#I'm very bummed out I didn't get to attack some other cool people. I had some really cool ideas‚ too :
somerabidraccoon · 1 year
ArtFight ends in like half an hour so time to post my stuff!
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Attack on Antlerstreak by @willowfernn !
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Attack on Palu by @plugnuts !
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Attack on Rin by @grimaussieart !
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Attack on @quonit and their chickens Goose and Amy!
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Attack on Fig by @plasmagiiica !
I had a lotta fun with all of these! Very cool characters all around 👉👉
Well thankgod that's over, now i can finally get back to drawing the same two characters over and over again for the next 11 months /s ... or maybe /hj :')
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unfocused reaction to Path of Daggers
I finished Path of Daggers and hoo boy. not a lot happened. but kinda did. a bunch of stuff was set up for the next books but not a huge amount happened in this one. we're in the slog now babey!!
i can imagine reading this in like 1998 and being dissatisfied and having to wait another year for more story. i kinda feel like that and i can just roll on to the next book.
there were bits and bobs where i was interested, particularly about the aes sedai, but it seemed like this was the filler to get to the major plots later. which i get, but that basically happened for every single character and that's frustrating.
okay lets get into it story by story.
elayne, nynaeve & aviendha:
they use the bowl
they transport the kin and sea folk to andor and make a nuke accidentally
they travel to camelyn
very cool 7 second scene with dark friend reveal in the party
elayne claims the throne, nynaeve bones down but doesnt want anyone to know, aviendha is kinda there, birgitte is a bamf for takin all them arrows in the begining.
writing this out, i'm struggling to remember individual scenes with them, which is a bummer cos i like this crew a lot. the bowl was very cool in the beginning, the magic nuke was cool* how affected the plot later (*v confused as to what actually happened to the power here tho, they didn't explain it more in rand's part)
egwene, siuan, and aes sedai rebels:
they're on the move from salidar
egwene struggles to carve out her authority, siuan coaches her about amyrlin badassery
eggy asserts herself v publicly when gathering their forces with the nobles, declares war on elaida, all around wins
salidar forces move on tar valon (but doesn't show us the battle? is it over in the last chapter? i was confused), siuan tragically has fallen in love with gareth bryne (rip to moiraine), TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR THIS PLOT.
This one had more meat than the other wondergirls, so i was into it, but it was a little slow in parts. i wish the siege of tar valon was something i got to see, cos if not, that fuckin sucks. its a huge moment and if its offscreen, im gonna be bummed. love siuan, but damn these romances.
honestly i wish that bryne and morgase would be reunited. that's a stronger plot for them than being paired off with the next person they see after breaking up. like morgase publicly shamed and exiled bryne while mind controlled! there's good story and character moments there. they had been together like 15 years! wouldn't morgase feel guilty and want to make it right? wouldn't bryne think something was fishy but was too hurt to trust her again? that's way better than having morgase rob a cradle and whatever bryne & siuan are doing. anyway.
perrin & faile:
get to where messima is, accidentally find morgase (comediè)
elayas comes back (tragediè)
meets messima for 1 scene
faile gets kidnapped by the shaido
oof this one. this was a lot of wasted time. that scene with messima should have been halfway thru the book, more drawn out, more drama! i don't get why people like elayas, perrin already accepted the wolves help at dumai's wells, it seems to me he has already come to terms with that, what is elayas bringing to the table. he felt out of place in the first book and here too. berlaine hate is tired, i don't dislike faile but jordan is doing everything he can to assassinate any of my good faith with her. come on.
rand and that whole thing:
he did something between getting ilian's crown and attacking the seanchan, but i'm totally blanking
kinda whiffed that attack on the seanchan
wtf is up with cadsuanne? she's kinda the worst
captured aes sedai swore fealty to him
very confusing end sequence where some ashaman tried to kill him?
honestly, im tired of rand's story at the moment. i get he's under stress, i get he's being forced to do things he hates, but i don't care about him. im sorry i tried! but i've realized im not reading the book for him, i have other favorites. a lot of it's the same angst and im ready for something new from him. the idea he wants to tap nynaeve to help him clean saidin is a neat idea. yes, do that. give it a rest lews therin.
the only parts i really liked, no reservations was the stuff in the white tower. Dark friends babeyyyyy!!
tl;dr lots of set up for next book made this one unsatisfying on its own. bits of cool stuff here and there, but overall a bit of a bore.
