#I've been thinking about their ramen every day for the last 16 months ):
dirt-goth · 1 year
Two weeks until I'm reunited with Ramen Danbo that's all that matters anymore
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pisc3s-baby · 5 months
52 of the questions!
oh lordy 😅
3. Do you miss anyone? Yeah, my boy Archie. We had to put him down last year and I miss him every day.
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? Yes! All the time over my assignments 9. who did you last see in person? People I work with 10. are you good at hiding your feelings? Absolutely not !
11. are you listening to music right now? Not right now
12. what is something you want right now? I could really go for some ramen
13. how do you feel right now? pretty tired because I've been awake since 2am 14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? maybe a month or two ago. 15. personality description emotionally unavailable, short attention span, energetic(?) 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? Yes. most of the time
17. opinion on insecurities. everyones got some insecurity 18. do you miss how things were a year ago? not really - feel like I;m in the same place as last year. 19. have you ever been to New York? I haven't ! 20. what is your favourite song at the moment? Nothing Matters! 21. age and birthday? 28 - 14 march 22. description of crush. someone on tiktok 😅😅 23. fear(s) small spaces and the ocean 24. height 5'7 or 171cms 25. role model wouldn't say I have one 26. idol(s) Footy player 27. things i hate allergy season and people arriving late for events 28. i’ll love you if… show me how to rock climb 29. favourite film(s) Shrek and live-action Scooby Doo 30. favourite tv show(s) Lucifer, Monk, Derry Girls, Disenchanted, Bob's Burgers. 31. 3 random facts never broken a bone, 1st in family to attend uni, gave myself a concussion ice-skating. 32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? I think it's a mixture but probably girls. 33. something you want to learn skateboarding 34. most embarrassing moment fumbling it in front of my favourite footy player 35. favourite subject It would've been art at school. 36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Buy my own house, pay off uni debt, see the world 37. favourite actor/actress favourite actor is Oscar Isaac - Favourite Actress is Kristen Stewart 38. favourite comedian(s) I don;t really have one 39. favourite sport(s) afl or nrl 40. favourite memory graduating high school 41. relationship status single 42. favourite book(s) The Roommate 43. favourite song ever it changes all the time ! 44. age you get mistaken for early 20's 45. how you found out about your idol through watching an NRl game 46. what my last text message says "I'm just a little sub" 47. turn ons hands, tattoos, shaggy hair cuts, hobbies etc. 48. turn offs rude to retail/hospo/any job dealing with people, rude to friends, no goals, etc. 49. where i want to be right now on a sunny beach doing fuck all 50. favourite picture of your idol
cbf posting one haha 51. starsign pisces 52. something i’m talented at sleeping and yapping 53. 5 things that make me happy ramen, clean bedsheets, sweet treats, animals, food 54. something thats worrying me at the moment working through my sexuality 55. tumblr friends too many to list 😅😅 56. favourite food(s) dumplings 57. favourite animal(s) dogs 58. description of my best friend down to earth, compassionate, Capricorn 59. why i joined tumblr
i missed posting nudes somewhere.
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apollosson · 2 years
10:41 | April 19, 2022 (Tagaytay, Philippines)
When I arrived back in Manila, I planned to keep my entire month busy, and since I am expecting to be back on board the next month, I agreed a 2-day staycation with my ex in Tagaytay. Hoping it's something I would not regret doing.
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We met early in the morning and had lunch at Santouka when we arrived in Tagaytay. Of course, I had another bowl of ramen with a bunch of other japanese meal that I can't even recall. Just to share, I quite notice that I have this habit to find a resto every after resto whenever I'm outdoor - so yes, after Santouka we went to Tsokolateria. Imagine how much I was spending in a day? Probably that's the reason why I left Boracay empty handed lol. At least, I am noticing those bad habits.
