscar blocker her way out.
“That ain’t happenin’ again, mamita,” Oscar nudged Elizabeth to sit next to the window, “I said you were gonna be mine and I don’t back out,”
“I don’t care, Spooky. I got other things to focus on, seeing as though you might be playin’ me and I am not gonna entertain that shit,” Elizabeth rolled her eyes.
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Throb (Stan Marsh / Reader )
@curesong : Can you make a stan x emotionless reader
Recently Stan and I had more time to hangout, this was because Kyle is preparing for a quiz bee, Cartman was scheming something and Kenny was has been trying to get a girl to go out with him. I sat next to Stan during lunch time, it was again just the two of us. “Fuck, I forgot to do my homework.” Stan said as he dropped his sandwich on his tray. “Hey, did you do yours?” I looked over to Stan after he had asked. “Yeah, but we both know I didn’t take it seriously.” after saying that Stan laughed, I wasn’t trying to make him laugh, but turns out it was funny to him.
“So are you going to do your homework in the restroom again?”
“If I don’t get caught by Mr.Mackey  I will.” He said as he then got back to eating, I wasn’t really that hungry so I was just stabbing my mash potatoes. Stan and I wouldn’t really have much to talk about, so we would always be together mostly in silence or some times he would-- “Stan ” Someone from behind had shouted Stan’s name. Stan turned his head to the source of the sound. “Wendy” Stan walked towards Wendy, leaving his lunch on the table and me alone.
Wendy’s and Stan’s off and on relationship continued till high school. Their relationship hasn’t changed from when we were kids I guess the only thing that changed was  they were more intimate, of course I would know since Stan complains about their relationship to me. Stan’s constant ranting filled my head with so much information about their relationship, even things I didn’t need to know I knew through his constant babbling.  
Stan would probably stopped talking about their relationship if I asked him to kindly do so, but I don’t know if that would be right or wrong. I tried to give hints of me not being interested in our conversation, but I guess I didn’t look the part. It has always been hard for me to show my emotions  so I can see why Stan continues to talk about his relationship. I picked up the remains of my lunch and took one last bite.
I got out of my seat and headed to the classroom alone, though on my way back I ran into Kyle. He  waved his hands as to get my attention, this causes me to run up to him meeting him face to face. “(Y/N), how was lunch?” I raised my head as to make eye contact to the tall male. “It was okay. How about you have you eaten yet?” Kyle was busy studying for the quiz bee so I assumed he was too busy to even eat. “Yep, I ate with Token.” there was a pause in the middle of our conversation until Kyle looked to my side and asked “Where’s Stan? Didn’t you guys eat lunch together?”
“He did, but Wendy had to talk to him.”
“Well it’s been awhile since you’ve eaten alone in that table. How was it?”
“It was quiet.”
“Well you could always ask me to eat lunch with you if you’re alone. Kenny would probably eat lunch with you if I’m not available.”
“Thanks Kyle.” I think Kyle sensed that I didn’t enjoy eating alone, I’ve gotten so used to eating with the gang that being alone made me feel empty. Kyle turned his attention to the middle of the hallway as a bunch of students started walking and entering their respective classrooms. “Lunch is about to end. Do you wanna head to class now?” Kyle returned his attention back to me as he spoke. I looked over to the room he just came out from and noticed that the other students participating in the quiz bee were still studying.
I don’t want to bother Kyle so I kindly declined his offer. “No, I’ll just go there myself. You seem busy.” before he could have decline I started walking to class. When I got to the classroom there was only a few people there. Bebe was hanging out with Clyde while Token , Tweek and Jimmy were sitting in one end of the room talking to each other.  
I made my way to my seat and sat down. My mind trailed off as soon as I was seated, I had nothing to focus on so my mind was all over the place. I was about to close my eyes and rest for a while until I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I looked over my shoulder and saw a familiar blue hat. “You’re back early.”
“We only spoke for a few minutes.” Stan said as he sat down on the seat next to me. I had nothing else to say so I continued my silence from earlier and tried resting my eyes. “Hey, (Y/N).” Once again I wasn’t able to rest. “What is it Stan?” I calmly asked.
“Wendy told me something important.”
“That’s nice.” once again I tried to skip the conversation about Wendy and him.
“We’re thinking about breaking up for real.”
“For real?” What does that mean?
Stan scratched the side of his neck, it looked like he didn’t know how to word his situation. “Well Wendy’s worried about you and me.”
“We’re just friends.”
“That’s what I told her as well.”