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years
New Paracosm AU: Big Hero Beau
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@decaykid yes, kind of...
Okay, like I said in my last post this idea came to me after listening to Fist Pump and Viva Namida on loop with pacing.
So you know like how the original Humble Pie paracosm is very western horror kind of drama, yeah? well, this paracosm is just full on ANIME BBY!!! I'm talking Space Dandy, I'm talkin' Gurren Lagann, I'm talkin maybe a little bit of Trigun, and also takes alot from action rpgs like Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Persona, Viewitful Joe, and Wonderful 101 (but its like only two people), and takes alot from Sonic the hedgehog (mostly Sonic Underground, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Forces), and little bit from Fancy Pants ( that's not an anime or a "real" video game, its just an old flash game I used to hyperfixate on).
This paracosm is completely different which is why I gave it, it's own name instead of just adjective then "!"
This version of Beau takes a lot of inspiration from Dandy ( Space Dandy), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog), and Kamina (Gurren Langann)
In this paracosm, both of Beau's parents perished in a tragic accident, Beau takes his siblings to an abandoned shack and they hide out and live out there. the tragedy this motivative Beau to become stronger and a hero, not only to keep his siblings safe but others too. The last thing his mom told him was that his smile could save a thousand lives, so because of that he always keeps an upbeat, go get 'em attitude, and he doesn't want to bum his younger siblings out. His mom also gave Beau her heart shape locket before she passed on, so Beau has worn it ever since that day.
The locket is very precious to him, he doesn't let anyone touch it (other than his siblings), and if he loses it he'll go into a panic attack and can't do anything else until he finds it again.
Dev, Beau's little brother, also wants to be strong and a hero, he tries to train like his brother but he can't keep up. Beau tells Dev that he has to be strong in his own way, so Dev decides to put his tech skills to good use and make his older brother cool weapons for him to use. I forgot to mention in this paracosm some people are born with superpowers and such, and Beau's superpowers are super strength and speed, while Dev's superpower is super intelligence.
Dev can't keep up with his brother on foot, so he made himself a jetpack to keep up, and makes science weapons for himself to use.
In this paracosm, there are evil robots, pirates, bandits, ninjas, demons, fallen angels, giant spiders, bad guys who kidnap pretty people, any enemy you would find in a video game or anime yeah it's probably here. So, there's always something for Beau and Dev to fight or someone to save from something.
Beau and Dev don't have secret identities since superpowered people are common but they get to have a pretty rad transformation scene activate when they fist bump each other.
Beau fighting style is similar to that of a hack and slack fighting game, Beau mostly use his fists to fight and his speed, he'll also use guns too, but he'll only use swords if he thinks he can pull off a cool move, since not really experience using them that much. Dev made Beau special gloves and boots that make the attack range of his hit larger so its easier to take out hoards of stuff like robots (which happens lot) and big enemies like giant monsters.
His boots are also guns so its like....
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Oh, and Beau also makes sure that he always looks cool when fighting just in case someone takes a pic (which happens alot). Unlike Bayonetta, Beau is more playful with his posing rather than sexy.
Dev's wits come in handy when the two come across puzzles, riddles, or finding a way out of traps on their adventures since Beau didn't complete school once his parents passed and mostly focus on raising his siblings and hero training.
Much like Sonic, Beau is very snarky and witty while fighting his enemies (or at least tries to be), he always tries to make a snarky comment or a really cool zinger before finishing off his enemy. Due to his kind of being not the sharpest tool in the shed, it can take a while for him to come up with a good zinger, so it kind of stalls fights, and sometimes it gets to the point where the enemy is just like "Oh my GOD! just KILL ME!", this also annoys and embarrasses Dev too at times.
