#I'm starting a new series of poorly made (because I have no skills only good intentions) dzieńdoberki (that's what I call cards for various
chodzacaparodia · 5 months
Blue Lock Birthday Cards
because someone will definitely have a birthday someday
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Link Click Birthday Cards
Haikyuu!! Birthday Cards
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erithel · 3 years
Also. People keep denying this all the time but Lance was the one with the best unacknowledged leadership development of the group ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It’s not even the bias talking; you can literally pinpoint moments on the show over six seasons where Lance led a team or drove other characters forward to their own best potential, something that is a leader’s job and you can find all sorts of famous inspirational quotes on the web based on this.
But this fandom just calls this right hand man material when lol no it’s not. Otherwise the same people would have said the same when Keith was piloting red. And Keith didn’t do anything remotely similar.
I like this scene for the Klance angst potential, but it was laughable that Keith who disappeared for two years and acted like an ass when he came back was ordering Lance to lead the team while he went back for Acxa. Yeah it shows Keith’s trust in Lance, but also with how poorly Keith’s own leadership development was written on screen who was /he/ to tell Lance to do what Lance had already been doing?
I did actually brush upon this subject in a previous post (I only found it because it was pretty recent lol). And you're absolutely right. Out of everyone, Lance showed the most leadership qualities. He had several moments throughout the series that blatantly showed him standing up and taking charge.
And here's the thing: Many people assume being the leader means being the best. Everyone wants an Aragorn.
But being a leader just means…being a leader. It's completely separate from being the best fighter, or being the most skilled pilot.
And it actually just makes me sad when they made Keith the leader – because he wasn't the leader, and he didn't want to be. He wanted to be the sword hand. He enjoyed it and he was good at it. He wanted to be the one to jump in and do the fighting – not the one to sit back and strategize and give orders.
Being a leader for Keith seems so out of character for me, it only works in my brain if Lance is there helping him and basically co-leading. And that's because Lance is a whole picture kind of person – and that's what you need in a leader.
Also, real talk – I've dealt with so many new managers over the years who come into an established workplace and immediately start changing things without even learning how a store functions (because every store is different). And all this does is piss off the people who suddenly have to change to accommodate the new ways.
I'm not saying Keith was as bad as some people I've worked with (because holy shit), but he just wasn't a leader, and they shouldn't have made him one. And the fact that they used the space whale time jump to try to convince the audience otherwise is honestly just a little disrespectful.
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randomsnakesimp · 3 years
Day 11 - Friend
Seeing that this turned more into a rant, it's basically all one big "what I would have done different" section.
The girls being friends is, in the beginning, written beautifully, portrayed as a realistic, deep connection with ups and downs, disagreements and understanding. However, they appear incredibly isolated, more so since the one person we do see being friend with some of them yet not be a guardian turns out to be a major plot point. Not only do none of the girls have their own friend groups, almost every other female is portrayed as a rival or a mean girl their friendship has to overcome.
Also also any other friendship appears shallow as fuck. As I already stated in some post WHY on earth, if an older, larger, probably stronger person invited your friend on a date AND she said she wanted support because he made her nervous, and you show up and get bodied by monsters, HOW is the logical conclusion NOT "holy crap my friend got eaten/attacked, I need to use my sick new guardian skill to save her"?
This is even more drawn into attention when there is not one, but at least two stand alone comics later on in which one of the girls meets someone they bond with and that person is never seen again despite them having been a major plot point for one issue.
And don't get me started on outside friendships. The first comics were okay, I guess, with at least Cedric and Vathek, later Caleb and Vathek, Uriah's gang and Martin's scout group. But...how is the friend group of every love interest the love interests of the other girls? Why aren't any relationships between other major characters USED in the plot? Let Cedric be more aggressive toward the rebels after they cost him his only friend. Build tension between the girls because the guardian life isolates them from their former friends. If all love interests have to be friends, let them talk about their partners and discover their secret.
This bothers me so much because it makes the accidental message kind of be "friendship is something super exclusive and average people only have partners and family", especially since every deep connection besides the main girls has to be romantic. Cedric couldn't just like Orube, he had to fall in love. That guy from the fast world couldn't have been a dear friend or the girls sister, he had to be her lover for the excuse of "he works for the bad guy to save her" to be valid.
