#I.L. Caragiale
pauldutu · 2 years
Bolta cerească de Lucy Kirkwood pe scena Teatrului Naţional I.L. Caragiale din Bucureşti!
Bolta cerească de Lucy Kirkwood pe scena Teatrului Naţional I.L. Caragiale din Bucureşti!
Teatrul Naţional I.L. Caragiale din Bucureşti anunţă premiera spectacolului Bolta cerească de Lucy Kirkwood, în data de 10 decembrie 2022, ora 19.30, la Sala Atelier. Piesa, regizată de Gelu Colceag, spune o poveste plină de suspans despre o condamnare în Marea Britanie a secolului al XVIII-lea, pe care autoarea o transformă într-un comentariu relevant și acut asupra societății de astăzi, asupra…
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socialistmosaics · 1 year
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”Sports”, exterior mosaic, I.L. Caragiale High School 1972. Ploiesti, Romania Artists: Petru Popovici, Ion Hoeflich, Ovidiu Pastina (c) BACU via source: http://socmonumentalart.com/item/sportul-mozaic-pe-fatada-salii-de-sport-a-liceului-i-l-caragiale/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAsTkmM4xc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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barsand · 3 months
Andrei Bârseanu presedintele Astrei
1911 – Andrei Bârseanu a condus impresionantele manifestări culturale şi artistice prilejuite de adunarea generală de la Blaj (28-30 august 1911 ), care a omagiat semicentenarul Asociatiunii, fiind onorată de prezenţa a numeroase personalităţi culturale: mitropoliţii Ioan Meţianu şi Victor Mihalyi de Apşa, George Coşbuc, I.L. Caragiale, Nicolae Iorga (căruia autorităţile nu i-au dat voie să…
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rudyroth79 · 8 months
Știri: Un inedit spectacol aniversar I.L. Caragiale, la Teatrul Național din București (30 ianuarie 2024)
Un spectacol-coupé, cu o durată de două ore, vă aşteaptă în penultima zi a lunii la Sala Media a TNB, ca să ne amintim de cel mai mare dramaturg al românilor, Ion Luca Caragiale, născut pe 30 ianuarie 1852: Caragiale altfel & Moftul român. Actorul Niculae Urs a ales fragmente din articolele şi corespondenţa lui Caragiale pentru a pune în lumină trăsătura cea mai puternică a personalității…
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acasaarad · 8 months
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🎯 Proprietate vândută 🏡 Apartament cu 2 camere 📍Locație: Arad, Central, Str. I.L. Caragiale 💶 Preț: 37.500 eur 👉 https://acasaarad.ro #acasaarad #imobiliare #arad
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ionutdragu · 8 months
Gala Premiilor Gopo 2024 va avea loc în 29 aprilie. Peste 30 de lungmetraje intră în cursa pentru nominalizări. Apel de înscrieri pentru categoriile documentar și scurtmetraj 
Cea de-a 18-a ediție a Premiilor Gopo, evenimentul anual care sărbătorește și recompensează realizările cinematografiei românești, va avea loc în 29 aprilie la Teatrul Național ,,I.L. Caragiale” din București. Organizatoriii anunță deschiderea apelul de înscrieri pentru categoriile documentar și scurtmetraj, data limită pentru înscrieri fiind 5 februarie 2024.  33 de lungmetraje, filme de…
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carlosguitar35 · 11 months
Global Conference / Romania Exchange @ UNATC
I was selected to be part of the group to represent LASALLE College of the Arts at the Global Connections Conference in Bucharest, Romania between May 22, 2023 to June 4, 2023.
This was a very exciting opportunity for me as I've never actually been to Europe. Even more exciting was the prospect of being able to practice my craft in a new and unfamiliar environment and culture. Our main environment of work was at UNATC, National University of Theatre and Film "I.L. Caragiale". As the name suggests, this school specializes in theater, film and other related art forms.
Although this is a school opportunity, my personal objective for this project was to experience alternate perspectives in art forms. Soundpainting workshops were scheduled so it would be a good learning opportunity to see how other disciplines would collaborate.