Beau makes money from bounties and doing odd jobs around, he makes enough for his siblings to live comfortably, but there are times where he'll go hungry because he only has enough for Dev and Carrie to eat. Beau is still a kind of a lower-level hero compare to the other well know ones around.
Dev has also made a rocket ship so they can fight intergalactically on other planets
Carrie in this paracosm is still 4 years old, she has yet to show any signs of having powers, which is pretty normal for her age since people in this world don't show powers until they hit their pre-teen years.
Beau will take Carrie on their adventures if it's safe enough, but if the mission is too dangerous Beau will take her to the nearest daycare or the nearest trustworthy femme person. Beau will try to make the mission or fight end quickly as possible if he left Carrie with a stranger, there's a sigh of relief once he finds her safe, if not (which doesn't happen a lot thankfully), well somebody gonna die and Beau tries to make it up to her by spending the next few days with her, just him and Carrie.
Beau tries to put being a good guardian/older brother before being a hero and tries his best to spend as much time with Carrie and Dev as possible on chiller/lower stakes days.
Beau had never had time to really process the feeling of losing his parents, there are days where he feels down but he never lets it show around his siblings or have it affect his hero work. There are nights where those memories keep him up, sometimes he'll cry but still try to smile thru the tears.
Beau likes to give peps talks to himself in the mirror, and pep talks to Dev, when he's feeling discouraged, although most of the time those pep talks don't really make any sense Dev still appreciate his brother's kind words.
Since Beau saves people, he interacts a lot with damsels in distress, he flirts with them, but usually gets rejected for coming across as too cheesy or cocky. He doesn't really mind it tho, he actually finds it funny, but when a lady actually flirts back he gets really flustered and has to leave immediately. Despite this Beau still tries to give Dev advice on talking to girls.
Beau still smokes and drinks because the stress of having to raise young siblings, dealing with trauma, and being a hero can be alot, but he still makes sure his siblings don't see him and he doesn't get too wasted.
Other than hero stuff, Hero! Beau enjoys reading comics, parkour, skateboarding, break dancing (which he incorporates in his fighting for some really cool finishers), practicing cool poses and phrases, playing video games with his little brother, and watching barbie movies with his little sisters (since Barbie reminds him of his mom).
Oof, I think that's all I got for now....
TL;DL Basically if this version of Beau is Sonic the original Beau is more like Shadow if that makes any sense.
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kelgrid · 4 years
Hey, do you have any recs for Annecy online ? I've been so bummed out since I found out most movies I bought the pass for weren't actually viewable I didn't watch anything... We still get awesome wips so I'm happy about that tho
Yeah same I really wanted to watch Calamity and Petit Vampire :/ Anyway, we’ve mostly been watching short films with friends and are almost done with the official competition, our favs so far are: Competition 1: -Genius Loci (beautiful with great artists working on it) -Murder at the cathedral (we had a good laugh) -Flesh/Carne Competition 2: (we weren’t really into this one) -happiness was visually interesting but I felt attacked by this film lmao -The town was much more “mainstream” but kind of weird bc of how different it was from the other films??  Competition 3: -Hot Flash (we really liked this one but felt that it was cut a bit short) -Yes-People (it was cute, I think I was the only one to kind of enjoy it ahah) -A mind sang (very cool optical illusions, too many foetuses for me :’D ) -Altotting had some really nice sequences Competition 4: -Homeless Home (Very dark, by the creator of Psiconautas and Decorado, tw for sexual assault) -Machini (really liked the animation style, important subject) -The physics of Sorrow (biographical work, if you like animated paint that’s 30 minutes of it) Not to say that the others are not good but these are our personal faves, I would consider giving all shorts a look, the good thing with the online version of this festival is that you can actually skip the shorts you don’t like instead of just falling asleep in the theater :’’’D Also the other things I have watched so far are “L’Odyssée de Choum” which was really cute and the first episode of “Undone”. I still have a lot to watch!! 
