#I'm suspicious of using the leaked story's dates for a reason and it's because I don't want Pizzaplex pre-3
idsfantasy · 10 months
Welp, I'm about to fast track my "alright just how much should we apply the books to the games" video
Time to expose the world to how using Tales from the Pizzaplex's timeline would mean the Pizzaplex is open before FNAF 3 lol
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skepticalarrie · 3 years
hey I asked this to another blog, they didn't answer probably because they get a lot of asks but I was wondering how do you know a stunt is a stunt like what makes it a stunt? this is a general question so it doesn't have to be only about larry.
Hi anon! A publicity/PR stunt is something staged and specifically designed to attract people's attention to a person, subject or brand. There's definitely no "rules" every single stunt must follow in order to be successful, but when you watch it closely it's not that hard (in most cases) to recognize a few patterns. Here's a few red flags:
1 - Is the situation possible/reasonable? 
First of all is just logical and critical thinking, honestly. Here's an example completely out of our context: A very famous stunt was when Taco Bell "bough" the Liberty Bell - which is one of the most important and historical symbols of freedom in America. The idea of that being truth is very unrealistic and unlikely. Drawing a parallel to this fandom: Is it physically possible for a woman who gave birth (either vaginal birth or c-section) days previously to be wearing leggings, mini skirts and high heels?
2 - Huge amount of press coverage x Privacy
Is it on every single tabloid/outlet? Huge amount of details? Is there too many pap pics? Not every single tabloid story is a stunt, but if something is getting too much media coverage - specially if involves "secret informants", leakings or too detailed information that should definitely not be available for general public - it's highly suspicious and likely to be something completely or partially staged. E.g: why is Olivia keep getting papped every single day, in and out of her own home or someone's else home (private property), why is Louis keep going into public places full of paps if he's upset of getting papped with his "child" and wants privacy, why on earth two of the most famous artists in the world would go for a date in central park in bright day light and why there was paps waiting for them there
3 - Seeding and "organic" situations
A lot of stunts are originated from some sort of fake news. Someone say they saw something, and then some other someone say the same thing, and a third person takes a picture of it. The buzz have to start from somewhere, and it has to feel organic, it's important to have a logical build up of events. For fake relationships stunts, it's very common to use a few tricks, larries know exactly what I'm talking about and it's extremely easy to recognize since it was a strategy used in every single one of their stunts a) sharing pieces of clothing/jewellery b) public houses or places easily recognizable in the background of a picture, or some sort of item also in the background c) small but meaningful interactions on social media d) people around them looking like they're part of it as well
4 - When
Context is important. Is the situation happening close to some sort of launch/release of the brand (or artist)? Would it be important for the brand/artist to be somewhat connected with this subject right now? Or to be relevant in the media? Although there's no "rules" for a stunt, they all have the same end goal: $$ profit. That is very easy to identify on artists using fake relationships as a publicity stunt, eg: How convenient is that Olivia and Harry are dating since they're making a movie together? How convenient is that Camila cabello and Swan Mendes are dating, Rob Patz and Kristen Stewart… and so on. Why all 1D boys used to get papped with girlfriends on promo season?
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