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People's Palace / Palace of Parliament in Bucharest
The Singapore group consisted:
School Heads/ Lecturers - Dr. Timothy O' Dwyer, Ms Melissa Quek
Music - Carlos & Gina
Musical Theater - Hani & Ho Xuen
Acting - Marwin & Riqi
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The student group outside Peles Castle, castle of the first king of Romania.
With UNATC mainly being a university for theater and film, it was quite a thrilling yet nerve-racking thought, having to go through music theater and dance classes whilst being a music student. Although there are overlaps in name with both art forms, they were dramatically different in approach.
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UNATC - Bucharest
During our first workshop, we started out with a introductory dance workshop with Melissa. It was our first time meeting the Romanian lecturers and students, the intermingling of polarizing cultures was something I've never experienced to this extent. We started with some movement improvisations.
This was something completely new to me but I decided to come into this conference with an open mind. A completely foreign art form compared to music, it was a strangely refreshing experience, having mostly expressed myself through music for most of my life. We were taught to translate thoughts and words into movement, which was much more in touch with emotions and perspective. In comparison to music, which in contrast had, to an extent, rules of theory bound to it, it was a much more free form art. This is something I may have felt was lacking in my own craft. I had a tendency to play within certain theories and rules in music for it to sound good. This is something that I feel would take time to change. Ironically, experiencing other art forms has helped me to gain an alternate perspective.
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Fellow students doing the movement exercise
We also went to see a play in the "I.L. Caragiale" National Theatre, which is one of the oldest theaters in Romania. I later learnt from the lecturers from UNATC Ioana and Thomas that it was renovated recently as its previous architecture was symbolic to the communist regime prior. Much of this trip has taught me that much of the Romanian sentiments post-communism have been about recovering from those dark times. I believe it reflects in the way they approach their art forms, whether its music, dance or theater. The artistic expression is strong in Romanian culture and I believe it is a learning experience of what the creative industries in Singapore can learn from.
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"I.L. Caragiale" National Theatre
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Our student group outside the National Theater on our first day!
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The theater around 30 minutes before the show. However, 5 minutes before the show the theater quickly filled up to almost maximum capacity.
We went to watch this Romanian play called "Exil" directed by Alexandra Badea. Although I could not understand Romanian, I was able to infer the plot elements from the play. What I felt was a unique characteristic of the play was the usage of a film camera in a first person perspective which was transmitted to a projector. This allowed the audiences to see from the perspective of the main actress. As someone with little experience in theater, it was actually quite eye opening that creative concepts like this existed.
To sum up my feelings from the workshops and the performances I watched in the first few day, although there wasn't much music, just experiencing different forms of art expression gave me a bigger overview of what art actually is. This has led to me to ask myself how attempting different approaches in a more flexible way in music would help to improve my craft overall.
Here are some other photos from our first few days in Bucharest.
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Fresh Strawberries
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Falafel in a turkish restaurant
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Graffiti near hotel
Trolley Bus in Bucharest
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leontiucmarius · 2 years
Un TIR a lovit violent o maşină care circula pe drumul fără prioritate. Un om a murit, altul a fost transportat la spital, în Dâmbovița
O persoană a murit şi o alta este rănită, după ce o maşină s-a ciocnit cu un TIR, luni, în zona penitenciarului I.L. Caragiale din Dâmbovița.