“You just like me as a friend right?” Stan asked as he moved closer, he probably wanted me to answer through whispers since it might cause a big scene. Seeing his face near mine felt weird, though my face didn’t show it I felt really warm inside. “Yeah, just friends.” I don’t know what it was like to like someone more than friends, so far I think that what I feel towards  Stan is the same as what I feel towards Kyle and the others.
There was pause after I answered him, I don’t know why he kept quiet and why I couldn’t stay anything.  “Why are you guys so close?” Kenny asked, his sudden entrance made Stan move back. Stan’s pupils widen in surprise. Stan remained quiet while Kenny just looked at him with a confused face. “It’s nothing.” Stan finally spoke then sat down properly, his eyes focused on the blackboard.  Kenny looked at me and asked “What’s up with him?” to be honest I don’t know as well.
“Kenny” someone shouted Kenny’s name from the end of the room. Both Kenny and I turned our heads to the source of the sound, a round figure started approaching us.  “What is it fatass?”
“I’m not fat! I’m big boned”
“Shut up, Fatass” Kyle shouted as he entered the room through the door near the blackboard. “Hey Stan are you alright?” Kyle sudden changed his tone from anger to concerned. “What’s wrong?” I asked “You’re all red, Stan.” Kyle rushed to Stan and placed his hand on Stan’s forehead. “It’s nothing.” I looked at Stan and bluntly asked “Were you drinking again?”
Stan looked like he was about to answer my question, but when he made eye contact he looked away and said “No.” To me it seemed like Stan was annoyed rather than sick. I looked at Kyle then to Kenny then to Cartman it seemed that none of them knew what to do. “Well if you feel like throwing up just tell me and I’ll walk you to the clinic.” Kyle said as he went to his seat and sat down, the rest of us went back to our seat. On our way to our seat we noticed that Stan didn’t even bother looking at us. I wonder what happened to him, he seemed fine earlier.
Kyle looked at Cartman as soon as the teacher entered the room. “By the way what were you working on earlier, fatass?” Cartman looked at Kyle with a grin on his face and said “Let’s just say you may want to pull up your pants.” All of us except Stan looked at Cartman, the moment we glued our eyes to Cartman the bell rang and we started hearing screams from outside. “What the hell did you do!?” Half of the class stopped what they were doing and started panicking while some looked at each other trying to figure out what just happened.  “Stay here I’ll check out what happened.” The teacher said as she got out of the classroom.
“Cartman, what did you do?” Kyle asked again Cartman got out of his seat with his bag going on his back. “Screw you guys I’m going home.” He said as he walked over to the window, he opened the window and jumped out. “If you’re trying to look cool it’s not working,fatass. We’re on the first floor.” Kyle shouted at him as he ran over to the window, to make sure that Cartman could hear him. “What the fuck!?” Stan suddenly got out of his seat with him pulling up his pants a bit. I noticed that water started coming out of the door. “That dumbass is trying to flood the school.” Kyle said as he took his bag and stepped on the window ledge Cartman got out of. “Let’s go before things get worse.” He said as he got out through the window, Kenny then followed leaving Stan and I in the classroom.
“Stan, we better catch up with them.” I picked up my bad and stood next to Stan. “Yeah, let’s go.” He replied as he started walking to the window though it  was harder since the water was quickly rising. “It’s kinda hard to get there now.” He stopped in his tracks and turned to me. “Give me your hand” He said as he held his hand out for me to grab.
“Thanks.” I said as I held his hand. The moment I held his hand he looked away and started leading me to the window. When we got to the window he helped me get up the ledge and I got down as soon as I could. Once my foot touched the ground I walked a few inches away from the window as to give room for Stan when he jumped out.
“Stan, the bottom part of your pants are soaked.”
“That’s fine.”
“But you’re sick”  Stan closed the distance between us, his face only a few inches from mine. “See.” He grabbed my hand and placed it on his forehead. His eyes locked with mine when he asked “Believe me now?”  
“Yeah” I responded and he releases my hand, It made me feel lonely but it felt different from when Kyle, Kenny and Cartman weren’t eating with us. His warmth gave me comfort in a way that I don’t know how to explain. “Hurry up you guys! They might start rounding up people in the gym” Kyle shouted at us then turned to run away from the school. Stan turned his back on me and strayed further from the school while I followed.  
