#I've talked about Rey here before but that was like. forever ago
heirtotheempire · 1 year
OK I want to talk about the Sequels because dangit it makes me so mad how much potential some of these characters had. Pushing any of them to more extreme ends of their respective roles would have fixed so many issues with their characters.
Finn doesn't defect as quickly- perhaps he gets trapped in Poe's ship when Poe is trying to make an escape, or he gets captured by the Resistance to get information out of. Either way, the years of propaganda have him firmly set in his ways and it takes the course of the whole trilogy to unlearn everything and see the horrors of the First Order. He experiences guilt over what he's done, but learns to focus on what he can do to change the future rather than getting stuck in the past.
Poe could have been much more like Saw Gerrera. Perhaps his home planet was raided by the First Order and the Resistance couldn't help them, but he joins them anyway due to sharing the same goals. But he undermines the authority figures by doing his own thing, using their resources to make more extremist plans. He's the one who tries to use Finn for information, hating him for being a stormtrooper and treating him less-then-ideal. But as the story progresses, he learns to trust Finn and starts viewing things in a more nuanced manner (seeing troopers as people. Bad people, but still people, many of which joined the military to feed their family).
Rose, after witnessing the death of her sister, becomes almost suicidal in her actions. She wants to do more and more drastic things to screw with the First Order, but often at the expense of her own safety. She doesn't have much to live for in her eyes anyway, so she doesn't care. But she finds purpose in directly helping others instead, wanting to prevent more unnecessary deaths like her sister's and using her hatred and grief for good.
Hux.... Well, he already is at an extreme. He's loud and angry and self centered. I think it works, but definitely more build up to him being a spy, and far more emphasis on the selfishness of his motives.
Kylo Ren honestly needs a whole separate post to work out how I'd fix him. I'm too tired to write all that out😅
And finally, Rey, who I saved for last because I have the most thoughts about her.
Rey was her best as a nobody. Someone disconnected from Palpatine. A scavenger on a distant planet no one cared about. So we lean more into that! What if she was far more self centered when we first meet her. She grew up on the idea that everyone is out to get her, that if she trusts others then they will just use her, and that above all else, she has to focus on herself and herself ONLY. She hardly speaks Basic, knows a few words but can't hold a conversation, which causes issues when she first meets Finn and Poe. She doesn't give up on trying to sell BB-8, because she wants to be able to eat. She knows next to nothing about the politics of the First Order, just that they are too nosy and she just wants them to leave her alone. And she knows NOTHING about the Jedi.
So Rey sneaks on board of a Resistance ship, likely when trying to kidnap BB-8. She meets the Resistance as formally as she can. She gets taught Basic, and we see her skills improve as time progresses. As she gains access to a consistent source of food, she begins to trust people and learns about why the First Order is bad. It takes time for her to outgrow the self-centered attitude she's had for so long, but she opens herself up- and in turn allows herself to feel the Force. In order for her to actually be connected with the Force (which is also representative of a connection to other life), she has to be open to trusting and caring for others. Her arc is becoming selfless and brave, which helps her become stronger in the Force despite her background.
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hispieceofcake · 5 months
Hello hello folks, I've been thinking about writing about this post/blog for a while now and here it is, because Adam is my favorite character (obsession) and I have a lot of things in my head that I need share before I kidnap someone to listen to me talk about it for hours on end.
Hahaha I'm just kidding...or am I?
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TW: Mention of profanity and sex.
I'm writing this blog because I have a lot to say about Adam and I think I'm already bothering my friends too much (just kidding, I'm going to keep filling them with Adam until I say enough is enough🤓👆)
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Alright, let's start, firstly I was already a big fan of Hazbin hotel's work since the time Vizziepop had released the pilot on YouTube at the time of on October 28, 2019, and man, I was simply OBSESSED with the work, I had no idea who Adam was at that time, I was only 11 years old (And I know, I know, Hazbin Hotel was not and is not intended for minors, but I didn't have internet surveillance on my parents, so that's what happened and now I'm 18 years old).
And boy, oh boy
I was in complete EUPHORIA when it became public on August 7, 2020 that Hazbin Hotel was going to have a sequel on Amazon, I only knew how to talk about it and was excited waiting for the release date.