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gabimedia · 2 years
Bust of I.L. Caragiale in Ploiesti by Vasiliu Gabriel Via Flickr: Bust of I.L. Caragiale in Ploiesti
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semnebune · 2 years
„Ce este cinematograful?” de André Bazin (vol.2)
„Ce este cinematograful?” de André Bazin (vol.2)
UNTAC PRESS, editura Universității Naționale de Artă Teatrală și Cinematografică „I.L. Caragiale” din București, și Editura Polirom lansează la ediția din acest an a Târgului de Carte Gaudeamus un text fundamental pentru estetica filmului: volumul al doilea al proiectului Ce este cinematograful? de André Bazin. Evenimentul va avea loc la standul Editurii Polirom: duminică, 11 decembrie, de la ora…
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radioclasic · 2 years
Festivalul Național de Teatru se deschide azi la București
Festivalul Național de Teatru se deschide azi la București
Deschiderea oficială a celei de-a 32-a ediţii a Festivalului Naţional de Teatru va avea loc sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2022, de la ora 16:00, în Foaierul Tapiseriei (etaj 1) al Teatrului Naţional „I.L. Caragiale” din Bucureşti si va debuta cu vernisajul unei expoziţii-document dedicate personalității lui Ion Caramitru. Expoziția de fotografie „Caramitru – Dincolo de scenă”, produsă de Florin Ghioca,…
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rudyroth79 · 2 years
Știri: „Romeo și Julieta la Mizil”, ediția a XVI-a
Știri: „Romeo și Julieta la Mizil”, ediția a XVI-a
Înscrieri pe www.romeojulietalamizil.ro   „‒ Sire, tot s-a făcut pentru alte oraşe; pentru Mizil, nimic! Noi n-avem reşedinţă de judeţ, n-avem tribunal, n-avem episcopie, n-avem regimentul 32, n-avem liceu, n-avem facultate de medicină, n-avem teatru naţional, n-avem pod peste Dunăre – n-avem nimic, nimic, sire!” – I.L. Caragiale, O zi solemnă Pentru Festivalul internațional de Poezie și…
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This seems to be a request for an alumni interview for a graduating class of Alec’s alma mater, UNATC I. L. Caragiale.
I have no idea what he is saying, obviously. I tried to translate the questions at least but the syntax seemed all wrong, for some reason, using Google translate. 
Hence, I am posting for the visual because HOW LOVELY does he look here? His beard seems to be growing along enthusiastically but his hair is why I can look at this for, like, many times. 
I am obsessed with the errant curls at the top. They change throughout the interview as he messes with them. About halfway through they finally settle, and then mostly sticky up in the front, a little. His hair looks like it grows pretty fast and I love it the most when it starts getting out of control and he has a halo of curls, all haphazard and unstyled. Or the unstyling is the style.. 
When I first saw this I remember being kind of surprised he looked so casual since alumni speeches of any kind  in the US, whether in person or online, seem to be pretty formal? But then I looked a few of the other alumni and they all seem to be dressed casually. 
This looks like he just stopped by for the filming since it’s some kind of office?  So he is just au natural here, no lighting, no makeup, and he looks absolutely stunning omg. 
The date says December of 2020 and it made me wonder how he’s doing after so many months of social distancing and lockdowns. I miss his smile but, again, after viewing a few alumni clips, it’s not that unusual. :-)
Just want to say there is an open offer for translation by ANYONE who speaks Romanian! I can work with the print interviews; just not the audio ones.
Enjoy your Alec for the day! 
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ok rândul meu. dni dacă: romanul tău favorit din literatura de bac e ion, nu ți-a plăcut logica la liceu, nu urăști trupa voltaj, mănânci sarmale cu muștar, stai pe twitch-ul românesc, locuiești în berceni, te adresezi cu dumneavoastră seminariștilor, cumperi ceai de la cărturești, nu ai da la i.l. caragiale, crezi ca eminescu e peste nichita stănescu, hipermarketul tău preferat nu e lidl
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socialistmosaics · 4 years
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”Sports”, exterior mosaic, I.L. Caragiale High School 1972. Ploiesti, Romania Artists: Petru Popovici, Ion Hoeflich, Ovidiu Pastina (c) BACU via source: http://socmonumentalart.com/item/sportul-mozaic-pe-fatada-salii-de-sport-a-liceului-i-l-caragiale/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAsTkmM4xc/?igshid=11tgl90h6hzce
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arhitectul · 5 years
“Cel mai trist lucru în dragoste este faptul că de cele mai multe ori, sufletu ți-l răpește exact acela care nu are nevoie de el.”
I.L. Caragiale
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