Once we got out of the school premises we headed to Cartman’s place, Kyle’s parents were strict and Kenny’s house was a mess, Stan’s parents’ would nag him to go back to school,  so we decided to stay at Cartman’s. “I’m hungry” Cartman complained while extending the ‘ry’ sound.  “Go get it  yourself, fatass” Kyle who was leaning on the wall with a pillow on his lap said. “Kenny” Cartman whined, Kenny pretended to be asleep and Cartman noticed him. “Kenny, you asshole.” Cartman then switched his attention from Kenny to Stan “Sta--” before he could have finished calling Stan, Stan said “No.” and went back to using his phone.
Cartman last option was me, he looked at me and said “(Y/N)” I sighed for I know out of everyone in this room Cartman would annoy me the longest, so I stood up and walked near the door. “I’m on it.”
“I want some chips” Kenny woke up from his pretend sleep just to say that, but then went back to sleep. “Chips for me as well.” Kyle raised his head from his phone. “You know what to get me” Cartman said as he tucked himself on his bed. “A doctor to tell you that you’re fat and not big boned.” Stan said as he walked towards my direction. “I’ll help you carry them.” Stan walked out the room and I followed, but before I could completely closed the door from behind I heard Cartman say “What’s up with Stan?” I felt like someone answered his question when I had shut the door.
I went to the kitchen with Stan walking behind me, I opened a kitchen counter and took out all the chip inside, as usual there’s a lot. “Which one do you think I should bring?” I asked Stan. I was looking at the chips as Stan was at my side. “Stan?” I looked over to him as I called him once more. “I’ve been thinking about  breaking up with Wendy for real.” he paused to look at me and added “She’s great and all but I think I don’t love her the same as  I used to.”
“You say that all the time.”
“This time It’s for real. I already talked to Wendy about it, she said it would be fine.”  
I returned my eyes to the chips and rubbed my chin. “I guess I’ll just get the same chip for everyone.”
“(Y/N)” Stan closed the small gap between us, I could feel his shoulder touch mine. “What is it Stan?”  
“About what happened before Cartman flooded the school.”  
“What happened before that?”
“The whole like thing”
“Yeah. What about it?” I paused, but I couldn’t understand what’s going on so I had to ask “Stan, can you get straight to the point. I don’t know what you’re trying to say and It’s making me feel weird.”  
“I don’t like you as just a friend.”
In the first time in years I felt my heart ache, my knees started shaking and my breathing shifted. “I didn’t know that you were annoyed with me.” I never knew that Stan didn’t like me being his friend, but I guess being alone with me made him realize how lame I am. “Why are you shaking?”
“I don’t know.” I paused but the pain in my chest made me sweat “Do you really not like me anymore?” I asked. I know that he doesn’t like me anymore, but I couldn’t help, but to ask.
“Of course I like you.”
“Then why did you say didn’t like me?”
“As a friend. I don’t like you as friend”
I raised a brow in confusion on what he had just meant. “Ever since Kyle and the other’s would spend less time with us, talking to you and spending more time with just you made me think maybe  I--” He cut himself off and tried to read what kind of face I’m making right now. I didn’t have a different expression from what I usually had on my face, it didn’t show how eager I was to know what he was trying to say. “I like you more than a friend, then that “maybe” turned into a definitely.”
“More than a friend?” I was taken aback by what he said. I never thought that Stan would have feelings for me that is more than friends. “This is my first time seeing this expression on your face.” Stan said as he caressed my cheek. “You’ve always had a cool and reserved expression on your face. I started to wonder what your face would look like if I told you I liked you as more than  a friend, I kept wondering on how you would look like when you blush though I was also scared of finding out what you looked like in disgust” He paused.
“You don’t disgust me.”
“You didn’t show any signs interest for me, so I thought you would be”
“I’m not disgust, I think I’m more of surprised than in disgust. I never really thought you would like me as more than friends.”
“It was really hard to read the expression you make when you were with me so I wasn’t a hundred percent sure on whether to tell you I liked you.”
“I’m sorry. I really don’t know how to express myself.” I apologize, I wasn’t really used on having friends so I’m still getting used to them. “(Y/N), I want to see more of you. I want to see different side of you.” Stan  tucked locks of my hair behind my ear and leaned closer. “You’re really cute when you’re surprised.”
For some reason, his face being closed to mine and his touch made my face really hot. “S-stan, I feel really weird.” I started moving back a bit. “Sorry.” He apologized. When he apologize the atmosphere turned really awkward for a bit. “(Y/N).” He called my name once more.
“What is it, Stan?”
“Would you like to start dating?”
“I’m not good with expressing myself with how a feel. Is that okay?”
