#I've been watching tw videos on youtube again and the guy who was doing them was complaining about everyone in the comments asking about
mrbeastimagines-3 · 3 months
Karl! X Gn! Reader
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Suggestion: y / n
Reader pronouns: they/them
POV: First Person
TW: minor swearing, fear of thunder / storms
Story Size: Medium
You and the crew (Jimmy, Nolan, Kris, Chandler, and Karl) were staying in a hotel for a video that you would be filming tomorrow. You were planning on exploring the city that night, but it quite so happened to rain, causing a power outage. Jimmy had the great idea of playing Truth or Dare in one of the rooms, which you and the others , you had no clue what was in store for that night....
“great, it's raining?” I heard Nolan groan from the hall. Raining? I didn't even notice since I was so caught up in my phone. I glance out the window, and to my surprise, it was pouring buckets. "Aw shit!" I heard Karl cry, which made me jump in shock a little. "I was so excited for tonight-"
Oh right, Jimmy planned for us to go to this dinner place. I remember Karl being really excited when he first told us, for whatever reason. Ah, well. I got up to the hall, unlocking the crisp white door. Jimmy obviously overdid himself with the pricy hotel, even though we were only staying two nights. Anyways, I met back up with the boys and Kris. "Hey guys… so uh… what are we gonna do since... Y'know-" I ask, more montotoned than I thought. Kris shrugged. "I dunno. Jimmy?" She glanced over at Jimmy, who was just walking up to us. I stood next to Karl, who looked disappointed.
"Well.. There's always watching TV!" Jimmy suggested, right when a big boom of thunder crashed outside. Karl and I jumped, and all the lights turned off. Great. I've always been afraid of storms… I try not to show my fear, but I clearly fail, since everyone looked over at me in concern.
"Well uh…" Jimmy began saying, making no comment upon my sudden fear. "Why don't we play truth or dare?" He perked up, proud of himself for making such a great idea. "I'm down" Kris smiled, and Chandler nodded.
"Why not" Nolan agreed. They all looked over at Karl and myself. "I'll play! Y/N are you going to?" Karl softly smiled. "I guess... There's nothing better to do-" I half smiled back.
"Alright! Let's go to Y/N's room since they're the closest!" Kris shouted. "Wait why my ro-" I began saying, but then, gave up. We entered the dark room, rain still pouring and thunder still crashing outside. We could see well enough from the city lights that were still on, but I still found myself uneasy in this new atmosphere. Karl noticed this again somehow, making him inch himself closer to me. I tried not to blush.
"Alright, who's going first?" Nolan asked. "NOT IT!" We all screamed, pointing at our noses. We all laughed.
"Well Nolan, since you didn't put your finger on your nose, you're asking first!" Jimmy explained; which was funny since he explained it in his YouTube voice. Nolan sighed. I actually wanted to go first, but come on. You gotta make fun of Nolan any chance you get!
Nolan looked around. "Y/N, Truth or Dare?" He asked, looking down at me since he was on the foot of my bed. "Um... Truth" I said. Nolan smirked.
"Okay uh, would you date anyone in the crew?" Nolan asked, as Jimmy, Chandler, and Kris just looked at each other, entertained.
"Uhm..." I glanced around the room for a second. "Yes" I finally stated, giving no more information. It's true, if you couldnt tell by now, I had a crush on Karl Jacobs. It's been a while now. He's just so… ugh... Anyway, it was now my turn to ask.
"Karl, truth or dare?" I asked him, turning my head to my right so I could see him properly. "Truth" He said. "Okay uh... Who do you like-?" I wondered. He opened his mouth, but before he could respond, an even louder boom of thunder than before bursted through the room. I jumped, and without even thinking, cuddled up next to Karl, afraid. It was my defense mechanism I guess.
"Y/N are you okay?" Jimmy asked, concerned once again. This made me snap out of my trance. I noticed where I was, burrowing my face into Karl's chest. I opened my eyes and stopped nuzzling myself into his soft, silky shirt. "H-holy shit I-" I jumped up, look at Karl, my face completely red. "I'm so sorry It just sorta happened and-!" I started to say, quickly, and embarrassed, completely ignoring Jimmy's question. "No it's okay...! Don't worry about it." He turned away. I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed because he enjoyed it or embarrassed of me...