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When we headed back to the hotel, we spent our evening at the balcony consuming the alcohol I brought, and though our first few hours together were fun, I decided to cut that off to discuss something more serious. Us. What are we really? What happened wrong? I had a lot of questions. Unending probably. I started to become emotional that night and my eyes can't even contain it. Those tears were probably the sum of all my disappoinments and frustrations. And to add up the things we've known after the break up, it must be the most heartbreaking thing I've ever felt. It's an honest conversation with stabbing daggers.
I will always love this person though it hurts. Even love him in his worst. Will still accept him with all his flaws but I quite don't have the trust to believe that he will do the same. In some instances, I felt like he is always ready to let go and I hate that feeling. If ever he is reading this, I hope he will never stop showing how much I am important to him when I am losing my patience or when I am losing the will to continue our relationship. I know that there are times that he will get tired but I also hope he will learn to lower his pride when I am losing it. I might not be able to propell any further if I felt that I am just as replaceable like others. This might be the last time. I don't know if I am special as much as I think of how he is to me but I hope he will hold that line for me since I know I am no longer as stable as I was. I know he hates it when I overthink but believe me - I also wanted not to thrice as much.
16:22 | April 20-22, 2022 (Tagaytay, Philippines)
We didn't really do much on our 2nd day. We stayed almost half of the day in the bed and just had Samgyupsal as lunch and spent the night at the rooftop enjoying the 360 view of Olivarez. The next day should've been our last day but decided last minute to extend our stay a day more. It was just a normal day spending nonsense in a room; watching movies, eating meal together, and whatever "normal" couples do. We became official again around this day and he thought about me really the person he needs in his life. Hopefully it's something he means for I'll take that for life.
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Before we packed home on our last day, we enjoyed the pool early in the morning before checking out. After, we took a bus to where my mom is to drive us home.
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datleggy · 4 years
I realize we are in the middle of a pandemic and possibly the worst thing to ever happen collectively to humanity, and that you're probably feeling as emotionally drained as I am... But I've reread your Buck Volunteer AU like 16 times in the past 3 months. It makes me happy. I realize writing might not make you happy right now, or give you energy or be on your mind. But reading is keeping me sane. So thank you for that little universe. I'll be here when you feel up to adding to it. ♡♡
these last few months have been pretty awful at every turn and have kinda made it almost impossible to write the way i’m used to (writing is like my lil escape from reality most of the time tbh) and this message made me really happy, i really appreciate this, so thanku. <3
and also, here are two lil random additions i’ve been v sporadically working on for the volunteer buck au?
and ima go ahead and tag the ppl i promised to tag(i hope i got everyone!)? i hope ya’ll don’t mind they’re unfinished snippets?
tag list: @ironbuckley @chrrlees @disgruntled-pelicant @nighting-gale17 @daughter-of-infinity @romeoandjulietyouwish @badbitchjackson @chitownwolf @lamalefix @moira3000 @heather-likes2review @demonwithasideoffries @pan-buck @fyeahhipsterdoctor @daylightisviolent @themoonyloveenvy @randomlyordinarlyed @jillibob44
Buck sneezes into his elbow, groaning miserably as he throws another load of laundry into the washing machine. He's been grappling with a cold for the past couple of days, and though as someone who works almost none stop, Buck should be relieved to finally have a few sick days off from work, the reality of it is, he's going a little stir crazy at home all by himself.
His studio apartment's never been as thoroughly clean as it is now, though, so Buck isn't too mad about the undesignated time off.
One minute Buck is putting his last quarter into the machine and the next he's lying sideways on the floor and there's a ringing in his ears and smoke filling up the laundromat, people screaming and scattering and dazed. Buck sits up carefully, confused until he sees the giant truck that smashed straight in through the giant glass windows.
He manages to stand up, ignoring the way the room starts to spin, and takes assessment of the situation, something he's learned to do while volunteering for the 118. It's a Wednesday afternoon so thankfully there weren't too many people inside doing laundry today, but those who were are all down, though some more out of shock than actual physical injury.