“I know that you’re not. That’s why will go through this together, so what do you say?”
“I’m willing to give it a try.”
Stan’s knees suddenly gave up on him and he ended up kneeling on the floor. “I really thought you were going to reject me.” He sound so relieved with my response.
Later that day, I went home. Alone in my room I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling with my thoughts filling my head. “Stan dumped Wendy for me.” all of a sudden my heart started to beat really fast. “Why does that make me really happy.” As I was trying to figure that out my phone vibrated. I sat up from my bed and picked up my phone.
“I love you.” Stan’s text gave me warm feeling inside.
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may85 · 7 years
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Title: Werewolf in Michigan Part 1
Character: John Winchester
TV: Supernatural
Warnings: None
Photo/GIF credits go to the original maker/owner
This is for my friend, @texasgal2222, hence why the OFC bears her name!
“John… it’s Teresa. Listen, I need your help. The town I live in; something weird is going on. My husband- never- torn- please? I’d rea- -ppreciate it,”
John listened to the voice mail at least six times and he couldn’t piece together the missing words other than she needed help.
Teresa Bronx was someone he had grown up with. If he were to be honest, Teresa was his first love, but things happened and Teresa moved, not really having a say in that situation.
Then Mary came along and they were married and had Dean and Sam. He honestly thought that he’d never see or hear from Teresa again.
Snapping his phone shut, he pushed his rear off of the Impala and went to the hotel room that he shared with his boys.
They needed to get on this and fast.
Closing the door, we walked by the two twin sized beds, knocking each of the boys’ foot with a tiny bit of force.
Both jumped awake, snorting as they realized that sleep time was over.
“Sorry boys, but we have our next case,”
“Uhgg, what time is it?” Dean asked, squinting at the clock.
“Time to get your tails up,” John replied, sitting at a table with his laptop.
Typing away as Sam and Dean stretched and yawned, John found the place where Teresa had called from.
“What do you have?” Sam asked, plopping down in a chair and rubbing his eyes.
“Got a call from an old friend,” he paused, reading, “looks like Werewolf attacks in… Michigan,”
“That’s about a seven hour trip, Dad,” Dean said.
Looking up at both of his sons, John smiled, “Looks like you best get to packing,” °°°°°° “Dad, this town isn’t even on the map,” Dean said, from the passenger seat.
“Well, this is where the signal came from, so that is where we are going,”
So far it had been nothing but mountains and flat land. It had seemed like that they weren’t moving.
John immediately slammed on the breaks, scaring the boys.
“The hell!?”
“Jesus, Dad!”
“Sorry boys, but shut up and look,” John pointed to what was beyond the windshield.
The fog was so thick, so dense that they could barely make out the sign that set on the side of the road.
Dean squinted, leaning forward in his seat, “Welcome to the town of Quaker. Population…. I can’t see the numbers.,”
Slowly, John inched the Impala forward until it had disappeared into the fog.
Some of the thickness had thinned out, but it was still hard to see. Still, John continued to drive at a snails pace.
He sighed with relief when the fog gave way to a quaint little town. It was still overcast, but not nearly as bad.
People were scattered about the town, eating, walking their dogs, window shopping and so on.
Dean tapped John on the arm and pointed to their destination, “Last building on the right,”
~Bronx Antiques~
John pulled into a parking space and shut the car off. Pulling the keys from the ignition, he began to fumble with them as his nerves became frazzled.
“Dad?” Dean tapped his arm.
“You alright?” he asked.
John cleared his throat and shook his head, “I’m fine son. C'mon, let’s go,”
Dean and Sam shared a look before exiting the vehicle.
Entering the building, the doorbell chimed three times as they each crossed the threshold.
“Hi, can I help you?” A young girl in her mid teens stepped from a back room.
John’s eyes widened at the sight of the girl. She looked so much like Teresa did when she was a teen.
When Dean noticed that John wasn’t speaking up, he gave his father another weird stare and shook his head.
“Yeah. Hey Darlin’. We’re looking for Teresa Bronx. Is she here?”
The teen blushed, then nodded. Holding up a finger, she turned on her heel, “Hey Momma. There’s some men out here that wanna talk to you,”
“On my way, Issie,”
John felt his chest tighten at the sound of Teresa’s voice.
When she came around the corner, wiping her hands on a towel, it seemed like time had frozen.
Teresa looked exactly as he remembered, only her hair was shorter and she wore glasses.
She froze when she spotted him, her blue eyes getting tearful.
“John?” she gasped.
