#I've missed you bb
akumanoken · 1 year
When the bae is back and drowns you in asks
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angeliclp · 2 years
What a sight for sore eyes, my man Rui Patrício is back where he belongs and he’s looking damn fine!
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zhansww · 6 months
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airenyah · 2 years
How BAD BUDDY SERIES | EP.11 [4/4] Tricked the Fandom
Those who were there watching Bad Buddy live will remember the chaos that ensued after episode 11 (my beloved) and with it the episode 12 preview (derogatory) dropped. Watching a happy and hopeful episode, ending in a lovely montage with an even lovelier song, being told things such as "we became two people who can’t be just friends" or "I want you to know that this world can’t change someone like me either", only to be punched in the gut by "Pat and I broke up" in the very next moment. Those of you who were there will remember how – after the fandom had finally picked up its shattered pieces – there was a scramble to figure out what the hell was happening exactly, how the hell we even got to this point.
And you will also remember the fandom deciding on a specific scene being The Breakup Scene. But how can that be? How can a breakup scene even exist when we know (in retrospective) that they never actually broke up? Did the fandom just collectively hallucinate a scene that wasn't there?
Well, no. Of course not. I think the reason why it worked, the reason why this scene managed to trick the fandom into believing that this was actually the breakup talk was because for one terrifying moment Pran himself thinks it's a breakup talk. However, the fandom was so blinded by the ep 12 preview that it completely missed one key factor from that scene which Pran did realize: it's not in fact a breakup, but the exact opposite of it.
So let's get into it, let's take a closer look at Bad Buddy Ep. 11 [4/4] (01:58 - 05:15) and Pran's emotional rollercoaster during this specific scene:
The scene starts out with Pat sitting on the bench, lost in thought. His exact thought process here is for the viewer to decide, but whatever he is reflecting on has to do with him finally accepting the inevitability of having to back home. And considering his upcoming monologue, he's probably also thinking about his love for Pran and Pran's love for him.
His thinking gets interrupted when Pran walks into the scene, dangling the shirts into Pat's face. They have an interaction about the shirts, Pat puts one on while Pran can't keep his hands off of him, they exchange some words and Pran doesn't really notice Pat's pensive mood, when suddenly –
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Pat grabs Pran's hand. Pran was not expecting that, and he looks up at Pat in surprise, asking a silent What is it, what's going on? And I think it's only here that Pran really notices the weird mood Pat is in.
Pat says "thank you" and although Pran looks concerned about Pat's sudden mood change, Pat's words also make Pran smile, though he's still very confused, having absolutely no context for Pat's emotional state and thus having no idea where this is suddenly coming from. "Thank you for what?" Pran asks, still with that searching look in his eyes that asks What's gotten into you all of a sudden? Is everything alright?
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Pat replies "For trying to make a silly guy like me happy". And Pran's smile falls just a little bit as he realizes that this? really isn't just Pat being his usual sappy self, this right here is a Serious™ conversation indeed:
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Finally, Pran too has arrived in serious mode completely. He now shifts his attention fully to Pat, listening intently to Pat's words, staying focused on Pat the entire time.
Pat says "I know that sooner or later we will need to go back." This gets a very subtle smile out of Pran (you can see how the corner of his mouth on the right side of the screen goes up just a tiniest bit):
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Pran reacts to those words, because this has been their conflict throughout the entire episode so far: Pran being realistic, having accepted from the start that they would have to return at some point while Pat was so desperately trying to stay in that pretense that they could just make a new life somewhere else and not turn back, refusing to acknowledge that in the long run this just wouldn't work out. But now Pat is finally acknowledging this, letting Pran know that he understands and that they're on the same page about this. "I know too well",* Pat says and Pran looks like he's about to cry from adoration for Pat pls he's so in love takes that acknowledgement in, still with a hint of a smile on his face.
*(Side note: I seem to hear ทำไม​กูจะไม่รู้ว่ะ (tammai-goo-jà-mâi-róo-wâ) and I think the more literal translation of this sentence would actually be something like "Why wouldn't I know?". Though I'd have to ask a Thai native to confirm as I don't trust my own Thai skills yet. Anyway, I just thought the rhetorical question was interesting in regard to Pran reacting to Pat's statement, bc the rhetorical question addresses Pran more directly compared to the declarative sentence from the subtitles. His reaction is kind of like a reply to that rhetorical question.)