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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It is my dad's birthday and my parents wedding anniversary and it's a full moon and it's Friday the 13th and it's the anniversary of Scooby-Doo. There's so much good and powerful energy today. Specifically I want to say happy birthday to my dad though because I love him so much and he's gone through so much in the last couple years but he is always attacked the day with kindness just like I tell everyone else to do. I hope you have a very good birthday and I love you and thank you for being my dad.
But on my end for the most part today was not my day. I just felt really sad. Frustrated. I just wanted to come home. And it wasn't even like a real reason just everything was wrong.
I woke up this morning and I felt fine. James had to leave early because he had to go to the dentist. But he made me a sandwich before he left because he's the best. And then I got ready and left it at the bus. But even though the ride was nice I was really early. Which is normally fine but I got to the building and it was locked and the lights were off. And my anxiety just absolutely peaked.
I was convinced that I wasn't supposed to be there and that we weren't supposed to come in or they were a different site and I was so upset and distressed and convinced I did something wrong. I stood outside for about 10 minutes and finally Sarah and the other Jessie came But anxiety was still pretty bad for most of the day because of that.
We spent the first hour just kind of brainstorming by ourselves. Coming up with ideas and figuring stuff out for our lesson plans. I had a lot of ideas already written down so I just did a bunch of research and started flushing things out a little bit more concretely.
For the most part it was a good guy. But then I realized I accidentally sent all of me and James's new gardening stuff to the old apartment and I was so bummed. I just felt so stupid and I just kind of sank into myself because I was so upset. James is an amazing boyfriend though and when I told him how upset I was he took the extra time between the dentist and having to go to work to go to the old apartment and get everything to bring back so I wouldn't be sad. He's so good.
But then my new phone was attempted to be delivered to the apartment and because it needed a signature they didn't leave it. I'm glad they didn't leave it but I thought they would take it to a pickup point. But they didn't. They're just going to wait till Monday and try again and I was so bummed out. I really wanted that to come today and when it didn't I was just like super sad. And I kind of just put a damper on the rest of the day for me. I was able to figure out how to make all of my UPS packages go to the pickup point from now on and so my phone will go there on Monday so I won't have to worry about not being here. But it's still a huge bummer and I feel very dumb. Thankfully it's not like my phone is broken. I was just excited about a new thing. I wanted to get it set up tomorrow while I was at the BMI since it will probably be slow. It's all right. I'll be fine.
We had a good afternoon at work though. We went through and talked about all of the artists that we were considering for research for testing our kids. And we went through a lot of really awesome artists and it was funny that me and fitsum or actually thinking about two artists that were very off the beaten path so that was cool. And I'm really pleased with the final list that we came up with. I am sad that one of the other side of Hope for got knocked off the list that doesn't mean I'm not going to teach you about her just that she's not going to be on the test. And I got my way on the layout of the semester's so that was cool.
We finished up a little bit early and I went to grab the bus but then miss Helene drove past me and stopped and she ended up giving me a ride to Dick Blick. I knew I wouldn't see James until much later because after he's done work he's going to go to his parents house to get the car and then he's going to go to the grocery store to get ready for our cookout tomorrow.
So I went in and I gave him a hug. His other manager made a joke that a customer wanted to see him very specifically. Made me laugh. And then I walked back here.
On my walk I ran into a co-worker from the BMI and that was cool. I posted in the group today about the job openings at access art and apparently everyone was talking about how great I am over there today and have felt really good. It's not the first time someone's told me that they talk about me over there and how they say a lot of positive things so that feels really cool I'm loved. I don't always feel that way. So it's nice to be reminded.