He could feel his own self getting choked up.
She walked faster over to him, hugging him for all she was worth.
“Hey Tere,” he whispered, giving her a squeeze.
“You came,” her voice skipped.
John rubbed her back, continuing to whisper, “Why would you think I wouldn’t?”
“Old memories,” she cried.
John pulled back and cupped her cheeks, “Listen Teresa, that was a long time ago. We were just teens,”
Teresa nodded and gave a watery laugh. She pulled off her glasses and wiped underneath her eyes to rid her face of tears.
“Sorry, it’s been a roller-coaster of emotions lately.” she said.
Dean coughed behind John, making him glance over his shoulder.
The boys looked uncomfortable, but curious as well.
“Teresa, these are my boys, Sam and Dean. Boys, this is Teresa. We grew up together.”
Sam and Dean leaned forward, shaking Teresa’s hand.
“Nice to meet you,” she smiled.
She put her arm around the teen, who seemed to look like she felt out of place, “This is my daughter, Issie,”
She kissed the girls head, “Like John said, we grew up together,”
“Ohh, he’s the one in the photo album at home,”
“Yes he is,”
Issie held her hand out, “Nice to meet you Mr. Winchester,”
“You can call me John, Issie. Nice to meet you too,” he said, shaking her hand gently.
Issie shook Dean and Sam’s hand, getting bashful.
“Please come in. Can I get you all anything?”
At that moment, Dean’s stomach growled. He clutched it, laughing, “Sorry, we’ve not had lunch yet,”
“Oh! Well, let me lock up and we’ll go to the diner across the street,” °°°°°° While Teresa and Issie were in the restroom, Sam and Dean demanded some answers from their father.
“C'mon Dad, you gotta let us in on this,”
John shrugged his shoulders, “You know everything, Dean.”
Before the conversation became heated, the women returned.
Everyone ordered their food; the silence slightly uncomfortable.
“So why don’t we just cut the chase? Why are we here?” Dean asked, slightly annoyed.
The door chimed, indicating another customer.
“Mom, it’s Baisley. Can I go talk to her?” Issie asked.
Teresa nodded and smiled, “Sure, Iss. I’ll come get you when the food gets here,”
As soon as Issie left the table, Teresa’s smile faded from her face, her eyes becoming hard. “I planned on telling you, just not in front of my daughter. You said you were hungry and what I need help with isn’t suitable for the table,”
“Dean,” John said, looking up from his hands at his oldest.
Dean sighed, “I’m sorry… just hangry, I guess,”
The waitress put the food on the table, getting out of the thick atmosphere quickly.
Teresa sighed, “Let’s just eat and when we go back to the shop, I’ll tell you what this is all about,”
Issie was called back over to the table to eat, making quick work of her meal.
In between bites, she begged to stay the night with her friend, which Teresa granted.
Back at the antique shop once everyone ate and Issie safely with her friend and their parents; it was time to get down to business.
“The curiosity is killing me, Tere. What do you need help with?” John asked, taking off his jacket and placing it on the back of a chair.
Folding her arms, she looked at each Winchester and sighed one dreaded word…
Tagging: @thedeadmost @krissy25 @fancybubble @superprincesspea @cherieann-2001 @darshaya @ladylorelitany @ali-pennell @wadeyourebarelyalive @fangirlindenial @negans-dirty-girl @smuttwd @justacaliforniandreamer @piilow-talk @pan-and-proud-writes @memphisgirl1977 @5sos1dsex @deviousginga @strangersangel9 @mogaruke @crzcorgi @siobhan-elizabeth @thecynicalnerd @cookiemunster10 @laureng-99 @danleto97 @miss-nori85 @rhysiecupcakes @texasgal2222 @magikat409 @jmackie1983 @sweatersandcaffeine @andillica @brandivstheworld @persephinii666 @jasoncrouse @rushernparadise @ferpyferp @neganscatleesi @lynnliciousadnan @astrangegirlsmind @kitcat44 @daintyunicorn @warriorqueen1991 @kellyn1604 @raspberrypuddle @zombeeegurl @shanaatjelove11 @arrow-dactyl @bebe-a7x1369 @sweetsweetpeach @prurose @–countrygurl– @king-mcnaughty-negan @asshatry @lucifer-azrael @robertdowneyjr-rdj @gloria1995 @muldaaah @intimeandspacewithyou @meanandshallow @badsongwinchester @daddymenrah @mac5323 @a-queen-and-her-throne @thewew @tssweets @jdmfanfiction
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