In addition, as the series progresses, the arguments dwindle and the characters, and by that their relationships, appear more shallow. There are no longer any disagreements on how to proceed with multiple angles, just lame discussion to explain to the reader that, no, the writer did not forget the thing they're thinking of, it's just actually impossible for this reason, see?
Overall, I just wish the message of the power of friendship had been more of a focus, instead of shifting more and more toward romantic love. Not only do I feel it to be more fitting with the fact that the girls need to be friends in order for the heart to work, I also feel it offers plenty of opportunities to show how different friendships can be, how they can be empowering or toxic, how they can end and new ones can form, how they can be unlikely - maybe have one of the girls be good friends with a much older person like Galgheita or the janitor, or let one of the girls bond with Cedric on earth - or show how someone (autistic coded? I mainly bring them up 'cause I felt connected while reading and wanted to see more of them, but I'm not autistic, so I'm no qualified person on that) like Orube or Maqi, had he not been magically "healed" of being a non-verbal child and instead become every poorly written fanfiction cutesy child, makes friends.
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arcanalogue · 4 years
I'm struggling with my career. I was stressed about deciding so I ended up majoring in something easy & unemployable lol. I just want to chill with my boyfriend & cats. I've been job hopping for a while, but I'm thinking of keeping my data entry job until I can improve my language skills and become a bilingual secretary. It will have better pay & hopefully not be too stressful. I get easily stressed and depressed. But tbh I'm still not confident if this is the right way to go.
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Hello, Querent! It’s been a while since anyone has made use of my inbox to ask a question (anonymously or otherwise) so I wanted to make sure to rise to this occasion.
This was a satisfying series of cards to pull, because I feel pretty much anyone could look at the illustrations and see elements of the exact feelings and situations you’ve presented.
At the center is the Nine of Swords, which really speaks to me about the degree to which stress and depression have interfered with your ability to calculate risk and make confident decisions. And this particular version of the card (from the new edition of the Fantastic Menagerie deck) is one that I often hesitate to send out, because the scene it depicts — the baby birdling fallen from the nest, with parents looking on in horror as a predator approaches — might be too intense for some to sit with.
Truly though, as the central card in this spread it really shows where the most work is needed in order to untangle all of this. Accepting depression and anxiety as potentially lifelong hazards doesn’t mean we shouldn’t reach beyond those limitations, and create the conditions that starve them of influence. That is the greatest kindness you can do to yourself, as well as those who depend on you. And while there may be no such thing as a truly “good” decision (for life’s unforeseeable vagaries can sour pretty much anything) you should at least be able to rest each day knowing you’ve met your challenges as best you could, and trust yourself to do it again tomorrow.
That’s rather where the Fortune card and the Two of Coins come in, presenting not just promises of lucky outcomes, but strategies that will help keep you on your feet as everything swirls around you. 
The Fortune card does predict bountiful, lucky results ahead, but these are issued with reminders that you simply can’t always count on things to turn out so well. Anyone who rides the Wheel must know that at some point dragged beneath it. And when this happens, you have to accept Fortuna’s impassive excuse: “It’s not personal.” You’re not being singled out for hardship, or punished for things you’ve done.
This is easier to accept if you know you’ve already done everything you possibly can to give yourself a fair shot (which is why your work on that Nine of Swords stuff will be so important). Otherwise the temptation is to personalize every perceived injustice, and gradually you will accept that good things are ONLY possible for you as a fluke. When really, you have the same chance as anyone else!
This is emphasized by the card on the other side, the Two of Coins, which reminds us that everything is in a state of perpetual motion. Steeling ourselves up to take steps out into the world, there is an unconscious expectation that things will pause long enough for us to get our footing, and feel that early sense of accomplishment that can be so vital to having the courage to take more steps, and more, and more.
But actually, the platform you’re stepping from never stops moving. And the platform you’re stepping over to never stops moving. And the world beneath is rotating, and this whole ball of junk is spiraling through the cosmos. Again, none of that is personal. And you can’t overcome it, you can only compensate for it, and shoot your shot. There’s nothing here that says you can’t hit the target. In fact, you may win bigger than you even intended to: both Fortune and the Two of Coins suggest the possibility of a terrific outcome, as long as you stay loose and remember what game you’re playing.