I had to make a stop at the hardware store to look for something for James but they didn't have it so I came back here. I did a whole bunch today actually. When I got back here I kind of snack and then I started working on some drawings. Our gardening stuff was here because of James so I made little tags for the all the herbs were going to put in there and the tomatoes. And then I set up the garden itself. I probably could have bought more rocks but I still think it'll be okay and I'm going to put all of the herbs in small Planters to start with anyway. And it was pretty excellent. It was fun playing in the dirt. I also dyed my hair so that I would look all nice tomorrow. And I worked on one of my Furby tarot cards. I'm actually going to go make something to eat and then do another one. My Hope Is that in the next week we'll get everything photograph so I want to have at least a couple cards finished. Start selling them as a small set.
James should be finishing work now and then he'll go start shopping for stuff. And I'm just going to hang out here. Hopefully he'll be home soon though because I miss him. I hope you guys all have a great night. Tomorrow I have work at the BMI and then we have our little get-together. I hope people come. Seems like it might be kind of small but I don't mind that. It'll be fun to show off our new place to everyone.
Be safe out there guys. Take care of each other. Good night.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
And it has a huge following and Randall text com AKA John C Reilly is not really a warlock and he is a more lack of source he's from the great ape but he's got one of the more like attached to him so this one running around like him somewhere and I'd like to know who that is but besides there's a huge following tons of people love these bikes and tons love them as scooters and it is the most profitable profitable size bike we've had but we don't we haven't started selling these in Earnest yet we're doing some sampling and they love them and they like them better than ours even though they sort of are but they are his design so it's endearing and it is something that's their plan
Using us to manufacture has been a long-term plan of mac daddy and he says it'll continue because he knows what he's doing and you can sit there and rub it in his face but you don't know what you're talking about and I say the same thing
Hera Zues
We do understand what he's talking about and he's right of course because we're doing it but it's a cool bike and I'm starting to help design the cafe racer with him and he says it's just like the Sportster that was used for the dirt track it says very similar and he's hoping that we can come together on it and have an agreement and he says we don't want to cut you off in a verbal confrontation so we're going to have to back out if we start that up but we can take some steps already he says we're going to have a place for you a large one the facility a factory a design shop restaurant and bar saloon and all the doodads and your franchise and you probably have several and he says good and of course percentages because your name and design he says that's awesome it's way better than nothing and we say a lot of people get nothing and they take it and they jump out of the building at the end of the day it's not worth it because Mac planned us to do this he says this bag we know your quality is much better and people will love it I was competing with the other bikes and this is our design and I get some and they like it they lick it a lot they like it a lot John C Reilly when I leave that's who you are now. And you're right Chris they do love me and they don't love you now they know they love Jesus Christ my brother the Lord and savior it's probably killed more of them than I ever thought of you that's how it is so shut up and we're moving on and it's got a huge following there's just giant giant crowds didn't want the bikes they're all inquiring where and appointed where and we're going to put in the campgrounds and we could put in the motels and the small houses and ask if John C Riley wants to manage like an area or part of one it says yes we know where they made somewhere over in Arizona or something it says yes to a place with no bugs now or says laughing and says maybe up that way if possibly maybe okay on South a little yeah so that's what he's asking and we'll do that but it is a famous bike and John C Riley and Chris are famous and it's like MacIntosh and IBM and Chris's IBM cuz his ideas are more practical and based in reality although John's is based in design on what the computer is really for or really the bike is really for and but together they they made this product and it really is smart and it's based in history and it's based on affordable this mental health industry got way too big and corky got way too big because of it and doesn't even fight them I took it over and it's a piece of junk now it's rooting people we didn't want to be ruined
Hera Zues
He actually told me when he thought about riding the sport bike he said he said well I kind of wanted to ride the scooter around and I don't want to go fast and too far and we agree that's really what he should do if we take over enough we can put a bigger motor and go further but he's not really secure and driving it that far and the bike is a big leap for him riding the bicycle and horses rear ends and the attacking him all that has to like slow down and become non-existent for him to do anything else so he has time and we have time
Thor Freya
I agree I feel better what you say is I'm a butt hurts and they're attacking me and I probably shouldn't go out that's good because we can regular quite easily using his morons
Hera Zues
We want you to stop doing it too but we regulated so it can haul you out of here cuz you're bothering his bum
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