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But that hint of a smile is wiped right off Pran's face when Pat continues with "But I just want to stay as long as we can."
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And this the moment where the thought hits Pran for the first time that Pat's speech might actually lead to a breakup. He is confused (why would they need to break up over this?) and there is now fear and worry in his eyes. He looks a little scared, his mouth twitches a little, accompanied by the tiniest headshake and there are many questions written all over his face: What are you talking about?? Where is this going?? No, it can't be... Are you implying what I think you're implying?? I don't follow...
And Pat just keeps going: "Be with you for at least one more day."
One more day. That very much does sound like a breakup, doesn't it? Especially if you're already half expecting one. This line confirms Pran's fear of Pat actually being in the process of ending their relationship, leaving Pran on the verge of tears.
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But Pran is a fighter and he's not giving in that easily. He sniffs away his rising tears and says "What are you talking about? Get dressed. The bar is opening soon."
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What are you saying? We're not breaking up. We're staying here, we'll work at the bar and we'll be together. It'll be fine, don't worry.
Now it's Pran's turn to deflect. To indulge in that fantasy of being able to just run away together into the sunset where everything is all sunshine and rainbows. Because Pran would much rather face the hardships that they might run into if they actually stayed at the beach together than go back home to live a life without Pat. I can be anywhere as long as I have you.
If this is Pat letting him go, Pran really doesn't want to hear it:
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Unfortunately, the scene cuts to Pat really quickly, but I just need you all to appreciate Pran's pouty puppy eyes at the end there, because they're the saddest thing I've ever seen:
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I won't let you do this, his eyes say. Please don't do this to me, his eyes say. Please tell me you're not really doing this, his eyes say, tell me you're coming to work at Uncle Yod's bar with me. We're staying here, together, you hear me?
Except then Pat surprises Pran yet again. And here comes the part that the fandom completely overlooked in the light of the ep 12 preview:
Because then Pat says "Nobody works on their honeymoon."
And it's absolutely hilarious how Pran's brain immediately gets stuck in "error 404 not found" mode. You can literally see the loading circle going round and round in his brain as he tries to comprehend what Pat has just said:
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Honeymoon?? Why are you suddenly talking about something that's related to weddings? Weren't we breaking up a second ago? What in the world is going on?
"You never leave me. You fight alongside me. That makes me feel very happy." Pat says and that's when Pran realizes. This conversation was never about a breakup. This is a conversation about commitment. It's an acknowledgment of Pran's love for Pat and the commitment he's shown over the course of their relationship. And it's a promise that Pat appreciates it, has appreciated it in the past and will appreciate it in the future. Pat has more or less just said his wedding vows to Pran.
And that's when Pran can no longer hold back his tears. Partly due to the relief that he won't lose Pat and partly because he's so moved by Pat's speech, by Pat's love.
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And then Pat tells Pran that he's finally ready to go home: "I will let Uncle Yod know that we quit. Wait for me here."
And with that Pat brings closure to the conflict of this episode. They are finally going back home, they are finally going to face their parents. But in this scene right here Pat and Pran made it clear to each other that they'll be doing so with full commitment to one other – they will be doing so together, and that's a promise. They really did just essentially get married on their little beach getaway. They got more or less engaged on the staircase in ep 10 and now in ep 11 they are following up on that engagement. This trip really was their little honeymoon. And this calls for a celebration:
"It’s our last night on this honeymoon. I will not just stay in and be lonely. If we aren’t going to work, then let’s get drunk."
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You see, for an entire week the fandom was so blinded by the ep 12 preview (derogatory) and the prospect of a looming breakup that unlike Pran it completely missed the part where Pat points out that they're on a honeymoon. And who goes on a honeymoon? People who just got married.
Can we just appreciate Pran's face when Pat says he'll tell Uncle Yod about quitting:
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You fucker really had me thinking we were breaking up for a hot moment there when the whole time this was actually a wedding. I was worried and scared for notHING, can you believe this man
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mahuhumaling · 1 year
the last thing Pat wants is to let Pran slip through his fingers again.