After we all calmed down, we continued our game, leaving Karl's question in the dust. This went on for hours, each of us slowly leaving the room to go to sleep. Chandler was the first to go, Nolan and Jimmy being the second (Jimmy had to drag Nolan out of my room, cause he fell asleep directly on my bed). Kris and Karl decided to leave too, since it was already 1 a.m, and we needed to get up early for our video shoot tomorrow. Right when they started to get up, the power turned back on. I heard Nolan scream some nonsense from his room, which made the three of us laugh.
After Karl and Kris left though, I snuggled up in my bed. But I just... Couldn't get comfortable. The thunder storm was over, but I didn't feel... Safe? With that, I got up, not even thinking. I inched towards Karl's door, quietly, slowly checking if the knob was unlocked. If it's unlocked, I'll go in... Was my logic. And to my 'luck', it was. I slowly creaked open the door, seeing Karl sitting in his bed, attempting to sleep. He was basically just staring at the floor.
"Karl?" I said quietly, making his eyes look up at me. "Y/N..! What are you doing here-?" He asked, patting down his hair so he could look presentable.
"I uh... Can't sleep" I mumbled, brushing my leg over my other and looking away. "But the thunder is over" Karl said, looking out his window he forgot to close.
"Yeah it's just…" I was about to explain myself, but I turned around to leave. "You know what, just forget it." I held back on his door knob, about to close the door. Karl sprung up, running up to me and grabbing my wrist gently. "No wait..."
I turned my face towards him. "Stay" He said in a soft, and sincere tone. "I-" Before I could decline the offer, he held my hand and brought me to his bed. "Here, I can sleep with you if you need a friend." He said, as we sat on the edge of his bed. "Wait that sounded weird..." he looked down, thinking his words through. I just giggled, which made him give me the most adorable smile I've ever seen. My face turned pink at the sight. His eyes sparkled with the moonlight that sprinkled through the window curtains. He then just stared into my eyes, and I stared into his.
"Y'know… I.. Well... That question you asked me at truth or dare?" He said, which made my eyes widen. He remembered?! "The answer is you" He blushed furiously.
"Wait you...?! You like me...?" I gasped, as he grabbed my hands. "Yeah." He smiled.
"I like you too" I grinned, and hugged him. We soon found ourselves cuddling on his bed, him wrapping his arms around me. "This is... Crazy... It feels like a dream..." He mumbled sleepily. I smiled.
"Yeah.." I said softly in response. "But... Even if it was a dream..." He muttered. "I'm glad it's with you... And... I'll always protect you Y/N, I promise..."
With that, we both drifted to sleep, in each others arms.
A/N: srry if this is bad or smthin! but ty for readinggg ^^
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mostly-vo1d · 3 years
okay, wow. do I have options on... a lot of that.
yes, I agree that it's very in character for Stiles who expects someone who should know basic gun safety to not throw a fucking gun at him.
as much as I love most of the adults, Stiles had no real reason (ie lack of trust) or time to ask them and actually train. (and they — the majority of whom have known for more than literally a few months — didn't offer either.)
Derek or Scott biting Stiles just does not make sense to me in canon. at all. I started rambling about this on another submission before tumblr ate it (what else is new?) but the tl,dr is, Stiles was there for/knows about most of what lead up to the you're not my real alpha moment. he has reasonable issues with loss of control (both from his mom and Peter controlling Scott, later the nogitsune and the dread doctors). asking for the bite from Derek would drive a wedge between Stiles and Scott. Stiles has seen Scott's reaction to people who wanted the bite for 'good' reasons. (good in quotation marks because if Scott went all 'then he's an idiot' at the boy who didn't want to be abused anymore, I doubt he'd agree to bite Stiles just because he wanted it/"to be useful") (also tw and choice in general but that's—)
point is, Stiles already is dangerous. not because he's a hunter/werewolf or has magic. his skills are more in knowledge and using others to get that knowledge or manipulating them with it.
it's not that he doesn't want skills in case he becomes dangerous, it's that, in his experience, everyone in the position to teach/give him those skills has used that position to reach their own goals, something that usually ends up hurting Stiles and/or his friends/family.
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