So the overall thrust of this reading is to point out that if you’re able to feel confident in your choice, you will take the steps of one who believes they can succeed. And while some of those steps will pay off, and others won’t, at no time will you be the recipient of cosmic judgment for choosing poorly at the outset. And truly, other choices later on may turn things around entirely and set you off in a different direction altogether... but you can’t let that trouble you now. The only way to get there and find out is to keep taking these steps!
So where to start? Remove footholds that allow those Nine of Swords concerns to freeze you in place, day by day. You need to feel the motion of the world you’re attempting to maneuver through, experience some of the ups and downs. Begin to count on yourself for resilience and flexibility, and trust that you will always keep trying to set yourself up for better and better things to happen.
At some point, this becomes habitual, and even in the worst disasters you will still unconsciously begin to drift toward putting things back together, getting things moving again.
I hope this was useful to you, Querent! Thanks so much for stopping by.
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Hello there! I just wanted to say that I agree with you on Lucifer, the intense, layered, and complex character is just a funny dumb weak villain now. I'm sad and disappointed with how writers are ruining this character. Comparing Lucifer in season 5 with Lucifer now.. too many unnecessary things and hurtful things happening to him and... wow, I don't even know how should I start explaining. I really have no idea how this character will go on.
Oh man, I just accidently deleted all my answer. Anyway, I was saying:
I came to make a distinction after the s11 mid season finale. For me, there is a before s11x10 the devil in the details and an after. As far as I am concerned, what is before this episode is the original Supernatural serie, and what comes after is just a bonus. I don’t know, canon stoppped to be canon after S9 maybe and since s11x11, it is the bottom of the drawer.
I sort of made my peace with Lucifer’s character that way. At least now, I can enjoy to see Mark Pellegrino play him again instead of other lesser good actors.
I don’t know why they keep weakening him like that. I mean, by now, if you check the count, Lucifer has next to zero kills under his belt, it’s ridiculous. Everybody he kills, keep coming back. Only Crowley, who killed himself, stayed dead. How is Lucifer supposed to be scary when he already killed Rowen twice and she is still alive and kicking?
No, this is not Lucifer.
But none of the “recent” Lucifer is him anymore. I mean, Lucifer is the devilishy smart archangel who planned his come back carefully for thousand of years, not just an angel who escaped his cell when a witch put him out of his cage.
Lucifer is the one who had to have a whole coven of nuns slaughtered just so he could speak to his powerful, skilled and loyal servant.  Not a guy you can take out of a cage crafted by God and thrown to the deepest pit of Hell whenever you want. You get what i mean?
And as I am here, I also say that demons now are weak and dumb. Look at Meg. She was a simple demon, not a high ranked one. But she was way more powerful and strong than any of the demons Crowlay or Asmosdeus are surrounded by now. They are all weak asses and stupid.
So, as deeply as I love Gabriel, I’m worried to see him back, because will he really be the S5 level Gabriel we know? Allow me to doubt about it.
And yes, of course, I’m happy and excited to see him again, but why bring him back when his death was such an heroic one? I’m very worried it will erase that.
Was it necessary to bring Charlie back? No, she was just poorly killed.
Was it worthy to bring Kevin back? No, he had more emotional charge when Gadreel killed him.
Was it a good thing to bring Mary back? I won’t even answer that one. I spent too much time already saying how stupid it was. How it is against the whole point of the show. And oh man, how bad did the writers do to her character. She may actually be the most ruined of them all.
And Chuck? Wasn’t he more mysterious and more powerful when he just disappeared at the end of S5? I think so.
I think the actual team of writers should stop bringing back old characters to make the fans happy. Because that’s not what happen. It just erases the meaning of their previous death, the pain it brought and how tragic it was. So stop recycling the people whe loved by turning them meaningless, and give us what you are here to bring us: new stories.
I’m going to quote Dean on that “what’s dead should stay dead.”
I just ask for Gabriel’s character to not suffer what they made to Lucifer’s character.
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