— a drabble inspired by this fanart where Pat stays awake after the end of epsiode 4. he sits up and looks at Pran who has his back turned, asleep.
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why does Pran drive him away? does he not care, did those 3 years apart mean nothing to him that he can just push Pat away so nonchalantly?
all he wants is to be back in Pran's life again — whatever that takes.
maybe it's easier to fall back on the kind of relationship they had before, instead of anything else because it's familiar: the genuine moments hidden beneath fake hostility, the teasing, the way Pran's whines don't quite reach his eyes, the way he relents at the end, as if he can never really hate him.
but now.
now maybe he's gone too far. he says he hates him, and for a minute Pat believes it.
maybe there's a pink painted line he crossed, an invisible road sign he missed, an alarm he slept through.
either way, hearing it stings. right there, in his chest. sharp. quick. the kind that makes him double over.
Pat replies with something, anything, to retort. it comes out flat, sounding more compensating than a diss.
he lays back down when he sees Pran roll over, closes his eyes even though surprisingly he's not that fatigued from the rugby game, and feels Pran tug the blanket back to his.
Pat lets him.
he stays awake, his mind not shutting down and his body still jittery.
but he has his eyes closed and feels his chest rise and fall from the breathing.
Pat opens it again and sits up. when he lays his chin on top of his crossed arms, the only thing he sees is Pran's back. he feels relief wash over himself.
at least Pran gets to rest. he knows that shoulder is still hurting him.
Pat doesn't get it.
what would it take for Pran to look at him like he did before? to talk to him as he did back in highschool?
he doesn't get it.
there's still something sitting on his stomach, heavy, unidentifiable. he can't figure out what.
but maybe if he sleeps it off, he eventually will.
maybe tomorrow, he thinks as he inevitably dozes off, succumbing to the night.
maybe tomorrow.
tomorrow when he wakes up, he'll realize why.
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
welp. looks like i'm maining kaeya again. 🫠 been getting him ready for 3.8 and omggggg he's so much stronger now??
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
hi so. uhm. I know requests are closed but I have bad memory problems and know I probably won't remember this if I don't send it in now so I'm just leaving this here for you to find later. again, apologies. blame my stupid brain jaja. anyway yeah uh sorry this is so long now its awkward uh I just wanted some kylo ren headcanons please? he's my favorite and there's literally 0 tickle content of him anywhere so I'd really appreciate it. <3
hey there! i accept headcanon requests pretty much always (so long as they're in one of my current fandoms), but prompt requests for fics are closed. so you're good! im also team memory problems. it's part of why i'm away from here so often. so i empathize <3
let's assume this is a zuko-esque au where they rehab Ben like a particularly troublesome shelter cat and he's able to regain the trust of everyone else. Like Finn's arc but more hardcore considering *gestures to Kylo's backstory lol*. HCs under the cut!
okay first off...he has a really nice smile. when he smiles with his teeth, his eyes crinkle at the corners. his whole face warms and he kinda ducks his head. naturally this means he would rather be executed than ever allow a living soul to see it
his laugh sneaks up on him. he's all about maintaining control and composure but unfettered joy always just blows past his defenses. He's a "HA!" and then silent, muffled laughter kinda guy <3
idk why but i feel in my spirit that if he giggles, he hiccups. its rare for him to giggle but i think he gets stuck in it and its cute.
part one of ben rehabilitation project: getting this guy some normal clothes. he starts dressing more casually. he's still like an awkward, angry duckling, but he seems much more approachable. He washes his hair (poe sources good curl care for him to get some volume back in that mop)
For the first while of defecting to the Resistance, he's sorta a dark shadow. Doesn't talk, doesn't leave his room, etc. But as he does start to follow Finn, Poe, and Rey around, he does notice their closeness. The casual touch. He envies it.
It takes a little while, but slowly Rey starts including him in on jokes. Finn and Poe are slower to forgive, often making jokes at his expense, but...Ben's treacherous flares of temper start to subside. He gets used to quietly listening and smiling but knows better than to assume he's included. Shadowing them becomes a gift.
