#I've never uploaded my work to any kind of social media before so apologies if I sound somewhat nervous in the audio-clip
rayne-dr0ps · 11 months
Curious Wanderer- A poem
I am a curious wanderer
I wonder why I was chosen to live out life in this body
I hear the sounds of the stars calling me home
I see millions of paths I have not taken, and the one that I have always been following
I want her to love me as the sun loves the moon
I am a curious wanderer
I pretend that I am weightless, like a bird in the wind
I feel the wind stroke my hair, singing its song as it moves
I touch her heart with mine as we dance into the night and our bodies hold each other for warmth
I worry that the stars will leave me behind, that my fate is undetermined
I cry as I watch the moss consume her, and the light leaves her bones; But I must move on before it consumes me too
I am a curious wanderer
I understand my love like no other
I say what I believe to be true
I dream that the stars will one day accept me as their own
I try to spend my time on this earth wisely
I hope that my path will continue to lead me to where I am to go
I am a curious wanderer
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tuftypompom · 10 months
Update on the Chapter 3 Mock Stuff + Some Other Stuff!!
Hey all! It's me, your favorite purple goat with a booty stank upload and sleep schedule, Pompom!
Ever since the newsletter Toby had published on Halloween, I have started to feel less and less encouraged towards continuing my mock Chapter 3 content. On top of lacking any sort of consistent motivation towards making music like I used to have, it seems like we're nearing the release of Chapter 4 sometime within the next couple of years. Now, that's exciting, for sure! And, while it may seem like a long time, it's been, like, almost half a year since my last uploads, LIGHT THE LIGHTS and Written in Stone, and, while I certainly feel better than I had during that time, there's no denying that I still lack so much of the creative potential I once held, and I'm afraid my motivation has been so lacking, that I can't fathom when I'll ever feel the same again. I would kill to upload consistently again sometime, but it really does feel like I have to be on this little forced hiatus. Darn you, brain!
Well- Apologies for the pseudo vent post! But I only bring this up because, due to these complications, I've decided to just drop what I have now here. This doesn't mean I'll never pick these back up, but I feel terrible for leaving my last upload five months in the past, and I haven't really added anything major to any of these tracks since, well, forever ago! So, if it's something you're interested in, these three are among the primary tracks I was developing for my mock Chapter 3.
"Obligatory Field Area"
Obviously, this track holds no title. I mean, technically speaking, none of them do, but the other two I just decided to play along with the existing naming schemes of Deltarune character tracks (Like "Queen", or "Lancer" (But is that called "I'm the Bad Guy?" I don't really know...)). Meant to be the primary area of the mock chapter, resembling a similar, sprawling "field" to that of Hopes & Dreams and Cyber, this is where you would, inevitably, meet Tenna. The art was just a quick mockup I made and never expanded upon, so excuse the poor quality.
A (very short) song doodle I was making for Mike, the day host (Think of him and Tenna like Nickelodeon and Nick @ Nite, or Cartoon Network and Adult Swim!). Mike holds a more mature, thoughtful attitude and is much less of a "threat" to the Lightners. Even if he has a notably short temper, he knows how to keep his cool and to remain with his stage face on! Instead of directly stopping the Lightners, he more so just likes fooling with them to keep his audience entertained. That is until partway into the chapter, when a mysterious foe comes to bust the party and kick Mike off the stage...
A theme for the Big T himself, Tenna! He's a lot more, uhm.. Obnoxious? Than Mike? Being the night host, he holds a more brash attitude for his more mature audiences, and is a lot less thoughtful than Mike. There's not a lot else to say about him, as that's all I've really had in mind up to now, lol. Probably my favorite theme out of the three, though; Obviously, it's kind of a re-take of my previous "Mike" theme that was just made for funsies.
And that's it, really! Those are the three big songs I was doodling out before my brain said, "No." Perhaps sometime in the future I'll pick these back up and continuing developing my ideas. Thankfully, other than music, I've still been trying to get some stuff done, including prototyping various game ideas pseudo-privately. I do anticipate uploading on Tumblr more, I've just never really had a reason to do so as of yet, lol. Sometime, though, I'd love to eventually start posting about my coding projects, and maybe my art. I've never really worked with social media platforms before, admittedly, but I'll definitely try to at least consider branching out and experimenting more with Tumblr going forward.
Thank you all for the continued support! I hope to continue posting sometime, whether it be about music, coding, or whatever.
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