"Call 9-1-1!" Buck tells the laundromat employee, who's standing behind the counter, unharmed but horrified at the sudden destruction, and she nods hastily, getting out her cell. There aren't too many badly injured people, and those that are able, are helping those who aren't, so Buck limps over to the vehicle to check on the driver. He's a male in his thirties most likely, and by the empty beer cans on the bed of the truck it's obvious the driver's intoxicated.
He's passed out at the wheel, blood smearing his face from a laceration at the top of his forehead, but his pulse is strong and steady and nothing appears to be broken, upon Buck's initial examination.
There's a wailing to his left so, having confirmed the man will live to see his day in trial, Buck rushes to help. There's a woman on her knees, sobbing, with a little boy in her arms--he can't be older than Christopher. "Ma'am," Buck gets down next to her so that they're at eye level.
The woman clings to her child, shaking her head adamantly.
"I'm a doctor, I just want to check to see if your son's ok. Please." Buck exhales, relieved, when his words reassure the mother and she hesitantly lets go. He's breathing, but it's labored and from the sounds of it and all the fresh bruising on the boys' sternum, most likely he's got a collapsed lung. Buck looks to the employee who's still on the phone with 9-1-1 and asks for an ETA on an ambulance.
"The operator says two minutes!"
Buck curses faintly. He doesn't know if the kid has that long. As if to prove his theory, the boy stops breathing altogether, his skin turning a terrifying hue of blue. His mother's screaming now, completely inconsolable and a hushed crowd is starting to form outside of the laundromat.
The paramedics hop out of their rig but until firefighters get to the scene there's just no way they can get in without risking injury to themselves, since the car is blocking their way and has started to smoke fumes.
"Everybody please remain calm. The fire department's only five minutes out." they assure everyone. Weber and Jones; Buck knows them from working at the hospital and waves to get their attention. "Doc?!" Weber exclaims, when she spots him among the injured.
"This kid's got a tension pneumothorax, he's not gonna last five minutes without medical intervention. I need one of you to pass me a 16 gauge bore needle through the opening there so I can do a decompression!"
"You got it!"
The boys mother is close to hyperventilating at this point.
It's been a tough week--though that might be an understatement--and a part of Buck wants to stay wrapped up in a pile of one too many quilts and blankets, in the dark, watching bad romcoms and never leave his apartment ever again. But he's been so busy at work Buck hasn't had a single moment to text anyone from the 118, and he thinks maybe being around them might make him feel a little less like the world has come to an abrupt halt. He also hasn’t eaten anything besides instant ramen in over a week, and that can’t be good.
They’re in the middle of a card game when Buck shows up and Eddie begs him to join in. "It's way too easy taking Chim's money." he sighs. "I need a challenge."
Chimney gawks at him. "Big words from the man who was literally whining like a baby not five minutes ago. He was all, 'Oh I hope Buck comes in today. Buck didn't answer any of my texts this week. Do you think he's ok? Should I call him? Would that be too much?'" he pokes fun, only stopping when Hen flicks the back of his ear.
“Play nice.” she says. She sits down in the chair next to Buck and nudges his shoulder playfully. “Eddie wasn’t the only one worried, by the way. You suck at texting but I usually get at least a ‘K’ back--long week?”
Buck leans forward in his seat, elbows perched up on the table. “Yeah. Something like that.”
Bobby, who’s in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone, overhears the ongoing conversation and tilts his head in concern. The kid sounds wrecked.
“Sometimes it helps to talk about it.” Hen prods gently.
Buck chews on his bottom lip, nervous. He didn’t come here to unload his problems on his friends.
“You can talk to us.” Eddie says, reaching across the table to give his hand a quick squeeze. “You listen to my problems all the time--hell, I called you last week on your lunch break to yell about some asshole who cut me off in traffic.”
That manages to get a small smile out of Buck. “Ok, ok, I--” he takes a deep breath before starting. “I messed up.” he scrubs a hand over his face. Why hadn’t he seen it?
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