Ben's not sure when Poe and Finn start talking to him and acknowledging he's there, but he absolutely does notice Poe jabbing him in the ribs for not 'paying attention'. He passes it off as being startled but he can feel Rey's mind hovering at the edge of his own, keen as ever, like Ben Solo I Know What You Are (ticklish)
Finn, Poe, and Rey deliberate for a week about how exactly to go about this (Ben gets cagey. why are they whispering?) and eventually Poe is just like. look. i've got credits on this. you ticklish?
i am team 'Ben goes completely red when flustered'. just top to bottom imperial red. Poe asks him this and he turns into a fucking tomato. gives the world's most unconvincing no. and it is Rey who (very gently) proves him wrong, thus opening the floodgates to bully him over time.
Ben gets used to Poe's arms thrown over his shoulders, Finn leaning on him, or Rey tucking herself into his side. He literally never gets used to the tickling fingers seeking softness he thought he'd long crushed away
he gets very good at paying attention to a briefing while slapping way/wrestling with Finn, Poe, AND Rey's hands. laser focused.
Ben is usually a teasing voice on the sidelines when the trio gets up to tickly shenanigans, but i am a HUGE fan of Poe getting comfy and talking shit and Ben just looping his arms under Poe's and holding him for Finn and Rey to go to town. To win Ben's favor is to win a tickle fight. Finn is very good at this. Ben sides with him bc its the funniest option (and Poe's dramatic, betrayed gasps are the best).
He is so good at reading people and so specific in teasing. Such a scary ler but also very funny? He's very deadpan and witty. It's always unexpected. his parents really shine thru in him when he's up to mischief
Rey and Ben engage in long distance Force warfare that literally always ends in one of them slumped against the wall giggling. Finn learns to manipulate the Force and things get wild lol
Ben's palms are ticklish. I know this to be true.
He is fucking impossible to take down. Finn, Rey, and Poe have to tactically coordinate to ambush him. He's got a sixth sense for their bullshit. But! once he goes down he just kinda deflates. One person is the designated 'hold Ben's wrists' guy bc he always tries to hide his face
big fan of Ben giving Rey piggyback rides. Rey is a spider monkey to me. 50/50 Ben starts tickling her knees or Rey starts tickling his ears and they both collapse
love the idea of these four always being physically connected. esp since Ben is the tallest (i think). hes taking a nap and the trio just panini presses him into the mattress. their dogpiles always end in laughter or the best fucking naps ever. sometimes both
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ss-trashboat · 1 year
So he's actually been tweeting alot about his adventures in Mexico, reminiscing about his time there! One of the places he visited was a market he frequented and THIS IS SO ADORABLE I CANNOT
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my god this is so wholesome and precious i might cry AH
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 2 years
I know I've been MIA on the writing front (don't worry, I still am wanting to return to WF etc.) but I wanted to share an ao3 comment I received out of the blue on The First Breath You Take After You Give Up.
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I don't want to be self-aggrandizing, but this filled me with so much joy and gratitude. I feel so blessed to be able to have impacted this reader and any reader so deeply with my work.
I think anyone who is an artist knows that it can be a beautiful experience, but it also usually a very painful one. And to have glimmering moments like this where it all comes into perspective because at least one person felt your work at your core...it's very humbling.
It was comments like this that pushed me into my new career, that assured me that I could be a professional writer and people might listen. Not to mention, it's such an amazing feeling to be told I've captured the essence of a person I admire and adore so much.
I guess all this is to say, if you're a writer, keep writing. And if you're a reader, keep reading and know that it's never too late to offer a comment or a kudos. The writers you love will thank you.
psst...you can also read The First Breath You Take After You Give Up here
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get-shiggy-with-it · 1 year
BEE 🥺💖
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FERN 💕💕💕💕
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santir0sales · 2 years
Clauuu, my love <3 I miss youuu I hope you're having an amazing new year mwah 💖
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Sandy, my sayang (love) <33 Thenkiuu, I hope you have an amazing one too ! It's semester break right now, and I'll probably spend most of the time in my bedroom 😶‍🌫️
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taasgirl · 5 months
espresso - lando norris
summary: y/n is a famous singer who also happens to be a massive f1 fan. when she mentions a liking for a certain driver, it's only fate that he tries everything in his power to get her attention.
a/n: no face claim! the outcomes/order of races are altered to fit the story, it's just a fun time!!