And when I watched that episode where Charlie has a meeting with Adam...I was like "THAT MAN, I NEED THAT MAN‼️‼️"
And that song..."Hell is Forever"... I can't remember a day that I didn't clean the house listening to that sound and pretending the broom was a guitar while I beat my hair like an 80s rocker high (I know, it's an exaggerated comparison but that's how I feel, so let me have it).
Here, listen to this work of art sung by our (MY) beloved Alex Brightman
In addition to the song "Stick it to the man" from the musical "School of rock" that Adam references in one of the items on the list of things to get into paradise, coincidentally his voice actor Alex Brightman also He is the main voice of the song and a character in the musical.
I spent all day listening to her today, but that's the least of it
There are also some songs by other singers that make me think of Adam because of their lyrics, for example Lana del Rey, there is a song of hers that all I think of when I hear it is Adam, unfortunately I can't share it here because it is a discarded song by the singer that I managed to download on a pirated website that has been taken down a while ago.
The songs that make me think of him are "Push me down" and what made me think of Adam is the following part "I'm your little baby doll and you are my mister rock 'n roll", the song "Brooklyn Baby" because of the music part "Well, my boyfriend's in a band, He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed", the others songs are "Say yes to Heaven" and "Angels Forever".
Adam, besides being my favorite character and hyperfocus, was the reason I met the character Beetlejuice (my other hyperfocus) and the voice actor and actor Alex Brightman. Because he was the one who aroused my curiosity to know who his voice actor was since I recognized that his voice was the same as Fizzarolli's, and then when researching and discovering the actor, I also ended up discovering about Beetlejuice, I even have a blog about it, if you want to read it, this is it here.
Just like with Beetlejuice, I'm producing a page with drawings and collages about Adam in my sketchbook that I might post later in a future post about my sketchbook, but that's another topic.
In addition, I'm trying to put together some songs to create a playlist based on him, in it I'm putting rock songs from the 80s that I feel suit him or that he would listen to, some songs by the norwegian singer Aurora which are very reminiscent of and are based on the garden of Eden and Adam from the bible (although the Adam from Hazbin hotel and the one from the bible are completely different).
Some time ago I was writing a fanfic about Adam with an authorial character completely made by me, it was just a fanfic that I had written on character IA but then I decided to write it myself, but I never got around to posting it and kept it stored in my notepad.
The story took place in the timeline of the first season of the series, where heaven discovered that demons and beings from hell now possessed angelic fist weapons and could hurt or kill the exterminating angels after the death of one of the exterminating angels, they would need a new strategy or a new "weapon", and then with the decision of God and all the seraphim, she was created, an angel made to protect heaven and bring back balance by killing sinners in hell, her name was Angelita, and she would be handed over to Adam who would have to train her until the day of the next day of extermination (which would be the day in which Adam dies), throughout the story Adam would begin to feel something for her, unlike Lilith and Eve, he would fall in love out of true love and not obligation, this love between the two would be something forbidden (as a metaphor for the forbidden fruit of Eden) since by God's order she would have to be pure and virgin and that Adam would not fall into temptation for her, I won't tell the rest of the story, if you want I'll make a post just about that (I'll leave you curious hehe), all I can say is that Adam will not die and the ending is tragic, for all sides.
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These headcanons are some things I thought Adam might like, do, or make me think of him, and I'm also writing this because most of the headcanons I find about him are about sex or couples things (Not that they're bad, some are actually quite cute and I read them when I need comfort), so I'm here to contribute some content just about him.
• About how he feels about have been betrayed
I know, Adam is not the best person in the world but man, he is not a monster, he is a human, the first human, unfortunately, human nature is curious and destructive, not that this is an excuse for everything Adam committed. But then I think, "How much did it hurt to be cheated on twice?", "Did he feel worthless, insufficient?", I know how much it hurts to be cheated on, then I think how bad he felt and feels, but he hides it all behind a false personality of "Dick Master" and "The First Man", titles, high ego and falsehood to hide your real self. The only part of Adam that we were shown about him was him being extremely selfish, rude, arrogant and sexist, but all in scenes where he was exposed to people, people who weren't close to him, and then I wonder if he's just all that, but I feel like Adam he's just a hurt man who hides what he feels behind a false personality, just like Angel Dust does. Proof that he cares about people (at least those he considers close) was his smile at Lute as he slowly lost his life in the arms of the exterminating angel who cried seeing him dying. (I cried so much at this scene 😭)
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Adam is a sexist character, I can't deny that, but man, he's the first man, no one ever told him what was right and wrong, they always let him do what he wanted from the beginning of his creation, and even in heaven, but now he had Sera to put him in his place at least when she was around.