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liked by oliviarodrigo, oneruel, pedri, and 1, 376, 227 others ynusername my new interview with wired is out now!
user64973 Stop you're gorgeous
user89322 do i wanna be her or be with her??
user09384 so who r u crushing on huh
ynusername it's a seeeecret 🤫
user44172 This entire vid is so chaotic omfg
user03638 Please let y/n enter her wag era
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liked by user55736, user89842, user73903, and 10, 652 others user33973 HELLO???? LANDO LITERALLY LIKED THIS TWEET I'M CRYING
user98301 brother personally knows who y/n's next bf should be
user34593 God please let this be lando shooting his shot after watching y/n's recent interview
user12871 lando and y/n 🙏🙏
view ynusername's story...
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liked by oscarpiastri, lorde, gavi, and 782, 774 others ynusername what a race! lovely to see you again @ oscarpiastri, maybe aim for a podium next time though?
oscarpiastri I'd like to see you try in a f1 car
user49949 Wait is oscar the guy y/n was talking abt in that vid? user53004 i hope not, i love him and lily
user20833 Okay so did y/n and lando interract or not? 😭
user61221 hot girls support mclaren (confirmed!) liked by ynusername
user89483 y/n slowly integrating herself in the f1 scene, we see u girl
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liked by danielricciardo, logansargeant, ynusername, and 2, 459, 383 others landonorris A lot to learn from this weekend, but we keep pushing. Also great to meet a lot of new faces and the incredible fans🧡
user89894 is the new face y/n perhaps??
mclaren Great weekend Lando! liked by landonorris
user92702 I genuinely tweak whenever u post bc u look so fine
user53982 not y/n liking this post 😭
user66359 AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN FOLLOW HIM user98123 miss girl is stalking her crush i bet
user17263 please let this year be your year
user52209 Did anyone see his response to that post race interview?
user87229 oh he trynna thirst trap (y/n) liked by landonorris
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liked by lilyzneimer, oliviarodrigo, pedri, and 334, 938 others ynusername remember that one bitch ass ex I had? yeah well I wrote another song about him! 'feather' is yours now, but best enjoyed when you have an ugly, cheating, lying dick of an ex to think about. have fun with this one!! 😘
user82983 i was like wow normal post! and then boom. oscar.
oscarpiastri Okay that seems a little mean
lilyzneimer already on repeat
oscarpiastri Um excuse me???? Did you read the caption...
user26321 omfg i've been waiting for an angry y/n song
user72639 this sounds really familiar?? song of the summer maybe?
ynusername ahhhh thank you bb
view landonorris's story...
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liked by user58273, user98004, user63874, and 10, 376 others user44938 Y/N papped in Monte Carlo today! Rumours are circulating that she was visiting F1's starboy Lando Norris, however there is no official confirmation.
user99812 ohhh y/n we see you
user89283 Okay everyone shut up abt lando, let's take a moment to appreciate y/n's beauty omf she's gorg
user23294 I SECOND THIS !!
user12834 hmm i wonder why she's in monaco...