I might just be taking a shot in the dark or looking for something good in what isn't there, but that's how I think about Adam, so please let me have this, let me see there's still some good there.
• Adam has a chubby body (like a dad body)
Okay, this one took me a while to think about, because a lot of people draw him thin and we never see him without his tunic, which left me quite confused, but after analyzing some scenes and discovering he was made based on his voice actor (Alex Brightman) I had no more doubts.
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In these scenes every time he is squeezed his belly ends up being marked and you can clearly see that he is a little chubby. I know there was that scene with Lilith at the beginning that shows him skinny, but let's face it guys, you can see from his scenes in heaven that he eats a lot, do you really think he wouldn't gain a little weight?
And even Lucifer during the fight in hell against him told Adam that he had really let himself go, kind of like he was different before when he was in the garden of Eden.
Honestly, I don't know why people try to say he's skinny, the fanarts are really beautiful and stuff, but come on, don't you think a chubby Adam would make more sense? I'm not saying this because I love chubby men (I think they're incredibly cute and it makes me want to hug them 😫💗) but I don't know, I just think that with all of his diet, which isn't the best, it made him gain a little weight in the meantime.
• He felt bad about being the only human in heaven
This is because of an art I saw on Pinterest and it made me reflect on it. Like, when he got to heaven he was the only one with human appearance, all other angels and winners (human souls who reach heaven) had different appearances, such as animal appearances, for example Molly, Angel Dust's sister, who is a spider.
So I think he may have made that mask with horns to feel more integrated into that society and less different.
•Adam plays guitar when he's feeling bad (sad, distressed, stuff like that)
I imagine that whenever Adam is feeling sad, distressed or even stressed, he goes somewhere alone and plays his guitar in calm chords expressing what he feels through the melody played, it would be calm notes but full of feelings, his black gloved fingers hitting the strings while all there is in the place are just him, his guitar and his mind, and no one else to see him like that.
I think that whenever he remembers Lilith and Eva's betrayals, he feels at least a little bad, and then playing his guitar stops and takes away all that bad feeling in his chest, even if it just goes away temporarily.
I imagine the following scenario, late afternoon almost dusk as the cotton white clouds take on a yellowish tone as the sun slowly sets bringing the night with it, while the sun brought the night with it, in Adam's chest that bitter feeling grew as memories knocked on the door again, leaving him more moody than usual, making him fly away from the city with his guitar to sit on the golden gates of heaven and as he plays the guitar calmly emptying that feeling from his chest so that the next day he pretends that nothing happened, but he knows, he knows that that will forever be stuck in his mind.
• He's not as popular as he says he is
Going back to that topic I said about him hiding behind a false narcissistic personality and high ego, I think that him being popular is a lie, both sexually and in society, I know, he is the first man and that would make him popular and the fact that he is a guitarist in a band, but think with me, would you like to be in the presence of someone or have relationships with someone who only knows how to curse all the time and talk about himself and how many girls he had sex with over the weekend?
Well, at least I think that everything he says is just stuff to inflate his ego and feel good about himself.
• He likes 80s rock bands
This is just in my head, I feel like Adam would like 80s rock bands like Metallica or Guns N' Roses, maybe even Slipknot, bands in general that have the same type of music that he plays, I also think he enjoys guitar solos like Slash or the solo from the song "Master of puppets".
I also think that his band's style follows the same style as these bands, I don't know, like I said it's just my headcanon.
•Adam has a fear or trauma of apples
This is supposed to be a little funny
This headcanon came to mind when a friend of mine who also knows Hazbin hotel made the joke that Adam is afraid or traumatized by apples because of the whole forbidden fruit of Eden thing and betrayal by Eve.
Imagine, Lute simply eating an apple near him and he freaks out, ripping the apple out of her hands and throwing it away.
I honestly feel like Adam deserved a chance to change, a chance at redemption, a chance to really be loved and really love, no sex, no divine obligation, just real love.
Well guys that's what I have for now, I'll try to remember more headcanons for a next post, maybe even some +18, but for now that's all I have in my mind.
Thank you so much for reading, kisses in your heart 💗🤘🏻
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