user48463 Y/N u ain't slick 😭
user35273 she saw lando's story and ran straight to him
user16282 "how far u go for a sneaky link? I'd fly"
user52883 I know damn well she ain't in monaco for a holiday
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liked by landonorris, gracieabrams, laufey, and 483, 995 others ynusername it's exactly like selena gomez's 2011 film
user63762 ur the genuine it girl
lilyzneimer Monte Carlo reference, I love it liked by ynusername
user11928 landoooo
landonorris oooooo
user40948 oh hey lando user29830 Fancy seeing you here user73984 He wants her so bad
oscarpiastri I think I've seen that hoodie before
ynusername hmm i wonder where 🤷‍♀️
user49283 girl saw his story and flew out IMMEDIATELY
user53984 y/n l/n wag era loading 😏😏
user92874 So pretty
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liked by oscarpiastri, ynusername, mclaren, and 3, 469, 848 others landonorris Calm before the storm #raceweek
charlesleclerc Good to see you with some company
ynusername omg invite me next time
user42761 Girl bfr we know where u were at
user19820 y/n and lando are a match made in heaven
user82637 I wonder who you were hanging out with 🤔
oscarpiastri Wow I feel like I've seen that girl before
ynusername me too
user61542 not lando soft launching y/n as if we don't know it's her
user82736 I mean technically we don't
user19823 @ user82736 No I think it is confirmed, she was heard on his twitch stream the other day
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liked by landonorris, lilyzneimer, danielricciardo, and 1, 254, 982 others mclaren Our drivers and their partners after qualifying! Lando and Oscar will begin P4 and P5 respectively in Monte Carlo 🧡����
user52761 admin really said if they won't confirm it, I will liked by mclaren
user52839 Please lando and y/n are adorable
user82636 lily & oscar >>>
user48273 Sooooo they official...?
user27163 guys stop with this y/n x lando madness, i need a double mclaren podium
user82638 y/n really manifested her wag era huh
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liked by ynusername, logansargeant, lilymunhe, and 3, 716, 372 others landonorris Monaco '24. Thank you to everyone who came out, and showed me support this weekend. I promise to be better next race. tagged: oscarpiastri & ynusername
ynusername my racer 🧡🏎️
user62538 HELLO? user82776 i'm gonna be sick
mclaren Papaya boys! liked by landonorris
user72538 Y/N is so beautiful I can't even
user16529 HIS EYES
user52863 him hard launching y/n >>>>
user98276 This is MY victoria and david
ynusername omg we're definitely not as cool as them
user41752 i won't get over this ever
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liked by landonorris, phoebebridgers, mclaren, and 967, 837 others ynusername i think i need to buy more orange clothes
landonorris I've already offered up half my closet to her...
landonorris nice shirt though 😏
user62538 oh i'm living for their hard launch
lilyzneimer Welcome to the team!!
mclaren Our favourite pop star liked by ynusername 🌟
oscarpiastri It's actually papaya
ynusername okay sassy man apocalypse lilyzneimer @ ynusername feed him to the zombies
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liked by oliviarodrigo, landonorris, lilyzneimer, and 583, 872 others ynusername oh and btw, my new song espresso is out and it's a @ landonorris certified 'banger'. his words not mine. listen on all platforms now!!
landonorris She's working late cause she's a singerrr
ynusername haiii
user72637 y/n really walked in and said that she's the best lando ever had and ever will have
landonorris I mean it's true sooo
user62537 Okay lando I didn't know u had game like dat
lilyzneimer oh I love you
ynusername LILYYYYYYY i love u so much oscarpiastri I think our gfs are gfs... @ landonorris
view landonorris's story...
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please let me know if you guys liked this! i love doing lando fics so much. as always, my reqs are open so feel free to drop suggestions!!
here’s a cute oscar smau i just wrote
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songofthealps · 2 years
❛  what are you doing here?  ❜
"Well I--.."
What was she doing there? Did she want to admit that he was one of the only people she felt totally safe around? That when things weren't going great, or when she didn't quite feel great that she found Fannar and his land to be one of the places where she felt that she could actually breathe?
But.. There was more..
She hadn't seen him in awhile, and there was a worry for her that perhaps something wasn't right with him either. And, that worry was part of what caused her to book a ticket, pack her bags, and leave Switzerland.
"I was worried." She finally managed to admit, raising one hand to thread her fingers through her hair. "I hadn't talked to you in a long time, and I know I haven't been the best at reaching out either. I had... I just.. Well don't worry. It's just that I had wondered if maybe things were going on with you too and I just.." She finally managed to exhale properly.
"I wanted to see if everything was okay."
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airenyah · 1 year
no you don't understand!!!! for this bad buddy run i'm gonna be watching the episodes without subtitles the first time around!!!!!
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mearpsdyke · 2 years
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
I JUST GOT C2 KAEYA *sobbing weeping kissing his face*
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